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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2022 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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ah ah, for just information that jack was witnessed in the city of 2 chit and the key of region following withdrawal of the russian troops. russia is foreign minister, slums of faith, disturbing footage from boucher, which prompted to blame russian forces for the mass getting known to civilians. here from a reporter who covered the situation on the ground from the outskirts all ukrainian town. i know for sure that the troops left the city and marched to 31 march 31st. this was confirmed by the mayor of the city of butcher, but didn't mention any body's line in the street. ukraine's media polls its own fake news reports, blaming russia for the gruesome killing of a woman in the dumbass city of mario fall, we stayed with the american journalist, the person i normal anti russian
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propaganda from gray, black capital based tool number 25 as a base for grading port on de la, 3 and energy company molds, the possibility of paying and roubles for russian gas, that's a mid i'd prize from it to you. neighbors, to stop importing any russian energy supplies at all from moscow to the world. this is our take, great to have you with us today and you know neil a disinformation attack, that's the response from the russian foreign minister to fudge that emerged from the ukrainian town of boucher which shows disturbing images of the dead bodies of
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civilians lying in the streets, sunday, others piled in mosque rates, ukraine's defense ministry seized. the killings were committed by russian troops, but speaking to the you, ends under secretary general for humanitarian refers to regular rav claim. the story is fake and has an anti russian agenda. aimed at western audiences. nearly 3 through a disinformation attack was witnessed in the city of boucher and the key of region . following the withdrawal of the russian troops, our troops withdrew from the area and accordance with the plans and previously reached agreements. several days later, there was a staging this snowing, spread across the media and social platforms, by ukraine and its western patrons, and was to expression forces 40 retreated from the city. on the 30th of march. on the 31st of march, the cities now made a statement saying everything was in order. in 2 days later we saw that stage footage from the streets of boucher which they now are attempting to use for anti russian purposes or in
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a couple of weeks ago. there were attempts to misrepresent the situation and one of mary polls maternity hospitals has a crime committed by the russian troops who later became clear those attempts had been made to cause a provocation. the materials presented were later exposed as fakes. while the stories about the chron in town of butcher north west of ki, if that has been under severe fighting for weeks, it fell under the control of the russian army on the 3rd day of moscow, special military operation on the ground. and last week it was recaptured by ukraine's forces, and some time off to that, to the deer's, started emerging from that town, allegedly showing piles of dead bodies lying on this trace. very disturbing images indeed. and there was also information about math grades. he reported that around 300 civilians were found that their and was quick to accused moscow of war, crime and massacre. russia's defense ministry earlier reported that their forces had left the town of boucher on march 30th. the day after another round of peace
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talks on ukraine, and while butcher was under their control, not a single civilian was hurt moscow. coals caves claims and provocation, and the whole footage a fake. now some meters, speculate that there is some contradiction in versus defense minister his report regarding dates. and they say that apparently they had troops were still in town after march 31st. but on that very day, the city may have posted a video on social media show and he's standing in front of local administration building happily announcing that the town is now cleared from his words, russian occupants. and in that we did, he never happened to mention any dead buddy line on this trees very here. rosie is from dear friends, the on a community of butcher march. the 31st will become history for our city. and the entire territorial community is the day of liberation from the russian occupants by the armed forces of ukraine. i state that this day is a great day,
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the day of great victory. also rush, defense ministry now says that it still control some of the territory around the pain river and is still in the region. and that is also used by some media as proof of the allies, but been in the town and in the region is not exactly the same thing. also ukraine's national police posted another video on april the 2nd show in their troops clear in the town of fulcher, after the russian forces. it's an a 2 minutes long video and will now show you part of it. but you can easily find a whole footage on the web and as you will now see, the picture is completely different. you go with ah well, it's really sad to see how the story develops. i have to say we,
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as journalists, i used to be very cautious with information. partially. you were in wars, i just returned from logan's quest, spent weeks covering the conflict. i have to say that it has become a rule and i remove all journalists working there. not to report about anything before official verification, even if you see an explosion with iran eyes or you hear the authority far, it's really hard to say what is really happened a while? false reports may actually hurt just to bring you some wider reaction. the polish president of state of the image is emerging from the city or assign ukraine needs more weapons. however, despite a general anti russian sentiment in poland, some politicians don't share the president stance. expressing thoughts about the footage. have you observed that houses are almost intact? i bet you didn't, so why bodies are buried in the mass graves instead of being buried by relatives,
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and why they were not removed from the lane by relatives, look and think it doesn't hurt. while french president emanuel mac rollin has said, russian forces are responsible for the killings in boucher on that mosque will have to answer for its crimes. british and u. s. officials have called for an investigation by the international criminal court but the russian ambassador to the u. s lanes, it was ukrainian battalions who shall baton after the russian military left and that washington is ignoring not possibility journalist alexander cults, who was embedded with the russian military church. his thoughts with us on the situation. yep. but she misses but i will. i spent almost a month here, the city of neutral, and so what sort of relations there were between the local people and the russian military who was not aggressive. it was normal and even did business. there was an exchange of military dry ration for daily products. there was no aggression or conflict between the russian military and local residence. the people whose bodies
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that are now shown on ukraine and television were killed not long ago. and i know for sure that the troops left the city on march 30th on march 31st. this was confirmed by the mayor of the city of butram, who didn't mention any bodies lying in the streets. there is a white bandage on the sleeves of many people. this is the identification mark of the russian troops and local residence, just in case tight white bandages to show. i'm one of you don't shoot me, of course for the ukrainian military, where nationalists such a bandage you dissemble of the enemy, can of a story to bring your ukrainian media has tried and apparently feel to pin the blame on moscow for the gruesome killing of a woman in the dunbar, city of mar youthful, the victims, brickley mutilated body with a swastika carved into her stomach was fine by rushing led trips after they cleared out ukrainian, neo nazi 8th of battalion forces from a civilian building a week ago. please be aware, disturbing images are ahead. picking up the story from the ukrainian media outlet,
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president lensky is advisor lead the charge on social media posting an image of the victim and claiming she was killed in gus to mel in the key of region. the advisor then updated the description to say the atrocity hunt possibly happened in marty you pull before deleting his own post altogether. shortly afterwards, ukrainian media admitted they've gotten the details all wrong. all their own reports. the scene of the killing in mario both last week has since been visited by international journalists, including our t reporters. again, the falling footage is disturbing. i had the saw snow had asked that she had him. and this in fact is the corpse of a woman by the look of it she was raped and a swastika was carved into her stomach. the body has been here for quite some time . for now, they cannot get out and barriers because there are a lot of corpses throughout the city. this corpse was discovered relatively recently, soon we will try for the information we were taken out of here. that the american
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journalist, patrick lancaster, who was the 1st to break the disturbing story from the city, offered his views to the program earlier. i think that it's just the normal anti russian propaganda from the grain. it's really just the way it is. blame side. blaming the other side, but we know it for a fact that this happened in the basin of tooth number 25 which was used. busy as a base for grading for we're going through building to build and just seeing everything guestimate and just talking to the local talking to some of the d p. r mobilization soldiers, one of them who. busy happened to show us this basement of this school school number 25 and there you go. busy busy he took it down, we could see many, many amounts of cranium uniforms and patches and flags. and the
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huge dash of weapons which. ready purchase lead. unfortunately, we found this woman partially covered actually with uniform uniforms as well as her. her stomach wage had a swastika on this just being a shot from thing. i was hard to tell what it was, carved or painted, or no blood was needed. if you could see what had happened there, this woman had been re tortured and shrank to death. meanwhile, there's a new scandal emerging over an image circulating on social media, apparently showing a swastika during a broadcast by a polish tv channel. the notorious symbol was spotted in the background during an interview about ukraine. it's not clear if the polish channel was aware of openly
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showing a swastika during it's broadcast, but it was, as you can see, quite prominent. and it comes after ukraine's president during an interview, an american t. v refused to condemn atrocities allegedly committed by pro key of neo nazis. when asked about some brutal cases attributed to the notorious hazel battalion, vladimir levinsky simply said the extremist members of the group, they are what they are. a soft battalion that is said to be nazi affiliated organization, operating as a militia in your country, said to be committing their own atrocities. household was one of those many battalions. it will need, you know, they are what they are. during of interview on fox news, latimer zalinski also said the elf battalion is fully integrated into the ukrainian military. however, that fragment of the interview was later deleted from all of the american networks, online resources. ukrainian presidents latest stunts on the a's off nationalist is a far cry from his own attempts to pressure them to disarm. like when he assume the
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country's leadership in 2019 yup. is down to the son please. me a sort of. oh yes, me a little bit but it's only because on meeting the meeting with for sure if i'm it was up. uh huh. what do you do with them? yeah, yeah. hi. do you when you minute movie? pardon? are you so should be good to look at the video with me. i'm on the with young a demo of my ment, ups for julie of i'm solution with me that we showed you know, and there's always a little key to me because it will show me it was nice to me or before the conflict in ukraine extremist forces like the a's off battalion has been widely condemned by human rights groups in 2014. i'm this the international call for an investigation into possible war crimes carried out by such ukrainian forces during their military crackdown and civilian descent in don bass journalists,
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patrick lancaster, again, phase western media outlets need to start questioning what key phase is happening in the conflict being and maria bowl, i talk to the people, and i tell them what is being portrayed in the lecture, mainstream media. how the western says that everything is the fault of russia in russia, showing everything, showing all the story areas and their words tell me when i can fast what the west is saying is that it's not true. and this can be seen in many of my report, which i thought my interviews up well without it cuts could be no misinterpretation. locals on the ground in there. you are telling me that the as a battalion fire on our building, fired from their buildings and fired on civilians and civilians tried to lee. this is what the locals are telling me. a lottery and energy company is molly over
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whether to pay moscow for gas in rubles move, which could potentially violate current up to russian sanctions. the firm has a long term contract with russia for natural gas on till 2030. but the fact it's even considering paying in russian currency is leading to roars of disapproval from elsewhere within the u. r. t. charlotte tube and skeet picks off the story. it could have becoming a bit of a shock. that's a deal. it's being molded the moment. the baltic states in particularly have been pretty cool at the moment, making a big deal about the fact that they have stopped apparently all in ports of russian natural gas. and we heard from the lithuanian president of the weekend who took to twitter to actually call on other you countries to follow suit. and according to the ceo of lapierre natural gas storage operator, the import stopped on april 1st. if there was still any doubts about whether there
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may be any trust in deliveries from russia, current events clearly shows that there is no more trust since april 1st, russia natural gas is no longer flowing to latvia, estonia in lithuania, and know that it wasn't an april fools joke, so it's pretty hard to tally. have both countries have stopped imports with russia when we hearing from this laughing company in the last 24 hours that it's looking to sign this new contract for russian natural gas with gas prom that will take it all the way to 2030. now this comes as well as much as in europe is experiencing this unseasonably cold snap at the moment is pretty freezing here in paris right now. and that has prompted some governments to have concerns about energy security in the future and very soon in the future. so much so that they've told consumers to think of turning the thermostats down or even avoid using certain
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electrical appliances at certain trigger points during the day. we've also seen countries like germany and austria triggering alert systems due to their concerns about energy and leaders who have previously opposed very tough sanctions when it comes to roshan gas in the oil and no changing their tune, falling were discoveries. and just outside of the key of of the weekend. does mccaul, bas scenes in the area around butcher. this is what president mike on had to say a 100 to 6 them. what has happened in boucher call for a new round of sanctions and very clear measures and we will coordinate with our european botanist, especially germany. and we will take further individual measures, and i'm in favor of a new round of sanctions and in particular on cohen petrol. we need to act get, get the present. michael has also said that france could look at taking measures
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owner countrywide level to even some german ministers have conceded that sanctions on russian energy may actually be something that can't be avoided. and that's lead to a bit of a split in the government because we know that the german economy minister has continued to say that a ban on russian gas would cause much more harm and good. and this is something that you ministers having to chew through at the moment as they meet on monday, tuesday, in luxembourg. but it's not just germany that could be the ones that need to be convinced on this level. hungary to has been opposed to sanctions on gas and energy coming from russia and with a win over the weekend. victor open. that is unlikely to change just some or reaction or thir on rush analyst martin mccauley, says western sanctions on moscow will be equally damaging for both sides unless
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they can work out on agreements. so o, the russian economy will be badly hit because when the europe traces out, gosh, and all from russia, it's going to cost something like $400000000.00 a day, which you added up as i'm 50000000000 dollars a year now with economy. so that's all from western point of view, you're looking at that, but that is not possible in the short term. it will take 3 or 4 years before that connected to achieve. that is the ultimate goal. and looking at it from an economic point of view, suicide from both sides. because russia has one, yes, you're needed yet, they can come to an agreement. it's possible that in the future that they might come to an agreement, if ah, russia changes policies and there's a peace treaty and ukraine and show on the sanctions are lifted. that's in the future, perhaps for 5 years ahead. ah, now on monday,
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nato mark 73 years since its foundation. on april 4th 1949, it began with a dozen member states now and includes 30 countries and over 1000000000 people. the organization was created to provide collective security against the soviet union. its relations with russia were also strained in later years, after its promise not to expand eastwards walls repeatedly broken, professor of european studies in belgrade. stephanie gach questions whether nato remains a defensive alliance need to was offensive alliance, ever since the end of the cold war. because it was physically admired, think it was a eating country, my country. i like, i like pac man in a video game. and i also, it's
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a wage wars. and i want to remind you of flavio was not the only example what happened to libya or to nato had his vision in afghanistan. so i basically, this shift that really happens once the soviet union cease to exist, which might sound paradoxical box. unfortunately, it is not, and the logic of data expansion was confronting russia. and the other day it did happen, but nato is not, are, are doing it directly is that they have a cranium. we're, we're dying, unfortunately. exiting their soldiers for the interest of all the time, let's say, collecting brussels and political washington. the international
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collective of hackers, known as anonymous house claim responsibility for leaking the personal data of russian soldiers in ukraine. some $120000.00 troops were allegedly affected by the leak, which includes names on addresses. personal data of 120000 russian soldiers fighting in ukraine was leaked. all soldiers participating in the invasion of ukraine should be subjected to a war crimes tribunal. the infamous grip, whose members called themselves huck davis, have been targeting russia since the conflict in ukraine broke guide. anonymous has also claim successful attacks against russian businesses and government resources. wherever those cyber strikes were met with a swift response with a russian hacker group bringing down the website of anonymous itself. human rights lawyer done cover leg sais. the hocking leak, also known as doc thing,
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was designed to demoralize the russian military. while the anonymous hackers of mysteriously shy away from targeting countries like the u. s. concerns me, especially for the families of the soldiers. i mean, and that's what it seems to be intended to do, to put pressure on them through their families. right? because people are going to know where their addresses are. i mean, this certainly was designed to so panic within the russian population to lower the morale. the soldiers information has been made public, very dangerous, especially in the current climate where there's a lot of anti russian sentiment around the world. the and you have all sorts of mercenaries and others that are pouring into the region to cause all kinds of problems. and so i would think that this does pose a danger to frankly, innocent people. and they could also expose the saudi for their much more brutal
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war and yemen are, frankly american soldiers and their families for all the brutal wars the u. s. has been involved in so it is a great question why russia is being targeted and it could be a number of different reasons. one is that the hackers could in fact be associated with the u. s. government with us intelligence that seems very possible hungry is prime minister, is celebrating what he's called unexceptional victory after winning his 4th parliamentary election in a row. addressing his supporters in budapest, victor, or bon cold on the establishment in brussels and ukraine's president zelinski of ki opponents on his road to reelection. map was calla thought. we have been battling the biggest forces the left wing at home, the international left wing, brussels bureaucrats, all the organisations of the source and fire the international mainstream media.
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and finally, the ukraine in president as well. we never had so many opponents showed up or been has come under heavy criticism from some european officials for as close economic ties to russia and friendly relations with president tutton blood mirror. zelinski has been one of his fiercest critics, punning, budapest for refusing to condemn moscow's operation in ukraine and not sending weapons to key if the spite hungry being a member of the e. u. vector or bond is also strongly against the union stance on immigration, sexual minorities. let's discuss now. the election developments with earth rasmussen, executive vice president of the eurasia center. think tank good to have you on today. earl. just firstly on victor or bon size of the victory a 2 3rd super majority for fed day. is that a come as any kind of surprise to i think he's very, he's very popular and a party is been very successful. the degree of mark, the margin of victory,
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was somewhat surprised, primarily because behind the scene was support of the you and the us, almost all of the opposition parties merged together to counterfeit. and so he had a very uphill direction. and so i think this shows even more important role that plays the popular support that he has basically the, the win for congress, the hungarian people. and i think it was a surprise how big a margin i i thought you'd still when i did, i did not expect to win a super majority of here or been has been trying hard to keep his policies independent from brussels. do you see any reason that might change perhaps pressure from the you and delivering funds for instance, or cut that gap get even wider? i don't think it's, i don't know. probably going to try to pressure him. but i think you know what
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you're seeing here. you think basically the people behind him, one is that the party, the economic policies have been very positively received and have been successful to. he's been honest and upfront with the, with the voters and 3 clear that he wants to stand a neutral thing. he's not pro, but he's not as i russia neither. and he wants to put a relationship both in the middle in a neutral stand, having a good relationship with both sides to benefit hungry. and i don't think he may get pressure from and other threats from you. actually, i think that would make him even more positive. it probably was because even closer relationship with, with russia and the east china is another one. he wants to keep a good relationship as well. so i think that's where the future is wrong, very but,
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but we'll see what happens here. but i think this really puts a stamp and a mark to the voters behind the direction that he's that he's taken right now. yeah . in his and victory speech, he names lovers. lensky is one of his opponents. what did you think of that? why did he do that? well, look, pretty vocal against you know, it actually came up publicly, days before the election telling people to vote against. so i think the, let's be set himself up in an orb and call them out on it. and i think it's appropriate and it's, it's a very good move and i think that people and balances is honesty on that. and i think they saw that too. they saw the pressure coming from the west. they saw the loose di trying to use that side as well. and the people do not want to get, they know, you know, this,
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the worst not conflict is not about unfortunately for ukrainian dying. but it's not about it. it's much greater than that. and hungry does not want to get in the middle. that's and i, i don't think it is people of a hungarian wants to as well. and clearly you clear on the book, earl, always appreciate your time. thank you very much. gerald rasmussen, executive vice president of the eurasia center thinktank and that's where we leave the global news update here in our tea for now, don't go too far though. now is more programs get going in moments? good bye. ah ah
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ah, need to come to russian state to never. i've side as on the north lansky with within the 50000. okay, so mine is 2000 speedy with. we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. mission the state on russia today and c r t spoke neck given our video agency roughly all band on you to send to school with .


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