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tv   [untitled]    September 11, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the u.n. once again is taking sides in the syrian conflict is saying the rebels and the regime must share the blame for the bloodshed as western powers are again accused of turning a blind eye to eye to. the greek pm feels the heat as he means one of his chief paid monsters on the news that dead inspectors knocked back nearly hopeful bruises cuts a plan. strikes by american teachers kicked off the school yeah well have a poor parents up to teach their children that.
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they're watching our da live from moscow good to have you with us i'm to bung would say the un human rights chief has said that both sides in the syrian conflict must share the blame for repeated violence and i.v.p. lay condemned the government's use of heavy weapons while the rebels she said should be held accountable for extrajudicial execution and torture but as does the ciliary polls and some foreign powers are turning a blind eye to the crimes committed by armed groups. the new joint u.n. arab league special envoy to syria left maher brahimi who's been tasked with trying to broker a peace plan to wendy in two month long conflict in syria has just called his task order quote nearly impossible now this is a different set to the stand so for the first off the job he was optimistic in the beginning thinking that he could help pave the way for peace between the warring sides in syria also heard from the secretary general ban ki-moon has the assad
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regime for all the atrocities being committed against the syrian people but also the rebel groups and the condemning both sides saying that the choosing of violence and force rather than we've also heard that refute the rights and the like who. has been a staunchly critical of the assad regime even blaming condemning the regime for their treatment of their actions and this public she's also come out and spoke against the rebel groups of any groups armed groups that have been committing atrocities against the syrian people she said that all sides should be held responsible for all their actions believe her from the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton as well as french president both with expressing their support for the syrian rebels france has already been sending aid to three rebel regions in syria as of recent weeks now with a lot of consensus from the international community on how to approach the situation as well as conflicting messages on whose side is responsible for the
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atrocities the support that is being given to one side versus another it's not hard to understand why block more brahimi has been calling his task now as nearly impossible the editor in chief of the syria tribunals says it's obvious that on the rebels from abroad one bring peaceful syrians any closer only if the country is backing their bills and then weapons and money stop doing so we can have a peaceful resolution of the crisis if. the liberal himi is capable of convincing these countries and i don't do it then years he has a chance if not then i don't see hears any now when you say that you are supporting a liberal his mission to reach a peaceful resolution you should not be supporting sending weapons to militia and specially that this militia is well known for being islamic radical militia and for committing atrocities against civilians what's happening in syria is quite similar to what has what happened before in afghanistan in the eighty's and the year the
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french president is determined to stand militia weapons and yet he claims that he supports a peaceful resolution. coming up later on in the program a waste of revolution. we look at how some of the egypt's public services have suffered after the chaos of last year's revolt the rubbish piling up on the streets of the capital. last chaos over the cost of living right in the west bank leaves palestinian leaders desperate to come to loot while an anxious israel watches for signs of another uprising against the occupation. a delicate balancing act looms for the greek a pm and tone as a some are as a means to one of his chief a paymaster's the president of the european central bank mario draghi the frankford talks could be especially hard given recent revelations that half of the greek government's playing cards have been rejected by debt inspectors six out of twelve
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billion euros worth of austerity measures have been deemed either to use aig all under a listing if the greek government can find something else to cut to to make up the difference it may be denied more bailout money meaning potential bankruptcy more now on what greece hopes again today with a plan a jihad as a terrorist journalist and lecturer at the university of agent it good to see you there mr soteris now previously government vehicles had said it was just two billion euros worth of cards that have been rejected by dead inspectors why these contrast in figures. well there is a complex process of a negotiation one just takes place between the greek gov armand's and the representatives of the troika the european union the european central bank and the . last and one of their time there's also a process of negotiation within the greek government now it is also. luckily representatives of
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a troika think that most of the measures proposed by the greek government will not bring that it's a reduction in the deficit really only accept wage cuts pension cuts rather caps direct budget cut direct action in finding and not economies. restructuring of the public sector at the same time for the greek government this is a really difficult situation because it was our government came to power in the name of renegotiating austerity learn. to run into i think for a moment the whole process. and then it said we're going to bring legal measures that are going to be left middle. ever to be taking and now there are being core even more caps we would all agree has to do any rational observer that not only are the cuts already proposed by the government extremely severe in terms
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of social consequences but also that they will only deepen alicia's. recess and greater debt it is what is mounting that even a sense the center of research and economic planning in greece not just worthless diets to the. minister of china's. is practically impossible to reach the desires of those in two thousand and twenty in most scenarios so they are trying to calculate lissac serious at the ruling coalition so i rebellion in its ranks a recently which lawmaker has with using two of his cuts to welfare for the elderly and the disabled was that a surprise another does that show that there is a line in the sand then if those cuts are in fund want to be being cut off from the bailout funds essentially a default. well let's not talk yet about
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a rebellion in their angst there was a government coalition this would have been a very positive development but until now there are more individual voices within the coalition i think until out most of that holds the cost of this this measures and i think that all tardis in the coalition governments tend to prefer staying within the government staying staying within a governmental power instead or was dealing with their reactions from the part of the side to soak in these in this sense i think that in the end the greek government unfortunately is going to capitulate to the demands of the troika is going to accept the extra cuts after some period perhaps of negotiation and it's going to cost this socially devastating set of misery through parliament perhaps in the next couple of weeks this this is my this is my estimate unfortunately because
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i think that this is going to be a very dark page you know the story rick governance and also the greek parliament accepting such socially devastating measures to be dictated by our creditors who are our own company of course blackmailing the greek government guarantee waiting yet another. part of the bailout agreement thirty one billions to be more precise in which are absolutely necessary and i think that under the threat. of force to the force i think that the greek government in the end. is going to accept this measures but of course this will open the way for out on even today or an even greater deterioration on the social crys crisis that there's now a pretty things there is i'm just running out of time let me just jump in quickly here with this final question just briefly the protests recent. yes we saw in the show that the anger is very much
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a still they among the greeks if these cuts go through could we see more unrest oh yes we will see more and more unrest we're going to see major strikes very big demonstrations and but all say actually expression of the the anger that this building up within society. right thank you very much for your thoughts there mr pena geodes a terrorism journalist and lecturer at university of age and thank you very much for your time. this clause will fare in the u.s. but it's nothing to do with social status of teachers they are walking out in their thousands demanding better pay and conditions and schools as c. a mile to decline in stuff and standards more and more families taking the concept of homework so it's all to make conclusion as r.t. as marion about my own experience. yellow buses and traffic guards are the general indicators that america's new school year has started. in chicago
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some twenty six thousand teachers carrying out a union strike in the streets indicate a problem for the u.s. education system. the city's teachers are demanding a salary increase and better job security but for nearly four hundred thousand students class has been indefinitely canceled in america's third largest school district in the nation's first more than one point one million students have successfully begun school new york city's teachers have showed up but an increasing amount of families are permanently keeping their kids home. six plus five for five year old julian and his seven year old brother brant in order a routine school day involves a seat at the kitchen table. and lessons from mom or dad they can move on to literature such as shakespear they can move on to strategy thinking such as chaz music there's so much to learn if she's not here she leaves the plan of what they
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need to do the work and also with them to do it. to. kind of. hardcore learning like guitar. sondra and gregory leon. have been homeschooling their boys for over two years. a decision the couple made after researching new york city's public school system where overcrowded under budget teachers are underpaid you've got forty kids in one room with one one adult and the kids are just not getting what they they deserve at that age according to the white house three hundred thousand education jobs have been eliminated since two thousand and nine due to state and local budget cuts tied to the economic crisis experts say this has forced public school students to lose teachers critical programs and worst
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of all a level of knowledge necessary for success the epidemic of an educated young americans was recently highlighted in a report which warns that u.s. children are not to being adequately prepared to compete in the global workforce a study conducted in part by the center for american progress found that china and india are moving greater numbers of children through their school systems and better preparing them for jobs in key industries in just eight years it's estimated that india will have four times more college graduates than the u.s. ironically four decades ago america was the world leader in education today among the top thirty industrialized countries the u.s. ranks twenty fifth in math literacy and twenty first in science nothing will change until there is a culture in this being smart being educated is cool you are a true celebrity when you are. that's not happening in america we can talk about
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money to structure your training yada yada yada it won't change anything actually there is a change more than two million american parents like the liang's are homeschooling . children are reported seventy five percent increase since one thousand nine hundred ninety nine. a trend that some say may eventually be the best source of preparation for america's future marina portnoy r.t. new york. for the purchase of the political panic a flurry of meetings have been held among palestinian leaders jolted into action by massive demonstrations which turned violent thousands who left serious at the lines in prices of basic goods and with a wide police across at the west bank now political analyst elias as i knew him.
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says that while people are angry at the palestinian leadership there's a not at all that much the administration can do yes that is and good against president abbas against prime minister fayyad against the rule of what it did not precisely because of the crisis it's of the because of the in action on more than one level on the level of negotiations with israel nothing is happening there is frustration among the palestinians on the level of frequency lation with hamas nothing is happening because there is also an impasse on that front and nothing is moving on and with this kind of impasse on the palestinian territories and with the prices going up skyrocketing day after day there is no way to move on on the economic fairness field in the privacy of three in the old days there were palestinians they used to work in his or they used to make money and in their living and go back and send the money back today that a senior workers are not allowed in israel and they are allowed only very few thousands of them are allowed then what can you expect more from the palestinian authority bring me the best magician on the to take over from someone for you from
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prison a bus will they do it they cannot do it because they're a little atmosphere around is not is not conducive at all for profound economic prosperity. the revolution in egypt has a way the decades old dictatorship but when it comes to sweeping the streets the country's new leadership isn't having so much success the prolonged state of flux that followed last year's uprising has led to mundane matters like basic public services to suffer with tons of garbage now rotting in the capital street art is unavoidable as a story. a revolution or a leftover that's already starting to cause a bit of a stink it took a gyptian one thousand days of mass protests to oust hosni mubarak yet in the eighteen in searing month they've encountered a far more pungent problem with residents don't wait for garbage collection instead they threw it out onto the streets and we have to collect it. cairo has never been
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a particularly clean city but the growing piles of garbage have become a major blood on its revolutionary glory president mohamed morsi promised to solve the problem in his first one hundred days in office but more than two months into his reign he's yet to show any haste in eliminating the waste. they said garbage fans were unable to access narrow alleys we prepared small vehicles yet the regional government and cleaning commission violated the contracts as a mature though that idea for many years kyra had its own environmental a friendless system of processing waste for small fee garbage collectors most of them christians one door to door picking up organic left hours and fitting them to pigs that was until two thousand and nine when the pigs were called because of swine flu the mubarak government came up with some alternatives but they all collapsed alongside the regime. used to be these again it remains now we have
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to pick up all the material put it in containers but the problem is how to dispose of it we have no place to process it. from libya to egypt trash overload has become a major visible change brought by the arab spring and an unpleasant reminder that the previous governments were not as worthless as revolutionaries painted them well this this is all. very. well. who. will ever. be tasked. with fifteen tons of garbage dumped on the streets of cairo every day more and more egyptians are now starting to see the difference between the politics of revolution and the policies of responsible government the main assumption in all revolutions
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is that when all leader is gone the quality of life can only get better and it's only later when the basic services start to crumble and when things people used to take for granted are no longer there that their revolution and their regime we deposed finally getting a more realistic assessment of some of the weaker our city. a police officer has been killed in a suicide bombing outside a police station is symbol that's also injured five they attack us through a grenade at the building before rushing to the entrance where he blew himself up yeah those of a diet political commentator and part of it as a joining us now from istanbul to discuss this good to see that now the attacks in the south include suicide bombings the kidnap of m.p.'s now this plots in the capital why there's a sudden spike in violence. we could see that sudden summer has been seen for an escalating miles particularly in the southeastern provinces
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bordering iraq and syria and mainly. of the p.g.a. to the workers' party to separatist movements and rebels were concentrated on attacks against the turkish security forces but a couple of weeks ago. we have experienced moving into the urban areas targeting civilians in the city of for example and also declarations and statements by various p.t.k. channels who are signaling that. in weill's will discuss it has to do certainly with the unresolved years long conflict between. this latest suicide bombing and these related to this it's too early to say but speculations point direction and the suicide bombings are very
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rare in turkey this if so appoints a new pattern again targeting security officers or staff but this means that it is now moving into the scenery of stumble fourteen million of population. and this is another sign of debt that would add to the pile of concern certainly less of a debt turkish media blaming growing instability in syria for they involved in start of the could but turkey itself is well actively destabilizing sereno way so how has that car got it wrong. well the main position of turkey. growing calls it in syria as a whole as being correct because it is bordering syria a big nine hundred kilometers and it has been or been for do floor for
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a few g.'s and the humanitarian aid has been more or less properly functioning so far despite the increase of the do the numbers up if you g.'s but certainly the cutoff of diplomatic relations are completely with between damascus and ankara led to new speculation new debate about whether or not turkey's crossing the line to to. help the opposition forces by allowing transfer of arms material etc etc this. leads certainly to a lot of. doubts worries that this kind of attitude would lead to a backlash. transfer of violence. in lourdes turkey.
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but this is certainly is a natural outcome of what there were takes in the neighborhood of syria as long as this conflict continues with mass killings the killings of civilians etc this this will lead to worsen. further or something off relations between syria and turkey and jordan there's no surprise element in this. but all the escalation of wilen certainly tells turkey and other neighbors to cool carefully and to continue to stick to the international efforts to stop put an end at least to the killings and massacre's right to all have to leave it right there thank you very much for your thoughts on this mr a political commentator and journalist joining us live from istanbul. right
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a beautiful look at other news from around the world to twelve people have been killed in the blast yemen's capital of sanaa targeted the country's defense minister who escaped the attack on hometown of his wife of those did with the minister's bodyguards some witnesses said they heard gunfire as ambulances were arriving in the attack comes just a recon second in command. at least three afghans have been killed in an attack on the u.s. run bag ram air base in afghanistan four rockets hit a helicopter at the airfield they also injuring two nato soldiers the taliban claimed responsibility for the strike in a televised message was it happened just hours after the infamous a prison holding thousands of taliban militants was officially handed over to afghan control. friday let's cross over now to the business desk with a touch another direction is a w t o member should we expect to stop paying twice as much for
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a pair of jeans in moscow as we would in london well indeed we've got used to doubling the price tags here in moscow compared to europe but that could change soon i'll tell you why in just a minute but first let's do the important stuff and check out the equity markets here in russia stocks are under pressure and global sentiment is certainly to blame asia closed in the red along the index movers russia's lenders vera bank me the launch the sale of the government's seven point six percent stake as early as this week the stock is shedding value along with the market carmakers saw it as one of the top gainers after reporting almost three fold rise in first profits and a gold producer paul is gold is rallying on the news that a cheerful rico proof profile of why it's selling his thirty seven point eight percent stake to a fellow billionaire sort of. of european equities are moving along where this hour
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of mining and banking stocks pulling the indices in the south good stocks are also trending lower led by burberry which slumped eighteen percent after amounts to its annual profit will be lower than analysts expect investors are still cautious ahead of q key events this week on wednesday germany's constitutional court will rule on military of the zones permanent rescue fund and on thursday we expect the u.s. fed reserve to me time and perhaps announce more easing something the markets hope for the onto the currency markets now the pm bulls are back this single currency is gaining to the dollar this hour and the russian ruble as you can see is a losing to the currency basket crude is actually recovering somewhat this hour after sliding from a three week high amid concerns that europe's bailout plan will fail and the saudi
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arabia's said the higher prices would be unjustified. anyone buying a pair of western branded jeans here in moscow is likely to be shocked by the price clothing can cost twice as much as it would in london or say new york joining the world trade organization is going to force down the prices fueling consumer demand them offering new opportunities for global retailers that are has all the details. that amzi at another big name tapping into russia's rapidly growing retail market they have chosen a good time indeed as russia has just answered the world trade organization and retailers are predicted to be the first to feel the benefits experts for see an influx of retailers selling the barges and of the markets such as american
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warehouse club costco or prime arc which is popular in britain before entering the w t o russia was able to defend its local clothing industry by imposing a fifteen percent encourage you to run some other taxes at the border so even the cheapest western clothing will be relatively expensive here in russia like this t.-shirt for example it cost five hundred eighty rubles which is about twelve british pounds but i can see there are regional price tag on the knees and it's only eight british pounds of such in produce will be gradually swept away which means their original price tag will remain almost unchanged here in russia this will allow low priced retailers to recreate the formula that lead to success abroad and enticing prospects as russia becomes europe's biggest retail market in the next couple of years but tell a very poor business our to moscow. and that's all we have time for in this edition
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of business see you back here in fifty minutes thank you for that update natasha will see a little bit later right in our village of those stories are coming up in a few moments and stay with us here on r.t. . the. blinds.


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