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tv   [untitled]    September 25, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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a series of blogs that has hit a military academy in the syrian capital of damascus with rebels claiming responsibility pull the bombing. president obama makes another attempt to distance the u.s. from the controversial video which our place of the muslim world as he takes center stage at the u.n. general assembly. wants a gun games for odd builds japan plays battleship full real rebellion taiwanese vessels from disputed islands with water cannons. and there is you're watching
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our live pictures please barricade the spanish parliament as thousands of indignation take the capital streets promising to unseat an unpopular government. there was a live from moscow with me tom would say thanks for joining us first to paul explosions have rocked a military academy in the syrian capital of damascus rebel groups have claimed responsibility saying they're responding to military operations in the city a middle east correspondent policia is keeping across developments. well on tuesday morning there were two explosive devices that were planted in the martyr's son's school a military school in the syrian capital of damascus now from the information we have the devices were planted in two separate areas they ruptured causing fire to
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those parts of the building it's not yet clear the exact number of casualties we certainly hearing that a number of people have been injured the early reports that scores of people have been injured and killed we know that fire did erupt in two separate parts of the building and also early reports of an explosion near the airport it is believed that the attack was carried out because it was suspected that there were intelligence officers or security officers inside the building now to rebel groups have come forward to take responsibility for this attack the one is the revolutionary council in damascus that has links with al qaida it is a group that is seeking the overthrow of the syrian president bashar assad a group that is also against dialogue and in a statement that it issued it's said that this attack was in response to the syrian army's operations in the syrian capital and now for months there have been fighting between the syrian troops as well as opposition forces in the capital city
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of the mass this is where it is in the country's second largest city of aleppo the fighting has continued since last year march with the daily casualty count continuing to climb. right to talk more on the latest attacks in the capital damascus i'm joined live by dr ali mohamed editor in chief of the syria tried the and we cannot it is the view that up to mohammad that rebel groups have previously targeted security buildings but now that appear to have attacked a school that's also just rebel tactics are changing. well it only suggests that they are not shy anymore about their actual terrorist nature let me correct one thing that appeared in your report this is not a military school this is a school especially for the sons and daughters of military people who get killed in wars so in other words marketeers so it's not only through school it's a school for children and right next to it there is a vocational training school for adolescents and right next to it there is another another school so it's. an area of schools they still bombarded there
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in the middle of the day while children can be coming out of school right well i mean the rebels were quick to claim responsibility for the attacks of this time and didn't trade blame with the government what effect does this have on public opinion in syria. to these guys have been blaming the government for everything and since nobody believes them anymore it seems that they decided to claim responsibility and the second thing is that this should have a great impact on the public opinion in syria and it did long ago because everybody knows that it's there are bills that are bumping the question is is it going to affect the opinions of powerful powers like the u.s. and nato nations that it was actually going to be my next question to you is that this kind of style of war there is a lot of damage in the image of the syrian opposition. it should be but unfortunately need two nations especially the us and france they have been giving
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the wrong signals to to the rebels that whatever they do they will always enjoy the support and that the u.s. and nato nations will never ask qatar and saudi arabia about their money and the weapons they are sending to the rebels this was a bad message to the rebels and it seems they are abusing it carefully right now the free syrian army is moving its command center from turkey to what they call liberated areas why is that and what do you think. the question is are they moving . into syria or out of turkey i tend to think that they are being pushed out of turkey because turkey has been involved heavily and it cannot take it anymore if they claim that they have liberated areas why don't they say what they want these liberated areas are they keep saying we control seventy percent of the syrian land and they still cannot say where they are and nobody knows what we have this seventy percent of lance are so i think they are being pushed out of turkey and this is a good signal that turkey is backing up from supporting terrorists right relatively
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close eye on the story thank you very much dr ali mohamed editor in chief of syria from dubai thank you why the attack in damascus comes amid a major international gathering in new york where the ongoing crisis in syria is among the main topics being tackled archies marina now is one of the un general assembly meeting right now good to see there marina now what's been said about the syrian crisis at the u.n. meeting. well u.s. president barack obama addressed the international body and with respect to syria the u.s. leader said the regime of bashar al assad must come to an end when referencing referencing syria president obama said that the international community must be engaged to assure that what began as citizens demanding their rights does not end in a cycle of sectarian violence now as we've been reporting over the past year and a half the u.s. and its western allies have been fiercely pushing and campaigning for for regime change for bashar al assad to step down and the u.s.
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and europeans have been supporting the opposition but the reality of the ground on the ground in syria is just getting worse as a matter of fact joint special envoy lakhdar brahimi just briefed the security council a day ago on the circumstances in syria he said it is going from bad to worse right now there's no new plans in place on how to scale down the violence and how to lead both sides to a peaceful path we do know that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov will be meeting with joint special envoy brahimi later on tuesday but the u.s. is standing firm in its position on syria and that position is that bashar al assad must go. president obama's speech was also in dissipated in connection to a growing and american sentiment in the muslim world what do you have to say on that. his speech was very much based around the anti-american sentiments that are
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blazing around the muslim world and beyond as a matter of fact when he addressed the matter of this muslim video that was made in the us and posted on you tube he calls it a crude and disgusting video that sparked outrage of the muslim world and said the u.s. government had nothing to do with that video and does not endorse that video in any way as a matter of factness officials have condemned it nonetheless there's no video and you know words that can justify. on u.s. embassies or consulates or the killing of an american ambassador and three other american officials in the view of u.s. president barack obama he believes that it's. extremists that are co-opting the anger that is the frustrations that is being shown towards the u.s. and that is what's inciting more of this anti-american sentiment but it's interesting to point out that president obama in his speech was talking about how the u.s. has helped or supported many countries such as tunisia egypt libya and yemen
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supported the rights of the people that's what he said but the irony is that we've seen these things and time merican demonstrations taking place in those countries so the matter is this just about a video or is this about u.s. foreign policy the u.s. president didn't get into that matter but he did talk a lot about this video and he said those that are responsible for the attacks that happened in benghazi that led to the killing of four americans he said that the u.s. will find those people. in new york thank you very much. right now more perspective now on president obama's speech at the subtext with journalists and antiwar activist don de bar mr ball the focal point of president obama's speech was the deepening division between the world of islam and america and the right of people for free speech now do you feel he adequately addressed the issue. i think
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on the issue of free speech in the united states probably one good reference for the americas record on that would be to speak with bradley manning except he's being held incommunicado. you know the united states the president said that the united states has a history of freedom and tolerance and you know he went to columbia and harvard law school i think he knows better because the history of the united states is one of genocide slavery struggle and repression and just a great this is just an objective fact and he i think doesn't understand that most of the world is aware of the history of the united states much of it has been on the business end of american foreign policy for a very long time and particularly in the general assembly where you have so many third world countries who are at this moment being exploited by america of western europe and the corporations that are domiciled in those places so i don't think he adequately addressed any of the real issues before the general assembly and what
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was interesting was that the theme of this meeting today is the peaceful resolution of conflict and of course the u.s. and libya is one example that the world is aware of and he apparently has a different picture of what i mean mr obama also declared the video that costs a myself things would not be banned and that the rights of americans to make such videos must be respected by muslims how is that going to go down with the arab world well if this were happening in isolation if the united states were treating muslim countries you know historically and at the present in a bilateral egalitarian fashion i don't think that a video would carry the same inflammatory tone regardless of you know whatever is actual content is that it does in the context of a constant war on muslim nations a constant exploitation of muslim peoples and countries that they're not it were. with were examples saudi arabia qatar and such and so you know the movie is the
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movie it's not even a movie really it's a trailer but the actual activity of the united states in muslim countries in this treatment of muslims around the world is the you know it's the gasoline in which to spark ignited. now just briefly here he also says his support for the governments that have popped up off of the arab spring the vast majority of flatness was not known for religious tolerance how will that relationship unfold you think well first of all what was most interesting was he neglected to mention bahrain where there was actually a genuine popular uprising against the repressive government that however is being suppressed by american proxies saudi arabia in particular to protect the u.s. base there the history of the united states with the mubarak regime with the regime in tunisia with the regime and the current support for the saudis one of the most oppressive governments on the planet is known to muslim people everywhere and i
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think that that caller's their perception of the united states very clearly. thank you very much they journalists and antiwar activists that don. thank you very much now most of today's stories coming your way in just a few minutes stay with us. this is day starts at five am earlier in the winter tending to his flock of three hundred sheep in the mountains and pains of t.v. thirty five years old it wasn't the life he having studied accounting but just unfamiliar dictated that he would take on the care of these animals after his father. he's just made camp at their winter farm stage setting up his ute traditional to fenian round tent made of diskin. back amongst his family as his job is a lonely one and tough going out in all weathers braving streams of plus to minus forty
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degrees celsius just that i'm with them there are certain difficulties there's not enough time for everything i'm almost alone my sister works with my mother my mother is seventy five she's very old and i miss mountains when i'm in town and i spend a lot of time here. so most of us are simply carrying out the work that his father did and his father before him nothing has changed over many many centuries and that's half the problem it's hard work and many people don't want to come into the industry now and it's really fit there could die out altogether. then you think it's difficult to manage everything alone i used to have people who helped me but they were no good they didn't take care of the sheep with all their hearts they hurt the cattle through them squirrels and through with people leaving them coming to the countryside the region's government is having to act making the life of a herd and more attractive than promising largest subsidies for produce and
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livestock and organizing cooperatives for the sale of day put out to ensure the huldah gets a high at fair price i asked sympathizes with those youngsters leaving for an easier more profitable life they in their publics capital because ill but he no longer wishes to join them he enjoys his pastoral way of life now looking for a helper who shares his enthusiasm but more time on his hands he says matter of fact way he can start to look for a new wife. i . was keen.
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for you watching our two things were being with us there's a cheese day evening here in moscow i'm in japan swap the words for action in its territorial dispute with china and taiwan after using water cannons to repel approaching taipei vessels in contested waters a lot of fishing boats backed by eight coast guard ships were forced to retreat
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from a region tokyo considers its artist tom barton takes us through the events. dispute between japan and china over the islands in the east china sea has now expanded to include taiwan it all began when a time when these flotilla of fishing boats escorted by coast guard vessels set off to try and reinforce their claim to the islands however when they met with the japanese coast guard vessel something of a giant water fight ensued. in the area surrounding the disputed islands the japanese coast guard vessels used their water cannon on the taiwanese fishing boats the thai were nice coast guard vessels then turned their water cannon on the japanese ships a few hours after it all started the taiwanese vessels withdrew but all of this was watched by nearby chinese vessels that were waiting outside of the disputed waters the islands themselves are
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a small group of unpopulated rocky outcrops attention really began after it was thought that there may be large mineral resources in the surrounding waters to plan has been holding meetings with china to try and calm that is spewed this latest tension began after japan bought the islands from a private owner and nationalize them that caused huge protests in a number of chinese cities china has made it clear that that japan should be under no illusion in the dispute and that it will accept no infringement it says of what it considers its territorial integrity taiwan japan and china all claim the islands as their own and there are other players including the us that have security interests in the region domestic politics in both china and japan are due to undergo large changes in the coming months and that puts pressure on the leaders
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there to show that they are not backing down all of which has led to fears that this dispute over these small islands could lead to some very big consequences. right we've been following the china japan standoff since the beginning so you can trace it back to the very start on our website at r.t. dot com we've also got coverage of the water cannon battle between japanese and thai with these vessels and more on the peace efforts being made by tokyo and patient. recovery and prosperity a european promise with a catch the snag being years of us geraghty and cuts but in britain if you're in the bottom half of the household income chart looks like you don't have much to look forward to financially either way artists are for its describes an economic recovery that may believe many behind. britain's in the midst of a double dip recession and everybody is feeling the pinch or all of
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a chilling new research has revealed that the gap between britain's rich and poor is widening in fact if you are one of the middle income or low income families in the way to tighten your belt even further it's sort of by twenty twenty an average low income family could see their net income fall by as much as fifteen percent i think it's really worrying for low income households because it shows that we don't just have a problem if you like in the u.k. shows that even once growth kick in households across the bottom half are going to be poor in twenty twenty than they were in twenty or now what's alarming about this latest research is that it's based on a very generous assumptions about the future growth in britain now what that means is that even if person manages to repeat and see give this to the economy to start slowly dragging its way out of this recession not everybody is going to benefit and the ones who are going to be hardest hit going to be those middle income and low income families now in an age of austerity versus government's been accused of
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waging war on britain's poor chancellor george osborne wants to cut a further ten billion from the welfare budget again having that knock on effect to middle income low income families who need to support the most cia drone strikes in pakistan having a devastating impact on civilians this is according to a new american study the report suggests the attacks claim to be surgically precise do little to improve u.s. security carol grayson and drone activists and filmmakers says the drone campaign only impalas the insurgency it is supposed to confront. i actually think the u.s. and a lot of the people back me up on this need to actually take a back step and let pakistan deal with its all issues within its own territory and stop trying to create more problems because the drone strikes are just creating you know a lot more radicalization of young people in the tribal areas civilians are clusters
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and a lot of the time i think that there's no indication as to who has actually been killed but it's you know in the interests of the u.s. try gentrify civilian victims because by killing civilians they're going against a lot of their own legislation and and when they are killing insurgents you know these are alleged insurgents and you know it's basically innocent until proven guilty you know a lot of these people haven't been to court. let's go back to one of our top stories mass protests and spain's capital of madrid what you're looking at now is a police less danding on god and parliament where thousands of activists have begun to congregate in madrid the plaza to design hundred meters from the congress building to protest spanish austerity measures the demonstrators pleasured to much around to the building and called for new elections among people demands a complete hold on the sorry to end the dissolution of the parliament just
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a reminder these are live pictures of that we're getting from madrid and we'll be covering that story for you throughout the day as events unfold. among the protesters demands a complete halt on austerity and the dissolution of the parliament by journalist and author miguel on shell marauder says that for those for that to happen the indignance need a clear objective. the same indignados of indignant movement which a year and a half ago was very successful in bringing out industry stance of thousands of people and not exactly against something very specific but against the way in which politics are done that way i mean the lack of transparency the lack of them ocracy the fact that important decisions are not consulted with the people they said they had a huge success but it was shortly for the to be sold out very quickly practically
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because their demands were too huge were too vague also it will be people undoubtedly probably thousands of people so yes there are sangar their resentment against the government the spanish government is trying to resist that because they know it's some popular but i'm afraid they will probably to the to the dictates of brussels once again and we'll have more maybe that's racism and all that sort of thing. right staying with the european problems we'll hear more from the business dance school with.
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courageous and creative. elegance and full of public speaking. a few european bodybuilders against millions of weak immigrants. this may not seem so serious now. but this could be a real threat to more. european extremists. won't come to the place for a swimming bird you can catch both of the premier mares like deviation show of the summer check out a whole family of russian engineering feats of the flip ships truly fly or just go
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with the flow and take in the view of the bay below but hold on there could be turbulence on board the plane it's only jet powered in p.b.'s plane. ready to tear that up of the world's most colorful chopper and you've got a team bring to douse any flames technology i'm getting here on a launch we've done the future of coverage.
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welcome to business let's get to the mall hits and see what's happening because over in the u.s. wall street is indeed i've been there now entering that all today's session the still managing to rise that's really true big data releases have come out in the session stank living home prices climbing up more than four calls on consumer confidence jumping in september to the highest level in its seven months financials all leading the gains as i say bank of america one of the home performances numbers state with banks for now because they're all new discloser rules coming out in the
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u.s. and this could further hit bank lending on them in some national scale although the regulations they yet to take effect the banks are already lending. down before now the chairman of us that bank told us it's high interest rates that are close to a good book right now but less than. one of the problems you see is that the government has to do things. over the years you specially for private real burdens. certain thing which i think. is a problem to the burn some a dip it's a problem to be sure. the there are the higher interest rates the. private individuals especially small businesses are charged very high interest rates because the. material for the banks the funding is very hard you do the high risk group. the european markets finished up on a high today they for
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a much gains are to the u.s. open and oil firms they really tracks the energy prices while that are going higher as you can see around a third of the footsie longer on the trying to tell us about this euro as well is actually gaining this out of the common currency as for the russian cars in the check out because the figures for the ruble you can see it dated as a basket of currencies now regulators have gone some of the ruble will become a freebie traded in the next few years a central bank will stop propping up the car and see if the exchange rate shifts the deputy finance minister told us that the move will also stop speculative investments. we really like the. policy because this policy actually station caught money typically flies when this picture is referenced as we've seen in russia in two thousand and seven what is you know is that the system stabilize itself nordics discussion.


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