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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2023 7:00am-7:29am EDT

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ah, us citizens residing or travelling in russia should deport immediately russia trolls. not warning saying that you should have mentioned, it applies only to americans engaged in sb enough. about the russia arrested, an american journalist on charges he was spying with the better russian president says, nato was preparing an invasion through poland. as the military block rose its presence near the port, it's all feller groups. nigeria looks the ways to reintegrate form of militants into society that steps up efforts to eradicate the terrorist vocal. how do we report from the ground? donald trump says he faces the was the political persecution and us history as the manhattan district attorney secures criminal charges against,
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with loads of development stuff that you want today. it's a peck program on, on you international. and as always, it's so good to have us. washington has warned that all americans in russia, they must leave the country immediately. that's off to russia's federal security service erected a wall street journal correspondent on chargers. he was spying with the u. s. government. us citizens residing or travelling in russia should depart right away. any us citizen, reciting, or traveling, and russia should depart immediately. us citizens residing or travelling in russia should depart immediately. the spokeswoman for russia foreign ministry has taken issue at those warnings from washington. she says they should be targeted only at americans in russia who engage in espionage. now, a russian court has decided to keep the wall street journal reporter behind bars
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for 2 months while investigation is carried out. he's been accused of using his cover as a journalist to obtain classified information about the russian defense industry. if it is possibly up to 20 years in prison. i heard from analyst wyatt re now he says, this is potentially not the 1st time of a journalist serving also as a spy. there is a long tradition of spies using journalistic cover to infiltrate countries who their governments may be targeting. we know that there was actually a secret loophole that allowed the agency to use journalists under what it called extraordinary circumstances. if it had the specific approval of dca director, it is of course, very curious for the united states to make any of these kinds of allegations at all in terms of or any kind of comparisons or suggestions that this arrest is
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politically motivated. really this kind of moment that we're in, in terms of press freedom, it boils down to one journalist particular and that's with you leaks editor julian assange. while you respond to us employee being arrested, the wall street journal has demanded the us expel the russian ambassador and all russian journalists from that country. the biden administration will have to consider diplomatic and political escalation expelling russia's ambassador to the u . s. as well as all russian journalists working here would be the minimum to expect . reports have said that prior to the journalists arrest, he was pursuing a story about the russian private military company wagner, and finish journalist ayana's. but conan believed that russia perhaps needs to be more cautious with foreign journalists, him at the ongoing conflict in ukraine. russia has all the reasons to be very
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careful where is suspicious, but, but in the end, he's all about up working all kinds of misunderstandings. what we need is transparency forties. so go journalists, who are operating in the russian soil or those. those are trying to lead me at least the work of the propagandist. this is a very complicated matter and when it be, have to come, you know, like when enormous, when the local authorities have to come in. and each of you, a journal is jewels. it's already a breach too far, hopefully, and in the future, all these kind of even can be prevented with food and understandable control and cooperation. the president of bella roofs says nato paolo's, particularly poland. i've been preparing to invade his country as they amassed troops along the borders. he made that statement during a speech about
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a upholding national sovereignty. melinda, this is george nato, has been deploying its troops in eastern part of the block, at an increasingly accelerated pace. it currently has more than $21000.00 troops in poland and the baltic states. we are preparing to invade bella roost to destroy our country. they are doing this with fugitive militants, little bandits from our nation, for whom they don't feel any pity. we have obtained this information, they get their initial experience in ukraine. they are being used as cannon fodder, or if this is a little bit worried or is it what, what do we know so far about what's going on? oh, well huh. alex angelica franco said that the west is basically amassing ed sales forces in poland in particular. and that has been doing it for years and said that attempts are now being made to dr. baller routes into a war. and he brought up some fact sense statistics, for example, that the polish army is now in bear intended to spend $21000000000.00 on barren
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military needs, which is sca shanker saying, why this is twice as many weapons as are needed. for example, according to nato, so who is threatening poland, why they're amassing other forces. also, the he said that we know that they are very armaments with the polish armies going really fast, that they're increasing their military personnel. so all of this, alexander lucas shanker says we'll bring warsaw to a lead in position among our nato countries in europe. and of course, this is their neighbor, so they're worried. and alexander lucas shanker said, this is why russia's decision to deploy tactical nuclear weapons. honest territory is a way to safeguard belarus from western threats while to substitute considering the current military and political situation surrounding our country. i have initiated urgent negotiations. the russian president, putin, to return nuclear weapons to beller, is this pertains to weaponry. there was withdrawn in the 1990 s,
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under guarantees that no sanction, no pressure, no planning of an offensive or revolution would be undertaken against those who withdrew their arms. those guarantees have crumbled to dust and he moved on to ukraine and he was very emotional about that. he called for an immediate cease fire in order for there to be a lasting peace settlement to peace agreement. but he said that there shouldn't be any preconditions for the fire. he really emphasized that, and he warns ukraine against an anticipated counter offensive that were expected because he said if they do that, then that will eliminate any possibility of a peace negotiations between kiev and moscow. and he said the urgency right now for negotiations is really important because i see part of the world war 3 with nuclear weapons is looming. and in order to prevent that, there needs to be peace settlement. and in order for that to happen, that needs to be negotiations without any 3 conditions. and then he said that the
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world is changing. we're living in historic times and it seems that the world order is definitely changing. so nato has welcome to the decision by the turkish parliament to allow finland to join the western military block off to ankara, initially opposed to nordic nations application. i welcome devote of the grand national assembly of to a kia to complete their it's vacation of finland. succession. this will make the whole native family stronger and safe her. now the washington led alliance was founded to oppose the soviet union that was over 70 years ago. finland's nato membership expands its overall territory and positions its force as well very close by the venice of the north. now essentially, this will increase nato's border with russia by over 1300 kilometers. latin putin warn finland, abandoning its decades long neutrality, could dominate its relations with moscow. or the nato expansion has triggered
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negative reactions in member state hungary, deputy parliament speaker in budapest. a warned the move could lead to a direct conflict between the alliance and russia. if finland joins ne to this will increase the possibility of an escalation, as well as the risk of a direct armed conflict between the native members state and russia. nato is participating in a game that the u. s. is playing beyond the borders of the alliance. the u. s. is using crane as a puppet. in reality, it's not in the interest of the e. u to support the ukrainian conflict and the sanctioned regime against russia. however, there is a block thirsty atmosphere of war among e, you politicians. well, the hungarian prime minister to oregon says that you leaders are taking a pro war stance with more thought given to supplying more weapons to kiev than finding a diplomatic solution to the conflict. the number of countries supporting peace
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instead of war has not increased at all. people want peace while e u leaders are taking a pro war stance for them. the main issue continues to be deciding which weapons to send to ukraine. it is slowly becoming a legitimate question among e u. leaders, whether e u. member states could send peacekeeping troops to ukraine in some form. or these are comments came as a e. u foreign policy chief joseph burrell, cold for europe to increase its military spending, adding brussels as ready to provide key f with another package of financial support . europeans have reduced investment in the defense industry over the past 20 years . but due to the radically shifted security environment, we need to increase that again. specifically, we want to deliver a 1000000 artillery shells to ukraine. within a year, we are providing a total of $2000000000.00 euros for this. as part of the european piece facility
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with a reimbursement rate of 50 to 60 percent, we can allocate around $4000000000.00 euros with this new package. sounds like a lot of money let. so take this further, not with george samuel, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute of london. very well welcome to you. george is always a pleasure to see you. i know you've been following these stories as you do every single day. now the european to float diplomacy chief joe, or joseph burrell, he says the e willa increased sits defense spending, citing be a quote, changing security environment. how do you, how do you read that george? well, defense spending is of course a misnomer. ever with the spending that the use engaging in is offensive spending is in order to continue the war in ukraine to exact the base of the war in ukraine. and this you a policy as set out by washington, which is to weaken fatally russia. now, in terms of the effect of having on europe what it's manifest,
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it means manifest. and we had a massive strike in germany the other day. we have a daily protest in from everywhere in europe. there is a great deal of dissatisfaction with economic condition. most importantly, the arithmetic levels of inflation, which are actually concealed by the official numbers, but everyone feels the inflation and that is a direct consequence of this war. what about george? so you know, joseph burl, talking about boosting defense spending in in europe. but do you think everyone is on the same page and me to hungary, for example, hungary as being well should we say on the wrong side of washington and the wrong side of brussels? now, ever since ukraine kicked off. what do you, what are your thoughts? well, friendly with hungary is that it's the bad boy in the classroom. it makes appropriate noises. it criticizes the complains about bad rumbles about something
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else, but in the end hungry falls in with the e mail program. now you quoted the, the deputy parliamentary speaker who raised the very reasonable point. something was raised by a victim or by himself a couple of weeks ago that if you bring in finland into naser, you're actually extending the nato russia border by an additional 800 miles. not a great idea at the time of acute tension between nate and russia. so they made this very reasonable point, and this was the hungarians, do. they voted overwhelmingly to vote, to support accessions and nato. so that's, it is now in nature with hunger is withdrawn. it's objection, app have well, i mean, as you know, georgia, they were talking red lines here, red lines in the, you know, the security of russia. it's something that putin been talking about for how many
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years stop the nato expansion encroaching on russia's borders. why do you think it is george? why do you think certain western professional partners consistently ignore russia's concerns over its national security? i don't know how many times who has raised his voice. you have to be raising this voice. you know, ever since it leaves the munich speech in 2007, but to be fed, boris yeltsin used to address this issue back in the 1990 s and yelton was washington's mass. well, the truth is, the europeans don't really have any well, tommy, any identity of their own, that being completely americanized and now pursue a policy that is all busily detrimental to european interest. but it is a policy favored by washington. washington has, over the last decade, essentially created a totally new european lead,
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whose only real interest is to maintain good relations of washington. they're not interested at all. you don't have to apologize. i forgive me, please. i'm going to interrupt you. i do apologize. the russian president vladimir putin is now discussed in the countries of foreign policy strategy with the russian security council. that's all have a quick list adjusted to the documents of our strategic planning on including the concept of the foreign policy of the rifling ration. we defined the principles of the goals and priorities of our people, matic, etc, deal the foreign ministry in regards of the principal as part of foreign policy which is independent, living and willingness to create positive conditions for the consistent development of russia. improving content, single security, and improving the well being of our citizens. the logic of this document of your sad reflecting the changing geo political reality is only influencing revolutionary
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changes outside the country. that have been expedited viper launch for the special military operation. in particular, we can see unprecedented levels off international tensions. certainly, we recognize the existential character of the thread still red, sour country that is created by the actions of unfriendly countries with the main initiator. but in one of the entire russian policy, you still are the united states of america and politics of the west or in the weakening gracia and can be described as the hybrid more of a new type realm. also defining the long term trends. so the international development, including economic globalization crisis that was carried out in accordance with the american rules. one of the factors is that the global economy is going through you know, serious changes and is switching to
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a new technological basis. redistribution of the potential of development progress than you sandra is to, is creating the new world order. and it is a key friend in the foreign policy. in the modern times, we have explained the principles and our legion of being new, more balance, more a fair world order, including polish century society and the right of the states to choose their development models and to preserve their values and traditions in accordance with the multi polar world rotor is the framework goals for all the foreign policies you missed. your distribution is that we may have an emphasis to provide the legality of international relations until goals and principles of a charter should be support reaffirmed that the west is trying to undermine in very
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practical actions and slowly another new thing is the use of force for self defense mostly when you push him to bring him in accordance with the article, 51 of the un charter for this matter with the concept provides symmetrical in acid medical mattress. in response to over extend friendly actions against russia. we introduce the concept of using the armed forces to repel or to prevent the attack on bratia or satellites. that we are openly stating that we are going to defend the right or the russian people for the existence and free development. we are also defining the shoot that i see get that again. so the concept also in list preserving traditional russians through moral values and cooperation on the repeal by the one moral bearing that is common for all the global religions.
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and not in miss ability of neo colonial practices. and any one's had germany isn't pretty. one of the obvious priorities but is helping govern nationals in our organizations abroad. helping our bathrooms working against christopher big sentiments, strengthening the position of the russian language and the world preservation of our culture. the bullet is ation of sports for them and finding new forms of sports corporation consists of master thing. we also put emphasis on strategic interests of russia within the context of deepening curation, integration under the, in by the union state of russia, salarous activities, your asian economic union, c, s, t o c. i asked and the creation of the faster raising partnership and further strengthening called the shanghai corporation organization and brakes are squeaky, but the sellers and other researchers is developing potential of the strategic
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partnership with our great neighbors. the chinese people as republic, republic of india, countries out there slamming world. and also the states from asked in african continent, latin america, and caribbean. we re a 3rd our education to the physical solution of all that. tending your issues in the arctic region of these concepts defined that this is possible. it's in the russians. raps against down friendly countries will be consistent and we will stop them from making any unfriendly status. europe, we me to not have any hostile intentions against the anglo saxon countries in western european countries. but they should understand that the pragmatic corporation with russia is only possible on the condition if they see no future in confrontational policies. and then they will refuse such policies in
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practice. and so that was, if you were to come in, that's whether the west for those this recommendation, it's up to us to decide what it is that if the political course of princeton slew and under the new realities we are going to make every effort to pursue these foreign policy, the foreign ministry will be working closely and we will report regularly on the implementation of this word base on the decree that he signed on on possible additional steps in various areas. thank you. thank you. the concept that you have just presented is a good a and actually that training foundation for our further work package on the international arena. is that the and i would like to instruct all the counterparts all the colleagues to pay special attention to the expansion of the ties and we partners who would like to work constructively, political,
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and to prevent other countries from pursuing household policies against our country was which is which and we should consider all the factors and all the trends of the international. if there is developments we should work to strengthen the sovereignty of russia to increase their all of our country and resolving global issues. and in the creation of more jazz, and you've got multi polar world order like heard anything grow. and the implementation of this concept will be held by author at the foreign ministry that would be held and seated by other departments and ministries. and i would like to think everyone who participated in developing this concept because now we have a balanced document that is going to be the foundation of our practical actions of mid term and in the long term, which thank you very nice. good. now let's move on to the next item or the russian
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president, right? they have a lot of my put in with members of the russia security council. and of course, the foreign ministers ok law for off essentially discussing the new updated foreign policy of russia. let's run out, some of the comments are primarily from us. okay. law for all for essentially saying that i should have to ask your forgiveness. it was lot of putin who said that western policies are essentially weakening russia. you described it as a, as a hybrid war of a new type. the global economy is going through serious changes switching to new centers for this new multi polar world order. it's a key trend, according to the russian president and russia wants a more fare, more balanced world order, and countries all around the world must be allowed to act and survive independently of pressure from any other countries. also a sort of lateral folk, a couple of comments from the foreign minister. he said the united nations needs to be more efficient. it really needs to be updated and overhauled and with the use of force with self defense, in accordance with the article,
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51 of the un charter russia will repel any attack on its territory. no matter what russia will continue to protect and preserve its culture, language, history and sports athletes of that i'm a person also saying quickly that b s. c o, the shanghai corporation organization, the members of bricks i see on the global, self countless strategic partnerships erupting almost every week. a changing the face of the world as we know it, you've read much more about what was said by the russian president and the russian foreign minister at r t dot com of the you say it's relations with china are dependent on that countries stance on the ukraine conflict suggesting beijing should follow the western lead agenda. however, that doesn't fit with the principles of a multi poder world order, but china is pushing for and that is a worry for brussels. any piece plan which would in effect consolidate. rational exceptions is simply not
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a viable plan. we have to be frank on this point. oh, china continues to interact with proteins. war will be a determining factor for e. china relations. going follow it while lookout china, the i'm elected queen of europe. ursula vander line, and the self appointed hall monitor for the global school yard is telling you that she and europe are going to be watching you while you hang out with russia, which it considers to be a bad influence on you. and just might decide to punish you if she doesn't like what she sees. and she's coming over to beijing next week with everyone's teachers, pet french president, a mentor. and michael, and what's she going to do? he's going to go over there and wait her finger in chinese president. she's in pings, face fog. i'm said that china was becoming more repressive at home and more assertive
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abroad. it's the kind of rhetoric that we've seen all over the mainstream western press talk about china preparing for war, even though it's the u. s. that's been doing pretty much everything. it actively can to gin up tensions between china and taiwan. and there's been no war since all of these kinds of headlines have started appearing back in 2020, at the very latest. but cost of talking about war is and china, and it's just been ongoing. and most telling, vander line said, we're president. she's parting words to russian president vladimir putin on the steps outside the kremlin. when he said right now there are changes the likes of which we haven't seen for a 100 years. and we are the ones driving these changes together. you kind of have to wonder why she, so bothered by the prospect of multi polarity, which is essentially what the 2 men were talking about. perhaps because the risks losing its clout in
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a multi polar world in which the u. s. doesn't run the show with europe riding shotgun, in which case you think wagner line would have eased up on the threats vonner line also sounded during this talk that to face here, like someone who is invited over to a dinner party, but realized a few days before that it would be really awkward if she didn't, at least try refraining things a bit, given that she had just spent the last few years, totally publicly badmouthing the host. our relationship with china is one of the most intricate and important anywhere in the world. i believe it is neither viable nor you are of interest to be coupled from china. our relations are not black or white and our response cannot be either. yeah, the relationship isn't black or white. all right? because europe has no clear and independent strategic vision unless ambiguity is
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suddenly a strategy towards your top trading partner. and it seems like doesn't really have a clue where it's going either. it's trying to cater to washington's anti china interests, while at the same time wanting to preserve its own interests with china. franklin basically trying to drive down the highway wall straddling to different lanes, which really, in any case doesn't seem like the smartest thing to do to nigeria. now, where the defense chief says the country's armed forces have been succeeding in the efforts to eradicate the terrorist group. vocal hot on there have been concerns expressed about a lack of progress in re integrating form of militants back into society. one local reporter assessing the issue as tied to that of national security. nigerians in the northeast region of the country have called on the international community for humanitarians support over the rice in number of repentant terrorists. these columns after the countries chief of defense staff expressed consent over
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inadequate collaboration and coordination. an absence of legislation to reintegrate still reformed terrorist into communities of the state of boca no a shower at his umbrella. 1 when i agree.


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