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tv   Documentary  RT  February 26, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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reste you to close border policies and the e.u. turkey accord on refugees more than two thousand unaccompanied children are also waiting to be placed in shelters leaving many in a vulnerable position. almost about. what it took to. feel on the hot day in a video of a bottomless saudi china six story i get up to i still don't know why they did what . a lot of adi has in your research. for. your. war. you're. very very read more. and more. ok here. are your
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not gonna not for you i know i had visions. bod had been bullied. and the below is you on right now. yakima idea why they would only. give in good to one of side. when the just going to do. the no box again the most value. and noble idea of us all off and on of don't give us a pill a little that's a lot of it and none of them. listen you know that the deal was that how mom how enough is it must have filled out a model one that should have special on. the no one over you in a moment take some of the. grace claims it has five times the amount of migrants he can cope with resulting in delays in processing some of those left
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behind including many seen h. refugees as we saw have turned to crime to survive. the square is called them on. and it's a fifteen minute walk from parliaments where we met the guys they told us that it's one of the top three most popular places to buy sex and drugs in athens the vibe here changes at nights and becomes very seedy as you walk by you're bound to see young boys flirting with passers by a friend drugs or themselves one of our refugees wanted to tell us more about the neighborhood but asked us to conceal his identity because he's a regular here. on our fee so i had done morning that just about the. tone on us artists in. their own loaded gun down my you know all of one one on another mark on the show be modest and gents rather than
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a show the engine see or not to get a mark in my. live on your job. to hustle so you feel like a huge brother awadi and and want us to target the unfairly. cafe hard. on the darling. while i knew just. how out of the howlers hasa let in on that the scenario and only mr lolly home well and only out of one and only i recall no huge rush hostile to hostile saying when i'm alone . i think a little bit. because i am one who is. looking at all of this so that you can as we wish list that you know what it was. turned to those. guys shared among those sure are a. common one is an aching good. move where we're more well
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for told us room. moer this is the general point. of us a good. part of the world. unicef coordinator lucio melandri from the refugee support team increase says the country is overwhelmed. these remains one of the gate to europe and they find this we the people but not all put to share the responsibility within the european member states so there. is can me not to this theory. of many of the other members that seem to be trying to prevent that reproduce seeking their own countries we also are aware many cases these might bring are going to could even trust the actions of these two for sure on this
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environment but even most dangerous situation like would be traffic or organs we need to prevent these children being put under the tension we need to identify their relatives and to speed up the process of reunifying of the children with their. will be back in just over half an hour with the latest news but for more in the meantime. nor make this manufacture consent instant to the public well. when the ruling classes protect themselves. or the family merry go round the sun be the one percent. who
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ignore middle of the room sick. from the real news is really. about your sudden passing i found we just learned you worry yourself taking your last bank town. drought caught up to us we all knew it would i tell you i'm sorry but only i could so i write these last words in hopes to put to rest these things that i never got off my chest. i remember when we first met my life turned on each breath. but then my feelings started to change you talked about war like it was a cave still some are fond of you those that didn't like to question our ark and i secretly promised to never be like it said one does not leave a funeral the same as one enters the mind gets consumed with death this one quite
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different speech because there are no other takers. to claim that mainstream media has met its maker. what politicians do shut up to. put themselves on the lot to begin to show the reject. so when you want to be president. or some want to be rich. that you'd like to be for us this is what before three of the more people that have induced the holes in the waters of the holocaust. there should. show it's same brawl but old roles just don't call. me the old days yet to shake out disdain because they advocate and engagement equals betrayal.
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when so many find themselves worlds apart when she still look for common ground. counter gun the sleeping pill taken by their mothers before they were born and still haunts its victims today. whether it's the stories i get. what's verdict there's been all sorts of fair and they go. along with and it has existed in the moods and the members fifty five years after the medicine was taken off the market its victims are demanding new legal proceedings they want to prove that they were denied fair compensation. the survivors are placing their faith in the hands of this man. tobias was found archived documents that he hopes
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will shed new light on the continent scandal. once again it stands for one of the greatest pharmaceutical catastrophes. up until the one nine hundred sixty s. the sleeping bill was a mass market product the active ingredient is sold worldwide for the manufacturing company grown into a base near arkan the drug proves to be a success story however more than ten thousand children are born with deformities caused by the pill it's estimated that over eighty thousand embryos die in the womb in germany roughly two thousand eight hundred account again children are still alive today. back in the one nine hundred sixty s. clowes can now was a young pediatrician he began to notice an increased number of deformities in
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children whose mothers had all taken the same drug. is now eighty eighty years old . it all began with this data sheet from one nine hundred sixty one. pregnancy days or about mel for. nation's time recalled showing when come together was taken. up and his colleagues who took him to dance become suspicious. one day they called the manufacturer a good intel does. this is it your mission to imitate. this question then view and in fact that starts to fail belong gunstar trunk of. the of. this. is in. the. investment table and different.
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on paul from here for a government that is still full and clicks. on. think of an idea the amp. that existed on this coming up will put it there who stood us i guess i was short as a few of these industries this collapse. affected us in those images by lindt that. tobias artist was such a con behalf of the come to gun victims. he's searching the archives for evidence and documents that have not been taken into account before today. i'm sent out soon enough. to demand wolf in that. he can view it as a here. the major good. boy
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. sean. nama. fuzzy in borden fish. that's the dog that implants. fish. i made a comment to invite. all. meet in park one for neat fish one of. these for dots. and starts and. when it does funny for want an end. all. today the company says that the witness must be mistaken man that no warnings were ever issued concerning use during pregnancy pregnant women never knew that the country can sleep in build was not suitable for them the same was true in great britain. two thousand consequent children were born here. of i was also want to recommend compensation proceedings. i think the
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germans find it difficult to face up to the history and the might and they have to do it now and they feel ashamed but at the same time being typically governments they feel powerless they don't know what to do about it but sooner or later they're going to have to confront what happened. in june twenty sixth seen an event takes place in dusseldorf. the state government issued an invitation a study titled the role of the state of north rhine-westphalia encounter gang and the consequences as presented to the victims of contraband. the study could been commissioned two years earlier by health minister barbara stephens. it's a ph d. thesis from the faculty of history at the university of monster. the author nicholas leonhard sram is already under pressure as the meeting begins. one of the reasons is that he used the term lifestyle drug to describe conjugal. dubbed it
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is. of course like i love started it a couple of that's all the fish are victims this victim it's a little bit about your daughter that's a little over this car hit five in the garbage. also a bit of that all for thought and justice is what i believe gets back to us does. it all of us the evidence it's this big shift within us is this over miles over twenty thirty i'm i'm i'm sure it will go for nine. for sure. you know i'm on an important part by dungeon reverse of my goodness but we want to move on as does the author might go on for three you know forty five could. be also as a thesis was commissioned by the health minister to examine the role of the state government during the criminal trial against the manufacturer of the frogger opposite of lung collected on this collective file as his own attorneys mr a been funded by the us
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and can see the veterans five years my going to do five by four knobs it doesn't take three to five not but it does not missed by thirty. eighty five not and. these are the desired kind he invites skipped does this year i know when solicited by office the stuff ons begin. so there is no evidence that the state behaved improperly during the criminal trial against a pharmaceutical company go in and tell. a key player in the country going trial is north rhine-westphalia as justice minister joseph nye back up the trial began in may nine hundred sixty eight zero leap brinkley's approaches that are sort of foundations really abishai but you but so i don't want to give you sad i said i'm going to present fun and alice could not them these really fat suburban therefore becoming justice minister berger acted as criminal defense.


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