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tv   News  RT  August 16, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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or the meaning of the ongoing changes have increased the role of the countries of asia, africa, and latin america in the world system embracing a changing order as russians defense minister says previously, ignored countries are now being listened to. that sounds most go host the key, confront fund global security divisions. demo drove with a new jag crisis as a major central african group lending and support. the echo was including instructive intervention, while neighboring tries to become the latest nation to give its full support to the countries who all already asked the legal hotels balance against the full us president donald trump is piece of board. it's clay, it's a conspiracy designed to noble him from the race of the one
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the alrighty. alrighty. your stories needing updating at 10 am local time here and most goes so much to tell you about today. here we're not the international frets and future stability around the world. certainly the watch was of the past couple of days here on the russian capital as must go to hosted a key conference on into a national security. well, the 800 delegates from 76 countries taking part and in his opening address, the russian minister of defense said that the world of reading there is a evolving giving of voice through the previously voice. it is the direction of the special military operation. put an end to the domain and so the collective waste and the ministry spear, his ability to impose these interest in various regions of the world has significantly decreased. the ongoing changes have increased the role of the countries of asia, africa, and latin america in the world. system today,
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a reference oppose not by the armed forces, ukraine, but by the entire collective west, which has recently been joined by individual states of the asia pacific region for the main or russian personalities presenting at this conference with our day, shall i go with the russian defense minister heavy hitting a very serious guy. when he talks people listen, i'm one of the main things he's been saying at the conference was that ukraine is now is essentially exhausted. and it gives a forum for the world to really speak, as he said, the countries who have been previously listened to on heard in post colonial advocate for example. and it was some of the comments by the representatives of these countries which proved to be really fascinating. we actually listened to the comments of a representative of the central african republic and to hear what he had to say of the shifting picture subject to today. we'll see that the united states and the west of the whole not always contribute to the development of individual states.
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and russia is the main country that promotes the independent development of individual states, including those in africa. a remarkable representation of the global picture. and again, it's a russia that's creating these for where these countries kind of have their message and their protestations and their positions here. and we don't see this type of effort going into this in the west. and again, the narrative is that bush is isolated. so as far as the western narrative is concerned, these meetings don't even take place at all. and if they do, there's some sort of a malign uh, influence building folder areas of the globe. also a representative of course, the me least, the me least decades of, of the turmoil, more discounts and much of which mariano this independence alas with the lease of the gun in iran. in 1952 in the west western oil companies overturn the democratically elected government the homicide, the at b p. c. i a, the,
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the rule book, you know, turn it over and over a regime change which led to huge conflict in the, in the region. and at the conference, we also had the syrian defense minister talking about their position and their view of the global picture. they thought a lot showed what human knowledge western countries are aimed at continuing to own and plunder, financial wealth. all the countries of them will, is the us violating the freedom and independence of the countries of the region to us continues to plunder serious and natural resources and support on formations with impunity. this picture of this global picture now we're more more countries are looking to russia on china as partners uh, the idea of the western and sort of the strategy of divide and conquer being replaced by the bricks, ideology of united and prosper. another fascinating attend, this is a really important meeting, was the t p. okay. north korea, a country absolutely maligned and isolated in the west before she reaching out to
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friendship to them that cooperating on numerous fronts. and again, we see a country that has been the victim from the viewpoint of history of western had gemini, for the post and north tree and more period where this country was devastated again . now getting a podium now getting a platform to talk. and again, we can listen to the defense latasha from the deep your k. speaking of the conference now doing you, you will. one of the pretty, i'm pretty sure it has now become not the question or read a lot of question, love of who then when the new be a will many are all the us and the hobby solve the puzzle is now running, do credentialing, fluid and didn't know if these days you're into a new, fresh pouring or when you create a wall or you've shrink to decrease color the stage, the main dizziness and veteran beans will be with jason's father,
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who s imperialism is habits and exploitation. this conference exceptionally important, not just from a russian point of view, but from the point of view of russia following through on this new multi polar ideology that countries just because the west as a country is, is the bad guy. doesn't necessarily mean it's. so just because the western media anoints a country as a road stays at, does not mean it's so. and just because the only country on earth that ever used a nuclear weapon in anger against a civilian population, the united states and now decides who can have those weapons to defend themselves from a huge west of the gemini, does not make it so fascinated conference, especially when you look at how shade the world is changing so much right now, it's not that we have this multi poto. well that's but also being in budgeting. the multi point of world is here. it's already here to stay in and you know, the power mechanisms of the world is shifting east towards and giving people the global south, the sea of the bricks as well. i mean, what about the,
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the deep context of this conference? so i guess in the view of what is multiple hours. yeah, yeah, i agreed. aurora, and i think the reality is this is making a lot of people very nervous in the west. and when you look to africa, africa certainly important to the west. you know, the, me least of scary funding piece funding, trying to follow china as a broker, that they talk between the saudis and the other trying to do the same thing with the turks and the syrian. so this is worrying the western powers, not because they want peace and in the middle east, particularly because they don't want to lose the momentum behind russia and china. the top soldier in china was, is confidence not to use the platform to warn the west off regarding to i want, if i want, of course, a territory the united states over it. he says is chinese territory. and here's this one china policy, but over a fee, then as advertising to send weapons and cause further if you like,
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ad disquiet in the region. also mentioned by survey, show you at this a conference was the idea that's in the, in the pacific stuff, nasal. the north atlantic treaty organization is also looking to influence countries in the, in the pacific, this defensive alliance, now trying to open another front against china and russia in the east. of course, none of these narratives will be reflected in the western media, but russia persist in giving these platforms to countries who were previously on hired in africa, in the middle east to voice their opinions and treat them as partners rather than a master and servant relationship which i think is key to the future of breaks and multi polarity we. we talked earlier to a former australia and far and admitted to current can i still have she believes with this week's most go for him that it reflects a new world order, ultimately steeped, and multi polarity. who am i to pull the world has been develop thing over the last 2 decades. the car in put it, terry situation is accelerating at phenomena
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a trend effects to that is already there and, and much for the world, for, for sure. with the touchable stable worlds because just plastic, like in physics, you need more p less on which other roofer sites. and so things are accelerated by military developments. and so we can see that the world is much bigger than hen, the north western hemisphere. and this, as i reflected into this conference as well as lots of power the tricks going on. we have seen the envoy of the chinese government who has been travelling across the country, symbols to new ukrainian conflict. we see a lot of commitment by the government of to kia and as some other initiatives, whatever you might think of them, whether they come from arab governments or the african continent. so does empower. that'd be see a tremendous amount of, of diplomatic or give it to my person. the take of oldest activities is
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that 1st before you should start with technical agreements again, and the crane agreement is and was such an agreement and that was a high potential to go on for to or less a ton to let us know the situation in the share of coast following that recent to and the economic community of central african states has given us back into the eco wes, grouping of west africa nations over at stones against the true government in the army. and jerry and president, welcome the solidarity among the blocks. i appreciate the solidarity and support of present bone go on the situation in new year where working not to compound the problem. i understand the fear of our people when any form of military action. we're working to give this sanction some place and we're following them to the ledger. with the statement comes that just the head of
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a meeting of echo was chief of stop on the need. a crisis which kicks off on thursday. a potential military intervention that is still on the agenda is a deadline to return, present in the bathroom to pile a long past. an echo was approved with a plummet over circled, stand by forces, and above refusing to recognize the country's new leaders. it has condemned treason charges against the ousted president to meet while these as new prime minister visited neighboring chad, which said it was committed to supporting new jr. and it's people. the crew has become a key global issue now with the russian president discussing the crisis with his molly and counterpart and drawing a telephone call with his most of the armies for my partner's now in posing sweeping sanctions on the country. a local journalist from nigeria now reports on the economic impact. one of the fee is coming out of africa is the economic turmoil, the continental phase. as a result of the school,
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non jo yet i need a share board is another part is remain close to non jerry, a luxurious schooling does include land. ford is on us based on the to control. we send the analysis of evening or photos to some labels, so people and goods can move against old jerry and media and shot. i went to an echo us as well as to echo as members, molly and book, you know, foster to support the cool it as you bought a keyboard, us to been a republic and you have ever been close due to the echo a sanctions. the atlantic full of banana and jerry are vital to and the shape of the impulse next, both of goods and is years have been lamented. you know about the increase in the prizes or from other and see what we have seen and is your, is that markets are still full of goods, but shop of safe advises are going all citizens are being cautious with spending and, you know, on buying from from the leads of a they have left so greens, um, generally food items was millions. could go to ways stressful work as have been
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pulled out of business, especially those who travel the trade probably to between. um, uh, been as pulled off cuz who knew i knew jays capital needs to be, you know, one of the busiest crossings in west africa measuring as a country you know, way before the cool, somebody from intense droughts leaving some over 4000000 for 1000000 people dependent on food ages, survive, but you know, the supply base, the police in the region. one of the ventures held as transformational fun ages and kind of me. and you know, also at significant risk of being affected by sanctions. as a result of the school is the and the shape and the pipeline owned on contract to buy china and national petroleum quote. this would have helped, you know, and somehow audit, just some simple revenue generation for new shape and also help our for guys, the continent but with the sanctions. and also with because with the co route, that financed into the country looks less attractive full for potential investors.
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now, we also know about the pool is also being seen as a major blow to many western nations which, you know, viewed near me. some of these western nations viewed the, i'm a, as a partner in this, the whole region that they could work with. we could say that reserve or group of a non jerry and his loving scholars say they have met with new jobs, cool, lead the romani shani. and he has agreed to hold direct folks with actual us which will be the 1st time this will be happening. but us the secretary of state anthony blinking has been holding told from the crisis with a full, my new jerry and the president along with a current and nigeria and leda washington's interest in the region. apparently not coming down to well with friends in paris. i want a french news off claims. a recent visit by america is a state department spokes person of victoria newland really upset the manual macro and government for a manual. mcgraw on the credibility of france,
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particularly in terms of discourse on democracy, was at stake for the americans even if they are also concerned about a rapid return to the constitutional order. the priority is the stability of the region. the process is following here in paris with french diplomats and presidential sources saying that they feel that they've just been stabbed in the back by washington over the crew in each address. because france has been singled out and checked out by the countries in the military rulers, like a house from other countries in the region. and it all came as such a shock to french president email to not call that he reportedly got very angry with the d. z a sir. so the french external spies services for missing the southern assign. don't go on the conferences. i thought you must be very careful with everyone who comes to say they write or allies do we have to know to a live with and what their interests are. we cannot ally ourselves like we did with france as that only brought a sorrow. so france must back down because it is not playing its role correctly. this decision by washington, under these circumstances is not really welcome,
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stuffy. i think it could, however, be an element of shock between the united states and france, because at this point, they have a difference of interest to see them. and i think it's normal that we see contradictions between these 2 powers. you know, with all the raw materials that we have, the need, the soil in need year, it could be the topic of discussion by these powers because 3 out of 5 light bulbs in france are powered by uranium from major. so france may see its interest threatened because its policy is rejected. here, the french were expecting washington to support the position of democracy above all else. and the need to restore the deposed president to power even if it ends up being through military means. instead, washington ended up sending victoria newland with the state department regime change. karen to demanded to speak to the manager of each. so these conversations were extremely frank and the times quite difficult because again, were pushing for
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a negotiated solution. it was not easy to get traction there. they're quite firm in their view of how they want to proceed and it does not comport with the constitution of new share the by the administration. so initial panic over the q, and it's an easier cri action to resolve the situation with shocking off to proxies . likes equal was countries seems to have given way to more diplomatic approach for now. as long as the new management still less the us hang out with their drone bases have access to strategic minerals, uranium other natural resources after the coo in the share broke out us vice president camella harris as to new. but to use echo was to restore bassoon because us had invested over $100000000.00 in building a drone base and to share and didn't want to lose access to it. also friends buys uranium from the share and to us currently yes, 14 percent of its uranium from russia. its shopping for replacement has his gaze fixed on new share to field a likely gap. so the last thing with washington was,
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is to lose another foothold in africa. to russia in china and the french are absolutely i rate and how quickly washington has been willing to toss all their lofty values of democracy and unity with his allies. right out the window in favor of the pragmatic protection of its own interest. even the pentagon trainers who works with the leaders and the places like for banding and georgia and the national defense university in washington are telling the western press yeah, it's frustrating this to stuff, but we shouldn't take it as a reason to bill. right out of these. yeah. it's only about unity or values for washington when it suits them and they obviously want to keep hanging around even before the, to an american official told n b c news at the end of july. that sure, yeah. has corruption problems. you know who doesn't, but his dad is other countries in the region. no. but as is nigi area or it's
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ukraine, we seen that corruption. well, your mileage can vary on that sort of thing. it just tends to magically disappear when it's convenient for american interests to be more deeply involved. former us president, donald trump faced another indictment this week. this time on election interference in the state of georgia. that takes the amount of chargers against and so far to $91.00 and some of his republican support his claim. the whole situation is politicized. do i believe that these prosecutors or these elected officials, or these federal prosecutors are advancing the interests of this nation when they're bringing this unprecedented indictment? not one time, but now 4 times over? no, i think our country is worse off because of this bullet association. i think it's an example of this criminalization of politics. we're seeing the democrats on a national level from the department of justice, all the way down to the state,
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da's actually conspiring to stop president trump from winning the 2024 election. so don't know, tom will be holding a press conference on monday to get his reaction to the georgia indictments and presenter reporting to alleged election for he says to the face of the state, the former president and his 18 co defendants have until august 25th to surrender to authorities in fulton county with arrest warrants issued for all the defense from could face a lengthy spell behind bonds if found guilty, charged in 3 criminal cases, including attempts to overturn the 2020 election mishandling classified documents that even paying a hush money to a pulling stop, you're also facing the number of civil lawsuits in new york and the republican frontrunner. it denies all the charges against him. he claims he's the victim of a witch hunt. the 19 people were indicted and the whole world is laughing at the united states as they see how corrupt and horrible
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a place it has turned out to be under the leadership of crooked joe biden. well meanwhile, the notorious sound of trump's main and political rifle has lost the head of his legal team. who was the quote to be removed from behind a bite in cases of a narrative around president biden's son has been front page news since the contents was laptop were uncovered. in 2020. he's been charged with tense fraud and the legal possession of a firearm. well, under the influence is cases are ongoing with details slowly, emerging info chose to staples but questions the difference in the way that donald trump is being tweeted. i think the american public to see that the, there's a 2 tier system here. if your donald trump or one of his supporters of one of his inner circle, you better watch out and what they're doing by diving donald trump day after day. now the board, the diamond, is there sending a signal in my view? you better not run like trump date if you're not one of us,
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you better not come from the outside. like trump did. if you're not one of us, i mean, you've had plenty of people deny election results, including hillary clinton, including stacy abrams, who lost the erase. twice for governor of georgia. she's denied the results. nobody was indicted her or hillary. so this is really bad. plus, even if he doesn't go to jail, he's going to have trial after trial after trial, starting in october, when the election for president of the united states is a year away when he should be campaigning, an end, attending events and making speeches. this is an election at the appearance with a message. it is unprecedented, and it's insane. now even if donald trump managers to stay in the race or the white house, the mine already in it is hoping has much of bonehead bide, nomics will mean he will be needing to move out, come the election. however, not everyone shares the president's or economic up to me. some of the famous big,
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short invest in michael berry is predicting a big crash on the cons. 5 nomics is just another way of saying, restoring the american dream. they tell us america's failing. but the wrong michael bird, he made a name for himself in 2008 predicting that the american, the housing bubble would burst against the market. and he made millions is now taking the biggest move. he's taken sense. he's betting on the american stock market. once again, taking a tumble, he's put off $1600000000.00. banking on the s and p 500 and nasdaq going down. the number is 2008 predictions seemed like a long shot. at the time the us housing market seemed pretty solid. however, the move even big short shows that he saw signs that the stock market was shakia
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had, and the u. s. economy was headed for some pretty big tremors. anyone can see that there was a real estate. actually, no one can see a bubble. that's what makes it a bubble that's always markers. so what markers do we see this time? well, 1st of all, we've got the majority of us investors saying that a recession is coming within the next 16 months, according to a survey conducted by bloomberg. and it's not just on wall street, even a mom from alabama went viral talking about how hard it is for her kids to get by, even when it's all work and no play. i am so tired of feeling helpless as a parent. yes, my kids are grown adults, my oldest is 28, my youngest is 25. if i thought by teaching them what i learned, which is your work hard, you get a good job. you're going to get the things in life that you the right work. how many, why would that work for them? because it doesn't, they used to be a, you know, upper class middle class,
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lower cost. it's literally turning into the ultra well, the and then everybody else's just born. meanwhile, we can pedia is having editor wars about what exactly is ets and how can we define the term recession. but the leads tell us everything is just swell. the united states gross is slowed, but our labor market continues to be quite strong. i don't expect to recession i, i think that we're on a good fast maybe the next wikipedia editor will be about how to define terms like poverty and hunger. but as the old saying goes fine, words bought or no parsnips. caleb mauppin, archie, new york. well, it is good to have you with us for this program to ecuador now where it's been facing an unprecedented wave of violence ahead of its presidential election this weekend. 2 key political leaders have been killed in less than a week with indigenous peoples rights organization. blaming the current president
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for the instability in a bind. there was a size directly responsible for all these wave of and security and then the volume of organized crime. and this is the president of the republic. you hmo law. so he's state don, started model, dismantled the entire secure the system under the diesel function. it also has let us do a failed state of the remarks, calm off for a bloody wave of political violence. and the country of the leader of the citizen revolution party was shot dead on monday. a presidential candidate in front of 9. the senate seo was assassinated last wednesday after a rally in the capital and the day off to another candidate for the national assembly survived. and assassination, no time for last month, the mayor of the city of monta was also and now the political violence is indicative of a wider safety and security problem in the country. a figured show the homicide
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right has risen significantly in just 5 years. that's the number of motors per $100000.00 people. the vice president of the confederation of indigenous nationalities are back with all said, the problem, rests squarely on the failed policies of the car. and then the rest of those heavy that the total responsibility for the ecuadorian people send an abundance of lights on the common government. there has been a lot of parlance and we had current and living in total and security. so we could say due to the fact that the national government hasn't been able to respond to the demands of vehicle during people, we have reached the rather critical situation in the country, were afraid given to leave the house to go shopping. there is no more security, there was a fraud that is being created in society and all the peoples of nationalities. but we don't see any strategy that the national government is using just tron some the way of providing security to society. and it is very warring,
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the government plan to generate employment, but this has practically not been the case. none of the plans have been fulfilled. and this has allowed young people to look for is a way i can to get more involved in these criminal groups. and these evil groups that there's so much home to the ecuadorian people to georgia now with the american rock band, the kilo's finding themselves, facing a course of booze on stage software and inviting a russian to fine onto the concert seen to help both drum alongside them, have a look at this the . 6 you know, the bands of fund brandon flowers was full on the defensive. with the crowd turned against them when it became clear, the fine invited up on stage was from russia. some of the crowd shouted empty
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russian slogans, uh, rude was obscene gestures. some apparently even volts out of the stadium in protests, despite the pills from flowers that quote, brothers and sisters should stand together. the band later issued an apology, saying it wasn't their intention to offend anyone, you know, so it continues online right now at all. and so you don't come as. busy of other stories with updates as well. you can find them on telegram odyssey. thanks for joining us. way back to the top of the nato has made it clear it seems. it's a queen, proxy war against russia as ex, essential, as such, russia to cease the conflict as ex, essential, it could not be otherwise, there will be no,
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it goes straight. at the end of this conflict, one side will lose. the smart money is not on binding ordination the the.


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