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tv   News  RT  March 16, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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ah, ah ah, the european central bank raises interest rates to its highest level since 2008. the global financial system is shaken by space up another meltdown. and it's ready way to the palestinian city of gin in report they leave at least 4 dead, including a teenage boy. and then the dismiss is me the report that he's prepared to implement the western fact to oral prize cap against moscow. as the asian countries import accrued from russia refuel westwood high with
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very welcome from all of our team here in moscow. this is on the international with the very latest world news update. now, despite pressure from the west, the russian economy has overcome challenges on his turns to growth. thus, the message from vladimir putin during a speech at an entrepreneurs union meeting in russia, now would always consider which rakish could we have managed to compensate for the actual closing of western markets to us and to expand russia's foreign trade contact with nations. in the worlds fastest growing regions, you know that in previous years, before all these crisis and special operations, we were orienting ourselves in step by step towards rapidly developing markets anyway. today, a different situation has taken shape where it turns out that we were not doing this in vain. moreover, that we were doing it at 11 slower pace that we should have those but this is fine . true. we continue making strides, or thousands high inflation in europe has its central bank raising interest rates
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by half a percent. we can get to record levels no steam since the 2008 financial crisis. inflation is projected to remain too high foot too long. therefore, the governing council to day decided to increase the 3 key e. c. b interest rates by 50 basis points in line with our determination to ensure the timely return of inflation. 202 percent medium term target. i think that the banking sector is currently in a much, much stronger position than where it was back in 2008, even with this new half a percentage rate hike with sacrifices economic growth to break rising inflation. it doesn't even look like there's going to be that much relief this year for europeans. the current overall inflation rate was 8.5 percent last month. and the easy b optimistically figures that this new rate height will bring it down to 5.3 percent
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in 2023. so this year and maybe 2.9 percent in 2024 maybe. but of course, all of this could be thrown right out the window by the big elephant in the room right now, which is of course, what law got downplayed as, quote, financial market tensions. the seabees projections for what grade height would be required to bring inflation down to the levels they're projecting here. did not take into account recent events that sent european bank stocks tumbling this week. as a result of new us bank failure, sending shock waves across the atlantic to europe. maybe they should have taken an extra day or 2 to work that into their projections. instead of acting like school kids who couldn't be bothered to update their assignment before presentation day, instead like out basically just avoided addressing it altogether. what she did want to get in, as per usual, however, was a job at russia. she said, quote, russia's unjustified war against you, praying in its people continues to be a significant downside risk to the economy and could again push up the cost of
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energy and food. now, europe has had a whole year to adapt to the economic damage that it impose on itself by cutting itself off from energy coming from russia. compare law gallons, attempt to blame shift to russian president vladimir putin, economic management. and that's despite contending with a whole mountain of western economic sanctions. and usually they would meet with you on the yield of the projects at the level of inflation at the end of march. is of course lower than that of bureaus on countries which continued to wait for the collapse of the russian economy and try to convince themselves and our partners that it will happen that let's recall the words of a famous american writer who said the reports of my death are greatly exaggerated that apply store economy protein isn't just looking at this mountain of sanctions a going all man that's a lot lighting the economy slide, using them as an excuse while to shrugging it off and blaming someone else. he's
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taking the bull by the horns, but meanwhile, a gout sounds like someone who got divorced a year ago, but is still complaining about their acts. at some point, it's entirely a you problem and you can't keep laying your former partner for the rest of your life or failing to get your act together. and that includes rising to the occasion in times of adversity, which obviously the c v is having a hard time doing right now. well, this comes home on the heels of financial turmoil in the us, where the collapse of t major banks has sent ripples throughout the financial world. the shut down of silicon valley bank became the 2nd worst at such event in u. s. history. treasury secretary jonathan's been grilled in congress over the crisis and tried to convince sentences that it's all under control. but some didn't buy it to the president. no personally, any body who was dependent upon social security and their benefits were cut by 24 percent. they will slide into poverty. it's hard for you to know or give your house
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from a resident knows many people on social skills. why doesn't the president care? he cares very deep. and where is his plan? he stands ready to work with all law wrists because on a bipartisan group of senators has repeatedly requested to meet with him about social so that somebody who is a current beneficiary will not see her benefits cut by 24 percent. we have not heard anything on our request. while jonathan claims the economy is sounds, the u. s. federal reserve could be preparing to inject the 2 trillion dollars into the banking system and a desperate efforts to avoid a meltdown. that's according to analysts from j. p. morgan chase, that prediction is based on the amount of uninsured deposit says 6 us banks. the government is now point to potentially pump trillions of dollars into the economy under the bank term funding program, which was set up earlier this month following because of 3 major lenders will
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partition american investor mich feinstein stays the move, could only lead to more inflation without to get traffic the route of the problem, the federal reserve is going to offer, did banks who have $1000000000.00 worth of securities, treasury securities, 1.25 $1000000000.00 in cash. this is just extreme leverage and it will be highly inflationary and terrible for the economy. now as far as the banks solvency . look, silicon valley bank was the woke bank. we had, i had dealings personally with them and i didn't find any of their senior people that i dealt with competent at all whatsoever. and in fact, we pulled our money out of the institution in 2018 because they didn't meet up to my standards. so silicon valley bank basically based all their lending decisions and their business decisions on d. i. and which is diversity, equity, and inclusion. and e s g, which is environmental,
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social justice and governance. and so the, the problem with doing that is you put all the business aspects aside. the problem that they've created for themselves, the federal reserve is they printed and magic up hundreds of trillions of dollars in implicit guarantees. and to save and bail out, billionaires and bella, the banking system, has that helped. it hasn't help. what about f t x? he stole $10000000000.00 and customer funds and he was out on bail. but i guess that has nothing to do with him being the biggest contributor to the democratic party with 2020 election cycle. they're in a very, very awkward position right now. and there will be higher inflation because of this 2 trillion dollars. and because of this program, it's an insane program. it makes no sense whatsoever. will impact the consumers. yes, it will make things more difficult to purchase because all prices will go higher energy prices because oil is trading artificially lower right now. when it trades
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much higher, it's going to be extremely problematic for most of america. and it, it will be impossible for consumers who are living hand to mouth to meet ends, me back during the financial stamp of 2008 on 2009. washington turned to china for support as then secretary of state hillary clinton praised paintings, investments into the u. s. economy. it would not be in china's interest if we were unable to get our economy moving again. so by continuing to support american treasury instruments, the chinese are recognizing our interconnection. we are truly going to rise or fall together. we are in the same boat and thankfully we are rowing in the same direction. it's a good investment. it's a safe investment. even despite the economic challenges sweeping over the world, the united states has a well deserved financial stability, reputation. the share of china is holding up. the us treasury actually has dropped a little since $2000.00. the money was spent on, you know,
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equity indeed, for example, belin ro initiative now, especially after last year. ok with did you bring crisis that the world see that the fantasy of the us treasury views bank, the so called the safest asset into well seems to be no longer true, especially when the us of things that you know, they could repeat its actions to washer to other countries they could freeze the information the other countries had. and so now you're pushing china so hard about starting a war about situation in taiwan street and so on. so china would have 2nd forms. the u. s. federal reserve has a mouse that will launch a new instant payment service called the feds. now in july, the system which has been in the work since 2019 is aimed at facilitating
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nationwide payments around the clock. from observers say the fed is simply trying to supplant the potential block chain based digital dollar. questions of now be raised over the future of so called stable coin crypto currencies in the us. geopolitical as market analyst tom longo explains how a new service may affect the financial environments. is the federal reserve, the source of dollars in the world? yes. our stable coin synthetic dollars. yes, this isn't a a retail currency. right? this is not a thing that you and i are going to use on the, in the, in that respect there is no financial privacy in the united states. we have a, m, l, a k y c laws in place all over the place. and we can't, i mean we threatened the swiss with swift expulsion back in 2010 for opening up their their, their wanted privacy rules on banking because we wanted them to comply with m l k y c. so this is we haven't had financial privacy from that perspective in the united
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states in the dollar market for ever. so that's not what i don't think that's even part of the equation here. what is part of the equation is there, you know, people want to use crypt where they want to use. if they want to use script to move money around pals telling you you're going to do it with big coin. you're not going to do it with stable points. you're not going to use stable points the means by which to build, you know, virtual banks that they can't control and or regulate. that's what this is about. there is outrage on the streets of paris as protest this clash with police following the scandalous introduction of a widely unpopular pension reform. oh, why a police have moved in said quell unrest in central powers as furious crowds vents that anger at president microns government's rallies have been waging across the country for months with police using tear gas water cannon and that's hones to push
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back protesters those days. wyatt's followed the french prime minister sufficient to raise the retirement age from $62.00 to $64.00 without parliamentary occlusal oh now mean is come oh, our position and p slammed the move as on democratic and boot the prime minister as she was making a speech. the bill was due to be put to a vote before lawmakers in the lower house of parliament, but the premier implemented a constitutional article that allows to push through a referral without the approval of m. p. 's. the measure has now passed away for a no confidence vote in the national assembly, which is reportedly expected to take place soon. ah, or to palestine. now we're at least 4 people, including a teenage boy, have reportedly been killed in an israeli rate on the occupied westbank city of gin . ortiz, middle east correspondence, maria for national has the details. the idea says that earlier on thursday,
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special forces tracked and pilled to one to men who were believed to be involved in significant terrorist activity. and one of them introduce an explosive. it was, you're in yet another mil, through rate, in the city of jeanine, in the north all the way through white west bank that is believed to be the hordes of palestinian resistance. the idea of statement says that both men were neutralized while they were armed. apparently the 2 gunmen belonged to local branches all his lunch to hot and hammock. milton groups, the spokesman of both of these organizations, reacted already calling this feeling a crime and threatening with revenge. the you have statement also mentions another victim. hey, young kelly sandman was killed on the support while apparently trying to attract these rally forces with a heavy hammer. they'd probably be in health ministry says that he was a 16 year old boy. there was also an exchange of fire between these really forces on the ground. the tensions escalated all the west bank things they use. railey
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government was born in and late december the most far right in the country speak to read a truth, a very hard line regarding the palestinian affair as there was an increased number of arrests and keeling sent mil through rage. all the israeli army intensified advertising according to reports more than a few and have been killed by really forces since the beginning of this year, most of whom were identified by israel as terry. but they were also billings among them. the situation escalated again last week, dramatically half to these railey forces killed 6 palestinians again in janine including those the israel plains, responsible for how y rush to thing, but to the lives of 2 israeli brothers. as you remember, that the attack provoked unprecedented. pope runs off high water and other palestinian villages and towns in the area by israeli satler. and then one probably senior man was killed and dozens of homes and cars were burned. these really
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authorities then did not announce any arrest or prosecution of those responsible for these attacks betrayed to raise it, but it is determined to counter terry. the international community, i have to say, has been very much alarmed recently by a circle of violence on the ground calling on both sides to come down. as we didn't see, the tension have been only writing. when we discussed the developments with the head of the palestinian national initiative, you say the international community needs to act. now what we've seen today is another semester. this is the master on me conduct in it's been 32 by 2 years before that. there were 2 other goods in janine nablus. what happened today that the 4 people including her child, and this is what we should act on, which is,
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but i think the policy and, and in force in slave went on them. what had been very dangerous, especially that happened while the other countries i've been waiting for a meeting to miss. yes, i believe is using these meetings only as a cover for crimes. what happened is really making very angry, especially after the killing of these 4 young people. and what we need is really strong international action to enforce forces, to stop these aggregations and massacre again. reports that india is ready had joined the g 7 block in imposing a price cap on russian oil on nothing more than misinformation. as according to most goes on back to new delhi as well as a source from within the indian or ministry which was to science and saying india
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is not obliged to follow western policy well by turning back on its energy sanctions. new italy has achieved a boost in oil imports from moscow, which in january this year hit a record high of $1700000.00 barrels per day. rushes explosive oil to india have jumped from less than one percent to a quarter of all supplies compared to march of last year. according to the us treasury, department, western sanctions have had little to no effects on the worldwide trade of russian oil about 75 percent of the trade of russian seaborne oil occurs outside of the price cap. that means no western services are involved in the transaction. and therefore, these trades do not violate, or vate sanctions. price cap on russian oil was imposed last year by g. 7 members and the u is setting the limit is $60.00 per barrel. according to washington, brussels is now considering to lower the limit to 55 mosca responded by banding oil
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sales to any country that follows the restriction. the indian foreign ministry spokes person has dismissed the reports that india is joining western sanctions. speculation. so i'm assuming i'm comfortable talking about reports that maybe that i don't know which of what you're referring to. so let me just clarify. i don't want to comment on speculative media reports. we have repeatedly made it clear that our approach will be guided by our energy security quality. heard this many times and i think that continues to be valid. let's say that case study of india and india was buying and on to new buying. and in fact, started growing the amount we will buying before the war. i think we will buy hardly one poster last year beginning from last year. and now we're at about $45.00 posted initially the rest of the us and you ought to be kind of ignored, wouldn't be able to bring because they were too busy with yourself. and what we'll do, we'll pick a bit more with respect to russia. but later on, when this talk to realizing that india's buying and buying in larger numbers, it actually, i think it struck them. and it's like nothing like that. i think it's the unplanned,
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you know, still which happen that be the energy needs of your, of our know, been fulfilled via india, especially the find products the vehicles. okay. the petro, supposing this diesel was taken off the market, right? the market, the market for diesel would have gone somewhere else. so now the us, we all have relates to india that this is looking to be, but that's a good mac, either them for your to say that they're not buying, you know, the refined products on russia inside they put the gap on the find products also. now they're buying the refined products, which india is fighting from the last year. so they're getting to have their cake also in a way and still claiming that they are, you know, your up is, if you're not buying from russia, the u. s. government has charged a new york based chinese business man with $1000000000.00 fraud and money laundry.
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a parent get them on happens federal court school when way pleaded not guilty, but has been detained without bail. call is a former real estate developer in china where he became one of the countries richest people. however, he grew into a 5th critic of the communist party and fled the country in 2014, he was granted political asylum in the us in 2017 off the claiming he was persecuted by bay ging us. prosecutors now say he loaded money in the country through a network of n g o. american authorities seized more than $600000000.00 of goes assets from $21.00 different bank accounts ortiz, caleb moore pen investigates. well, go, one way has been arrested and the allegation that he's being held without bail ending these charges is that he perpetrated a fraud for roughly a $1000000000.00. now, shina has called him a fraudsters since 2017 chinese government issued an arrest warrant. the inner poll
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put out a red notice on him, and he's been considered to be a fraudster and a financial criminal by the chinese government for a long time. however, the united states gave him asylum and 2017, and he was described by his lawyer as a whistleblower. he's used his social media platforms to criticize the chinese government. he's been for trade in american media has some kind of hero. busy and chinese dissident speaking up against fusion pang. now gowen gray has been using his social media platform from the united states to raise a lot of money. and he's been bashing the chinese communist party, calling out and condemning and accusing the chinese government of all kinds of things and then using that platform to raise money. now the allegation is that he funneled lots of the money that he raised into personal accounts that he was claiming he was going to start a crypto currency. he was going to start
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a citizen journalism company i. he had many business endeavors that he was raising money. busy for the allegation is that in reality he was simply funneling all of this into his personal accounts, living a life of luxury spending and on yachts and other personal personal luxurious enjoyments. now, at this point that he has been arrested and many are wondering if this is an example of blighting bias in american media. now it is u. s. officials who seemed to be confirming and now charging him with the very kinds of crimes. the chinese government accused him of committing and it seems like the u. s. officials were looking the other way and i bring up for his fraudulent criminal nature when they saw him as a useful propagandist against the chinese government. and it shows that the us officials have a, have a kind of interest than willingness to overlook certain criminal activity. the 3rd geopolitical and the reason a rep seems to reveal level of hypocrisy. it's worth noting that gallon gray at one
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point was, was on flights with tony blair. he was part of the mar largo club with donald trump and he received kind of a heroes welcome and special treatment for you as official. despite it now being pointed out by us officials, he's facing very serious charges of being a fraudster, political and financial analyst. angel, juliano told us that the us is no stranger to taking in corrupt foreigners who oppose their own governments. usually those oligarch that actually leave the country and take refuge in the us. they, a lot of them are vague, corrupt, and they are protected by do us as long as the work for regime change at home, he was a taller in exchange, should be protected by the us. now, keep in mind that those people are disposable. now he's being, you know, the, the took him because, because the embezzlement, the deeds in china,
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you repeated them in the us. and here's the wrong, our lives. if he was an i lay of by then you can be sure that you wouldn't be in jail now divided in conquest. in the case of chinese about containing china being as much chaos as possible. weaponized the ones issue. so this is nothing new. again, no limit to what the us government can do for is national agenda, which is which is imperialistic agenda. it's not a national agenda. a monstrous ox. that's how the russian orthodox church patriarch reacted to ukrainian authorities order. the monks should leave key of perchance monastery. one of the orthodox faith, most sacred science, ukrainian authorities have given an ultimatum that the monks it could stay in the shrine if they left the clergy and switch to the break away orthodox church of ukraine or leave. russia has called on the united nations to assess key of actions
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with the un chief press secretary with one thing that the organization has limited information on the case rushes that foreign ministry spokeswoman criticize the when's lack of action if you can't give a comment after a direct appeal from the monks to the international community made in several languages than stephane admit to being biased and do not put this on the united nations. that it's a complete loss of credibility or political older. to regularly claim that you don't know anything about what is happening in ukraine when you both regularly visit ski. if the last time, as recently as eights of march causes distrust in the un and it's secretariat. very reverend soccer was thought joe, a professor of theology at the university and east in sarajevo. so it is not in key of interest to preserve the safety of the russian orthodox religious community. more of a genius of persecution a month from there. my x rays are taking place, so it's,
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it's the situation in which i don't believe that ukraine is not going to do anything. busy quoting to the international law and the, according to the un chapter of human rights are decades of, of constant persecution against the ukrainian or the church. but since march of the veteran countries and officials perceive the grain are so sure of the part of the russian orthodox church, and since your is for the common sense among the best lease right now, i must say i would. i would not be surprised if we do not think i said, i don't think that they are going to even hear up the monks and the cause for religious rights to be preserved in today's ukraine. for the latest updates you can check on our website, doc. com. thank you for choosing auto international me slowly,
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but surely, legacy media support of the west war and russia is changing. ukraine is not winning in hardly likely to women. the end propaganda is at times powerful but hard cold facts. eventually, trump tables written by the elite mediocre scribes at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people, and to defend the world from great pain. who's with
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we will bring to the iraqi people, food and medicines, and supplies and freedom with with the hello. i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. billions of people around the world use social media daily. it's hard to remember what life looks like before the internet. smartphones automated this automated that the use of technology has certainly made life more convenient for
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most people around the world. but did you ever stop to think about how that technology is using you? even worse? how governments are using that technology on you. this week we'll look into the overlap the big tech and politics all around the world. all right, let's get into the m l. me . technology is all around you. you're watching this right now because a big tech. but the industry is not as fun and virtuous as it likes to present itself. the same people who make it so you can laugh at cat videos, share your baby's 1st steps, or your hottest dance moves. are also the same people who shape political narratives at the behest of governments. in effect big tech.


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