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tv   Africa Now  RT  April 18, 2023 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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so the white season, and since it's what this guy received, 25 credits in the russian army, which is why he got 25 years, but saw the street women, the ambassadors, canadian ambassador, american ambassador, and the british ambassador weren't happy with this conviction in london. russia's ambassador was summoned for sort of telling off, and now today here in moscow we had the 3 women summoned where they were all put in their place really, and told them that such statements are outrageous and unacceptable, especially considering their diplomatic status. so it's all about foreign countries meddling in rosters, internal affairs, and mosque almost to cnn, to this area. as always, great, catching out with you in it is so important to get all this information out. thanks a lot for joining me here today. so the answer all their wraps up this news, our african now is our program next tuesday, that will be back at the top of the hour with more international news.
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ah ah, ah ah, with
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ah. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is on a very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time time to sit down and talk with
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a no, not again guys. how are we going to get this weeks african now so to air, welcome to this week, african now show in which we investigate why africa has most developed economy relying on color on its neighbors. south africa, a country rich in resources and technology increasingly finds itself in the dark.
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and the biggest energy crisis is a safe food. where are you? hi, paula. i'm yeah, and these are 2 hattiesburg head offices. i do have with me a few of our colleagues, and unfortunately we just had a power outage. but lucky for us we do have a generator that should be kicking in very soon. the very unfortunate part about all of this is that only 2 percent off of africans have generators of the risks of the country continues to stay in the darkness with no lights, no power, no war during the, the load shading days. and because we do have a generator in the company, it's just taking in very soon they have it, there goes the power for us. that's a very fortunate part for the rest of the country. these are the nice streets of to hundreds, but we're not only is the power crisis, but also an increase in crime making the city the world's crime capital, south africa, deteriorating national electricity grid, is come,
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can no longer accommodate the demand of a population of 60000000 people last year was the worst on record with 205 days of voting. blackouts as aging coal fired power plants broke down. and s. com struggle to find the money to buy diesel for emergency generators that were called look, set to be beaten. as every day this year, they have been all teachers are correspondent, new valiant, and coon gay gives an overview of how south africans are at they. what's offered is if a worsening power prices, in which homes and businesses been more than 10, i was without electricity is starting to struggle africa. the most developed economy no setting is going is too bad cause fasting. we are well lost our profit then our fries are not working. when electricity is gone, like we can do anything,
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sometimes we close early, then have to wait for electricity, then we have to come in open and close 9 o'clock. so, so is pick is the, it like to my timing, like yagi, lossing, of a profit. and especially the generator is ian, you can see every time, maybe 2 or 3 times have you on generator. we're buying petro like every day, 500600 and death of a profit. the streets of johannesburg have gotten quite intense and become more difficult to navigate on a daily basis. as a result of these traffic lights that are not working as eyes, but the guy with the traffic lights are not working are really a problems. they also feeding into the crime. he, in this country road, we get robbed of our positions a deal, and we get to work and other places linda, very late. you find yourself having to leave 2 hours before august just to get to
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your place. you become defeated because it says something you can solve within a minute, it will something you can solve within a week. we don't know how long is this situation going to last us? how much can our economy take out of this situation is really affected as to a great extent so that we, you know, we, we, we, we are left with options of for now, look at other avenues and stuff. so yeah, it really did affect us to a great extent. was it okay, are we did look at a new hiring generators and opting for things like, you know, maybe rescheduled booking this stuff or perhaps take it to another will show for something that really did affect our business flow. we have a will show, but we can even in a week. yeah. because of for you know, no shooting and stuff. so yeah, i'm actually thinking of closing the down the windshield is not african energy prices has gotten so bad that it's now become
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a major crisis that needs to be solved as soon as possible. and unless the major plans are put in place. analysts then experts say the next 5 years could become a disaster for r t r, no low, we couldn't get into highness. there. this is cost in south africa. $61000000.00 us dollars a day. this year it's already amounted to $13000000000.00 to date. and surprisingly, the south african phrase of the year is load shedding, which describes the never ending rolling blackouts. just like people in other parts of the world, check the weather. south africans check their phones to see the eskimo scheduled blackouts. so they can plan winter bath, went to cook and went to church. they phones. there is no reason whatsoever for south africa to continue to endure the economically catastrophic and financial arena's power cuts, otherwise known or referred to as load city. was this power cause not only are they
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unwarranted, but they are actually avoidable, but we needed to have taken steps if you years ago. for example, south africa got over $47000.00 megawatts of install capacity, which is based on fossil fuel, which is cold. no cold is to south africa, what oil is to the saudis, or what guess an oil is to the russians. we therefore should treat it in the same air way. and unless we can really harness to the full potential, our cold resources, i can see how we're going to get out of this if, if anything, we are risking the imminent total collapse of the electricity grid with result of the rolling play that we are enduring. because the generation system as well as the grid, we're not designed for exactly the situation that we find ourselves in. but there's no ending fight in short order of time purely because the government, there's
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a lot of ineptitude. there's a lot of lethargy, not really knowing what to do next. and every day that they delayed to take the correct decisions. it just means that the situation is getting more and more dire. we are getting into the winter months and the total collapse of the grid fate is immune. the already is that why can explore south africa is a country with much less infrastructure, but no power disruptions. i visited northern most and beak, which is home to one of the biggest hydro electric schemes in africa. one come to what locals called the pride of moses beek. you have here. africa was a 4th largest man made dead, and it is known as the whole at vasa, hydro electric plan, go home bus, and one of the local most be can languages means finished the job. probably a leading to the fact that the project began in the 1960 by the portuguese and took
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some 15 years to complete. it includes a variety of electrical infrastructures that both generate, produce, transmit and commercialized. now, you see a natural gorge. so you have the mbc river coming down from this direction and on either side you have these parallel slopes that come down into a kind of the shape over there are these police gates. and once those are opened, the water floods through turning the turnstiles and the turbines, which in turn generates electricity. and that electricity is used here in most and be can also a neighboring countries, like some bob which and south africa not think about this. it generates 530 killer watts of electricity that travel, 1400 kilometers to the south african border where they picked up by the south.
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african electrical grid is calm and those parallel lines are known as zayus and pillar. that is an important source of electricity for south africa, and not only is the project used to provide electricity, but it's important for of income for the local community. a town has sprung up here on the banks of the whole robust sedan. so one of the important hydro electric plants in africa, in fact, the 2nd largest one that there is 2075 megawatt in capacity. second just to gauge if she did give me one day, amber, which is about 2100. i mean thing that the more them, because one is bigger, but yet when you look at the huge amount of potential and capacity that he has to power was a big deal is the price of muslim big bit is also the price of static because the largest and the static, we just need to get to do more with it was i'm be can be
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a game changer. but investments need to go in because what's going to happen is that there is a $100000000.00 plan project. those are proved by the asking one and bang on this same hydropower dam that can really power and really in cruise capacity and more and more fast. that's good, but that's not going to be enough. they have the power of bond and natural gas that has been shipped to europe to pi europe. by this time when we have an energy crisis right down in south african subject, we could use that gas right right there. to drive off some of the stopped up south san is doing tro, macola under romco, pod down. so you and your uncle pipelines. so you are going to see gas coming in. the sticks are problems right now, but also in the south africa, par pool that plays a big role with the massive advanced deposit at the city, natural gas. and also in hydro power, we just need to channel india investments,
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rightly because most i'm big on. fortunately does not have or the finances to be able to deal with the energy infrastructure issues that are needed to move this power into the house or in african region. expediently south africa is seen em. chronic electric strategies, especially no cheddar. oh, the biggest hydro electric steam in africa finds its home in south africa's northern neighbor zimbabwe. built in the early sixty's. it has in the past been a reliable supplier of electricity. that recently ran into problems with low water levels from trout. with alfred, southern african countries would be in more trouble than what they already are good . but jim was constructed in the 1950s, probably 1950 because it wasn't supposed to provide energy security for, but not didn't. so didn't audition. so it is bins um put in a position where by it was going to generate over 3000 kilowatt for what countries thereby alleviating in shortages in southern africa. several. so carry by the very
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important that i speak to when it comes to energy notation, because we are talking of hydra, which is with less carbon footprint. that co, i think if the russians rental come and invest in energy sickens and what they need to look at or, or your energy is a source, the energy you can tell that it's in bubble is what a little now was in terms ofa in sunlight provision there be i think the greatest um initiative for the come for for, for renewable image. i think that the district i of course um i'd res will in it. we rehabilitate them to carry by them because i it is one. it's a bit old. it knit rehabilitation and also it is shown that this inefficient can affect her energy provision for southern africa in somebody in particular. unfortunately, i think liquid investment and investment for years it since about with some of exposed not only to the challenges the hydro little one get my da cutty but. but also you look at the want to be 7 and 8 with didn't and may go from the expansion 7 and possibly the same amount from 8. we certainly don't think it's something which
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will solve the challenges. given the deputy or gap between you put up production in the demand of the industries and where they need to be good. when you look at the industry growth at the moment, also, we don't think the image or capacity of the moment in the next fact is, will be able to decide the demand, which we have in the 6. unfortunately, nearly 600000000 people in sub saharan africa without electricity, especially in rural areas where infrastructure doesn't exist. the worst is in south sudan where only 7 percent of people have access to electricity. by comparison to nicea is the best in providing 100 percent of its population with power belonging to thank you for joining us. i think it's only 15 that we start with the foundation and you just telling us what exactly is so broken within the african continent. unfortunately, when you look at africa, you can basically split it's sort of between north and the south. if you look at
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north africa, they more than adequately supplied with it. with electricity, you're looking at the transportation rate of above 95 percent. then you basically have the risk of sub saharan africa, which for some other reason, you know, finds itself in a, in the situation where more than 600000000 of its inhabitants do not have access to electricity. you too, need to have sufficient electricity supply, stable electricity supply, and you do need to insure energy security in order to grow an economy. and what will it take to power african countries paths? it's very simple, political will, nothing more, nothing lift, know from them bubble away. they start to use seeing electricity and being active only at night to nigeria we all of this has become a norm and not to mention where we are in south africa. this is a crisis and do you think that this has now become some sort of human rights issue?
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you know, if you look at what has been happening around africa, especially around in n g, i would certainly say the is an issue there. it looks at, you know, maybe preaching the constitution. in the case of south africa, it's really at a point where nobody truly understand why african leaders are okay with a situation of this nature. why is it okay to have electricity of for 20 hours a day? why is it okay to power the largest economy in africa? which is nigi area using generators, yet not too far from the on the other side of the continent. you have egypt, 2nd largest economy. and they have electrification of above 98 percent. and i'm really happy that you mentioned some of the worst and best performing countries within the continent. because if you take a look add to denise. yeah. and salt sedan. what do you think is too needed?
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doing that song to them? could paps do as well? well, to nazir, is like he in that it finds itself in a brotherhood of north african nations where they deliberately work together. they also have shared resources. so to new year, for instance, primarily uses natural gas oven. 97 percent of the installed capacity comes from gas gas that they've sourced from way of area. if you look at egypt, toys, and since they use gas, we also use oil oil that they've source from libya. so they have a brother who they be using for their bitter would in their own advancement, and on that renewable energy narrative. and it was a lot of promises during the, to, to san fran summit to and amidst all governments within the african continent, had to come back to the countries and ponder how exactly to deal with the shortage of electricity and power. do you think that african governments should continue
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pigging the hopes onto these width and enrich countries? or should they start off to look for alternatives? you know, one of the telling things around comp, 27 was how poor nations around the world, particularly africa, as well as small island developing states or the courses when to come up with these great hopes and you know, initiatives especially around funding obtaining funding for adaptation mitigation that they required there is about $300000000.00 shortfall of funding for african nations as well as small islands. and this is on an annual basis and specifically looking at so that's what do you think got us here because is it corruption? is it low infrastructure or just no investment within that victor sofas? however, it is a myriad of issues that started let me see in about 2006 already. we'll
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do a grid issues in the northern cape in the western cape and us, of course, in escalated to the rest of the country. we load shading, ernest started in 2008. at the time there was a deficit between supply and demand. we had too much, or you know, excessive demand at the time which exceeded about $37000.00 megawatts. whereas supply had not reached that point. at that juncture, the politicians in charge had mandates and they had a mandate from 10 years prior for about $987.00 to actually build new capacity and they chose not to do anything over the years. there's been general miss miss management on those projects. there's been a crash. they were design flaws, bringing us to a point we even in 2023. we've got 3 units out currently at sea as a result of a design flaw. alternately and in terms of progress is how progress of do you think
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african governments are in trying to fix the energy crisis within the continent? african governments not has progressive if you are the most african government, even in south africa. so what their plans are, they'll tell you about random ideas, concepts that they have, but nothing actionable. they are no 20 or 30 year plans. however, if you go in, you speak to europe, he and leaders and you speak to the u. k, the us, china, and you asked them what their plans for africa. they're very detailed. they know exactly what they want out of africa. they knew exactly what they want to sell to africa. they know what the per rug which is for the african continent, but our leaders don't seem to have an idea for what we should be doing and what we should look like in order to ensure an issue security. so the challenge is clear now for the solution, more and more african countries are looking for sustainable options. one of them
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being nuclear power and partnerships in the east rather than the waste because of sustainability and cost. one of these solutions has already been tabled by russia for south africa. to discuss this further, i'm joined by dr. kelvin kim, a nuclear physicist and chief executive of strategic business strategy communication doctor, thank you so much for joining us. please explain the nuclear deal between toria and moscow. really was talking newspapers about a new deal. some is not true. what happened was there was an agreement on a technical basis for understanding to begin a relationship with you. it was an artificial creation of the lobby. some secret deal. there was no such thing. i spoke into very senior toria and the senior in moscow secret deal. so there was
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a basis of understanding son, lower level and it just is incorrect. why was the deal stops and can be renewed? but we were going to approach this to acquire a large new college station. and number of countries within the run. and russia was one of the russia makes very good knowledge and you correct no doubt. so they were in the run. and then, so that's rica stock. the project at the time that was with united states had the sub problems which arrangement problem the course also was international financial problems. there was a change of government. and so the other factors, the project on own. and this is just not being reactive a solar now there's talk and administer ma touchy reactivating the new care. so there was large reactors and small,
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much of the reactions what are the solutions for south africa and africa in terms of the struggle for electricity going forward. so one can take you repeat models and expect that something that works in the country like germany is sent to work just well. so we look at solutions and quite frankly, with solar place, the space slowly just deeper national consumption. so what we need is to co, also be a mainstream, is the new to power institute and what we need an africa small nuclear axis do not need a large for such as the developed hg $100.00, you correct it will be developed for that's an ideal products listed in to guess if you liked it does not have to be next to the ocean. what does nuclear offer africa, that coal and other forms of energy don't one great thing about nuclear uses,
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so you know, large new to pass. they should le cooper good. so that was run back. oh, it would be using 6 train those of code every day but could only use as one truckload every year. so the advantage now for africa is you could take fuel to the react when you don't need a continuous delivery. la needs a co code, you need a railroad line or something that's to run all of the top. you could do that are $34.00 even deliverable any of the few of the so small. and so that is a mess of advantage. also it is very independent of uranium. uranium is so little, but certainly use the uranium the reason of the cold, crushed with gas prices makes the difference. so you tend to be attractive because
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of the fueling. the reaction south africa was recently given $8000000.00 by the united states for clean energy. is this investment enough to secure south africa's power grid? is a 1000000000 loan which is being offered which has to be repaid. and unfortunately, it comes with conditions to say, if you take the money years of the way you putting in, when i emphasize opposed to when it's just not the solution, we need to much more reliable. so that's something nuclear. we need co when it's cold. it's not going to go away. love watching we speak. well, that brings us to the end of the sweet show. we hope you sounded enlightening. last week we explored the di colonization of education in africa, and the feedback has been quite overwhelming. thank you to everyone who reached out . as you know,
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we appreciate your comments and you can always find us on the social media handles you see on the screen. next week will be mozambique, exploring the greek of foreign powers and the growing problem of islamic extremism . do join us again on tuesday, but until then for myself and the team. good, nice. ah, the ah brotherhood now of been little more than that both of them. reuben. oh for those of those did you do not actually show so you please go to finish
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your go to just use the why you use a different kind of what it was you know, i think in the south there is a much of clear understanding of the cause is meeting up to this crisis, even though the best in position is that it is an approval. i think that moment so understand that this is part of the us led to question strategy for the contin afresh. no longer asked me for the containment of china.
12:00 pm
a push is back again. a policy is a control greenhouse gas emission standards calling the current credit ranking system by a everything was said under the orders i was in my into more than 90 percent is a lie before the vibe of the group. i just says he was a black lab by a human rights group to tell lies about the russian with a rival. the surgeon group reported the agreed to receive while to 9200 civilians killed in just a few days of fight with.


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