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tv   News  RT  February 13, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EST

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say firstly cation in israel no it's a was no why because the israeli government together with western governments decided to do some resume change in syria and i know they're crying that iran is split in its influence you know mr netanyahu comes to one school to negotiate that russians will somehow pressure iran not to spread into that area they kind of themselves to blame for starting that war if there is anything to be in here gentlemen here we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news stay with a. tens of billions hundreds of billions probably a trillion dollars of u.s.
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government subsidies a seat on the energy industry yes government can subsidize mining big brother cryptocurrency and put those into the wall it's called american citizens going to each have an automatic wallet tied to the social security account and they can get a daily and weekly or monthly air drop points that they can then use to boost the economy which the government can easily do that. apply for many clubs over the years so i know the game and so i got. the ball isn't only about what happens on the pitch to the final school it's about the passion from the fans it's the age of the super money. and spending to the twenty million. it's an experience like nothing else going to because i want to share what i think what i know about the beautiful game a great chance with. me it's going to.
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i'm. sure most losing the means but smelling them. just music was there in the room with them which just isn't an echo of the new coaches a. small part. of the business up until just almost a trial of a. couple don't play i promise to gather some odd time all this yes.
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but. you also think of. that because it's tough to see to these include the shots did he meet all of the canyon steps to. welcome across the uk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news.
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you can argue before going to the break you want to finish up but we had i was seriously in syria this is the whole situation is escalating so quickly we've had at least one israeli jet shot down right it most recent hours we've had israeli syrian pro syrian government arab tribes in east syria attacked by the united states and over one hundred of them killed there's rumors about whether russian security contractors were killed as well that's that's unconfirmed as of yet we had . one or possibly two turkish helicopter shot down over africa. by kurdish forces that are resisting the turkish invasion of syria there and we have a russian fighter that was shot down by a manpad this follows a multiple drone swarm attacks on russian military bases the syrian conflict is at a point of escalation and crisis that we haven't even seen before the low hanging but you know it seems really know that if you were watching and cable network it
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would mean israel and the u.s. really show is that if there's anyone that has a right of self-defense it is syria against. israel the united states turkey saudi arabia and so there is another version of put into it another reason for this escalation on march eighteenth they're going to be presidential elections in the russian it is when you are already well known the eight in the united states and other western capitals and one of the things they're trying to do these these is to discredit the russian position as much as they can before the election so in the next month month and a half we will see more of this more of these attempts to propaganda information war attacks on the russian interests around the world not just this year everything is possible. no i just can say that don't forget about russian medicine in the u.s. elections where you see direct u.s. men's and then russian ok don't worry we'll probably. later in the week we'll go back to a member of there's going to be more memos coming up but i want to talk about some
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diplomacy and optics mark the opening of the olympic games. who's the winner and who's the loser from an optics point if you go ahead peace peace the winner is the winner the site of the two koreas the north korean delegation entering south korea and marching together the end lympics under a unified unification flag with the other is all with out there without the border this was incredible and there's one point person on scene who was extremely upset by this and had to give his protest against peace and that was the u.s. president mike pence. vice president sorry. friday and so we could go to this is really ok mark new from our new look and he refused to stand up for the for the host right in south korea because it was a joint unification team he refused to shake hands with any of the north koreans out of it's he had this look on his face and actually the the side i that kim jong
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un sr who is leading the north korean delegate delegation sitting behind mike pence gave him that's that's gone viral over the internet shows i think you know for once the world with north korea side on this showing discussed at the u.s. . throwing a tantrum on even the prospect that some peace just tears are being made in the koreas he's got. the. north korean leader otherwise known by some people as rocket man is turning into to be quite. adroit diplomat and you say how much more of the diplomat up there was somebody who has been for years by. himself but i think himself there's a deal maker in the writing a book character they deal well what. for the past year almost every the twitter speech is writings and so forth oh that lucky one of the general
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assembly yes exactly i did the speech in front of the general assembly locked and loaded ready to attack. exactly almost every single day and daily basis and essentially of his administration kept saying that the united states will not negotiate with north korea in the last year and yank it gets rid of its nuclear program and so forth the only young has not has not compromised when the single negotiating issue not a single one and what test happened if he has been able to negotiate with south korea due to coming to the olympics as a single team the whole team going to have a visit exactly he has just invited the new south korean president to north korea historic visit if it happens and what has this happened that mean these in this that both south and north korea they do not want war or the so you telling me that
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they you know the real national interest yes there are a couple of very very broad. to this question actually this is not to kill hundreds of thousands or millions of people of koreans in the north or the south where i think we should at least mention on this program there are no russian flags where a lot at these ceremony that the russian team actually cut to march us olympic athletes from russia in neutral quotes and i think that new play here there was that because i think it's a good development because there were many people in russia who did not receive the message from the west you know who said that the russian television is exaggerating they're not so hostile ok you have got sanctions. you have bought the criminalist your war thread so war now if you didn't get that look at the already pic fleet you know the neutral calls the russian flag being banned and if you don't take it you don't make conclusions out of that so you are just blind one should give up and
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before that just days before the olympic games started the. sports courts international sports course. yes in. switzerland quit i mean the eight twenty two of the russian athletes yes and then the international olympic committee said still even though they can't be in a period they're not going to let them go this this got to be healed to the same a court would have to say doing this we scored it was the worst of all your collective punishment for something which is going to take them and court said after i receive threaten that the court said no no yes no maybe get the click on the can come up with a good nobody is a court so there is no evidence that these twenty eight russian athletes did you know any doping they were involved in any way and still the international olympic committee does still clearly dominated by western political machinations here denied them coming simply because the russian the you know the humorous think is
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that the court said there is no evidence that these russians he was doping but there is no evidence that i was you will spot short of that so they can call this is also. yes but you know i think where i think it's still a good development sports is not life sports is about imitating life preparing yourself for difficult yes so if russians don't get the message no then we are simply not watched all of that of that book to me because i mean it just rest on it's just destroying the tradition ok i mean you know you can criticize you know it's all about money and it's about sponsors you know and all the big sports franchise you know but at the end of the day it's about individuals competing against others in the later. as being peeled away it's the only demise in addition i have to wonder you know it's taken us twenty yes twenty. but you know how one how are the athletes when they when they conduct their games is it could be in the back of their head it's like well you know the best person in this field is not on the
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field right now it cheapens every single if your medal you are right it is this is one this is the most horrible thing you know that. advocated a total ban on the russian team at the rio games the same voices of all these games you know the problem is the problem is north korea did not compromise on anything and their team is in south korea their primary care providers not everything we said that we're going to clear up our. you know that you know there anti-doping agency in russia we made every corporate minus with the international olympic committee what did we get. you lose it is come in and they look at is. a comet it was no more and they will take the money or they will take it regardless of this i mean the u.s. may have won a temporary petty political victory here but regardless russia still has the third largest contingent at these olympics whether what is what is the matter what is the
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medals but maybe you guys already know what is the medals book chart look like i mean south korea norway and then you know how do they do there rather than writing russia russia they're writing olympic athletes from russia which you know everyone knows who those medals belong to and at the end of this olympics according to the agreements that have been made if russia abides by all of this bad thing of their flag and their anthem and everything at the end of the olympics russia with its medals intact will be able to march under the russian flag is actually another the whole what they call i think i'm going to go and there is some speculation that at the last minute there's anybody else. this is about sports no it's not i mean we're going to have a lot is being written report about brothels was. not always about at least since the last forty years has not been about sports it was about politics let's face it and i think you know the stupidity of the american side i think mark is not quite
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right about them going in a victory they wanted people in russia to create britain because they are where police did not go to. return flow ok what they got is russian people didn't see and the united states i mean not only the states but they released for doing all of these ugly things or our fleet that's the complete opposite of what we're almost out of time for this segment here gentlemen i want to go back to the the possible reproach mall of the two koreas because what is the next step i mean. i started out this part by talking about the optics of the what's the next step to really. gain on these are the most important step for a south korean for north korean this is to get the united states out of these negotiators fire and they're not going to be out completely of course especially considering the american influence the influence that washington exercises in south korea but to get the u.s. as far out of these negotiations as possible and the farther the u.s.
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is out of there the more chance there is to make it he wants to see in the q.b. in the community and sphere in the military a sphere and one of their issues and other issues family. issues and the less chance there is for armed conflict on the pain of one in five seconds as with the situation in israel palestine north korea south korea the biggest obstacle to a genuine successful peace process is u.s. interference u.s. pursued over germany using this divide and conquer war in both places it is in u.s. interests dramatic interest to keep both conflicts going and conquer they want to get on with your. ok gentlemen many thanks to my guests here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t. this is the end of our broadcast segments stay with us for the extended version on our you tube channel two next time and remember.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see that. level off selling you on the idea that dropping bombs brings peace to the chicken hawks forcing you to fight the battles but still. the new socks try to tell you that what we gossip the public are files of the most important news today. often advertising telling you are not cool enough to buy their product. all the hawks that we along with our audience will watch. in america a college degree requires a great deal. paying
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a decade's long debt. studying so hard it requires trust just. to go through humiliation to enter an elite society. and parching to death sometimes quite literally. wants other true colors of universities in the u.s. . hey everybody i'm stephen bob taft hollywood guy you know suspect every proud american first of all i'm just george washington and r.v. i'm going to suggest this is my buddy max famous financial guru and well just a little bit different i'm not a. good one there are no windows up with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have some fun meet every day americans come home and hopefully
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start to bridge the gap this is the great american people which. elliston is getting international recognition with the help of israel at least in the world of zoos a member will fit to commission to do it lobbying for you like a million little pieces and my capacity is going i know phil saviano maybe. john would up a tough job with a ship the only palestinians who gets the most help from his jerusalem counterparts i don't think there's some of those who in the world under the location of no one who could give us a book and know it is all of us not just the heart of this lady of the muscle that's the heart i know if you continue muslims you know do more camillus also don't put this off. right.
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all to see we have a great team we need to strengthen before the freefall world cold and you're better than a legend to keep it so it's at the back. in one thousand nine hundred two that must qualify for the european championships at the very last moment no one believed in us but we won and i'm hoping to bring some of that waving spirit to the r.c.t. . recently i've had a lot of practice so i can guarantee you that peter schmeichel will be on the best fall since my last will call him that starts or three. thousand old joe i was only kidding here i called russia. nice drive. left left left more or less ok stop that's really good.
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russia mourns the seventy one people who died in sunday's plane crash near moscow the passenger airliner came down just minutes after takeoff leaving no survivors. us admits a part of the local forces it trains in syria is failing to join a conflict against washington's ally turkey. and russian athletes secure their second gretl at the winter olympics in south korea taking silver in a team that figure skating some athletes have criticised the russians a medal winning performance. or broadcasting live deborah. from our studios in moscow this is our two
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international i'm sean thomas glad to have you with us. now russia mourning the seventy one people killed in a plane crash on a sunday the original passenger jet went down minutes after taking off from moscow and there were no survivors it's now been over twenty four hours since the crash and we are learning more about the passengers on board the ill fated plane this was the harrowing reaction of one grieving mother who lost her only son in the trench. close a little bit. this woman
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and her daughter were also on board the youngest victim was just five years old starsky also caught the flight it was his thirty third birthday and he was on his way home to celebrate with family here's how some of those affected are coming to terms with the tragedy. she will cut the feathers. this is the until tonight she's got a new shred of safety which we will but i need. to do so with this it's easy. to see it live but to. hear the truth is people. continue this.
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normal. period in your country when you didn't see. real flight's final seconds were captured by security camera thought to be installed on a nearby house the crash is visible at the top of the picture followed by a powerful explosion and you can also see black smoke rising investigators have confirmed that the plane exploded on impact and not in the air and large scale recovery operation was launched on sunday involving hundreds of emergency service workers and vehicles but it has been extremely difficult to locate debris due to the weather conditions are he's my god you have is on the ground for us at the side of the wreckage. the search and recovery operation ease continuing it is even
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nearing its conclusion according to the latest statement we've heard from the emergency services they've searched twenty five of the thirty square heck this where the plane and its t. bre believed to have been through about over but as you see one of the biggest problems here is the weather the snow it's getting colder and colder and they've had to bring in a lot of specialized equipment especially stuff to melt the snow heat cannons as they call them here in russia there are also hundreds and hundreds of rescuers here they're working in shifts to the some can rest while others sift through the snow in the wreckage and deborah but booth black boxes have now been found and investigators should have everything they need to rebuild point by point that steak off the short flight and to find out whatever it was exactly that cools this fatal
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tragedy. washington has admitted that some of the kurdish forces are trained in syria are shifting to fight against one of america's own allies turkey is currently on the offensive in northern syria against the groups it deems as terrorists artie's killed martin as more attention is currently playing out in syria u.s. secretary of defense james mattis has confirmed that u.s. armed kurdish forces in the ass d.f. have been relocating to the northern parts of syria to protect territory from turkey. the destruction of was going on up enough and right now which is drawing off some of the syrian democratic forces the see the snuff and under attack so the schools and the police their attention to shift. now the kurds and turkey are both key u.s. allies in the region however there's been tension between all three of them in recent months now we've heard of how the usa has been arming the kurdish forces and
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providing them with weapons now and carra has been quite upset by this action they consider this to be the arming of terrorists now at this point we do have a statement from james mattis confirming that he believes there are legitimate security concerns on turkey's part about these kurdish forces that have been armed by the united states will continue to work with and there is of disagreements which is how do we take them on as he was rapidly as possible they have a legitimate security concern and we do not dismiss one bits of them now there has been escalating tension between the united states and turkey especially in the aftermath of an announcement from the united states that it intended to create a thirty thousand strong border force to protect syria's border with turkey now u.s. leaders backtracked from those comments but that hasn't stopped turkey from being quite upset by these remarks now we've recently seen the beginning of operation
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olive branch and this is turkish forces moving into syria to fight against the kurds to allies of the united states clashing with each other in syria as the tensions escalate we're even hearing calls to rename the street on which the u.s. embassy in turkey is capital is located there are calls to rename the street olive branch after operation olive branch the turkish operation to go into syria and fight against the kurdish forces armed by the united states there seems to be quite a bit of contradiction in the words and statements of u.s. leaders and there seems. to be rising tension between all three parties the usa turkey and the kurdish forces. the rift between turkey and the us could deepen further over another region in northern syria monbiot which turkey is targeting in the next part of its military operation currently u.s. troops are stationed there opening up the possibility of a direct confrontation we asked. the middle east expert where this could lead now
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the big elephant in the room is members and that's why they invited states is still on the ground they do have troops and in that case if they do not with drove the troops and advisers from this region then uncle or says that repeatedly the president here threatens that he's going to go ahead with this operation and member in case this happens i think there will be a kind of militaristic and that could lead to more tension if not a military standoff between the united states and that could lead to a major escalation to more. on the ground that would lead to more alinea ating and more isolating of the united states and it seems to ankara is not looking to ease tensions with washington for the time being the turkish government has even renamed the street where the u.s. embassy is located in the capital will not be called olive branch named after
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a military operation which has seen us train the kurds moving across the region to fight against turkey. on monday the u.s. department of homeland security pushed back against an n.b.c. news report on russia's alleged role in the two thousand and sixteen presidential elections calling it misleading the department stated that contrary to the impression created by the report there is no evidence russian hackers were able to alter any votes in the u.s. election system artis american has more. well the department of homeland security has discredited a n.b.c. news report claiming that russians hacked into voter registration rolls of prior to the election well in the statement she slammed n.b.c. for their irresponsible reporting saying that it undermines the ability of homeland security to do their jobs but man for also offered an assurance that the department of homeland security along with its state and local partners will continue to secure the nation's election systems but obviously this isn't the first instance of
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fake news regarding russia there have been rumors floating around that russia influenced the braggs it though and the u.s. has been accusing the kremlin of interfering in the twenty sixteen presidential election for over a year and a half now now the british government's been busy trying to link russia to the brags that so but even you tube has gone on record saying that there's been no proof of that sort and across the pond the us has been searching relentlessly for anything to pin hillary's loss on russia so this is just yet another russian interference and it successfully debunked but the u.s. establishment refuses to let go of this idea that russia supposedly hacked the election so i have to ask how many more times will this have to happen until they finally admit that there was no you know magical russian meddling earlier we talked to dave perkins radio talk show host and political commentator who thinks it is all part of a campaign against the u.s. president what people do understand in the rest of the world i think even americans are just now beginning to.


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