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tv   Headline News  RT  January 2, 2014 8:00am-8:30am EST

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sounds of police officers scoured the city of volgograd after it was trying to buy two terror attacks as medics fight for the lives of the wounded are to report on the youngest victims of that axe. the e.u. has opened its doors to romania and bulgaria immigrants lifting seventy year old restrictions and causing many in britain to warry about a possible into bags. and so on and games lead to serious injury and with you us please dealing with the spread of random attacks on members of the public reportedly as part of our gang in initiation.
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this is international coming to life from moscow and a very warm welcome to the program and thousands of security officers have flooded the russian city of volgograd following two terrorist attacks in just three days they're trying to find those responsible and stop a surge of terror taking place this is side bombings took the lives of thirty four people leaving dozens injured doctors are still fighting to save the lives of two critically wounded young girls who were brought to moscow for specialist treatment he's been going to now reports. i will tell you did they have russian children's clinic a hospital it's one of the best such hospitals in the country and the girls are both being treated here now the nine year old received her injuries during the first blast that took place in volgograd on the twenty ninth of december both the girl and her mother have sustained injuries and that's terror attack this second
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terror attack which hit fall grad less than twenty four hours later on december thirtieth that took place on the child the bus where both the mother and the grandmother of the three month old baby were killed the girl was said and that is the report according to some of the doctors the girl was saved by a blanket in which she was wrapped which prevented her from receiving life threatening injuries from the debris that went flying now it regarding the state of health of both girls the doctors are remaining cautiously optimistic because their injuries are serious and so is their condition overall eighteen people have been brought into law school for treatment and these are some of the more serious cases out of the more than forty people who have sustained injuries thirty four people have been killed in the two terror attacks in volgograd traditionally new year's is one of the biggest holidays in the country but obviously this is the would have been seriously dampened by the horrific attacks in volgograd in fact of the first
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three days of the year are declared days of mourning in the volgograd region there is also an alert of fifteen day long alerts for heightened terror. danger in the region as well and the mood is also exacerbated by the fact that there are thousands of police who have been brought in from other regions as well as internal troops who are literally calming the city of volgograd and the region looking for possible clues and also of course to prevent any other terror attacks from happening again so obviously a very desperate kind of trying time for the volgograd region at the moment. unfolding that's some. russian m.p.'s have called for the top of their responses to terrorism they want to bring bang for the death penalty for anyone responsible opponents say the current law is enough and for a closer look at the debate go to our website. the e.u. has lifted its seven year migration restrictions on ball garia under romania but
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authorities in the true poorest e.u. countries deny this will lead to a massive influx which has been the subject of much scaremongering in the british press and a recent poll shows that a quarter of britons want a drastic action taken to curb the number of migrants. takes on road leading up to the new year the british government hadn't released any estimates about the number of remain ians ambled carians that they expected to arrive in britain now that immigration restrictions have been lifted for them and that uncertainty hasn't done much to allay the fears of the british public. and although rumanians ambled ariens now have every right to live and work freely anywhere within the european union skepticism and public concerns over mass
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immigration are written all time high what are you currently doing to stop the influx of non skilled workers in from the e.u. and planning to do we've made absolutely sure that it's not possible for people to come here simply to claim benefits to a putting a brace very tough measures in controls for the latest report by the institute of public policy research dismissed these as symbolic gestures saying the person can cope with very many and garion migration according to the paper instead of alarming the public the government mainly needs to implement some minor contingency measures in order to help schools and housing stretch this deadline has been known about for precisely seven years so the idea that we should be rushing around by making about it now it's completely absurd it's quite important for politicians to step back and explain that it is not the end of the world but on the whole immigration and indeed
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free movement within europe and you know i've been quite beneficial to the u.k. economy remaining in diplomats to say that their citizens are deeply offended by that portrayal as scroungers and criminals in the u.k. press they point out that most of their citizens are hardworking and will contribute to british society something that economists had a happy to back up over be available evidence is the migration to britain as an aids positive both in terms of cultural enrichment and economic investment we have to remember that one point six million britons british nationals are working through the u. and they enjoy the benefits of that so if we start setting up you shouldn't draw benefits for migrants we can expect a quid pro quo despite the politicians. off talk of the top lloyd headlines fears of a flood of migrants here have been dismissed as nonsense and according to remain in
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officials most of their countrymen would prefer to live in spain or italy anyway judging by the weather here who can blame them probably boy see. under gratian is just one of the issues pushing people across europe to political extremes the financial crisis has seen the popularity of far right groups grow cross the return i know there's concern about the methods being used to push that policies forward. a new form of pos time is present among america's gangs on suspected members of the public are being targeted by random attacks just for the fun of it more important i reports on a dangerous game that has already been blamed for several deaths. you're walking down the street minding your own business and without warning police say they are investigating yet another knockout attack attackers mainly in their teens targeting victims at random it's called the knockout game the goal of this violent and
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twisted so called game is to knock a stranger unconscious with a single punch feared phenomenon across the nation the ongoing brutality has claimed lives in at least three u.s. states here in new york city more than ten people have been randomly assaulted among the youngest a twelve year old student among the oldest seventy six year old woman was walking along warman avenue when a man struck her in the head this man too scared to show his face on camera says he was attacked last month while walking home from work surrounded me one of them as i tried to get away one of them step towards me. and. with the clothes this hit me in the face in some cases suspects have been arrested and charged however exacerbating the problem these videos uploaded on you tube have been viewed by millions raising concerns about copycat attacks many knockouts have
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taken place in broad daylight as victims were walking through their own neighborhoods and as the n.y.p.d. a department of thirty four thousand officers continue strong going to curb this string of violence citizens are seeking alternatives to stay safe. former n.y.p.d. officer rabbi gary moskowitz is offering his seventh degree black belt skills for free to knock out victims and others seeking protection we're going to someone who works worker you must learn how to be aware you must learn how to fight if some go through time for the knockout attacks or throw him into him i'm ready to moskowitz believes are likely motivated by gang initiation something the n.y.p.d. hasn't officially acknowledged if they acknowledge that there's a guy who had a problem is they have to really try to curb all the guns and they can't do that for fear so a lot of times they don't want to put a name on something right away because if they put a name one of them they have to go away or through our t.v.
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reached out to the n.y.p.d. to find out what america's most powerful police department is doing to combat the knockout epidemic our questions and interview requests were ignored it is not fair to ask any poor farm to be able to be assigned to everybody in the shrewd they can protect. us from new york city streets the big apple's mass surveillance system does actually allow officials to know where and when many of the crimes are occurring but so far filming the knockouts hasn't helped to prevent them merino. new york. it will seem to national and as most accommodating the problem as we take you on a right through the beautiful mountains of the caucuses they seem which will welcome both taking a train to the olympic venue. brings clouding community fears its good name has been tarnished after incidents of people
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in clown costume scaring members of the public and the copy cat craze believed to have been started by a man known on facebook as the northampton clown involves people dressing as the circus characters to surprise passers by and public places i know what you're thinking you're thinking that sounds a whole lot like the terrifying clowns of westminster george osborne with his big red nose and floppy feet scaring citizens into taking on ever more debt for fear of missing out on the property ladder or the equally horrifying stephen king like clouds of ben bernanke m.r. carney wearing their big red through the wigs and staring menacingly in through your window at night cleaning teeny tiny scored go to the bank.
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if you. need to know opportunity. to construct your. cue the little bit gives don't want to be against it a little. bit only then will we know the time that the kid came to be we can see. you just made some of these i was in i was in the hood and what they care somebody really run through a kid. well i said. i don't want to die i just really do not want to die young young.
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millions around the globe struggle with hunger. what if someone offers a lifetime food supply no charge. they can the very strong position against g.m.o. and we think that. the genetically modified products are pretty. there is no. evidence to this any problem with genetic engineering. or is free cheese oh. i don't believe that. there. is profit. for social justice golden rice monarchy.
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this isn't seen to national welcome back europe is slowly getting back on its feet after the economic crisis but the financial don for two thousand and eight has launched a trend that could be difficult to revise the far right is rapidly gaining ground across the european union with the u.k. greece and fronts among those witnessing the spread of nationalism. of an album. from the d.l. in britain in the north to golden dawn in greece in the south far right groups are making their voices heard in europe. this financial crisis affected everyone and it has allowed the right wing organizations to give people someone to blame for their problems it's those people's fault that is how they were cruet greece has seen a marked increase in support of the far right in neo nazi groups golden dawn and organization the right did by their critics as hooligans and third heralded by
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their supporters as the savior for greece for the greeks and they systematic and the not only but each and cultivate. but they attack systematical immigrants present golden dawn have made it further than most they have elected officials on their books including current greek m.p. elias custody at us it's not only in politics that extreme right views of permeating this goal celebration by the earth and the order to stop the artists so the midfielder banned for life from the national team despite his claims that he didn't know what the salute meant but the clearest indicator of the popularity of the far right will be when europeans go to the polls in may to vote in the e.u. parliamentary elections one of those parties on the rise and france's muddying
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lipans national front. on the european people are realizing that the years an empire the soviet union in fact is destroying their freedom despite insistences that they want to take part in the political discourse we've seen repeated violent clashes involving these groups even in some of the most stable nations like austria where around a third of people voted for parties that are considered the right wing in a recent election. so we need to slow down immigration i have nothing against foreigners but enough is enough. to e.u. is saying where the money should go to allow again who are countries on it should stay in their own country and they used to wouldn't. join dictate everything. it used to be that all parties interest spruced and the e.u.
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second now it's only. it seems as long as europe's finances continue to languish in the red more and more its people are seeking answers. the right teacher all of a germany. is an accident social trends he believes the right wing parties are gaining support because they propose alternatives and it doesn't matter how well they all tend to. be the financial crisis is really the key least in my these parties have gained support in recent years that the crisis had led to distrust of politicians is it has led to distrust of immigration or immigrants i think what they're offering is not a very concrete alternative in terms of policy in terms of economic policy support for these parties is really based on you know and dislike of the established political regime whatever that is and so people are looking for some alternative
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and these parties come in and provide that but i don't think it's clear to people what they actually represent or what the consequences of their policy would be. on this hour max kinds that puts his finger on some of the reasons europe is still dealing with the financial fallout and he is a quick preview. we now know that people who are in charge of economics know absolutely nothing about money for example none of their economic models include money they just are modeling based on certain assumptions that don't include debt so in the u.k. economy as close to a thousand percent debt to g.d.p. inclusive a bank that national debt household debt corporate debt that's a thousand percent what you iceland before blew up but i was born tells us this is a good this is a recovery this is good news and this to paper the times of london carries a story saying he's the britain of the year he's the clown of the year he should be
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getting the clown of the year meanwhile the close association over there at the festival of red nose day one of the color comic relief they say they're out there actually investing in cigarette companies gambling companies energy companies they're the ones investing in the worst the worst of the worst in terms of companies so the real clowns are investing in death and destruction and this guy is not supposed to be a clown is out there doing a clown or james getting people more into debt. and. now is the fukushima nuclear disaster threat by leaves of a suspicious been detected coming from a damaged reactor and the plant operating to one side what they've dangerous or not and also waiting for you that. and into the bond markets and it's a cheap has been dubbed as the most hated twenty first seen so it will make thousands of years express their dislike for it buying downtown seattle.
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under the market a lot of these policies. the twenty fourteen winter olympics are just a month away and the host city of sochi is getting the finishing touches before it welcomes thousands of spectators and athletes. took a train to the venue to save the fines are in for a pleasant ride. there's
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a new olympic track in town but this one is not just for the athletes so she's skyline has a new landmark a state of the art railway station which will help seamlessly transport the tens of thousands of sports fans to the games come february fifteenth all them people will go through this terminal at the adler station going towards the coastal cluster where the olympic park is as well as in the mountainous cost of krasnaya polyana so let's take a look at how long it takes you from here to one of the venue. security is paramount but keeping people moving easily is also a priority especially when dealing with so many people who are new to the city. this is the hub that will get visitors where they need to be throughout the olympics and paralympics. finding your way in a new country can be daunting particularly if there's a new language that you haven't seen before now what source you as well as the
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administration have done is made things easy for you making all those signs in both english and russian so you never gave it is easy. as well as the games these strains will be getting formula one fan zipping around this year as well as world cup spectators come twenty eighteen. really really nice it's very new very spacious very comfortable. it's a pleasure well it's my second time on this train it's. very convenient. electing the area's peaks and valleys didn't come easy construction crews here won an international award for some tricky tonally through the environmentally sensitive landscape efforts which have paid off to give passengers a more pleasant right. the minutes later we just moved from the sub tropical palm
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city of atlanta and now. the beautiful mountains of the caucus. thirty minutes later and we finally made it to our final destination without a glance it's a little bit cold here and give us ny a pollyanna but so we're going to warm you up with more from the be on the olympics with me tell them with a in the city obviously lympics so i will leave you with that a very warm welcome from source she. were bringing you more reports from the winter olympics one hundred sixty throughout the week stay here with us at all to international. show you more of the twenty fourteen olympics what's this place like the last thing is so special as the russian resort prepares to logan the world power the games should be the city's
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present and future life sochi will bring you this is a moment to everybody for look very cold and snowy windy mountainous stop here beyond the olympics but much like. march. and a quick look at some other global news in brief in egypt two people have been killed in clashes between supporters of the bond muslim brotherhood and locals in alexandria the movement blaine's tactics used by police to stop the fighting for the deaths tensions have risen after the interim government branded the muslim brotherhood a terrorist group last week hundreds of people have died in a wrestler cross dropped following the ousting of president morsi in july. israel's former prime minister ariel sharon who has been in a coma for almost eight years is now described as being in a critical condition the eighty five year old sharon fell into a coma in two thousand and six all during
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a severe stroke several of his organs including his kidneys are now malfunctioning hardline politician who was elected prime minister in two thousand and one. iran fifteen thousand ukrainian nationalists have taken to the streets of kiev the rally was organized to commemorate the one hundred fifth anniversary a controversial nationalist figure out state bon-bon darragh while some see the man as a leader of the liberation movement others believe was a war criminal for collaborating with nasa germany against the soviet union. and a rescue helicopter has evacuated all the passengers on board a russian research vessel trapped in ice in the antarctic the ship was tourists and scientists from australia and russia has been stuck for. a week now those rescue that being flown to a nearby chinese ship and from that turn australian icebreaker twenty two russian crew members remain on board to try and free the ship from the.
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i'm now as promised because the report is up next after of our brain. recently the federal reserve system celebrated its one hundredth birthday you know that big con game that just a few years ago no one seemed to know about has been in place for one hundred years
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so let's celebrate the federal reserve by remembering all their accomplishments since nine hundred thirteen firstly they've managed to take the printing of money out of the hands of the u.s. government and thus out of the hands of u.s. voters i what it comes to money who needs to mock received representation anyways they also managed to whittle away the dollars tagging the gold until nixon finally said forget gold let's print our way out of vietnam because there's no link between the dollar and gold the purchasing power of the dollar has reduced by at least twenty three times since the fed came into being lovely but what about the next hundred years well if the recent rounds of quantitative easing are any sign of things to come then we're going to be seeing a lot more inflation and big private bankers getting richer while we all get poorer bad p. generally don't survive one hundred years but bad systems sadly can go on and on and on forever but that's just my opinion.
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welcome to the kaiser report imax kaiser britain's clowning community fears its good name has been tarnished after incidents of people in clown costume scaring members of the public the copy cat craze believed to have been started by a man known on facebook as the northampton clown involves people dressing as the circus characters to surprise passers by in public places i know what you're thinking you're thinking that sounds a whole lot like the terrifying clowns of westminster george osborne with his big red nose and floppy feet scaring citizens into taking on ever more debt for fear of quote missing out on the property ladder or the equally horrifying stephen king like clowns of ben bernanke and mark carney wearing their big red through the wigs
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and staring menacingly in through your window at night pulling teeny tiny scored down to the bankers. or plundering a bank account in the national wealth yes these horrid clowns are scaring people off clowns altogether oh what a tragedy stacy yes max in fact you mentioned the clown of westminster george osborne we have an image here from william bonzai he was staring in apparently into william bonds a sevens window over the new year but time magazine named him the briton of the year george osborne for his economic policies the very next day over here on the guardian the observer the weekend edition of the guardian there front page morgan draw it will plunge a million into perilous debt so the economic policies are working making him a hero to the times because the housing market is bubbling bubbling bubbling but it's cause peril.


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