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tv   Keiser Report  RT  February 24, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm EST

5:30 pm
hello, all the headlines for the solenoid international back in 30 minutes of all the latest headlines, including of course our top story on what exactly is going on in ukraine join us again then on our things with with here across the entire russian capital. this is our national, with
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in a gray zone. inhabitants have learned to sleep through the nighttime shilling and to live without the most basic utilities going for weeks without clean water or electricity. worst of all, they've had to watch as the war creeps ever closer to their homes. please. sure. typically train you. just turn you don't look, i'm a don't use that as i was or to the does she do it for one time with them or do i need a
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really significant he's out. you're done with a that was a little less time. yes it was. i was able to go with all these really well. thank you so, but i wanted is there any other huh. what type of yahoo? or did you say? yeah, you know what that, that's a spell it with more that article only for our, with family
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whole shape a system with our solutions. put us visually by phone, talk to christie, baby. but there's a lot of people who suffer from a bit, of course thought go more to the more the better, but it's not really quickly been yes. when you go to 100 guzman with gordon, i don't agree you're finished. if you can explain it to me and then you should be, should do you know nothing about it? like i'm wanting to start as minister learn when you had been a cousin on you progressing pretty much in literature and wanted to create new done the school for more than those butte only when, when you teacher and when your teacher and for many ukrainian soldiers, the target and shooting of civilians has become
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a legitimate tactic to force the pro russian population out of areas. not controlled by many members of the self proclaimed nationalist battalions. believe that ukraine doesn't just the civilian casualties as acceptable, but as necessary. but you want me to see if i can get somebody to clean up my cars. would you give me a call yesterday and come up in the banking voltage because we don't know what i need to
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hey, i woke up with a
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a list of the key is to read it to you a class with
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a, with all this with
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a good a, a with through with
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hey, jim got with
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a new york, a guy guy a bit from us what a lot. i don't cost
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a we also put use of what you saw to fiddle with. hello. fresh hole hills. all i do a middle school last rounds, cash poor. so we let them know grants king as a kid flexible, we can show that to you which didn't work through this whole walk and couldn't so far. so for my vehicle was on work was moisture. of course would be similarly
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with president and george all as more of school in tedious love in your book regarding the rob still pay frontier accommodation more hope sonya present for that other wanted the syllabus more form out. he just the lecture 3 lud siena babu celia flush, i'm still going to lower he, he isn't going to lose any of our sins in his nose. still gore from school get through that
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change. she still live since i was on a o ls to have those scores near the door. she'll do on board with a ah, ah, with the 1st issue and he also like to pay a i called a
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a it's been 30 years as the soviet union collapsed. um miss got louder, motor chill the month to what the annual talk so so shown where your switches on $1.00 from ukraine was one of the independent states that emerged from the ruins of a super bowl or somebody will you also get more greens? come a little more, michelle, you so much a helpful watch at the past 3 decades, when likely you brain, eye witnesses,
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recall the events. this will be more or less, it would be to ship with our new scenario that order. i'm not sure, but it be about 4 months with no idea what those and what other forces were at the producer room. show c engine, marcia, in those them, you are on the care. what it see when is the, is the solution then was of ocean's only slower. take a look at ukraine, 30 years out, the gaining independence dog with. unless you mean, like unity retorted mostly will waive a will. it makes you give you so much for holding, for ah
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no boastful she got about not going to school or school. a spanish one will be a good idea. yeah, nobody show a grain you used to mutual. i read it to you and you look like a year when you're somewhat liberal, but he'd be here on my senior year that he needs from california. yeah. but he was
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a and you want a new c or d j. a hope? a question. can we keep a and you can actually do that. i did not go to school. that was his, me a shout. you got my did anything. yeah. he's not going as managed the yellow so you have other stuff. i mean i'm still able to move to really change do you have a blessed with you by yes
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yes yes i . # am mm hm. mm. while politicians from ukraine and the self declared don best republics have attempted to negotiate a ceasefire in the grey zone settlements caught between opposing sides. a whole new generation has been born. these children can say what gun is being fired by its sounder, and they know well too well what to do when classes are interrupted by another striker with
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glasses away or a little shame on my stuff. a also mm. in schools, in the grey zone, have somehow kept going in their own special way. despite being almost completely destroyed. they have soviet built bombshells is in the basements where the people go. people whose houses were bombed out and who have nowhere else to run for years . they've spent their lives under ground, with little chance of changing them for the better.
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a particular book or marker or the other is your day. they show a very, very key. okay, you can actually have a date for the shared folders context. they show no, no, we are moving in the chair, but then we'll do the initial korea key, put them on the trash can get a camera wellstar leticia. so you can say, i thought i clearly don't go to japan knocking, but then when you are, you need to get b or 830 to 40 israel
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arrival of volunteers from a few humanitarian organizations is all that linked people living on the front lines of an undeclared war with the rest of the world, the world in which there was no shilling and constant fear of death. alexei smart enough travels to the grey zone several times a week, and each trip helped hundreds of families to survive. for billy's, you're so shocked, assuming on but a little by making a push for security purposes. let end of the reason. i say it's karen who go crazy. another scare me will show a move, a sibling there. the position there was to ship time. you're saving them because i was just with to keep my skirt now they are looking to launch circulating with machine is course i this is to
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legitimate with she nish. the brochure spoke, you bring up the ocean for a major issue with a service to market. i said, i'm certainly more comfortable on it for more than 7 years, he has traveled, roads that are constantly shelled to deliver essential supplies to grace own residence, fred water, medicine and fuel generators. to deal with i own when you're back with a, [000:00:00;00]
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with the year in the se, in your, to pursue the ministry, the personal, how with it, by native to clear jewish there hash toyota. this is just an issue because didn't upstairs with monica completely. bluetooth almost told you, of course, was about court will be with her. yes. will be with you as i said, you do it and i do so apologize. it won't. but it could just if it should show clearly that he's only reduced to zone even for conflict. he until you, jim. but we'll just has to sub route with over the years war and death of become the daily routine for annexing and everyone
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he helps. ah, what they say who to get a phone to. i mean within down there's no personal convenience. kim says give us a bullish believe me, another minute or so with our safety even though it didn't put it in, but i believe she was there with your upstairs. tell them to love, steal as early as you do with them. still law. say hello, get to go. i started each and smuggling with
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me a dime i'm in a home many ukrainian soldiers considers any time on the front line to be excellent, boring me. there's that there. it was with the regular russian army and the separatist to supporting an invasion. mm. you'll just sit on that. it was a, well, it's a question. so we do special from just the condition that goes on your full social press to plainer or the most of them. no, just to go back a couple of labriola that she said when you put it in another portable moon, right? but the motionless nicole primitive n e g,
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a professional ukrainian soldier thought until he found himself on the other side of the front line. he was taken prisoner by the don bus millerio. mm hm. she did. you with a full of destroy my gibson? yes, you left the j 50 for that. so with your life, the store, right? you're not a good luck. the dishes it says my, you gave them a monthly income. i get what? i'm a person home with them. that's a good. it's just not that big enough that you've been that that, that they cannot be know what that if i made a phone call my go door, you got him. it didn't that the did the store near by here because i got when you buy new i said yes. so the over the store,
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you got the amazon music though or my live, but do it that you are with them. so the killing me at the jim lewis, i b a u. s. a b, i like, or doesn't ring a bell with anybody more than one, melissa or by says jim mud, which owns because up the show from that was a joke. so feller fisher you to him with that, but i was cuz i go in on business and on here he faces the reality that the inhabitants of unconquered don bus have lived for almost 3000 days. a reality that all too many too is not to see
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a this oh me oh i in o in
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ah ah ah ah, with me. ah, i choose ah,
6:00 pm
the ah rushes defense minister orders safe exit routes for ukrainian soldiers willing to surrender as a military operation unfolds. that's after the russian president ordered a special operation, saying the aim is to defend the people of the don't boss from aggression by the ukrainian military. but amy foods in stressed, russia has no plans for occupation. kiev codes diplomatic relations with russia and urges the west to build an antique routine coalition. while the u. s. on this allies slam their criminal operation as a barbaric side. and vow the harshest of sanctions with


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