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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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love a bite, b loan, all a ah, the new era for russian chinese relations as it's confirmed teaching things 1st off, the re election will be to lots good. next week. opening time doors bogs, china denounces be strengthening of nuclear cooperation between australia the us down the you k. thank you, could select and global security. and we continue on special coverage off the grim legacy left by that disastrous us led war in iraq. 20 years then us president george w bush's ultimatum to saddam hussein, to give up power will face with
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a very warm welcome. this is aussie international with the very latest world news update. it's great to have you with us this. now. i top story, it's official champagne. guess that to visit most go to next week to meet with vladimir putin that we plenty to discuss from the russian chinese strategic partnership to pressing a global issues. the signing of my lateral agreements is also being announced with more details to follow the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson a long when bin has emphasized that this coalition is a win win partnership. and it's not a that any 3rd party should you meet with your gentry. you, president, seizing ping state visit to russia will be a journey of peace practice. true multilateralism based on the principles of non ally, non confrontation, and non targeting of 3rd parties promote the democratization of international relations. build a multi polar world pattern, improved global governance,
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and contribution to world development. china will uphold an objective and impartial position on the ukraine crisis and play a constructive role in persuading and promoting peace talks. the development of strategic cooperative partnerships between china and russia. benefits both the people of the 2 countries and the world. this differs from the practice of some countries holding the cold war mindset, forming cliques everywhere, engaging in confrontation, building small circles and camps, and had gemini and bullying everywhere. china's foreign ministry also said that this is going to be a meeting a piece that's because beijing is ready to play a constructive role in regulating the ukraine conflict. and we also heard from that foreign ministry of china that they're facing is also looking to basically ground these talks and the principles of non confrontation with 3rd parties. so that's all among other topics on the agenda,
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including questions of international and regional importance, as well as strengthening the strategic cooperative partnership between these 2 countries. now it's also important to understand that these talks are, have just been announced on the backdrop of the marine security belt joint naval exercises which are between china, russia and iran. and these have been taking place in the gulf of all mon, since march 15th. so it represents another frontier of developing cooperation between these 2 countries in this situation, specifically naval and military cooperation. when we spoke with nelson, wong, vice chairman at the shanghai center for impact kind of international studies. he says ukraine is likely to be top of the agenda of all the topics that the 2 country leaders between mr. she and president booking. i think the topic of the ongoing conflict in ukraine is certainly going to be on top of the agenda and
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that's going to be discussed a peculiar but very mind is that china has recently published its position on supporting peace and cease fire of the conflict. so i believe this is certainly going to be discussed. i think this is also a clear message that has been sent out with regard to the, the upcoming visitor presidency to moscow. now, china's independence in its foreign policy and his handling of international relations is not going to be influenced or even manipulated, or even deterred by any 3rd party or monday or wednesday next week will bring into all special coverage of the chinese need as cheating. things that to moscow based on that and online said to join us for that ah,
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the east and south are coming together to create a new power shift. and russia has a role to play as, according to the former spokesman of the late libyan leader, milan gadhafi, who sat down with action, were tom se hosted, going underground to discuss the future of his country. and the man who, according to him can united the whole episode will be ad on saturday, on arty, his every single libyan tribe. and i mean it's even the tribes that where he's enemies in 2011 every single libyan city. all of them they have met and are still meeting with several is slam on daily basis on daily basis. they have dialogue,
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they have negotiations. they are writing down projects and ideas. and they are in taught an agreement about the future of the, of the country. what does it mean for libya that that the arab world and the islamic world is getting together? what is happening between sarabia and iran under the, you know, supervision of china is now a small dean. this is a shift of international power. this is not wishful thinking, i think the east and the south are gonna come together and build a new system. it will take time. it's not something easy and, and some, this is something gradual. i think there's a shift of power. russia is playing a huge role in this positive i believe china is also important. china is working slowly and gradually trying to antagonize the west as much as possible. i think in
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the next few years, we're going to see brazil, south africa, and they g. possibly egypt and many other countries joining in in this shifting. 5 power structure, i'm hoping that this will allow the global south to free itself from the shackleton of global capitalism. hell, but develop itself and find the maneuvering space away from the west. the opening pandora's book, how the chinese foreign ministry has labeled the increase in nuclear cooperation between australia, the u. k. on the us call and get a threat to global peace and security where you all go under the us. and britain and australia are engaged in an anglo saxon cabal, establishing a so called trilateral security partnership and promoting cooperation on nuclear submarines and sophisticated military technology. this is
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a typical case of cold war mentality. and it's like opening a pandora's box. it will have a serious impact on re it'll and global peace and security the rocks and comes off . the washington agreed to sell up to $220.00 tomahawk cruise missiles to australia, making that country only be 2nd american ally of the britain to gain access to the advanced us weapons. according to the 2021 deal cambra pledge to buy 3 nuclear submarines from washington. the vessels could be used as platforms to launch the long range tomahawk missiles which china seas as a threat. meanwhile debates and sparks whoever work us store the radioactive waste that will be produced by australia as future submarines with the victorian and west australian premier. as making it clear that it is not welcome in most states, and to bring some clarity to be mentioned, they will be all because contract is a multi decade past between australia and the u. k. on the us, under the agreement,
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australian sailors will be sent to other member countries for training on using nuclear subs. after 4 years, washington and london will base us that the marines in western australia than cambra must buy 3 us modal subs. in the early 2013 would be option to purchase 2 more and by 2040, the australian navy will receive custom sub designs with a combination of u. k. and us defense technology. nuclear free advocate and analysts, the dave sweeney phase. the po, the pac. suppose the serious environmental threats and provokes and military escalation. there is a lot of surprise, stunned surprise, really about the extent of the announcement made this week about the rapidity of the deployment. about the fact that stray will be hosting high level radioactive waste. a lot of shock and anger about the cost, the current price tag, it's $368000000000.00. let's try and. busy dollars,
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and that is at a time when a stria, like many other country, is facing economic difficulty, rising cost of living prices and the costs that are associated with increasing climate impacts and people assigning why wouldn't we are making decision and. busy surely there a way that we can cut a large amount of money. the single largest buy bond president bought capital expenditure in defense in australia, history general. surely, there are ways that we can spend that maintenance repressing human and environmental names far more importantly and far more effectively than the acquisition of nuclear submarines. there's a lot of concern that the locks astray into war fighting plants reduces australia sovereignty and independence of positioning. an increase in great
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environmental threat should something wrong with the sub environmental threat through high level white's and above all military threat. and military tension on russia has dismiss claim that it's been illegally deporting children from form of parts of the eastern new crane. as moscow points to beneath who evacuate mine as a way for military combat, russia children's rights commission has posted a sarcastic response to the hague, of issuing of arrest warrants for her. and president putin on alleged war crimes charges. it's great that the international community appreciates the work to help the children of our country, the fact that we don't leave them in war zones that we evacuate them, create good conditions for them. surround them with loving and caring people. now, as lloyd, that's how russia's foreign ministry has grounded the international criminal court arrest warrants. moscow say the move has no legal ramifications for the country as is not a party to the hague. international statute. the i c. c was the russian president
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on children, wives commissioner, and the don't call it, i just will crimes charges. the have claims. the officials are responsible for deporting children. allegations, previously voiced by care of the ccs jurisdiction, is not recognized by countries including russia, china and the us. here's the reaction from russia as foreign ministry spokeswoman. decisions of the international criminal court have no significance for country, including from legal standpoint, ro, she's not a participant of the room statute of the international criminal court and has no obligations under the statute. pressure does not cooperate with this body and possible recipes for us from the i. c. c will be null and void to us. let's go live to form or austrian foreign minister. karen can, i will not discuss this further many thanks for joining us on the program this evening. well, karen, plenty of countries don't actually recognize the have decisions that includes russia, china, and even the u. s. so what's your take on the ramifications of this arrest warrants?
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good evening. well there are no ramifications at all due to the fact that the russian federation is just pointed out has not ratified that roles that you'd that went into force in 1995 and from it's very early beginning. unfortunate damage said international crime court, which was supposed to be something like a subsequent to what we had with the new going back and talk your tribunal just after world war 2. that court has been instrumental lies in a political way from the very beginning, actually. so far, it was even called by some an african tribunal because it was all about african has of states. politicians who were indicted and were arrest warrants had been issued. but as we have seen, an idol for the war crimes committed in on the territory of iraq.
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let us mention here, for instance, what happened in the upper right of prison, a lawful war crimes that for instance, children a sash had been investigating in, in afghanistan, that never had been any indictment or with regard to commanders, political, responsible square involved in those actions. so the international crime court is highly but really highly instrumentalist in a political way and we were just witnesses. once more we're really the house claims are based on allegations made fried from the ukrainian government, which moscow how strongly denied. what do you think the i c c is playing along with key had started the story before any independent, international purpose, even taking place. and how concerning is that to you when a ukrainian government has been pushing for that by also establishing
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a sort of special court in your brain, alleged a war criminal has tried on your training territory. we have seen the european commission being very active in that to remember that president for the lion had been pushing for such an indictment for such a warrant ever since mid december. so things have been accumulating for the past month. and my take on that is that the chief prosecutor cut him. hon was a british citizen. and i would say he was reluctant. he was really very reluctant to tool to become operated. but he had been put on the tremendous pressure. and this pressure you came maybe more from his own government than from ukraine at this. so i c, c. arrest warrant says any sites a president has, has a set usually,
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and enjoy diplomatic community. says what extent is the best move even in line with international law. in the 1st place, well dance that i saw crime cora. i had been developed, i would say, by amazon chico scholars. but of course there always was a concern about various governments which are active abroad. and here, 1st and foremost, it was really the u. s. and that had been opposing the crime forwards, and that in a very, very special, nasty way i would say, let me go back to the late 19 ninety's. when that we had to need to enlarge man of 1999, a new natal member states, such as romania are hungary, et cetera. and they were forced by the us into and none extradition commitment regarding your citizens. so the you assholes from the very early days when it came to the crime court,
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very much concerned that any of its citizens might be tried. so did the crime court had had a garage, i'm lucky history from the very beginning of it. i would say it has come into the rome statute. it is based on international law. there's nothing total to contradict on that. but it was always instrument to last for political reasons and it has become operated only in a highly selective way. and if i may go back a little bit into history. oh, what is, what is interesting is that this whole topic of the hague law, what we call an international law regarding war crimes, a warfare as such. actually, it was an idea that the russians are nicholas the 2nd that russian scholars have been developing in the early 20th century. so whatever we had seen in terms of
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crating important norms regarding warfare that was done at st. petersburg conference in early 20th century. and it was a rally rather important concept that is now used in a very selective way against russian officials with sarielle. well, the un secretary general antonia terry's, he says the i c. c warrants will not stop him for meeting with president who said to expect any other worldly to take a similar stance. yes, i think this is a very important statement because i don't see, i mean we, we, we have on, on monday the chinese presents using thing. oh, well, he's state was it to moscow and we will see definitely president 14 also travel abroad whether it's for a bilateral, on my, to lateral purposes. so i, i would say it's
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a very unfortunate action body i c c. and it only cost us this loss of trust that we have between the so called collective west and moscow and it, it doesn't, it, bonds, anything. i mean, there are, there is just it, again, i repeat myself, it's, and it's a political instrumental i station off a court that is anyway facing lots of problems because it, it had been completely opposed mot suppressed in particular by the u. s. government over the last 2 decades. your foreign policy is the browser. the hakes move is the start of an accountability process for russia. but what about countable? ukraine in this western sponsors? yes, exactly. i mean, there's just that the war as the know started in 2014
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and it's, it's, it's all about the many perpetrators that we have seen. and what is interesting, i mean we, we, we know we still talk to little about the motivations. the, the papers that the chief prosecutor can has been submitting, but it all turns around topic of the so called the petition of ukrainian children, which is due to the fact that many of these children have been become victims of the war in the eastern part of your brain ever since 2014. so when it comes to to war for such when it comes to other aspect few d i c, c has no jurisdiction at all. and so there are, there will be a day, once we have something like a cease fire,
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an armistice that will be a day when many and lach a suspected perpetrators of friday will have to be, are investigated. so this did, this holds true for ukrainian officials, definitely as well when you get out to this day, no, western officials have been held accountable for the war crimes committed during their invasions of afghanistan and iraq, for example. why is that and how is it that not being widely seen as a double standard? yes, definitely. it's a deb, it's a double, it's a triple standard if you want. and as i mentioned before, and i mean we had ample evidence. also by not only children, assange who had done that, why are we kill leaks? but i let us all the records. seymour hersh, she was the 1st one to report on the crimes perpetrated in you asked,
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controlled prison camps such as of arrived in spring, 2004 not to speak of the destruction of casual heritage shell. what happened to impact or to exactly 20 years ago. it started the invasion and there were many, many statements also by the late un secretary general coffee and now about the violation of the un charter by those who invaded iraq back in march 2003. and yes, nothing has happened on that. i mean, books were written, a legal opinions were given, but the i c. c never ever became active. the former chief prosecutor with the lady from gambia missus for to ben soda. she had been trying to turn the i c. c, a into
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a little bit of broader to restriction by also referring to crime happening in the middle east. but she was put under tremendous really tremendous pressure by us government. so there were efforts, but let me, let me remind you that i think it was about 2 years ago. the us government even said no reason, no travel permissions, or i c. c. officials work towards the u. s. so, a tremendous decree of instrumental i station this international crime court when it comes to the timing of this, i see a warrant is quite interesting. you're coming, you know, 2 days ahead of the chinese presidents much anticipate a visit to moscow. do you think the visit will be affected and also do you think there's a message trying to be sent here from the west to, to beijing? another countries that have close ties with russia could be i wouldn't exclude that . it's not that vehicle. incidence that today on friday evening that was issued
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because as far as i've been observing over the last few months, a chief prosecutor time was really reluctance. i mean, he was put on the fresh of the nice you statements. why there is officials that i had to embrace and he was not too eager to act, that it happened today took 48 hours before the chinese president is doing is trade with it in moscow. might not be a coincidence, but i would say in the long run that doesn't as long as anything on, on, on, on what we really need, which is some sort of getting back to speaking terms. thank you so much for discussing this with us this evening. really appreciate your time and your inside form, austrian farm. and karen can i so thank you. well as discuss the it was continue
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the conversation. now, shall we discuss this with david fulton, zoe form, a man of the ask on capital co bowl, and many thanks for joining us on the program. so continuing what we were talking about. so i'd like to say your reaction to the i. c. c. arrest warrant for the russian presidents. oh, well, thank you. it's very laughable and my view, you know, these kinds of things. when they come to these kinds of resolutions without any teeth, it's just basically laughable at mockery of what they're trying to achieve. they know that they cannot exercise any of these things in action and their practice. and also i think all the other happen would look at these processes that happened in the world. because war, because migration, because of displacement,
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if you don't not deal with them in an even handed way, then needs to come up with these kinds of resolution lose their dependency. for example, right now look what's going on and get this done. who talks about it? know what when the british or try and refugees or what velvet glove. they're the need people to concentrate and space when they're why what happened to them or and, and what happened to people who are said to bind from from, from burma that right. yes. or if you, oh, these would be things like, wait a lose. they are before the russia, it was the ukraine was part of the union. what's your name
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was part of it doesn't talk about what happened to what happened or what happened or dignity. what happened right. at the same thing with china or from the oil or china, we're talks about that. so when we talk about human rights, when we talk about atrocities, we should not use them as political instruments. we should deal at a suspense that way. and then, and they come up with it is based on paper, it will never meet any day of the light of the day. so it's just putting pressure on actually the rest this basically hit basically you come to
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a human being with the world under the law that john, those who have, who ever has power, it will do whatever they want. it will subject every whatever they want. and they will lay wash their hands. there will be a possibility, i mean, sorry, sorry to interrupt that as you were mentioning that, we know that multiple alleged war crimes were committed by the us and its allies during their invasion and occupation of afghanistan. was the house couple taken on an international level to bring any of the people responsible to accounts whether whatever happened and i've got a son by, by the natal forces or the coalition forces. but the reason that nobody took it serious was because what happened during the given and nobody took that serious either. so nobody has paid just the life
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of the soviet invasion was nothing in there during the american, the $100.00 is that? is that justice? so we have to talk when we talk about justice, we cannot be selected. we have to be covered is that we have to deal with justice in a best way without justice. justice being discussed in the desperate. there's really justice is also quite interesting really, that the us doesn't even actually recognize the legitimacy of the international criminal cause. is there any other way to internationally prosecute americans for war crimes? and my view, when you prosecute people for war crimes, you have to start, you cannot step from a half point. you have to start from 0. you have to go to whatever country you're
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dealing with. you have to go through the origin of the problems and started. you cannot be very selective. use justice as a political instrument when justice or use of the instrument, there will be no justice. the us even has a law that allows is president to order an invasion of the hague. if the icpc tries to bring americans into the dog. what does that leave the cause international standing? do you think? what davis president, you're talking about, for example, the late president bush during the war in iraq. he was a very meticulous statesman. he had a very huge rolodex and he called all world leaders. and he created a consensus.


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