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tv   Africa Now  RT  February 28, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EST

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african countries of single, the colonialism, you know, when the french came in, the british came in and all they wanted to do is basically to them into slaves. and now we see countries like russia coming in building infrastructure, building strength, building partnerships. i mean these, these are all sort of quite interesting. i mean, do you think the west is still so trying to push this new colonialism practices in, in africa, ministry for the hard food to talk about. but do you see an evidence of that? i have a perception of dissertation. there may be normal colon is de facto normal, derek dominant governance, but there is economic dominance. but it still happens there because the economies of the almost african countries are not designed for development. they are designed to sustain the financial flows in favor of former colonial powers and
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to every decision in any government act below, it can be passed without provision of the best. and they they maintain this, this position dependent position of african countries, phone, different countries need other powers to balance this out. ok, i know previously you said that you, before you joined russian house, you are the sort of trying to get these gangs or warlords, or i don't know while they are these tribes to come together and create peace. the wagner group are in africa. i mean, they've had, they've seen criticism, but ah, does do these african countries look for this kind of stability from the group, for example. yes, of course, because of the effectiveness because they just against job done without any other
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conditions. yeah, that's been very of interest in the directory where you see your hand has been we don't, i don't really want to talk about that. i do issue a speech to recover the things in my head back to russia. that's at the back to the ca. i say that's good news to keep up the good work. thanks again for joining us here. thank you. and i cedar present all into but move on now to our next story. i'm going to be talking about emmanuel, macro was he says, i won't be drawn into a competition for access to africa. the french presence was come ahead of his upcoming trip to the convent, which could prove eventful after strong recent opposition to foss is presence. that is a take all what's going on with, from all to contribute to muslim. let's face it now,
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cause big new french strategy in africa. speech was always going to be about how paris is going to maintain a foothold in africa after being booted out of its traditional stomping grounds. so that's a hell region where it's stability and security and counter terrorism operations lead to coups in places like molly and jihadists. running around with about as much discipline as french kids on a school greg talk about terrorists. so african countries are increasingly opting for deeper cooperation with russia and china as a result of basically france and west fiascos are increasing fiascos and not mix harris and the west in general, really nervous. so now michael has just announced that he suddenly does not believe in military contest between countries, i guess because france is losing on that footing in africa. so he's just going to change the rules now. i mean, kind of like we did in preschool and we're playing games, we didn't like that. we were losing, he basically said that africa should not be reduced to grounds for
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a military measuring contest. so he's declaring a quote, end of a cycle for france in africa. francis military footing has been used by others. he says to say that france only had a security agenda. so what is michael's big idea now? well, there was a clue that was going to be about money when he made a positive reference in his speech, frances financial community of africa's fall come. so it was the currency that existed in france before the euro. he referred to it as one of frances big contributions to the continent. but here's what italian prime minister jersey maloney sat about the ca, faulk in 2018 where so monday, you know, this is a child who acts in a gold mine in burkina faso. it's one of the poorest nations in the world, france prince colonial money for both kena faso, which has gold in return. they found that 50 percent of everson, burkina, faso,
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exports and jump in the coffee of the french treasury. the gold, this child goes down the channel to extract mostly ends up in the coffers of the french state. so the solution is not to take the africans and bring them to europe . the solution is to free africa from satel europeans who exploited and allow these people to leave of what they have. so now michael wants to build on that when he considers a wonderful symbol of french african cooperation, which is quite controversial for a lot of africans, especially with respect to sovereignty over their own currency. to focus on investments in health care, education, digital technology, sports culture, small business. it seems that michael has literally just discovered soft power. so instead of going into african countries under the pretext of helping with security and sticking around long after the situation gets even worse in hope of eventually scoring some natural resources. so basically, the american model knock hall is now proposing to go in with footballs,
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french style, philosophical debates, maybe st. johnny, holiday cds with the hope that all of this might ultimately help to shake loose some sweet, sweet african resources. presumably, he said that france is going to defend its interests, but also do a respectfully of africans. not sure how admitting that you're taking a different approach to manipulating them as being respectful. but okay, looks like washington is also trying to see if it can be self serving the influential by using sweetness in handy instead of bombs. literally, that is what you ask 1st lady joe biden did recently in namibia by giving out candy eminem's to kids. of course, all these investments that michael talks about will ultimately benefit french firms in africa. that's always been the case with us and western investments on the continent. but it seems like they're trying really hard create this kind of p,
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r friendly, guy, image of candy and rainbows, all white washing, their militaristic, failed, militaristic and background of militarism. all kind of trying to portray russia and china as the bad guys. more than 250 ukraine. truth having killed as the russian military continues, it's advancing through the dentist republic. according to the defense ministry is further exclusively about the latest updates on the front lines with the head of the dentist republic, dentist, bushland, on the surgeon, nettle center. one of our tel mosque is really in the spotlight now. ah, recently 2 settlements were liberated, so severe kafka and jaga, now willis, which allowed wagner to get closer to settlements, that allow them to squeeze the ring tighter around our tomo system, taking into account that there are no longer any roads or enemies supply lions. there are not under fire under the operational control of our units hard. this
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greatly complicates the already difficult situation for the enemy in the city itself workable. we also saw that the enemy blew up the dam, trying to slow down the advance of our units working. but could not create critical difficulties for our trip. see, the enemy continues to transfer additional reserves, which characterizes the severity of the battles that our units are conducting by noon sco, sometimes our troops, wagner div, do the impossible, but move forward. you will see there are significant improvements in the update direction as well in the questionnaires to split. just only deal it. so if you're still at health, like everything has been done by the other side to the feet are all means it all this is being done using civilians and we did get that impression because it showed me that on which i brought to cultural social. this is already they established practice of the armed formations of ukraine in general, the ukrainian regime to create the most difficult conditions for the civilian population. so this is what the current blockades are connected with. and those
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that have been in place since 2014 will do. at some point, this tactic became even more cynical. we see that better and seen and tell restore innovation. so 393 people have already been named journal, including 8 children from pedal mines dropped by drunk. so soon as they did, you have the crane of scatter those band. pethel myers throughout the residential areas and had enough of a god sees a roman cluster of visited a local hospital where he spoke to a child injured. i the deadly weapon. several districts here and, and ask, have been under fire by the ukrainian military in the last 48 hours. as a result, several people were wounded. all of them had been taken to these hospitals, but apart from a shilling residential areas, ukraine are all so planting. so called petal mines mines that are designed to make a person for life. these people are also in this hospital right now. we'll talk to
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the head doctor who will tell us about them. machine. i'm swimming a video for flip the since last summer we've been actively receiving the victims of petal mines for 2 or 3 people a day. we work with the media, inform the public that the injury from such a mine is very severe and immediately leads to a handicap. it's almost impossible to say the foot and the lower part of the leg. unfortunately, many of our civilians, including children, have suffered from this insidious mine, children stepping on them, some even picked them up. by raising awareness we managed to reduce the number of such cases, but they still exist. one or 2 a week. $93.00 people had become victims of the so called a that's all or butterfly minds, his thought of the special minutes reparation of those $93.00 people. 8 were children. one of the latest victims he is in this dorm right now. his name is mazar . i will talk to him and he'll tell me the story of how it happened. was it
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a shell? so straight old rosie? when i was returning from the store, i met some friends and stopped to talk to them. there were all the people walk in there on the road side. when i got into the car, i stepped on a paddle mine. it wasn't visible. all the garage in the area was trampled image. steve, built by another one says at the windows and you must say, do i with the with us for i want to take up sports if i can muster, feel yet he stopped on the man on the side of the road. there is cross next week. so many people had walked past, but he was unlucky. the doctor said his like as much as they could. you can see for yourself what condition the like is in the thing is are all intact, but we still need to see how they will move and function you whack constantly undefined when i was on my way to the hospital now there was have a shelling. i shall recently fell into the courtyard. all the windows were blown out. everything is in a white folk. it's dark on the right side of the house,
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the corner was completely destroyed. it's very scary. almost 4 and a half 1000 people have been killed here in don abbas by ukrainian artillery since the start of the special military operation. 132 of those victims were children to right now as i speak, the shilling offer residential civilian areas here in the next. continue him as the day progresses. we might hear half more victims from on calls for f r t. the nets republic a 72 year old polish pensioner is embroiled in a court trial over his support, a russian military action in ukraine. and rick, nick, had sin publish posts on social media support in the russian president, calling him a standard bearer for peace parish. a 3rd, his labeled the post a crime against humanity and seized the pensioners mobile phone and a computer. a hood into the trial judge, the man now potentially faces
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a sentence of 8 months in prison. henry mackenzie in has pleaded not guilty, accusing the polish government of intimidation because of his views a. busy they probably think that with my case, they will intimidate the whole of society, which it seems to me is becoming less and less accepting of putting up with the behavior of authorities acting against the interests of the polish nation. a civil rights attorney says this case demonstrates poems aim to come down on anyone speaking out against the countries. neutralization scenes of the poland is trying to, you know, reform the polo lithuanian empire. they want to become a great power and european governments. we've seen poland plan now to re militarize our point. we have the largest land army in europe by 2030. we've seen them flexing their muscles in the region, particularly in the balkans. and now we see this effort to tamp down any pro
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russian free speech taking points of the nation. of course, this is meant to have a chilling effect on anyone who will speak out against poland, will polish militarization, and will support any counterbalancing in the region. there's an absolute danger that we've seen that just component, but in other places, a woman, the western powers, a different credit. down on a pro russian language, even here, united states, we see any politicians that doesn't bol go along. what the state line is, be after size and be put to the sidelines when in reality we need we have these open conversations and we simply allow today to be the speakers rush, which is out why that what we, the net for free speech is outweighed by western governments, ah, so that is savannah's from the general relations in nigeria now, but counting is on the way to determine the next president that parliament of africa's most populous nation
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preliminary results show the people's democratic policies candidate to to buck her has secured one. the weston and full north eastern states. the ruling all progressive can dresses bowler to new is meeting in 6 regions, mostly in the west. while the labor party is peter of what the most boots in full states, including late us that was lost by the states governor to news policy in the for, for the 1st time in decades. now in the state of canada has been won by another candidate representing the new nigerian people's policy. and while the results of the vote continued to be announced, some candidates have already declared that concerns about the results. peter, these labor pause, he stated that it has lost confidence in the results being correlated,
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and now demanding a revision of the results or the complete cancellation of the elections. pizza, o. b one a made georgie in he states of illegals, but a party representative believes the results were underestimated. we just know that we believe that that is it to represent to some of the, of the letters of we know and now it, yes no, on the news on the exam, probably not that much. you know the cheese. so i show you more than what was before 2, when a leg off, it is critical to any candidates thinking to win the election. and so become president. a candidate must receive at least 25 percent on the votes cost in $2.00 . 3rd, nigeria is $36.00 states on t, africa correspond color, topler beings, more details. now the thing about winning lay was,
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is that no political party as ever won the nigerian local elections by not winning legal state. that's how important lego state is. it's the most popular state, it is way everybody flocks for bethought economic opportunity for better livelihood . for opportunity in general, labor has written history in a says that they were able to achieve this, even though they do not have such a major lead in other states. the thing that must be remembered is that it is written in nigeria, federal law. it is federal law that no party, regardless of how many fold it gets that no single party is able to win the national elections if it does not achieve with 25 percent of the votes in at least 24 states. that means that means that mr. denovo as
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extends, could win the elections if we were counting lowly on majority numbers. but if he does not need that threshold, that allows him to win 25 percent in at least $24.00 states. he will not be president, and that puts left a t cool abaca in the c in the front seat as it were. and it leaves him even though he's got a lower percentage in terms of numbers, it leaves him in the lead. so mr. to know who really has some work to do his party still has some groundwork to do if it's going to claim any legitimacy with regards to winning this particular elections. or some stage will still be, are going to count that some states will still be going ahead and conducting the elections all over again, due to a myriad of reasons from disruption to intimidation, to violence. but these electrons do not really has
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a favorable light on the independent national electoral commission. the officials of the electoral commission, the officials themselves, thing that they did not even get their stipend, that they were basically forced to conduct the elections on a hungry stomach. that they were not given adequate security. that they were supposed to conduct the security and conduct elections. you have people contesting the care of the independent national electoral commission himself saying that they shouldn't be announcing the results of each state of any state. in fact, considering the dispute that have been lodged against that the top of the, of the, of the complaints listed as it were, is the fact that people think that these results do not really represent what has happened on the ground. people to this day complain about the fact that results when a transmitted live, which was what the beaver system was supposed to encourage and to enable nigeria to
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do that be versus them to you and i is the biometric system that was introduced for this particular election is only ran once and it's only ren at a, at a localized election states before it was adopted. nationwide we are having issues or clued into our resort yesterday, which are becoming much a concern to nigeria. and i think it is our areas are an actual walk on, i see how they can improve on from people are finding it very difficult to login on that. some people have also complain about some of the data is also a green lock. so i don't know what the technical issues are. i don't know what the technicality is, but the moment i go back to our situation room we, i, t people on bruce way in charge of the, of the port out where the, where we have challenges. i leave after lynch is i want to find out the mitchell boost alleges, love to have done really listen to them and in those challenges. so i'm, i,
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i'm slightly different when it comes to disrupt technology. still, the chair person of the independent electoral commission continues to, to count the numbers to count the votes and, and, and also declare things even though the party asians in that same a blue job, whole race center. i really denying him the opportunity to do just that a lot at stake and r t is the place to be for updates on the nigerian and actions on the future over the nations. 220000000 people of the next 4 years old. a bit developments we've got you covered us treasury therapy has made a surprise visit to ukraine to visit to, to discuss
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a further ways to support the country. john m held a meeting on monday was present and unseen cube jim alpha was recent transfer of another $1250000000.00 in additional aid to the country. but as the money he's fly in took, he has coverage. there's been a warning from the u. s, and spoke to a general for afghanistan, who's admitted mistakes were made in the funds sent to rebuild the country he overseas. and he warned the same could happen in nuclear. the very worst outcome is that the assistance gets diverted, stolen in such a way that it doesn't accomplish its intended purpose, you're bound to get wastage, you're bound to get corrupt elements of not only the ukrainian or host government, but also if u. s. government contract is or other 3rd party contract is to steal the money. there's even see on the graph
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a usaid to afghanistan over 20 years is almost the same as what washington has sent to you. great. in just one year, african saw her reading has already experienced 1st hand some of but u. s. military aid being diverted. nigeria present claims weapons that were supposed to be sent to you. great. have turned up in the west am central african region of lake chad basin. the issue has it reawakened worries about the region security, especially with a renewed threat of the boca her rom, tara group. earlier we spoke to former pentagon senior security alice michael maloof, who says constant us involvement in convers is facilitating the disappearance of these weapons. the answer to not having this problem is not get involved in every fight that we, that we come across. there is no war that we don't like,
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and we've been doing this unimpeded for, for over 20 years. so we got to stop that. it's that simple. the said, gemini, of ours, it's just got to come to an end. because we're, we're actually through these wars. we're actually helping to increase the spread of these of these weapons and it's impossible. impossible to keep track of them. and yet it goes on and on. look, it was after we left afghanistan in disgrace, that within 3 weeks, you had lloyd austin, this u. s. secretary defense already in georgia and, and then the ukraine trial is kind of format problems. and this is just gotta stop stop swearing, china emphasizing the corona virus, tragedy murder. the word that is from the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson, in response to recent us, packing that the prime them, it was likely china's faults. the u. s. energy department has concluded that
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the coven pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak. according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the white house and key members of congress. the energy department made its judgment with low confidence accordance to people who have read the classified report. she and she see a lovely is extremely unlikely. this is an authoritative scientific conclusion that experts from china and the world health organization reached after visiting the relevant laboratory and through hon and holding in debt exchanges with relevant researchers. the relevant party should start playing up the large league theory, stop smearing china, and stop politicizing the issue of origin tracing the report sites only 2 officials from the u. s. department of energy and they say they have low confidence that this comes from a lab that it was a who on lab league, but that hasn't stopped all the major u. s. mainstream media outlets from running with this story. now the report also
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says it's based on new intelligence, but none of the articles presented have any new evidence decides. and it seems like this is being used currently. republicans are bringing this up and using it to call out the, by the administration and demand more hostility. to china, the chinese communist party is not only a menace, but the nature of these regimes as the lights of the world. and we need to make that clear to people. the chinese communist party is evil. it's forest killed, millions and see will stop at nothing to destroy the u. s. it's time to hold this evil regime accountable. i'm glad the department of energy recognizes this reality . it's past time to make the chinese communist party pay. it is critical. the administration also begin to work immediately with our partners and allies around the world to hold the chinese communist party. accountable. iming is of course, very suspect. we see prominent cia and us intelligence officials stepping forward
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and calling out china for the possibility of china, giving weapons to russia. we see a wide spread demonization of china. and now we have this story about leaks, you know, getting into the media and certainly interesting timing. and it fits in with a full court all on anti china hysteria from u. s. officials track that they're going to meet next week. germans she in turn to discuss this on holy wines that they have to put weapons in the ukraine to me is very disturbing because, well, maybe ukraine today is can be tie one to morrow. note that at this same time, we have united states pumping weapons on to the island of taiwan into the philippines are playing up the idea that china is a danger. certainly parallels a similar escalations that were done with ukraine. why have we achieve the level of success we've achieved in ukraine? a big part of that has been because after rushing aggression in 20142015,
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we honestly got off to preparing for future conflict training for the ukrainians. pre positioning of supplies, identification of sites from which we could operate, support, sustain operations. we call that setting the theater, and we're setting the fit in japan, in the philippines, in other locations. now, chinese officials reject the reports. i say that it's simply not accurate and that it fits in with a pattern demonizing, china from the united states and u. s. media. and it's fair to say that around the world, there's also a lot of skepticism. however, this seems to be the latest escalation, and you asked media's hostility toward china and whipping up the u. s. public to oppose jain. i went to a quick break right now then go away. will be right back. ah . will memory loss is unusual, forgetfulness,
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a form of memory loss and ability to recall past events with can be general to work concerns, some specific events only in some cases, the memory loss can extend back decades. a start an intensive course of memory recovery on our team in so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time to sit down and talk
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with a for the u. s. and mercury and you, they and who did it the road to report a legend war farms provide for you all to reveal the role of us intelligence and the conflict headlight phone and computer provided by the c i. and every day he would call his and he would get information about the physicians troop movements and so on and so forth. nearly a 100 civilians, including children, are injured this year as you train continues. scattering bonded land mines.


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