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tv   Going Underground  RT  April 8, 2023 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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mazique alex saw worshippers created painful scenes that are the results of the behavior of human rights claimants who turn a blind eye to the crimes of zionist terrorists. zionists are confused by the wave of convergence in these la mac world and the prospect of internal collapse. your inter was weekly friday prayer officials called on all muslim countries to rally behind palestinians and wears awareness of these really atrocities against muslims in palestine. they all i mean here they have built in iran dome. but more than the 100 rock had struck the zionists regime, the iron's helm could intercept only a few of those rockets. they were only thought that their iron dome can prevent the invalid missiles. these really move has triggered one of the worst flareups between israel and palestinian resistance groups and overseas gaza strip. the hamas movement has launched a volley of rockets towards the occupied territories is ready. troops have also launched airstrikes targeting come off positions in the besieged enclave. while the
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un has expressed deep concern over the escalating violence against palestinians activists here say this is not enough. they called on the international body to avoid paying lip service. and instead take action to stop israel from further breach of security in palestine. use of johnny r t toronto plus over this use our half shinla time fee is ongoing on the ground up men and we'll be back in just on the $30.00 that ah
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i'm after that answered welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from dubai in the u. e. this week's u. s. u k. u armed warming of syria, a human rights enjo denied access to u. k. jail journalist julian assange, that loan the assassination of a russian journalist, blood and what ascii in st. petersburg this week. no, there was just one big story in nato nations. the rest of popular opposition leader, donald trump, who spoke on tuesday of his possible death penalty less prominent was the prospect of nuclear war. as us politicians ignored warnings from begging not to meet taiwanese politicians, sighing when in california for more on nature, 2nd front, as it fights russia through ukraine is collier, host of the silken seal podcast about chinese history, culture and politics is in bali in that foundational nation of the non line movement. indonesia. gotcha. thank you so much for coming on after all these years
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. i think many people around the world, the. what's your trick round here? your podcasts. let's just kick off. now with what you think of this, taiwanese leda arriving. i don't know why, why do you think she's even in the u. s. she said she's going to guatemala and billy's, and it was just as she couldn't get a direct flight and had to fly through new york, which is presumably why she met the democrat. taught her house leader in new york and then on the i came jeffries and then on the way back in the reagan memorial library to meet kevin mccarthy. the number 2 in the u. s. power structure. the have speaker. yeah, i mean of course you can get into a flight, right. i mean the whole whole purpose of so called latin american is really come to us and to publicly challenge shy it. ready it's a highly locked it moves us. those us knows we're trying to read by
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finance. they said publicly taiwan can do whatever they want as long as they don't do not be clear, formal independence. but now us lawmakers are making a statement like tie one is the independent country. we should respect island sovereignty, which is going back there. all commitment to one tie to policy that was signed by president nathan back in 1972 we premier's or life. we form the foundation on the final american relationship ever since. so us is walking back on that because they know we're trying to spread light red light it and just like what they do is they keep on pushing russia red light on pushing natal, easton words they are now trying to push china red light on taiwan. understand for china with the pilot, just as ukrainian issue is a motional issue,
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that rushes for the chinese tie. one issue with the highly emotional recharge issue . and the us just know, wish to push and they, they're doing it because there's a, there's a thinking among the pentagon that they have a very small limited time window to china, right? because china is continually to continue to write and even by spend years. so i will, china, chinese economy will grow to scale that united states wouldn't be able to china and they want to. so the idea is happy. china, they gotta do it. now. get to the economic prospects in a moment. but i mean, i know that you've said that that unlike ukraine, the ukraine issue, the p l a navy would quickly draw in direct us forces, of course, in ukraine. the u. s. is, has special forces there clearly and there are some personnel,
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but mostly which they deny. and there are billions and billions of dollars of equipment coming for britain in the urban union. and that once a u. s. warship was sunk, the biden administration would have to consider as they call them tactical nuclear weapons against china. yes, in fact us. busy i recently did work on china us war i one day they conclusion issue is that without us a fall in 3 months and i saw many st. interviews on high one after that and usually break out. a lot of people were surprised. they were surprised to learn that out for us out because i thought over the past from economy supplying all the semiconductor and chips in our phones. well, it is, but i wouldn't use the island on like the crate crate share orders. we recycle it.
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pie one is the island. china chinese maybe just place block a around the island and then then what all the ships cannot get out of the island. i definitely us have a choice either intervene or sit it out and use us to be ready to nuclear arms for hours and we get a lot well i know that there was a drill last time. nancy pelosi then how speak of visited that i one seeming to contravene the u. s. is own one china policy, but how did it come to this? in the 1st base, the pentagon says as 313 bases, these, this is from the pentagon, who knows how many black sites and what else? 313 bases before the 9 new ones in the philippines. that's out of the $750.00 outside the continental united states. why has it taken so long for china to
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respond as it slowly been encircled over these decades? let alone responding to the economic warfare that's been around for quite a few years now. it's not just a tick tock. suddenly it was while way and others from the european union sanctioned by britain for instance. so that's crazy, right? because 1st of all, you actually circling, china is not, not in the starting $949.00 after the stablish china. and we, the 1st half of the cold war us place bases are wrong. china that started to change 972 when nixon. lately, china car, off against union, and what have changed last and 13 years, the united states realize certainly china, contrary to popular belief, china could actually innovate. they are not actually, technologically militarily,
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economically, and made people in washington that is a law to the us. germany of the world, they challenge and so they have to do something about it for china, for a long time trying to sell. they can still work with the united states to do work with globalization effort that was led initially by united states because china mostly benefited bulk of why they should try to receive large each action uh, western battle to devolve its own industrial capabilities. but what biden industry should show is that ministration may change from trying to buy and buy us policy remain the same, which is to be agnes to or china. now i finally gave us as wife, she's not picking up. i call the white house trying to arrange house between she's
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and by paying why macro is being sent because macro apparently is being talking to biden before he went to aging. busy well i think macro my invasion. busy is all reason because now you found a tremendous pressure because of the us post sanctions on russia. there is a high energy prices we lead to see industrialization on your european industrial is are acting up and lead last winter us because us cheaper energy. and so i think mac wrong and meters of germany. i realized that this is why, you know, german leader have already a visit to china. now it's my home. can you be but do you think the communist party can trust macro? i mean, obviously nature nation media, the demonstrations of mass uprisings, right across france,
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from bordeaux right down to the south. not quite getting the same coverages that there's hong kong demonstrations a few years ago. but we now know that macro maybe was privy to what angular merkle alleges was that minsk accord, which was only a way of delaying the arming for kiev and lensky. how can micro be trusted because he was considered for a while, i think perhaps in moscow as a suitable boston of a negotiation over ukraine than it turned out. he must have known because he was immense party to the agreement before it was ratified of un security council. exactly, i mean, ultimately i said us wrong some very sure be on your team allied. they're more like baffles and clients and allies and the team leader dare to go against the us line. smack so, but nevertheless, you know, china is still extending. it's still opening the door and sending out our branch is
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no one knows, you know, trying to get brokers in the field between saudi arabia, iran, lately to surprise almost everyone. so right now, macro also understand that whatever they're doing is not working, whatever the nation is currently doing. the worries not a lot while for them. for a lation economy, they have to do something. so there's over to unity. there will just have to see what kind of like you say, what can bring concrete me to that when i was a surprise, china broke it, but apparently saudi iran negotiations. trump, of course assassinated. so the money was rumored to have a letter, you know, the propaganda, hearts and minds impact of the national endowment of democracy and even in jews
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like amnesty international. what we will watch our interview with the curious we go representative on our rumble channel on going underground. why is it, do you think all of that didn't persuade the global south the china is evil. i know that in the past few days, the so called us intelligence anonymous sources, a briefing, the media them, the chinese consulate in los angeles is paying $400.00 a demonstrated to demonstrate again, can chat. sy of taiwan and les a, she's the actual all the way and so they have to come up with a story by us for a sound. i think many people in the global south i see to the western dna more because certainly offer survey shows china high surprisingly very positive image among the. ready as opposed to, you know, the so called international community,
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which is really the u. s. and it's a cetera. we're talking about human rights and michelle bachelor. i mean, she has a history of being tortured by the i a back regimes in chile. and she said serious human rights violations in jan jang. so is it people getting bored or tired of the united nations itself? as a neutral arbiter? i know that you're in 60 general, so quick to condemn russia for what russia saw as a defense of the people from cultural cleansing in bass, in east, in ukraine. yeah, i think people can eastern the western propaganda. i mean, just recently there was the trainees journalist edwards, she challenged a you and you spoke person for us on the question of why use us. ready illegally optimized area and you,
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i suppose person flatly that does not believe that it's not 3 area and the chinese journalist brought out the news by us servicemen were syria. how could us not be what is known to be in syria? so this is, this is so obvious now to many people who were not, maybe not constantly bombarded by the western propaganda ways. people in the western subject. i mean, this is why you all the muslim countries, none of the site with the us crusade on the so called young issue in china because i surprise price. and you have to do for us operating the western decry why the muslim country care about john? why? because they don't care about the news kasha, i'll stop you the more from the host of the fil,
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conceal podcast after this break. ah the ah ah,
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welcome back to going underground. i'm still here with silicon seals, coll, shaw the nation media quick to pounds. that agent being before arriving in moscow said, the territorial integrity must be respected and pounced on that with regard to china's peace plan in ukraine. what does china mean that territorial integrity must be respected as regards any peace settlement in ukraine? does china seriously think the people of crimea should not get the government? they want that interesting question. but if you look at the magic position, you have always been care. busy busy integrity and sovereignty because i know as a. busy china has a high one, is part of china and agree to my made by most of the countries a stablish diplomatic relationship for china. song
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a very or by the same fine china respect russian position, guardian, you crate. and this is why was she met with a lot of me or you know, they said they, they're ok with the chinese proposal. they, they're very much a territorial integrity mean in china territory when it comes to europe. europe. okay. good question. well, i think what china really want is to do business or right because war is bad for business unless you're, you know, lockheed martin or china. we want to see she's euro, and maybe, you know, then, then they can roll out delta lo initiative, even to your great point. ukraine's the biggest trade partner was china. so maybe
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that was a thought in the pentagon in the state above. and that the british intelligence services, old china will want to keep the largest country and western europe, whose biggest trade partner is china on side and will somehow be decoupled for moscow. yeah, i me, this is, this is crazy. china understand what's going on. there's the china understand the game play. china do not want to see russia, ukraine, or from russia. all china would be the next target. and this isn't very clearly understood, not only by the chinese leader by chinese. everyone knows us out and get china, and us is asking china, oh, why don't we, why don't you? thank you, russia. this is quite, i mean, how would china respond?
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you are, you are right now, slacking off again. i'm expecting us out here. it is russia. this is ridiculous, this is why she is not returning. phone call is speaking to me from bonnie because quite apart any pressure on china, which obviously probably doesn't work because of china's power. take talk chinese by balloons and firing missiles at them. the terrible legacy may be a 1000000 killed at the behest of washington in the, in denisia. how far can global south leaders like we don't go in indonesia? how can they support breaks in the jaguar ration organization because he's been saying de dollarization decoupling changing in the economy. he must remember that easy and history and what happens to global leaders who talk about a multi polar world by right now everybody's talking about the dollar rotation for so just sign a green sign that you to trade in, ron and friends,
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friends concluded allan g deal with china to be concluded, chinese r and b. so this is not just the global out. now my problem over to be g and you have, you had us congressman marco rubio, oregon said, you know, we don't have much time because the world is going to dollar dollar nation so fast a 5 years. i won't be able to, thanks to a country because our, i mean, you just basically admission you know, what is going to happen regardless lead us government. ready in fact, u. s. government actually right now is pushing dollarization to accelerate because everyone see if they stay on dollars they sanction next. you know, asia be sanctioned next militia to be. thank you. next. that's why malaysian prime
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minister just recently made a see, he says that malaysia should not pied is devolved and only to, to the dollar, only they to the best asian dollars. you know, he's talking about exploring alternatives and money. my lazy one can expect arguably my, my home and famously refusing the i m f advice as regards privatization, neoliberalism in response to previous recessions. but what about the important ones in the region? japan, south korea. the philippines, i mean, is, is very gene. just going to watch these 9 new bases appear in the philippines that can attack mainland china. well they, they both have been us clients, they allow us to have large presence in both countries. so be interesting because long inside of us here are influenced. but ever since, what do our day have been trying to explore alternatives, we've china and russia,
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and even today we've been new president. he's trying to get on the both of us get the military aid from china. acknowledge investment, right, right. because right now doesn't offer anything other than a weapon. you to china is the one that called me to do to which of course ne donation media se, oh, and we got john perkins on the conventions are really going to hit man, he's turned against china and said chinese replacing the washington consensus. institutions of bretton woods, they're just going to be the same. they're leaving indebtedness in the global south . well, was a joy and good offer or heard before we only had to global domination, can only charge why in the world bank laws. and we all know the predatory nature of the world bank. now they can go say, hey, i can, maybe i can get
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a better deal with china. i don't have to stick with ways you world bank or unless you give me a better term, you know, competition is always good. and at the same time, you know, nobody, china is not gone to leaders to force them to, to sign to sign on to enroll, initiative africans, you have to respect african countries for their own asian. this is the women that african leaders are willingly insure to remain in class. so it's not, it's kind of, i think it's kind of ready to suggest that africans don't know what they're. busy back there, but what is the reaction going to be from the united states? i mean, you believe her, she is allegation that the north stream is blown up and destroyed in the west eco terror attack by the, by an administration with the ca, presuming you do, do believe that? well,
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surely that can cause havoc to chinese investments right around the world if it's capable of doing that because they denied completely. can china withstand, i mean, usually it just puts a drill on and does a bit of talking. it's not supplying lethal a to russia even for ukraine, arguably saudi arabia, which doesn't take the phone calls in the us, where i'm speaking to you from doesn't take phone calls from biden. they just, well in the past week went for it regarding oil prices. what is china actually doing to defend itself? oh, sure. i know you can sign it just authorize military bunch percent. and the chinese navy has been expanding at their wrapping labels alarm because they know chinese surely mobilized. they can produce military hardware and much faster. ready to washington
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for the ever the right now. busy the world's industry in china, china is a country us. you want to have a combination of where we can produce, produce tons of joyous. and this, those and, and destroyers than right now. the china has low world world, most mr. destroyer type by the us. the us plan destroyer, yet people are looking at the other design and people wonder if us just trying to copy the chinese design except the us us, the latest us destroyer won't be, won't be written. the budget won't be approved until 2030. so, you know, so i right now i don't think us when
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a conventional war against but we'll danger is whether it will need to include outlook because once a carrier, as i went straight are i one is going to respond to use nuclear weapons. that is. ready that show us where, aside from that threat of nuclear war, which never really mentioned in nature, nation media. what about the european continent? do you see that is in a kind of terminal decline at the sanctions policy that arguably, sanctions, it's off and the weapons ation, we can only go over against russia and china appear to fail. what is going to happen to western europe? european leaders cannot break out of the days to washington. they're going, they're going down the path to decline that they're currently going through right now. i mean, they, they're, all washington is fail. oh, which is washington,
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not europe. you know? like i said, the german industrialists are moving their plans to united states because the gas prices cheaper bare. whereas the germany just got the price was natural to partners and major source of energy. russia. it's quite ridiculous. any, any sensible person german person will see to the addition of germany. but right now, the problem is the european need are still open to watch the moment on the line to get to the european eaters started back. will kasha? thank you. thank you. and that's for the show will be back on monday to assess the adaptive economic catastrophe facing nato countries threatening china with author and chief economist, professor dan like i a but until then you keep in touch my role as social media. if it's not sensitive in your country and have to watch and we're going underground tv on normal dot com to watch new and old episodes of going on to grad see you monday . ah
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ah, a with
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a is this our u. s. official scramble to investigate off the wall about 100 classified documents, suddenly including plans with the ukraine. conflicts was on china. beijing warms the west again to use the quote to full free text democracy to support taiwan . and defiance of previous agreements through china. central africa nation of chad expelled german ambassador, accusing him of behaving in a way that was on the 15th of 8.


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