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tv   Documentary  RT  October 6, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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i back then remember when there were soviet missiles put into cuba how frightened americans were how angry and how we almost went to a nuclear confrontation over having weapons of that kind of destruction placed that close to the united states. just 50 united states considers cuba to be in its backyard. then crimea lays at russia's doorstep. the consequences of a u.s. seizure of the base or a nato base which in general. but almost. as much. i taught me to. put you in with a. machine you know it's not bespoke with practical issues. but in your mind it's. just in the not to use russian to support it we. just wanted to put me on the leader on the. it. was
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a piece of the school board. just i'm a part of what i get there but you know we. see that on the phone fixed amongst the windows me with the cesium but if you make. the national system. unless you know it's not. supposed to in the beginning if we act we would sort of the response. to me because you knew seemed up and you know looking at it when i should just you know and i guess those. but you know you knew in the lead you disappear you know the same souce and i'm. up in the back of the m. . and i get a little nose and when you see what i'm paid by senior night on your show. i'm concerned about the expansion of nato nato has expanded into 13 countries up to the borders of russia 13 countries at the team which. at the time of waiting the
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ship waiting the. d.s.a. did you in the midst of them what should the bizzle mean. in early spring of 2014 eastern ukraine was also buzzing with protests against the new authorities in kiev this region with the population close to russia geographically and culturally feared that the ultra right leanings of the newly formed government would bring me own nationalism to their lands. and they have their reasons. the status of the russian language in ukraine has been a stumbling block for many years implementing russian as a 2nd state language was one of the main campaign promises of president recruited into focus in 2012 the government passed a law making it the 2nd official language in the southern and eastern parts of ukraine the areas where the russian speaking population makes up
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a majority ukrainian nationalist groups initiated massive protests opposing the law and observing viewer might see some familiar faces there on a 5 month. but a lot more. on february 23rd 2014 the very next day after the regime change the new government voted for a no meant of the official status of the russian language and even though later this decision was vetoed by the acting president alexander turchynov it still sent a message and a powerful one this alarmed the russian speaking cities of eastern ukraine and people took to the streets to show their disagreement. in response role might on its conducted their own demonstrations when the 2 parties would meet it was always tense and eventually it led to tragedy. one person died and
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over 50 people were wounded in clashes during the pro russian march protesting the new government in kiev. on april 6th the crimean scenario began repeating eastern ukraine where protesters seized government buildings. and the next day it will 7 day proclaimed don't yet see people's republic kiev replied by announcing the beginning of an anti-terrorist operation in eastern ukraine. by that time the international media was screaming about a russian invasion in ukraine russia could now be on the verge of invading ukraine but strong words state only in the media the ukrainian authorities never announced a war like situation why i.m.f. cannot give money to countries and gauge an ongoing war. go. with you when you go to your show that will go to too much money was already invested in
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ukraine to stop halfway have invested over $5000000000.00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic ukraine. starts in a city in the world it will slowly new democracy just go to. the with. some of them but obviously the funds had to keep coming and the conflict had to keep going again. and more bloody and deadly. so mayst. as parties from both sides were using more sophisticated and lethal weapons. that's why do you. want. us. to do. you know.
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the world seemed too busy welcoming this new democracy in kiev. to notice what was being done as it spread its wings over the country. many in southern ukraine had been viewing the revolution with concern. and an anti mind on movement formed in the city of odessa in early january 2014 the protesters set up their camp in front of the trade union house a building which would soon become a monument to a massacre of its own it's difficult to overestimate the importance of odessa it is strategically located on the black sea and it's ukraine's largest seaport it's not surprising that ukraine's new authorities were watching the situation unfolding there with growing alarm. more and more of odessa as people were joining the anti
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my don movement at the same time as events in eastern ukraine were heating up. the new ukrainian government didn't have the power to wage war on too many fronts if odessa were to join the growing uprising in the eastern regions it would seriously complicate the situation. this rebellion had to be extinguished immediately and at any cost and that cost was high. on may 2nd 2014 soccer fans flocked to the center of odessa city for the ukrainian championship match surprisingly a great number of these fans who descended into odessa just the night before also turned out to be fighters from the my don self-defense units along with members of radical organizations from all parts of ukraine that these. law. these families and asked armed and shouting nationalist mottos began
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disturbances in the center of the city as they marched to the end time i don tent encampment where they attacked. the anti might on protesters sought shelter in the trading house but it was a track down supporters started throwing molotov. cocktails into the building till it was engulfed in flames. people burned to death inside for trying to escape jump. fire station was less than a mile away it took almost half an hour for firefighters to arrive when they finally did the damage had been done. but here's an intriguing fact just a few days before those dreadful events a messenger from my don. made a visit to odessa it's an interesting coincidence that some of the people he met with in odessa were seen at the scene that fateful day.
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but not everyone was mourning on the popular political talk show schuster live the news about the people burned alive in odessa was welcomed with a long round of applause for you. to see just to just put it. on its facebook page the right sector announced the events of may 2nd a proud moment in national history an official investigation into this sad event has been going on now for nearly 2 years and it's yet to reach a conclusion but it seems the experts and all the information they needed from the very beginning which i. really cute. it looks like odessa really is
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a very important piece of real estate as it was on earth with a very special new governor appointed on may 30th of 2015. really old friend of the united states and born and raised in ukraine. neighboring country georgia hello so down there in georgia a quick look at his biography gives one an understanding that he's been groomed for a special mission to be decided on his i'll never go to mr saakashvili received a u.s. state department scholarship and he worked for a new york law firm which represented the organization commodity a group that appeared earlier when we learned about the color revolutions and we're dealing with democratic blood blister aleutian this is the revolution of roses and this is me kyle saakashvili with camara busy overthrowing the legitimately elected president eduard shevardnadze. but. that's because.
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soon after the rose revolution blossom fully george announced its intentions to join nato and plant fresh nato military bases in the fertile soil right on russia's border never ever will give our freedom and independence never ever will give any piece of our territory saakashvili is mission was accomplished at least with his friends and nato the georgian populace wasn't quite as happy though in 2007 they took to the streets to voice discontent and mr saakashvili responded with force. the people's discontent. saakashvili party lost parliamentary elections and the opposition took control he sat this means that the parliamentary majority should set up a new government as the president according to our constitution decided not to wait for the results of the president's election and fled the country in october 2013.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics that's less i'm sure. oh business i'll see you then. you know world of big partisan group lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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gandhian by north and so many people because they comprehend is so important that even such a bad puppy is sending. i'm not guilty to other people being. killed to find the next guy. who looked up live on canyoning being done the unfelt something good she even done plenty of. them to put some for the c.e.o. to save his the depiction of what is happening to save. that is going to be that when i got up from idiots or heard. that he and others are going to laugh about the. plan that he can bank on you get nothing
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back up. long loan the money you know is only on the bottom there's a bonus which i live on principle cannot all. handle a new person and they have their name. move what did ghandi the new law alone done to. the seas christ didn't mean to keep you know do you vendetta mark you can't even join you. aren't. going to. in 2014 saakashvili refused summons to appear in court as a witness in several criminal cases later that same year he was accused of misuse of power and embezzle. saakashvili wound up in the us and soon his friends in
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washington found him a new assignment. mikail actively supported my down and very soon was rewarded with a high position in the new ukrainian government. first as the president's counselor and then as the governor of odessa the day before taking this position he renounced his citizenship to georgia the country of these birth and became a ukrainian citizen. and the suggest others gordon would have done in the way exhorted. gordon to have done in the way exhorting that road in. as they say the battle is worth the blood both literally and figuratively. now do i not somebody afforded us by the us our. thought on. the chest about iraq. geoffrey pyatt the u.s.
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ambassador to ukraine paid a visit to saakashvili just a month after he took office in odessa it is law and the old last administration is delivering results and you raise your voice to see a steady flow of embassy in washington visitors coming here the meeting was fruitful and geoffrey generous. no matter how well saakashvili is job goes it looks like he shouldn't be worried about his own finances on his facebook page he posted an official document showing that the new governor of odessa gets a pretty penny from washington almost $200000.00 a year for comparison the governor of maine gets $70000.00 a year. so if odessa became a new u.s. state it would be at the top of the list mr saakashvili should feel right at home in his newly adopted country he is best of friends with fellow color revolutionary leader viktor yuschenko who is the godfather of his son.
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and another mother school bus and a lesson in lucia but insufficient at the polls to be a walk that's kind of being it's just and he sees them the if someone is going to. even though there's a double chooses to show. it when used in the but the least of those 3 is if i did it with you but i'd have to stand on both. of those boys that business do a little bit of that of this own motion just and yet but how they say that but it's the end of the year special political bonus does little to contain such. a war once launched doesn't choose its victims we are just learning at this hour that malaysian airlines has now confirmed that it has lost contact with one of its planes plane was indeed shot down by a missile while flying at a high altitude over eastern ukraine near the russian border 298 revives number of
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souls on board all feared dead it was a murder it was a crime there's been this odd nonchalance about pursuing the answers there was a report a very limited report put out a few months after the event but since then they said the next report will be on the 1st anniversary of the event but you deal with a criminal investigation before becomes a cold case so there's been this curious element of why is there not greater pressure from both the media and the the western governments to answer these questions but even without any answers the fingers were pointed immediately that's not an accident. that is happening because a russian support evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface to air missile that was launched from an area that is controlled by russian backed separatists inside of ukraine. to put up
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a national distaste for. the malaysian boeing wasn't the 1st plane to play a significant part in american russian relationships on september 1st 1983 korean airlines flight 7 from new york to seoul via anchorage was shot down by a soviet interceptor aircraft over the territory of the u.s.s.r. in the sea of japan there was absolutely no justification i don't legal or moral for what the soviets did the tragedy of the korean bowing was considered a perfect occasion to demonstrate the nato military power within dangerous proximity to the soviets on november 2nd 1983 nato launched able archer attend a command post exercise simulating a conflict escalation culminating in a nuclear attack it was followed by placing pershing 2 nuclear missiles in europe. what reagan didn't take into consideration was the paranoid overreaction of the
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soviets. a recently declassified us intelligence report shows that for the 1st time since the cuban missile crisis the world was close to nuclear war. just like in 1983 the malaysian boeing crash was leveraged against the enemy. a new wave of sanctions hit russia mediately after the tragedy. the united states is imposing new sanctions in key sectors of the russian economy. year in 3 months later the dutch safety board published a report this is why it's m.h. 70 crashed because often. i have 3 well for and or i have the today just outside of the arrow playing the best the left side of the cockpit the report didn't blame any specific group or person and estimated a very wide area of 320 kilometers as
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a zone from which the missiles fired at the same time the russian producer of boog missiles day conducted its own independent investigation. that they speeded me up the fullest. lou of the delegates i mean if you like it the nist is up a school during the experiment they blew up a retired airliner with a bouquet missile and came to the conclusion that the malaysian plane was brought down by the older type of missiles not used by russia anymore but still in the possession of ukraine the company claims that the missile was launched from the territory controlled by the ukrainian military. one would expect that these controversial results would again stir up public interest in the investigation but the tragedy of malaysian flight m h 17 at already played its role in the big geopolitical game therefore it was soon forgotten the goal was achieved after the 3rd wave of sanctions hit russia the
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tensions between the 2 countries skyrocketed so the question presents itself are we truly witnessing the beginning of cold war $2.00 and if so what are our chances to survive at this time. in 1907 the bulletin of atomic scientists introduce the doomsday clock. it represents a countdown to global nuclear annihilation. in 1900. the 3 during the height of the cold war it came its closest to midnight as the superpowers were creating massive nuclear arsenal spent most ari of america's ever expanding atomic weapons program as the world began to grasp the insane danger of
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nuclear warfare and took measures to control the arms race the situation steadily improved. in 1901 the doomsday clock was at its furthest from midnight 17 minutes. the time of hope was short lived though as the world has become more and more unstable. but in 2015 the bulletin of atomic scientists moved the clock to just 3 minutes to midnight stay on check to climate change in a nuclear arms race resulting from modernization of huge ourselves pose extraordinary and undeniable threats to the continued existence of humanity. the united states and russia have embarked on massive programs to modernize their nuclear arsenals. undermining the existing nuclear weapons treaties.
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the clock ticks now at just 3 minutes to midnight because international leaders are failing to perform their most important duty ensuring and preserving the health and vitality of human civilization.
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thank you. thank you.
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oh. it's just so. very warm welcome to you you're watching us inside. why a paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field for agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants there's no question otherwise why would that the chemical company workers themselves be geared up that suited up
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locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental research going on in hawaii whether these companies feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. all.
4:00 am
it. did. and the big news of the week in the us democrats divine protection for the whistleblower the heart of the trump impeachment inquiry a dramatic departure that in the way of a key unfolding supreme to the other things to tell you about that as well we'll update you. as people in india on the run the world month 150 years since the birth of mahatma gandhi seen as an icon of nonviolent resistance post as if his image defaced in some breach in his blood. celebrations. flashing the ok you had just as apparently not ok anymore it's not branded a hate symbol and got one theme park worker the sack in the u.s. also fodder to play here to what. you could find ok so right now.


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