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tv   News  RT  October 31, 2019 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

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from the roof. from. the roof. from. from from. from from. with a snap election on the way and they broke that extension in the back. with a snap election on the way and they broke that extension in the back of the u.k.'s parliament finally starts talking about other things but the prime minister and the leader of the on the u.k.'s parliament finally starts talking about other things but the prime minister and the leader of the opposition clashing over everything from russia and salisbury to u.s. designs on the n.h.s. position clashing over everything from russia and salisbury to u.s. designs on the n.h.s.
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. you know all the race to become the democrats. you know all the race to become the democrats 2020 presidential candidate in the us is growing ever tighter many voters still on this 2020 presidential candidate in the u.s. is growing ever tighter many voters still undecided over put it back. there's such a big push to just get donald trump out of office i did over put it back. there's such a big push to just get donald trump out of office because there's a lot of confusion with the democrats and they're not really uniting together just because there's a lot of confusion with the democrats and they're not really uniting together to make one strong candidate. also this hour facebook to make one strong candidate. also this hour facebook suspends accounts it believes were russian and involved in a distant permission campaign in africa to spend accounts it believes were russian and involved in a distant permission campaign in africa just
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a week after moscow signed the $1000000000.00 deals with the continent. just a week after moscow signed the $1000000000.00 deals with the continent. and the biggest fright this hoeing seems to be what to wear without clothes. and the biggest fright this hoeing seems to be what to wear without causing as american universities africa. as american used to have a word for what is going on. james to avoid. a very warm welcome. here to moscow thanks. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our moscow thanks for joining us this hour. with a deadline extension in place and they said joining us this hour. with
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a deadline extension in place and a snap election in just over a month british politicians are finally talking just about the election in just over a month british politicians are finally talking just about the divorce from the e.u. prime minister boris johnson and the opposition leader clash to force from the e.u. prime minister boris johnson and the opposition leader clashed in parliament over everything from russia and the solsbury attack to u.s. designs on britain's national health meant everything from russia and the salisbury attack to u.s. designs on britain's national health service. should apologize i mean just because the printing service. he should apologize i mean to speak up or continue striking attitudes that i do don't think are in the interests of the job or you see to the striking attitudes that i do don't think are in the interests of the it's over you see to the it is then tell you in a protest and say that you saw i was leaving russia i. tell you in
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a protest and say that you saw i was leaving russia i want you to do so despite the prime ministers in oils are n.h.s. to do so despite the prime ministers in oils are n.h.s. is up for grabs by us corporations from the soil right to you is up for grabs by us corporations from the soil right to be seriously suggesting that the n.h.s. should not engage in negotiations are you seriously suggesting that the n.h.s. should not engage in negotiations to ensure the british thank you did say was he says. british patience was he says this is peak you know for the 1st time the prime minister is talking nonsense thank god this is peak you know for the 1st time the prime minister is talking nonsense thank the u.k. was meant to leave the european union today but boris johnson was for. the u.k.
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was meant to leave the european union today but boris johnson was forced by parliament to ask for a deadline extension and brussels agreed to push it to the end of course by parliament to ask for a deadline extension and brussels agreed to push it to the end of january 10 you excel at how brits have been using humor part 5 to cope with the ex and never look for a pending brits have been using humor to cope with the never ending saga lights and has hit its halloween blocker. what has hit its hollow we brags that deadline i mean case you haven't noticed the u.k. hasn't left regs that deadline i mean case you haven't noticed the u.k. hasn't left to europe european union. again and if they leave the general election instead it's fair to say that for many many here in britain brags it is now
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a judge ever since the country to lisa eaves that they come to you to back to back to. the u.k.'s. contrast broadening to try to clear sold to them sold out. through the 5 stages to the stage is. that of glory i would say that a time when that that was the time that everyone read every respect. that a lot of it was a devout devil. was bred does it. and
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brags it wary journalist started talking about the most. and brags it wary journalists started talking about the most important meal of the day instead she will say that bricks eat breakfast important meal of the day 7 instead she will say that bricks eat breakfast bricks it breaks breakfast and you keep. breakfast brix it breaks breakfast and you keep. breakfast we will make breakfast. we actually worked with metrics for. success. better acting against the underdog is getting riskier you're off to britain voted for brett for it for breakfast bright for furthest. to not to die old and that was not good that was best summed best summed up by john berman
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trying to buy to keep a lid don't join one parliament proceeded trying to keep a lid on parliamentary proceedings. she told. me what i'm doing. she told. me what i'm doing 6 6. i want it was time to essentially trigger article 50 that's that letter i want it was time to essentially trigger article 50 that's that letter telling brussels that the u.k. really does want not divorce well the analogy to telling brussels that the u.k. really does want not divorce well the analogies well priceless. is well priceless.
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then there was bob. and. then there was bargaining when to resume a retreat is a trip to may have brought the muscles made trying to get it has put out that often portrayed as a trip to brussels trying to get herself a brags it deal off to advance the owns set of bragg's it in joost deal. after that the own set of bragg's it induced depression that was when brits started coming up with drinking game depression that was when brits started coming up with drinking games just to make things a little more exciting what we need is a bricks just to make things a little more exciting what we need is a bricks and drink thinking. it would be so much more more interesting or
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interesting and the whole thing becomes a whole lot reminded. some show don't sense until 2 o'clock one in every 3 tons of certain words with many words will mention the governor still are still searching for that you can he says essentially. coming to us like you guys like you've been. drinking are you going to eat a little so you know we're going to go. to reason raised government's vision of a successful brags it had become the reason raised government's vision of a successful bragg's it had become this magical. politics it's now basically parents who promise that by using the. door to you in the middle east. is presenting them a horse with an obvious cream cone glue to which while over in brussels the ukase
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horse with an always cream cone gluten which while over in brussels the u.k.'s inability to get a briggs it deal through parliament turned into an inability to get a briggs it deal through parliament turned into existential angst that has a special place and how does this show i just there is a special place in hell for those promoting bragg's it without a plan said donald tusk for those promoting bragg's it without a plan said donald tusk and the guest list is still being finalized. and the guest list is still being finalised. according to. those machines if you let them. do you know it is that it means to go to.
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one man we can bet may think will make an impact one man we can bet toast but may think will make an appearance is britain's new prime minister boris johnson is britain's new prime minister boris johnson. and the extension. with another extension agreed with the brussels and i'm just really lectured general in the way that they should take that norms to the way and a greggs the u.k. gets to stay and gregg's it limbo for another few months in fact plagues it. for another few months in fact plagues it pug it tree has become the norm for those of us living in these green plenary has become the norm for those of us living in
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these green and pleasant postures which brings us to the final stage of pastas which brings us to the final stage of grief and that is except. on the whole when we're supposed to be scared by ghouls ghosts but this year it seems people are more relief and that is except. on the whole when we're supposed to be scared by ghouls and ghosts but this year it seems people are more afraid about what they can or cannot wear. or afraid about what they can or cannot wear. the touch. the
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touch the touch. and i please. please help students to make sure that their costume is not offensive to anybody show after new orleans is good students to make sure that they a costume is not offensive to any racial after new orleans as per any people with disabilities or illnesses or any other group of people any people with disabilities or illnesses or any other group of people. you don't want to say i'm going to waste if. you don't want to say i'm going to wear these to purposely
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mock you or more quote your culture stands for which i think there's a difference between vox and hopes to mock you or more quote your culture stands for but i think there's a difference between vox and turning a students wearing a sombrero with a moustache is somehow racist. having a students wearing a sombrero with a moustache is somehow race it's. such . thanks. thanks. thanks to.
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my colleague neil harvey put the issue of offensive costumes up for debate. my colleague neil harvey put the issue of offensive costumes up for debate. well i think that you have to be sensitive to the actual group the people are well i think that you have to be sensitive to the actual group that people are dressing up as rather than listening to ourselves we should listen to the aggressing up rather than listening to ourselves we should listen to the group that's being dressed up and i think that that's so important thing and we have to stop being so sensitive i mean group that's being dressed up and i think that that's so important thing and we have to stop being so sensitive i mean i've been told before that me mayor wearing a make america great again had as offensive and i've been told before that me mayor wearing a make america great again had is offensive so where do we draw the line i think that's where we have a very clear problem kids so where do we draw the line i think that's where we have
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a very clear problem kids universities professors they don't have to be tone deaf and they can actually listen to the actual gee universities professors they don't have to be tone deaf and they can actually listen to the actual group and listen from them actually what's offensive or not offensive and i think that's the right way to approve and listen from them actually what's offensive or not offensive and i think that's the right way to approach these you know if somebody is offended i think you should have to need to try to be sensitive and not offend these you know if somebody is offended i think you should have to need to try to be sensitive and not offend people but i don't know how this is so far on these college campuses that enable but i don't know how this is so far on these college campuses that now are now called work people going to out on holloway people people talk about ruining a little bit of a scene talk about ruining a holiday so i think that you can go too far in terms of something that's a foot think that you can go too far in terms of something that's offensive and
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divisive even for a comedian been so but i think if you. read the even need for you to oracle into me you got to be the region so i think you just got to thread the needle and you got to be respectful what's. me about this topic is i feel like when we just say hollow expect full what scares me about this topic is i feel like when we just say ha we. have. this talk we can have about what's. this talk we can do without only what's known as a favor i don't know if we really don't even know where the guy winds are they got even more on his very live any morning in this. live culturing in this or that he. really laid out that sometimes really doesn't make a lot of sense doesn't make. sense if. it was some wants to dress up as freddy krueger no problem. with an appropriate toilet but if they stick on you know the appropriate attire what if they want to be
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someone want. to be used. to who do you. think is tony told was the. you know a black man if you put on these if you. do so i put. in this black. horror 'd character how on earth will people in the sunday war without the visual clue horror 'd character how on earth will people in the sunday war without the visual clue i would probably just stay away from it because you have to yourself the question is the squeeze work i would probably just stay away from it because you have to yourself the question is the squeeze worth the juice for example so i wanted to play michael jackson would i be in trouble for the jews for example say i wanted to play michael jackson would i be in trouble for and happen out of how i dress dress up in the up in that kind of of costume you know you know i wish wish wish we could just this embrace people for people of all for
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a day who we are and that we they are and that we cannot not have the rate the racial divide division that we have in this we have in this country and i've been told before that it's really easy for me to say. that sitting back is a and i've been told before that it's really easy for me to say that sitting back is a caijing woman in america but you know for me i think the more emphasis we place our kasian woman in america but you know for me i think the more emphasis we place on race and the more we talk about the division the harder it is to come together on race and the more we talk about the division the harder it is to come together and i look forward to a day in america where we can embrace everybody for who they are and hope for and i look forward to a day in america where we can embrace everybody for who they are and hopefully be able to kind of take race out of the equation and hopefully we can finally be able to kind of take race out of the equation and hopefully we can find
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a way around it because now that we're censoring hollowing caution as it doesn't look like it's getting my way around it because now that we're censoring hollowing caution as it doesn't look like it's getting much better much better. the race is to be the root cause to be the us you are the democratic presidential candidate is far from a sure bet the gap between the front runners is narrowing central candidate is far from sure but the gap between the front runners is narrowing but many voters still haven't made up their minds who the back the primary decides a lot but many voters still haven't made up their minds who the back. primary decides a lot after all your conscience would never enter a minute even consider effort to kill your country as it's lost because we're never a minute even consider straight to there's a lot of confusion with the democrats they're all trying to one up each other for more than 3 utusan with the democrats they're all trying to one up each other for more than 3 years the democrats have been chomping at the bit for
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a presidential election what they want years the democrats have been chomping at the bit for a presidential election what they want is to put the unraveling and embarrassment of 2016 behind them and take aunt is to put the unraveling and embarrassment of 2016 behind them and take another whack at beating the donald more than a year away from the vote democrats are beating the drum of another whack at beating the donald more than a year away from the vote democrats are beating the drum of party unity and standing together against donald trump one thing all of the democrats could agree on the issue of impeachment is reviewing a united front against president party unity and standing together against donald trump one thing all of the democrats could agree on the issue of impeachment is reviewing a united front against president the next leader is going to have to be one among democrats there it can unite is going to have to be bold we need one among democrats that can unite us all we must elect democrats said it.
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has hit a dead end at president in the year 9 and i know. that you would think than i do you feeling would not. have been portrayed greatest on beating the president to trade on t.v. as the orange menace wouldn't be so difficult but reality does not always t.v. as the orange menace wouldn't be so difficult but reality does not always match expectations now the 1st presidential primary is the famous i will call match expectations now the 1st presidential primary is the fame. i will caucuses now before the debates over the summer 21 percent of iowa's vocus now before the debates over the summer 21 percent of iowa's voters were undecided but now we're not in despair as a side on it up but it's not the kind of numbers there is as good on a bet a tad 29 percent bad trend but why well perhaps the number of candidates in the
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race has got them on the fence and trend but why well perhaps the number of candidates in the race has got them on the fence and the race does just keep getting larger at this point you've got billionaire tom styer race does just keep getting larger at into the this spring point you've got believe me 3 times on stuff . just through and we thought it would be a most of indecision cat into the ring we 3 months out from iowa and we thought that there would be a loss of indecision but it's definitely harder than we would have expected and a question i see some hospital for them we would have expected no question i see something that has to be true if i'm going to win and it is true now the democratic leaders realize that the debacle of 20 i'm going to win and it is true now the democratic leaders realize that the debacle of 2016 through all soldiers. on or. on or to just stay home on election day so they're prepping the u.s. public not to do the same thing that's the show here there but you credit having to
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catch the u.s. public not to do the same thing this year and even have a catchy slogan vote blue no matter 'd who you can get a pin a t. shirt and even a pillow and your slogan vote blue no matter who you can get a pin a t. shirt and even a pillow inscribed with the message but the question is will it work we decided to ask a new yorker scribe with the message but the question is will it work we decided to ask new yorkers what they think i think you should vote for the right person after you've done all of your research after is what they think i think you should vote for the right person after you've done all of your research for your conscious. not not not is not a group think the choice i can understand where your conscience not not nuts not a group think the choice i can understand why blue no matter who is a little bit off you know the primary decides a lot by blue no matter who is a little bit off you know the primary decides a lot pay attention to the primary pay attention to all the research and it should
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go to the right pay attention to the primary pay attention to all the research and it should go the right way i think their message is quite coherent it's current administration and nothing more that way i think their message is quite coherent it's current administration nothing more i haven't seen anything more i think their message is pretty clear and they win with that maybe maybe it something is possible now compare those answers here i haven't seen anything more i think their message is pretty clear and they win with that maybe maybe it's i think it's possible now compare those answers here in the democratic party stronghold of new york to the answers from pennsylvania a swing in the democratic party stronghold of new york to the answers from pennsylvania a swing state that was pretty decisive in winning the white house for trump i definitely feel you should vote for a state that was pretty decisive in winning the white house for trump i definitely feel you should vote for a person like myself who i'm not i'm not in touch any parties were never in our
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mind either person like if i'm not i'm not in touch any parties would never enter our mind to even consider voting straight ticket it is the individual that matters and consider voting straight to it is the individual that matters i've never really i've been they prefer never serve in the early set in those and to see you know for so great to see a party with friends because you don't know what you're going to things because you don't know what you're getting them because there's a lot of confusion with the democrats they're all trying to one up each other because there's a lot of confusion with the democrats they're all trying to one up each other they're really. leading a lead or. not because i think this and i think the group they used to vote for that or the other group they used to vote for that the demo democratic party. they just let is like. it comes like divides too much like divisive and they're not really like you 19 together to make one she says dr can it and it doesn't really
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like uniting together to make one strong candidate that there's such a big push to just get donald trump out of office and if no one can force such a big push to just get donald trump out of office and if no one can form a strong enough opinion to vote for one person it will kind of end up like last election and a strong enough opinion to vote for one person it will kind of end up like last election journalist dan was there says that sometimes democrats can be their own worst enemy is there a potential divide in the democratic party that could hurt them in november oh sure the rest of the journalist dan was there says that sometimes democrats can be their own worst enemy is there a potential divide in the democratic party that could hurt them in november oh sure the risk that the democratic party is it's too big it's so big it's not stable it has or has this the democratic party is it's too big it's so big it's not stable it has i as a centrist wing went by hillary clinton essentially and it has a centrist wing went by hillary clinton essentially and it has a left wing
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a quasi socialist wing by bernie sanders and there's an immense left wing a quasi socialist wing by bernie sanders and there's an immense gulf between those 2 camps and the party really can't go off between those 2 camps and the party really can't accommodate both those wings so if there's a house divided against itself jabbered is the somebody both those wings so if there's a house divided against itself jabbered is essentially the only one out there who's speaking out force. boy against the only one out there i'm speaking out forcefully against the hillary clinton aggressive foreign policy of regime change and of the hillary clinton aggressive foreign policy of regime change and war aggressive aggression. now demagogue the kind of competitive values i should now commit also
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using their saving in this they're going to use the slogan vote blue no matter who is that strategic for them is i going to help them. vote blue no matter who is that strategic for them is i going to help them. i suppose it will help them to a degree i don't know but i think overall if you go if it's the wrong i suppose it'll help them to a degree i don't know but i think overall if you will if it's the wrong candidate a lot of you will wind up staying home now if you watch the coverage of the 2016 election day a lot of you will wind up staying home now if you watch the coverage of the 2016 election the media almost obscured the fact that it was a 2 way race they made it almost a referendum and the media almost obscured the fact that it was a 2 way race they made it almost a referendum on donald trump's latest outrageous comments now at this point many people are apt on donald trump's latest outrageous comments now at this point many people are asking if the democrats would be better off giving voters something to vote for rather than just asking if the democrats would be better off giving voters
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something to vote for rather than just someone to vote against we'll have to see what happens over the course of the next 12 months they look up and r.t. new york. more news after the someone to vote against we'll have to see what happens over the course of the next 12 months they look up and r.t. new york. more news after the break. break. bleeding wears a. little. believing weird things by the way this is called superstition or magical thinking believing weird things like that ng's by the way this called
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superstition or magical thinking believing weird things like that is not a bug in the system it's a feature think tom's equipped it is not a bug in the system it's a feature think tom's equipped in the software of our programming to try to connect things in the environment just in the software of our programming to try to connect things in the environment just in case there's a thing ok nice pictures of the real. connection. what politicians do sometimes even. what politicians do sometimes even. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. so when you want to be president or injury.
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or somehow want to. have to go on to be press this is what the 4 strips are. actually going to be for us as a white woman for free in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the winds in the tree in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the winds about how. i should move. out. west sydney. join me every thursday on the elec simon. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school this list i'm sure and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm showbusiness i'll see that most closely. i'll give a. thank
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you welcome back facebook's removed 3 networks of accounts that it claims originated from russia and were leaving a. thank you welcome back facebook's removed 3 networks of accounts that it claims originated from russia and were leaving a distant from asian campaign and african countries don't know hawkins has the details this information campaign and african countries don't know hawkins has the details. the time is quite interesting by this isn't it because the 1st africa russia former has just concluded last time is quite interesting by this is that because the 1st africa russia former has just concluded last week around 12 $1000000000.00 of deals have been assigned and straight away there is another russian $12000000000.00 of deals have been assigned and straight away there is
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another russian meddling story a bit of deja vu really here facebook of describe what they're doing attack meddling story a bit of deja vu really here at facebook of describe what they're doing is tackling coordinated inauthentic behavior by russia they've including coordinated in authentic behavior by russia they've included 35 facebook accounts $53.00 pages of instagram accounts all for the chop of $35.00 facebook accounts $53.00 pages of instagram accounts all for the shop facebook have said these are being run they originated in russia and being run to target african facebook have said these are being run they originated in russia and being run to target african countries with the help of local actors as well now one of these pages done well these countries with the help of local actors as well now one of these pages done well these sites where news agencies or news sites that work covering local domestic international news sites where news agencies or news sites that work covering local domestic
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international news with an africa russia focus this is a statement from facebook they typically post with an africa russia focus this is a statement from facebook they typically posted about global and local political news including topics like russian policies in africa global and local political news including topics like russian policies in africa elections in madagascar and mozambique election monitoring by local non-government elections in madagascar and mozambique election monitoring by local non-governmental organization and criticism off fringe and us policies now what exactly organization and criticism or fringe and us policies now what is. actually is the issue here what are they being accused of well these sites according to facebook covered global what are they being accused of well these sites according to facebook covered global and local political news as we said with a focus on russia africa relations trade local political news as we said with
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a focus on russia africa relations trade and political ties etc they were critical of bush and us foreign policy towards africa and political ties etc they were critical of bush and us foreign policy towards africa they covered libyan stories political crime stories natural disasters and also they covered libyan stories political crime stories natural disasters and also and this perhaps was one of the main points of contention is that the middle east peace apps and water was one of the main points of contention as they shared stories and content from this 2 news channel from r.t. and from sport nick as well perhaps that is enough to automatically brand from this 2 news channel from r.t. and from sport nick as well perhaps that is enough to automatically brand them russian them to remain. fully the r.c. warning was enough to get these accounts was enough to get those accounts shut down shut down and and why is why exactly is this africa being pulled said center stage
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here stage here where well russia was seeking to build ties with african countries president putin himself said he was well russia was seeking to build ties with african countries president putin himself said he wants to increase global increase rather russia's trade with africa by at least twice as much to increase global increase rather russia's trade with africa by at least twice as much as is currently the case double or increase russia's involvement there as is currently the case double or increase russia's involvement there russia though faces competition from western powers they have. russia though faces competition from western powers they have historically had a strong. colonial near colonial presence there in the region for many many decades historically had a strong colonial near colonial presence there in the region for many many decades and they still do so russia's efforts to improve those economic ties political ties and they still do so russia's efforts to improve those economic ties political ties
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trade ties are often portrayed and viewed as a negative by western powers and media this is something to trade ties are often portrayed and viewed as a negative by western powers and media this is something president putin touched upon recently in an interview a number of western states are resorting to president putin touched upon recently in an interview a number of western states are resorting to pressure intimidation and blackmail when it comes to certain sovereign african states intimidation and blackmail when it comes to certain sovereign african states in this way they try to regain lost influence and dominance in their former colonies in this way they try to regain lost influence and dominance in their former colonies as well as extract profit is a trial in the regions in fact no regard for them the people living there in with no regard for the people living there it seems they want to prevent russia and africa from fostering closer ties seem knows they want to want to put gets event russia and africa from fostering closer ties so that no one gets in the way of this
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policy of theirs. this protocol or is not. the so-called scramble for africa is nothing new has been going on for well going so on all but it. all but it seems that means that not compelled to those in that competition away from this movie what are you from and become border come with whom some closing border political rooms and close meetings political meetings over in terms over into media media and social media indeed online where it seems that simply providing some sort of all turn and social media indeed online where it seems that simply providing some sort of alternative out look at alternative angle . to how the western powers see this we should have out look at alternative angle to how the western powers see the situation in africa is enough to get you labeled as middle as bush and africa is enough to get you labeled as meddlers
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patro is a fake news political analyst chris bambery believes facebook may have to trace a fake news political analyst chris bambery believes facebook may have been forced to remove those accounts the americans and their allies been forced to remove those accounts. the americans and their allies don't like the fact that 1st don't chart like in the fine art and they're not for us or china and russia are getting involved with african governments to vulture with great africa didn't god knows much comes doing when traded bills come into a dream except success atrix etc there they have treated africa if you like as being in their own domain for so long that no have treated africa if you like as being in their own domain for so long that no the phone the british are no food so you know i will forward to facebook trolling 3 phone the british are no food so you know i will forward to facebook trolling through the different accounts and seeing
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if they're going to buy any of those which are connected to the different accounts and seeing if they're going to buy any of those which are connected to western security services i guess where the money is facebook for because that western security services i guess where the money is facebook for because that's the way and it follows behind united states corporations united state political and political fits the way and it follows behind united states corporations united states political figures and it will do or do what it once so i go such the price it will do or do it once so i'm not really surprised that if someone in the pens ago and someone in the cia says we need to get that someone in the pens ago and someone in. these are. we need to get that. mark zuckerberg and this we have these are 2 attention cones that really mark zuckerberg and facebook jumped to attention. the french president has finally visited the city everyone.
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the french president has finally visited the city everyone more than a month after a large fire at a local chemical plant has a toxic cloud more than a month after a large fire at a local chemical plant has a toxic cloud over the area some locals were less than happy to see mr moran though . the area some locals were less than happy to see mr moran though. thank you thank you. thanks thanks. thanks. thanks. well more than a month. thank you. well more than a month after that chemical fire broke out in rwanda and president michael made a simple after that chemical fire broke out in rwanda and president michael made a surprise visit to the city now that blaze when it broke out towards the end prize
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a visit to the city now that blaze when it broke out towards the end of september saw a huge plume of black smoke that basically tainted the area of september saw a huge plume of black smoke that basically tainted the area around so much so that the authorities told farmers to get rid of their crops round so much so that the authorities told farmers to get rid of their crops even told people who grew vegetables in their gardens that they needed to throw them out and even told people who grew vegetables in their gardens that they needed to throw them out and told dairy farmers that they had to get rid of their milk now as well as the environmental cattle dairy farmers that they had to get rid of their milk now as well as the environmental concerns are also huge health concerns raised as a result of that fire that inserts are also huge health concerns raised as a result of that fire at that chemical plant now in the last few weeks since that
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fire broke out we've see chemical plant now in the last 2 weeks since that fire broke out we've seen the french prime minister edward felipe and other government officials who've all gone to ruin the french prime minister edward felipe and other government officials who've all gone to ruin but this was the 1st time the president who has paid but they have told is that it's time the president has paid a. that is it 5 and that was something since that he was challenged by and that was something that he was challenge dawson to isn't it a bit late to come here only to come here. across. the broad resolute didn't present probably didn't of the republic is not to rush somewhere whenever something happens to substitute for each minister is not to rush somewhere whenever something happens to substitute for each minister this was where
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it had to be when it had to be well those proto the state was where it had to be when it had to be well those protesters outside calling on president. also calling on president to resign they're also calling him the president of the rich which is attack we've heard many many times that maclin actually would the president of the rich which is attack we've heard many many times that maclin actually went out and had a bit of a walkabout went out without peter having the street with one poker. chat him of with 2 people in the streets one person accused him of turning a blind eye to eye problem terms of the heat and he said he'd want to rethink and he doesn't do that if there's one thing he doesn't do that's clear that's so close he says he all are so stated doing that all that sort there stated during that visit that there was no was a failure when it came to this thing the city that it was this is really the foot
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with it dealt with immediately and in the aftermath now some have been angered by that statement saying and in the aftermath now some have been angered by that statement saying that i know that our the president that the president. did not give. my seized been in bad advice. is now we were. unruly were just ruined just a couple of days after that that fire broke out you could still smell the aftermath of that fire fire it broke or you could have phil mickelson. off in the mouth of that fire very chemical tinges in the air it smelt a bit like rotten eggs which is sort of a sense of that yeah it smells a bit like rotten eggs which is sort of a sense of that chemical still lingering in the air and i was speaking to some of the residents who live just across chemical still lingering in the air and i was
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speaking to some of the residents who live just across the river from where the factory was and they were telling me not just about the immediate to the river from where the factory was and they were telling me not just about the immediate health care that they had but also concerns about what health health care that they had but also concerns about what health issues could develop in the future this is what they told me. issues could develop in the future this is what they told me. you can talk to any firemen that when you have any type of contact with the smoke and you can talk to any firemen that when you have any type of contact with the smoke inside injuries it can be lethal because of the carbon monoxide and in this case when the smoke went into this you can believe thought because of the carbon monoxide and in this case when the smoke went into the sky we didn't know what was in it we don't know exactly what is in the year and we want sky we don't know what
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was in it we don't know exactly what is in the year and we worry a lot that in the future it might bring cancer or something else. like that in the future it might bring cancer or something else. i have 4 kids and they were impacted by the smell and my grades i thought about having to i have 4 kids and they were impacted by the smell and my grades i thought about having tests done but for was with absolutely no information about what we should be still coming for of . apart with absolutely no information about what we should be looking for that visit came as a new poll shows that 2 thirds of french people who visit came as a new poll shows that 2 thirds of french people who responded to the poll think that much corn is a bad president who responded to the poll think that much corn is a bad president and that poll comes harf way through his term as president of france and it seems that whole comes harf way through his term as president of
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france and it seems that no matter what he does he just can't shake the tag of being a bad president no matter what he does he just can't shake the tag of being a bad president or the president of the rich. u.k. intelligent or the president of the rich. u.k. intelligence institutions are leading a campaign to warn british universities of foreign spy actives and institutions are leading a campaign to warn british universities of foreign spy activity in particular they claim that chinese students would be undercover agents. in particular they claim that chinese students would be undercover agents. hostile state taxes targeting u.k. universities to steal hostile state taxes targeting u.k. universities to steal personal data research data and intellectual property and this could be used for their own personal data research data and intellectual
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property and this could be used for their own military commercial and or through tarion interests universities are being given to treat commercial and or thorough tarion interests. universities are being given advice on how to minimize the threat and protect key research from hostile foreign actors giving advice on how to minimize the threat and protect key research from hostile foreign actors according to government data the number of chinese students at u.k. universities has doubled in a according to government data the number of chinese students at u.k. universities has doubled in a decade foreign students also account for almost a 5th of the british universities income decade foreign students also account for almost a 5th of the british universities income we are all students in the u.k. what they thought about the idea that there might be spies sitting in their lectures we had students in the u.k. what they thought about the idea that there might be spies sitting in their lectures. to see if they make any claim to be some sort of actual.
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i fear so if they're making a claim they need some sort of like actual data to back up i just don't think it's happening though unlike you i don't step back out i just don't think it's happening though unlike you i don't see it as a huge amount of care and i think there are better areas to talk of spags structures to get this issue trying to get and i think there are better areas to talk of spags structures to be quite surprised actually because you salesman to be an institution where students come together and you know share life ideas and disco speeds have been chinese quite by surprise actually because you salesman to be an institution where students come together and you know share life ideas and disco speeds to having chinese spies by like it in the in the universe to see with you know go kind of intervene and. you know of course also you students just feel you know they need to be careful about what they say they can't really share ideas in your view about what they you know they need to be careful about what they say they
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can't really share ideas in your view about what they'd be doing to much trust or would have a surprise that's what the exhibit a much faster would have a surprise that's what was happening holocaust. was one is me going to have small cost progress. and the world under such pressure to the world if this is a real concern and then when a company like a vet you think she's president said real people like nick anybody of us up vetting process before like any of us apply to universe they can check on like background history just like you know how they're doing jobs like their site universe they can check on like background history just like you know how they're doing jobs like the system check just to make sure we don't test and check on just day from a big day so it's like got some work day for you based on just got very poor work for a very poor be trying to do the same probably no suspects me. so trying to do the same probably notice it takes me. so. ok ok.
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a government person woman can spend firm for an artist and need for sperm to these are in need work security agents being with universities to protect them from his arms work all the way with respect to protect them from spying although without specifying china as a particular threat political scientists just of chuang fears the camp going to china back as a particular threat political scientist just chang fears the campaign could make it harder for a new order in china and your democrat to carry out academics to mentor to carry out research. the strong subspecies china may well constitute a strong subspecies and china may well constitute a serious obstacle to normal me exchangers the serious obstacle to normal. exchangers. one understand is that to
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day to unite. one understand step 2 day the united states the states and agencies and sound somewhat western and cut funds from treaties i'm now. and into spending tremendous under such scrutiny even. and good and the problems becomes much much more difficult but 000000000 time and he said listen to back at me but they just put time in these bozos quite yet they still children's to engage in exchange for a way to engage. with and to engage in exchange for a way to engage in studies. in western countries general subspecies studies. in western countries general subspecies now concentrating on china may well to now concentrating on
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china may well spread to other countries like russia under the strict. an answer and see if clinton countries considered unfriendly was to do night to space. unfriendly who was to do night to space. other western countries that's a news break down for this hour in. the western countries that's a news break down for this hour thanks for tuning in. thanks for tuning out. to the good bit of good. and bad at the. the.
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those in the united states. the good. news in the united states. the good. lord in syria. were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. where. the world. where they were assassinating populist leaders they were back. when they were in the. army. there's no posts anymore because there's always a small. there's no phones and because there's always a small pickup truck or a really good that's good for profit and for really good that's
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good for profit. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. and an arms race. spanning dramatic development livan focus mode off who really. believe. that it. will be successful very. time to sit down will be very. time to sit down and. talk.
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we know we have the physical gold. we was talking surprises which was more precise. i mean the wars from the causes which was a surprise for me my wars on the console and all of them but that's for well because these are media people become different they're go also all of the above that for well because these are media people become different they're go kind so no need to trouble myself about it oxo i wasn't ready for a crime so no need to trouble myself about it oxo i wasn't ready for the magnitude of things happening that when they began to add a little bit magnitude of things happening that's when they began to happen it was the spy on that side wasn't it as efficiently as was responding to that society
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as it is was ready to react to what it sees as a monthly or been done job in the uk what it feels to have a month earlier than done job the a. little.
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