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tv   News  RT  February 25, 2022 8:00am-8:31am EST

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ah, ah, deadlines right now here we are now to answer national. we are working to confirm this, but according to militia and the don't yet republic. ukrainian army shelling. i said a local school killing to teachers. we understand the school was not in operation. there were no children that today. so russia's a so called a military operation in ukraine is continuing now into it's 2nd day reporting on the latest incursions into ukraine. now we're bringing the very latest from the drive in just a moment. and the advantage down more ukrainian troops to rendering to that of the russian military or the russian defense military says they will not be harmed. and ukrainian soldiers can go home if they refuse to fight with you. cranes at president asks president putin to sit down the negotiating table to end the bloodshed.
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ah, well, the world is watching, continuing to watch, mostly in horror, at the military escalation in ukraine. i hear it ought to international. we're working very hard to confirm all the very different details we're receiving here at moscow. appreciate you joining us. so a ukrainian artillery strike has apparently destroyed a school outside the city of dawn. yet we understand 2 teachers were killed. that's according to local officials. now we received are, these images are showing the off them off that i know children were in the building at the time. it is within one of the 2 door bathroom publics which russia itself, independently recognized as sovereign states earlier this week. now, in don yeske itself, our residential areas have been in the bus a, according to locals are one shell, landed in the hop destroying several vehicles. the shockwave report li smushed, windows of a nearby warehouse,
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one civilian totally in the right. now i've been talking with raymond caseres throughout the day here on our t international. he's also working hard to confirm the details that are coming in for him across over to his latest report. now i to her on your bullshit was a schools here in the nest people's republic have been completely shot for children since they evacuation to russia was announced that children of course, were some of the 1st evacuation. however, the distance learning format is, is still taking place. it is the school year. and some of the teachers are indeed at schools of broke, providing a service to those kids that sir wants to learn. now the town of girl has been on their shelling for many years already for the, for the it's are 8 years of this war has been happening and her to day on friday. another one of those isn't, isn't it's the incidence took place and after ukrainian shelling 2 people were hurt
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in that a blast. a very graphic footage that we received from there. and this has been confirmed to us by the mayor of a girl of god. yvonne brianca and our crew. we've been working there on the scene and spoke to some of the local residents who told us about the shilling that continues for quite a long time. my wife and i were lying on the bed, she can walk, we were watching the news. then i heard a loud crack. the kitchen window had blown out, but we were not hurt. our neighbor was injured and there is no more heating right now. of we've heard a blast a here in a sensor of funds anesco had blasts throughout the city. and the one of those blasts, the happened as one of the oil storage facilities are here in the city. ah, and though one of the pipelines from the storage facility was the also damaged apparently, and now we have a witness, a report from
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a one of the locals that live there. let's have a listen. not edelton thomas went to lucy. i was at home watching the news. i had just come home after work and the shilling started an hour later. you able to show that 1st one we did not pay any attention, but then they came closer and closer with 1st our windows were blown out. now then i decided to look outside to try and work out where the shilling was coming from and where to hide it. i was at home with my mother. i wanted to protect her. the 1st blasts occurred near the garages. then i opened the door, but i was thrown back. after the shelling was over, we came outside to look around. the house has been destroyed, not completely, but still with you that we haven't seen anything like this since the war started. in 2014, a shell landed in the yard of the neighboring house, but it didn't go off. luckily, since the very beginning of the war, there been no blasts here, let me know. and now, right at the end of the war, this tragedy has struck answering me right at the start of the war. and i decided
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to stay in donnette sick and i will not leave it. i will stay here and protect my territory that he shall cut my give now that sir, not so the only explosion that so we heard in the city of the nest, to they local emergencies, ministry, you know, they have reported that their cry, his sensor was the old so damaged by a shilling that also took place on friday. people's sa militia, here in done as people's been the shall, wagons, can russian defense minister confirming that as well that they're moving deeper into the territory that is now controlled by ukraine. russian defense ministry are saying that they've moved to advanced as far as a 9 kilometers. however, the fighting here is still very intense, especially in the south of the nest peoples, a republic near the city of murray, opal that certain s people's republic is trying to liberate. but according to reports from the people's militia,
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that city is now controlled and encircled by the as of battalion. so the so called territorial defense battalion that has been known to well, many around the world are ready for its affiliation to a neo nazi beliefs. now, according to reports, they're preventing the residence of marable, from evacuating from the city and the basically using them as a human shield. now denise, pushing the head of people, serv, i'll look at the mask is said earlier on friday that there are merely days left before the entire republic is liberated. we are here in different reports from, from the entire ukraine. for example, here, song region that's bordering russia. crimea, we had report from the locals that the ukranian army is nowhere to be seen as to be seen. and there seems to have baffled them as they find themselves in this. well
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with new reality. now we have recorded one of those conversations in her song from the local. let's have a listen to like a deal with awesome upstairs or stay with a really good some with of course the situation. my big difference in ukraine and so on. the front lines here in donetta square, they creighton and army is actually fighting, but going back to ukraine. russia's federal security service have made an announcement on thursday that there are no ukrainian border guards remaining on the border with russia. and actually, 16 of them have crossed into crimea laying down their arms and surrendering to
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russian, a law enforcement saying that they no longer wish to serve under the ukrainian flag . now ukraine's border authorities also issued a statement saying that some of their border guards have been relocated to reserve post and they will be further rotated according to the to the situation at hand. meanwhile, a back here in the next, despite the fact that we're hearing a blast, well on a daily basis, though we hear them well less and less frequently. people are still hoping for peace, and people are hoping that this 8 year conflict will and, and their loved ones will soon be safe from and is shelling and any more hardship. and so on the 2nd day of rushes, so cold military operation labeled by most as an all out invasion videos,
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reports are coming in from all across ukraine, also as well from the break away. don bass. republics, which russia no longer considered a part of ukraine, much in contrast to the rest of the world. the video shows don't ask militia fighters taking down the ukrainian flag from an administrative building. meanwhile, and unverified video is circulating online, showing people welcoming the russian army near harkell us the 2nd largest city in your credit or you as long as i live in new orleans, him on the north field or with a where you can see it for yourself. right? there the guy who's driving his coff film that right there was believe to be
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a missile strike new ukraine, city of person on the pictures eventually showing them i went to petrol station was hit by shells or pictures of a russian forces. a coming in from a southeast in ukraine as well. local say they have occupy the city of melita pope . it's mayor piracy confirming this in a speech that the city has surrendered. meanwhile, air raid sirens have been out in major ukrainian cities with residents encouraged to seek shelter lou a and only in the morning the capital t. f was rocked by a series of powerful explosions from kiev says, it says there's shot out a russian cruise missiles. it also claims to have shot down a russian fight at jack over a residential area, the debris,
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a piracy coming down from either one of those in an apartment building for fourthly, injuring a there also. i witness reported the ongoing battle for the augusta mel. air field is very close to kiev. as we understand around 200 russian troops have managed to penetrate the air field, but ukrainian soldiers pushing them back reported justified. he's been going for 2 days now, and the us former deputy secretary general says countries in the security council right now, a surprisingly split the position has to be expressed in a certain solution. so the security council, whenever this situation looks like that she's been so long as you know, the then completely different positions in the security council
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of russia and china and some other dentists on one side the guns is on there. so i don't expect any positions of the united nation so far, maybe in the future, maybe in the future, if they would be some kind of address. so the ukraine is only part of the whole big issue of the security in the europe in europe. so for 8 years they years, they graham actually said that that means a grievance that was adopted by the way, when the security council is the russian defense ministry has published its latest report on it. so called special military operation in ukraine. according to the report, bon, yes, scandal, guns, troops are continuing with that incursion with the support of russian forces. one
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group of darnell soldiers has penetrated a kilometer deep into the key f battalion defenses. meanwhile, lugens forces have advanced 9 kilometers, numerous ukrainian service members. as we understand now, lay down their weapons involuntarily surrendered to russian units. also, russian able troops have taken a full control of the territory around the trouble nuclear power plant. for the switch really ask a beg your pardon if a trunk a backup duty with us in this afternoon on this are rolling breaking news coverage on r t international. you fall in what the defense ministry is been saying now with the latest incursions in the parts of ukraine and what a western media and western politicians are calling just an all out invasion. what, what some of the updates you have for rory. hello again. well, how about an hour ago? i was tell you that we really need an official update from the russian ministry of defense on what they're up to near kia. because previously they were only talking about don bath and when it comes to the key of region,
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the only mentioned the area around the turnover power plant, which is now under the control of the russian armed forces too. and there you have it, we finally got it. there was another briefing, held by eager o'connor shank off the spokesperson for the russian army. and finally, he did say about what exactly is happening to the west of kia. now i just want to stress here, once again, these are the latest updates from the official who's representing the russian army. and they do contradict some of the things that we were hearing from western media in particular about the losses among the russian personnel. now, we understand from mr. cornish inc of that key has been blocked from the western side of the city and in the fighting that led to this kind of status. so to say on the ground, according to the russian army,
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$200.00 ukrainian service men lost their lives. now, war, you mentioned about an hour ago that in the media and the british media, they're saying that there are hundreds of death among the russian personnel. and among the russian units, this has been ruled out by mister connor shank of so there's it safe to say that again, for me, those are reports on the western media that at least $400.00. so russian soldiers have been killed during this continued military and coach, and you're telling me that's not true. while the russian army spokesperson is saying that this information is incorrect and there are no such losses in the operation outside of key of now there's something else. it's very important that we're also hearing from the russian army. they believe that the ukrainian government has learned from some of the governments that previously used the same
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tactic in the middle east. and they're saying that they're preparing to use civilians as human shields. so let's listen to your con, a shank of who actually elaborated on that per late particular version of events. further gibbons, everyone is gone and the visor, ukrainian military leadership, how to place rocket artillery systems in residential area to provoke return, fire against local resident used by the key regime of residential areas. they covered the firing positions of its artillery as a war crime. why this handwriting is familiar with the techniques are actively used by terrorists supervised by the cia in the middle east and other countries. i appeal to ukrainian citizen, i'm going to share your nationalist leadership, uses the same method. this here is what they want to use us human shield is that the russian armed forces will not strike residential areas of the ukrainian capital . now let me just stress once again that according to the russian military,
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garad missile launchers have been deployed to one of the major squares in the northwestern part of the gradient capital. and according to the russian intelligence, kiev wants to use them to attack goes tomo, that is the towel just outside of where the washing of captured an air field. so this is of course, the most important update coming from that area because potentially this could lead to a great damage. enormous damage, i should say, in the civilian areas, outside of kiev, in the outskirts of ki, of, and in the north western part of the ukrainian capital. that's also the area where according to some reports, a number of bridges have been exploded by the cranium military. because what pretty much their aim is to make sure that the russian forces don't move
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further into the city. now there's also an important update coming from the kremlin administration. they've responded to the address that we heard from the cranium president borders lansky, who called on vladimir putin to sit down. negotiate for now, mister pullman has no plan for talking to mister lensky, but he can send a delegation and he's ready to do that, which consists of the russian foreign ministry. representative the representatives of the ministry of defense and also the president administration to minsk for some potential new contact with the gradient government. but for now, they're not talking about any direct contacts between the leaders right onto the lead drinker. appreciate that update. thank you. what are the, the statements that statement, i should say, i to beg your pardon here at auto international we do are getting
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a fluid situation with also breaking news issues coming in right now to apologize for the, for the pause. then during his latest speech, as i understand the ukrainian president, lindsey is actually now believe it or not invited vladimir putin to sit down the negotiation table to end the bloodshed, pet. you sure? i would like to address the president of the russian federation once again. there are battles going on all over ukraine. let's sit down at the negotiating table to stop the killing. last i went from clear, came just moments off. the rushes for minister held talks with the leaders of the don bass republics. recently recognized, of course, independently by moscow, they discussed the ongoing military operation on the opening of embassies askew. taylor has more well just a short while ago, a historic event wrapped up here in moscow in the building, just right behind me. the frost at that meeting between russian foreign minister sir gala broth. and of course, his newly established counterparts from the done yet announced republics was held.
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the majority of the press conference that followed was dedicated to a question posed by west and john less and perhaps on surprise me. they really press mister love roth on the special operation currently underway in ukraine. now on this, mister brofy can be said was very, very clear. nato and its allies had pushed too far when asking, must that go to compromise on questions of national security in a way that he says no other quest a country has ever been asked is look, for example, the cuban missile crisis to see how america reacted in a very similar situation, he outed that the primary goal of what is currently going on in ukraine is to allow you all ukrainians and all the ethnic diversity to live as equals. his view was that ukraine, after many years, has been controlled, not just from a broad as a tool of containment of russia, but also from within by what moscow is cooling far, right, fascists. foreign minister, what is the objective of his operation?
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is it to remove the democratically elected president of ukraine president zalinski from power? now we see no chance of recognizing a government as democratic that uses genocide against the round people when moscow has consistently express concern about discrimination against the large russian a minority within ukraine. this is not just, for example, key of imposing economic blockade on the don pass republics. but also, laws are russians are found both in the city and that language under attack on a constitutional level. meaning that some russian speakers can even be find if they're heard speaking russian in certain context. number of us question, if island, for example, did a similar thing to english language speakers? would england just town apply die? he claims that it's highly unlikely. as for wet to go now given that we are hearing reports that mr. lansky is hiding in a bunker that he did, of course, off the president putin,
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to sit down and talk well to this miss la prop said the wall, moscow is always open to dialogue. they can only proceed with caution given the presidency. lansky has particularly in his consistent refusal to abide by the midst protocol, shown what they consider to be sabotaging effect of the dialogues. but one particular feyerick exchange came between him and a b, b c reporter. and what he really did was blasted the western hypocrisy, especially when it comes to picking and choosing one to abide by international law . we're law of lead spook euphemisms away. it's not a special military operation, isn't it? that's a full scale russian invasion of your train. how can you justify and invasion of a peaceful nation of your neighbor while talking about euclid museums and we have, we have a lot to learn from anglo saxons. just look at the description of all the interventions that were made against yugoslavia. and they were actually fighting for democracy
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that wasn't the same as him. so i understand it now. look at iraq, destruction of the rock destruction of libya there. the also promoted democracy, hundreds, thousands of casualties. so i'm not even going to compete with you in terms of your them isms. the final thing was saying is that miss lover off seem to address all those who had by zoom, joined the conference and he really expressed not just disappointment, but i think anger that over the last 8 years, none of them or either went to the dorm bass, or re chose not to report and what they say is a consistent shelling of innocent civilians. so such me a very kind of fiery press conferences with a lot of tense moments. and miss lover of stephanie not missing any was b. u has announced a raft of sanctions against russia earlier this friday, following deliberations between european leaders in brussels. well, that's course live now and find out exactly what they are all about. charlotte do
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whisky. now, joining us from paris to the very latest reaction on. and what are the sanctions we're hearing about please from that you use, charlotte? yes, that's why the condemnation of the military operation by russia in ukraine coming strictly from all you ladies who have agreed on this raft of sanctions. now this sanctions include essentially the business relationship with russian banks being completely over individual transactions. they say will be allowed to be made se prepaying for gas, but generally they will not be deal done with russian banks or also sanctions that have been placed in france on those russian accounts are going to be frozen. anybody who's been on that list of sanctions by the e u. they've also talked about the battle of export of aircraft and spare parts to russia, saying that that would not allow russia to maintain its fleet. so
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a huge amount of sanctions are coming through from the e. u. we know the leaders are still discussing some of the language. but ursula yvonne delane, the commission president, said that these would be tough, harsh, and hit russia's economy. now we have to meet the moment we will hold the kremlin accountable the package of massive and targeted sanctions. european leaders approved tonight clearly demonstrates that this package includes financial sanctions that cut russia's access to the most important capital markets . and these sanctions will increase rush us borrowing costs, raise inflation, and gradually erode rushes industrial base. the present preaching had re introduced wat, see europe. now there have been calls for even that tougher sanctions coming from
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countries such as poland and even the e use. former council, a chief, and this is donald task, his lambasted the inability of the you to come up with stronger than these financial and economic sanctions. in this war, everything is real, prudence, madness, and cruelty ukrainian victims, bombs falling on cheer. only your sanctions are pretended. those governments which block tough decisions, germany, hungary, italy, have disgraced themselves. hey, it's not clear long term what these sanctions will mean for the russian economy. but we do know that as they were being mooted, there was an impact on thursday prior to that, with the rubel falling to its lowest level against the us dollar historically. and also a 3rd of value being wiped off on thursday, on the stock exchange in moscow. and they have been huge protests sir,
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across europe in countries over the last few days, against that military action being taken by russia and ukraine. but not everybody is blaming russia. they're all politicians from the u. k. and here in france, who is suggesting that actually the west also is to blame in this. one of those is presidential candidate, hopeful, erickson more so you to, if we could have avoided this catastrophe. i have been saying for years at the west has responsibility for the escalation of violence in the east. and i must understand russian to bonds against 9 to expansion. unfortunately, we have done nothing to prevent this escalation. say you lead us meeting at the moment to discuss the wording of some of those sanctions still. so more information just will come on those, but we have heard from the french defense minister today florence paul lee, who is basically outlined that france will not be going into
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a war with russia. she said, we have not declared war against russia and what france is working towards. and this is one of the easy to say they're working towards as well. it's the aim for a sci fi unreturned to piece in ukraine. are lucky thanks for that. well paula, we've engaging reaction from all over the world, particularly in western europe, and also of course the u. k. i was watching the u. k. media this morning of the really going off the food and land bossing him even saying that the notice should be punished or the harshest level possible. they're even saying that prudence, personal finances, should be seized in the wake of this military incursion in ukraine. paula: tell us more about the case reaction. well, certainly what we have seen here in the u. k. is the slapping of what the british prime minister bars johnson cause the largest sanctions ever on the russian president vladimir putin and a host of others. we know, for example, that bank subbing targeted at the same time,
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pushes kosa circle and wealthy russians who either live or have business here in the u. k. take a lesson which will design the u. k. as in nancy, the largest to most of your package of economic sanctions, the russia has oversee with new financial measures. we're taking new powers to target russian finance. in addition to the banks, we've already sanctioned these powers when they will not totally to exclude russian banks from the u. k. financial system, which is a cool swipe all the largest in europe, stopping them from accessing sterling and clearing payments through the u. k. now these unprecedented sanctions will aim according to the british prime minister to hubble the russian economy. you heard there about the banks. they, we have major russian banks that are going to be as had they, they assets frozen amongst them. the 2nd largest state owned bank, which is v t
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b major russian companies also will no longer be able to finance their, their money here through person, the russian airline error floors will no longer operate and no longer be allowed to land in the u. k. dual export licenses to russia are being suspended, as are some high tech exports. now it comes as the bushes defense secretary earlier today did say that despite the sanctions they would be no bush boots on the ground because to do so he said would trigger a european war alleviate for his prime minister, held a telephone call with the ukranian president in which he said that button would in the coming days, are you doing it? doing everything they can to assess him and ukraine. at the same time, we have seen hundreds of people protesting in front of down the street. these are ukrainians or people clad with the colors of the claim. they support the sanction.


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