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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  February 8, 2018 8:30pm-9:01pm EST

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brought to south korea now the quantity of asthma medicine is raised a lot of concern most of these drugs contain substances that have been banned by wide open watchdog argues they can enhance an athlete's performance by expanding lung capacity the norwegian anti doping agency is also admitted the country has a problem with the over use of us medication it is common practice in norway to occasionally use asthma medicine in major elements in the respiratory system even with a diagnosis vastly is not specific or the latest revelation that comes after the release of a documentary that alleged the existence of an organized doping system at norway ski federation we spoke to one the journalist behind that film the ski federation is very angry about this and they don't want to talk about this problem and that's very sad in the region it's more. than
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a ski federation doping program we can see that forty one percent of the middle east have normal blood it means i don't think this is clean competitions we will see there are skiers doping also in these competitions but we have asked the international olympic committee whether it will investigate these doping allegations we're awaiting a reply however a sports lawyer that we spoke to did tell us it's worrying the i.o.c. hasn't publicly commented on the issue. what's interesting is you heard the outcry in the media about these allegations you haven't seen any action by wada as it currently stands i don't see there being an investigation which you know is in the light of everything we've discovered with regards to the russian doping allegations is troubling everybody where there is a problem should be investigated we need to understand that the doping is in fact
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a global problem is raised by this documentary we need to understand that doping as happened and occurs across the world and that this is not an incident slated to russia that this is a global problem it's a continuing problem and it's something we need to address seriously right now even the greatest anti-doping experts in the west says a lot of cannot currently detect doping in athletes that's a problem. each has found no evidence that russia somehow interfered in the u.k. briggs referendum that's according to the company's global head of public policy he testified in front of the u.k. house of commons committee. we looked at all advertisements for any connection to russia and we found no evidence of our services being used to interfere in the referendum but we don't look in the survey for the pay for advertising the election but actually the operation of channels will go to the films which are which can be
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linked back to russian agents who have a political purpose a message through the referendum would you be able to do that for us we are happy to cooperate with that investigation so yes yes despite these are endless attempts to accuse russia of brecht's that meddling in this pressure on online platforms to expose any shady business that russia might have been up to yet another revelation this time from you tube that nothing of sort had happened and this indeed as yet another session of the u.k. parliamentary committee inquiry into feek news who this time travel to washington to ask their questions but it has to be said that despite all of their hard work this inquiry has produced no results of substance so far if you remember previously this committee seems to have been sort of left hanging by twitter we found that one percent of the accounts in the data set were registered in russia could you confirm how many other accounts were being controlled from agencies in russia even if they were not registered there we do not have sufficiently strong evidence to enable us
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to conclusively link them with russia the failure to obtain straight answers is simply increasing concerns about these issues rather than reassuring people well this as google also said they found no evidence of russian meddling in the brics that referendum as well as of course facebook following their investigation having said that they found that russia spent seventy three p. on any kind of posts related to brock said regarding campaign financing the u.k. campaign to reverse the briggs's vote has received a hefty boost from the us billionaire george soros as for britain has confirmed he donated almost half a million pounds through his foundation. george soros foundations have along with a number of other major donors also made significant contributions to our work indeed through his foundation he has contributed four hundred thousand pounds he's funding is one among many sources. best for britain is a pro e.u.
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lobbying group pushing for a second briggs's referendum one of their key ideas is quote lead not leave the european union the campaign hopes to influence the opinion of the public and politicians on the issue down the streets been quick to react on the matter is i'm a spokes person insisted there would be no second referendum because the country has already voted to leave the e.u. author and political analyst martin mccauley joins me live on the line pleasure to speak to you martin so everyone's obsessed with finding. outside influence on any kind of political referendum or election we've got it right in front of us somewhere you got us billionaire trying to fund his way to reverse briggs it is slam dunk isn't it. george shaw regime is a very very skillful finance a brilliant winner and all those decisions are economic he's a man who's concerned about making money so therefore what he talks what he funds
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the. leave the ante breaks it campaign he same terms of his telling everyone i can make more money if britain stays in the european union then outside and i'm surprised that this has has not been highlighted because george shorrosh and the finances around him are only concerned really about finance and about their business interests and making money and they're not really concerned about the british people in general to all they're really concerned about their only economic interests and it's very interesting that he's come out his foundation his foundations have come out and handed over four hundred thousand pounds and someone said to me that's nothing he's worth billions why did they contribute much more and i said well if we did could do it for four million pounds or ten million pounds the average person would then say are that me to say that he
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thinks he's going to make some money because if you think back to ninety ninety two he bet on the the pound being devalued and apparently made some of the one billion pounds so therefore when george shorrosh talks about the british finance and britain and so on and british policy he's thinking about money and he thinks he can make more money if britain stays in the european union than leaving it and it's not just his funding that that shooting for a revote and a second referendum the ring new party as emerged in the u.k. supported by pro e.u. french politicians or whether it's this party or its sources backing it doesn't this amount to foreign interference which is what everyone's looking for now in the houses of parliament. yes you could say that the french would not be interfering in the breaks of the go to regions remember that the chief or the you
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negotiate or michel barnier is french and he's prosecuting he's pushing french interests and therefore the french would like britain to stay in the the european union they made no secret of that the germans have always had the same thing so they have to be very careful because if they push very very hard against breaks it it will turn many people in britain. against them and people say ah the must be something in the fact that we should leave the european union because if france and germany are very very strongly and favor of our staying in it must be to their benefit and therefore it's not to our benefit so they'll be very careful here if they come out and argue for a second referendum or they argue that. britain should lead to the european union then the average person i'm not talking about the financial elite the political elite they've made up their minds already they would like to stay in but the
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average person the average working person. average persian the street with their income to get luzhin are probably better off outside of the european union because the other the other people the germans and the french run the others want to stay in because it's in their interests it's to them they gain most from the relationship and we lose so public opinion could in fact turn against europe on that do you really believe i'm just i'm just because i'm thinking of all the media reports i read and listen to saying that well you know there are lots of people out there that voted bragg's it but now they've changed their minds they've seen the light seen the error of their ways according to a lot of the mainstream media lots of anti break that movements popping up now it does seem like there's an awfully big effort to try and turn this decision around and it's just to resume a standing there with their finger in the dam saying we're not going to change this can it be turned around. i don't think so because there's been one referendum and
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one's enough frank you but there are other pinion polls that say that if where a second referendum the majority in favor of leaving will be even higher level just remember that who are the interest groups behind pushing for staying in the european union it's a financial world the political world academic world most of academics want to stay in the european union so therefore they will all be trying to do something to change public opinion they will be adding a voice from a negative point of view from their point of view they want negative information about british relations they want the british economy to do badly. and they want the european union to do very very well european union at present economically doing quite well that's very good news for them because they will say look at the european union is in fact doing very very well but we're not doing so well and therefore we should stay so you put all these arguments together there's going to be a war of words over the next year and so on and theresa may not fortune very is very
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decisive and after all she was on the remains side to start with and she's got to bring her party together and negotiate some type abraxas agreement until now and i thought we were getting really short a time now so i'm going to have to interrupt you there my apologies really fascinating perspective as always appreciate time martha macauley author political analyst thank you thank you thank you and on to our other news stories republican lawmakers in the united states are threatening to cut funding to the world health organizations cancer research program that's after the international agency for research on cancer said that america's most widely used we'd kill anybody agribusiness john monsanto probably causes cancer. unsubstantiated claims i or your responsible handling of why i arc should receive any government funding in the future they're disputing the organizations findings regarding its leading
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herbicide called round up and back in twenty fifteen the international agency for research on cancer concluded that roundups active ingredient life estate could be carcinogenic to humans now roundup is made by months santo and it's the world's most widely used weed killer since the seventy's it's been sprayed on corn soybeans cotton and other crops and republicans believe that the study was flawed and relied on cherry pick science accusing the agency of lack of transparency an anti industry bias they say that it's quite a status designated as carcinogenic it will require manufacturers and retailers to warn workers and consumers and plus it'll increase costs and instill fear in the public some have disagreed with republicans it is important that we review the methods and tactics that industry has used to influence this administration and attack independent scientific organizations like the world health organization's international agency for research on cancer or i would like to say that
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fundamentally this hearing is about the ability of a public health agency to call a carcinogen a carcinogen even if that carcinogen makes a huge amount of money for powerful corporations according to the center for responsive politics monsanto lobbied more than four point three million dollars in twenty seventeen the environmental protection agency which is not an international organization concluded that the same ingredient does not cause cancer and i are says that they've been under attack ever since they published their conclusions against life a seat at the same time monsanto has been pushing against these findings through several different means and the company is seen as quite controversial not only in the u.s. but all over the world president micron promised in november that would be banned within three years inevitably modified crops have been banned and over. or thirty five different countries but not banned in the u.s. international organizations have put it that like us it could be cancerous so these are lawmakers intentions are quite unclear. the body of military
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pilots are among phillipe of his being returned to his hometown of verona in western russia major died fighting in syria after his plane was shot down by militants. the funeral for a major roman filipe of who died tragically fighting in syria takes place here in his hometown of earlier we saw hundreds of people attending the memorial ceremony as family members friends his colleagues people who didn't know him all came to pay their last respects and now the same crowd say here at the cemetery and women is to speak to some people who share it with us their memories of this is i just wanted to pay my respects to such a strong and brave man. was my close friend he was kind and loved life every minute he was ready to help to support your few such people we remember him forever. it was a very kind very fair person he always smiled
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a lot not everyone can do what he did you should have a special understanding off and duty just like he did. the pilot's plane was shot down on saturday and the northwestern part of syria which is still controlled by the latest incarnation of the terrorist group oh no sra roman tried to stay in the air as long as he could he then managed to eject from the airplane only to find himself surrounded by terrorists the pilots of the plane supporting role months shared the details of their last communications his voice remained calm when i want him there all of the you get out of the movie yes i see them was the commander's reply and then he said so evenly as if it was something ordinary and an important i got hit hard the right is on fire moving south the lift slowing down too and about twenty seconds later here i did google search and rescue then he ordered
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me to gain altitude of course i didn't do it to leave my command is the last thing i would do i always tried to have his back during flights and now i have to do it on the ground while he was fighting i stood there and made several attacks to vehicles that were getting close to the olive groves where romance launched out i stayed until the fuel was extremely low i barely made it back to the airfield roman had waited for the terrorist to get closer to him and only after that he decided to detonate a grenade taking his own life but avoiding capture he even managed to shout with this is for our of lads what he did that russia's defense ministry released several facts about his life he left a wife and a four year old daughter behind he was an experienced pilot and it was not his first time serving in syria he was part of dozens successful military operations and he died as a hero fighting terrorist at the age of thirty three. and the pilot's bravery
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hasn't gone unnoticed r.t. received this letter from a veteran u.s. man offering support and asking if there's a fund collecting donations for his widow and child we asked the russian armed forces if such a fund is being created we are awaiting clarification the man who wrote that letter steve so they gave r.t. his thoughts on major phillipe of story he knew were this chances were. and he knew what he had to do. and he knew he was never going to be captured. that's a decision he had to bake. it's very hard to sit back but. gosh . he did really have to do the most was a personal decision. he knew what could happen to him he knows what can happen to other troops and what has happened to our his comrades these are very important people to you. and you do most anything for them
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. even risk your life he had to die work there so. here. i wonder if i would be brave enough to do what he did. he was he was a good bit of it i wish that you were. british newspaper the times as it is the b.b.c. of bias for renting out t.v. studios to our channel this is how the times describe the situation the b.b.c. is making money by hiring out its studios to r.t. the television channel controlled by moscow the b.b.c.'s dealings prompted damian collins the conservative chairman of the commons media select committee to question the b.b.c.'s ethics the b.b.c. those says that it is our studios just like other international media doing independent journalists martin summer sees double standards in the times article. i
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think there's a general attack on all see in you know political attack in the west they don't like your t.v. station because they see it as competition for their own narrative about events of course there is a whole attempt in the west to the legitimate place for the russian point of view and i think it's quite a strange of the times which is owned by rupert murdoch of course a lot of print anything it likes takes a particularly hard line for example on briggs it but they say the b.b.c. can't engage in commercial activities on the side which they've been doing for years without any interference whatsoever so it's not impartial i mean he's got an agenda he's very definite go definitely go to his views and he uses his media to push those views now in a free society that's acceptable to a certain extent it's a bit cheeky of him just check attacking other people for expressing their views in a perfectly legitimate fashion and it just shows how twisted the debate about these
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things in the west has now become ok not because you're right up to date thanks thing with our tail see with more than half now. but politicians do. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so if you want to be president. some want. to go right to be it's like that before. people are. interested in the walker. bush.
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i am extra as or this is the kaiser report we are going to delve into the outer shell the inner shell of the mega shell in the met a shell of who we are who we is going on stacy herbert obvious here stacy herbert max kaiser how can that be. kaiser. talk to me now actually i saw this three as hysterical human who were developed in japan provides a way to attend events remotely using another person's body as surprisingly natural says this inventor gen reckon moto of so many now i don't know quite if it's a joke but the photos are funny and you know it is something like that was done on south park once so usually means some time anything mocked on south part as
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a ridiculous thing that kenny and cartman would do well that usually becomes the future so there was the simpsons they predicted all kinds of things family guy oh yeah well i guess you know the way this would work as for example those glasses made by order of snap i mean you can have a video enable glasses you can go to the event wearing glasses with video cameras and then you can tap into somebody at the event and see the event as they're seeing it through their glasses or they have these do contact lenses that are video cameras that you just click on with a blink of your of your eyes i mean you could rent into somebody's body into their presence watch them experience something in real time through that link the image shown in this and i don't know if it's part of a fake story a fake news and funny stuff on twitter but it's just an i pad strapped to somebody's face and you max keiser would be face time and peep and somebody else is walking around as you want to buy one of those you know i pods honor i pads on a stick and we'll see you have roll around in just part of it. no didn't have
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appeared at events like that it's not a transplant right i mean or not transplanting my head on to something another person and then sending that to see the hockey game i saw that i thought that it could be applied to this first headline i have here dutch police to undress use wearing clothes deemed too expensive for them officers will target young men wearing designer clothes and watches they seemingly cannot afford police in the dutch city of rotterdam have launched a new pilot program which will see them confiscating expensive clothing and jewelry from young people if they look too poor to whom them well that's a discrimination against crypto miners and crypto traders because you know there's a whole generation of teenagers and young adults to who are crypto millionaires and of course are out buying expensive watches and limburg ania's to reflect their incredible wealth there's a story a market watch dot com people showing the result of that for a one k. plans they are millionaires or for a one k. plans are riding the bull market wealth has become you know i was i was a kid we had a show called lifestyles of the russian famous with robin leach the talked about
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all these celebrities and all the gold and gold the lifestyles they lead now strictly down to the twenty first century you see all these teenagers now multimillionaire perpetrators on t.v. yeah but this comes in a an environment and the netherlands was part of the u.k. a french german u.s. you know. fraudster bank stirrer sort of people that destroyed the global economy and no banker jamie diamond and lloyd blankfein are still walking around they are rich enough to afford their rolex as an expensive suits but only because they gotten gains so here they're saying if you look too poor like what is what how do you how do you look for like what if somebody has a bad diet they too many type odds and they just look poorly like you don't look like you should be able to afford that eight hundred euro jacket they said like too many people have too many of these young guys who have no visible means of support well they're wearing expensive clothing and we're just going to take it we're going
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to embarrass them by underestimating the. i'm in the middle of the street and taking their clothes isn't this just asset forfeiture well it made me think of the united states and i thought like where this leads to is this next headline in the united states americans cut savings to a twelve year low the drop matters since consumers make up roughly seventy percent of the u.s. economy while american consumption continues to power their economy there's a cautionary signal the savings rate is falling in december the rate fell to two point four percent the lowest since september two thousand and five from two point five percent the prior month according to commerce department figures the drop matters because consumers make up roughly seventy percent of the economy and they can only push savings down so far before it impacts their ability to keep spending which in turn fuels u.s. growth of course there's a lot of civil asset forfeiture here in the united states and cops will shake down all sorts of young people so it makes sense and i have any savings or not have any assets because why would you because this is going to be taken so you might as well
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spend it consume as much of a type pods as possible yes several s. of for churn extends beyond just minorities it's just all young people now are having their assets stolen but you know this is what i call the frying pan economy so you just consume your way up until market tops and then when the market stop it crashes it's like hitting your head with a frying pan so you just ring the bell of your skull in your cranium is running out of there and you wait for the bailout to cap and it always does from the central bank and then you go back and showing again so it's a it's just a unconscious economy there's nobody ever tries to switch from having a high savings rate to switch to having a high paying job it's just consumer debt consumer debt frying pan bam consumer debt consumer to frying pan bam that's the a cycle of the economy right now until such time as the polarized caps melt and we have nothing but rising sea levels that are one drowns i saw somebody say philip k. dick if you're reading this tweet just kill all of us now like we don't want to be in this like it's a philip k.
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dick dystopia nightmare we're living it if he's writing it somewhere in a parallel universe please stop. up and let's don't lie because this whole boom bust boom bust thing you're talking about it reminds me of like that side five series west world where all the characters on a loop but they feel very deeply in passionately and they feel love and they feel stress and they feelings i need for their loved ones and blah blah blah but they wake up every single day and their loved ones are slaughtered and killed and everything taken by these tourists it's like groundhog's day written by philip k. dick you're on this edition of sloop where there is wake up every single day and instead of some charming rogue in the lobby of a hotel trying to pick up a doll it's really just robust trying to kill each other for a few extra pints at the pub well that's what it seems like with these stories of the civil asset forfeiture you know every day you think you wake up you go work you go set up your bitcoin mining rig or your marrow or earlier easy cash and you think you're working in adding to your value net worth and some cop shakes you down and
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takes all your stuff and says go back to work and start over again the next day and then they run you lou loop around the loop it goes the circus never ends the sideshows are now the main show on the mainstays with the pets of continuing indefinitely until you hit the savings consumer hole of the savings consumer end of the pothole that is. well here's another headline that was out last week but i saved it for this one because in your second half you speak to the twenty year old j.p. beric just twenty years old he's already a big name in the crypto space into crypto mining not just in mining but marrow easy cash in others samsung south korea's largest firm is manufacturing a stick chips for bitcoin mining samsung the largest company in south korea which is accountable for a large portion of the country's economy has started the production phase of bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining equipment and
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a second mining chips the biggest company in south korea a large portion of south korea's economy and people think these stories about south korea possibly shutting down because you know that seems crazy because wherever samsung goes the economy of south korea there's an old saying about. well you know i got to give credit to my old venia up there in stockholm who made the comparison with bitcoin and because of mining to the oil industry and i think a lot of people don't understand the fundamental shift of the global economy due to crypto mining is significant as that which we discovered during the oil boom in the discovery of oil to change the whole global economy the combustion engine and all the huge wealth and influence that came with the oil barons and now we're in the age of the crypto barons and it's not just fluffy pony there are other crypto barons as well exactly well they're getting in on the game and i'll go into some of
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the details about how significant this is because right now by the way the real the only two. chip companies that control a large part of the market are a bit maine and then taiwan's t.s.m. sea so they control a lot of the chip market in terms of the fastest mining and most efficient mining capacity but here there's. samsung is getting in and they're like top of the game nobody can compete with them on many different. aspects of a production of semiconductor for example for apple but local media outlets reported that samsung partnered with a chinese bitcoin mining equipment manufacturer last year and finished the development of its chips samsung which operates one of the largest semiconductor as i said manufacturing plants in the world will manufacture and supply cryptocurrency mining equipment to the chinese market first which of course is funny because you know.


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