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tv   News  RT  October 7, 2019 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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breaking news artsy reports from north eastern syria turkey. operation against kurdish forces is a way the turkish air force targeting s.t.'s positions also ahead. petrel. hong kong's pro-democracy protests creasing the
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violent turn. extinction rebellion launches a 2 week protest campaign with. aiming to shut down cities around the world as they call on governments to halt the destruction of the environment but how much support actually is there for the movement. this generation seems to be saying is you saying is you can rebellion is without question britain's fastest growing religion. just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow choose the after with my names you know neal this is r.t.e. international we begin with breaking news this hour from north east syria reports from the area suggest turkey house launched its long. threatened operation against
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kurdish forces u.s. president all trump was quick to react saying there were 50 u.s. soldiers in the area now that is significant because washington has been with drawing its troops from the region throughout the day following a statement from the president leave it into the weekend but artie's senior correspondent has the of joins me in the studio for more on this what has been unfolding over the past number of hours while there's still a lot of confusion for good boards so to speak but we've heard that the turks of turkish air force and turkish artillery have struck several positions in the north of syria s.d.f. positions. have muesli made up of ethnic kurds syrian kurds turkey views them as terrorists and warned that it would launch an operation to establish a safe zone 30 kilometers deep into syria along the border the so we're talking
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here about a front line that stretches almost 500 kilometers according to reports they struck the border crossing in the very north eastern part of syria the border crossing with iraq destroying 2 bridges between apparently a convoy as well as as well as white b.g. positions throughout northern syria obviously confirmation is difficult to come by at this point but what we know is the operation is continuing furthermore the turks of strangely enough they've contacted the not the syrian government which would have made sense considering this is incursion into syria but they've contacted the iranians rhenium foreign minister to say that they respect syria's sovereignty and that this is an operator temporary operation the turks have to carry out there's also speculation. that the s.d.f.
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would just be very tight together with the americans under their protection too to speak that they've reopen negotiations with president asat hooping perhaps that we've heard this before and doubt to be false. perhaps that if the syrian government comes to northern syria then the turks will be unable to act unable to carry out this question 1st if you will rot what actually led to this because it had been a crowded field this region a lot of different players a lot of different actors why is it happening now well the turks. there's been damage a lot of them it is they've they've talked about their hostility towards the s.d.f. from the very onset of the syrian civil war and when the united states began helping the s.d.f. arming them supplying them coordinating with the turks were very upset and they've been waiting for a while they they said that they want this safe card to save zone in syria to
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resettle millions of syrian arab refugees that turkey is hosting at the moment the s.d.f. has been the against that saying that he wants to change the dynamic of the demographic dynamic of the region to sort of replace them with arabs who turkey is more fond of this is what the s.d.f. has been sick but the united states it had protected the kurds for a very long time and then suddenly out of the blue today the turks launched their attack and the americans and this is the surprise the americans is pulling back they're abandoning them president trump saying that they're pulling back away from locations in northeastern syria where the turkish operation is taking place. the united states was supposed to be in syria for 30 days that was many years ago
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we stayed and got deeper and deeper into a bathroom with no aim in sight we will fight where it's to our benefit and only fight to win. this is the very strange thing because trump had been saying for years that they were going to pull out of syria they were going to pull out of syria face lot of criticism a lot of people saying that you know you should stay in syria otherwise you give it up to iran to russia nevertheless now that the turks of launch their operation trump chose to fall pull his troops out. he's facing a lot of criticism a lot of criticism from the liberals from the conservatives back home who view this as a capitulation. we must always have the backs of our allies if we expect them to have our back the kurds were instrumental in our successful fight against isis in syria leaving them to die is a big mistake this decision to abandon our kurdish allies and turn syria over to russia iran and turkey will put every radical islamist on steroids shot in the arm
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to the bad guys devastating for the good guys. what what they call this is backstab so the kurds who had the died for america's cause in syria who had the man the front lines they were the meter shield in america's vida against isis and for trying to suddenly abandon them to pull out a lot of people of using this as is the you know the lowest thing that the united states could have done at this time nevertheless trouble now facing all this criticism and to be honest with you my opinion it seems to be getting to him because his latest tweets a very strange talks about his unmatched in unparalleled wisdom and having abandoned and backstab what ally today the s.d.f. he has now turned on the other allies which is turkey. as i have stated strongly
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before and just to reiterate if turkey does anything that i in my great an unmatched wisdom consider to be off limits i will totally destroy and obliterate the economy of turkey i've done before. that's a very interesting tweet kook you warrants a discussion of the doom but. nevertheless you have the united states in a difficult position at the beginning of the did the end of the day it seems to be a catastrophe because. as i said back stab another threatened another ally if. the us representative to the un. hashtags a turkey's not our friend there then move together in nato and she's retreating that he's not our friend seems to be a foreign policy disaster today for the united states and you know it's been merely hours. what's the moral brings is anyone's guess right thanks for bringing us right
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up to date on what is occurring there our senior correspondent right well let's get a little bit deeper into this i'm happy to say a peace activist done author of the plot to overthrow venezuela how the u.s. is orchestrating a coup for oil joins us live now on the program how the devastating what a full blown kurdish turkish offensive be for the courage do you thing done. well i think it could be very bad and we have to remember of the in the 99 days turkey with substantial u.s. military support by the way really carried out a genocide against its purpose kurdish population killing about $3000000.00 kurds so we know about turkey's tip of the towards the kurdish people and. one has to be very concerned replay of that in northern syria.
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double trump has said there are there are i think 50 american soldiers in the region right now oh is there any risk of a direct confrontation between american and turkish forces can you see that i mean look there's always you know the problem with war is that there's many times you know unforseen consequences and there are mistakes can be made i certainly that could happen and sure turkey is trying everything you can not to have that happen because obviously if it incurred the military wrath of the united states that would be devastating for them but you know mistakes happen and that is the risk. of what's happening here there's so many aspects to this isn't there you know one of them being do the kurdish forces really have any chance of resisting because particularly the u.s. encourage them to dismantle defensive positions close to the turkish border in hindsight no for the s.d.f. the will think i was very much
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a give away. yeah i want to get he seen this time and time again remember in the 1st gulf war. president george h.w. bush encouraged the kurds to engage in up in an uprising in the us abandon them then and then and of course saddam hussein. you know went after the kurds. so the us is a horribly unreliable partner for the kurds and. i know it's not just the herd snide down is it what will this no be a factor in other allies of the us thinking you know what if they have betrayed them maybe it's us next. well i would think the world has to have seen that for a long time the u.s. you know what's the term the u.s. in the u.s. view it has no friends only interests and the u.s. which is size all the time opposes outside and then supports al qaida right we see this over and over so that you know i would think that any country has to be
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a little concerned that the u.s. is going to pull the rug out from under them i do want to say however while i do look oppose very strongly any turkish invasion into syria i do welcome the united states leaving syria i think the u.s. has asked that leave syria has to leave afghanistan has to leave the middle east you know i think i fear that what's happening in syria though is that this is being choreographed that the u.s. is giving some sort of green light to turkey to take their place in syria my own view is that syria is for the syrians and that 'd both the u.s. and turkey need to believe in stay at a just finally the mustin nations of this you know pulling away all the talk the bok talk what you have is is one country entering another sovereign nation how do you expect the syrian government to respond just finally. i would think the syrians
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will be very cautious i mean they've been fighting a civil war now for a number of years one which the u.s. has been very vocal involved in both directly and through sarah gets including through isis which the u.s. has supported at times syria has largely won the war this point they do not want this war to go on i'm sure they're going to watch to see what happens i think that you know these negotiations with the kurds may bear some fruit i think the syrian government wants a united syria under government control and they're going to act very gingerly to make sure that happens without inspire. some sort of attack direct attack by you know we're. down thanks for your time this hour as always human rights lawyer and peace activist down call the lake live on the program. all right let's move on to more global news this hour in hong kong 2 protesters have been charged with
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violating the newly introduced ban on face it is the 1st time the law is being applied to having originally been aimed at the fusing tension by keeping people off the streets the activists were accompanied to court by a peaceful crowd stark contrast to the recent violence and. well the initial protest over a no abandoned extradition bill has since snowballed into a wider rights movement which is proving difficult to control i'm just warning you may find the following scenes distressing in a taxi driver was badly beaten over the weekend after he plowed into marchers knocking 2 down it is unclear if the incident was the point but it did not stop the crowd from turning on the driver i want to show you this as well an actress was
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assaulted in hong kong the same day on sunday she was attacked while trying to take pictures of protesters vandalizing a branch of the bank of china pretty disturbing scenes here and later you could really see her bloodied and injured. reports with images like this coming from hong kong it is a little surprised people are drawing comparisons to other streams. hong kong has gone from being the economic power of the orient to the face of the fight for democracy but the faces of those trying to wrest control from beijing's crossed a mosque and the democratic means they're using wouldn't be out of place and hollywood horror. foam the pudge.
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the film's premise is that once a year for 12 hours only crimes are allowed mogs a fact austin rape you name it you've got a free pass and that because of this small window to release all your rage the country becomes crime free for the other $364.00 days it's a small sacrifice for the wider peace and stability and in scenes eerily similar to the film's opening hong kong apparently had a pudge of its own. to broadcast the still air vents and you heard the old emergency services suspended for our. members urged us. it's like oh it's. ok it was a hoax but it was a hoax that actually wasn't that far from the reality of the chaotic mania gripping
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the streets of hong kong. hong kong had a very dark night because of the extreme acts of the rioters the city's now cemetery lies to everyone is worried her even afraid. shops looted buildings burned the metro disrupted for the phos time in over 20 years shopping centers food shops and banks closed down fearing wolf islands from the vandals a city which was renowned for its efficiency and convenience is now ma and confusion and to sorta the instability has spooked the markets and seen hong kong's retail sales suffer the biggest drop on record and while the. city's 1000000 as a parking must 2 cases for those who can just rustle up a 1000000 euros to get a foss truck residency abroad the options are limited but all we can go anywhere we came from mainland china and we didn't know the stations were closed so now we can this is a big problem for public transport is for everyone while the decision to open or
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close the station cannot be politically if it's everyone's daily life if you save its traditions it's very difficult for you see trees not only produce freezing because of them of. retrieve media if it's all the life it's close and hire the entire thing anyway so i think that's kind of ridiculous now there are those who will say the film shows scenes of senseless violence while the protestors are engaged in a campaign of peaceful civil disobedience and what of course no image shows the full picture for this undercover police officer who was beaten and with petrol bombs by and incensed mob the line is probably a bit more blood with the lenses of the international media zoomed in on the region there's no shortage of scenes just like this and don't worry if it's a slow day but i'm more than willing to lend a helping hand to spice up the show. thank
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you. thank you. the patch in the film last 12 hours in hong kong was 17 weeks and counting and as those on both sides of the power kate's refused to back down a resolution seems far off so there is no end game that's the infinity war that hong kong people are willing to engage in as businesses are crushed as fires by. and if people are forced to pick sides claims that it's all in the name of peace and democracy are increasingly wearing thin these protests is no longer of pro-democracy protests turning to reinhold the protests the moves the
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engage in violence our young people it is because for the past. decrees. the home call. north to have a straw polls the measures to ensure our. young people after they graduate from school all the university they would have a hard core of the jobs the porters are not want organized to do nor have a hierarchy to communicative to or forty's to pull to start running the wrong doing whatever they like leaving the police no toys bust you ask a little fools to be passed on. the whole situation. necessary to eat up because external forces to come in and it is a scenario that i can anticipate the rich really happened the short run.
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let's bring you from hong kong to london where more than 200 people were arrested in the center of the city on monday as a 2 week long climate protest by extinction rebellion activists got underway the group said it intends to par lies westminster by blocking roads and transport networks hundreds of people have been chanting themselves and vehicles are protesting outside government departments it is part of a worldwide campaign that is expected to take place in 60 major cities and here's some pictures from some of those protesters have been disrupting traffic and businesses as well in central office or down madrid berlin to name but 3 despite authorities warning of contacts. dutch police say they made 50 arrests they were a popular tourist attraction while in berlin the run of people blocked a busy traffic intersection german authorities say they will stop making arrests were they time being 30 activists have also been not prevented a stream of new zealand extinction rebellion has been in the headlines throughout
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the year with hundreds of activists arrested. a lot of people. the types of actions that we want to engage with are disruptive to business as usual but disruptive in a way that is not repellent to observers or outsiders people who may not even consider themselves to be environmentalists or politically active or aware cetera but people who are just. paying attention in the world and understand that we are
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in a crisis and so they will be attracted or drawn into the spirit of the rebellion there are many ways to get involved. and we don't really place getting arrested above not getting arrested but what do they want well among extinction rebellions key demands without governments the correct climate emergency halt the loss of biodiversity drastically go to 0 basically net 0 carbon emissions in 5 years time or so from seeing it as a peaceful violent campaign to potentially holding all the ingredients of an extremist movement here some of the reaction we've been hearing. extinction rebellion. is without question britain's fastest growing pagan religion and the reason i refer to as a pagan religion is just as all the classic hallmarks of a group of religious fundamentalists a belief that their view is the only view that's acceptable a desire to shut down everything that does not talk to their worldview they
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fundamental belief that they are in charge and everybody else also go to their beck and call how do you resolve pollution the result polluted by technological advancements the technological advancements the extinction rebellion oppose what this generation seems to be saying is you've messed things up for long enough you're not really listening the only way we can actually get your attention is actually by civil disobedience in the footsteps of mahatma gandhi and martin luther king jr and malcolm x. and rosa parks and people who decided that peaceful nonviolent public protest. displays of public outrage but tamed and controlled because don't forget the extinction rebellion and anybody who's involved in political activism or any kind of change agenda they going to use your actions and activities against you look extinction rebellion of demand effects we have returned to the stone age removal of economic progress a commitment to not grow the economy so essentially the british government for
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example has committed to being 0 carbon by 2050 which i think is nominally sensible you can't or shouldn't trust all words that come to our service we had our city contrast that because our numbers in the names become cleaner every single year if i can be directly into the camera my 11 year old son who was at home with the band hello guys and we had a debate before it came on tonight about does he want to. leave school. take a break for an afternoon or a day to go and protest he was worried about the consequences at age 11 he understands that the climate is suffering and that rapid change is needed we do need to tackle pollution but i will tell you something you regret you reverse the economic advantages that have lifted a 1000000000 people out of poverty and you do not make the earth a better place extinction rebellion are lying to you. so let's bring you know it is so if america were protests are continuing to grip ecuador as indigenous groups on workers' unions been there or the government's the session to scrap fuel subsidies
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a correspondent with r.t.e. spanish was one of the demonstrations on monday he filmed this. all of the you. know he told us it was peaceful until police turned up to disperse the crowds who fired tear gas at demonstrators one of those tear gas grenades went off near our correspondent and we'll be hearing more from him a little later the group to move away from this site since the rallies began on thursday some of which have been violent almost died in close to 500 people have been arrested where protesters have been blocking. also some 50 police officers have been taken hostage people in different parts of the president but i know has responded with a 2 month state of emergency refusing to scrap the new forms here is what some of
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the demonstrators told us. is clearly not the most people have rights and we want them to abide by those rights which is going to jack the measures and then ran his lucky governments in step with the north american empire you know i am that has a back fast does not help the people so we don't do one thing we already saw what happened to speak of suffering from hunger. the leader of france's national rally party marine le pen us call for an immigration freeze claiming quote the french ship is sinking it follows a fiery debate in the french parliament with more fierce r.t. charlotte dubinsky. as the immigration question one sick and stirs up heated debate in france the reality on the ground remains shocking. them for so those answers asylum system is saturated today it's as if we're only now feeling the
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effects of the 20152016 crisis the data is clear indisputable in 2018 france registered 123000 asylum applications. you have chosen to make migrants a scapegoat for the country's problems the migrants rather than the financier who ponders our country for the tax evader. all around you can get a sense of the number of people who are living here this is sultani a commune in the northern suburb of paris and it's estimated that there are around 3000 migrants currently living in the northern parts of paris many are living in these makeshift tents that are provided by association they rely on food handouts just to survive that the stress of living on the edge can be explosive and entering camps can be dangerous even for those who are there to offer help now what we've done today is we've asked if we can come in and we've been given permission to film
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as long as we don't show any faces now some charitable organizations have also been raising the alarm over the situation here saying it evokes memories of the height of the crisis back in 2015 a cataclysmic situation even in 2015 at the height of the migrant crisis we never had such a big spike. and these are some of the fear is that have been shared by locals the mayor is doing everything possible he's working on the situation but unfortunately at the governmental level it is taking too long. a lot of things are going on here there is fear i see a lot of things people are going mad and there is a lot of aggression i find this very sad our government accepted these people and left them on the streets polls show a significant percentage of the french feel that there are too many foreigners in france it's half way through his presidency and it's already an issue that mccall
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is getting tough on in what many see is an attempt to stop voters drifting to parties such as marking the pens national rally we are increasingly getting have to live with waves of migration faith traditions we must organize ourselves you because france cannot welcome everyone if it wants to host people. but the problem with illegal immigrants is not only a french problem it's something that the whole of the e.u. is trying to grapple with and while the countries are struggling to find a workable solution there are more warnings coming up we have to help our european partners even more in patrolling the external borders we have left them alone for too long if we don't we will once again see a refugee wave like into into 15 maybe even greater than 4 years ago his solution to that is just strengthen patrols on the e.u. zick.


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