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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EST

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allies gathered to thrash out the syrian crisis there are fears humanitarian motives may be cover for another western led military intervention russia and china staying away from the meeting saying the group is biased in its attempts to settle the unrest. and levy a war on iran gathering steam in the us and appears to be having an impact according to the most recent poll suggesting a third of americans now see iran as their nation's biggest enemy with nearly half supporting military action. less than a fortnight before russians choose a new president the front runners face flooding the streets of london a book on blood in your pool is due to hit british bookshops hot on the heels of two documentaries featuring the russian prime minister. next moscow reveals how popular and healthy fast food is in the russian capital stay with us.
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hello and welcome in this week's moscow out south where we're taking a look at fast food culture from the arrival of those famous golden arches over twenty years ago today various international brands and new russian companies are popping up here every week donuts burgers pizza chicken wings there's no wider range of such food here than ever before but is that a good thing is it unhealthy i want the finest think of recent fast food banks find out. banking baskin robbins subway papa johns the list of foreign imports is impressively building up here perhaps to be too broad to cover you also lobby sandwich has had its day as the international chains make their mark one thing is clear everyday food alongside popular culture in russia has changed forever in those dishes union fast food restaurant the cheaper the nurse school canteen for example that is why you go to mcdonald's even
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though in our current teen food is more tasty muslim's mother doing most of you going to eat all of sushi places in venues like that is just bad taste it's disgusting people should be proper food there is a lot of fast food. much more than friends so it's cool runnings to approximate to the same price. is first domestic fast food venture was raw steak fried chicken restaurant as a major player against someone old macdonald and his burgas chicken joint proved very popular several years ago the company went into partnership with the us chain k.f.c. which eventually gained control of the company. so clipboard and markings in hand let's see how k.f.c. does. to find out what foreigners think of the fast food scene here we've asked for guests to take part in the program the shanker peter ella and blessing.
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they will evaluate the food menu appeal taste value for money and overall experience of each location. and pushing to blake is a well known t.v. actress from london with her grandmother originally from the moscow region she has finally achieved dream of visiting russia departing the glamorous five star park hyatt hotel into the car and off for lunch. has longed to try the authentic russian food she ate as a child will she be disappointed leaving expensive restaurants out of the equation we want to give our guests the typical tourist experience. to our first russian chain along the glamorous but shanker we arrived at the popular low key eatery. opening its first site in the russian capital in one to ninety six its name translates to fur trees and sticks in english and the traditional countryside
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interiors and quirky stuffed costumes give some idea of the food here. has settled upon the all you can eat salad bar option which allows you to choose from a buffet of both hot and cold meals and salads a great idea if you want a chance to sample different dishes just try it all and hope for the best carrot salad plus beetroot how potatoes with dell and adding a glass of morse to complement a meal it's time to try does. look impressed as if it was a great experience in excellent as a wide variety of choose whatever he wants it and obviously sometimes as a menu in a foreign language you don't know what you would bring great it's a. great. white man who was that the bad. let's take a look at some price comparisons now a sound that big macand. holds comes in and just two and
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a half dollars in london they charge the equivalent of three point eight dollars a little more price a treat in new york it comes in at four dollars twenty by the way the cheapest country to buy a big mac in the world is in a price comparison of one point six two dollars feeling hungry yet quite a difference depending where you live. the prizes mean here is the standard and quality one of the. ok. food whether he likes it or not take a role in his life on
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a daily basis he needs quick reliable yet healthy fuel to assist with his hours at the office q so popular chain restaurants with a variety of pizzas past is salads. last year spiral celebrated its fifty fifth anniversary worldwide concept of food is popular with people who care about their health and looks in our menus constantly updated we still stay true to our traditional tali recipes of high quality. hungry peter has opted for. a slice of vegetarian pizza. and. italian food fresh in fabulous. and plastic cheese time. will tell he seems to be quite satisfied and the pieces don't look too bad either let's find out what our guest thinks. being
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a businessman usually i don't know much stronger of a luxury of being so close to places like here we don't lose it's good. it's place noise it doesn't take that long and it's really good value for money. looking straight at the bolshoi theater everything here is time and cool mated to perfection and he spoke in the wheel that doesn't work means disaster for the management i'm through production on people but. it is most people's food. back to our guests and we welcome ella cullum she was born in the philippines and has lived in moscow three years ella lives here with her canadian husband and studies russian tough times university is full of students of all ages and for those on budgets fast food can be their main daily mail the moscow team have asked how to try out the pitch a new crusher car tosha the no frills hang out which is now over to the humble
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potato for looking at the menu what will alice decide on there's plenty of choice here you can get your car in the crush the style i.e. baked with a choice of fillings such especially cheese crab bacon in some cream stew to name a few. as alex hunks to have to taste has to saw filipino guests look happy to fully couple to light and fluffy out to the fillings actually taste. i think a very delicious for a russian bass. i will recommend for you to eat here and it's a good balance and it's very delicious and it's very filling the recipe of eleven hubs and spices used by kasey in preparation of the chicken remains a trade secret ok. am time for the operation now safety and food hygiene is very important that all stop giving street straining my attention is given to all
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freshness of the project there was. no additives a put into any of the dishes here a k.f.c. . for my green head. preparation tick tick tick. final guest and let's meet the blessing lesson was born in nigeria and she lived in moscow since two thousand and nine after coming here to complete a master's program we poor a blessing to fast food outlets telemark a popular chain in russia that specializes in russian pancakes or police as they're known here sides also offers various other versions issues such as buckwheat a kind of powerage for soup and the fast and all menus are available in english blessing has a wide range of choice here savory pancakes served with meat cheese or caviar fillings and sweet alternatives with various fruits berries jams and chocolate
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fillings. blissing has decided on a been on a pancake with a chocolate drink she sits down and tastes her russian flavored fast food. because tamara evaluation from blessing please. i just went to take a walk right now i was fantastic and actually recommend deals to eat to try to pancakes which is guzzling tea lovely and out in this cold weather also recommend you to try your place. say the drop in income share in the recent crisis was a big factor in increasing the demand for fast food in russia and as moscow's aspiring middle class find that feat perhaps western style food is something we'll cultural. and socially symbolic than the actual tasty treat that's. the bold advertisements that come with such imported brands almost always seem to feature
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foreign lifestyles recipes fashion and behavior it soon catches on and crisis or not twenty first century russia is literally eating its. spending a day behind the scenes here i'm really surprised at the at the goes into making simple fast food i didn't know such care was put into making such products very red enjoy real just about. well unfortunately that's what time we have left on this program on false food culture here in the russian capital i'll see you again at the same time next week until then for me and the rest of the crew all right.
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and then he he. realized . well into the. piece of pizza the looking glass at what will be the homes of the future where the walls might just be smarter than the residents every day trash protects you from the elements outside and the whole system works to save you money to shine the
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spotlight on the latest building projects all around russia technology i'm doing here on r.g.p. . the central. wealthy british style is not. the time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in two kinds of reports. as the u.s. and allies got a crash out the syrian crisis there are fears their humanitarian motives may be a cover for another western led military intervention russia and china staying away from the meeting saying the group is biased as attempts to settle the on the rest.
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of media war on iran gathering steam in the u.s. and it appears to have an impact pointing to the most recent poll was jesting a third of americans now see a run as the nation's biggest enemy with nearly half supporting military action. less than a fortnight before russians choose their new president the front runners face flooding the streets of london a book out of lot of europe due to british bookshops hot on the heels of two documentaries featuring russia's president. more news coming away in a quarter hour but first sports with. well thank you for joining me and here are the sports headlines. deadline day with just hours to go in the russian football transfer window because hitting sounds he are in talks to sign blackburn defend that chris somebody. new heights
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a little bit probable champion new line as you see by about breaks around indoor world record instruct home. runs out tiger woods crashes out of the world match play championship as lee westwood and glory not choroid stay on course for the world number one spot. but first a football and they are just hours to go in the football transfer window here in russia and i'm g.'s new coach proceeding except to add blackburn defender christopher somebody who scored in a deal worth up to nineteen million dollars while the twenty seven year old center back is undergoing a magical with the russian side a look says to sign a three year contract. for a transfer to the rovers who are fighting relegation from the english premier league the congolese would become getting to the second signing on to the deal that gave you all the love completed a four and a half million dollar growth second to sideline you on thursday. well on g.r. set to travel to deny moscow on monday as the russian premier league regimes this weekend and one player who's already settling in with his new club is to nominate
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for the christian number who moved from rubin earlier in the winter break on the muscovite side his training in turkey at the moment and with them was rich example fleet. with moscow under a blanket of snow and the temperatures well below freezing you know moscow have been preparing for the russian premier league season in warmer climes however despite being on the southern turkish coast the weather had a distinctly chilly feel to it but bloom winds have assembled a very strong squad and made a key addition during the winter break bringing in christian a boy from rubin. yes it was a half a year in there he was coming. to time champion but there is. too much you know he need i need to change here to hear that i'm going to have both sides took time to get into the game putting some passing moves together but we're not really able to test a partisan keeper. the sign from the serbian capital are also in the middle of
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their winter break but they would take the lead ten minutes before half time impressively as a mark of a child too much pace for alexander. and the seventeen year old showed a remarkably cool head for supporting the ball passed beyond rushing roman because of skiing to normal would pull level nine minutes after the half time break from an indirect free kick inside the penalty area of almost have to mark a law may change former pakistan belgrade defender unleashed an unstoppable shantz to restore parity the serbian league leaders will be very comfortable in possession because in the russian i have fits defends a number of problems and they would restore their lead just after the hour mark of the bank for guilty of slack marking who got the blue and whites were not to be denied and equalized for a second time this time from a penalty spot underneath our own in took the responsibility upon himself to keep the guest rights of ukraine internationals right footed shot nestled into the
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bottom right hand corner two equalized and two two as have a game of finish this. game if you go again by the way that we know we need to have a game here to be together because you know it's. only been in the meanwhile the partisan head coach out from grams was very complimentary about their russian opponents but i must go i saw him in the they were in the league is a. very good do i like this do moving the ball good. players are very good players and. very good too this may have only been a friendly both team certainly gave one hundred percent and for good reason is very specter domestic campaigns get underway again in less than two weeks time a good workout for the nominee against a decent partisan belgrade side of the club have assembled a good squad with some pine individual players and a more than capable of challenging for the russian premier league side so when the
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season resumes on the fifth of march against mother and those hearings i'm jean. richman portrayed r.t. beric turkey. well meanwhile those disappointment over russia's football teams in the europa league after both look a lot of moscow under being because i'm failed to make the last six day in their own way man who lost their second leg one nil and spanish side athletic bilbao to put the muscatine out on the way goals were being went down one will actually be on course we progressed to no one i guess another results manchester united squeezed past i.x. despite a nail biting two undefeated old trafford to go through three two overall picture close for comfort united manager sir alex ferguson who admits he made a mistake with his team selection. this possibility because. put so many young prisoners by for position was a big ask. so over to nothing we was a great opportunity to give some small and joins us again because i'm going to for so long term. potential of there were
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big problem is she said the wacky experience in terms of returning up in the game create a problem for. other games balance their progress at the expense of stoke and also into the last sixteen our standard rarely has about more dash medalist shall cut and sporting. athletics now and then pick pole vault champion yelena isinbayeva says her latest world record signals the start of her comeback after the twenty nine year old set a new indoor world record at a meeting in stockholm the leap of five metres and one centimeter beats her previous best by a single centimeter it was also an emphatic win over her rivals with britain's well you please dial back in second after clearing for we to seventy two twenty nine centimeters behind isn't by a hasn't won a major competition since the two thousand and eight olympics but this is the twenty eighth world record and makes the russian the clear favorite for next week's indoor world championship in istanbul as well as the london games in five months
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time. on the gulf now as britain's lee westwood and rory mcilroy have kept alive their hopes of becoming the new world number one after going through to the last sixteen of the world match play championship although tiger woods is out for what world number one the last two nick watney who got off to a strong start in arizona here putting putting for birdie on the twelfth or woods a three time champion did call himself back into contention but lost the match on the last hole after failing to make this part or what next plays in his lee westwood who sort of robert karlsson three into westwood needs to win the title to reclaim the number one spot in the already departed luke donald while northern ireland's rory mcilroy could also grab top spot with victory he's into the last sixteen after beating and this handsome. prime minister vladimir putin has been meeting former canadian and russian ice hockey stars who are here in moscow to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the summit series between the two countries
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the one hundred seventy two hockey tournament was the first between the soviet union and canada who won the series four games to three now the veterans will play in an exhibition match on saturday while mr putin also wants to use the event as a chance to persuade canadian hockey chiefs to release russian players from n.h.l. science for a major tournament like this or chilean picks it was because i believe hockey as a sport has suffered somewhat from the emergence of regional leagues like in north america or europe which limit players from participating in international and transcontinental events. and finally muscovites of hands of the rare chance to see the likes of formula one legend alan prost and david coulthard in action the race of stars saw the former f one drivers compete against russia's best in arctic conditions and all that but only on reports. snow and ice under will such a perfect way to add some more drive to any race.
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once a year the russian capital has this so-called race of stars the competition among russia still sports specialists however the twenty third a very healthy at the most pro even dormant there is the sort of summer superstar soon to tell one of the sport's all time greats for john formula one champion trust the fifty six year old who also won the french ice racing cup trophy andrus returns and was quick to take a ride. as a track. like a. fish. but seriously yes it's racing takes some extra skills. it's always different you know every kind of discipline the you need to get used to it you know we can fight the few laps we don't know exactly what to do and how we could be better in term of
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rights would be as are. but the more you are on them the more you'll be bigoted. for this. kind of race his it's done for specialist and david coulthard really is one another for no one star that check the dicey trick of the day. well it was a great time coming to moscow this is my second experience of being here on the national holiday for men and new ice course to drive on here at the hippodrome and yeah. pick challenge i think to to be able to race with al i'm cross because he's like an ice champion. it's great to get people to watch and hopefully we'll see some great racing according to the foreman of the competition the washing drivers were the first to settle scores among each other with the winner coming out for the super final racist against the foreign stars. and begin to show the best
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ice recent skills on a day with no sign of venerating ludwig an h.d.l. of both jerome d'ambrosio who's currently a reserve driver for formula one team lotus and the man was already been there and done that david. i can't believe it's true so many participants and all of them proved to be very strong building up such tough competition i just want to thank my team and all the fans who supported me a great win and a great holiday to take time to are going to have some region celebration tonight. begin became the first man in a history of the event to leave the race of stars cup three times robert wagner forty muscular. wealthy british style. that's not on.
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the. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy because a report on. friends
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or foes as the u.s. and allies gather to thrash out the syrian crisis there are fears that humanitarian motives may be a cover for another western led military intervention.


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