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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] a ah, poet may enter the war and ukraine if yes, independent it state that according to comments by the polish ambassador to fram, however, or saw is just saying it's all from the claim. with the u. s. policy trying to contain russia and china is becoming more and more assertive that according to vladimir, put in an article to a prominent chinese newspaper. it comes just to have a trip to moscow. i've tried this problem with the democratic republic of the congo. ask for russia to help in combating terror threats that those moscow, both the 2nd in russia,
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africa international problem with coming to live from the russian capital. this is our to international. i merger blevins here with the latest news. welcome to the programmer. and poland ambassador to france says his country may enter the war in ukraine. if he abs independence is at stake. his comments are from a recent interview to a french news channel. swell is a ukraine will defend its independence or else we will be obligated to enter into this conflict because our principal values that the foundation of all civilization of our culture will fundamentally be in danger. so we have no choice holes, ambassador, the paris just went on one of france's top news networks and basically told the french people that poland is willing to drag the rest of the west into a full blown frontal war with russia. why?
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because ukraine's independence is threatened, he says, warsaw is now trying to back pedal in connection with the comments on the interview given by ambassador roches shasky to the french station. now see i on much the eighteens this year. we would like to know that it is interpreted by some media in isolation from the context in which it was given. careful listening to the entire conversation allows us to understand that there is no statement about poland, direct participation in the conflict. but only a warning about the consequences of ukraine defeats the possibility of russia attacking or involvement of the central european countries in the war. like the baltic states and poland. but the ambassador sure didn't seem worried about keith's independence. when the u. s. state department was setting up shop in ukraine after leading regime changed against his president victory new coverage back in 2013 for refusing to assign a cooperation deal with europe in favor of a more independent position visa v. russia and the west. and where was the same
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polish ambassador to uphold those values of independence when the u. s. poured cache into poland, the u. s. congress approved $288000000.00 with a foreign military financing just last year for warsaw with washington playing sugar. daddy is poland, really in a position to claim independence as a core value, let alone one worth dragging the whole western world into war with russia to defend . now french, your deputy terri, mariani has just pointed out that warsaw is now going further in washington in providing fighter jets to ukraine, which washington still the least for now refuses to do the kind of weapons money. and he says that can hit deep into russian territory. now clearly a huge risk of major escalation here. yet the polish president says that war sauce make 20 nines will arrive in ukraine within days. and the rest of the west just shrugs, i guess. by the way, the people of france. so you know,
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the audience that the polish ambassador to paris was addressing on french t v. r. certainly not agreed to russian behind. poland for a war with russia just because both warsaw and teeth have this totally delusional view of themselves as independent and not washington's paid shields, doing its dirty work against russia. now germany and france, the economic and military powers of europe have at least tried at times throughout this whole crisis to temper the gung ho washington rhetoric around the great conflict. but poland has been at the forefront of pushing for escalation at every turn. first with supplying tanks and now with fighter jets and this ambassador now just casually calling for a head on war between russia neo, what's most disturbing is that until now they've actually gotten their way. or at the very least no one else really seems the least bit interested in stopping them. senior research fellow of the global policy institute of one that george sam,
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welly believes that the polish envoys claims aren't actually far from warsaw official position. i think it's entirely consistent with the kinds of a slogan airing we've heard from duda and the polish up prime minister. so i think that it is speaking on behalf of the government. it's a lot of bravado here at the same time. the problem arises by the fact that essentially the, if the noisiest characters in nato that have been doing most of the running, which is colon, the baltic states and the united kingdom. and of course, behind it all stanza, the united states. but unfortunately, only supposedly wiser states,
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the ones that we would expect from rationality and caution. they've been silent and because they've been silent, that is allowed, or boland, and then of least tiny, tiny space of the bowl takes to do all of the running. and it's robin dangerous situation. the partnership between russia and china has become triggering for the you ass, because both countries aren't bowing to its pressure. that's how the russian president has summed up the current state of global relations in an article he's written in a leading chinese newspaper the people's daily. we can see that the external geopolitical landscape is undergoing radical changes. the collective west is cleaning more and more desperately to archaic dogmas to its elusive dominance. putting the fates in entire states and nations at stake. the u. s. policy of jewel containment of russia and china as well as all those who defy american dic tats is becoming increasingly acute and assertive. this architecture of international
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security in cooperation is being dismantled. russia has been declared an imminent threat and china, a strategic competitor. as part of this is the lead up to the visit president, choosing ping and president putin of boat with the articles in the corresponding papers in each of those countries. and in his article, in the chinese, a daily mail he has sort of outlined some of the key points which he's going to try and pursue. and through these meetings, he talks about and the long history between russian, china shared almost moral values between the 2 states. that they're going to try to build not only infrastructure links, but also economic links and, and build upon the ancient history as they warm together it, you know, in a sort of almost natural and you know, partnership which is evolved you to some of the pressure coming from the west, they talk about economic development and present please refer to western, had gemini in,
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in the speech. she talks about this on fair assessment of china and russia as threats. and he also says that the relationship between china and russia is a corner stone of regional stability. unlike some countries that claim had gemini and bring discourse to world hominy, russia and china a literally and figuratively building bridges. it is russia, chinese relations that are in fact the cornerstone of regional and indeed global stability today. stimulating economic growth and serving as the guarantor of of agenda in international affairs. they are an example of harmonious and creative cooperation between major powers. it's not just russia and china, there are a number of countries that are stepping up that are increasing their ties with each other. now we seem to be seeing world power shifting, right. you have president, she coming to russia, the brazilian president is going to china and even saudi arabia and iran, as we mentioned,
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or re establishing diplomatic ties. what do you see is behind those changes when it comes to this overall? most i polar world landscape here. well, i think china, of course, is a leviathan when it comes to the economic world. it has a bigger manufacturing capability than the rest of the globe combined. so it's very difficult for the west to put pressure on china in an economic fashion because it could cause serious damage to their own economy. we've seen a similar pressures on russia failing, essentially to deliver the outcome that they believe. so i think other countries in africa and the middle east are starting to look towards russian china as a credible counter to this dominant, a u. s. economic and foreign policy, which has wreaked havoc in many regions of the globe. and i also think that, you know, asset seizures when we saw rushes, foreign ag reserves being seized. and we've seen the afghanistan face a similar problem. and, and i think it's
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a realization in the post colonial states in africa, which russia and china didn't have any involved in. really, they're seeing that china, it's not really that divide and conquer. it's more of a united prosper. and i think that's a very pertinent reality when the developing economies in the global. so look to rush in china to lead them to a brighter future, which isn't based on a dominant dollar, or a sort of a rules based order where the united states makes the rules and gives the orders the democratic republic of the congo is seeking immediate cooperation with russia, chicken, mat terror threats in the country and ensure peace and stability. that's one of the messages coming out of the 2nd annual russia, africa international parliamentary conference, taking place in moscow. artes marina closer takes us through the highlights of the events so far. this is all about, of course,
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strengthening ties between russia and africa. as russia goes away from the west, them segues different corporations. walker ration that shows how multi polar this world is and basha and africa are of course very interested in that. and here today we have delegations from over 40 african countries, the majority of african countries i should say, and they're having conversations with russia's business and political leads and they're discussing things such as corporation when it comes to deals of science and also education. we know that there are around 35000 african students in russia right now. 6000 of them are here on their scholarship. their increase in that number. they're actually almost doubling the number if you compare it to 2021. they're also discussing their a responses to economic challenges. also, another issue is the struggle. although western neo colonialism but a subject that is very sensitive in particular of course for africans. and then of course,
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we have the issue of global security. they're seeking ways of how they can operate and into a peace and stability in russia and also on the african continent. we heard from the democratic republic of congo, asking for urgent assistance from russia as a battles, terabytes in the east of the country. and also russia, they do much hair person, also spoke with representatives from molly's central african republic and bob way and many, many more. and it's all about how can they be mutually beneficial to each other. and this is all, of course, on the backdrop. we are expecting a major russia africa summit in july in st. petersburg. so this is in the way as a test drive right before that, even though this is already the 2nd international and to plan to recession that we're seeing so far. this is and it's just picked all day one, still have a lot ahead. meanwhile, russia's industry and trade minister has been in cairo to meet with egypt. president i key focus of the talks was expanding, cooperation on agriculture,
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education, trade and energy with russia, emphasizing that, the construction of a local nuclear power plant is proceeding ahead of schedule. we spoke with guest at the russia, africa conference about increased cooperation between moscow and the continent. let me remind you that africa represent 55 member states. so if 55 member states are attending this conference means that russia still have the external and the international recognition. and now it's time for africa to connect more with, with russia to threaten their ties in trade, in investment, in military, in strategic relations. and also of diplomacy in education, in youth projects, children projects. because let me say it the worst are controlling, still controlling some, some countries and situating and terminal conflicts just to take the natural
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resources of africa. and let me remind you also that africa has the potential to send to this. and we are ready to see a free africa developing ties with other partners for when, when relationship russia never come on lies the country in africa. and i don't remember that to russia colonized any country in the world. and this is the turning point of our clean and to restore to relationship with russia. we are here because russia supported us there an hour for facing the french colony and russia supporting other countries. you appreciate their collaboration and all the efforts that russia is found to bring into africa in terms of development. as you may be away, we've got to mineral resources. we are interested in agriculture, our facilities, us who coming from russia. so there's a lot of african needs from
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a powerhouse label ship. we are friends to everyone, and we are not in a minute enemies to anyone. so russia has come up to a certain personality through our diploma to 1000 fed bilateral talks. and we are no child. we no tie of associating with russia, but especially is uh, the pin's i'm an assault in. there's no binding agreements that we've made with the west. so if russia comes for us, we are open to teacher to, to, to, to russia. a commitment to promote peace and stability and an israeli pledge to stop discussion of further subtle net that's according to a joint communique coming out of a security conference in sharm el sheik between israel and palestine. the government of israel and the palestinian national authority reaffirmed their joint readiness and commitment to immediately work to and you lateral measures for
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a period of 3 to 6 months. this includes an israeli commitment to stop discussion of any new settlement units performance and to stop authorization of any outpost for 6 months. political analysts, mohammed, now he doesn't believe the new israeli pledges. one inspire any trust that the countries committed to building peace. amid such a houseman, but the defense of those ladies will eliminate the agreements because also it happened and talk about some one month ago on the what 6 of them. but it was but there's a list continued in care of just of those bank. if you knew that killing out of the mission of the but us, you know, which nothing agreement with on the ground, the new with a textbook to you is i didn't the 3 of us your money to for a long time. so it's, we're waiting on the behaviors if they are really going to
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a bar since the beginning of this year, it's better, you know, skilled by basically autumn in those burn. actually also the situation has more control over the gene in a group rate, as well as it was a limb, which is in a consent that it will kill it a month that wouldn't stop. and next there's day and also that is right, government will locked it home from the hitler. so i don't think that's my changeable background. and back i'm in the head of rushes. chechen republic has condemned a video circulating on social media, showing ukrainian soldiers burning a copy of the koran. roms on. katy rock has fledged $10000000.00 roubles, the equivalent of $130000.00 for anyone who catches the perpetrators. the yamini saba news agency has severely denounced the koran burning southern use as it is
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strongly condemned this sacrilegious desecration of the holy koran by ukrainian soldiers and calls for their emitted arrest. it's clear, these grand and soldiers are being trained to insult islam unmoved, limps worldwide are diverse. fact r t is not publishing the full video here. the online images appear to show a ukrainian soldier ripping out pages from the islamic holy book and burning them falling harsh criticism from social media users. the video was taken down from tick tock, where it was originally post it the head of the center for public thought dialogue and reform denounced the act and urge humanitarian organizations to oppose such actions. oh, you must ask me how the day when the koran is being bundled torn, all humanitarian organizations must resolutely oppose these shameful actions. because peace and peaceful coexistence which we strive for her into religious donald cannot be preserved in the conditions of continuation of such ugly actions.
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to day, every person is free to believe in what he wants. well, what have you and i believe whatever god we worship. yes, we have to respect each other. cannot the holy koran is the basic law for more than 2000000000 mercenaries around the globe go either. meanwhile, ukrainian orthodox church was rated on saturday and an ongoing clamp down against was viewed in the country as it break away church. videos of their raid quickly appeared on social media. angle grinders were used to gain entry to the church, which is located in the west of ukraine. parishioners also reported violence flaring at the scene with at least one man said to be injured. media reports, claim police officers did nothing to stop the raid orthodox believers say they've since been barred from that particular church. and this comes after the head of the russian orthodox church, said ukrainian authorities committed a monstrous act when they ordered monks to leave one of the christian orthodoxies
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most sacred sites. the patch erst monastery in kiev ukrainian authorities have given the monks and olds and made him saying naked stay in the shrine, only if they left their clergy and switch over to the break away orthodox church of ukraine. russia has called on the united nations to intervene. however, the un chiefs press secretary responded as that the organization has limited information on the case brushes, foreign ministry took aim at the u. n's, lack of action. if you can't give a comment after a direct appeal from the monks to the international community made in several languages, dance, deform, admit to being biased and do not put this on the united nations. that it's a complete loss of credibility or a political order to regularly claim that you don't know anything about what is happening in ukraine when you both regularly visit ski of last time. as recently as of march causes distrust in the us and it's secretariat. we spoke earlier to
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a reverend and professor of the ology versus kit, has no interest of ensuring the safety of the russian orthodox religious community mortgage dreams of persecution, of monks from their last race are taking place. so it's, it's the situation in which i don't believe that ukraine is not going to do anything. busy quoting to the international law and the, according to the un chapter of human rights are decades of, of constant persecution against the ukrainian or the church. but since march of the veteran countries and an officials perceive the grain or so share of the part of the russian orthodox church and says, your is for the common sense among the best lease right now. i must say, i would, i would not be surprised if they do not think i said,
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i don't think that they are going to even hear up the monks and because for religious rights to be preserved today, she riana says it's ready for a bilateral economic cooperation with a ron, this follows a chinese brokered agreement to restore diplomatic relations between saudi arabia and iran. how quickly in your mind do you think we are going to see saudi arabia making significant investments and vice versa? i would say very quickly here on our neighbor and have been and would continue to be for years. so i didn't see any issues that would prevent notable i vision of the relationship cost investment successful earlier. my colleague, nikki errant, discuss the prospects for further cooperation between iran and saudi arabia. with a panel of guest. the world is changing very fast,
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and the united states and the europeans do not have the cloud that they had before . and they've also shown that they're not reliable allies are reliable partners. they've shown that an honest on new administration and iran, it's policy is to strengthen ties with neighbors and also pursue asian and your asian integration. those who do not want this to happen in the coming days and weeks will constantly try to use the western media to create tensions, to create division. definitely time has changed a bit. iran is a different iraq today, maybe and target are more willing to understand the dynamics feel free on or what's happened in the past decade or negotiation. remember, there is one of the agreement that we're going to have 2 months period or basically
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seeing how serious is iran coming to the deal. so it's going to, it's going to have too much of observation or what that right. it's going to come and what they are going to do. so definitely, iran is a neighbor. it's an untapped market. we expect they have 2 trillion dollars worth of goods and investment and infrastructure and different police are going to be. it's going to have a stick and iran need, some of the neighboring countries contribute to contribute them back. and this is definitely aligned with vision 2030 as a lot of ground manufacturer, capabilities. they are very advanced and definitely they can contribute to the iran in rebuilding. let's put it this way. and by looking iran, we are looking a lot of the neighboring countries and that's iraq, syria, lebanon, and yemen. and this is going to play a very big economic value within the region. there's a couple of months ahead of us where we watch was where kathy they have had in
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historically these, these, these, these periods of cooling off and then things worse and again, but i think now the signal, the, the signal is there, the both sides really want to work for peace because peace actually pays awful lot more than war. i mean the was that saudi got involved in which had been stopped by the americans. we must say, of customer absolute fortune a certain point. the war was costing a $1000000000.00 a week. the diplomatic feel, as we know, was mediated by a page and completely bypassing the us, which is always like to see the middle east as its own kind of spirit when it comes fear when it comes to influence. so let's just take a listen to what the chinese foreign minister ministry had to say about this. some in the u. s. style their country as the beacon of democracy. but how surely democratic is the u. s. it is redoubled its efforts to tout its democracy and interfered in other countries in internal affairs and even instigated wars in the name of promoting democracy. facts have repeatedly proven that the drama for
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democracy orchestrated by the u. s. is never a boon, but a bane for the world. so my question to you is just how worried you thing washington, it should be about such developments and rhetoric worried now really is the role that america plays. i completely agree with professor maroney, when he said the world has changed. he's too polite to spell it out in crude terms, but basically, america's normal calling. the shots we commentators, such as myself, are wondering how much longer we use the term u. s. a gemini, when we, when we come on talk, shows like, like yours. i'm, you know, really, this is the last nail in the coffin. now, of us leadership around the world of fact to the chinese stepped up to the mark and broke. this deal was pretty amazing. so i think lots of play for very exciting and complete the unprecedented, i didn't ever think on be on a talk show, talking about saudi arabian piece these 400 people have been killed and 900 injured in malawi,
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after the longest lasting tropical cyclone on record hit the african nation. the countries president has appealed to the international community for immediate humanitarian aid. mallory is in a state of disaster. what cycle and freddy has done is to pull us back even when we were trying to rebuild. because of past tragedies and i appeal to the international community to please look at us with such favor. because we need help. the cyclone called friday by weather trackers has battered the land lock country for the 2nd time in less than 3 weeks. will always, authorities declared a 14 day morning period while battling the aftermath of the deadly storm. the south east of africa was hit hardest with dest reported in mozambique, and the island nation of madagascar,
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local journalists. and this report from one of the emergency shelter camps. at monterey primary school is one of the shelters that is used for the displays, families. they all pregnant women, young children and elder. yes. a lot. i don't know why i go i damages caused by cypress freddy left most areas and accessible,
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including eroded breeches and damage roads. job, where is the worst he area with a death of 85 and county where one family last 10 family members in a single night with as you can see, water has done a lot of damage. we're still searching for our loved ones. a lot of property has been lost as well. many organizations gave donations to support the victims of cyprus, freddie with a son up after the devastation. the question remains, what will happen to his families now? the secretary archie, judo b. and that's all for now. be sure to check out our t v dot com for all is believe is breaking news and updates. we'll see you next time. ah ah ah
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