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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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ah, ah ah headline stories this hour i must of delays or rep sell an oil dapple in crimea with local authorities. seeing a drone strike could be the cause of the fire. a warning, disturbing images with wreckage on the streets of sue dumbs capital, including body strewn across them. the gruesome scenes are being witness this fight agreed upon truce the militarized conflict there now into it's 3rd week. north korea accuses washington. i'm so all of this stabilizing the korean peninsula after the 2 allies on vailable, on to dog us nuclear arms submarine inside korean. africa
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celebrates the 30th anniversary of the a booth jap proclamation which demanded the west pay reparations for its colonial history. on with that of your company today for the latest global news roundup this weekends i'm you know, legal and this is our to international we starts on the crimean pendant laugh where a huge fire has erupt in after reported for an attack. local authority say that blaze occurred to an oil dep. boeing crimea largest city located on the black sea coast. we heard more on the situation from a local reporter. so again, what's your football at this? in the early morning on saturday, about 5 am an explosion occurred in one of the bays of the city of sylvester pole, where oil tanks and fuel depots are located. the official version is that it could
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be a drone, but this version is still being investigated. there is no exact confirmation on exactly what happened right now. no doubt the exposure was powerful, but of course a spark is enough to ignite any fuel. now, there is a huge calm of smoke behind me and this smoke rises for kilometers. if you come closer, you can see this huge cloud in the sky. according to local authorities, the fire was localized and there were no casualties or damaged in the surrounding area. i went near the fuel depot and indeed the windows are intact. people are calmly walking and the streets are even being routinely clean about 60 firefighters are reportedly fighting the please. and the governor of us have asked to pause on the scene. the latest videos that he has published on a social media resource has showed the changing situation. firefighters were able to extinguish some of the fires with powerful jets of foam and water. there is no panic in the city, and there are no cues at gas stations. sebastopol lives in ordinary life. and i want to turn attention to done boss where rocket and artillery strikes by the
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ukrainian army have killed 10 civilians over the past 2 days, including a child also libby 18 others wounded in that done yet. republic. that's according to local authorities who added that other civilian areas in the local capital, the city of done yet. where shall several times i key of forces. several civilian buildings were heavily damaged to including a hospital and apartment buildings are correspondent, rum on cost read reports from the area. ukrainian nationalist used a multiple launcher rocket systems against civilian population in the city of until a more of car. not far away from the nest. as the result, one person was killed and 2 people were heavily wounded. doctors are now fighting for their lives in the hospital. oh girl, of course. yeah, an uber yell at a film before i was never afraid of any shelling. i didn't even understand what was going on. all of
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a sudden our apartment just filled with smoke. my husband immediately understood. we just heard a loud sound coming closer and closer and then there was just a bang. the smoke was everywhere. all the glass from the windows and our balcony blew in. it was a big shock. having service only much. hello, sweetser, you go, luke, who i had rockets, fly, and not far away, less than just by the sullens. i understood they were getting closer. he could hear the crackle of rockets and then they were just too loud benz. i'm not sure, but i think they were to nealon vicki them, stevens, each of them voided so crane. ukraine is fighting against civilians. that's all i can say. i never thought that this would happen here is just awful people at dying for nothing region trouble. if you look, you can see the rocket hit this building right here. it came right through the roof . lucky there were no casualties, but many other people have died already. i came here as a volunteer. i've been here for a month now. you can see and hear their rockets. sometimes they even use high mas
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rockets as well that they don't stop. what can i say? these are not people who are even worse than fascists. morningish without another day if they don't think versus people. so that's why the shoot us civilians. the also shoot at our buildings and services which are necessary for normal life. here . the shelter school, a young boy just 21 years old, was killed. he only just graduated and wanted to start. his life civilians are the ones being killed. here, 2 apartment buildings were partially damaged and several private houses were completely destroyed by ukrainian artillery. shelling a woman was killed right here, and another woman was so severely wounded. she has now been treated at a hospital. ukrainian nationalists continue shooting indiscriminately against civilian population here in the next people's republic. yeah, now let's just say gila, i was sitting outside,
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then i came back to the house. my daughter in law was next to me just as i said down, you can hear a bank at 1st, the sound seemed to be coming from far away, but then it was closer and closer. after that it just exploded. i thought it was nothing because it can hear explosions all the time. but then i looked at my daughter in law lying, all body, who had seemed badly wounded. nothing good happens to us here. until a monica is just one of many villages here in the nest republic that comes under constant ukrainian artillery shelling civilians here are constantly suffering. as you can see, this house has been completely destroyed. the woman that i just spoke with cannot stop her crying. she's 89 years old and, and doesn't really understand what to do next. she's just, sir, one of many victims of ukrainian aggression here in the next republican vermont
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author of arte. ah, the conflict in su, done. there is no into its 3rd week with the consequences affecting increasing numbers of the countries. people that's many tried to survive without food or water, electricity, and really are seeking away just to escape of caution. parts of the following venue are disturbing. let's go through this scenes of absolute wreckage in the streets of the capital. these blurred images are of burned bodies, victims of the clashes and countries health ministry says nearly 500 people have been killed with thousands more wounded in the fighting. while up to 50000 citizens have been forced to leave their homeland according to the united nations. also reports of widespread looting, including at hospitals with one clinic built by the doctors, will i borders, charity ransacked in the countries west. a local correspondent expands not on how the crisis is impacting the places people seek care. just one
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hour after announcing the 5th cease fire agreement and so done lashes to police in several areas in hospital. this is denise or forrest was it all knew that little sy, on bombing military sides of the rubbish support for assess who was heavy weapons on unto aircraft guns. that's of any use minister of health is city that are assessed to control of hot hospital after explaining the working stuff on pro, to weapons on sort of doors into the hospital buildings. this is denise. dr. union also stated that the current war in sudan destroyed the infrastructure of friendly hospitals and health facilities. the union sent on urgent appeal, who also that he's approved to financially support the health institutions in order to continue providing medical services before the health sector for love is completely, the intense flushes are not only in hospital. so denise is also being spelled in a junior wistar for cent. what's happening in the juna begun as a clash between the robert support for assist on the army, but quickly turned into
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a violent try going conflict. in the absence of the local police and other security departments living dozens of dead and wounded people who medical authorities have not been able to actually account. do you think then security situation on the continuation of attacks on civilians? these flashes included several parts of janina forcing their residents to leave their homes while the seat is sugar or burn to the ground. a junior teaching cost all markets governmental on health buildings, headquarters of international organizations, and even banks who are not looted a state of chaos on luck of security. left citizens completely terrified as it was or wasn't already enough with all the put it's got ons warplanes, c beautiful crosses and fries of a collapse of the health system. but also people who done find themselves stuck in the middle of a tribal conflicts. now, resulting in more depth on injuries in an o. d won't be concrete. the law same, sued on hostile well, let's just demonstrate how things are falling. this is the coastal city of port
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sudan, a busy port sudan. people from multiple countries have gathered, hoping to leave su, done by sea citizens from india, syria, uganda, uncharged are among those most represented as other countries have vacuum. their national hundreds of people from india now were really arrived in new delhi. they said the situation in sudan is getting worse, but must have flashes threatening the lives of ordinary citizens. many areas have no running water for electricity. there were among the 10s of thousands of foreigners seeking to get out of the ne african nation by any means following another week of conflict. indeed, refugees helping, arriving at the border with neighboring shod to the west and a bid to escape the violence in their homeland people hopping using any available transport to get with their personal belongings. well, setting up mc ship shelters as they went to get process with them. you know,
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we left some of our luggage in the way because we can't bring it all and we can't go back because the security situation is serious. those who have the means red buddies to carry their luggage, but those who don't, it's over. he can only save his life. as you can see, it is starting to rain, but we have no covers to protect ourselves and our belongings from the rain. in addition, we have no water or food at this time. we are the clashes are still going on there . even last night we heard that the rapids support forces are on their way to our villages, and the whole village is pleased to hear the rainy season is approaching and we don't know when the situation will improve. so we can return to cultivate our fields. here in chad, we have no space to cultivate. we don't know what to do. north korea has won the us on site korea against escalating nuclear tensions in the region. it comes in response to the unfeeling of the so name washington declaration, which lays out of the agenda to deter young young, including a nearby visit of a nuclear arms submarine for the 1st time, and more than 4 decades. young young say the move has cemented its resolve to
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prepare its own defences. joe biden with excessive self confidence, showed irresponsible courage without any calculation. this incident, which reaffirmed the hostile nature of their rulers and bellicose maniacs of washington and sol towards our state, gave us a clear answer. what should we do in the future? what should we consistently prepare for? the more madly the enemies cling to nuclear military exercises and the transfer of nuclear strategic weapons to the korean peninsula, the more our will of our republics right to self defense increases. well, those are marks came in response to the saw korean president, 6 day trip to the u. s. the 1st time in a dozen years, a leader from sole has visit us, secretary of defense ortiz. donal quarter has been looking into the visiting leaders trip. i'm just what does emerge from let's make us nukes, look more threatening and bring over
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a nuclear submarine while you're at it. the united states will further enhanced the regular visibility of strategic assets to the green peninsula, as evidenced by the upcoming visit of u. s. nuclear ballistic missile submarine to the republic of korea all the while washington says pyongyang, as acting like it runs a nuclear rogue state. 2 presidents announced the establishment of a new nuclear consultative group to manage the threat to the non proliferation regime posed by the democratic people's republic of korea. i guess the nuclear non proliferation treaty, which the dpr k joined back in 1985, so the u. s. would stop threatening pyongyang with nuclear annihilation from south korea. lo and behold, the us never did stop pointing its nukes at the north, leaving it with only one option to leave the treaty and build its own nuclear weapons for deterrence. and just for daring to assert itself as a sovereign nation, the dpr k earned its place and america's axis of evil, north korea, as
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a regime arming with missiles and weapons of mass destruction. while starving as citizens states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil arming to threaten the peace of the world, it must have taken some serious mental gymnastics for the us to come up with this narrative about north korea. but it's not the 1st time america's actually accused others of doing exactly what washington's done to them. take russia, a country that the u. s. has accused of launching a full assault on media freedom. let's be with the kremlin is engaged in a full assault on media, freedom, access information, and in truth, no mention of the west. sweeping ban of our tea and spoon nick or the fate of wiki leaks whistleblower julian, sancha, mister connell says the high tech terrorist other say this is akin to the pentagon papers where you can, i would argue that is closer to me in the high tech terrors this guy's a traitor, a treasonous, and, and he is broken. every law the united states,
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the guy ought to be. so i'm not for the death penalty. so if i'm not for the defend going, want to do it illegally. shoot the son of a, after closing people's eyes and covering their ears, it's easy to sell the western media as the freest in the world threatening countries with nuclear weapons repressing journalists, you don't like. and all the while pointing the finger at every one else. political projection at its finest was seeing in the region, the more ty, one brings other nations into ensuring its security, the less likely it will have a confrontation with china. that is how u. s. former national security adviser, john bolton sees the island territory, can avoid a conflict with the mainland. the more taiwan is embedded with other countries in collective security, collective defense efforts. so lower the likelihood that china will take military action. and this should be a top priority. both in ty,
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pay and in washington with as many efforts as are now expanded on strengthening the partnership. we all need to do more. the best way to preserve peace is through strength. let's get more at all this with political risk analysts with a focus on asia. ross fine go ross. good to see you. you know, the rhetoric has been ramping up in, in recent months. there has been this at really constant aggression between china and the u. s. a now enter stage, john bolton, suggesting taiwan needs to expand it. so name, security partnership and ostensibly to deter china from taking any action against pay. does that seem like the like the results of, of what he appears to want? it's a really interesting question because actually i'm speaking from the firewall on
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taiwan has been trying to do what former national security adviser both suggested. so there been many, for example, members of parliament from your european countries visiting taiwan, nato military officers have visited taiwan. so taiwan is trying to do that, but i think the key challenge which may have been left a bit on, addressed in bolton's remarks, is, what are those other countries willing to do or taiwan. and that's frankly, it's just an unknown for me, the key take away from what i said is peace through strength of taiwan is serious about in taiwan has to prepare on its own. and of course, with its key part or the united states, it would be a little risky, in my opinion, for taiwan to rely on countries that are much further away from this region. you mentioned that there are peace through strength. several countries could be forgiven for translating about their own way. thinking of chemist on iraq when it
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comes to that particular u. s. strategy to name, but a couple. what do you see as being response? if, if the u. s. gets more involved with type pay about a currently as that's actually an ongoing debate here in taiwan because predicts well went out to those examples you mentioned such as afghanistan and china, of course in trying to stay media will also make that point as well. and to say you're the road you're going down is not the right road. why don't you look to catch up relations with china? but the reality is that's not what the voters here in taiwan have wanted in recent election. there's another election next january, but it still brings us back to the same point actually, which is if taiwan wants to defend itself in a firewall, is serious about doing it. then the 1st step is for taiwan itself. to take, to take that step at the risk of sounding a bit circular. so i o, i often say that taiwan needs to prepare accordingly. and that's for taiwan itself
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to step up and not necessarily rely on countries again, much further away, even if the relationship with the united states and the security rel is fairly strong off. ross, i suggest that would be a full time job for some of us trying to translate and political statements militarized ones in particular, that comment of quote, more collective security efforts and a penny for your thoughts translate thought for us. what does that mean? i'm picking them for the people observing that, trying to work out what it means in the region. well, if we go from the sort of a page to the more kind of stringent actions or options that are available, one would just be simply interaction. so. busy again, i mentioned nieto officers have visited taiwan, allowing taiwan military officers to visit other countries, which, frankly,
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other than the united states has been a fairly restricted practice. there could be weapon sales from other countries to taiwan, basically only be united states is willing to sell weapon systems to taiwan with a periodic minor exceptions. but generally speaking, there's only one weapon supplier. there's been examples of european navies sending their ships through the taiwan freight, and that's something that the e u foreign horn. if they're steve jo, super l. recently a publicly wrote a commentary saying that more european navy should do that. and then there's even more formal defense arrangements with taiwan. again, i would be very skeptical of some of those things actually come into fruition, which brings time on back to doing what's necessary itself. and really, whether it's one main part or the united states or not really thinking that j european countries are going to really do something for taiwan to fans. ross good to see you and thank you for your time today. ross, find goal asia political risk analysts live on the program. with some say,
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john bolton's hawkish comments about trip we've been speaking about is tied to his 2020 for presidential ambitions. i'll see the find china of the biggest current threat for the u. s. table to important to define what the chinese threat is and for the united states, i think the threat in the 21st century is existential. as it is to tie winds independence and has been for some time, we don't need to guess about this threat. beijing articulates it almost every day. aimed at taiwan. yes, so a lot of military rhetoric there by john bolton and others on. what does that lead to it? let's take a look here because americans with chinese ancestry feel threatened right now in the u. s. a. 12 month research study has found that nearly 3 quarters of chinese americans have experienced they say racial discrimination. that does more than half
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often fear for their safety and potential hate crimes. while 20 percent of respondents have been harassed multiple times. who's of the silk on steel prod, cast carl jacques say the deterioration of ties between the u. s. on china. only odds to that problem. i mean, face that united they have been bear racist society. so it's common to experience the racial discrimination just as i the i by growing up in us for 30 years. you know, i, myself, i've experienced discrimination. that's not the new human physical attack on the chinese american as been prevalent when one of the 1st wave immigrants to us there were, there were a number of anti chinese riot happen in chicago. francisco denver there, so very sharp rise. and t h and bob moore and key chinese
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sentiment, united phase right now with the sharp carry ration of us china eyes, especially with us. much of that us ruling you lead at this point, are lining up to have kind of like the china and when they make china the enemy, guess what? the chinese americans we where is the face of the entity? we are visible minorities. we cannot, by the area that we, that we have our faith that makes us argue rushes foreign minister has said the efforts of western powers to make everyone live under their rules based order is not succeeding. to move towards a balance, multi polar world is quote, irreversible the stone, this is jacqueline newton understood. it seems natural that the efforts of washington in its allies to turn back the course of history to force the
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international community to live according to the invented rules based order or failing the states of the world majority in which about 85 percent of the world's population lives do not want to pull chestnuts out of the fire for the former colonial powers. today everyone needs to recognize the reverse ability of the formation of a more just multi polar system of world order. it is in the common interest to make sure that the multi polar architecture is based not on a balance of fear, but on a balance of interests. on generally recognized norms of international law in, on a mutually respectful dialogue of various civilizations, religions and cultures. well as serial efforts as the west to respect different culture, different civilizations, africa has be marking the 30th anniversary of the abu jeff proclamation damp declaration. colds upon the international community. to quote, recognize that there is a unique and unprecedented moral debt owed to the african people after centuries of
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colonial exploitation. it really served as a cornerstone for countries to come together and bologna, future, rti, africa corresponding corolla. tante can tell us more. april 29th. 1993, a watershed moment for the african continent. it was at the abortion countries that a call was 1st made for the proclamation of reparations for africa. following centuries of the slave trade and colonialism. this declaration not only made a case for the reparations to be paid to africans faith. it was also a rallying call for the continent as a whole, to work together. if we are going to rise as a continent and leap frog into the 4th industrial revolution powered by judea zation, then we must rise through technology. we must rush together and we must rice, now. the abode. your proclamation argues that during centuries of unprecedented
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crime and inhumanity of the slave trade, as well as the sanctuary of colonial exploitation, of african people and faith. the development gap between africa and the rest of the world grew wide. all the way, the pillaging and theft of minerals and jewels from african countries of faith went into overdrive. the result of all these de lease is that africa has been left behind. we have been left behind in agricultural production in standards of education, in tourism, in mining, in health insecurity in infrastructure development in trade in many other sectors. w. a document took aim at western nations, the like france and belgium, beneficiaries of centuries of slave trade,
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labor as well as colonial exploitation and impunity by the west. they can keep what they looted. 5, leave us alone to lead to can shape our own destiny. can work with our friends. those are treated equally. those are treat us as human being who stood by us during trying times when will fighting colonialism. those extended to helping and gave us show that gave us report to give us training cables polish. it allow us it to go on with our live it with whoever we choose to. i think that is the best thing this being around gets gets, let's get apologies that isn't that i think for me the most. and it's more sentimental than, than really for me. the real thing is, let the west leave us alone. we are thankful that multiple a world is manifesting itself right in front of us. and we need to give us the
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space to be able to do that, which we think it's in our best interests without any until pleasure. and we see expanding and therefore providing a counter which is to the hedge one of the with which gives as africa can african fees. busy it to be who we are, is africans and to decide on our own dis, i've got has made great strides since then. but the biggest milestone was yet to come. in 2018, 43 parties any live in signatories agreed to the formation of the african continent . toll free trade area. it is the largest trading area by members fades only 2nd to the world trade organization. the continent, both some 1300000000 people, and the world bank anticipated that by the year 2055,
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the income that will be able to be derived from the africa continental free trade area could be as much as $450000000000.00. each year that would be able to lift tens of millions of africans out of poverty. and it seems the story africa rising, married more substance than in does upticks got a bill is that for the enjoyment but the get some news just coming into us on the program. rushes ambassador to poland said authorities in warsaw have violated international law. after forcing their way into a school building on embassy premises by breaking the door don't 0. these are legal actions. this is an invasion of the territory of a diplomatic facility,
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this call of the embassies parts of all diplomatic mission. thus, this is definitely a violation of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations, but will protest against this polish authorities had previously issued in order to confiscate the building thing was being used by the russian embassy without proper permission representatives of the war sol mirrors, office, a company by the police, the right of the school building early. busy on saturday, enforced their way in after individuals there refused to open the door. the authorities then cordoned off the seal the entrance to change. the school staff of the russian embassy were given until this evening to vacate the building, rushing diplomat, andrea, or dash, who arrived of the building reiterated the moon was quote, a flagrant violation of the 1961 vienna convention.


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