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tv   News  RT  April 30, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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a with we report from just outside the besiege, as i'm still still factory in the last pocket of ukrainian nationalist resistance in mario pl as the forces there allegedly used civilians. as human shields. also this out we need the world yet to use multi polar. we've multi lateral institutions, while the un chief and other powers call for more multiplayer in the world, the u. s. and tries to convince countries to oppose that initiative. no more russian gas for poland and bulgaria after they refused to pay in roubles. but they try to minimize the impact of their decisions with
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broadcasting live from studios in moscow. this is our to international with the weekly program. glad to have it with us. we're now about 30 civilians managed to flee the besieged as of stall, steel factory and ukrainians. variable this week, amid to help from the un and red cross, the factories underground levels are believed to be the last pocket of resistance by ukrainian nationalist troops with an unknown number of civilians being held. their russian forces have surrounded the plant for weeks calling for those inside to come out and surrender. and to stop using the civilians as human shields margins . but i've got the reports from the outskirts of the industrial complex. this is a conflict. everything you saw then you thought now a week ago we could only come fly over here with our drawn. but i wanted to have you probably right is all part
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of the industrial side itself, including the red buildings right underneath us. that is where thousands of your great nations and the regulars in the hostages and people that they are still holding that is where they are. we're more or less safe here. deep in. * shadow out when the sun sets on the other side, that is when ukrainians thought was become very yeah. all over the place. because look at this, 180 degree view in priority across the entire see boston industrial complex. when it was a land that is
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a slack mountain where you brilliant snipers are also very active, scurrying across it, like ads, basically with inside the brushing artillery, rushing drones and surveillance nearby volunteers from the nits designated marksman . also watch was signs of nationalist activity. they spotted something or dam broward who conducted on your bill is not available chance of the adoption problem though, ignoring the head coach at alicia washington. thank you. hi ah, with me and you guys
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with no means who was talking with apartment block neighborhood that was held by your credit rationalist vis has been liberated from naturalists. and that is the black mountain over there in the distance today. ukrainian nationalist that the spoil tip. but more active than usual. and so was russian shelling of it.
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who, who would you agree that she should be a z goose for giving the scene for me? the right, this was a good, discarded was a rush thing so close for lower sales father. you, movers, you are to have a group. i think i'm, we should but hold on please. yeah. you know, somebody live a very women. you go to our middle level menu, option recorded similarly with the vehicle that is interested in the law. i want to coordinate with the voluntary during daily. she's flaws brew russian forces are ordered to hold fire and the nationalists take full advantage every day. here the seeks market lateral, he's rather the by the russian side, during which tom, there's a corridor humanitarian call. cordial, a number of them that would allow ukrainian nationalist leave from job.
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however, hope it will now be of the club. you offered to surrender or even let out. the more that you, the civilians was still trapped inside the as of steel. industrial complex the number of world leaders have called for more multiple already in the world during talks this week, including russian top diplomats are grade level. you've sold the review. the world has changed on americans claim they want to make the world unit polar for good. but objective processes go in the opposite direction, the world is multi polar. and we have been repeatedly saying that the un security council needs to get rid of its main defect over dominance of one group of countries. how to 15 sit sakes belonging to the western countries and their allies . un chief antonio gutierrez, was in moscow this week for talked with russia's leadership where they're greeted to some humanitarian measures for war torn ukraine and shared the viewpoint that there should be more multiple arity in the world. but the visit was heavily
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criticized by the west as archie's because donald comments the concept of america's unmatched grandeur against any other nation in the world, has long been a cornerstone of us. national ideology is only for mira horton free from today. and we're all ukraine when, why do run out of grade appraisal? franky, we're all america is unique among the nations of the world because we were not built around any particular tribe, religion, or ethnicity. instead, we were built around an idea that all people are created equally and deserve to be treated equally throughout their lives. to as long as the u. s. has been making these claims, rush has been wincing at them with skepticism. by then, america's ego had t to jazz, were it expected at the least the, you and chief speaking in moscow during
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a meeting with none other than vladimir putin. it's very important, even in these moments of difficulty keep alive the values of multilateralism. we neither wolf that is multi paula with multi level institutions and those multilateral institutions much so buys by the un charters and by international law. sure, the head of the un may have been repeating something he'd 1st postulated at least 3 years ago. but this latest statement came as a sucker punch to washington, while it's already having to deal with russia's push to reimagined the world order . and it's so like moscow's alone in this fight torsos of china, russia co operation has no limits, are striving for peace has no limits, are upholding, of security. has no limits, or opposition towards had gemini, has no limits. america's traditional, middle eastern side kick,
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saudi arabia seems to be blind citing. it's big brother to buy making progress in sewing ties with iran. the saudis are effectively throwing off the divide and conquer approach that worked so well for the u. s. there, the russia ukraine conflict is likely to accelerate a longstanding transition to a multi polar world. one that will be increasingly shaped by a competition over strategic connectivity. and while some historic allies drift steadily away from washington, it's rivals aren't getting any clothes either. mainly because the u. s. believes that coercive diplomacy is still a good idea. what we would not like to see is a rapid acceleration of india's impulse from russia, as it relates to energy or any other exports that a currently being prohibited by the us or by other aspects of the international sanctions regime. it seems the inception of anti you as descent, is going global, and washington doesn't have anything to show for it other than to try and strong
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arm nations into obedience. a tooth of most of our countries understand that in today's day and age in order to achieve peace and stability, we need a multi polar world. and our cooperation and coordination will be important to achieve it. but as you who sir brazil in russia share principles such as the respect of sovereignty and international law on non intervention. and we intend to work together with russia on the promotion of an international multi puller order. the murphy lot to our system actually doesn't work any more in emergency put our world, the united states on its audio. so want uniform world unused her of emergency lot to our institutions for via own children that benefit united states still wants to impose a, you need, put our world on try to escalate the situation in ukraine when russia would like to work to achieve the main goal. which is a neutralization of ukraine,
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where united states today will be you're criticizing this meeting because it doesn't fit we, there are objectives to, to make the war as long as possible. sions, to weaken. russia seems from the beginning of a crisis they want to use or ukraine as a proxy against russia. and they made already your own negotiations impossible or on. and you were european security order to provoke this war in the top triple that has rejected calls from the west to condemn russia's military operation in ukraine and instead and said problems in asia should take precedence again. quite candidly, we've been hearing for the last 2 months, a lot of our, a lot of arguments from europe. so you know that things happening in europe and asia should worry about it because these could happen in asia. guess what things have been happening in a shop for the last 10 years. now europe may not have looked at it so, so you know,
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it could do this could be a wake up call for europe, not just in europe. it could be a wake up call for europe to also look at asian. india has gone so far, defended its neutrality over the war in ukraine as it being teens close times with moscow. ukraine has been a central topic of discussion between the indian administration and western counterparts for the past 2 months. india's top diplomat has insisted that his country needs to rid itself of the idea that a foreign power could define new delhi policies, as it should not need to seek approval from the west. we got reaction from a former senior official in the indian foreign ministry who pointed out numerous tragedies in asia and that were ignored by europe. we are being given summons about how we should behave. and i think the minister should go was right to point out that shows me more prices where very close vanished on
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on the problem on the internet isn't and to which the europe in countries paid no attention, not the concerns of the asian countries. so i think that he was quite right in pointing out that if not in re country, looks at the problem from the perspective off it said geography anderson, national interests and the europe in perspective on this is not necessarily shared by other countries. but i think that we should all be concerned about the life of human beings of suffering for all around actually on. so, vows the conscience of the finish state energy
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company gases needs to respond to russian gas, ex porter gas problem before may 20th on whether it will comply with a new requirement to pay for the commodity in roubles. if it refuses finland, could become the 3rd country in europe after poland and bulgaria to have its gaff supplies halted by russia. meanwhile, bulgarians have been eager to reverse their country's decision on the matter what we discussed. and what we suggest, according to my employers, is that the government do everything possible to restore talks with gas from and deliver the contract. that's the message from the bulgarian deputy prime minister after a meeting with top business men in sophia, according to russian officials. however, most of gas problems, european partners have complied with the request for rural payments. austria and germany have said that stopping fuel inputs from russia could lead to a deep economic recession, but they are still looking for ways to negotiate payments in euro's western leaders have said, rushes decision to stop gas supplies amounts to blackmail gas problems,
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announcement that it is unilaterally stopping gas deliveries to certain jo, member states is another publication from the kremlin. but it comes as no surprise that the kremlin uses fossil fuels to try to black. my last, we're working for other nations like korea, japan cutter and others to support or effort to help the europe and allies threatened by russia with gas blackmail, and their energy needs and other ways. russian authorities have rejected the blackmail accusation saying that they are promptly delivering to those who paid in roubles, black mail or not locals. of the countries that have taken a stand against russian gas are worried that it will backfire usa to no, i think it will be extremely bad for us. but what i'm waiting for is the government to resign. i expect new elections and a new normal government because we cannot expect anything good from the current one
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. i expect it to have a catastrophic effect. prices will grow up more. that's the way it will be. i think this is the government's job to consider and resolve the problem. that's what they are going to do. in fact, they will resolve it, the citizen, it has become clear that we can get gas from europe, but at a higher price. so i do not believe it's an appropriate solution if gas is halted from russia. let's not forget that many you countries will pay in roubles to get gas from russia despite the imposed sanctions. as i understand it, we will not do so. goodman favor, it is difficult for me to imagine how we will continue to live with such increases . i think that this will lead to an increase in poverty or the impoverishment of society in general. what will people it will be viewed sir? harder? no, sir. prizes, hulu, increase. yes. so i think that the rising price is a worrying a soul, but we believe that we will deal with it and that these increases will be quite
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bearable for us. meanwhile, gas problems, as it has observed, a physical reversal of gas from germany to poland, which means warsaw is still buying russian gas. but through a 3rd party and at a higher price or teased on quarter shed light on the issue. poland and bulgaria have apparently done what so many experts have said, is likely impossible. they've cut themselves off from russia gas imports altogether . it's all because the 2 countries refused to pay in roubles, and war saw seems pretty optimistic about it. brussels has also assured us that the country's neighbors are picking up the slack. today member states met in the gas coordination group, poland and bulgaria upstate us on the situation. both poland and bulgaria. i'm not receiving gas from there. you neighbors. that's true, just after russia closed its taps, germany's gas flow to pull into increased by 5 times. looks like they didn't really need russian gas after. all right?
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not so fast. germany, by over half of its natural gas from russia. those supplies then travel through the am all pipeline which also crosses through poland. now to provide war. so with the gas it needs berlin is reversed flowing, that same gas along the same pipeline at a higher price. it should be noted that according to the available data, there was a physical reverse of gas from germany to poland and apparently to ukraine in the amount of 3 to 5000000 cubic meters per day. so the only thing different here really is that warsaw has to buy russian gas at a premium to save face. and that's no small energy bill, just for warsaw to say it's stuck to moscow. russia used to supply poland with half of the countries total consumption. but with poland now buying russian gas through a 3rd party, warsaw seems to think it's diversified. bullish homes and the economy secures for the supply. i guess we have the necessary reserves and sources of supply that protects our security. for years, we have effectively become independent of russia,
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a real trail blazing strategy, poland established there. so many you countries might try to do the same while others try to pick up the slack. but one thing's for sure. the main source of europe's natural gas will remain the same. russia, this is a very cynical game being played on the ordinary population of europe on behalf of the leads who want war with russia at a, at any cost. nobody has shown how you're gonna compensate for the loss of russian gas. not only will they lose gas, but you know, the gas that they will pay for will be much more expensive than it needs to be. bulk areas already twice. now, sacrifices national interests under pressure from much stronger western patrons. so this is just the game being played on with on weaker countries, such as bulk area, while poland in poland is leading the charge against russia. so, you know, again,
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poland obviously doesn't mind paying more much more than it should. and it could, you know, just to get it russia, i don't think, i know that no one really asked the consumers. they're just, they're just being thrown into the situation presented with the done d, where entering war and rush hour proxy war against russia. and you're just supposed take it, you know, blood, sweat, and tears. the russian pilot imprisoned in the us on a drug smuggling conviction has returned to moscow in a prisoner exchange deal. konstantin ja shanker was swapped with former us marine trevor read. who had been jailed in russia for striking a police officer dash and go had been sentenced back in 2010 on 2 decades to prison by an american court. he was found guilty of involvement in a drug smuggling scheme in the west african nation of liberia, where he had been initially detained by us authorities and local police. moscow has
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said there shanker was abducted and then he was maintained. he is innocent in an interview with our to thank you, aaron. he alleged he was tortured in liberian and us custody. you mentioned several times that you were taught yet in prison. can you elaborate on that? can you tell is exactly what happened? you know, model for support them, so i can tell you in detail what happened was i was abducted by the u. s. in my berry and security services in may 2010. i was taken to the national security agency headquarters in liberia, where they tortured me for 2 and a half days. it was unbearable physical and fight psychological torture. i didn't even want to live. there were professionally trained, they knew where to hit and how to head to avoid killing me. they had my feet broke, my teeth injured, my internal organs broke my legs. it was really brutal. i medical scheduled the american prisons are not criticized on the living conditions or how the prisoners
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are treated there. the criticism is all gagged. the u. s. government accuses russia and other countries of breaking human rights and presence. but in fact, we see double standards there. they claim they protect prisoners rights, but what happens in american federal prisons is just awful. i'm not even talking about guantanamo bay or places like that. people are abducted, tortured and unjustly detained. like i was, for example, another russian sentence than americans. victor about. i'm really glad that i managed to get out and come back to russia. now i can tell the whole truth about what the american government is doing, russian. i know the foreign citizens whom i met there in us prisons. i'm so even though you've been away for from your home, for a very long time, you've only been back in russia a few hours. how do you plan to spend the next few days and weeks? yeah, behind you bo whisper. i want to finally get enough sleep of the way americans transported me to russia was literally crossing all the lines as you can still, i still have marks on my hands from the handcuffs. it was usually stressful for me
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. it was physical torture. i was kept in handcuffs for more than a day. i need some time to recover after all the suffering and damage i went through because of the american government. much with the world's richest man. you must, who is buying the world's social network. twitter has slammed critics who suggests that he should not be led free or speech free speech flourish on the platform, especially if it could been allowing hate speech an issue addressed by human rights groups. meanwhile, the you is clamping down on tech giants with new regulations for them to more aggressively route out suspicious content or else face hefty fines, or to show that you've been sky reports. non muffed is a ma my character. you probably the love him or lose him. his latest acquisition is twitter, and it didn't take long for free speech enthusiasts to show their approval. thanks
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to new ownership, i've decided to come back. we're back. musket says he backs free speech, but he may find himself locked into a battle where he won't be the victor. e. u officials have agreed a new set of rules which will force big tack like twitter to police their platforms more strictly. the digital services act will overhaul the rule book and allow the e you to essentially rain in the power of social media companies. with today's agreement, we ensure that platforms are held accountable for the risks their services composed to society and citizens. those who for fall could face fines running into billions of euros. they could even find that platforms banned. not much of the dsa should be welcomed. it will make material around hate speech material around incitement to terrorism, and also child sexual abuse. illegal online,
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similar legislation is also being pursued in the u. k. though, some a wondering if this means that free speech will become a silent as the grave under the threat of penalties. social media companies won't risk allowing content that could come close to legal, but harmful to remain on its platform. free speech and free discussion on the internet will die a slow and painful death. facebook and twitter have been accused of taking down content that they don't like, or perhaps doesn't suit their political leanings. and the report by the media research center found that posts criticizing president joe biden were sent said over 600 times in 2 years. uncomfortable comments were deleted users had barrack, if it is restricted, or even suspended. why?
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well, more than a quarter of the sense it posts related to the very embarrassing hunter. by didn't laptops scandal in the weeks leading up to the 2020 us election originally labeled as russian this information. yet, it was a big attack is already acting like big brother, new regulations by the you and countries like the u. k. could restrict views even more. freedom of speech used to be a cornerstone of west and ideology. there is not off quoted phrase. i disapprove of what you say, but i will defend the death you write to say it. the idea that this could be lost as people's views don't fit the vision of the authorities of the day. should perhaps be a warning sign to all charlotte, even sky, all t, paris, french president or my new micron has one reelection beating outright wing rival
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marilla pen in a close race. but despite his current victory, his party faces more challenges ahead. during the upcoming parliamentary elections next month, and the crime had to dodge a bag of tomatoes hurled at him during a post election walk about in paris suburb this week. as many people in the country are upset with his job performance. the yellow vest protest movement which gained prominence in recent years as they opposed mcclung controversial tax policies have taken to the street to this week for renewed demonstrations while that rally was by p. so many people around france in showing their anger following the president's reelection. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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with those protests mark, a continuation of domestic problems that have plagued him across leadership as he has faced a label of being the president for the rich recently after a slight increase in popularity amid the conflict in ukraine, his approval ratings have again been falling in his 2nd term, you have to address controversy surrounding pension reform and social inequality. marilla pen proved a formidable challenger to micron, receiving many more votes than she did in previous presidential races, as she quoted rural voters and those in overseas territories. in some of the overseas territories, she received the support of more than 50 percent of the population. we heard from locals who say that they were and satisfied with both candidates,
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but voting for le pen to express their more pressing discontent against the current leadership. the wouldn't very much detail the martini can and guadalupe and people have had enough of macro neglecting us. but there are problems like the high cost of living in isolation. and there were demonstrations all year amid the covey crisis. we tried to change things. we are not okay with marine le pen, but it's more that micron made all on vaccinated people unemployed. this was you say massage and i guess learn exist. we are fed up exasperated because it's not a new orientation for our people. it's just anger we. we send out a message because our leaders don't move sadly vashti to do these results reflect the level of discontent in the population. people are not satisfied, they are not heard. and that's led to this result. i don't think that people are in favor of marine le pen. these are voices of disapproval. additional to call few people here. don't have any more trust towards mac crohn, so it's okay that they voted this way. but i will de la, i don't see my money, they just lie to us. so personally,
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i would like le pen to win for her to change. things does me. i will be back in 30 minutes with another full and fresh look. she knew so well such international if anybody's been trapped in an elevator, 20 minutes could be pretty long time right and alone. trapped in an elevator for 20 minutes. not knowing what's gonna happen, not knowing where you are, the sense of sensory deprivation. ugh, figler that if your life are 20 minutes an hour, not the only are the intercom is nothing i was trying to get you out. i was keeping you in is your communication ah, and i think distance. oh i'm. ready


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