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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2021 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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so who's to blame patients doctors manufacturers. breaking news on. our injured u.s. capitol building. boards shooting suspect is in custody in the area as. we go to a u.s. correspondent in moments for the latest. coming up the program this hour german they say. go it alone with vaccine procurement if fails the fakes sluggish program those concerns were shared by the world health organization executive director for europe. interview with.
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rapidly approaching 1000000 in the european region with. french doctors to vent their a fury president for failing to deliver on his promise to speed of vaccinations. yet another surge in patients. we believe the government is to blame for the fact that we have to work incredibly slowly but at the same time in a completely grueling regime. from moscow to the world this is your artsy international pleasure of your company my name's union neal. we begin with breaking news 2 police officers have
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been injured in an alleged car ramming outside the u.s. couple building in washington d.c. there have also been reports of gunfire in the vicinity we do know that the entire area is under lockdown with police citing a quote external security threat of force live u.s. correspondent been killed i've seen some reports people saying they've never seen such pictures out of area with helicopters landing on the front lawn and such a security clampdown on the lockdown is ongoing what more do we know about this developing situation on capitol hill. well at this point it appears capitol hill is on lockdown due to a major security threat at this point reports seem to indicate that an individual rammed a car into 2 police officers and now we also understand that there was gunfire and
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that one person has been shot it is not clear whether the person who was shot was the individual in the car or was one of the officers now images of surfaced of someone being put into a stretcher and taken away and at this point the capitol is on lockdown due to the situation getting to know that there is an ongoing national guard presence on capitol hill folks will recall on january 6th out there was the the you know the breaking into the capitol of you know trump supporters and cuban on activists that took place after that event took place since then there's been an ongoing presence of the u.s. national guard on capitol hill there been large barricades that are wrecked it around capitol hill so the entire the entire u.s. capitol is surrounded by military forces and it appears that the incident that has taken place today took place there were 2 officers that were apparently rammed by
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a car we understand one person has been shot we have the images so it's an ongoing situation the capitol remains on lockdown more information she will most likely be coming out very soon at the moment we understand at least one person is shot not clear who that one person is it will be keeping right across the story killed thanks very much for bringing us the dates almost helping the u.s. capitol in washington d.c. or to kill him up and. germany sees it's ready to take matters into its own homes when it comes to ordering vaccines if the e.u. does not get its act together the country's health minister also stressed that berlin needs to stock up on jobs for next year too. what is important is the question of 2022 we have to secure our capacities for a possible 3rd or 4th round of vaccinations we currently don't know how long vaccination protection lasts hence we must secure these capacities as part of the
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european union or failing that as a nation of the e.u. vaccine roll light is no secret has been beset by problems with several states now looking to break away from the joint purchase they include slovakia and hungry while austria has just entered talks to buy a 1000000 doses of the russian job the spite it not yet having been approved by the blocks drug watchdog the w.h.o. has also expressed its concerns calling the e.u.'s efforts on acceptably slow according to the organization only 4 percent of europeans have taken 2 doses of the vaccine so for early in my colleague neil harvey discussed that astra zeneca is troubled on the prospects of the russian voting in the block with the executive director of the w h o's regional office for europe. we're both alarms and frustrates at that moment we're alarmed because we're rapidly approaching 1000000 deaths in the european
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region which are 44000000 cases of clove it 19 on the other hand we're frustrated because we are well frustrated for the reasons that many of us have been living in lockdown for and things fancy 140 days in some cases but also across states it's because we don't see these vaccines reaching arms fast enough but this really is a court of governments to improve their backs nation plans ramp up speed up that vaccination process we need people to accept and have confidence in the back scenes they're receiving and when they're offered a vaccine to agree to take it the longer we wait the higher the likelihood that they that the virus mutates and that will see variants escape the vaccine you mentioned a really important point there i think particularly pertinent right now because the w.h.o. talking about the after seneca vaccine is said country should be using and of course there's a great the need for it and a great demand for it but there are several countries i think more than
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a dozen countries at their full of using it what is the stands now on astra zeneca as vaccine last in confidence to such a fragile thing i mean it takes you in some cases years to build in just a few minutes to erode and diminish so it will undoubtedly and has undoubtedly impact its confidence of the communities that are relying on that vaccine. astra zeneca bassett's this is very important that we get this vaccine back online where it's been temporarily suspended but at this point there's no course the association until we have more data we won't know just getting back to the vaccinations there's a range of them out there now russia has a fear of its own thing the 1st one out there are those put on the market was sputnik v. some countries and the west the big. slow to approve use of it is that legitimate is it just because the medical checks haven't been done yet or is it could there be
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a political element to it i don't think pothole it's it's just something that we should necessarily just just in terms of the vaccines and when different vaccines used sputnik the vaccine from what we've seen from the russian federation's the dates of its own of all peers to be an effective and safe nazi is used in many member states and in some of the states that do not have access to the vaccines that are listed for it's really the russian boxing that has come to their aid and support so sputnik very being used to many member states it does not have european medicines association approval hence it doesn't have a u. member states using it at this point but we are confident that in the very near future not vaccine will be of use to everybody across the globe well that message from the w.h.o. is something president among you all micron may want to bear in mind french doctors have been venting their frustration at his failure to deliver on his promise to
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speed up blacks and nations fronts enters its 3rd lockdown they warn that the lack of available doses is not critical with ever more seriously ill covert patients being admitted to already overwhelmed hospitals but the nation's leader insists the rollout is happening at full throttle. when we talked to him when we were putting all means to vaccinate vaccinate vaccinate without a response without holidays saturdays and sundays just like weekdays. the general practitioners like myself are not currently receiving vaccines for 2 weeks now we've not had any vaccines available for injection we've been working for 9 months without stop and without vacation 7 days a week as mr macro says judy the inability to complete the work on time due to a lack of vaccines we believe the government is to blame for the fact that we have to work incredibly slowly but at the same time in a completely gruelling regime simply because of
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a lack of equipment the new wave of code will lead to overcrowding in hospitals we already know this will happen we are already deciding which patients get treatment and which don't because about 60 percent of operations were canceled. on wednesday mr mccracken promised to increase the number of intensive care beds to more than 10000 but doctors say it will come at the expense of covert patients another problem is lack of stuff intensive care requires additional special training and equipment. again those challenges could have been avoided if acted earlier. imagine. emanuel has woken up a year after the start of the crisis the year ago in march the need for a large number of hospital beds and beds in intensive care took us by surprise but after a year the number of beds has not increased there is however a positive point unlike last year we do not need
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a large number of ventilators not because they were produced but because they are now used in a much later stage of the disease now it's enough to simply provide patients with enhanced oxygen therapy the problem however is that the appropriate technology has not been installed in our hospitals as a result oxygen therapy sites is still limited responsibility for this rests entirely with the manual macron who endlessly delayed the adoption of measures even preventative measures such as supplying hospitals with oxygen cylinders an oxygen therapy device is necessary for treating patients. thousands of anonymous reports of sexual harassment by pupils in u.k. schools has shown a spotlight on the alleged abuse space by students around 100 schools have been named in the testimonies including private institutions over 11000 acres of sexual harassment in british schools were posted on the everyone's invited website which is aimed at exposing name rape culture in the u.k.
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but figure has more than doubled in the past 2 days the majority of testimonies detail the allege of harassment of girls and include posts from children as young as 9. meanwhile a recent survey by charity plan international u.k. showed that 58 percent of girls aged 14 are claimed they have been publicly harassed at school with their girls 6 perience unwanted sexual comments as well as being. the u.k. government has launched an emergency review of the hotline to support victims of sexual abuse in schools the british education secretary has said he's committed to ensuring victims feel supported but kitty russell national spokesperson for rape crisis and we all say this is not a new issue. these statistics aren't particularly surprising to us we know that sexual violence and abuse and sexist bullying and sexual harassment are far more widespread in the general population then many people appreciate but also ringback
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there was a women inequality select committee report into precisely this issue sex this bullying sexual harassment and sexual violence in schools just a few years ago and made a series of recommendations which the government has largely ignored and failed to act upon so this is not a new phenomenon and really the question is why more hasn't been done by government to tackle this situation sooner any action of course is welcome but these feel very much like sort of kneejerk responses to a situation that as a say you know has not been unknown about. doctors in the far east of russia have successfully performed heart surgery in a burning hospital building the blaze broke out to run mid day nor most all patients and staff were evacuated from the building but 2 people were undergoing complex operations including open heart surgery and the doctors had no choice but
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to keep. what's on your plate you know we just had to finish the surgery and we did our best it was a coronary bypass the most difficult kind of heart surgery we had to stay calm and focused that's all. my colleague in a different operating room finished he's operation it was not that complicated the patient was evacuated to the other building and my colleague helped get the patient from intensive care to the regional hospital. the u.s. is using all tools at its disposal to counter the ever growing global influence of china and one 3rd goal in mind washington is reaching. across asia with mixed success here is the take over of salmon right rise of china and subsequent tantrum in the west is heading the way these things always do the great powers and some not so great ones are getting together and holding hands and forming alliances so anything really bad happens we can all suffer together in the blue corner we have
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record and for the 1st trial we're convene this group. yet that meeting was a few weeks ago a meeting of the quadrilateral security dialogue 'd for short because no one can remember the real name who comes out with those names anyways made up of the united states india japan and australia some might suggest they're more clues than quads the aim of the gang is a free and open indo-pacific that was the promise after the 1st summit between the leaders of the us india japan and australia so their real aim in other words is to keep china in its place brilliantly without ever using the word china i show you one me you will take a look at their p.r. video often in a few words as we go. to be china free and open it close it and help the unless you china. to be china i constrain course power china committing to addressing the world's defining challenge the rise
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of china moment of crisis something. to be china. and china. about the threat of climate change and combat the threat of. china i'll save you the pain of watching you basically goes on like that some of the quad the asian nato we say 50 deny because it is not a minute to your lines for the 1st time canada is participating in a joint exercise in the pacific ocean with the nations to rise of the. sea definitely not a military alliance as ever though bear self-interest is likely to be the main enemy of this group they 1st got together back in 2004 to respond to the boxing day tsunami when they tried to go steady off the words and make it all a bit more official they realized it wasn't going to work because none of them really wanted to annoy china. now almost 15 years after they gave up on the cord in the 1st place their back and they realize they do want to annoy china now because
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the us is scared of being used as the global bully indios just have a border clash with china literally with sticks and australia is facing economic sanctions from beijing so yeah return of the cord we know that our allies have complex relationships with china that always align perfectly into a key u.s. ally south korea which is doing all it can to stay out of the cord after realizing that while it relies on the us for its security it does most of its shopping in china australia doesn't seem to have noticed it in the same position hence those sanctions from beijing china has called the quad an excuse to form clique's and openly incite discord between regional countries with that in mind is building its own clique to incite discord your reaction to china making a big push into the mid east with a new 25 year deal with china and iran. is really struggling to see the oars cues
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and she so yes china and iran have signed a 25 year cooperation deal among other things beijing will be buying iranian oil in defiance of u.s. sanctions i mean just like the quote never says the c word china iran didn't exactly say at the signing but this is one big middle. i mean squarely at washington the big geopolitical picking their teams and taking sides. ok let's return to our breaking news from washington d.c. 2 police officers have been injured in a car ramming side the u.s. capitol building the suspect crushed his vehicle into a kid on constitution avenue before stepping out brandishing a knife he was shot and injured by police and is now in custody the entire area is under lockdown with police citing an external security threat the incident of course comes in the wake of the riot at the capitol that took place in january in
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which resulted in the deaths of 5 people including a capitol police officer the issue also triggered high security alerts around the complex fencing there was erected and was a big story these are live pictures right now as you're seeing a sizable police presence outside those fences which were recently a wreck did well thousands of national guard troops in fact back on the streets from months ago some of them currently guarding the area and all subsequent details on this story we will of course bring it to you just to recap 2 police officers injured in a car running outside the u.s. capitol building and a person in the in the car step to the knife he was shot and there's no in custody . a prominent psychiatry has been detained in serbia for allegedly spreading vaccine propaganda you've.
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also leads a right wing party is one of several people being questioned in a government crackdown officials accuse them of spreading fear and panic and putting lives at risk. all of the perpetrators of criminal acts must be dealt with especially when they threaten public health serbia is one of the highest vaccination rates in europe with more a 3rd of the population receiving a 1st shot of the european countries or trying to pick up the pace it really has become in fact the 1st to introduce compulsory coby shots for health workers france is considering doing the same in the united kingdom has introduced monday to treat jobs but so far only for care home stuff well i'm delighted to welcome onto the program dr mohammad year overall or just from the university of lancaster dr julian
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a clinical just the university of leicester political commentator unfunny weber hello to you all gentlemen can we start with you should anyone be forced to take a covert vaccine even the health worker. well when we talk about the demented 4 look over 19 actually i think we need to look into a broader perspective the 1st thing is that a lot of the vaccine is safe secondly the gravity of the situation and if anything else is working and it will put all of these 3 things together for me i think it is really important and i think is a cloud from a community responsibility that this vaccine would be car a mandate for everybody who had the possibility to take up what about going down that route then julian italy is saying all medics need to be vaccinated but is that not taking things too far when you take into consideration the people who've already recovered from cove aid those who have been unity through that route it opens up a lot of issues. yes i do think of it will take the vaccine and know what you
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how has how to with the sewer system the vaccine they may be removed from front line positions and only allow those who are immune or nationally or by the vaccine to actually work with patients in front line. if money tree just for health workers is going to save the lives of vulnerable people it's the right thing to do business it. no i don't agree mostly just classmates who are so i think there will be a number of school cases against me and gracious trusts her discriminates against soften the worry which is being described we have to bear in mind that it's just the vulnerable who are who to create x. and y. coded no i don't say the cause of death rates 82. we've got you admittedly we've got the hospital race and current 9 states compared. countries of
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the world but it's still a very low death rates it's a norquist one. percent's. the whole population under the passive amounts of the last majority of the population actually did not need this fact stationary date would be needed all the people who are advised specifically the doctors to. the nation know. the facts of the nation does not stop transmission and it is basically be said that it is such a saint nor will christ wasn't a license it's through the charade of all the dog who seaton's are fixated on state cheat on trial the marriage for least another year so. people here are taking the
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kind of proxy to see all of the risks on the government needs to be properly assess if you will maybe with the results of our i would put theory and subsequent to that point to continue to mohammad it is interesting that there still is a very. very clear. part of the population who are affected most adversely by cold read the elderly obese people people with existing conditions and when you take into consideration healthy people and especially children it is very low shoe should it not be more targeted at those groups in particular and then work out what's going to happen with the rest of the population . is sort of this affidavit is probably the reason is that when we talk about the requirement of the vaccine certainly if we talk about lifesaving vaccine to be majority of these vaccines or 'd certainly these are required or quite
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a good people but just look at the more broader perspective in the broader perspective in that we don't really yet have a lot of information about how this why does would impact in the long term and talking about the mandate of the the vaccine i think if we talk about an individual person there might be still in fact after vaccination or can still transmit the infection but if this were actually is applied on a broader community then the transmission would certainly be stopped and we haven't witnessed this one in israel and on the number of cases here in the u.k. are significant leader used compared to the rest of the nations where the broad scale vaccination hasn't been applied so in community level the impact of the vaccine is not more than what you see any individual level julian we mention serby in the buildup where several anti vaccine campaigners have been detained questioned by police do you think it's right to prosecute people for expressing such views. well of course it depends on which kind of regiment you live in that of course you
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know people have a right to express that is a strong interest in heart of the people i think and faxing the message is it's actually going to harm other people so i don't think that's actually committed on the times wide scale. i just want to say something about you know how to workers are actually sent home if they are symptomatic with any infection is not discrimination and if they refuse to take vaccines or have because of police about taking vaccines. reviews instead let them work with little patients because actions who are in hospital are vulnerable is not discrimination is just protection of patients that you work with and we some you know doctors with symptoms how many feet of the day there wouldn't be around transplant or you know when it was your actual actions and inactions probably going to do become like the few blocks where you talk a certain vulnerable section of the population like we do for every season and the rest operation may not be x. nation later on but remember you're trying to curtail the spread of virus across
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the whole humanity of this you know that new parents to arise if you do have high replication rates in the community and they can also trickle back into the mobile network operation and i've asked them the vaccine action unfunny from what we know in the past that they're helping us examples of on t.v. is being blamed for the resurgence of preventable diseases measles being one such example considering where in the middle of a pandemic does there's more need to be done to counter the more extreme versions of of these protesters not the people who are going out saying their businesses need to save on them want more freedom but the actual people are saying it's absolutely wrong and it should not be taken by anyone. well of course repeats know what exactly it was on the internet a written circular products are obvious to produce the government are not prepared to debate the issue or some of these sudden something outlandish can be proved wrong it's the problem we've got
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a news conference we've got even the security services aren't seeing or getting some people who has a creative dejected silver cup wins out and what we really eat is pay 2 to be getting the flu promotions rate in full decisions about rep it sits very well of the currency but it seems a lot of the problem is because of the assets of the nation car with millions of people having hi it's me start 1st recruitment problem my credibility i'm beaten pushed into having these that savings rate happens being given properly coolness concerns which is illegal to do to our american city of also cool places coming up because we have to have a sense of proportions of course we need people who there will be people who need this it needs to be limited to be true close by case prices well what is right for these people because some apolitical who will look at the back seat isn't even
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suitable for glens so you know that. some of the discussion about the 68 with the case again emerged the government was a big strong man she thought so ok we were just coming to an end because i want to get on not what you said there in the sense of proportionality i'll offer. to give a chance for your final thoughts but perhaps just to start with this mohamed everyone is different and there was a recent study in italy fund that obese people should be getting a larger than normal vaccine dose isn't there a danger in pursuing a one size fits all approach here. no we'll definitely there is no one size that fit for everybody but what are one thing i would like to highlight here is that if we have a 2 population one is vaccinated and that is not actually needed we are giving a perfect scenario for the white us to mutate and mutated to be extent i think it will skip the immunity it would turn out to be more better genuine more trust
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miscible if we daily want to adult has been damaged effectively we've got to go for a broader scale back seen him in isolation julian for 10 seconds to. yes i kind of agree with that i think the the anti faxing message is probably tend to be detrimental at large is going to mean if he even has a process. very last sentence to you if you wish well i think we have appropriate unfolds approach where. people meet to be good for one's concerns and we certainly need the government's because much you haven't talked to mr the house of commons only recently that he doesn't know you. for people who can't do it after having got so they should know we know it's a few 100 but it's because of government shielding all of this information but it's a creation just so-so.


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