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tv   Documentary  RT  April 29, 2023 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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4 civilians, including $210.00 children, became a tragic symbol of this war. all in all, during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bombs, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. $973.00, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam. and only 2 years later did the puppet regime in saigon fall . however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 vietnamese people became the victims of american aggressors. for a usually succeeded monkeys, commodity, i'd say, shall featured yourself. do you a father say,
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of course i use it all in the city and you're not the noah. ah, i see what i feel. i want you to talk with me. i'm gonna, you know, thank people. when i see i've got to feel that i got the only people go by and i see you guys literally like buffy wilson. okay. you know, so i, you didn't go to sanctions. i really painful to all europe been talking to me because apparently it was based on the cheap energy coming from russia. so now we are in position regarding this is like the cup of our legs. and we cannot walk anymore. just just
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a both call me when you try to get a new political monica, then you're supposed to move across if the would you be, i used to have more of a country where the last i didn't forget to let you talk about the who is it or just a stupid it's a little more than what i see it is pointing to chris and with
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a joke or chain border porsha gas or electric. i mean like i'm buying up a leukemia shop. similar as that goes whichever engine symbols or change order. it was in warner robins, locally their energy costs for increasing the gas prices are $8.00 times higher than before. all due material costs are increasing at least 34 percent sanctions, vitriol b. right now in practice making companies like our company, we are 2025 employees, makes ojo very, very difficult. i think it to be able to hurt a lot of small companies and i'm afraid that many of them would be forced to stop the production or to reduce to a minimum level 10 small now senior
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started his business back in the early 19 ninety's. he is, his company is specialized in engineering and manufacturing like way past the components experience and the kind of a strategy, disregarding external factors. what does camp, his company afloat over the years? absolutely unexpected. be heard that the russian company won the target for the negotiations before the appraiser. for egypt it was the big chance for us to participate in this project and it was quite well and we could reach the position of me supplier for bless the past. we have a daily contact to our russian colleagues who we are very satisfied with his corporation. a long time in the business for several years for in junior, lived and worked in russia, learning the language and gaining valuable experience in a large company. skills that now greatly assist in doing business with russian partners. well, you know that we have the through the
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more it to produce 600 because the coming to years it was already 150160 piece isn't deliver. it. saw it more than $45500.00 vehicles have to be delivered. the coming to yours just some possible. we are suffering really under the new uncomfortable circumstances. i hope that the european big nations understands that the sanctions are still going to probably for all of us. it cannot really kept long live you're not, you're not board. number the still below is the me. moga, thanks is deal m a c. like by the quantity e saw me if so with your pressure miss dilly bitterly. packet
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bucket suggest the not to be anything that's at the packet. sankey wrote the a c, v ever put balk at the 2 players touched or we can have we did because we didn't. hoosier, who is who j. e. principal finance may. if you can effect we're going to see bill me space a big news. i want to know was it? it's a boy and it's a 70 ma'am, that watching. i would see principal, ah, you've got to it is in your school by the end it will be the show that i see got the issue of what we should do this should drop it or would that be the problem of
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the bodies in stock or doable toper, my stuff, give younger i she's got a book today at school, but she just got you in another major decision bureau to pass made despite opposition from brussels and washington was to develop hungarian russian cooperation in the field of nuclear energy will equal need of award postal award, when we talk about some of the due of done, you know, a, i get my stanford irving la logan my food and they get in if it's giving me the do she still use kind of yes. now see, because of you guys saw short or sloppy bob. muslim for boy should i see you, but i see us by shortly. i'm ugly. she's done really on. yeah. so you would all part of me know when you might even know by the judge a little deeper based on yeah, yes,
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we have a primary care. so i guess that's when you use, we're not cashing the zappa loom. i asked what p show room. yeah, still more nor who beach, but i feel me superior that as need of we. why knew that us to be it has to be done. yes. i mean in sammy sydney here. money be last time i see you here tomorrow the store f b. sammy see in the me but your question, she'll be la barsha yesterday in the evening by k point on which to these avi see me ability if i, if i knew mud is the sammy galani at 10 years of the most. no comma. oh, can you feed into world war spell dishonest of the hungary today?
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the only reminder of its former imperial grand year is the map of greater hungry hanging on the wall. the key or what does it go by cha? slovakia i say to be i think she was yes. is yes, you would love to have a voice. yes. but the cheese up anger, sky at 30 doria, the exact count bright as you'd with s q u a daddy daddy. what do you mean when you press you out last night or a you know, and she and you know, they asked both. got to put them both at the us today. hungarian diasporas a found in weston, austria, southwestern croatia, northern serbia, romania. and so back here, all the centuries, these have been part of greater hungry along with john's company via, oh,
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well, the principality of hungry became the kingdom of hungary and then the austro hungarian empire, great hungary heyday was at the beginning of the 20th century. but everything changed out to well one, which hungry recklessly got involved in. it turned out to be a disaster and led to the empire collapse. here for the school i need talk to with a while you or do with not stub what's out the law will to push through a weaker me, i'm not a washer. he and i, if i could, he thought you, because you are putting me up a lot that you, me, the on, she will be my, he's need to talk a lot me, what do you really do with maybe one lower than guess, cooperation hosting with the machine okay, and what was that quote that i want childish as to what that is? i don't want to show you why your name is that. me how that affects the out of mine
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up against a boss. would mean them would yard k for shamming them when yacht malesky i own he and i battle of illegal as i can get out of one bush as no one to say it almost at emmanuel. ah, i think he think today nice. i won't go stop you up on simultaneously informed bushes of the latin as any of that isn't that he wants haskins van hawk good nick in yo margaret, had as it went out. the jack can of at, at ski hang, one that you might capital yanna call. okay. about the getting santa cut, but they only hot that and you think back. okay. and then say based specs that i could put that let the, oh ah, the hungarians tons comp idea isn't just
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a territory that was one's taken from them. it's the cradle of their nationhood in public circles. the idea of regaining native hungarian lands is strong to this day as ed weekly on excessive ish for others, he forgot all. he said, got bad players at that event got us to him like i could actually savish race have what? oh, this picture is land of ancient forest, rivers, lakes and mountains, is a window to europe. today. it's part of you crying, trans company thea, having being annexed by the u. s. a saw after world war 2 in 945. actually asking us what i'm gonna do. so if she said that she would then yeah, griner, a national lab that she o'connor, the syria lab going back to you. and let me make some little point please. okay, the number to shake. i mean, a genie mean because shaggy. you're going on ship,
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say good month or what's going on? look, as i'm going to have a little bit awkward. i think my gosh egg. he said and took them on you. so i always had it last year and i wasn't able to luke, i'm the one i sent them, but that deck can pull, go look at the 3rd thing and i'm the one that i'd massey can, i'm was a hacker to mechanical, not a pop yet. but it is a way you burial power is raining, you read, you read different articles, different journals. so it's clear that they are aware that their power is wait,
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they don't want to with it's done lord street wanted to were destroyed by great britain. it's a tremendous opportunity to once and for all remove the dependence on russian energy when ukraine is all with mistakes made. and i have been elected as a leader of my policy, and you will probably minister in part to fix them with the face, the highest tech facia still this year alone. we have provided 2300000000 pounds of military super bowl. and we will do the same again. next year . i need to because that's the way a
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oh, oh super sure, lulu. yeah. a better way to simeon benroski a . ruth crew score them a here in a minute for she's there with you as a demon. that is a brand that mean? yeah. she with a, you know,
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it was a scam in your skin credentialed with a scorely, a damper dose. right. so bradley brady, isic chem dash kim did a new job. korea dd share, younger me with them. i've sent off oh, moved to hungary in the 19 seventy's, but she never abandoned her roots. she's always supported her fellow trans copay, the ins and residents of our hometown a viagra attached to let them go and take her. but if she does her kinda the chassis and you know stuff that your sister yanagishta is sebastian, her fellow guy who store stuff with store. but you said you can buy use
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the cmu by use is have younger when you b as a built a u t h and that she can you know ship or store it will know shes could hook against when you a gym to actually come in to here so no mm hm. yes, ma taylor biography mo kataria gillian ski. no one who you might east but to me on yesterday. yeah. i'll see you monday stuff on. yes. no. authority washing machine. ok on the good. you want to know with your that 14 to hello with
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me, with i can move up to 40 from what i'm equal. i'll be out of a keith upon a much bye bye. you've asked for quite enough money. goes with that. soc is herbert violet, mar loan. because me, if my son caleb, the matter ali thor la, good night, bye. fairly mean by? yeah, bob top is middle buzz about that so so valley and this was a, is that one is mean. thank you. that is by money stand, i took i he that gets be day. a telephone gaze. okay. so go to supply. okay. mean, thank you. okay, so monica a
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g i thought was up on did talk with you about a meeting with shannon. i like for you all and i was i think she got a white door. then you have a daughter on will after she get to actually back hot and what's a bash? i mean call me my get oak max. all along with my yahoo! last sheet. i have as he goes, oakland oak put me on my guard with the theater because men will cry. now by luck, then he went on each collab unclear as you can see any because ma'am on the actual kinetic damage to lucky any plan or my getaway make what the sha california is. okay? yeah, that one. thank you, mike. mm. we are to them, but actually they, when they show current i boy,
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i want you to cut think music of. i have little boy with them. it said your daughter, which meant that was all to one of my joke. now got, it would take, look at that ended up is so setting on one haber the take a look at the front also that see it would mean to been that was the forget, i got a pathway anesha vehicle got i bought a handed out in the streets and cafes and shops, men a price ganged and taken to the front less force. conscription thanks. even those with hungarian passports. ah, the void it craze in the last to share in it? yes. almost that i need all my it was ish to a just you zappa love, anita, that i thought this will what it is that but know you're probably you say it is
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said your name start them. immunity. dilate valley and you could just like low volume. not so nice. a guy who does. i knew he in jail is course when i alien is now got nazi when you buy a new mileage to ok you never see a cause. i've studied. i believe. sage is thrandy my link here sub it's here. so i use the liver, but i, you know, by, you might hear it. no story. i mean, you, we do at that. we think we board on the head just good me that this post sub it's keep me more, more. decoy. dog, lee. i 8 you to wreck is jesse of rope in your, by you mildly, you get by. you might have moved and i you put your quote or whatever. so i got a call that i was, oh no more than a chicago claim. when it was settled that i want the as at avi, it to get a cap and then say, but i get jig ish. that message goodness. and them manifesto couldn't go with the show called the asking. i dig back about the deck back. i'll make yeah. martin,
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i'm with his fair condition because of food and why? yeah, because a she got a little funny how my doctors in america ish. i'll be glad to shame for the go that have easy obama going on over connecticut. i think i can. anyone knows, i met, i think ish, chris can cheer than me. i get a minute. initial kind of thing is i mean a phone. so it's like you said, you saw me or so. yeah, i think, i mean i'm, yes, it will be in your phones or yours or your e j u p. so towards edge of include a shadow ppc slide to get ease made. use it the same with the support of what we have. we also have on 8 or footboard on side, you submit those 2 piece make. oh yeah. and equals again met up with kelly, says apollo, i do intend the kilometer stuff was handed to them with keats at the event. a hot on them or i'm actually do not. i will say i'm not going to double sure we never told had on given i to with my little song with now on the hard wooden couch. boy was mad. what boiled on the court, my little sidewalk. each easily up
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a show for touch more for me as me saw you because if the think of teaching and that was we had to you mission. i mean, i don't believe that one was a deal cap and then cynical family city couldn't with tasha at the door to nobody was saying we are we lag than an independent or sango armina call do it then you want that. i also guide best check all kat by the oak head. shake density nickel on . get in salem as it gets off when you get them instead of one of them was, i think i'm ashley. be laid off. michelle not i was even was as a rush. my dad or saginaw as, as a well, i found home was a lot already ashy good of shape. what? yeah. she can check a lot of going to locate them costio matter. and they gave me that, that shit and i get that control panel and they pay when you have that on the call . already ashy ash and then it's like a kind of, i'm like,
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i like fun to shop it on a mission. i was but he got it. got a got them when you are because she got a kick, any bicycle give you a shake, a pan that should be like a big big that with that. and they got out on the car. now. bush, i all like it might not be to me as a well yeah. the only a enough people thought that i'm where you can post ac when you get a look at the lamp, any at a shade transfer, you can more, you can a i'm looking to run the bill to have in that they say this nice nature, they say that there is no other place in the world where i would like to leave more than a year, and i enjoy it every day for several 100 years. in my family, there is
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a very old tradition making why my grandparents from therapy conference coming from i was in germany for place where it could be reading why and i said ok, i tried to learn for a long time on to the wine to be ready myself the white one it. ready 2 years barrels the red line, at least 3 years. i'm very lucky to be able to make it. and i'm also very lucky that they formed a unique place for my, you minus drawings, it absolutely drank replaced, and i think that's your for your, my blind better. and i want some competitions with buying wine, but i don't want to concrete. the professional winemaker. it's just my hobby and it makes me happy and all my friends who gets my wine is present in my dish that i
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show up on. i do that a non with a
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damp, but shouldn't you lost a she was throwing a young green is away. he's willing you some, i'm not yours. no, but you know what i see if you wrote, present that opinion. would that just sitting up without anybody to keep it or what do you mean? yeah. about what blushing able to say. that sounds good and you can call us when you have because she's not there. she's not the only thing genius of. i got a well, oki doki, europe is just on i gotta so don't know w l a, but i should've left him. he's looking for him or anna, i might not yours man. mm . in a
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ah ah ah
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ah ah ah . the term strategic autonomy sounds good. the word strategic conjures up a sense of importance and autonomy presents a sense of independence. but when you consider the french president using this term, then we are forced to wonder if he is a serious person. after all,
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europe is no longer strategic or autonomy ah with mm welcome to was a part. everything is true until it's false. that's the basic trajectory of scientific and social development playing out so dramatically in the well today. the american or western dream of prosperity based on excessive consumption and artificial assets is quickly losing its shine. but what is coming to replace said.


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