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tv   News  RT  August 14, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the secretary of state clinton says russia has lost their narrative as a form of pseudo reality because making the claim your brain is wendy, is untenable. the headlines amounted to change, the trying to stop the latest burning of the crown, and sweden installed contrasts to the reaction of still kind most or t to allow to other activates to possibly be destroy. the most intone for these as co government safe is open to the dialogue with that co office at 6 to come escalate intentions in the region we had from the heads of a mediation group visited to me on this one. going to our discussion on hoops. yeah. so you said that when you go so you should be fine out there. lots in solution
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works exist to promote the interests if they've been living tons result to compete with other blogs of, according to south africa's envoy to the international board, or service down the us, the us president failing to comp up a single comment until the rising death toll from the walls saw a tragedy in hawaii, and make revelations at the local siren warning system decisions and the residence to the intent been just on the scene. very well. welcome. this is on the international with the latest wealth means that they can speak to happy with us. we start with this, at least 5 people have been killed and 20 more injured when i call repair shop winds up in flames. and the russian quote because it city up much carla.
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the videos, how many trend in our social media shows a building completely echo engulfed in flames with counts of smoke covering the night sky. a governor's safety incident occurred on the outskirts of the city with the find sporting to the neighboring petrol station, emergency services and medic. so at the see, the head of being waging saves that he has a situation under control and will keep or relevant policies, updates and non trying to stop or wrong burning in sweden's compton on monday was the change during the instance. unlike the 2 active is to set the holy book a blaze. at 1st it shows 2 men confirmed to be on a rocky origin, burning the book outside the swedish parliament and saying that they were criticizing islam. the police watched them without taking action, while another person trying to break through the police quoted, but was rest so down interested at the same at the vista. so wanted to make
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a organized and carried out the curriculum, desecration with his friend playing football with the book and even polishing his shoes with that, we will not be showing that positive footage to avoid offending any of us is the latest in a series of such incidents and recent months when the anti is not the rest of the phones that crown a protest smiles, race muslims have taken, stays across the world, in response to these advisors, to denounce the ads on the in difference from relevant. oh, sorry, say he's prolonged learning supplemented in sweden, on the free to freedom of speech roles, social media activism, blog as a how south so stays the west as a double standards on the sun to see of religion checked. is this that good, this is displayed is full act and it's hard for us being done with live and that we expect a lot of from a sooty state state is like a mother. and if something happened in east, if something happened in,
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in wisdom guarantees are usually best react very quickly and talk about the human drives and min mean out or do you guys, but the same thing, the most them living and us, you, them, they are in man, or do you and the some hope uh, i expect the same kind of reaction from the rest spectrum from the swedish government issued for tex at towards the 100000, most them living industry then. uh if, if the people start following this kind of tech and they are the only thought to continue listening and i knew that they'd be, are talking for the food in my expression that only bunny ron, they're not drink something guys. or i will not say that they should bun some other, but i am, i'm talking against it, but they are evicted. they are targeting, unless you guys can impose government is open to dialogue with co was as a 6 to resolve. the stand off with the bill can come, the escalating tensions of the region. the statement comes off of the current military government, hosted a delegation of muslim religious need,
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is from nigeria sent to the republic by the nigerian president, a boat, and 2 neighbors who had the chance to speak to their location head refunds. the news area and officials were being open to donald, who i given i quoted one of the system by the findings, undertook us to the president, is my son, the sucking team we discussed. and we asked that when the goods for the goodness of peace of it for peace, the system went into awful discussion between them and the leaders of hoops. yeah. so is it that goes to the office when you go see, should you pretty much disclose it, please find out the last and solution on this. so i see,
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i see i've tried, you know, given sort of advice i wanted to show the importance of and how much of the menu button do the type of issue between the data i'm tells us of yes, to brothers. we all, most of these are the, this and as we came back, organize us it and send something to get to meet with him and told him about what we discussed with them. but we got hungry that he, that task opened the door between the leaders of media. so discussion and we help you to that is on
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the african union is hosting officials from echo was anesthesia. and if you're a p as capital a decent fava. local journalist from nigeria timothy, you'll be as openings as his report on the latest developments the applicants, you'd have a meeting on monday. if your looks at the latest development in the sure following up on july 20 stuff also that price that will how much consume talk to you. officials as well as representatives from the sure and the west, atkins off airports are attending the meeting. hold ours up in new jersey, co lead as a now's in a televised broadcast that they had to gather the necessary evidence to prosecute before competent national and international authorities. the also the president and his accomplices. and disney jr and governments, a sofa good evidence to prosecute to the deposed precedents on his lookout and for
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an accomplices before the competence of national and international buddies for interest in and undermining the internal external security of new. she was housed condemned venetia community. this threat to prosecute ousted precedence mohammed presumed for high treason. george went on a quantum a year where a right to research and journalist expects funds echo was on the military. governments make concessions to achieve peace in the region on the face being soft costs like uh, from the side of the, uh, the military on top with the rescission initially. um, the series of the monte thing basements, those ports of, with the military contacted month actually uh us planned box, fluid and stuff. so quint and threats and functions, my vehicle was and also pushed out from some west and quartets. as we have seen, some was phones, but considering that to be the, the military hands are now ready to engage the apple watch. we are expecting that
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the military hunter was about to the seat to the directives, to restore the contract back to its ad democratic box. and the also, we use the puzzle we, somebody's, i'm going to do. we have table. so we solve this. that's the i expecting that allegation for me. who wants to also be cited in the gaps response the escalating trade war between the us and china has sparks concern and send a pool where the deputy prime minister has won't have run if occasions for the entire political economy. intense extreme competition will be the defining future in the bilateral relationship. there will be a price to pay for global economy that is organized not they cannot make efficiency, but by geo politics and security consideration and imperative. most of the type of thing a westcott china, off from receiving such an semi conduct has produced with american pause to prevent the painting from using this technology to advance its military potential. trying
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to retaliated in may binding the use of memory chips made by mike from the biggest us producer badging also cub to exports of to teen mental is used in the manufacturing golf computer chips. they can get ha, that for the us to require them. plus the chinese officials include on washington to respect to the rules of fact, competition on the global markets. the best plus lives to a poll, craig, whether it's full assistant secretary of the us treasury and for my will street journal editor who currently shows the institute for political economy. anything super joining goes on the program as i mr rep as well. so your assessment of the single for deputy permanence just concerns of, of a future. i think global economy. well, we do have an economy of is in trouble because i'm the basis of it has been the us dollar has reserve currency and by weaponized and huge courtesy the united
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states is a discouraging its use and therefore is breaking up with the foundation of the global economy and in that sense he is correct. if he also implies that there is some danger to child is emergence from united states. he is mistaken. and my view um, it was 50 years ago, the united states government accepted the one china policy. and therefore, it's really impossible for the united states today to make an issuer of taiwan with china. and so i think that there is nothing the united states can do to prevent the continuing rise of china and the continuing development of truck after all the american firms located so much of their
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manufacturing in china, that it's essentially the whole of american manufacturing. and so this doesn't leave washington in a very strong position. is the same size, but by name to other one. yeah, it's been here, wasn't trying to have been making it more difficult to trade with each other and many sectors. how exactly is this trend affecting the good but economy? i don't think china needs the united states. and i, i think, you know, the global economy was always h, washington some way of controlling sykes. and i think the world is tar washington's control. and so i don't, i don't see that a threat to the goal calling me is anything other but an
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increase in the sovereignty of the other countries? and i think that's what the countries won't. if they sit trade, we're all between the us and china continues to escalate. what sort of issues do expect the economies of southeast asia to face really depends on how stupid washington is. that when so many of your major corporations, such as apple, have all their production located in china. how do you conduct a trade wall with china? do you prohibit products from china from being shipped to united states of so you're publishing your own corporations? it is. there's no prospect of the united states preventing china from developing micro chips. a scientific information is available as in peer review journals,
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charter already hash american industry there. and so i think on the whole, i don't know what to make a biden other than he's trying to learn tough lackey, standing up for america. i don't think it has any real practical sense unless he ends up provoking some kind of a war room. it does seem to me any way to be wise, just as playing with fire, especially coming as china expands it. and so you can all make sphere of influence with the promotion of b one and international trade. what's your assessments of these developments and that pro specs for the global economy as the but the one rises, this talks of then the brakes, the using local currencies as well. so trade, what does this leave think the us dollar relatives a very great threat. you see,
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a lot of people have never understood that american debt. it has never been a problem because the american debt is what comprises the reserves of all foreign central banks. as long as the ball on it is a significant reserve currency, but as the dollars is the status, i mean if this the dollarization is they call it proceeds which is likely to do because the dollar has been weaponized. then the demand for the bottles shrinks. farm central banks don't hold their reserve and dollars, but the supply dollars due to the american trade deficit and budget deficit does not strength. and so the dollars value is exchange value falls. and since the united states, as an offshore is production,
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the products that come back in will come in at a higher price. and so as a dollar falls, inflation rises in the united states and the real living standard of american people. going to see that that seems to be the future, how soon it becomes a problem. we can't say, but it certainly seems to be land ball as the future problem for the united states . essentially, we're talking about the demise of american power. because american power has always been based on the dollar as reserve cards because that allows the united states unique among all countries in the world. the pay it's bills by printing money. it seems like was such a pivotal time in history. we always appreciate talking you talking to us. thank
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you so much for your time. pull craigslist for my assistant secretary of the us treasury on the wall street journal editor who currently has the institute for political economies. thank you again. yes. in hawaii, the desktop from last week is devastating walls fine has risen to at least 96 people who have the job find them, refused to comment on this when grilled by journalist 2 quotes. up with the us presidents near a beach in delaware. the is one of the most distressing aspects of the tragedy is that there was no alone so warning signals be fully impending disaster as long as he's caleb. nothing reports the deadliest fire in a 100 years in hawaii, the wild buyer has been devastating. and now people are asking questions. they're asking why the sirens vista is supposed to warn residents about potential danger
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did not go off. why was it that residents only received notification over their phones and the sirens system was silent. so here is some of the concerns being res, locally on social media, as well as from elected officials. badges i'll be required to get into a hind them all we along with the curve between force by the military, a k martial lowest tier to protect residents from residents. the same government that didn't turn on the sirens and left the thousands who, without food in the same government to turn to a local aid while not providing at themselves. i would like to know why the civil defense siren was not sounded during the mile. we fired in le hi, now there is going to be a class action lawsuit by the thousands of victims of this tragedy. they need help . they deserve answers. so this never happens again. i live on now we, i was in honda during the line of fires. there were high winds up to 80 miles per hour down in electric poles with sparks igniting dried grassland blowing sparks
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across the highway down to the ocean side of the high na, exploding street front stores with no alarm sounding no communication from the government. everybody who has ever lived in hawaii knows the warning sirens. unfortunately, in this situation, sadly, tragically, in this situation, those sirens likely did not go off. now all the evidence seems to indicate that the cause of the fire itself was the decaying electrical infrastructure of the island of maui. the power grid in mile we just like in many other parts of the united states has fallen in just a dear disrepair. and that apparently sparks in the flames. here's what has been said by a local lawyer who is looking into the cakes and the cause of the buyer. all evidence, videos, witness accounts, burn, progression, and utility equipment to remain in points to hawaii and electric's equipment being the ignition source of the fire. the devastated le. hi not. now in addition to this,
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there was a 2021 government commission report that rated the fire safety measures and provisions that exist in the island of maui as being or, and this government commission gave plenty of warning that when it came to dealing with these kinds of disasters, the government and local officials and local infrastructure was just not up to the task and the words of this 2021 government commission report are certainly down. and here's what was said. however, in the departments recently really strategic plan 420-212-2025. prevention is given short shrift. there is no stated goal, a fire prevention or any metric to assess success or improvement and prevention. there is much space devoted to preventing injuries and illness and employees and to preventing equipment failure, but nothing about what can and should be done to prevent fires in their local activision. others have said that the nature of the eco system on the islands has
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been affected by colonialism. and the way certain plants have been introduced and the wild life has been managed probably contributed to the intensity of the fire. here's what we've heard about the colonial roots of this disaster. the far as of today or in part due to the climate crises, the history of colonialism in our islands and the loss of a right to stuart, our land and sea. today we have watched our precious cultural assets, our physical connection to our ancestors, our places of remembering all go up in smoke, the same western forces that try to raise us as a people know threatened our survival with their destructive practices. colonial greed is to blame for this because in addition to dr. agitation, high wind and low humidity caused by the climate crisis. the gross mismanagement of land by greedy developers and land speculators destroyed on natural landscape and buffet and enabled the rapid spread of the fire. so it appears what we're seeing on
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the island of maui is a familiar story in the united states. we have a disaster that was certainly exacerbated and made worse by mismanagement and poor decisions made by government officials. and they go on media, and the last line of sight is the 1st time that the binding administration has turned a blind eye and kept silent during disastrous situations. 6 months ago we had somebody here in east palace the know how this was a, a, a train that the rail that just devastated the area. we forgot about that. we have borders that are being just flooded with illegals. forgotten about it is, it's this though we have this m e 's. yeah. and just the other day, a couple of weeks ago we saved, we had fires in northern canada or a canada. and i am here in new york. and our skies were orange because of canadian wildfires. and that went away. it's like we have the testers band them,
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and that is here today, gone tomorrow. but as you brought up, any politician what absolutely just x, lloyd, this, and all you will have to do is you show up and just tear to mind boggling the brakes as to where it fits what was promoting the interests of developing countries not competing with other blokes as, according to south africa's on boss of the, to the lines, there's also expressed as appointments at the west. smith's interpretation of the groups intentions had to be ongoing breaks and would by and get an investment business for him. and to his book, there's an unfortunate narrative being developed that bricks is anti west. that bricks was created to compete with the g 7 or the global north. what we do seek is to advance the agenda of the global self and to build a more inclusive representative. just fair global architecture. as upside some in both, i hate, i'll be brief. not much hosted by the last decade. the few days the country has had
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a very busy calendar on the diplomatic front, ministers, ambassadors and business seniors from breaks on cheese, i gather today and so heinous for us to pay, to bring in with buying events, rings to give the apartment in lines of business in the time and we'll see a meaningful interactions between south africa and bias from around except pending at the time. ready, this campaign is very significant. it is going to be a change to pick this up any other time when people are talking about using the passivity to sort of new kind of answers. we seem to be able to take a gym change and there would be great fluid activities piece to be made team events to happen in the, in, in south africa. and here we have the big news
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west in the east companies. and since we literally seen them in the listing music and as compared to the t use case, is that the to the lease and the treating with us whether or not to not allow for exploitation, they will not allow for that tend of development of the one as of september, to have 10 now as part of the brakes alliance. so the cost has been actively working to attract investors in global hawk mazda by representing robin presenting the basement, which is also that's across our level. we the also a lot of our member companies already may even savvy and stuff like voting to try and easy. and that in itself shows that we have it as, as a, as a, as a, as a competitive manufactured by the wells. and i think the one set that what you're
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going to be able to do with all those things you know, and that we have this from used to and from used to find something with ip, we would just say what works for the best and what this is sort of the office and i think taking those things from each tub to enhancing it in the space for english and then invited us for the, for the in high school sectors. that department is open about the issue codes also is showing us at the north side. but this also, you know, the ice this if this wasn't the addition to the internet. and also we also comes with much that makes no investment, but i think the world can move on and it's beautiful sounds imagine walking outside the bridge, summation the funding from him was
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a why do you consider to be the major drivers behind the merchant? the independent economist chris thompson's bricks, office developing countries, mutually beneficial partnerships as an alternative to trading in us told us in the developing world does struggle with this when you but i think is one option and that's a dollar to the breaks bank is able to buy domains for the dollar as because the print spaces will still use dollars, but it's able to manage the risk into the edge towards slight bit to lower the risk. and so the, for the developing world, which is what's needed, it came back to, to the smaller countries actually joined the,
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the, you know, the level of color, the weather, much low. so incredible and constructive way, right side, actually facilitating be in. would it be split? and so what, what we need is additional channels and institutions. i say institutionalized the channels that you can execute place based on these countries. a lot of potentials can then be opened up. these countries could let you enjoy the most sustainable levels of growth. which one is foreign ministry has condemned being taiwan, vice president william lise visit to the us, calling him a troublemaker agent can. so this the, all in the pots of the people's republic of china and the relief statements, the ministry medicaid, of china, is ready to use force if necessary, to protect itself. warranty chinese closely following the development of the situation and will take resolute and forceful measures to safeguard national
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sovereignty. and tutorial integrity lies doubling the, adheres to the separate disposition of taiwan independence, and as a troublemaker through and through a lot of times to run and tie one's presidential elections. in january 2024, he's a strong advocate for the country's complete independence from china. and international recognition to that effect. it's harmony's vice presidents didn't meet with any of washington's officials. so even though 2 weeks ago, the bind administration has announced a military, a package with over $300000000.00, full tie one. well, the islands sovereignty isn't recognized by the us. the white house has promised to provide military support to ty pay. if china should try to restore is controlled as a tie one. we spoke to nelson walking vice chairman of the science i center for women pack, who said the staging is ready for a military solution in taiwan while washington is just bluffing. one send his troops because the us has no chance of winning the war against china. we cannot
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really route the possibility of having a confirmed patients military confrontation. so it is possible and i believe chinese government uh, throughout or of its announcements of the statements. i think the chinese government is already ready full that but uh no one wants to see a whirl happening and particularly for china, for us, chinese to flight chinese. again, that not only most of the people in china don't believe it, but people in taiwan. i think a lot of people in taiwan also do not believe that the us is going to send it on the over to protect apply one. because 1st of all, it's far away from the us continent and also, i mean, coming to defend taiwan to fight against chinese. all me there is.


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