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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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was to simply do nothing short, then build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now with this is dorothy international, the u. s. is upping pressure on nations that refused to rule out any friendly ties with moscow. india being the latest to get elected and threatened by washington. moscow and k f struggle to come to an agreement on key issues over resolving the ukraine conflict. that fighting continues with reports of civilian casualties and destruction of residential areas. we sat in the basement for a week, hiding from the shooting. i do okay with death. i found vandalism, new york city,
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some of our restaurant is attacked yet another victim of math assaults on anything associated with russia or its culture. since the conflict fled up in ukraine, the owner says it has been tough. every day we get anywhere between 3 to 10 book calls or voicemails of just being, you know, we hope your business bridge the ground. ah, well, thank you. joining us this saturday. this is nancy international coming to you live from moscow that was done with the latest developments in the ukraine conflict. russia's defense ministry, that house destroyed a large underground warehouse with ukrainian army ammunition and missiles in the west of the country. the kremlin, meanwhile, has unconditionally agreed to 7 additional civilian evacuation rates announced by
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kenneth for repeating, told french presidente monument crohn, in a phone call on friday, that moscow is doing everything to ensure the safety of ordinary ukrainians, rushes and military house. the ukrainian troops who surrender can leave the besieged city of mario pole, but cautions that he has already officially refused to be off of. the un has reports. this is deployed is 1st, he went to carrying a convoy to the city of sue me in the countries and ne, meanwhile russians defense ministry say that it has handed out more than 3000 tons of essential supplies. and the dumbass since last month got more on that ahead in the program. so stay with us about the u. s. is lumping up pressure against countries traditionally friendly to russia, saying history will be on america's side. india is the latest country being lectured by the west, so efforts appear to be back. fiery ortiz,
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don't cause repose. neutrality is just not good enough for washington any more. as the ukraine conflict rages on an india considers buying discounted russian oil. the white house is telling the world to decide, are you with us, or are you against us or message to into any country continues to be that obviously abide by the sanctions of but that we are, we have put in place and recommended. i don't believe this would be violating that, but also think about where you want to stand when, when history books are written in this moment in time, i end up support for rush. the russian leadership is support for on an invasion that i obviously having a devastating impact. new delhi isn't the only one being pressured by the western camp. china to has been accused of picking the wrong side despite beijing saying it would rather stay out of the whole thing. shine is already on the wrong side of history when it comes to our to ukraine in the aggression being committed by russia . as for the us, it seems like no matter how many toes it steps on,
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washington will say it's still one of the good guys. it doesn't matter that oil prices have risen 40 percent this year, and india could seriously reduce its energy bills with discounted imports from russia. the u. s. even threatened india with sanctions for its recent purchase of s $400.00 missile defense systems from moscow. it's as if the white house things india, the world's largest importer of russian weaponry, should just radically change its trade deals at the drop of a hat. indian not only depends on russian weaponry, but it also relies hugely in moscow from military of grades and modernization as it moves to will self reliance in his defense sector at the top it all off, washington is offering nothing to replace what it's asking india to give up, i would like to ask our american friends, what kinds of defense technology have you given us? what the u. s. is offering is the f. 16 fighter aircraft rebranded as the f 21. the f 16 is obsolete from the an important view we went for the mig 21 in the 19
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sixty's because the f one o 4 was denied india. we are seeing the same kind of thing. on the other hand, it's not for nothing that india's enjoyed friendly relations with russia for so long. over the past 69 years, new delhi and moscow have only diverged a handful of times at un votes. throughout the pandemic, russia has sent 10 tons of medical aids to india. and what is the u. s. offered demands, threats, and smack talk plus live to india's former ambassador to take. he and his back is down, banjo, k, martin, alkaline gara. thank you very much for joining us on the program. it's great to see . and it does appear to, to, to be that the u. s. is trying to set every country against russia. why is it trying to do that this, this, this, this type of mindset is not, you know, we're not being until even in the cold war feet in this was, you know, the american attitude generally india was as you know,
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and non line country. but none alignment meant, you know, that we were wondering is this sense that we're on the other site? so you see, this is something you know, but i would like to point out that there is a certain dispatch today in the american attitude madigan medium as such. because bordering on battle, maria, because you know, they seem to see that they have bitten more than what they can chew on this question of nato expansion neutral coming into ukraine and so on. however much they tried to turn the narrative into one of humanitarian issues in your brain and so on. the fact of the matter is that that is very much in the focus of attention and therefore cannot afford to lose this use in this struggle in over your green today. and i think despite
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their rhetoric, despite their orchestra, the press reports, i think that the know that they are not going to win, bringing this narrative of being on the right side of history and all that is what it suggests in my reading, that it's a sense of best buy now because you see the russian object to start ready and some we reach the national petition was convicted. it was that it didn't, every one looking at it objectively that they were sticking to certain gear object use, no occupation. what are the fun place? nothing of that, that the americans all the way to believe that you know what about their dispatcher, be that's going to be a new factor in today. what are your thoughts on washington ramping up? the pressure on india like this. i don't think it's not
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new for this experience. you know, we have, we have seen this in different types. you know, the 3 of independent, different points of time. you know, even i don't have to go into the cold or feed, but even to the call. what it is that so it's not something new to us yesterday, you know, would be a show on india because in one country as your own colleagues, managing a little while ago, which has substantial relationship with russia. and that's also, you know, why fi thick? those are the economy and in national security. therefore, you know, they are, i think we are focusing on, in, particularly for this recent number one, number 2, you know, in the overall context of the in the pacific strategies in the nation. fontenot in the fact that she's just and you need to be, you know,
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some hoping down there in there has been refusing to be part of it in days in the quad and all the rest of it. but you know, i megan snow really well that we are not. if people with a block mentality that the see, what do you hear also that you feel they don't, don't know. it becomes more difficult, especially if question some, so i am sending this from and itself, it's independent foreign policy and so on. what we mean you knew was, you know, so that's the, that's the point here today. so if india doesn't fall in line with washington policy is what measures could the us undertake against india? the fact of the matter is to very succinctly precious little, you know, because they often already wrote that the thought is where any of the discussion
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today national security and security and so on. no school for a compromise on india spots will give us. we will replace russia, obviously not, we are not doing that. and then number 2, we on the security when you, when you talk about it, they're all european allies, depending on, on russia. and for that matter, even, you know, sort of tweaked the sanctions regime. the source of their own victory and miss. so what does the cooking about when it comes to india when they speak money question, it's a friendly company offering is competitive prices. and we really need to employ because we should see. so that is a good together at the end, as someone pointed out earlier, whether it's in the form of technology, whether the foremost line of the war, materials that come from russia,
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weaponry that comes from russia in independence on russia for india in the us national speak with us, we don't dissertation. sure. so, you know, they're talking to us on the track where there is really no far back position for you can imagine what the outcome of that so what other countries do you think might get that call from washington in the us seeks to isolate moscow. well, you know, i mean the most important player here would be china. this was recently referred to earlier, and i was also reading with yesterday about this phone call yesterday. and the subsequent chinese from entries asserting that you know, that they wouldn't take brain. so, you know, and that's a nice one big site, but then i would like to point out the middle east to that is a factor, particularly the question those countries. now, you see russia, you follow me,
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emily dependent on and we all know that the big plus is an ingenious idea that was to get by the russian leadership and the so the leadership. and therefore, you know, it kind of every play making the call or feeding the find any of the soviet union where the all market could be a mandate. and you know, so me to call them you could be and all that kind of a game play is no longer possible today because of that. and then before the oil producing countries. so the questions are 3 here will be particularly targeted. and i noticed that you know, that they are conscious of therefore foreign ministers from that region. what was the question, but the entire efficient region? therefore, ministers were in moscow this retail on. so i think that that is one constituency.
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then i will definitely come under pressure all ready and has been on the push for the recent years, even before this contract. can you agree on? he's been expecting, you know, if the guess c, p o, b comes through and it seems we are on the brink of it now. then what happens after that? you know that i didn't leave if the american bending over backwards to this extent, even to most of the islamic revolution he got from the blackest or blacklist you can in the sense of identity. that is that, so they want to iran to bring out all the, all you can into the market. that seems to be getting higher books on that. know how to do something which we all need to be a little more attention that came up. now con garra indian diplomat,
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thank you very much for joining us on the program and sharing your in science with us. we appreciate your time. of the us is also pushing china to join on t rush and sanctions. the president, she apparently refused to be coerced. that friday cool was american counterpart washington. it also warned not to provide material support to russia and american lawmakers, and now seeking to sanction chinese financial institutions, helping russia conduct to transactions of there was bought from the international swift financial payment system with the plaza and general gregory clock say the west is using the ukraine 5 to provoke china and disrupt pits of warm relations with china with russia. china is china. we'll put it in the interests 1st, but it's entrenched at the moment. lie, i think, in cooperation with russia because it's quite clear that it will not get much
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cooperation from america. the west is trying very hard to use the ukraine issue to actually say, provoke china or to find some something guilty in the chinese response. but so far they have not had much success. and i didn't think that her magic's success in the future was an actual building and care was hit by fragments from an allegedly downed russian missile on friday. according to kinsman, one person was killed and 4 children were wounded plays broke out in the building locates in key paddle ski district and fire fighter scrambled to put out the flames . several neighboring buildings, including a kindergarten and school were also damaged according to ukraine's state emergency
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service. the russian military has not commented on the my son. he's how local residents described won't happen. but you are still present. why didn't you leave him? a craving official working for the presidential office, a military solution for the besieged city of mario, poland, the don. yes, republic where a massive fighting is continuing. the official said no end to the blockade by russian allied forces is in sight. but that ukrainian forces would not give up fighting for the city. russia's military house that it would let ukrainian troops leave mariel, paul, if they surrender, but cautioned that kit has refused the offer. upon the coming from the city of don . yes, that for people were killed in the ukraine military forces show the local district,
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the markets in the center of the residential area of damage as a result of the strike, according to the authorities of don. yes, republic, when it is said to other people were taken to hospital this message from the village of o goon, car and lead on yes for public the public. what homes and infrastructure have allegedly been destroyed by ukrainian troops on yes. forces have been distributing food, water, and other essential to local residence, some folders, feelings about what's happening to their village. lady of pseudo a little girl is the home, but as well, isn't she that she a oh, do love that the what's in your tooth of port circle even when the battle was on the outskirts, they still purposefully hit the village. it's good that our forces helped us well handed out bread. we could not even contact relatives to find out whether they were
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alive or not, because the phones didn't work for amid the ongoing fighting, many ukrainian se, then not only scared of shelling, but also of those who've been branded key abs. thought police thought somebody will pause people who are early ad, any pro russia views or criticize keys have gone missing, being arrested. and in some cases, been found dead here has denied and he claims that deliberate which hunts where financial reports. this is, you believe any elegans, its former head openly voice supports for the autonomy of the republic. back in 2020, he became the mayor of another town in territory controlled by keith, but continued to share his view for the future of the don bos region. this year in march regiment, a stroke was kidnapped and later found dead. the next day images of his dead body were posted all over and to russian internet forums with words of approval. among them was an official advisor to the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs. there is one less traitor in ukraine, the entire state apparatus of ukraine,
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the secure to service the interior ministry. the prosecutor's office, the corps were unable to handle the outspoken separatist truck. apparently he was shot dead by unknown patriots as a traitor under the laws of war. but apparently, in some cases there is no need to voice progression views at all. recently, denise kit ave, hey, participant in the russia ukraine peace talks on key. if side was confirmed dead ukraine's media dubbed him a traitor, quote, in sources him on politicians and intelligence, they reported that the countries domestic security service, they as be you killed him during an apparent arrest, attempt, allegedly accusing crave of venus pi. the as b, u has never commented on the matter and other case, the colon of each brothers, both members of ukraine's communist party bend in ukraine, arrested by the as b. u. in an official statement. they are described as accomplices of occupants. some get arrested without official charges,
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like one of ukraine's most famous writers who is a critic of the country's leadership south of a model. on march 10th, 2022. he was detained by the security service of ukraine in his he of apartment without charge. now, my dad is in the luke young ascii romance center, but now charge has been still brought. dmitri dunn gear of a well known ukraine and political commentator, who strongly criticized zalinski, or alleged like of leadership use to appear on line with regular, our long video analysis. one day he appeared in a short video, strangely dressed, and looking exhausted in the recording. he addressed russia's leadership using this more regardless of the military campaign result that will never be any acceptance of russia. no sympathy, no positive attitude towards the russian federation is armed forces and to a large extent, ordinary citizens of rome, viewers in common sections suggests that he was captured and recorded the video under duress and to those that believe the threat is exaggerated. here is the
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governor of ukraine's nikolai region, reminders of you know, that we're already forming a list of traitors. there are not many of them, but they stay. they are preparing to help the occupiers and are already doing some things. i know a lot of people saying they know in the regions who should be shot. it has been there for the last few years. but to recently ukraine's which hunt has reached an alarm in frightening scale. it seems that while moscow continues its special military operation here on the ground, he if has declared a special war against its own people. meanwhile, the un has reported it managed to send in its 1st he went to harry and 8th khan, voice of the war torn city of sumi, the organization, se if the delivery was made possible by negotiating with both the russian and ukrainian military. russian troops have also been delivering humanitarian aid to areas in need. the russian defense ministry said that over $3000.00 tons of essential supplies, including food and medicine,
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has been handed down to the dumbasses since last month. when a new episode of volunteering is going on, the grounds, my colleague and she returns to discuss what a solution for the ukraine crisis might look like with retired us can lawrence wilkinson, he said, as chief of staff on the us secretary of state colin powell in the early 2 thousands, you can see that the interview is full, as it said throughout the day here on asi international. and we all agreed that the only solution to this conflict to diplomatic solution, negotiation that bless me at least, gain some of what he wishes. and allows much of ukraine to remain a state part of it being autonomous, perhaps with referenda to be conducted. however, you work out the details or recognition that crimea is going to be part of russia or ever in a day or some other things like that that would be appeasing to moscow. and yet
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leave some kind of intact as to what ukraine wants to be. and it's majority and settled with that and quit because this is insanity. it is utter insanity. it is making a pariah of food. and i understand that the george kevin, the j. k, diplomat, told colin powell about easter, the expansion of nato. and the dangers of it when you is chief of staff absolutely was 98 or 9 years old at the time. and he actually said it was the biggest strategic mistake america made in the post cold war era. and might be the biggest one that we made in the so called cold war panorama. and i agree with him it, it made no sense whatsoever. it was done principally for arms, merchants alarm sales and money to be made. i think you're looking at an alliance, it's looking for a purpose, and it's been looking for a purpose ever since the cold war ended or people
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all over the globe, dealing with hateful messages, discrimination, boy count for even vandalism, such as being associated with russians or russian culture, some have reported receiving death threats regardless of the personal political views. the rush and some of the restaurants in new york is one of the latest to be targeted by vandals. it struggle with a boy caught threatening calls and back reviews on line since the conflict broke house in ukraine. that despite the staff and owners being both russian and ukrainian, we've done with vandalism. i mean, every day we get anywhere between 3 to 10 of calls or voicemails, of just being a you know, we hope your business birds to the ground calling us nazis calling us fascist people that are taking their aggression out on something that is now the new thing to be angry about, it's russo phobia to point out 1st day. the war began with us,
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20 reservations were down 6070 percent and it took the press in order to educate and to convey this message that we're not the bad guys or this is not an isolated incident. so my case is a vandalism, and threats to russian businesses have also occurred in other american cities including chicago, san diego, and washington. while ukrainian restaurants are guessing widespread support from customers all over the us. russian business owners are reporting a decrease in business as well as messages, telling them to quote, go home and greece. hundreds of farmers took the streets of athens on friday to protest against drastically rising fuel and fertilizer prices connecting with the sanctions against russia. they say their production costs are now so high, they're having to significantly cut back their businesses. the greek government has already reduced these sales tax on fertilizers by almost half, and is offering other support measures that pharmacy to help isn't enough for
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workers in peace or have refused to load boxes. they say contained weaponry, disguises, humanitarian aid for ukraine. they say the arms of 1st to be sent to us and nato bass is in poland and then provide it to ukraine. and italian trade union has called for a protest to take place outside the airport on sunday. oh, the city shut on. social media shows crowds chancing nato go home and waving banners saying young to go home and see us defense. secretary arrived in severe protest his way to russian under garry and flag says lloyd austin, how talks on sending military ac ukraine back to a news conference off of the negotiations with gary as prime minister ruled out giving military assistance to key f. a huge portraits of russian prominent novelist,
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theodore dostoevsky, has appeared on the wall of naples at technical institute mural as a part of, into an international project, created by the author of the painting, the choice of betraying to say, epsky is not a coincidence. as a dispute broke out recently and milan over the ban on a course on the russian writer we spoke to the creator of the mural, who thinks that political disagreement should not affect culture? i think, i think we, we can mean, and i need to be doing a new new showing us than you would be the the big mistake again to rochester is not only about the rash on the old guy needs the word wide problem. so we have to be solved with this problem. we have to try to, to talk globally, everybody to, to got the nice table. and the way to go to nice would
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many thanks keeping his company here in our scenes. national bank at the top has an with all the latest fe them. ah ah ah, ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time time to sit down and talk
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ah welcome. just put nick orbiting the world with me. george galloway and me, deputy media lights are going out all over the world. they may not be switched on again. in our lifetime. nato is not just traditional weapons of war, but a vast monstrous regimen of hacks whose salary and status is absolutely determined by the gusto with which they prosecute nato's wars in this one over ukraine. i think for the 1st time, there is not the slightest chink in the armor. it is an iron clad consensus using their control over the big thick they are literally book burning in a frenzy of cancellation and d platforming. in this part of the battle, at least,
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nato has all the big guns. one man and one outfit not yet stilled is consort jim news and its editor in chief, joe la area. joe, thanks for joining us. am i right on this? you and i are of a certain age. we've been through a lot of wars, but there is not a chink in the armor as though it is literally absolute support for natal across the entire western media. well, thank you for having back george. last time i was on was new year's eve and we were making predictions about 2022. and i said you crank would be the biggest story of the year. i was born just after the mccarthy period in the united states. so, and i always wonder what it would have been like to live through it. and i don't have to wonder any more. in many ways, i think it might be worse that targeted individuals who mccarthy said were communists inside the government, inside the army, inside hollywood. this is a blanket.


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