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tv   Africa Now  RT  April 25, 2023 3:30am-3:59am EDT

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portugal had played the main role in this atrocious business. then great britain, france and the netherlands took the leadership for the span of 400 years of legal and illegal slave trade. about 17000000 people were forcefully shipped across the atlantic. not including those who died on the way due to unbearable living conditions. modern historians estimate that for each slave ship to america, there were 5 who died while captured during transportation, and cruel obliteration of rebellion. this ruthless people tre, practice by the leading european countries, took away tens of millions of african lives. the organisation of united nations classifies that trans atlantic slave trade as one of the gravest human rights abuses in the history of humanity. this is the biggest act of deportation of
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people ever seen by mankind. a look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we are such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence at the point, obviously is to place trust rather than a very job with artificial intelligence. real summoning with obama protective foam existence with
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never, never. and never gave sally been that video to love like carrying that the are pressure off one by another. and thought they ended up being the son of the wireless. a fun crawling love effect on. so peoria a human, i see let's put it on brain broad just of the soviet union and of course play the key role in terms of the sustaining the liberation forces of south africa. the truth though, is that without the support at the time, we would have really struggled quite a bit there. assisted to minister don't fight us in this country. education, i need meaning patty li,
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katara. and can you imagine the whole continent of friends of this wonderful hello and welcome to this week's african, now so from constitutional hill in johannesburg, south africa. but coming to you in the same week that this country is celebrating the anniversary of its 1st poster part 8 elections that resulted in nelson when he clocked mandela, who once of time in this prison, being elected as south africa was 1st black president. it was monday la, who said that the sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement. let freedom rain that south africa is not the only african countries celebrating its freedom. this month. cynical zimbabwe and others also commemorating the occasion and all countries that achieved their independence with
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the help of the soviet union. april is freedom month across africa. as in this month, we celebrate the 65th anniversary of africa, freedom day, or african liberation day, in which 8th independent african nations came together in ac. regarding the 5 years later, more than 2 thirds of the continent was independent from mostly imperial european states. and now, 50 african countries came together in the european capital to form would later become the african union. our correspondent in this other tells us more these meeting the organization of african you need to was pounded. we the initial end to in cottage, the column ization off, i'm going out mozambique, south africa and how they're doing the organization place to support the work. that's it. but the freedom fighters and remove military access to colonial nation.
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of course, countries to contribute many in many directions for their their morgan, for the african. why is it they did it there? one of the i do, i do i victory is another rewarded for another countries. when they see the african is turned in with others out of countries invasion, your guys more than far as the african countries are so many leaders are emerging from africa as a more than and l u l u is in each of yeah. and even now our political leaders or so you're more than for other african counters they can learn from ethiopia, to be dependent and to use in the genius knowledge, natural power. but still now we are not using our powers, our, a graphical,
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our natural powers, but it will be more dense monies calling us out of guild that the physical control of european power ended in the ninety's. he guessed, is after independence or south africa. the end of colonization was announced that, but the wisdom, imperialism not yet ended and continues in another form. now, the system is established to have the call only out of master, but the colonized so african countries to secure for independence. they should work on re framing the system that benefits on besought melissa out of t a b sub. but since the founding of the african union have african countries thrown off the yoke of waste and colonialism. is there a lot to celebrate or a long journey still to embark upon? human rights lawyer, people men to less ways in on the question. advocates superman to la. thank you so much for joining us here on africa. now. this week we're celebrating africa freedom
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months, but of course as many questions related to that, if the founding fathers had to assess the progress that has been made in those decades, do you think they would be satisfied with the way the continent has moved forward? it has been difficult for the continent because it appears that the freedom came with a high price and that price was too sick. suffice was to reach consensus with the former colonial masters. and also us to look at was freedom free and also us independence of freedom. so i think they founding fathers or do what about the economic and cultural freedoms because political freedom was attain in the sixty's . but in at the office in should i think they will have set how 5 we moved on. you could only can cause our freedoms. and how would you answer that question? how far have we moved in terms of cultural and economic freedom with not moved a child? we are still limping. where there are challenges come from an academic space coming
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from illegal and human rights space. i've seen that a many freedoms have been trampled as i've picked up that culturally, we are still westernized, a european as opposed to, you know, so you find out because the issue is to allow all cultures to be, to, to be harmonized or to live in the same space, but for the continent to do an audit. it's also interesting when we talk of been to years of the africa peer review, not a governance for us to also manage our freedom. it's, it says delivered issues. you can't really blame the colonial powers. i mean, we're talking about countries that have been independent for decades here. so why was that shift not made, you know issue, but also with media. you couldn't connect the debate of that dollar. no economy can men of him conscious when not independent. hence, you find that the independence into freedom,
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you still have to use the former continental masters currency. are you oh, that is still a french colonial impact under. there is still a french language that still exists in our even traveling documents. look at your own sort of campus, but that a public to suit. so it shows you that we are not yet fully the easy monies our movements. so the issue of blame, yours is not to blame for the sake of shifting bay game is to say, asserted that the colonel must us have done us in continent friday this week at our invest, we had a session, we were talking about a car that you mama got us and issue that came was when kathy asked the end of operations for africa. i don't know where they knew that figure how much he said i was not mean african countries. they don't talk up what he was. it will do at this point out to say we a friend, 7 points of inclusion for reparation for what has happened. so you can see,
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pull out the issue of blaming the colonial masters and the west comes from the issue of seeing a, cept and acknowledge what you have done. do you think that's realistic? you really think african countries are going to get operations from the former colonial masters. it has been difficult to remember where the water conference against viruses in, in south africa in 2001 at defects in africa. they collect, mem was the collect, the history of books about africa. so one can look at how russia is also passionate about learning about africa. and it's also important about africans to learn about russia. and if we look at the relationship today between russian african countries, what can russia do to help liberate africa even further? i think one of the key limited things aspect that, that i show must go into it must be cultural, diplomas, and culture out of illusion. you know, the and, and equally, we could have lucian and dust read the issues of trade et, alicia's empowerment in cation and remember that african students in ford,
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when i was there, what have picked up, there was some students who were studying in russia and they were not studying m law, you could m is their way into agriculture their way into energy sector. so you can see that what russia must bring in the for hell is to train that. there's a hell region empower them and move out. simple enough for the, for me is to not to stay long, you know, is to empower and also share it knowledge experiences. and that's how you can put the narrative of the image. often i shop in cobalt when it is 29 years since south africans from all walks of life and ages, queued for hours in the hot sun. determined not to miss this country's 1st non racial election and like many other african countries, south africa,
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one is independence with the assistance of the soviet union. our correspondent in south africa, looks back at that historic occasion. and the role the u. s. s. are played in it, i'm coming to you straight from so where to where into hannah's vic behind me is defeat m square, also known as the open, a museum, and it's dedicated to was tested hulu, one of africa struggle heroes. this place tells the story off the drafting of the food and charter in 1955. it also reminds us that assistance that to be solved, the union provided to the people's liberation army of namibia and the african national congress is military wing condo with easy was essential in helping them fight against the party. the government. no one has forgotten that help least of all those who were involved. well, i joined the african national congress and the south african communist party as a student, 20 year old of so at the time of shuffle,
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1960 the massacre. there was no possibility of changing the supposed system with revolutionary violence without an armed struggle. so quite a number of us were sent out of the country and i was sent with a 150 other young people to the soviet union. we went, dave via the 10s, and now we had to leave the country. secretly. we arrived in the soviet union in moscow, landed there at the beginning of 1964. and then we trained at a beautiful city on the chore near morris, the black sea, odessa just, how much of a role do you think the soviet union played with all the other liberation? he wrote, the soviet june down of course, played
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a key role in terms of assisting the liberation forces of south africa, usually africa. but we went the only recipients, the colonial system collapsed. the british colonies, the french, the portuguese is bell germ dutch, all the colonies from asia to latin america and in africa, the people rose up demanding the freedom that had been spoken about during the 2nd world war. in other words, you're saying that if it wasn't for the soviet union would, would not have seen this liberation coming about. it would have taken far longer with far greater sacrifice than occurred because of the former colonial countries. and they were colonial countries, still after the war, the strike strove to cling onto the colonial positions. so the people live africa.
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and so on, india, china and they, they were pressing for freedom. and the way the se union was able to give support to vietnamese struggle, for instance, that made the huge difference. what do you make of rushes relations with the african continent? it's been very interesting. you know that the e, u m. a nato countries and the u. s a made a huge error in trying to force sanctions to be adopted against russia, by africa, demonstrations against the south african government, strict apartheid policies flare and shocking violence that sharpsville and industrial township, thousands gather outside of police, nation in protest against new laws requiring every african to carry a pass at all times. 30 years on her own,
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the casseroles and my voice on the man among those liberation heroes was fight to bring freedom and equality to the tip of africa with the help of the soviet comrades will never be forgotten. thank you so much for it, handed him of with so maybe if you can just start by telling us how you joined the on struggle and how you ended up in the soviet union. i. i left all over again. 1963 from fort hair university. i hardly finished anything there. this was a time of extremely political activity. i think where we were in france's style. when the news came, that the leadership of the african national congress had been under ground, had been arrested in livonia. it was june 11th 1963. 0, it was transfers. we flew out of france's town. no,
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to doris lamb. and before long will on our flight to moscow to the round winter there. i remember seeing these people with the greater ami jackets and so on. i so we went for highly specialized training in guerrilla warfare, who were trained by her soviet officers were participated in the 2nd world war. and just how much of a role it did to the soviet union place in the liberation of many african countries, the soviet union provided a lot of things financial. i didn't know quite about that, but they certainly provided material support, as well as their training as i've been describing. africa always helped us, but they have very limited resources on. but they made their geographical
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space available to us and another diplomatic means of support. so the relationship with russia now, it is not our style and cannot be, i mean, they were always the nucleus of the soviet union. that's where the capital ease are. but the i'm saying that the struggle changed. we no longer needed the kind of support that's the soviet union had given us, but we retained very good relations with them. let's talk about freedom. what do you make of feed um, do you think it's something that we can so celebrates today? oh, absolutely, absolutely. the question does not married if asking m. the 27th of april is the most important day to on the
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calendar. on this all african calendar is no doubt about to have a huge difference between what happened before $994.00 and what's happening. we have freedom during africa, feet a week or 2 days. generation pays whole major to the sacrifices and the struggles that made our freedom and democracy possible move. we'll cooney our t to harness back the why did the soviet union assist african liberation movements? i met with the russian and basset to south africa who presented the view from moscow. mister investor, to thank you so much for joining us here on africa now. this month is freedom months. why was the soviet union even interested in being involved in africa? first of all, i should mention that we are interested in african friends. ah, russia not to speak about. soviet union has never colonized any of the people's
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particular in africa. and we have always treated africans, has our friends with potential friends made it. well. can you imagine the whole continent of friends and this is wonderful. why did the southern genie and cheese tourist liberation movements? russian societies, valley driven society. and in our hearts and our minds of this notion of spite of the view which is much broader, one of them is translated into english, my justice, or a lawfulness or right this, unless it includes many moral aspects in particular. and we feel that if there is a just cause, if we can help assist some people who are oppressed, then we should do it. how did it assist in what?
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as far as i know, it was done in many different ways now are to my mind of the aspect of supplying arms. and the training in military skills of training fighters is over emphasized. one of the, from the mental principles of socialist society was know, which is strength. and i think that most importantly, the most significant part of these systems was training of african leaders training of leaders of the liberation woman's. in the different social sciences in south africa did your assistance to the african national congress, the a and c a me in a to, in any way from the african community or not on the russian side. not on the russian side. but i know i can feel it to the leaving here of that of there is some,
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are the initial from the border community in the pre soviet times, russian, empire, russian, people helped war in particular in their war against the british empire and the $9219.00 oh $2.00. there was a requests from president polk gruder to emperor nicholas the 2nd tool interfering this war on the boresight. formal, the request was formally declined. the tsar made it clear that he would not oppose some volunteers participating in that for him. his family dice with the king george on the 5th where more important and he so the declines of this request to enter the war formerly. but about
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$270.00 russian le tears foot in them the board cranks. and there was a hospital that was finance completely by the russian imperial court, fully equipped, stuffed, which operated, i think in newcastle. and there was another one that was financed, 5050, with another ones. and tell them there was this elite school for girls, stablished in wound fontaine for a border or from girls. and it was financed initially and like the 1917 and by the russian federal court. so many frustrations of the sympathy of russians was born or where abundance of a sympathy was, was very strong in the, in the russian public opinion in favor of wars because they were oppressed.
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so in, so many times, we felt above the scene with respect to the african population. it was unjust. it wasn't a spot of the view. and this is why many people are felt that we should interfere and that we were doing the right thing. in 1918 zimbabwe gained its independence from the united kingdom are correspondent there keith baptist, attended the celebrations, despite the feeling among many that western oppression continues until today. zen barbara celebrated is for the fed independence from its former colonial masters retain. we are in hardy, a place that played a vital role in the liberation striker. zimbabwe obtained its independence on the 18th of april, 1981. our independence is above, i think, is the good side of the bedside. our independence obviously came with the benefits
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that we all see. our people are free to do whatever they want compared to the freedoms that the liberation heroes fought for. but there's also some things that we cannot overlook. for instance, high unemployment rate is a bob way. ah, leslie, among young people, those are things that we will wanted will they loved the independence to come with also prosperity, because independence without prosperity, without employment in other supporting aspects, tweet the big compromise. independence means the freedom by us, like people to take ownership of our country, of our resources, but sadly 43 years after independence. we only monday to take the power, but we have not been able to change the systems. we now need to work collectively, as in bob, went to ensure that we moved up on the euro centric system that you're still using
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to date to come up with our own afrocentric system that actually works for us. because the system that we adopted from the smith a probably was abruptly, that is why sometimes the very same europeans i mostly and was told to us for special occasions where people of zimbabwe and most importantly the young generation. those or did not have an experience of deliberation estoppel. it's a very, very positive reflection. because on this particular day we are looking at the road that has been several thus far. the road it was independent was bomb b. it was not a walk along a garden path, but we're happy in for 3 years. we continue to be happy with every step of the by the independence. of course, most importantly, under the 2nd republican president, amazon, i got what we have been able to do to the world and more to particular the, to close above the true meaning of independence in when is with the prosperity in is in ownership portal,
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ownership of what it was for the ownership of orland ownership. our so what happens as to the end of this week? so we hope you enjoyed it. next week we'll see the inauguration of king charles to the british throne. we will again, travel the african continent for reaction from former british colonies. as always, it's a pleasure to receive your feedback. do stay in touch until then for myself in the team. good bye. ah the ah ah ah ah ah
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ah ah, with ah, with moscow called for a complete restructuring of the united nations security council. the russian foreign minister says it's the only way to overcome a deep systemic prices in the organization school. it is necessary to
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accelerate the reform of the security council by increasing the representation of asian african and latin american countries in foreign countries are evacuating hundreds of their nationals as violence. and through dan continues. urgent solutions to problems directly on the african continent must be found quickly to tackle migration with hungarian, foreign minister, blaming you policies for the prices policy.


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