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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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seventeen people killed more than a thousand injured as israeli soldiers fire bullets and use drones and tear gas kucing palestinian demonstrators of inciting violence at the gansa border. diplomatic staff are leaving the u.s. consulate in st petersburg ahead of its official closure on sunday and the move comes amid an escalating standoff over the poisoning of a former double agent in the u.k. . police fire water cannon and tear gas against protesters letting off during a demonstration over the expulsion of environmental squatters in the french city of not.
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here in moscow a very good evening to you my name's neil harvey this is r.t. international. over a dozen palestinian protesters have been injured on the guards the border on saturday one day after seventeen people died and over a thousand were hurt in clashes with israeli soldiers u.n. secretary general is now calling for an independent investigation into the deaths local journalists. at the scene. so today is the second day of protest demonstrations and praise for the palestinians palestinians from all over the gaza strip are coming to march through the fence and as you see we can still see this israeli soldiers snipers trying to target all of the all book protesters who are coming near the fence palestinians protesters are holding the palestinian flags and are trying to put them near the fence and yesterday thousand of hundreds of
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palestinians were on the scene that is where the army used to i mean nation live bullets and tear gas. and for the first time the israeli army used a drone to throw tear gas canisters and up on the protesters anticipate them. the annual march of return is the demonstration that denounces the israeli occupation thousands of palestinians have pitched tents across five locations where they're expected to remain for six weeks in response the israeli defense forces have stationed more than one hundred snipers overlooking the area we spoke exclusively to the senior political leader of the palestinian political movement hamas is how he described the situation return lee. all those killed were from gaza what the israelis did is
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a crime against unarmed civilians who just want to return to their villages and towns and who have a right to under the nine hundred forty eight u.n. resolutions or these really is are displaying the kind of fears seen in the thief who is trying to protect what he's stolen this is how they treat unarmed civilians who just want to return home. or mass confirm that five of those killed were members of its military wing israel blamed its violent response on hamas which it views to be a terrorist organization we asked the israeli prime minister's for a media spokesperson david keys whether the i.d.f. response is proportionate. a large stone thrown at someone's head can kill them as has happened in the past but there is no reason for someone to be twenty meters away from the fence and if you look at the pictures you see people. trying to infiltrate a peaceful protest this is not we know what peaceful protest looks like and they don't involve people taking guns and shooting at the other side namely at israel yes this can start this can stop this very second all it requires is for hamas to
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say don't approach the fence and don't try to storm into israel by the thousands and start shooting missiles and gunfire at israelis the moment that is said all of this goes away. american diplomatic staff are leaving the u.s. consulate in st petersburg ahead of its official closure on sunday and this comes after moscow announced on thursday that the expulsion of sixteen u.s. envoys and the shutdown of the diplomatic compound it's a reciprocal response to washington's decision to expel the same number of russian diplomats and close the country's consulate in seattle this latest tit for tat comes amid a growing diplomatic crisis over the poisoning of double agents on u.k. soil britain so far failed to provide any evidence of russia's guilt nevertheless london blames russia for the attack and over twenty countries have expelled moscow's diplomats in solidarity with the u.k.
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in response russia's taking similar moves against those states. earlier my colleague andre farmer discussed the consequences for moscow's relations with the u.k. but our correspondent. this is part of russia's response to the tat mirah response for every russian diplomat expelled from great britain the united states and two dozen or other countries most of them either need two states or countries that are seeking to join nato for every russian diplomat expelled russia is expelling one of those countries diplomats from russia in the case with great britain twenty three diplomats have been expelled but it doesn't end there russia has also lost the u.k. to reduce its diplomatic staff in russia by an additional fifty this is the number of russian diplomats in great britain and a number of british diplomats and russia at the same to establish parity this is i suppose you could say
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a punitive measure for great britain's role in this entire affair it was london that launched this campaign that went to these countries and convinced them to kick out russian diplomats and russia sees this is unjust and unfair because there's been no evidence no proof of russian involvement in this attempted assassination attempt in great britain and this tension is extending elsewhere to isn't it i mean we had an incident involving an aeroflot plane in london yesterday also just tell us about that well this is this is all part of it part of this degradation in relations russian passenger jet that had arrived in london was unexpectedly without warning and without reason searched by british authorities at first there's confusion because nobody admitted the search the police said that we wanted well involved they even tweeted about it however it turned out that there was in fact the search going on and the russians say went against all protocol the u.k.
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representatives try. to inspect the plane with the crew being present on board which is strictly prohibited by the relevant regulations only off to the arrival of an embassy official and link to negotiations was the pilot allowed to be present during the inspection the you could representatives refused to provide any documents that would specify the reason for the search it's legal basis and the results of the russian foreign ministry has come out and said that this is you know outrageous and just another example of the depths that things of have sunk to the side from all the expulsions there's been a lot of rhetoric flying around and the russians say that the united kingdom is needing these anti russian rooster phobic crusades or certainly looks like we were in a spiral downward spiral and difficult to see any way out. police have fired water cannon in tear gas against protesters letting off plastering
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a demonstration over the expulsion of environmental squatters in the french city of nant. reports from the protest. oh. the room. for the price i still has almost around a thousand now running we've got the police running behind us who are in the middle of this where you can see the police are trying to carry chain the protesters into one particular spot trying to move them down the street we have already seen t.v.'s being fired at the protesters in the protest is throwing things out the police saving some school skinny shoes in the hague and this is all over no trees on the lawn and these are the sides they've made this place their home base was
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a place of land that was a marked for a possible airport the french government decided early this year that he would not be building that airport but it has said that it wants to expel all of us artists on a case by case basis chrome this land you can see behind me now the police are having to come back the protests just pushing along from the street in no they came here to protest against the explosion of the people in the saddest of large and ongoing and we're going to have to move quickly now because the police we've got things are being run out and the police have been using che gas as well trying to get the ferry justice out of the way and trying to cool them down into certain factions but what we're seeing now he's from the protests is coming out from the street and you can see the police are also trying to provoke a the other protesters who are joining them splitting them up in or around as you see small clashes now between the police and the protesters here only via that site
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that damn well he might say i did not you don't glance oh you're getting some of the effects of the chair gas that's being put out by the c r i says your governor you just. making it a little bit difficult to breathe so we're going to just briefly as you can see that the three still trying to block a dutch street sign the protesters from coming out there to protest against the expulsion of the people from the sad sight but not to go down to lunch they say they will do whatever they can within their means to protect that site because it is now very home so much even ski or to you know. billboards are started appearing in european cities calling for a boycott of this summer's pfieffer world cup in russia distract limburger takes a closer look at the group behind the campaign. the beautiful game takes an ugly turn to international friendlies this week in europe were hit with less than friendly billboards outside the stadiums the campaign also has an online petition
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against what it dubs the cup of shame and that site probably boasts that the u.k. has announced ministers won't be attending of course it fails to mention that britain's decision has nothing to do with the situation in syria whatsoever and it carefully ignores that moscow's presence has contributed when it comes to the fight against terrorism in syria including deescalation zones and humanitarian corridors but i digress of oz and online global activism network is behind both the billboards and the petition and this is how they describe their aims of this is a global organization with a simple democratic mission closed the gap between the world we have in the world most people everywhere want their campaigns cover everything from saving elephants and bees to much more controversial topics like gun control in america and stopping the far right from taking power in europe so clearly they don't shy away from politics and when it comes to syria their position is crystal clear assad and by extension russia bad u.s.
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coalition and white helmets good and fact according to their site of azer has raised over two million dollars to help the white helmets but as we've reported before the group isn't exactly what they might appear to be. with some forty six million members worldwide and sixteen available languages on their website they make clicked of is an extremely. easy weather causes animal rights global warming or the children in syria as an organization they're very
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deeply invested in. american establishment into the corporate world and into the political ruling elite world in america and so we've seen over ours used all weaponized as an instrument of war for example the petitions that was put forward for example against libya they were calling for a no fly zone we've also seen them for example supporting the alleged chemical weapon attacks to to demonize the syrian government and to accused russia of supporting so why don't they launch a petition that is calling for another fly zone or a petition that is demonizing one particular side in a conflict it is that recently linked to that humanitarian aspect now of off takes pride in saying they're one hundred percent member funded meaning that their agenda is not and cannot be swayed by anyone with deep pockets or special interests but at the same time they also acknowledge that they were founded by two advocacy groups
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who received major funding from george soros a well known supporter of liberal political causes and to one of those companies sources open society foundation specifically funneled money to of us so well p.r. stunts politicising sports are nothing new with this stunt in particular some are now crying foul. almost four thousand people have now returned to their homes in serious poker adding to the russian defense ministry the city was liberated by russian and syrian forces fifteen months ago since then many refugees have come back to their home and as life in aleppo begins to go back to normal hundreds of christian worshippers attended the good friday muss and procession in the city to mark the beginning of these the residents say that after seven years of brutal conflict they finally feel safe. by last year old only natural apple became safe and there were no more clashes in mortars we came back and we are happy here it's
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easter happy easter. to you think god finally we've been able to visit our true truce and hold religious rituals we've had enough in seventy years now it is safe and peaceful we can do everything freely. for those where in syria the humanitarian situation story main catastrophic some ninety five thousand civilians return to the city of raka after it was retaken by u.s. led forces half a year ago but they still live in dire conditions with almost all infrastructure destroyed no access to running water and other basic necessities russian militaries reported that frustrated people have begun an uprising against u.s. backed rebel forces in the area. was still a third year and we were forced to leave our homes because my sons who are when we return we found everything we could use to look at all the devastation. i mean the
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clean living in the midst of destruction was completely abandoned everything around has been destroyed. and rubble that we have to be to remove the debris with all money there's no running water so we have to. do u.s. coalition cause the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water supply in clearing the rubble in. front of mine on the streets near my house my friend and i tried to detonate it from a distance but it didn't go thought the mine didn't and walked towards its exploded my friend was killed i survived. when you coming away join his official break.
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klein. is writing extensively on environmental issues and social justice issues went to these conferences in puerto rico and her takeaway was that a bunch of people all showed up and this is a danger to the local economy and to the local fabric of society so the first thing that strikes me is that lefties like they always feel they have a monopoly on good intentions which i'm not sure. where that comes from. like when you have no clean water no health care no infrastructure those are all symptoms of a greater problem in haiti and that greater problem is imperialism their greatest
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problem is debt dependency and domination that haiti has had to deal with since it became the first. free republic ruled by black people since p.t.o. for. a comeback an independent autopsy is found us police fatally shot an unarmed black man in the back it happened in the city of sacramento earlier this month the victim's family lawyer says that it contradicts the police officers claim that he was advancing towards them of oh what happened wasn't exactly clear from the body count video that was released. thanks. fired at twenty two year old stefan twenty times saying afterwards that they had mistaken his phone for a gun they were responding to
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a call about someone breaking windows clock was shot in his grandmother's backyard the forces involved were placed on paid administrative leave if cases are raised locals with protests happening almost every day since the day of the shooting. in a series of protests demonstrators have blocked highways and twice disrupted a nearby n.b.a. basketball game is after clarke's funeral black lives matters activists again blocked streets a call for justice and punishment for those responsible we spoke to former georgia state representative lou dorn jones who says that improperly trained police officers are not being held to account. the ideas that african-americans are automatically committing crime are in the foundation of our system and their fire training the right kind of training now this on how to shoot or when to shoot deescalating but then also a training on inherent bias is that police officers may have in this country and it's within their systems and we need to look at both in order to try to stop these
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types of horrific events but we have to look at the train of events that has happened in the past where many officers are not being indicted or they are let off and that's because our law has a very huge loophole and determine allowing officers who have a fear and looking at their subjective belief of fear in determining whether they are guilty or not in their actions and the only other place to hold them accountable is it through the police departments making them lose their jobs but it's very hard to have the police police the police. cryptocurrency these are hoping relief for his employer to recruit one hundred thousand people are still without power following a major hurricane last year twenty five thousand dollars is being donated by going on trip a nurse but he's been friends to santiago spoke to some of them. puerto rico has received an influx of watch chain innovators who pledged to transform the region after hurricane rita's devastating damage but i'm hoping happens is a lot of people come to puerto rico and they take a look around wow. places there are these people are amazing they're so nice and so
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there's so much culture that's so beautiful here why is it that that things are so difficult why are why are there such struggles maybe i can make a difference maybe i can help with this those are three consecutive conferences detainee's last chance down and point agenda we're all working together to build a community of the future and give back to the people of puerto rico say we're going to install a five different solar solar set ups to bring power to hold the. water change stems from a ten year old incorporated company and is going to washington d.c. centralized water by creating a system of sensors automating water treatment and recycling thought says it shows puerto rico and teamed up with restart for its first systems implementation was a country that recycles the most water. you telling israel of course eighty percent
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recycling rate the next one down in the world just spain with twenty percent whereas the us. one percent. here's the worst part of it eighty percent of all water in the world is not treated it's just runs into the ocean so a trillion dollar water industry should be a five trillion dollar water industry and we anticipate that what happened with plants is that a part of that problem it's a part of the problem because the water infrastructure in the u.s. is literally falling markets holds and what's happening is forced decentralization with the town's musicality by telling the users you clean your own water well i see that as an opportunity because we can get those users to adopt the very best technologies and reuse there was. now long before we build that we want to get to work right away here but we're not going to wait to build all these structures we're just going to go ahead and use some of your the investment to literally put shovels in the ground and build the system right right this more or less all my
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talks are on operated to take. arms remember that you're fielding leave the state to you for more of your leave future employees with wesley snipes max keiser legal most of crystal rollers and much only on the toll on our. the city of los angeles is associated with celebrities luxury and however it has another side official figures suggest that homelessness has increased forty three percent over the last four years although the city council says it's now looking at ways to provide housing for all those that need it redfish media takes a look at life on skid row. this is los angeles home to the glitz and glamour of hollywood the city perhaps most synonymous with the american dream. but this is
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also well a. lot like here night every doorway that's almost even acknowledged in history many of them live in skid row in downtown l.a. which has long been considered the center of homelessness in the city whose rock you've. probably. had never seen. that can tell people their own. mental condition he is on the leave of. filming on skid row was no easy task while some were eager to share their stories others understandably didn't want to be filmed. you know star. can do. to protect camera death. so what is hollywood doing the authorities have taken a heavy handed approach to l.a.p.d.
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and law enforcement are regularly called on to clear the homeless from the streets while arrests in the city declined fifteen percent between two thousand and eleven and two thousand and sixteen arrests of homeless people by the l.a.p.d. were up thirty one percent. moer arrived in los angeles a week before we spoke to him he once co owned a restaurant in florida but when we met him he was sleeping on the beach. paying the good employee of death and you know. a lot of people a lot of people come with a lot of hope going down the. door that i'll. get back from work to go. make it happen. it's a humanitarian crisis that we would more typically associate with extremely low income countries and one which provoked. the u.n. special ruppert's tour to see that quote the american dream is rapidly becoming the american illusion. brings you right up to
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date show me the latest news headlines and updates on our top stories. in thirty five minutes at nine o'clock our time. i. was. for a world cup twenty
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a team coverage we've signed one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time but there was one more question and by the way who's going to be our coach. guys i know you are nervous he's a huge star among us and the huge amount of pressure you have to go meet the center of the shuttle we are with you and you will see a great big bridge get you out of the rock at the back nobody gets past you we need you to get down going left go. alone. and i'm really happy to join that for the thousand in-field world cup in russia meet the special one it was also be sure to meet just like the radio the aussie team's latest edition to make up a bigger better jersey. just manufacture consent to stick to the public will. when the ruling class is
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protect themselves. with the flame and larry go round the sun be the one percent so. we can all middle of the room sit. room. room. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from right here washington d.c. i'm part chilton coming up today we aren't too far from tax day and the i.r.s. is reducing audit the military will tell us why plus many are wondering if profits
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on crypto currency is must be reported to the i.r.s. will get you that from certified public accountant victor the things ship and the bitcoin queen of switzerland all go filled wire is back with us we'll talk shane and crypto as a multi-day crypto summit in switzerland concludes plus as the u.s. department of justice case to stop the eighteenth tee time warner merger deal continues we'll talk with someone who's been there every single day in court andre barlow of doyle barlow and mozart all that ahead but first let's get some headlines . we spoke last time about the merger mania out there with an increase of m. and a activity of sixty seven percent increased over last year well here's another one wal-mart is in early talks to purchase health insurance humana which currently has a market value of roughly thirty seven billion dollars if the sale went through it
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would be wal-mart's biggest deal in nearly a decade wal-mart is not only the largest retailer it is a significant drug store owner the current market value of wal-mart is roughly two hundred sixty billion dollars. and germany has reported very low unemployment numbers for the second time in two months their unemployment numbers came in at three point five percent and that jobless rate is the lowest since one thousand nine hundred eighty and far below the average unemployment rate of five point six percent and speaking of great numbers the turkish economy grew by seven point three percent year over year in the fourth quarter of last year that figure beat what many considered an already upbeat expectations the seven point four percent compares with twenty sixteen g.d.p. rate of three point two percent. and e.p.a. administrator scott pruitt has set a plan to for a major rollback of the corporate air.


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