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tv   News  RT  August 15, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the criteria, when you are pumping billions of dollars into the neo nazi or we, she just, everything to fund inflamed the conflict, to draw other states into the russian president condemns western countries for igniting mil, conflicting ukraine when addressing the most skilled corner for on into a national security most gonna say is k of is destroying the orthodox churches. ukrainian law enforcement sees the monks residences. i think he has a chess club for us. and as india celebrates the 77 years of independence from portions colonial rule, foreign minister, moody hills, his country strives towards building a low tempo the well, the
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a very warm welcome is 8 pm here in moscow. and this is all to international with the latest world news update is great to help you with this. a top story, this, our western countries provoking the ukraine conflict on benefiting from the human tragedy. as part of my putting this message to the 11th most ago, conference on international security has no of the russian presidents with knox in the community. i don't hold wits of long standing conflicts are being inflated in different regions of the world. and you, once i've been provoked, the goal of those who do this is obvious to continue to benefit from human tragedies to pick nations against each other for the policy of adding fuel to the fire leads to is clearly seen in the example of ukraine pumping billions of dollars into the neo nazi regime, supplying it with the equipment weapons, had munition sending its military advisors and mercenaries does everything to
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further inflamed the conflict to draw their states into it. the russian on chinese defense ministers were among the officials addressing the conference. they spoke about the future of military security and cooperation between the 2 nations. i'll tease donald casa, has more of these have a circus cycle. spoke a lot mainly about the kind of big picture takeaways we've seen so far from russia, special military operation. and ukraine said that moscow's dealt a serious blow to neo colonialism. threats, continue destruction of ukrainian neo fascist battalions. and that's despite the fact that western weapons continue to flow into the country and a number of countries in the asian pacific region had begin to actively support the anti russian spear. this was something that the russian defense minister said is direct evidence that western military doctrine cannot offer superior already on the battlefield. in the midst of global western military dominance has been debunked.
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is there any way in that direction in the special mich, reparation to put an end to the dominance of the collective west and the mattress, p. a. it's a benefit to impulse. it's of interest in various regions of the world as significantly decreased as soon as the ongoing changes have increased at the role of the country so that you shot at 1st coming in as an american that will assist in today's the rush. he's the post noted by the on the force of ukraine, but by the anti collected west, which has recently been joined by individual states of asia pacific region in order and the cause of its mitchell operation. the russian army debunk to many mis evolve, disappear realty for west imagery standards, despite the comprehensive assistance of the west for the credit on the false, this fails to achieve results. it's like a shy go, also reiterated. the key of continues to use a civilians as human shields in this conflict, and if it continues to position its military forces next to civilian infrastructure this and essentially the entire defense doctrine of the european union. russia's defense minister said are 2 elements that are basically made and carried out in the
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interests of washington. now, the chinese defense minister also spoke a bit at the small scale conference on international security. he said that taiwan is a specific issue that's internal to china and that no other country should think that they can metal in those internal affairs. and, and he also said that the, the basic is close. partnership with moscow is something that 3rd parties should not, things is directed against them on the highlands. the taiwan issue is china's internal policy. no one should interfere attempts to play with fire on the issue of taiwan and use it to contain china are due to failure. we are already conducting military exchanges with more than $150.00 countries. at the moment, rush and china have comprehensive strategic cooperation and continuous partnership development. the russian chinese military co operation is based on the principles of non alignment, not confrontation with each other, and not directed against a 3rd party. now stay on the subject of the strategic partnership between moscow
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and beijing. shy go also said that russia is willing to share what it's discovered about the weaknesses of western military equipment with its allies. obviously, specifically, we're talking about here, china. so that's basically a rundown of the main points we've heard so far from this security conference in moscow. the economical overall strategy is being destroyed by k of fast, most go statements in response to a rate if i ukrainian law enforcement on one of orthodox christianity's most significant. besides the chest, the chest clapper, with people in the arrow vault ideologies collapse. and in the struggle for a new world order, traditional religions are a source of strength and sovereignty for countries and people, which means they must be eliminated. according to keith were now witnessing the manifestation of this approach in ukraine, where canonical orthodox church is literally being physically destroyed. the west makes it clear that the red line in this matter are completely absence. execution
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lists are compiled and people are placed on them for not wanting to betray the truth. faith in favor of higher takes inquiry. no far teams have low interest in operation to seize buildings inside them on the story that serve as living quarters . the monks and pilgrims, police have cordoned off the housing and from the looks inside the religious complex, the ongoing disputes between the ukrainian orthodox church and the commission established by the chaos, ministry of culture. what a clue that these actions were immunizations obviously can't protest. clapper has been an ongoing target for key of all. star caesar said, police to occupy and block the entrances to the institution and during church services throughout the metropolitan. a pavel had the clergy in ukraine and was arrested last month. it was released on a bailiff $900000.00. i'm just currently in hospital recovering from heart surgery a see all the day professor at the university of eastern salary are those sites k of discredited for the it's been a little slower to with this clock down on the church part and only imagine the
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people who are faithful to ukraine yourself, chairs, you only can only come to our senior crane. they want to defend to darrow and spiritual assent for us. so the only thing that they can do in this very moment is to barricade themselves. and 1st, the 1st test and to start and to do try to stop ukrainian officials from, from taking dear sanctuaries from their position. so that's the only possible thing bakeney. now do that, these are, these are pictures which much would be in an imaginable uh for the 21st century and in europe. and in generally, this is uh, this is something that, uh, in any normal circumstances, the way q which kind of the, any kind of punches in the international community is this. uh, this religious uh, state standard reason which is uh,
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present to you today to credit it would be come down to me to be solved in the library and get her on santori. you can imagine like, what kinds of national security that is and what kind of the state is the one that we to jeopardize by the premier of general citizens. deadlocks, foreign affairs minister has announced that copenhagen will be taking all the necessary steps to beef up security at the country's embassies around the world. this comes on stuff i'll call you to declare war on denmark and sweden and audited solos to carry out terror strikes against both countries and was highly ation for the public desecration of the crown. on monday, i'm on trying to stop pay co wrong building protest install. com was detained by swedish. will forward t's huffman does police as to id by while a power of us to be access to bend and trampled on the muslim holy book at this theme. some of the acts of plants take place in both sweden and denmark to well, the incident is one of a series in recent months where auntie is long,
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i suppose since the wrong protests by outraged muslims are taking place across the world in response to the events to denounce the actions of being disparate and says police so far as he's un human rights council adult for the non finding resolution . last month's condemning the desecration software that just symbols, however chromebook things are permitted in sweden on denmark, on the local a free speech news. well, let's discuss this now with a bunch of you can ration from the european muslim initiative for the social occasion. many thanks for joining us on. the program is good to see you, so i'll call you the highest reports of these weapons. sweden and denmark was revenge attacks because of the reaction to the recent carolling, desecration how predictable was this consequence. first of all, i tend to for the edition game and the question you asked about, i've tried to, the interesting thing is if an organization like on the car, the want to do some damage or service that given us tend to produce cities. they
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will just do it. oh, i am very much. it is all work under volumes, whether it is verbal on his physical body, sivilton. so there's no, there should be no doubt about that. and now you know that the seekers hers, the police, the cartridges and then knock and sweden, they are very professional and know if there is any tech didn't know how to deal with that. and they should be no doubt about then taught the henry. i know that the product isn't done not both to the distance, but it is her. and the problem is to has a talked about this tech from. i've tried that, but at the same time the police have awesome people, not to panic, are beast here because the test level is not so high, each test has been reported. so and one thing more i, i would say we are a public that arcada is mainly active in wisdom countries,
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not in the west that we should, we should remember. and all kinds, it does not mean it does not represent this um, on any was the country. so we shall not connect that with this. um, our, with the list. and, you know, i know this is um, is strictly forbid wireless against innocent people. so this would be no doubt about that. having said that, it is also very important to see that denmark and sweden should stop on burning incidents because that kind of incidental views of extreme is whether the individual or their groups are off. in addition to take advantage of this kind of a, you know, actions to maybe commit wireless. so we can not, i'm not going to do. but of course, these countries they, they justify the names because this is freedom of speech as
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a basic human rights. but do you sell that now this way? so authority is a having to warn the citizens about possible backlash from muslims, mo, traveling and of course, threats from terrorist groups. what are the choices of officials in those countries? what we consider this policy given? that's now that citizens are at risk when have deployed, there is no back show from which lives in general. but i, i think that there is a danger from individuals. they can act on their own. but those didn't. uh, i think they should make sure that the court on the new stopped because the whole point is that sweden and denmark allows these kind of actions buttoning, who books that are there for, on our other books and in public which is against the law, shouldn't be allowed and when you do that and said this is because of the,
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the most of the expression, then i would ask them which law allows the freedom of expression should be miss use to, to demonize minorities to do me a liar losing are twins, husband, or does not okay, i think society, i lost that be, i'll call you to statement said denmark and sweden have learned nothing from the shadowy up the events which is, you know, a menacing reminder of those tragic events restore in paris a few years ago. do you think we could see a tragic repeats of history? you know, i don't think so, because i said before, what happened in paris against the time you have to that time? individual x, there was some people who did that guy that was not in long island, and the french state has never said that. it was an organization. they even tried to interview all those people who are involved that so these individual x are
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located in sweden and then the we do not have any extra like that. we never had any terrorist attacks from outside. so it was very strange that the governments of both region in denmark and even a u. p, which has undergone, that there is using this type of terrorism in my opinion as a tool to steer people. and that's, you know, and make sure to make listed to laws against minorities and do nothing to stop but the button and go for us. because if these countries don't want to have a danger, don't want to have an attack from outside from inside. the best thing can we stop the blending of gone, that's it. as simple as that. and why don't part additions and authorities daughter understand that and take into account. the reason for this kind of package are
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coming from more, so it'd be come from my side. so speaking to today is great to get your thoughts on the situation by situation. european muslim initiative for the social occasion. secretary general, thank you. you're welcome, my dear. what india is celebrating the 77th on the 1st 3 of us liberation from british colonial rule. this year, the fame for his independence day is nation 1st. always. first, india is prime minister, new angel, moody address, the nation, congratulating the citizens and talking about the country's achievements, the post you it is something we've got to get a timber. and mock my, what's my dns time, and the members, the actions we take, the steps, we take the sacrifice when like the penance we undertaken this year, what will the final legacy? we will take decisions one off to the other and the goal in the history of the country for the next 1000 years is going to emerge from it. to midnight to old.
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15th august, 1947 independent. india was born. and the 1st 5 minutes of the country to of all her law nasal hosted the national slide after red fault in delhi. since then, every yard the flag is on slid by the incumbent, prime minister as being done by missing the rings of more the to day. in 2014, up to 30 years, the citizens of the nation felt the need to take the country full. but the need for a stable government, strong government, one that has a complete mandate and the citizens has made a strong and stable government today is becoming the voice of the global self interest prosperity and heritage. a toner into opportunities for the world today. friends with in this participation, the global economy and the global supply chain and it was, it plays the end it has earned for itself. i can say with full confidence that the current scenario needed today has brought
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a guarantee of stability in the woods. the ronald e so bought snowing all mines in the months of my 140 across time in the members, or in the minds of the was the res, complete trust. you know, remember all of the real world, india for 150 years and the narrative. all from federal around colonial rule is that the brits gave india so much democracy education the english language, but also for guessing that they still 2 liens of dollars from india to the way of fits resources 76 years off to india and became independent. it has achieved so much imagine it's left behind the united kingdom and become the 5th largest economy in the world to keep the avenues. yeah. a leader of sorts of the global south of 1000000000. yeah, i got the independence. indian government has done everything from the determine the people i can definitely say these decent fos in 10 years. we have make very
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global footprint. i would say we have become no economic in the way. and uh, i can see the last 10 years or great drug, this one, same thing i put in different into all the thing, whatever i want. whether it is by reading the cloth, reading cloth, which any type of blood eat. i'll go any with around the daily or some that is and be safe every whatever they should i go. now what is india is, has very sort of affordability, but there are limitations too. so i want that, that unity of my country. so no time for the beauty, nice image that was freedom fighters like, ma, ma, gone the ball, good scene chandra, she crawls off on many of those for, for india as in defendants. and in 1947, the quick india movement finally culminated into the british leaving the country. no, indeed, all no doubt has achieved so much since. but many believe that india still has
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a long way to go before it truly fulfills the dreams of its founding fathers. i want to see everybody in enjoy the food so feed them, enjoy, especially the basic needs. then basic rights. if ever the citizens can enjoy the basic needs and basic rights, then only i can consider the easiest, independent country in independence reminds me of how a she office on latin american congress has to fight for something as basic as the the engine minds. and we off that he was, the best thing for this country is doing the fed and my thought was not of their concern calling them. so let's just look at those of democracy the which can no longer decatur on suite to india. now it is not only on the trip our but also a lead economy in the world. it is emerging as a global power are quite evident as our freedom and hope in the office that today
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bridge and sharma, new delhi, audi of india, independence day celebrations are also taking place at the country's embassy in most go see events as flows together. a large number of guests from the indians, they asked for them by the 2 rushed, replaced sour passengers at the feet of his not 2 of them have a gun. the guns took part and they slide grazing ceremony. even right down the assets from the indian. president's address to the nation, highlighting it's growing well long. this logan stays due to the metro, the light, as well as bright, for us to see how everyone, children, youth, and elderly in cities and villages. everybody in india are excited and preparing to celebrate this festival of our freedom, independence day is location to reconnect with the history. it is also an occasion to assess all present and reflect about all way forward. looking at the present, we see india that is not really the game that's rightful place on the word stage. but there's also a hostage standing in the international audio. it is playing across
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a role in promoting development, developmental and premeditated goals around the work. because as you leadership of international photos, especially off the g trinity to africa. now when he's as ruling national council for the safe going think of the home line, there's were quoted some boxes from ivory coast as also the i've already and president expressed support for a possible echo was military operation in need. yeah. during the blocks on this, the cnsp and the government of need their expressed, their total rejection of their remarks made by us on what tara which go beyond the coming position of the sub regional organization eco was. and now the knowledge of legal basis and have decided to recall the ambassador of new jersey to be john for consultation, seattle, us down by force. and so we're still constitutional old in asia, according to the line for you and president. hey, as it's but the tension of allison president mohammed was zoom,
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could be considered a terrorist. the as nice as military leaders later confirmed the readiness to seek a peaceful, confident resolution through diplomatic means. with that cold was we spoke to the delegation, had his sentence necessary, and officials for being open to dialog. so, given an eclipse one decision by from use on you to go to the president. but this is again minus jen. you're suffering t to discuss and t and we actually that's which is really good for the goodness of piece of it or piece the system one going to offer a discussion between them on the desk. so who's yeah, so you said, yeah, those are the offer. when you will see you, should you pretty much disclose the fees i'll find out the last and solution.
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so i see i see the deadline. so i'll tell you the little sort of advice on what is within the i choose the importance of these and how much of the ma'am button do you have tied with this issue between the idea i'm just causing associates to i brothers, we're all, most is so discussion has started and we hop on, but it doesn't get to because on because meanwhile the african union is held talks with representatives will make a walk through the e. c o p in campus. so some of the escalating on rest indeed. yeah. so right, so the military invasion by echo was to and military government needed, expressing their intention to prosecute president mohammed position for treason and jeopardizing national security. that's the right has been condemned by echo wall signs. the united nations local journalist in nigeria brings as
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a report on the current economic situation in neighboring nisha, which is experiencing international sanctions. and what else to see is coming out of africa is the economic turmoil, the continental phase. as a result of this cool non 0. yeah, i need a share board is another board is remain close to non jerry a b j school. he does include all on board is on us based on the to control. we're still in the analysis of evening or photos to some labels. so people and goods can move against old jerry and media and shot. i went to an echo us as well as to echo as members, molly and book, you know, foster to support the call it a. she bought a keyboard, us to been a republic and you have ever been close due to the echo a sanctions, the atlantic full. so banana and jerry are vital to and the shape of the impulse next, both of goods and is years have been lamented. you know about the increase in the prizes or from other and see what we have seen in asia is that markets are still
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full of goods, but shop and safe advises are going. all citizens are being cautious with spending and you know, on buying from from the leads of a they have left so greens, um, generally food items was millions, could go to ways stressful work as have been pulled out of business, especially those so travel the trade part of between um uh ben is pulled off quarter new and the jase capital needs to be, you know, one of the busiest crossings in west africa, measuring as a country you know, way before the cool, someone from intense droughts leaving some over 4000000 for 1000000 people dependent on food ages survive, but you know, the supply these, the police in the region. one of the ventures held as transformational for new jersey kind of me. and you know, also at significant risk of being affected by sanctions. as a result of the school is the and the shape and the pipeline owned on contract to buy china and national petroleum cool. this would have helped, you know,
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and somehow audit, just some simple revenue generation for new shape and also help i for guys the continent but with the sanctions. and also with because uh with the cobra that financed into the country looks less the truck. so you have full, full potential investors. now, we also know about the coal is also being seen as a major blow to many western nations which, you know, viewed near me. some of these western nations viewed the, i'm a, as a partner in the so help region that they could work with. we could say that reserve agreeable. the non jerry and his loving scholars say, they have met with new jobs, cool, the, the romani shani. and he has agreed to hold direct talks with actual us, which will be the 1st time this will be happening well cross his presence in asia has been the most historically significant to the phase powers is unhappy over the latest u. s. position on the country as, according to a french news on the reports which day is victoria newton's state department visit to the african nation displays differential thursdays for a manual, mach ron,
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the credibility of france, particularly in terms of these course on democracy, was at stake for the americans, even if they are also concerned about a rapid return to a constitutional order, the priority is the stability of the region. the price is functioning here in paris with french diplomats and presidential sources saying that they feel like they've just been stabbed in the back by washington over the crew in the shadow. because france has been singled out and checked out by the countries in the military rulers, like a house from other countries in the region. and it all came as such a shock to french president emanuel, not cold, that he reportedly got very angry with the dizziness or so the french external spies services for missing the southern find. don't go on the conferences, i thought you must be very careful with everyone who comes to say they rather allies do we have to know who to live with and what their interests are. we cannot ally ourselves like we did with france as that only brought
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a sorrow. so france must back down because it is not playing its role correctly. this decision by washington, under these circumstances is not really welcome. i think it could, however, be an element of shock between the united states and france, because at this point, they have a difference of interest to see living. and i think it's normal that we see contradictions between these 2 powers. in the past, with all the raw materials that we have, the need, the soil in need year, it could be the topic of discussion by these powers because 3 out of 5 light bulbs in france are powered by uranium from major. i mean, so france may see its interest threatened because its policy is rejected. here, the french were expecting washington to support the position of democracy above all else. and the need to restore the deposed president to power even if it ends up being through military means. instead, washington ended up sending victoria newlands with the state department regime change, karen to demanded to speak to the manager of the share. so these conversations were
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extremely frank and the times quite difficult because again, were pushing for a negotiated solution. it was not easy to get traction, they're, they're quite firm and their view of how they want to proceed and it does not comport with the constitution of new share, the by the administration. so initial panic over the q edits and the jerk reaction to resolve the situation with shocking off through proxies, likes to watch countries seems to have given way to more diplomatic approach point . now, as long as the new management still less the us hang out with our drone bases have access to strategic minerals, uranium other natural resources after the coo in the share broke out us vice president camella harris as to new. but to use echo was to restore bassoon because the west had invested over $100000000.00 in building a drone base in a share, and didn't want to lose access to it. also, france buys uranium from the share and us currently guess 14 percent of its uranium
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from russia. its shopping for replacement has his gaze fixed on the share to field a likely gap. so the last, the washington one place to lose another foothold in africa to russia and china and the french are absolutely i rate. and how quickly washington has been willing to toss older loc, the values of democracy and unity with his allies. right out the window in favor of the pragmatic protection of its own interest. even the pentagon trainers who works with the crew leaders and places like for the name in georgia and the national defense university in washington are telling the western press yeah, it's frustrating this to stuff, but we shouldn't take it as a reason to fail right out of these yeah. 2 it's only about unity or values for washington when it suits them, and they obviously want to keep hanging around even before the cuban american official told n b c news at the end of july. but sure, yeah. has corruption problems, you know, who does it, but his dad is.


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