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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2012 2:30am-3:00am EST

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since syria and supplies pressure international involvement in the conflict but inside the country any such calls are just feeling the profits that's the u.n. humanitarian chief it's to syria to negotiate with the degree of eight hundred. election fever grips russia but political activity reaching a peak ahead of the presidential polls major pro-government and opposition rallies are taking place today one hundred thousand demonstrators expected to take to moscow streets. of concern to be effectiveness of sanctions targeting brown's nuclear program rose to speak its partners in asia resisting western pressure to join the economic war friend israel meanwhile has repeatedly defied calls to break the sanctions to good use to the possibility of a military strike. as anti austerity outrage grips european states max keiser and stacy herbert look at how effective public anger can actually be
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because report is next. max kaiser this is because a report worried about domestic terrorists oh my god look at this photo this is of course lloyd blankfein with the twinkie vest noids getting ready to go his twinkies are wired to blow if ben won't inflate bill so that's an eight true terrorist c.e.o. yes. my hair standing on end but i'm glad to see that finally this recognition that lloyd blankfein is a financial terrorist and that the act of threatening to blow yourself up and to throw out of the economy or to throw out congress blow him off for a candle is for extortion ari purposes and having the result of austerity measures people die innocently civilians because you're better the military industrial
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financial credit complex is terrorism terrorism terrorism those killers of if there is a need to put terrorists in allusion to. build up to the edge of the law is that sort of fire going to church stamberg that look like oh qualifies that we should do it now let's look at a nation where they confronted the likes of lloyd blankfein icelandic anger brings debt forgiveness and best recovery story icelanders who pelted parliament with rocks in two thousand and nine demanding their leaders and bankers answer for the country's economic and financial collapse are reaping the benefits of their anger of throwing those rocks fitch ratings last week raised iceland to investment grade with a stable outlook and said to ireland an orthodox crisis policy response has succeeded what was the an orthodox response max what anger but that's not an orthodox anger
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is natural anger is to be expected but it's also to actually what pitch is saying is an orthodox response is not. capitulating to financial terrorists not going to ben bernanke not accepting that flooding the markets with money to cover their toxic fraudulent assets it was a correct response so they benefited from their anger toward bankers which includes throwing rocks at bankers big benefitted ok now their economy is upgraded by the israeli game sees there are growing unlike these other economies like greece well business week goes on to say people vs markets iceland's approach to dealing with a meltdown has put the needs of its population ahead of the markets at every turn once it became clear back in october two thousand and eight that the island's banks were beyond saving the government stepped in ring fence the domestic accounts and left international creditors in the lurch the central bank impose capital controls to hold the ensuing sell off of the krona
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a new state controlled banks were created from the remnants of the lenders that built compare that max to ireland but the arlen or to america or to the u.k. they didn't ring fence the terrorists and they just simply let the terrorist take over the economy as a whole another after nine eleven the terrorists who were responsible decided thank you for the great job no one run or government regardless of your terse little government case of two thousand i think also what blind five terrorists they destroyed the economy and what obama say we love terrorists please run our government for us we boomers like to kiss you on your put a lawyer like point zero zero zero which iceland did another thing max and that's debt forgiveness since the end of two thousand and eight the island's banks have forgiven loans equivalent to thirteen percent of gross domestic product easing the debt burdens of more than a quarter of the population according to a report published this month by the icelandic financial services association yes
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well look we were in iceland the year before we told them this is what they should do they followed our advice. worth a gratitude iceland about making a citizen of iceland ok that's a least you can do i saved your frickin country greece you didn't take my advice you didn't take my advice in greece you mentioned there's plans to reject them here is a country that refused to oust the financial terrorists or in fact they tried to but then of lucas papademos says a former goldman sachs crony who is parachuted in there and of course germany drawing up plans for greece to leave the euro are the headlines this week well they're just going to grind greece down to dust but i don't think technically i don't think they're going to leave the euro i think they're just going to grind them down to the point work doesn't really matter whether they stay or leave that window of opportunity that iceland faced and met because the people have the intestinal fortitude to stand up for their sovereignty that's just was presented to
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greece and they failed the test you don't get to take the test again you fail the test now you have vassal state and start eating wienerschnitzel because india reduced of lucky it's all over let's talk of finished product worst today so let's look at the other nations our whole entire global system outside of iceland is still negotiating with these financial terrorists traders suspended in growing scandal of manipulation of rates which determine how much we pay for loans and mortgages the entire global financial system the heart of so-called free market capitalism as we know it regulators are investigating allegations that banks have been manipulating crucial interbank lending rates which help determine how much we pay for mortgages and loans the rate they were manipulating is called libel or which is the london interbank offered rate say each day in the city it is a benchmark for the cost of borrowing and is included in millions of financial
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transactions and contracts around the world they reckon that two point three trillion pounds are tied. no no no no three hundred fifty trillion dollars you see everyone's familiar with the united states of america federal reserve system in the creation of the interest rates that is the basis for the various products that are private interest rates including mortgages but that's on a fifteen trillion dollar economy the u.s. economy and by extension other related economies because it's the world reserve currency but much bigger of course is the library rate and what's called the thai bore rate which is done in japan three hundred fifty trillion in size these traders were trading on inside information front running insider knowledge that because they sucked that library every day that rate upon which all have some market as you point out that's contempt of free market it's committed control central planning market by bureaucrats type rats and terrorists ok membership in love is not that he hasn't been there and he said why he's in europe ben bernanke you know other central bankers pulling the trigger and killing people. killing people they kill
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people and you're next. is a huge situation in terms of this manipulation that is leading to revolution and iceland successfully met the terrorists of their likings on to defy kings and the americans and the british people are essentially. losers actually i'm going to go a little bit into an explanation of this library to show you how much of a pool of bureau it is so each day the rate is set in the city of london a panel of banks are asking every working day to give a figure for the rate of interest they would expect to pay to borrow money from each other every day at eleven am each member is dancer the answer is not based on any actual borrowing but is supposed to be an expert assessment of the market price the quotes are compared and the top and bottom quarter of the range are excluded in an average is calculated from their meaning estimates and the library is managed by
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the british bankers association if you knew the answer to the equation you could trade ahead of it front run it and you make money without taking any risk and they discovered that this multi hundred trillion dollar international financial market is being traded by the inside information by the same banks are now owned by the people in the again it's a london a.i.g. london lehman brothers london bernie madoff london of the libel or scandal london david cameron who are you who are terrorists ok you think murdoch is slime ok he's nothing compared to almost gore. when you are pathetic you make little children puke in the street when they look in your face so what they're accusing them of the financial services authority but also the f.c.c. and the japanese regulators are looking at is that if this happened in particular during the financial crisis between two thousand and seven and two thousand and nine and they actually so remember this is a panel of experts not the market setting the mechanism so they set the rate lower
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they manipulated they conferred with each other and they made it lower the libel rate lower than it would normally be in the market conditions that were there so only they had exclusive information about just how bad the situation was for example and what the library rate was signaling to the rest of the market plus cheap rates cheap speculation and when the government bails out your bad bets of course you want the cheapest rates for speculation possible also let's keep in mind talk alone that as being the nexus of global financial terrorism thanks i was born in cameroon where are the bankers that icelandic government is looking for to prosecute. their own efforts or is a who is harboring them a terrorist who who who is the harboring the terrorist isolate terrorists carbonneau was born in london let's right so in other words people in london if you take our subjects for example what we said what we've been saying for five years ago and what's been proven now that's the way you waited too long or forgot your
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you're grown you're because. i live in oh i'm going to be one second feckless loser because all i want is they're all druids i pay the financial services authority is investigating the matter their investigations are said to focus on three concerns first is that libel rates have may have been held down artificially in the financial crisis this would have make banks look more secure than they were or second is whether the banks setting libel rates leaked their data to traders ahead of their official release you don't need to investigate will save you hundreds of millions of pounds max did they do it they did it. the third is whether traders at the banks and that organisations such as hedge funds may have tried to influence the rate by making suggestions or demands on the bankers providing the live work quote will save you another couple hundred million pounds if they do it max but unlike what you know people say well there's the laws have been broken yet we can't prove any laws have been broken ok it's just another scandal that just totally the laws have been broken as clearly as last night and
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day this is what the government is sadistically going after children and women in foreign countries because of their sadistic closures at number ten downing street and a sixteen hundred pennsylvania avenue they don't enjoy prosecuting financial terrorists that's the only reason these guys are still grooving however is this investigation going to lead like the investigations in the united states led to the foreclosure gate settlement i.e. the twenty five billion dollars fraction of the ill gotten gains so we're going to look at this final headline here foreclosure abuse rampant across u.s. experts say report this week showing rampant foreclosure abuse in san francisco reflects similar levels of lender fraud and faulty documentation across the united states say experts and officials who have done studies in other parts of the country the audit of almost four hundred foreclosures in san francisco found that eighty four percent of them appear to be illegal the audit in san francisco is the most detailed and comprehensive that has them but then done but it's likely those
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numbers are comparable nationally so they couldn't find who actually own those mortgages and those are in thousands of mortgage backed securities but we now know also that the libel rate was manipulated underlying so it's pure cotton candy thing a fraud as you said cotton candy of fraud they spin the fraud like cotton candy and it just builds up huge huge and then you've got a few people to love. any financial fraud even though it's rotting their teeth and killing society is all just part of the racket you just described why bore racket part of the rating agencies. the investment banks part of sixteen are pennsylvania avenue eric holder barack obama's director suspension of the national broadcaster so i'm going to speak directly involve the senate gets a rocket site al capone some just ten or eleven thousand tall and there's nobody there to stop them say spirit thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max don't go away much more coming in with a rifle. in the. world
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. series technology innovation called the developments from around russia we've got the future coverage. welcome back to the cause record i'm nice guys are time now to go to germany and speak with economist chair hatter of the alternative information center share welcome to the kaiser report they max is nice to be here ira share what is area say where is it who lives there areas he was defined by a israel when there west bank was divided into three parts the windows negotiations
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before basically the west bank was divided into three parts a b. and c. where the palestinian authority only got to be autonomous more or less autonomy is in area a when it comes to civil administration and security in area be they still administrative cancer and he was still able to have some control over the civil matters but security was under israeli control and there is see actually remained under both security and civil control of israel completely should be very clear areas he is part of the occupied west bank israel occupied in one thousand six hundred seven but that's where all of these really colonies the legal colonies in the west bank are and there is see about sixty five percent of the entire west bank so that's actually the majority the reason behind arrangement by which it is really retains control over the vast majority of the occupied territory and it was in
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order to have a phased transition by which palestinians would gradually get more territory under their control and would become independent at the end of the process but this was seventeen years ago and area c. remains about the same size that it was seventeen years ago the palestinians never made it any progress towards independence in those seventy years and yet this area is still under israeli control and the international community is mostly accepting this fact right n. ow is. israel is threatening to demolish six hundred thousand euros worth of german donated solar panels why is it well this is just. actually thanks to a german organization called a medical wishing arranged a donation in the construction of these solar panels that we hear about this story because it's not a unique or special story in any way in fact over the past seventeen years israel demolished countless projects buildings and various structures that were
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built in areas see for the benefit of palestinians what's interesting about this particular story that you're referring to is that actually the the organization was willing to make a fuss about it was willing to say something and fortunately most cases the donors just stay silent israel demolishes the project and palestinians lose everything that was built for them and no one makes a sound now it sounds like a case of price tag game but on a national level is that a good comparison and can you get to play what that means exactly the price tag attacks have become quite famous in israel recently these are at tanks orchestrated by colonists by israeli colonists and when the israeli government is not steadfast enough in their eyes regarding protecting their rights to continue to occupy palestinian land in an. additional as demand and so on whenever the israeli
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government is saying well maybe we're going to slow down the rate of colony construction in the interest of public opinion the international community the colonies decide to take out their frustrations on the palestinians and punish palestinians and then they call it a price tag because whenever the israeli government does something which they don't approve of they decide they're going to physically attack. and as a form of punishment of course the israeli government is not particularly concerned with attacks on police stations and in the past. here in two thousand and eleven there were on average two and a half physical violent attacks against palestinians by israeli colonists they're doing that in order to try to create facts on the ground and to basically push the palestinians off their lands and take over more of their territory scare them into leaving so that only jews would be able to remain in the west bank or let's go to another example where the most recent price tag response to european help as we've
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just described it with the solar industry in the area say was when israel destroyed the thirty eight million dollar airport they built in gaza soon after it was completed so it's israel trying to teach the europeans a lesson or the palestinians the airport is a very good example but a seaport in the gaza strip was also done by israel and that was worth even two hundred million dollars so even more than the airport and what we see here is a very absurd kind of situation and where israel is an occupying power is responsible to the needs of the palestinian population it is a response ability to make sure for example that palestinian communities would have access to water to electricity transportation and so on but they don't do it they mock international law and they don't care and they just leave the palestinians in squalid conditions and then the international community and especially europe comes up and says well if this was i'm going to do it we're going to try and help the
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palestinians ourselves and they pay between one and two billion dollars every year now which the international community. spends on projects to try to help us to an economy survive to make sure that people have food and especially in the gaza strip which is under siege at the moment by the israeli army and the population of gaza are completely dependent on international aid so the trash communities pay for that aid. in this process israel makes a lot of profit because the aid actually pass through israel and they're using israeli currency to pay for the goods they buy a lot of the food from israeli companies and actually israel is profiting they collect taxes from the aid organizations and then at the end of that process israel takes the liberty to bomb whatever project there they don't approve of the israeli government decides well we don't want has any and so have their own airport we don't want that but it seems they have their own seaport so we're just going to bomb them and when they do and cause in hundreds of millions of euros worth of
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damage to these projects the donor countries do nothing about it if we talk about the example you gave of the airport in gaza or fourteen thousand these examples donor countries france the netherlands in other countries simply never asked for compensation never asked for their money back they just keep spending money on the next project and the next israeli companies continue to make a profit from this and the palestinians actually get no projects because the projects are destroyed let's talk about these solar panels and wind turbines set to be demolished how important are they to the palestinian community in the west bank this area c. at the moment the entire palestinian economy is completely energy dependent on israel and also a little bit on jordan and egypt there are many companies that have a complete monopoly over selling petrol products to the palestinians and because of that situation the palestinians are trying to find various alternatives sources of
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energy and in a gaza for example the hamas government which is currently in power made a deal with egypt to buy petrol more cheaply but this petrol is not reaching that at the moment because there was an explosion in the pipes and as a result there is a sixteen hour blackouts over gaza and it reaches the hospitals and it. causes very serious damage in the west bank. and like in the gaza strip as they still have the ability a limited ability to import some construction materials so one of the plans is to build sonal some of the panels and not just plants projects that have actually been created and build on the ground to build solar panels in order to provide basic needs electricity for the people in who live in these communities and we're talking about people who don't have access to a mobile phones we don't have access to
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a communication to the internet and that's extremely important for these people because there were lines of communication which helps them to articulate this situation that they're in under occupation under israeli occupation to the international community and of course they need energy for their economy for sustaining themselves for preserving their food and refrigeration and so on so it's it's extremely crucial that these projects will operate but that in military government in the west bank the israeli military government is not interested in creating infrastructure for the palestinians which would allow them to live in comforting peace on their own land where they have an interest to try to make it harder for palestinians to survive in this area so they would be convinced to emigrate and in fact the recent report way they are opinion showed that in one area of the west bank jordan valley their population in one hundred sixty seven right prior to the israeli occupation was three hundred thousand people today forty five
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years later the population is have one in it one hundred fifty thousand people as of the palestinians were deported from their lands and had to leave this area one way or another and if you account for their natural growth of of the population it's through birth it's actually much more their house i now i can understand that it's a lot of money that goes to israel. by destroying the occupied territories and disenfranchising a palestinians but there's also the possibility of making money in the region i mean the palestinians are sunlight's the israelis are some sunlight say and so might be why not why not develop palestinian territories to create their an economy that's a thriving economy that they can make money on why they just turn it into a you know business opportunity and make money that way they have to make money by killing people the idea of economic development for the benefit of their place to
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means and also for israelis is not a new idea it was supported and promoted by many economists both but it's to me an israeli an international i would be exaggerating if i would say hundreds of projects thousands of project possibly in a worth many billions of dollars to try to create that development you're talking about and especially the european union was very interested in promoting these things and were willing to pay a lot of money for these projects because they also have an economic interest in the region they would also like to see a trade flourishing and if by this they mean standard of living will increase that means more demand for and consumer goods manufactured in europe so that creates jobs in europe so if course they do have an interest but under occupation under an unequal system of power between the israeli government which has a strong army and full control of the territory and the palestinians who are occupied and in denied all of their basic rights you cannot really have any kind of economic development in these conditions and these conditions when ever it
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palestinians would develop some kind of factory some kind of production that could conceivably compete with a similar sector within the israeli economy then the bulldozers would come rushing in and destroyed a factory or even israeli airplanes would simply bomb their area from there and of course when that is the case investors are not interested in. their own money and developing investment projects in the palestinian territories but like you say when we talk about development and making money sure a lot of israeli companies are profiting from this situation especially the weapon companies that are profiting from destruction but overall the israeli economy is not profiting from the situation overall the israeli society is actually losing a lot of money losing a lot of opportunities for investment and for us in increasing standard of living because of the continual conflict because of resistance because of the constant destruction around them and the loss of potential for cooperation between everyone
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who live in the region yeah well i guess you could say the same thing about america why do they let the president astray they grow become as dominant as it is because they're just too lazy to compete on any other level all right so i had a rather tired thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser going to follow me on twitter as over twenty two thousand people are you can send me an e-mail a cause report r t t v dot are you our thanks stacy herbert and my guest cher have or till next time x.-prize are saying by all.
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the death of two foreign journalists in syria intensifies pressure for international involvement in a conflict but inside the country any fear such calls are just a few in the van it's also.


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