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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2019 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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that's because the people have less political power. so he begins a military offensive in syria president and says that it targets the kurdish workers party and islamic state terrorists. in other news as the united states is roundly condemned for abandoning its kurdish allies in syria we take a look at whether the decision may have been predictable. to people killed after numerous shootings in the german towns of holland and lungs one of them reportedly outside the synagogue one suspect has been arrested police said
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multiple armed suspects were at large. i i i. and in ecuador violent protests lead to the government relocating from the capital. good evening it was a pleasure to have your company this is of course. ok 1st for you this hour the president of turkey has launched a military offensive in syria against kurdish groups and islamic state terrorist strikes in question were reportedly launched on 2 towns in northern syria artie's mohammad her son witnessed the assault. the nearest ally from here i can hear turkish fighter jets flying behind my back i just got an urgent message
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that the eastern part of the town of commish li was attacked 3 mortar shells launched by turkish artillery of former here near. locals of very concerned about what's happening it's quite possible that civilians will start leaving this area it's expected that thousands or maybe even hundreds of thousands of civilians may flee so the operation by turkey has in the begun but no concrete action is being taken by the international coalition or syrian democratic portals. operation peace spring was a doubt still even the week after the united states pulled out solve syria by calling jacqueline berger discuss the implications with artie's accused up. birky has been portraying this as something like an anti terrorist operation they have been threatening with it constantly repeatedly over and over again now this is has finally happened and here's how president gun talked about it the turkish forces
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together with the syrian national omi just launched operation peace spring against p.k. kyi p.g. and terrorists in northern syria a mission is to prevent the creation of a terror corridor or across our southern border and to bring peace to the area well so far we know about 2 towns that the airstrikes have been launched against this is the russell. towns and again it is not a coincidence that. the y.p. g. kurdish military groups are in the same sentence in the same context as diversion islamic state this is how the how ankara has been portraying how it's easy to have these groups are designated terrorists so that's why it portrays the operation the way does it what kind of reaction have we seen from the kurds about that well obviously they're not happy about being branded as terrorists and they're saying that this whole operation is
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a disaster there is saying that civilians are being targeted and in fact the people in panic that people in those cities are in panic his the official statement by the as the earth yet there it is we're ready to confront and respond to all kinds of attacks that could be launched against us because our minorities ethnic and religious groups to come together as one soul and raise our voices against turkish attacks the young people have a great responsibility and role in confronting attacks by the turkish state what ankara basically wants to do there it doesn't want any connections between the kurds in turkey and the kurds in syria so it aims at establishing and about 30 kilometer wide buffer zone just to prevent the kurds in syria from. you know talking so to speak to the kurds in turkey and also they're aiming at evicting those people who are the residents of those towns read residence in that buffer
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zone let's take a few steps back what has led up to the launch of this operation well apart from the general you know hatred from turkey towards the kurds and the kurdish recent prosody towards ankara i should say the actions of the united states because the united states throughout the syrian war they have been saying they've been telling us that they are their biggest allies that they are their force on the ground they have been relying on the kurds heavily and the kurds have been counting that the united states won't let anything happen to them and very often united states troops they literally put their bodies between the turkish military and the kurdish military to prevent any bloodshed essentially what's happened now the choice of those 2 towns of russell and tell of it is no coincidence these are the exact 2 towns the united states with drew its troops from so essentially what you had the united and i mean the kurds they even for instance trying to prevent the attack
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from happening the united states advised them advise them they put down dismantle all their fortifications in the region so they did still there didn't help still the united states decided to withdraw its troops to allow turkey to move in the russian foreign minister for instance or. picked up on such behavior. it's hard to say what's wrong america's actions in syria but they are riddled with contradictions and exhibits the impossibility of negotiating with washington donald trump claimed he would withdraw u.s. troops from syria and other countries but after taking office he's gone back on those promises and my guess is it will be the same this time around such a frivolous approach can aggravate. tensions in the entire region and so must be avoided we've repeatedly told the us this thought it understood that nothing's changed and it seems even within the united states political establishment there
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has been little support to donald trump's decision to pull those troops out of but as sergei lavrov has mentioned the history there's well there's a long long history of the americans abandoning the kurds in fact they put together a report on just that so let's have a look it seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned america's disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who united states is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven this is crazy. which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of president trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that it's been going on
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for more than half a century and hasn't been funny at all. in the fifty's and early sixty's the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim costs him eventually he was toppled by but the new ruler was in a big fan of ideal of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the united states. the kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 7. is the u.s. was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was correctly supplying the minority with weapons once again pitching them against baghdad but then iraq and iran kissed and made up
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and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic guardian angel was watching idly even the americans at the time admitted that keeping their involvement under wraps was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting here in the context of covert action ours was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. fast forward to the eighty's and for the us it was the golden decade of big hair metallica madonna and m.t.v. for the kurds it was well just another decade of more u.s. betrayal in the late eighty's saddam hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to draw the wrath of the world's policeman but it
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was still a long time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didn't go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. in 2003 it looked like the u.s. was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the united states or so on. often in the past in fact the spectacle of our inviting turks in to this war earlier trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks before i'm against betraying the kurds and is your point surely your point isn't that because we
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betrayed them in the past we should betray them this time not that we should just we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near a full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead a few more times both in iraq and syria. american traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the pumpkin patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the democrat or republican. middle east expert joins me on the line now
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a very good evening jane sadly we've heard maybe it was inevitable that reports of civilian fatalities took sure thought he said they were going to try and do everything to avoid that that seems like they failed if we believe the reports was it inevitable civilians would die. you know to. experience more than 2 or 2 years in a specially in a city is. war again pick a terrorist in cities like you are broker or fire and. try to escape from you know fattal. especially for civilian people some casualties but i think they will try to do that but. i don't know where to. use some civilians you know to protect themselves this is questionable but turkey will be ready to. wear it in no. try to make the
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less casualties especially for civilians but i think he has some experience in 40 years in that area in the southern part of turkey in iraq and syria many times we did that in iraq also in syria in turkey against. and also. terrorist and that's why i think this is not you know they will be maybe it was inevitable some casualties will be but i think it's very less and less because of the experience of turkey and also syrian fighters from you know is freedom fighters from turkey something like 50000 syrians and they know the area wait a while that's why i think this is an asset for turkish army in order to in order to to make you know. casualty assuming casualties but maybe
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sometimes we can hear some news and also if we can use some fake news about that from the side then we have to be very careful with news about the casualties but i think the turkish experience is enough for that gets a good point we have to be very careful that both sides may claim contradicting things when it comes to faith salahi's don't if you know this phrase did the united states though it's turkish ally it's sorry it's kurdish it's kurdish i was under the bus. yes you know that. i think is pick a or will you know they should have some experience from the city is you showed that in your. news in. portage and other things that something like 100 year experience with the united states and other empire e.-l. states related to kurdish issue especially peca and in israel and others.
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in old india in the end of the day turkey is very important country in the middle east and start as you can live for america and america cannot leave turkey as it is as it did before because when they do that as an american turkish relations with russia is getting bigger and better and better and it makes harmful for for you for europe and. you not to sit it as well thats why i think there is no way for united states. to be ally turkey as a very big and very important state in the middle east and democratic state democratic muslim state in the middle east i think now is president knows. you know that he is a businessman he knows profits and profits very profit it comes in and he decided i
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think the right way after this new constitution or against a turkish. power in the middle east and i think is a really good position for the united states otherwise united states will lose turkey. for good. we know that it's fair to say it's a fact that serious sovereignty has been trampled all over the united states put troops in there without any kind of permission it's reported turkey has large numbers of troops on the border if they move into syria how do you interpret that at what point does that become an invasion or an annexation how do you describe it . actually this is not invasion in turkey has a lot of acts. it is in history in iraq in syria before now it started aircrafts will make and then i think 2 or 3 days of it out to libya softening area that. army with the syrian side and to especially.
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in the beginning maybe later. we cannot say that this is an invasion this is just you know to try to make some. sort of safety area not for the security of turkey. also to make some settlement for the syrians downhaul fun. more than 3 and a half 1000000 syrians inside in turkish in turkey and this is. a problem socialistic and economical problem for turkey and also we have to be she and many maybe more 4000000 people is there as of 18 to enter turkey turkey need you know 2 teams for security of the borders. and also to settle at least some of. syrian inside turkey to there to you know to make turkey is.
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economically is more core confortable than today let's not forget of course islamic states said they were defeated but by all accounts they still exist in the region the kurds allow fighting for themselves they won't be so focused on the islamic state is this move going to destabilize northern syria potentially even iraq as well. i don't think so is that turkey turkey in general stabilize the region not that they're mostly americans stabilize the country in general is they did in iraq and now they are doing it in syria because we have experience in and other areas now in you know turkish security. on and there are some schools that are universities and you know the people some. governors there and they are doing cuba thing for syrian people is they did in
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turkey and this right this is the 2nd phase for that that is not you know in to make it in stable but to make stable more as far as as far as. i see i says. i think this is a very good. some some kind of true for splits in order to use in their policy in syria and sometimes they say isis has all of the been finished but sometimes they are saying that all we have some isis this is i think is political from it can do can war against isis better than. think they are the same as it army releasing point you make a post count how many times i says has been killed and then resurrected very interesting point many thanks for your time middle east expert jane thank you thank you very much. violet and the protests continue in ecuador leading to the
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government relocating from the capital bring you the details on that story after this break. when else shows seem wrong but all wars just all. in the world yet to ship out just days after. and in detroit because the trail. went on to find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the world is driven by shaped.
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thing. we. ask. german police have reported 3 shootings 2 in the city of holland and one in london some 15 kilometers away 2 people have been confirmed killed the day of the suspected shooter has emerged in the german media showing the moments of one of the attacks one shooting occurred outside the synagogue another taken also reports of a good natured being thrown to the jewish cemetery now reduce the threat level but
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still warm locals to be careful politicians and leaders in germany as well as internationally have expressed condolences more details his evangelise hits us. as mentioned earlier 3 shootings have been reported by the police on wednesday afternoon and highly germany one took. a synagogue the other at a local co-op shop and the other one about 15 kilometers away on a nearby town called landsberg it all happened at 1 pm local time around 1 pm local time when a man was said that he opened fire with a submachine gun to a crowd killing 2 and injuring many many others it is also believed that the through. a grenade at each jewish cemetery now according to eyewitnesses that were there they said that these men were wearing combat gear pretty much helmets bulletproof vests and they were carrying multiple weapons now the train
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station in holly the main train station in the city of a holiday is on lockdown at the moment police saying that possible more than one suspects they have detained one but the believe that there are more and they are large and believe that they are heavily armed and their courage in everybody in the area and the nearby towns to endorse since the the area is still on high alert and just the point out here today marks the holiest day in the jewish calendar your kit pour which pretty much means that all the people are gathered in spending more most of their times in the synagogues and this is actually comes after 18 other incident that took place in berlin earlier this month on october 4th there has been no casualties no people injured but the jewish communities have raised they're concerned to local authorities about today this upcoming holiday.
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because life pitches thousands of people have been protesting against austerity this is in the capital of ecuador for a 6 day earlier the government in the quito relocated to the country's 2nd city that amid unrest and clashes. was. god god. god. is bringing these live pictures this is the scene the protests have been triggered by the removal removal of a few subsidies as part of a deal with the international monetary fund money that demonstrates is it is say that come from poor indigenous communities. right across ecuador interests of course from king to. yet another day of violent clashes between protesters and police forces here in ecuador what we've seen today is the
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indigenous communities thousands and thousands of people that came from different parts of ecuador here to the capital to protest there was a moment of tension when they stormed the national assembly but for a few moments after that they were dispersed and we saw massive clashes between rioters and police we spoke to some of the people here and this is what they had to say let's take a listen it will be the government it is a traitor and a lot of what we want is good not what you do not have power and we will ask it only for all we have and without and shame it means we are going to get rid of the traits that you will fight till the end you could die you will do it he will finally unity at least one person has died and there's been dozens of injured among protesters and police officers president moreno who is in quiet kill said that the violence was instigated by his predecessor rafael career and venezuelan president
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nicolas maduro the tyrant madeira has activated along with korea the destabilization plan. their the corrupt who have felled the food stamps of just disclosing the to make them they're the ones behind this attempted coup the target by this is that marino also said that he is willing to negotiate a solution to the crisis with the indigenous movement the government has also ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings insta t.j. can still ations the order prevents public access to these areas between 8 pm and 5 am local time while the national state of emergency remains the indigenous people that are protesting here very clear they won't mu. until lennon merino suspends the economic measures the hurt him so much they say that will they will stay here they will protest and they will lose. but i think staying with one thing about it
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today will be about with more though see you in office now. in the age of trump what has happened to journalistic standards and competence in the media not long ago it was generally agreed that politics was the art of the possible now one news narrative must prevail and all others must be vanquished there's a state of affairs serves the public interest. in this community there are people who believe that it's ok. it's really hard there
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are no jobs and you see that i've got kids that ask and as a parent. i can come up with lots of arguments there's a lot of conflict in the game between the 2 most of the conflict i would say revolves around money and most of their money is made. close one on each other. each other is good business the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complexes you get some 20 year life where. you don't care anymore nobody cares about your so you don't care mind anything. we are not apologizing for daryl exercising his freedom of
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expression i regret again having communicated directly with many friends in china that so many people are upset including. millions and millions of our freedoms. those were the words of n.b.a. commissioner adam silver appalling the latest controversy in the trans-pacific relations as a professional sports league has found itself in broiled controversy with china this is broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our global economy in the 21st century i'm christiane washington daniel guido's out on assignment today we begin in china where as silly tensions between the 2 global superpowers has build over into a new realm the basketball court professor richard wolf is standing by to break down the reactions by the major players in the controversy and what this could mean for the future of u.s. china trade talks. despite recent roller coaster at the future of the currency may
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be brighter given the state of global economic cryptocurrency analysts spend one and rocky miller a busy enjoy the show to delve into the path forward for big point emerging krypto let's get to it. after rockets d'amore made a public statement on twitter on sunday that 6 to support the hong kong protests news spread quickly and ignited the anger of china immediately giant sponsors * like song development bank 10 cent streaming part form slam dunk magazine and more all of whom make up between 10 to 15 percent of revenues announced the suspension or terminations with the rockets furthermore products containing the rockets keyword and m.b.a. products have also been removed from ali baba's paul ball and online shopping on monday october 7th mori and the n.b.a. issued a neutral explanation statement but there.


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