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tv   News  RT  August 27, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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it's a mistake so it's a good. spirit. for you but the statistics are stupid surely the person has to revoke or should stop spinning. the headlines this tuesday morning the g. 7 summit wraps up in france but the leaders in attendance struggled to agree on any solutions to some of the world's most pressing crises. when a judge in oklahoma finds a pharmaceutical giant johnson jumps in guilty of fueling the u.s. state opioid epidemic holding it up by a $572000000.00. and tensions soar in the middle east as israel had an air strike against iran's elite troops in syria this coming just days after the suspects israeli drone attacks in lebanon and iraq.
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and the 27th of august this is out international life now will be center in moscow with me kevin owen here with up they are going to stay with me to 1st then the french president tomorrow mccrone hailed all monday what he called an extremely productive g. 7 summit after 3 days of those talks wrapped up and be a ritz but despite the group of attending world leaders voicing much optimism for the future this is meeting produced very few concrete commitments it appears is a senior correspondent. it was nice nice stuff the weather was decent lots of people nice people good conversation and good stuff nice good new. first of all i would like to thank president trump and all the heads of state and government present here for the extremely productive work and very
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productive discussions we've had since saturday evening together i want to thank you very much mr president for the credible job you did this is a truly successful g 7 there was tremendous unity it was great unity as i said nice not exactly wonderful or amazing but yet pretty nice i mean could have been better they could have agreed on something significant the cheveley little more argued the little less and the fee there was a lot of nervousness at the outset a lot of expectations a lot of tensions and we had a lot of conflicts just look at the bright side there's always next year to get something done is not nice to be fair there was a lot of stuff on the agenda in the trade war with china the brazilian president's rudeness breck's and shenanigans whether to invite the largest country in the world iran for the millionth time. we all know what
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trump thinks about iran much as a bit of a cold war between the 2 most of the rest of the world actually wants to go back to the nuclear agreement trump ripped up what a conundrum huh so macron invites the foreign minister of iran hoping to break the ice and surprisingly things became a little all could also unsurprisingly trumpet would heed his own tide before admitting it it was coming in and i respected the fact that it was coming in and he met with president of. iran is a very difficult situation. in the position not a very good position from the standpoint of economics and that's ok because we concluded a very quickly even said he's open to meeting iran's president when the time is right perhaps after another few rounds of sanctions once they find something in
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iran they haven't sanctioned yet speaking of sanctions that trade war is still raging. one man's sanctions are another man's tariffs and the united states likes both so much so trump says he regretted not imposing more tariffs on chinese made goods because trump making companies and consumers the average american pay more for ordinary stuff is great for everyone which didn't go down well with the rest of the summit squad just think she's one. of you lot of people. to be honest it wasn't trump's greatest performance there they were having a nice dinner all in cincy is smiles and forced laughs and use and brings up the
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boogie man. trying joining your michel in star red shoe missed you prepared mommy tackled style while trump talks about inviting russia back apparently he wouldn't shut up about it i think if you're working. with a number of people who would like to see russia back i think it would be and it would be advantageous to. many things in the world or das it worse some of those present agreed why on earth would you want to invite a country that's a key player in almost every major global issue. well it would make sense but not off the crimea g. 7 is for friends and friends pretend to be there for each other everyone knows that and putin it seems has better things to do. to get
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a little g 8 doesn't exist anymore how can i return to an organization which doesn't exist today it's the g 7 regarding a potential format with 8 member states we never reject any proposals some time ago it was russia's turn to hold a g. 8 meeting but our partners didn't. but there are other international organizations which play a significant role in international affairs take the g 20. all in all as i said nice old great as g 708 sco but a lot of total catastrophe but this year trump even signed this single page unlike last year when he simply stormed out that really wasn't a nice. u.s. libertarian politician whether or not he thought there were any positives to be drawn from this year's g 7 the g 7 is to the world at what the federal reserve is
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the united states it is a meddling problematic internationally damaging organization whose time has come and gone and we no longer should be having decent meetings at all in my view to me it was political theater i think that the united states and iran should talk i think that not talking to an unstable regime bed is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power is a diplomatic mistake what should be doing in terms of of terrorists is getting rid of all of them there is every reason to get rid of terrorists that does not require a g 7 or g 8 or a g 20 it simply requires individuals to say i don't want to pay more for the same thing i mean country that unilaterally lowers tariffs is going to benefit its own citizens. immediately. meantime despite appearing isolated the g 7 the interim did struggle considerably tone on trade flow to the prospect of new talks which under its own it's off its own to be on again we'll take
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a look at that later in the program a promise you next though. the story about a judge in oklahoma who's ruled a drug maker johnson and johnson is responsible for driving the state's opioid crisis and ordered it to pay a $572000000.00 fine over it he said the pharmaceutical giant run a false and dangerous marketing campaign which downplayed the risk of addiction and directly contributed to deaths johnson and johnson the said it will appeal the decision with a look at the implications of the case in a bit more detail caleb maupin next this tuesday morning. got a landmark ruling today in oklahoma the drug manufacturer johnson and johnson a giant big pharmaceutical company in the united states has been found guilty and has been ordered to pay $572000000.00 to the state of oklahoma in order to deal with the ongoing opioid epidemic in the united states this is the 1st time that a big pharmaceutical manufacturers corporation has gone to trial in
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a case alleging responsibility regarding the opioid crisis this is the prosecutor in the case stating what the judge ruled today judge bachmann has affirmed or position that johnson and johnson motivated by greed and avarice is responsible for the ok whatever ready damage. johnson and johnson will finally be healed accountable for thousands of deaths and addiction caused by their activities now at the trial the prosecution argued that johnson and johnson and its subsidiaries had overstated the effectiveness of their opioid drugs when it comes came to treating ongoing chronic pain they overstated their effectiveness in treating ongoing chronic pain and understated the risk of addiction posed by their products previously the way big pharmaceutical companies have avoided going to
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trial is by settling out of court and paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements to avoid such a proceeding as we saw monday taking place previously it was not only johnson and johnson that stood as defendants but furthermore pardieu pharmaceuticals was on trial as well however they were and they managed to withdraw themselves from the case by paying a $270000000.00 settlement furthermore tell the pharmaceutical industries they withdrew from the case in may by paying an $85000000.00 settlement so johnson and johnson was the only defendant in the case they were found guilty now they do expect to appeal the decision the defense argues that this will not hold up in a court of appeal they think that they will be exempt and that the the conviction will be overturned however this is a landmark moment because this is the 1st time that a big pharmaceutical company has been found at trial to be responsible for the opioid epidemic and many different forces in the united states have long argued
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that big pharmaceutical companies should be held responsible for the ongoing opioid epidemic that has claimed a number a large number of american lives. rates of opiate addiction of increased dramatically in the u.s. over the past 20 years cohen it's you know a nationwide epidemic in the late 1990 s. prescriptions for pain killers were made readily available as pharmaceutical companies showed the doctors that the patients would never become addicted but the . quickly became clear that in fact many people were becoming dependent with deaths from opioid overdoses reaching a record high of 4202016 the following year the government then declared a public health emergency over it fast forward 2019 an estimated 130 americans have been dying every day as a result of opioid medicines a health crisis is also placing a huge burden on the u.s. economy and encouraging high rates of heroin use addiction specialist and spoke to told us that both the pharmaceutical industry and doctors have failed in their duties to customers and to patients. well doctors certainly there are some
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responsibility for the opiate epidemic but i think to really understand how this happened in the united states it's necessary to realize that a whole generation of physicians was educated to believe that opioids are not addictive as long as you're giving them to a patient in pain and this was a message that was eagerly adopted by produced by johnson and johnson by chance and by t.v. by many other opioid manufacturers why because it helped their bottom line to sell more opioids so certainly doctors have to be reeducated as they are now they have to withhold opioids they have to stop prescribing opioids for ankle sprains for chronic pain conditions we would not want the pendulum to swing in the opposite direction and for people who really need opioids not to be able to get them so finding some kind of middle ground is going to be essential. truck in this field that the u.n. is calling for maximum restraint between israel and its adverse sarees as the
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threat of a new conflict in the middle east escalates it comes off the television code at mass strike against a radian forces in syria on saturday in what was said to be an effort to thwart a planned drone attack it also says was suspected to drone attacks against show militia groups in lebanon and iraq with more on what's going on here and maybe with the build ups going on all quarter. continued instability in the middle east and the alleged culprit is not the west's usual fall boy the israeli strikes were similar to a declaration of war and our country has a right to defend itself a series of attacks syria lebanon iraq and people are pointing the finger at israel .
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at least they owned up to that last attack usually accusations that israel's attacked another sovereign nation are met with silence from tel aviv but this time benjamin netanyahu justified the attack claiming iran was targeting his country with explosive drones according to him the situation was kill or be killed by a log. if someone rises to kill you rise up and kill him 1st in a complicated operation by our security forces we determine that iran's quds force dispatched a special unit of sheer militants into syria to kill israel's on the golan heights with explosives drones with great determination and in perfect israeli army operational and intelligence fashion we preempted them and thwarted this attack. netanyahu often harps on about the supposed dangers of iran but when it comes to the facts the islamic republic is often on the receiving end of military violence
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about a year ago israel struck nearly all of iran's military structures inside syria it was the country's biggest assault since the beginning of the civil war back then netanyahu played the very same preemptive strike card. we will head back 7 fooled who have proposed to strike at us we will have to strike at them beforehand this is what we have done and this is what we will continue to do the never ending demonize ation of iran might have made israel its share of enemies in the middle east but in the west it's reeled in some powerful allies this is 40 years 40 years of malign behavior so whether it was seizing a british tanker that was in international waters or shooting down an american waving that was also in international airspace or assassination campaigns in europe or trying to kill an ambassador here in the united states has this long history of blind behavior iran had its tankers detained its airspace violated by drones its
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military installations outright bombed all by the u.s. and israel what other aggressive provocations does iran have up its sleeve we are both israel and the run for their assessments of the situation where it might go. iran is trying to envelope israel from all of the sides through hezbollah which is effectively iran through syria through iraq and even through gaza it's like a big octopus sending its arms in order to strangle israel israel has no issue with iran if iran would focus inward on on its own people and stop trying to destroy israel as it explicitly says it will do and if amending terror around the world we would have no issue with iran however iran has decided to attack israel to build forces and to strangle israel but we're not going to wait with defense systems you
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don't win by playing defense you have to preempt and that's what we will do the problem you have is very loosely oil brought over the world. and because no one no one calls it to account it's allowed to get away with essentially murder. it's targeted and hit 3 separate sovereign countries in the past few days i see no one questioning why israel is doing something or why israel is provoking the situation at the end of the day israel needs to understand that iran has said this time and time again that look you're playing with fire don't do this don't be silly behave yourself iran has no real interest in starting a war and iran will not start a war it's a long and i have said it categorically however what iran will do if it is attacked or its allies within the resistance axis are directly attacked they will retaliate and rightly so because in this case the aggressor the one who's instigating problems who's lying and making up fairy stories because it's control and influence
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within the mainstream media is israel and everyone knows israel is a rogue state it's a country that is close to 400 nuclear weapons targeted at multiple countries and yet no n.p.t. and no questioning no no discussion about it yet iran which has a nuclear program energy program constantly gets accused of making nuclear weapons and all this stuff which is slightly from the supreme leader's own discreet discourse is forbidden. how went out for using different new frontiers for an old vehicle in a russian explorer and if than making a trip around the world in a classic solve it but a machinery they just saw it in stocks of 61 countries off the list already taken as are against the spares from got a bit of historical right pictures coming up recently.
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you know world big part of. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is on spearing dramatic to follow the only silly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down
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and talk. again slide 20 on the button next talks on the trade war between china and the us could be said to resume president donald trump said monday that being 2 very positive conversations as he put it with chinese officials and that the 2 sides would return to the negotiating table very soon june because listening to a tribute. and simply to get back to the table so will be getting married today will think you want to do something. very very badly but they understand this is the right thing to do and they care a great respect for your district where this is a very positive development for the world. to move through open the talks comes
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after both nations hit each other with fresh terrorist. last week on friday mr trump also lashed out at beijing on twitter saying that the u.s. to be better off without china trump then went on to demand that u.s. companies immediately start looking for a new trade alternative trumps round cause the dow jones for a minute to plummet before bouncing back again on monday after he struck a more conciliatory tone then again in here it's one point during the g 7 to trump even seem to express doubts about his own trade policies. and i'm. sure one. of the world might as well you know what. i am sick of birds about everything and great respect for the fact that president xi and his representatives want to call resolution he is a great leader and representing the great country talks are continuing speaking at a tech conference monday the chinese vice president lou he reportedly said beijing was willing to resolve the issue through consultations still further he added that
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the recent escalation of the trade war would benefit no one our sister channel r.t. america has been discussing the tensions with former u.s. congressman ron paul 2. can you try to make sense of this situation that's going on right now dr paul. i do by looking at it and it's an unworkable situation you finally get to the point where it doesn't work they hang on to every word the federal reserve board chairman says and sometimes one word can make a difference of billions and billions of dollars and we have an economic system is a chaotic and then within we end up with a president that does change his mind once in a while. and it's his head they hang too much on words that don't mean anything because they're talking about problems they don't fully understand from my viewpoint and they don't have any solutions because they always talk about more government solutions and are not willing to look our viewpoint from the libertarian viewpoint that maybe they've made a lot of mistakes and maybe they should talk about eliminating the mistakes rather
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than just adding on to so i'm not surprised about it but it is still pretty annoying but it's going to continue for a while because nobody's going to nobody's going to come up with an answer or is going to agree with with trump's dissertation on this you know he wants to stir up the animosity to the american people but the american people ask for this too because adds up the dollars that we spent over there that they didn't spend back here but you always have to have a balance of payments and we send all that money over that we have printed a lot of consumers have been very happy his served us well and then the chinese government serves us well because they finance our deficit so this game has been going on but to lay that list everything that we ever bought from china is practically strine a stole that money from us and we're going to get it back and this tariff thing is is so so constant and not controversial but it's ill advised is that you put on
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tariffs to punish china and a few people now are starting to recognize oh a tariff is paid by the people who put it on so the american taxpayers pay for those terror. so we've had all this advantages of printing money but they don't talk about the problem because if you don't follow trauma's argument you have to say oh we're living beyond our means oh we have a deficit oh we have the federal reserve the reserve bank of the world prints a lot of money and we're we're the cause of all this imbalance but i think the discrepancy in wealth in this country is the same thing it's it's caused by the monetary system and that i think is a serious problem and given giving a lot of ammunition to the socialists i see capitalism doesn't work so therefore we have to be socialist of course as far as i'm concerned going in the wrong direction . they were most international never leave you said that but it travels going on to another less can become lonely of course the further you get from home again so one russian traveler decided to take a bit of his own beloved homeland with him is the real russian money if i just
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classic known as a behind in russian that means a loaf of bread which as you can see michelle has pretty much the same shape as said van and his machine will slip it over them they will troubles. i've decided to do something extraordinary to make the journey in a typical russian event the russian go honk event to be precise. one african man who saw ru a.z. cried and explained to us that he took part in a war in this van as a driver he said in the end that thanks to bands like this one we won the war.
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our trip is not finished yet we want to cross every time zone that's why we have the route from light of all stuck to moscow for the moment we've done 80000 kilometers i think we will have done 95 by the time we're finished. yeah good luck to them on their travels little better russia far from out in that little bit of research is what you know they still make those fans i started producing them in 165 in 4 i was born still going today and oscar get the parts from and well that's it for now thank you for watching this program my name is kevin with more and half an hour and a cosell with more here's why the oxy doc. says
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you stressed to. this or that the british as a if the bill of voted out that it will cost to. stop the show so your street dentist appears to she's ok so i push quite a long. time and i know which of. the member states to check or will give me a fortune. or to go to the source of your might your bonus for c.b.s. . it's a mistake was the word support until put them to the spirit or do they seem to be an arguable piece that it's a student actually a person a person to be vocal or should stop them spitting.
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out what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line when they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to the press it's like them before 3 in the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters about how. there should. join me every thursday on the elec simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics school business i'm show business i'll see that.
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greeting and salutations reasonable and beneficial use that's what the florida department of environmental protection were. wires the purpose be before a permit to extract ground water can be approved the florida d.e.p.t. defines reasonable and beneficial use says the use of water in such quantity as it's necessary for economic and efficient utilization for a purpose and in a manner which is both reasonable and consistent with the public interest and it's not public interest that has many in florida fuming over a new request from nestle to extract on average 1100000 gallons of water per day from the upper floridian for the same awkward for a 2014 study from the sony river water management district in florida had concluded that ground level ground water levels in the upper flurry of e. and off were for had declined significantly during the past 75 years as
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a result of regional groundwater withdrawals and low environmental activists and water protectors across the world called cry foul on the impact these water bottle are inflict on the environment many also wonder if the way in which corporations like nestle get the water is both reasonable and consistent with the public interest fact nestle waters north america doesn't pay a dime to the communities for the water they extract what they do is hire a company with an existing permit to extract the water like 7 springs water company in high springs florida that company obtains the permit knowsley pays loads of money to upgrade that company's equipment then sucks up millions of gallons of natural spring water and bottles it for mass consumption however aside from the $150.00 application fee nestle doesn't actually pay for the water they're taking from the committee that means as was noted in an editorial from the orlando sentinel at a editorial board.


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