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tv   News  RT  November 13, 2017 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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thank. you know. very the u.s. president is again offering to help mediate in the region's conflicts as he dives into the south china sea disputes we look closer at his arbitration efforts also on the way a landmark deal between moscow and the kurdish military helped to bring dozens of russian speaking children safely home from syria after their parents joined islamic state and the faith is in france as officials there proposed change sexual consent rules after a man is acquitted of raping an eleven year old girl. hello welcome you watching our international this monday evening where it's just turned
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ten o'clock am moscow. donald trump is wrapping up his five nation tour at the moment over the course of eleven days he stressed to washington there's the threat coming from north korea and also attempted to sell them american weapons he's also been quick to pose as an international mediators in the south china sea crisis but you know. well the disagreement over the area does involve several countries as you can see from this map and both land and sea being contested an estimated five trillion dollars worth of traders pass through the route every year the philippines present day to day had this warning though for those seeking to influence the region. hard has would like us to come from china and the rest of the world on so many issues the south china sea is better left untouched nobody can afford to go to war need to tutor looks now don't trump latest
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attempt to promoting his peacekeeping services abroad. u.s. president donald trump the mediator and arbitrator or at least outside he seems to think let's have a look at the conflicts he's dabbling in. there are at least two major conflicts currently brewing in this region and the longest and bloodiest one is between israel and palestine and of course trump wants to be the man in the middle the palestinians and israelis must work together to reach an agreement but i would love to be a mediator or an arbitrator or a facilitator the problem is he appears to be playing games with both sides promising one thing to palestinians and almost denying he made those promises to israel is this really how mediation works. staying in the region america's allies have been having a bit of a spot of late early the summer saudi arabia the united arab emirates egypt and
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bahrain cut off diplomatic ties with qatar and started an economic boycott they cited qatari funding of terrorist groups and later it increasingly close relationship with iran as their reasons trump though claimed he was ready to roll up his sleeves and sorted out i can help mediate between carter and in particular the u.a.e. and saudi arabia i would be willing to do so and i think you'd have a deal worked out very quickly i think it's something that's going to get solved fairly easily but nearly six months since the fallout nobody's talking. so if mediations not proving his forte what about ruffling up those crises already settled the iran nuclear deal is now in jeopardy thanks to trump decertifying it the very deal that took a decade of tense talks and negotiations by six nations to agree this is a difficult. game it's not up to any single country to terminate
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president of united states as many powers not this one when. i'm saying it would be a great era of dialogue control multilateralism these are the iterations weapons. perhaps the donald's biggest test has been north korea and again he boasted he had achieved what his predecessors failed to go ahead although we're going to be able to have the it will be handled we handle everything trumps recipe for success threaten threaten and threaten again we are totally prepared for the second option totally destroy north korea that's called the military option they will be met with fire fury topped out with huge military drills and selling weapons to every nation he could during his recent asia adventure tour prime minister of japan is going to be purchasing massive amounts of military equipment as he should he will shoot them
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out of the sky when he completes the purchase of lots of additional military equipment from the united states the president and i have agreed they'll be buying a which they want and which they need and everybody thinks it makes a lot of sense we make the greatest military equipment in the world and south korea will be ordering billions of dollars of that equipment which frankly for them makes a lot of sense we make the greatest missiles in the world greatest minds in the world with his commercial and so we would like to buy from us as little doubt trumps a good businessman but as we all start the beginning would anyone call him a good mediator and all the traitor that they were to to altie and danger affairs analyst and the long says that donald trump is more interested in scoring points for the us than finding diplomatic solutions. it was more i mean he even look at what he has been doing what he has been saying everything is
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calculated in terms of some sort of tangible gains for the united states that causes problems for countries the ailing with the united states because he was american first american always wins that the other party's very loose trumps c c's most of whose diplomatic activities in terms of more the true gains in terms of economic gains will be in august rather than contribution eating something wall in tripoli to the group of commons. now russia and the kurdish military have come to an unprecedented deal that could allow dozens of children to return home after their parents travel to syria to join islamic state with more on the story is murdered guess the. with isis now on its last legs flights like this becoming a regular thing russian citizens looting the wives and children of isis fighters is
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being collected wherever they're found whether they've surrendered or been captured and taken back to russia to rejoin their families it isn't often that a high ranking syrian could visits the russian base in syria but this is a special exception for tens of thousands of foreigners joined isis among them the wives and children of jihad just. to the caliphate from dozens and dozens of countries many came from russia nineteen russian speaking woman along with twenty six children were being held by the y.p. they came from all around from morocco they had as ordered my d.m. it took time to confirm that identities and to secure their release. the deal worked out between the russians and the kurds is unprecedented the smocks the
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single largest part of isis family members since the terror group appear is not that enough it was dangerous to flee directly three or four months we try to find a way out of syria my husband wanted to escape as well but it's impossible for a rally democrats when the first try to flee police and then prison in total we were taken to present on three separate occasions the last time they didn't release my father and after march they said he died it was horrible. last we had to deal with adam bandt amongst them i was in my opinion bombs were falling on us like rain i happened to be buried under the rubble four times with my child there never was any civilization no economy like it was always described there were only courts and only had to hire. rank would be on your side otherwise you were nothing. from the very beginning i wanted to leave syria but didn't know how then i ran away from
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a husband and tried to reach the kurds rucka to help me out the children obvious signs of trauma stunted speech and the development process of nervousness and other symptoms brought about by what they saw. and carnage the worst is now behind them it won't be easy to be adjusting to life in their own countries and most to me have family relatives who are more than willing to help when all is said and done there is some responsibility to be taken here that these women came to syria voluntarily and not they may yet have to oncet for the damage isis has wrought is indescribable countless people have being killed entire cities razed yet even amidst the ashes of this disaster. is not lost there are still lives that can be repaired. ghastly have meanwhile over in iraq an
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r.t. team that has been working at an orphanage where children of suspected eisel fighters were left stranded thankfully though with the help of our viewers we have managed to reunite many of them with their families. i should like to take up that model was it was i'm usually. was it what the menu bar none doesn't work. for snow or. something. like that the option.
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to chill. effect at. six six. front is considering changing the laws around sexual consent it follows the acquittal of a man he was charged with raping an eleven year old girl he was unable to be prosecuted for right at because there is no evidence that that what took place was without consent shall it be been skiing as the story. well the thirty year old man
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was acquitted of raping the eleven year old girl when he was twenty two years old this is a case it's been in the court system for some time in france now and the fact that he was acquitted of raping this eleven year old girl has caused absolute controversy here in france people describing an eleven year old child as being innocent as being unable to give consent to sexual relations godless of what the situation was now some of the details of this case have been pretty horrific it turns out that the girl who is eleven years old at the time she became pregnant following that sexual encounter and then later gave birth to a child a child that's now in the foster system here in france well that's led to french ministers discussing a proposal to change the law to create a presumed age of consent in france but ministers say that that presumed age of consent could be as low as thirteen and that has caused extreme controversy here in
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france with many people unhappy that a child at the age of thirteen could be able to say yes or no to having sexual relations scandals proposal governments or media what do you have inside your had france will become a tourist destination for pedophilia thirteen years still too young why do we absolutely want our kids to grow up so fast let them be children fifteen sixteen years is an age reasonable for sex questions well it's not just the only case of its kind here in france just in the last few months another man was acquitted of raping another eleven year old girl and at the time we spoke to some children's charities who were absolutely outraged at the court system here in france could deem that a child that young could give consent for sexual relations now one other time when we spoke to them they demanded that there be an immediate change in the law but they suggest that that lowest age to presume consent should be fifteen and
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certainly not the thirteen that's now being scuffed by french ministers and we got some reaction to this story from people in paris. it's ridiculous lelo thirteen is the first stage of a teenager i personally think it should be the age of consent should be sixteen at least i think that's what it is worldwide don't sway to. cause i think thirteen is very young to decide old english i guess is the most reasonable range for six. verses did is easy to manipulate a person of that age to consent that's terrible there's about thirteen is young enough for the. look at other news now and the creation of a unified european army could soon be a reality twenty three member states have signed a new joint defense pact called pascoe and it's being promoted by france and germany our europe correspondent peter oliver explains what this could mean for the
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block. permanent security cooperation or pascoe is essentially in layman's terms a military agreement it would allow the free movement across borders across national borders of military hardware and personnel without them having to be stopped to be checked its architects say it's been drawn up in response to the threats posed by terror organizations and by russia it is worth noting though that two of the big boys at the european table in france and germany have very different ideas about how they see esko operating in reality france well they say that they wanted to be a much smaller force a much more targeted force that fits with current french military operations that are in that are under way where is germany here in berlin they're saying it should be a more all encompassing group which its critics have said could make it less effective
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the whole idea behind pascoe and what it may lead to a european army were expedited talks on these were expedited following the vote in two thousand and sixteen by the united kingdom to say that they were going to leave the european union the u.k. had long been an opponent of an e.u. army but we're expecting now hear from yen stoltenberg the nato secretary general a little later on to find out what he has to say about what federica mocker a need the e.u. foreign minister in all intents and purposes says is a historic day when it comes to european defense and in fact the foreign policy chief federica mockery needed to say on monday that more than fifty military projects have already been proposed by the countries the defense pact is being touted as a new nato by someone though some critics do warn it could also be a strategic disaster. i think it's definitely another step in the wrong direction because of cause there has been quite a nation among the elements of the european countries by defense purposes but
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overall this has taken place in the context of nato and there is no real difference because the policies which have been. persuaded and spirit very much confrontation against russia the nato build up so i think it is to be seen in this context and definitely it's not is not something which should be seen as some kind of separate whatever or in time nato i would not directly see it as aggressive move but of course i see it quite critical first of all germany with its history should not be more than a defensive military structure and with this germany suddenly is also having the possibility to do actively some military action i think it will help to play always the cart good cop and bad cop the good cop is the european army and the bad cop is
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the nato so i think they will really work arm in arm. now hollywood has been rocked by scandal after scandal recently with titans of the american film industry falling and these being canceled just appears to be how it went to worst kept secret the hollywood sexual harassment scandals couldn't get worse i can't remember anything like this ever happening before in the film industry it is a new one out every single day and the story is not done yet i mean we're still every day there seems to be a new disclosure well the latest personality to be. a star trek actor george back a bit he appears to be turning to the all too familiar scapegoat russia to explain the intense media coverage in a new discuss this with samir account. well it seems like the u.s. can't go a day without mentioning russia and now in the latest george takei star trek star who i'm sure you've heard of is now attacking russia after very serious accusations
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of sexual assault ok spell that out for us russia blame for this how come well this seems like quite the stretch but in a deleted post take a actually tweeted that russian bots were amplifying the allegations and now in the same tweet he posted a chart which showed that russian trolls were almost exclusively targeting him so apparently these so-called russian trolls have nothing better to do than spread gossip but how do we actually trace it back to the russian boats in this case well the source the alliance for securing democracy is entirely dedicated to tracking russian influence on twitter but in their methodology they explained that the six hundred accounts that they monitor aren't necessarily controlled by russia they also mention that not all content is created by russia but the majority of the content is created by third parties so what's been the reaction to this are people convinced by what the cia surprisingly know instead of ramping up the russian
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hysteria they actually mocked his claim so this is quite the refreshing change from what we've seen in the past. ok let's get the thoughts now of law and he joins us he's a media analyst and we often get his opinion on things like this will be interesting to see what he says. what are your views here that it seems that this. russian balls of thought here for amplifying the allegations against me. amplifying the allegations look this was thirty six years ago forty years ago
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now has anybody with a couple of neurons in a working center apps knows all you have to do is say i don't know what they're talking about i categorically deny this and i'm not going to discuss this again that would have been the end of it this was a a one on one situation that he said she said and i'm not in any way countenancing lying or telling people how to hide activity and the like but it would have been over with but to some moment of outer complete end sanity some moment of just deconstructed reality he should have said the cling on may have done it no says russian box now here's what i say now george you forced us into responding let me get this straight you have yet to be able to answer just who these russians are russian government to kremlin flatter me or putin who
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for the last time are these russian thereby it's so let me get this straight they're going to get back at you by repeating something which apparently may or may not be true they're not making this up they're not lying they're not crafting some story of you having been and all they're doing is repeating all according to you allegations made by someone else who benefits from this who is going to say i was yes george tech guy yes yes this was the man who years ago spoke against russia through l g b t policies ah ha who thinks like that nobody would have thought of that until you bring. it up and it's patently absurd and this also goes to this notion of how does
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this russian interference work is what more facebook ads does anybody ever stop and ask what is this mean who is believing this it is an example of our new law is an example of things changing slightly because given the russian hysteria he might have been entitle to think you might get some sympathy for accusing russian boats for doing this but that wasn't the case was it it looks like many people have no sympathy at all. not only no sympathy but complete utter hysteria hysterical laughing mocking derision what kind of alluded to take less of me go back again all the acid no there are right now seventy eighty current cases this is almost forty years ago and i'm sorry mr took i mr sulu you're not exactly
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a household name right now people are wondering i wonder what mr tucker mr sulu is doing i want of a george where his career is going so all they had to do was use his degree of well. kind of a hidden nature if you will of his fame and just denied it and moved on but now let me also pete something let me also tell you something what this does any advertently is it's being used by individuals who want to counter the russian narrative the blame russia notion for example the next time somebody says and by the way we must address how the russians purchased facebook ads or colluded reelection now what people add to their quivers oh you'll be like they got george to cause i you mean like the russian boche went after mr sulu what it does is it any advertently adds more have to add weight to the admin ition which is growing
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and growing used by people to counter this absolutely specious idea that somebody is going to go through all of this work to make some some strange and some cryptic association with some has been star trek actor what an accusation is forty years old i mean it doesn't make any sense but it's great commentary good commentary i mean just talking about russian history generally even the us treasury secretary has come out and said look it might be time to move on he was talking about russian meddling let's just listen to what he said recently. let me be clear nobody thinks this has had any impact on the election so whatever occurred there was no impact so i think the american public is ready to move on to more important issues steve is the american public ready to move on do you think i know i've had news for you we've already moved on there was nothing to move on from to this day
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right now in november of two thousand and seventeen i've been asking for this we don't know who the russians are number one we don't know why even the accusation i've been begging just somebody tell me and it's best and don't tell be buying ads from twitter which by the way twitter who begged r.t. begged them to give us a three million dollars pretty lose by this ok but how did the russians affect the election change the numbers don't know dip into the computer base don't know of tell people keep them from going to the poll mind control sixty three million americans of whatever donald trump how is it and by the way he did win the popular vote nobody has yet tell me we're number one who the russians are either to just one allegation just one of what they purportedly did either in collusion
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or actually affecting the outcome or the race itself and we'll never know we are done with that americans have the attention span of a gnat the american media in particular and we're done with this. line oh i'm done with saving the nicest possible way we've run out of time that it's always good to see that with the media on this line of thank you. ok with us here we're going to take a quick break we'll be back in savings. the. legal.
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limit. dropping bombs brings peace talks forcing you to fight the battles but believe the new socks credit tell you that will be gossip and probably by fall for the most important news today. about telling me you are not cool enough to buy their products little. things all the hawks that we along with all the legal.
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i. don't consume them and enjoy. the only thing that i'm down in that are equal border towns is going into what he calls the stance me going to. leave.
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you with r.t. welcome back now in an effort to avoid discrimination police in the swiss city of europe have decided not to release the nationalities of crime suspects to the media regular mention of nationality in police reports is discriminatory because it suggests that the offense can be explained by perpetrators nationality. ok well let's bring in the chair from the swiss people's party and also someone but he's a muslim rights campaigner and also chief editor of islam twenty first century good evening to you both meals let's start with you first do you think this is a good idea. good evening no i don't think that is a good idea that's not because one of the biggest problems our country has is being politically correct because we have got massive problems with criminal furring people and it's not a solution to choose don't talk about it when you look for exams.


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