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tv   News  RT  August 19, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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also proportions and lead to the horrible deaths of millions of ordinary chinese the already to the time the order is given. the due date is also cited, essential monitoring intervention against new jazz. coo government moves a step closer as the echo watson group of west african nations says it's prepared for action. however, the country's people say that for pets to defend the nation will wait for them and they will have to go through all the dead bodies before reaching the purchase. we are waiting for the china says attends to increase the confrontation in the in the pacific region. will not fit any local support about south america hosts to try lateral summit without japan and south korea, the trio agreeing to boost that military power. the time as the
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supply of f sixteens to ukraine is find the clear to take off. we look at whether the jets will be the promising game changer in the conflicts or just land nato with another big bell for its supply the right mid day on saturday here at most go when your news is set to go. what on the internet? eco watch defense chief say they are ready to conduct military action in crisis. it need a chair. as soon as the order is given, a commission for the group of west african nations stated, quote, the day is decided, and the block has now fine too and how to proceed with the operation. we are ready to go. in the time the order is given. the due date is also beside which we are mobile into disclose. i don't think we my full costs on the
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military us, but we are ready to result be peacefully. but it takes to, to tell me what f o s the same coming out of that means and in our car, guy, nice guy. and that is the same position that the, the regional block has maintained in previous meetings, across authorities are saying that unless the stalks or negotiations with the meeting with lisa, our school government, you know, fails to restore place them or how much assume to power perhaps when he will respond to militarily, are experts believe that one of course is doing right now, you know, for so in these thoughts with the major school government is what the blog should have done. any shelly in some experts say, you know what the airport has taken disposition is the widespread, which is the same all kinds of nissan or from applied to, you know, to apply military forces to be certified airports. i've seen in the past week also from our for i, you know, as well as quick the size, the sun by the news. our school government is to prosecute. press the how much
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assume for cheese in a clued up might have said that it is ready to negotiate the kind of positive comment from them as not really showing any serious sign that they are willing to negotiate. and also i'm actually saying that what these ministry lead us of these are, are trying to do is to basically have a strong for gaining power in defense that they finally get to the negotiate on the table with the people often ages they've actually been in contact with us here at all to international, they say that not afraid of a possible military intervention. they say they are ready to fight to defend the country. i go ask and come here if they want, we're waiting for them, they will get what comes 1st, then we'll wait for them and they will have to go through our dead bodies before reaching the purchase. we're waiting for that. we aside is a cause comes here. of course i will fight and why for the
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deletion, for the insurance alone was acura was when did you had his shot? our parents are why some villages over there. where was echo was band, are people got shot and actually did not even share condolences for them. now would bring one man down and suddenly after was exist. when they want to have an operation, then there should be corporation to find the just how to use those to rise in africa in the 1st place. where there must be understood that this is a small but such a difficult meeting. the leaders of the echo west members states organized and develop a plan of military action against these. yeah, we think it's just toward what they're preparing is psychological fact. we acom, we believe that our defense and security forces are ready to respond to any aggression against the country. all right, but you see the reaction of the population, the jerry and so they've united to resist this. and this applies not any to the population of nisha, but also 2 of the african countries. many countries have spoken out against this,
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but despite this echo west does not stop. and we of course understand that fronts is behind this, pulling the strings and claiming that need is days. a number that to us will not go that far dialogue is essential, diplomatic efforts needed to restore peace in the share. otherwise, if they fail to do this, i think they will go down the wrong path, assuming that people are dissatisfied with the security forces and the all me, it will be very difficult, extremely difficult. i assure you that all people, the people of the get a fully equipped to deal with the consequences of the act west sanctions. and we're still having power outages, but of the people up assistant. meanwhile, on each, as new prime minister has given an interview to the new york times, saying he had wanted friends to stay in the country, but also to respect his nation. he also touched upon the whereabouts of the opposite president, who was detained in the coast, saying he's well and his life is not at risk of attractive military intervention
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was 1st raised 3 weeks ago. off for a cou, let the military leaders taking power in the army over the question of using force to restore the previous government has been met with resistance. inferential, regional powers like nigeria, and gone at the very split on the idea of syria and try and say they strongly oppose interference. ok, but they said it's unlikely to take part, malia, but again, it fast. so of won't, they would treat any intervention as a declaration of war. the less saying the very idea of minutes reaction is shocking . on when we are part of a single economic union, we called joint meetings. even the very idea that among the states of the association, someone who wants to wage an international war is shocking. it is also shocking that some heads of stage want to wage war on other countries under the guise of democracy, and especially outrages all the attempts to re establish your regime that has been overthrown. this is pretty contradictory. meanwhile, but again,
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it's also an malia reported to have actually deployed 5 of the jets to neighboring media and global defense analyst at johnson color. wally says, africa does not need well, but it does need diplomatic solutions. i wish somebody what will happen because we don't think, well, we've made an offer right now is was so you know, the little games that up there are lots of my know very you can see from the x of my country. so we have a cost there are they, there? are they in front any also, you know, factors while the extra videos of talk to us, those, those song send things, money pollutes in the system. uh by themselves. you know, leslie responsible for most of the wards you have in our lives. and we've all the, the continental pull themselves together and to show that we don't get ourselves, you know, to, to, to a situation where we keep destroying ourselves, destroying the infrastructure. is that a lot to leave me and i think we're good, but we most on a lot of these eczema and so controlled the dynamics of african society. so i
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don't think the what will happen that the end of the day they will reason negotiates. i've talked a little specialties on the round table and we hold that towards the one of the end of the, the just a few clicks away from me. right now you can understand why the united states is evacuating to drone bases in the chair as a precaution, although it still were friday from pulling the events that's cool, which would require under american laws for the us to cotton military ties, the put of a delicate diplomatic guns that on seats or from the finale here on the program, the us president dro biden's hosted a trilateral summit with the leaders of japan, south korea. and all of this going down to the cum david retreat. i made the increasing tensions with china and north korea. the 3 it is valid to greatly strengthen the military capability to 1st,
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we're elevating our try lateral defense collaboration to deliver and you know, pacific region that includes launching annual multi domain military exercises. bringing our try lateral defense, cooperation, new non pressure, that levels. and critically critically, we've all committed to swiftly consult with each other in response to threats to any one of our countries from whatever source it occurs for the leaders put out a statement. and in that statement, they mostly just emphasize cooperation in the asia pacific region. now they did not directly call out china as an adversary, though they did condemn some of china's maritime activities. now they did specifically single out north korea saying that north korea represents a security threats uh that north korea violates human rights. however, it's worth noting that north korea has accused the united states of war mongering
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activities that could escalate tensions that lead to death and also has accused the united states of violating human rights. in fact, they say that the soldier from the united states, travis can recently defected to north korea, did. so because of the racism that it imbedded in us society that he suffered in the us armed forces. now, recently the north 3 and 4 and minister was in moscow and he emphasized the danger of active war on the korean peninsula is real new for you will only put you on pen insurance. has now become not the test or read a lot of question. love of who then when the new be a will many are of the us and the poppy solve the problem is now running, do credentialing, fluid and didn't know if these fisher into a new, fresh reporting or when you create a wall or you've shrink to decrypt because stays are the main dizziness and veteran
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beans will be with jason's father, who else enjoyed religion is 5. what are some and protection now the leaders of south korea and the united states have both said that now they are willing to meet with north korea is leaders to discuss the nuclear ization without any preconditions. and at this point, we do have words from joe biden that were delivered at the summit at the gathering . now, joe biden spoke about the ukraine conflict and emphasize why it's an example of why the united states needs to be involved around the world. and well, by did not specifically target china when making his case for just defying us involvement in the conflict in the ukraine. you referenced the situation on sy won . imagine if we done nothing. and the point was immediately recognized if i'm not mistaken by you, mr. prime minister that we're in a situation where it could happen in your stance which stood still what signal that
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said the china about try one more thing. well, that's in around the world. now, when joe biden was asked about his son hunter and roger biden's ties to ukraine in terms of business dealings, he refused to give any comment on the tensions are on the rise in that region with china launching, join air and maritime patrols around tie one saying the drill is a target of the testing. the military is right, i missed a fight in real combat conditions. it also is set to be ended, preventing the rise of separate his movements on the island following the recent visit of his deputy leda to america. in reacting to the try that real summit income david, a china also said in the pacific states are either monthly against the formation of military blocks in that region. thank you. the times deformed different isolated groups as well as to bring confrontation and military blocks to the asia pacific region will not perceive any supports,
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but so will be met with where in us an opposition from local countries that really is happening is united states cobbled together the sofa tri lateral alliance to tighten the us containment and you circle in a china, most korea is just one of the excuse they use for this forming of this alliance that has been peace since us have last. after is beat the feed in the a be a no more now us to try to come back more forcefully to a search is miller, a pop posture again is that the united states is forming this try letter or alliance while the article of the trilateral alliance it attack 0, one will probably gate other to 2 joint yet. so united states get involved in a firefight with china that will drag the 3 a and in japan automatically into the war. and this is a plan of united states all long because you realize you cannot fight china alone.
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that's why he's looking. it's all vassal, space in cells per year in japan are in together. so us have, will have access to the resources of japan and south korea and together they, you know, us will have more confidence to faced on china. the lot of improvements being getting an update on the consulate and ukraine is he held a minute tree meeting with top bra stuff with the headquarters in the role stuff on doing a footage, showing the chief of the general staff with the armed forces, greeting the russian president of the arrived opposing hod briefings from the commanders and the senior members of the group pulled. i will that information is classified the president's previous meeting. that was back in march a 2 months since the ukraine's counter offensive. and the lack of any major progress is actually, you know, seeing a distinct change of tune from certain government officials in certain western countries. as a member of congress go,
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chair of the congressional ukraine caucus and the son of a ukrainian immigrant whom flats of youth tyranny. i will continue to work to support them in their fight for freedom and self determination. this war must end, and with our support and the support of the free world, your queen will win to fight for the liberty over to any. i'm not sure it's winnable anymore. if there is, how many cherry and moneys know military monies or mail it to remind is without an inspector general, i'm not supporting it. mandatory aid from the westwood billions of dollars has so if i fail to produce any significant results on the battlefield and us intelligence report layouts, saving russian defences are just too strong for ukraine to break through and read. take the key city of military pulling this up. what role is a region? in addition, complaints about the competence of ukrainian troops on combined is as well as the professionalism of russian forces are increasingly being held from american must scenarios we lost 3 leopards in one day. because they were just told to drive
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forward and what mine failed, it seems like ukrainian soldiers have been taught to use bradley infants re fighting vehicles, but not the same boy, them effectively in a technical sense on the battlefield. there was definitely a very professional force that we were fighting against. but like, despite this, us officials have finally permitted f. 16 jets to be sent. the key of a denmark and the netherlands will supply them off. the ukrainian pilot is complete . that training, however, questions are already being honest about whether this will be they promised a game changer. nevertheless, the russian ambassador to america and a totally on tunnel office, set deliveries and still stressing to escalate the conflict. more and more crazy decisions are being made by the us administration in search of a way out of the impasse in which it has driven itself. it makes and he responsible and groundless statement. let's recall the words of the russian foreign minister, sir de la ra, who said the deliveries to ukraine of f sixteens,
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capable of carrying nuclear weapons, threatened serious consequences. we regard the appearance of fighters, of this type in the hands of ukrainian cut throats as a threat to our security. and the nuclear spear. russia will give a decisive military technical response to such hostile actions. even as ukraine's long awaited much hyped would fail, accounts for offensive grinds to a bloody and costly hold. it seems that some delusion just in the west still believe that the f. 16, an american fight, or just the 1st talk to the skies maybe 50 years ago. can somehow save the day for zalinski as nato handlers, but it seems that even the western media who have those for a played such a pivotal role in over hyping, key of the military capabilities are less than convinced that this aging american cast off can play anything close to a defining role in nato's failing proxy war against russia and ukraine. to fetch $160.00 balance on long term commitment to ukraine, and our capability the wouldn't be relevant to the current counter offensive. and
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where there was once supreme, almost absolute confidence that ukraine's heroic warriors would easily cost though barbara from russian invaders now even that had ukraine's decimated air force seems to accept the talk is cheap. especially when it comes to promise. as of yet another game changer, particularly when the previous along the line, the game changes a proven to be anything but changing only one thing. the length of the war and the number of ukrainian men and boys doomed to die fighting us. which with auction is more than unfortunately, it is already clear that we will not be able to protect the grain with f sixteens through all default. and this went to the high hopes for this aircraft that they could really become part of the air defense box. has it happens, the issue has shifted. we realize that all pilots will soon be training in the call list and categories that supports us. but at the same time, i'll add defenses. need to be strengthened. i'm sure. in reality,
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the 16 isn't likely to ever see service in this guy's over ukraine. while the natal or i could types of this conflict, or of course, eager to dangle the card of their deployment know partner countries of actually committed to handling them over there, a mazda, of logistical issues that would need to be ironed out before they could even live in the nation, i forget about even taking off ukraine's dilapidated infrastructure. can't accommodate them, and they've no training facilities. and as of today, only a handful of ukrainian pilots or even candidates to begin the lengthy and complex training process, the fly, the, the ukraine has sent to us a list of 32 pilots. it says are ready for training, but the official said only 8 heavy english language skills to complete the course. the other 24 must go through an english language instruction program run by the united kingdom before they can start training on the jets. while it now seems absolutely obvious that the provision of f 60 is to ukraine is now nothing more
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than a fire off mirage. many see the jet in the context in which it actually belongs. it's simply another nato cast off, eagerly dumped into ukraine on the promise of high tech replacements by uncle sam. but given that dire performance of western tech on the battlefield so far, it will be no surprise to anyone if the us ultimately comes the entire project. the used to be looked at today is the only result of recreating countries offensive that even the west has been forced to recognize the status of thousands of feet green and soldiers killed. and congress of units of expensive western equipment or destroyed, which has the whole world has been able to see, is not only not unique and involuntary of will to russian weapons, but in many cases inferior even to soviet main models from 50 years ago. so as the western architects of this catastrophic conflict in ukraine finally begin to accept that this only ends one way. they'll probably string ukraine along as long as possible. when it comes to the elusive f 16,
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just like they've done with their promises or even they don't membership. and let's not forget, it was those very same promises that set ukraine on the pathway to this devastating of war with russia. a conflict only the very foolish could believe will be one with a handful of nearly 50 year old fighter jets. yeah, it's about the comments from former un weapons inspector, scott ritter. he believes the quality of nato equipment is basically irrelevant for ukraine. if indeed, that simply isn't enough mon power to use. so the when this conflict started, they had a very highly trained military of nato and spent from 2015 until 2022. you know, training of 500 men every 55 days to nato standards. and what, what ukraine says give us the equipment we need. now give it to us upfront, give us the equipment that these well trained troops can use. but that didn't happen. and what we saw is that the training army was depleted of manpower. it was
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rebuilt by nato depleted rebuild depleted, you can only rebuild so many times before the quality of the manpower is so diminished that it doesn't matter what the quality of the equipment is. we're at that point right now where it doesn't matter what weaponry ukraine receives, their army is no longer capable of absorbing this equipment and using this equipment effectively on a modern field of battle. meanwhile, russia has troops that are extraordinary, well trained, extraordinary, well, lead, extraordinarily well equipped the out class, the ukrainian military in every way, shape and form. you can't reverse this a trajectory. russia is on a trajectory of inevitable victory, and there's nothing in the west can do to change this. and that's the reality. the people are suddenly coming to, it doesn't matter about how many more tanks you gave, what kind of tanks you give ukrainian soldier right now. is incapable of receiving
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these tags and using these tags effectively on a modern battlefield. ok, you have plans to count on most goes influence in africa. that's according to ukraine's foreign minister who was announced plans to deepen ties with the african continent. we do not want to be a 2nd, russia, our strategy is not to replace russia but to liberate africa from russian. we have a different about wholesale refuge rusher of feigning its support for africa. finding most coast withdrawal from the black sea grain deal puts the entire continent at risk. but it, despite only minority of those shipments from ukraine, reaching those countries most indeed almost all of it was going to very develop nations and jump to the decline list of jo mulanda believes african nations cannot be forced into who they choose. as economic partners, we have seen the change in up to the top, where the new read the lead us, i'm no longer taking. no, no,
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not waiving that cap of being at least into the what's the deal is now i'll wait to hear that now you're going full toughness that are going to treat them as tight and i slept what advice that he's doing? so i also don't think that any of the can lead us, except for those few of the good countries that are being hosted by the listed in the countries that will take side to comment by the following units, the soonest. it makes not that it makes no, it's a very poor what kind of thinking and despite moves that's, that's hiding to meaningful push to try and just different life to try and just pull it from people's minds. but in that time for the west, it does not allow us to use any young people who are going to follow the full steps of the funding for those who failed into the attempt of the
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west and next. so to say, well rusher is not trying to rule africa, but on the contrary, it respects its partners. that is, the view of most goes on baskets and libya who's been speaking about this on and other issues, to warranty, or the, my c o c model. the approach of russian diplomacy is well known. we do not interfere in internal affairs. we do not disturb the internal situation and host countries. on the contrary, the purpose of the ambassador and the embassy is to establish in strength and relations with the host country. we direct all our efforts and energy to work in this direction. and most importantly, we interact with the real state of affairs. how the liberty and authorities should be, is the decision of the libyans. and we will deal with that. we do not formulate solutions or make recommendations if the what for the libya,
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centralized governments under colonel gadhafi was replaced by force by various centers of power that arose during the 2011 revolution. today we clearly see that various forces and structures are operating in libya, but i believe that the presence of conflicts as a normal occasion and in general political life is a struggle between various forces. the most important thing is that the struggle should be peaceful because political parties are constantly competing with each other. this competition exists. the libyan factions are looking for a solution. agreements, proposals, committees. we evaluate them as a signal that the forces in libya are constantly in search of solutions. they want the good for the country. we must support these efforts. ultimately, the main idea is to find a solution and return to stability and unity in the country. we need to support such efforts. this is how it should be. i need to know if this the
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electoral laws are not the only factors that could affect the positive outcome of an election or political process. i believe. and in this, i agree with a representative of the united nations that there must be an appropriate political atmosphere for holding elections. it must be created by the libyans themselves, and inter libyan agreement is what is needed. because if the law remains only on paper and difficult to enforce, it will not lead to elections. the past 2 elections lies 2 agreements between the libyans themselves. this is an important and very topical issue. the libyans must hold elections, and i believe that at some point it will happen soon. must be patient. not no, no, not a. we do not consider our work and libya and relations with it as a fight with anyone. but i can agree that westerners in general and americans in particular perceive interaction with libya, not only as a struggle with russia,
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but also with other states. this is due to western and american interest. there. recently, at the 2nd, russia, africa summits, we set the western colonization in africa, still continues in other ways. they perceive the african continent and it's countries as a source of raw materials, energy, gas, oil, and coffee. you gone to as president most of any set at the summit that the african state which exports coffee receives only a small share, while countries more precisely swiss and german companies receive billions. however, they are not coffee producers, the only pack exports and sell those goods. this is the essence of the westerners game with african countries. this is not our policy. russia is rich and all natural resources, so we do not claim the wealth of africa and libya in particular. on the contrary, we are there for the people, for the development,
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for stability and peace. this is what interests us. and i'll talk to the new laptop. i believe the relations between russia and libya should be restored to return to the level where they were historically. and they should develop further, this requires the country to be stable in united so that the situation becomes acceptable for the return of companies to the country and their normal operation there. but so far i hear from some russian companies about their concerns in this regard. perhaps that fear is related to lack of sufficient information about the situation in libya. the situation today is better than they could imagine. but as i understand it, not only russian, but other foreign companies have concerns. in this regard, the responsibilities of the embassy include assisting in facilitating the return of companies, as well as strengthening economic and trade relations. the
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. yeah, to keep in mind, for example, the multi polar bricks summit is kicking off in just a few days in south africa. will be having special coverage with thoughts each nicky aaron will be hosting the event for us. you can watch the coverage both on the i'm action or times. you're welcome back to going underground broke of single around the world from you by in the you a. where do you think is the most dangerous border in the well, the rush or you grain, north, south korea. not according to a reason special report from the us and apparently the us mexico border is the most name.


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