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tv   Cross Talk  RT  August 16, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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find out correspondent, a romantic cause, arrest, getting up close and personal with some of this a high tech pod. this vehicle is a command sensor open inside air and the aircraft michel brigade, now it can detect or get so within a 6000 kilometer rate is that sorry, gets can be spotted on land on the grounds. and in this guy as well, this machine is the come on the center of the air defense systems complex from this come on center and to aircraft me, so formation. so i controlled intelligence information is collected and scouted. ition is also controlled to direct aircraft. and the machines were also working on ground targets. they operate a screen, displays the ground and air conditions and certain places by the command as decision reconnaissance re, dos stations and, and to aircraft to me. so complexes are installed. this is the basis for building an air defense system. v right here is brand new and it's now making
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its world premiere right here on our t. it's in and see drone multi functional vehicle designed to detect and down the smallest of drawings, including many micro and nano as well at the moment from somebody. this is a multi functional, immobile complex for fighting against small and alter small drunk. those that are causing a lot of trouble. now the razor station determines the sense to meet the range of the flight sector of to the optical electronics service system. determines whether it is a drone or a bird. if it's a drone, this captures this and then follows it. after that, the electronic warfare, radio station posts interference, you know, known bands. if this interference is not successful, then we heat a drone with a 30 millimeters of projectile. but the idea of the complex is that the time of the donation of the project tile is programmed by a radio balls. that is,
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it explodes at a certain point with a cloud of damaging elements. the use soft unmanned aerial vehicles has been on the rise recently, and especially in modern warfare. now these 2 examples are recognizance drones of these 2 right here are striking drones. now this one is of particular interest is being used quite a lot in a special military operation against nate. so made the weapons that you create in the army. he is currently using it against civilian population and it includes uh, tanks includes fortifications and other military targets as well. they, 2 of the international army for him is now over they exhibit shouldn't, is so vast. it's simply impossible to cover at all in a single day or even in 2 days. but don't worry, archie is here and we'll try to bring you the most interesting of things here on display per month offer of artsy must go region. it's like what many administered
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analyst the saying, the science about the conflict in ukraine, the high tech weapons are making that they abuse and the complex or not. so i'm saying that russian soldiers and all using some equipment, they didn't even have 3 months ago. many more details about the online, the website of course r t dot com, but telegram are also on telegram odyssey. the . the
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hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. john peter lavelle, nato is made it clear in teams. it's ukraine. proxy war against russia as ex, essential. as such, russia to cease the conflict as ex essential it could not be otherwise. there will be no negotiated end to this conflict. one side will lose the smart money is not on fighting for nathan. the cross hatching nato's fate. i'm joined by my guess. lucas gauge in brick. he's a marine veteran author and philosopher in salt lake city. we have david pine. he is deputy director of national operations for the task force on national and homeland security. and in geneva we crossed to eat at home. he is a swift journalist, writer, and politician, alright, prospect roles and effects. that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate, let's go to uh, break 1st. lucas. uh, there's
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a lot of things in play. there's a lot of moving pieces here in the last new cycle. zalinski still determined to retake crime me. uh, we have the uh, billing this summit with the nato gathering in about 10 days time. and we have this prospect of a false flag being mentioned intentionally into the media. is lot of scare mongering involved here co and one more thing the counter offensive in ukraine is not going is, is scheduled no surprise there. what's the lay of the land, my friend, what do you see here? go ahead. well, i see that the russians are still doing what they are doing tactically, taking their time. they're not trying to put themselves in a meat grinder. and ukraine is doing the exact opposite, and they're being pressured by nato and washington to go in full force. and as you mentioned, it's not working out that well, but they have to sell the story that are going well and people aren't really buying it. i see more and more people question the narrative. and, you know, ukraine has been getting very desperate doing acts of terrorism stretching back
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since the beginning of the war from the bombing of the bridge assessing the area davina. now that the damn being flooded. i mean, all these things, it's not assigned if someone winning the war. so russians are doing the great that they're doing very well on the battlefield there. i've heard people say 7 to one killed death ratios with the ukrainians with losing 7 people, one russian. so it's not looking good for them and i think that the russians will went out this war just how many people before the negotiations, how many lives are lost before they sit down and actually talk peace. that's really the question. i absolutely agree, and i an on the back of that, i would suggest that everyone go to sub stack and read john mearsheimer slay dismissive, which is a basically reflection of lucas is lots and mine. let me go to d. n a in geneva. we keep hearing about these different scenarios about negotiations that the ukrainians can we conquer a certain amount of land, cutting off the land bridge to you could cry me a uh they'll have a better spot at the negotiating table. but there's,
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there's something wrong with that assumption. what, why would russia even sit down and negotiate and table at this point? go ahead in geneva. yes, i don't think that the, the russia is, is now ready for on the go shelves, because for sure we have long distance that's. it's exactly the existence of the fact. because if they go now for negotiation dual anywhere we continue because of quite a. yeah, it's really not acceptable, but the question is charles e, as the said they're already doing to uh to do to, to may call on to the work on crap. nothing to be done by the time. yeah. so far washer, it's not the time to negotiate. they can negotiate only if the recording is ready, the next to be a member of may 2, which is not the case. no,
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and no destroyer, where to go to you. as long as i married can scrunchy that russia is of the type fall there. that the gym i mean in the world. well that's, that's exactly the point. i'm glad you mentioned that because david, this is, you know, it's, it's not what you crane wants. i mean, we can listen to what's a wednesday. the is a panhandler. he just wants money and he wants prestige that he wants a wants to pump up, is a go fine or play, and people in the west, the want to do that. but david, it's not what ukraine wants. it's what washington wants. okay. and what washington wants is a strategic defeat of russia. well, russia is not going to go along with that. and you know what in between time and in the middle is ukraine being grinded into dust? david? yeah, so true. you know, the, the dirty secret i guess, or the secret that the western media refuses to admit is that, uh, you know, of course, russian beta ukraine. i do so after being provoked by, uh,
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buying the nato. but uh, putting this uh, these terms on the table since day 2 more ive been covering that in the national interest and uh, my real wars of stack websites and most recently of september of following the next ation of uh for you probably know lost by the russian federation of the russia essentially stated that it is a cheap to all of its uh, nearly all of its objectives. and the remaining objectives can be obtained through a piece that goes with the on to go to the steel. and that offers the table since september, so rushes really been the side has been trying to end the war and the world would have ended it for us. you had his way back in march, march. 31st, of course has went out to the peace deal. was signed between uh, russian ukraine which is great and then ended up completely ranking on after it was pushed to do so by the,
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by the ministration. and then prime minister of the you k worst johnson. so that would save the lives of brassel, $150000.00 or more e radians also soldiers and civilians. and i do agree with you with lucas that you know, be pretty counter offensive. it has been going very badly with ukraine suffering, the 71 casualties, and treaty one overall more than russia during the war. so this, lori is gonna end it. we're going to do a huge piece that will make the sooner we do it, the better russia, you know, and the key i think is to uh, conclude a free and style pharmacist agreement and, and the warrant gets it for one control. yeah, well you know, i've come across that, so i'm going to look into your come across, this is the korean analogy. is that the problem with using it in this case here is that the major powers all agreed to the, to the arm assessed in, in, on the korean peninsula. i don't see,
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i don't see any reason world row in the world by russia has to compromise on anything. we had the minutes process. ok. we already know what the negotiating position of the west is, is to lie. lucas, and that's correct. and the screen is, were violated, so the russians have no reason to trust the west at all. they have to win completely in this war. and unfortunately, that's gonna take more lights on the creating. and so, i mean, of course the russians are losing as well, but not as many people as the ukrainian side. and it's just a tragedy to see this unfold because it is the west pushing the ukrainians into the me credit. they don't care about your grand. i've said it since i've comments in the beginning, this war along the guy said they're just using his cannon fodder because they want to, we can russian with sanctions in this war and everything. it's backfire. and peter, nothing has worked at his strength and brushes economy. it's a strength of the alliance with china and other countries, and to show the world that the western hedge of monique is collapsing, nobody trust america anymore. nobody trusts made or people question why didn't even have nato at this point. it's only causing problems and you know, people are saying that the premiums wanna join, they don't,
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they don't even have to join at this point because it's already that the west is acting as if they're already part of nato. so there are hardy putting troops on the ground. busy scenario from several countries, not just ukraine, fight a rush at every one fighting russia. yet again, i'm so glad. lucas brought that up because defacto ukraine is already a member of nato. but without the article 5 guaranteed, i mean, the washington must be popping champagne bottles every day. so the payments are willing to die, but we don't have to protect them. that's is amazing. and the arms about producers are making tons of money. i mean, this is the, the best possible outcome because the, the usaa is no obligation other than to watch, you know, the ukraine grind itself into, into ashes. it's remarkable that they've been able to get an elite and ukraine to go along with this. and even more remarkable, gentleman, is it, you're a goes, is being led by the nose by washington, by a guy that is comatose in the white house. go ahead and geneva. yeah. yeah. you're
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the babies that nobody cares about to credit him. because americans don't care about increasing that need to doesn't get to then even the quin yang goes one that doesn't care about this one citizen because those events keys are ready to fight going to the last queen and so yeah, so nobody can spend duration. they have no reason to care about good credit. yes. yeah. ready to fight against the last 3. go to recall. quite me. yeah. and done by us, which rush does on reset or that the homepage that for good reasons. because the release of direction speaking because of the boss and also quietly our primary tools invited you 1014 back to the russian speaking people. and as the harsh. i'm from the boss. really a tech to buy the or inquiring and go home at the cute. there were called 14000
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people refuse in their last year. so the, for the rush of the have to but that, that's also a reason why russian them to be in the, in the new, when you chose to protect the ethnic and russia speaking people the best. don't forget it and know yes. later, later we probably, uh, introducing us uh, the next the, during the next summit there were probably give a huge and even higher commitment to praying for fighting to do last my last the big g, but david mailed him a lot of things. i have no doubt about that, but david, but david, they will not keep the membership. david, go ahead. yes, absolutely correct. you know, it's a, it's an open secret that you've created. well, never joined data. i mean, certainly as a factory data member, but there's never been any chance for the crated joint data for many reasons. so
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france and germany beach of it long ago, back in 2008 until recently they helped the same position. francis recently come around the other side of a turkey and hungry would also join germany and in between the membership at any point, even if the war was over. and it also is a requirement of nato membership that a country need to ask for approval will not have any territory dispute on any 4 groups occupying in spiritual group. and that can only be achieved with the by and praying formally seed in all uh, territory interruption control to russia. so that's the only prospect the i agree with you that for a very technical legal point of view. but i, i, i don't put it past nato breaking its own rules, but your other reasoning is actually spot on. gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're gonna go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on nato's fate. stay with our team,
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the the, as soon as 2060 numerous monuments to serve you as soldiers in poland, ukraine and the baltic states have been destroyed, all vandalize fish their stuff, but it must be the most of them. are you what? any muscle or even some others could i ask if i don't think so. that's the most on that it's, it's the police government denies the rule of soviet sonya is in the victory of a naziism and is it raising historical memories of world war 2? is the 40 piece from your store, although it did seem to know so we regimes the trustees would remain think since people's consciousness forever. but as long as russell phobia is profitable and brings dividends, you are willing to have a to rewrite the cost for us to uh,
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take up the provides. i need to see things because fox do, i need to re welcome back across the dock. were all things are considered. i'm peter in the mail . to remind you, we're discussing nato state the . okay, let's go back to look is the, the thing that's making the headlines right now and i think it's a intentional war. mongering is the possibility of a false flag. of course, the narrative is the russians for some reason will damage or bomb a nuclear power plant in its own possession. i can't really understand the logic of it, and it's never explained in the mainstream media. but when i hear talk of that,
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i understand a couple of things. nato is losing. i'm not going to say ukraine, because this is nato's war now. so nato is losing. okay. and it's getting desperate . i think you probably heard of lindsey graham and richard blumenthal talking about is a senate resolution that if any kind of new killer action is happens at that plant, it would be a trigger. a article 5 we action by nato remarkably blumenthal. so this is, you know, this, this is not a move out of desperation or panic. well then why did he will use the words desperation and panic? ok. it shows to me that they are moving up the escalation latter. your thoughts, lucas? yes. anyone's going to do a false flag, it's going to be nato and the ukrainians, or some other people doing it like north strain pipeline. you know, all these other things that i mentioned this as a nation of their duty during the bombing of the crimea bridge. this is all, this is a sign of someone losing a war. the russians are not doing these kinds of things are not assassinating.
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people are not sabotaging anything. like i mentioned the dan before. so if there's a false flag, it's been a 100 percent p. nato and its allies, you know, and that's obvious to everyone who understands how the script is played. it's always that way, you know, the united states or it's alice and say, don't cross this red line. and then suddenly it's crossed by the people that they're paying, whether it be the jihadists and syria, or is another country. it's always the same set up and it works all the time. but people are starting to see that this is come on. this is, makes no sense of what with the russians do this. they wasn't just like they didn't bomb word stream to. well, you a, i mean i'm glad that lucas brought it up because the scenario that we had with um, uh, the use of chemical alleged the use of a dirty bomb and syria. this is exactly the same thing that they're trying to convince get and it's warmer and a new crane. they're talking about it. i think it's more of a ploy by the others. zalinski res, seem to mobilize public opinion as a morgue goes on. and, and of course it is this that terrified the population in that country and further
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afield. i don't understand why as i'm kind of nuclear reaction with within the wind blow and go east and not only to the west, that doesn't make any sense here. but these people have not been making sense for a very long time. nato is nato is very existence at stake right now. it's put all of its eggs in one basket. yes, you know, we have to understand that it's this type of deal. the shop can oh, you know, and if you look as, since the stopped in got peaceful every 2 months, you have a big event laptop such as a workshop. i found an old stream that goes all that and so on. you know, go to product to shop in the country convenience in the western countries. the fable foster bought into wal mad girls. so that's fine. but she wasn't going steps to do zacko or joe. i'm glad to follow up that can be used
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as such to create such a shot. you know the 2 pro hawk. oh, the big dresser box. oh, for the queen. especially neutral question. um it is losing on the road, which is the case seems to be the name of discount or price you. so in my view is not possible to do that. so if i strike attacking just to follow up on the 2nd was that can happen. uh, due to this, we have to do to come see dr. do. the narrative is very important for the rest of the course of the, the, the tech from tech to do the as good as the direct tv, the dish information role as those to be kept in the west that they need to do so thought id, but such a short events. yeah, david, i mean, in my introduction i talked about how business didn't turned into an existential
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war for both sides, but there was a craving choice on the part of nato. it's never been explained to western publics what the strategic value is of ukraine. it hadn't been during the cold war after the cold war. and a certainly is of no some teasing value to go to europe and then and when they throw in the usual in it's usually they may use platitudes. as you know, it's about democracy. well then ski cancel the election this. there are no political opposition. parties don't exist, there's no freedom of speech, an eccentric, etc. and, but they still come in for all this out. is it, is it is a excess dental for the existence of democracy in the west. in general. i mean, this is this growing absurdity. david. yeah, i mean theres, uh, i mean is the whiskey put it in to the service that we're just getting democracy in ukraine because there is no democracy in ukraine. you know, zaleski is acted to us acetate in a prison. all political,
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oppositional years is uh, you know, about 11 different political parties. uh, take it over all of our positions, tv networks and, and have them broadcast. so you probably get a 247. so there's really no democracies all the work we're doing there. and there's no other way, there's no strategic interest at all. there's no national interest at all for us to be involved in ukraine. and in fact, i would argue there's no a nationalist, there's no security interest for nato to be involved. migrate down over here, theory edition, ukraine is kind of referral to tomato and it's of worst generally. i mean, overall, it's important dispute between what rushing you prayed over uh, swap the territory about the size of the baltic nation. so this is a war that has, on only one ending russia overwhelmingly, matches over matches the pre and in terms of military power. it's, it's gotten you call and you live in terms larger and 35 times more territory. it
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occupies nearly, it'd be great and there's no few pre and get any any. but back it is 5 times more people. 5 times more takes our to her systems and combat aircraft. so we need to recognize that allow me this work. it was on the created, the death and destruction you created. and the more territory that russia is likely to gain the worse and the worst piece of terms that will pull the ultimately being published. devante. well, to say there's only one more step to take outside this false flag, which i anticipate, sorry, but i do a bit. that's the mindset of these people. but what we have to deal with here is that they will be the last straw is to, you know, allow lensky zalinski to convince nato to join the war. that's the last ultimate step. yeah, i, like i said, i think they are pretty much in the world. ready. i think we all agree that there are many different cultural now. know what i mean, lucas is that, you know, they go to war with russia and then more size taken out. been berlin then bill and
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that's, that's what i mean. that's what i mean. yeah, yeah, i mean look, the, i think rush to it because you mentioned earlier, this is an essential threat to russia. everything else is just made up and down. busy is not brand by proven, he's not going to take over the entire continental, like hitler or something like this. this is all propaganda and, you know, yeah, and this is, this would be the final step if nato goes too far, but i don't think putting wants to do that. he has never said he wanted to do it. no, i'm saying. and i know saying commentator a political analyst is saying that he would do it or could even do it by the way. so, you know, that wouldn't be the final thing, but i don't see that happening. and, you know, with nato push that far, i think they, what i think the united states, one of the greatest things we're good at is destroying everything, lying and stealing and cheating us. you know, so many of our agents would say, and it's just a very bad situation to see this loss of life for absolutely nothing but special interest. so i just hope that this more and sooner than later i hope it ends within the next year. i would think, i don't think it's going to be another vietnam for $1015.00
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a rock or whatever the case. let's hope that's not. i don't know if it's even possible to sustain it that long at this point. but yeah, the nato will do whatever they have to do to try to defeat russia and they will fail in my opinion. yeah, they do a d in the process. they destroyed themselves here. and, you know, we've, we've talked about the lack of democracy in ukraine, but it's damaging civil liberties in the west as well. i mean, people being canceled and shadow band and all of this. i mean, i mean, i was banned from twitter for quoting brock obama on about you, craig? i yeah, i'm, i do, i'm a conservative. i'm the, i don't walk around it quoting the rock obama, but when i said, well, this is what obama said about ukraine, that i was taken off. thanks to you on it. i'm from you on. i am back on twitter again. but i mean, again a their, their turn this into some kind of moral crusade, but it should be about security. yes, it does. that's very clear that it's also collapsed onto west on the body with this
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inquiry on the war because i want to now to come to about that play space in which the extent of this was this was mainly the collapse of the rest time. it was because we collapse the piece, you know, it was for instance, the unit was created in order to make peace and you walk and now he's making cool. so that's a very big contradiction. same for you, my wife know last, last week it was stored in the video about his balding cry, my thoughts restful. but the main use for is not desponding. it draws, it draws that this ball being but then the draws the, the draws, the, the concept of these exxon's, the next unit presidents and then they just have to be next us. next you're in uh, you know, quite so wednesday landscape is confident each for democracy there is not to were
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up in the west of media. that's the default that's of this address on that. that's why or do so with narrative about the guy who is just like i'm to david 11 last question for you. how much that impact is is going to have on the 2024 election. we have about a minute left. well, i think it's, it's going to be huge. it back to 2024 election. the binders ration is uh, secretly trying to wind down or trying to establish the security guarantee for the pre. and that would replace the needle membership, and that would only be the issue for a negotiated piece of the problem is the there are so far behind the power curve. they haven't been negotiating with russia and all that we've been through it and diplomatic temper tantrum with russia. on the republican side, the 3 leading republican presidential candidates were also for the warranty trade in trying to re establish the coming of
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a better relations with russia in or so us. so national security interest. and so that we can counter re focus on trying to, we should not be involved in this, this work. well, well i, well, i warned for a very long time that russia gate would bleed into policy, and this is what we get. okay. a fantasy creating a tragedy. that's all the time we have gentlemen want to take my guess in salt lake city, brake and in geneva. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here . dollar fee. see you next time. remember, prospect rolls, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the meaning of the ongoing changes have increased the role of the countries of asia, africa, and latin america in the world system embracing a changing order as rushes defense minister says previously, ignored countries are now being listened to. that sounds most of the hosts, the key confront funded global security divisions. demo drove with a new jack crisis as a major central african group, lending and support. the echo was including instructive intervention. all neighboring child becomes the latest nation to give its full support to the countries who all already asked the legal hurdles balance against the full us president donald trump is piece of voters claim. it's


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