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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2012 2:00pm-2:11pm EST

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this is exactly the biz no kitchenette classrooms thanks to austerity cuts in the major credit rating agencies downgrade greek debt again saying people to school but other portable. iran's nuclear program must be caught if it was committed to. the israeli intelligence following a un inspection that failed to resolve the deadlock of top stories this hour. i am. internationalising coming live from moscow this is r.t. washington says it isn't ruling out what it calls additional measures in syria that seen as a hint it could soon be ready to on the anti government militia and shift in rhetoric by the obama administration previously excluded this possibility it comes despite reports that al qaeda has joined the opposition that could put the u.s. and the terrorist group good and surround the world on the same side. i meet
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bloodshed in syria more extremists are panicked trading the country to help bring down our sought that's according to u.s. intelligence which says all current affiliated fighters were responsible for a series of deadly suicide bombings in damascus and aleppo targeted at syrian military and intelligence facilities you see no evidence of. extremists sunni extremists or not you can't label them from the specifically as al qaida or similar ilk or infiltrating the opposition's groups. while fighting in syria continues the violence in neighboring iraq has dropped in some areas by as much as fifty percent in the last few months this as an al-qaeda leader iman al zawahiri as called on his supporters around the world to back the
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uprising in syria. he's a man who call themselves the mujahideen say they're on their way to fight a holy war against our song. in washington senators asked the head of america's intelligence james clapper i think what happens if false are we prepared for the situation of a possible field state were al qaeda enjoys a safe harbor in refuge. from which to coordinate attacks his response bears no optimism there would be a kind of a vacuum i think that. would lend itself to. extremists . operating in syria which is particularly troublesome some has had different question is the u.s. on the same side as opining on syria and whether its policies are indirectly aiding the terrorists or american strategists would have to be fools not to see what al qaeda is doing not to ask the question if you. good for al qaeda can it be good for
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us in not to look. he may be a ruthless dictator and what he's doing but what comes after him when he falls i think your kind of goes it's best work or it works best when he finds a country that is fundamentally for you this is why i'm against plan putting weapons in and aiding the anti assad resistance because an all out war there could be a disaster which leaves a failed state and syria even for many of those syrians who are not supportive of their president the fear of the alternative is far greater why are they sitting on the fence why they are not on the streets with supporting the process and they are often too fierce is that one is that push that's the big mean islamists and pushed aside there will be the chaos the opposition in syria is very fractured they don't
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seem to be under anybody's control despite concerns voiced by top u.s. intelligence official about anti assad extremists washington has failed to widen its ceasefire calls to include armed opposition and therefore basically ignoring the fears of a huge part of the syrian population who don't want radicals gaining momentum and dragging the country into chaos i'm going to check our reporting from washington r.t. . iraq has admitted that weapons and fighters are seeping across that six hundred kilometer border with syria to fight the assad regime the army of free iraqis which once for u.s. troops in iraq is now heading to syria the most common claim aim is to monitor the border for any sign the iraqi government is helping with the beleaguered syrian regime baghdad has tightened security in all the area which has also become a center for arms smugglers director of international studies at trinity college in the u.s. rejects the shutters told me earlier that he thinks any extremist infiltration into syria's fragmented opposition could lead to. consequences.
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it is the bird fighters who have moved across the border from iraq into syria. have been engaging the syrian army joining the kind of resistance there to one who seemed that this is indeed the case no way that they will remain is not precisely the question issue is how they will begin to characterize an insurgency bid currently it has one or senior leadership structure that was the problem in libya in libya as well there was a horrific libyan elite it was the fear of the insurgency in washington in paris in london and then on the ground there was a dispersed impact your late resistance in which various squirms of radical islam were here. to prominence in
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a sense the syrian story is very similar the free syrian army is not a credible address it is not a single police where it belongs. to foreign journalists have been killed in syria's flashpoint city of homs the opposition claims the american and french citizens died when an army shell hit and makeshift media center the same accusations were leveled against the regime just over a month ago when the french government was killed in a similar incident but later it turned out the and he government rebels were the heinie attack homs has been the scene of fierce fighting between the army and the rebels for more than two weeks now. and the friends of syria group set up by america and its allies meets and chin is you up on friday they are opening seeking president assad's downfall and moscow has dismissed the gathering as a biased effort to resolve the crisis the head of the foreign affairs committee in russia's lower house of parliament has told r.t. the meeting will not paint an accurate picture. judging
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by the statements we have been hearing in the form out of the so-called friends of syria one of the sole purpose of our conference is not to find a way out of the current situation or to promote the idea that the conflict can only be resolved if assad leaves us way more school refused to take part in a meeting and i've met with mr assad and with representatives of two opposition organizations i did not get the impression that it is the people versus is in this conflict the situation is different faction of the people is opposing the regime well another party supports mistress article yet another faction does not want syria to fall into chaos they support the regime possibly they do not support did he have a second to feel it is not black and white it is not a scenario where a whole nation rises up to overthrow a government they don't like they believe that the situation cannot be resolved to liberate the regime even representatives of the governments which do not have a single democratic institution start complaining about assad's regime being empirical yet i believe that that undermines the political and moral legitimacy of
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what the friends of syria club is a club a serious trams or a club of people who want but. that's a question you have to ask the host. and you can see that full interview right here on our t.v. this thursday and the what do you think will happen if the u.s. and other western powers start supplying the syrian opposition fighters with arms well you can logon to r.t. dot com to share your opinion that's of a concern is also screen can see the majority of those are taking part in also they think this will only trigger a civil war between rival rebel factions in syria and see that over just over a quarter of the weapons before it's over either ten ten percent think that western until help the opposition to the government and the rest of you so far think that this is unlikely to affect the syrian crisis as the rebels are not strong enough of your said r.t. that. greece has just been thrust further into junk status by
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the three credit rating agency which is predicting a greek default very soon. as the government in athens rushes through its most punishing package of cuts yet they are a precondition for the next one hundred thirty billion euro bailout which will be handed over once athens heals to the last of the e.u.'s demands but unions riri of years of austerity are already mobilizing for new rallies thousands showed up to protest today as normal as huddled over the reforms that expected more will join demonstrations tomorrow when parliament votes them through george captagon also professor of constitutional law believes resistance is the only way to maintain a shred of sovereignty. it is that we're hearing about this i know so that greece and the greece and every day in the uk or another it's a modem or even worse know that route to staying in food is a little simple use of the missiles
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a little of that you know because i'm not totally socially unfair but completely inefficient we're actually going to be last to us a little bit is no way to fix theorem and the fall of europe is going to see we are in no way a good leader for the future of the euro users through the measures that they are keeping our economy down the other books reading the decision to look at only. that it be much more lethal than the disease but it is expected to cure but we cannot sir and there are so easily ourselves that oh it's our civic and. our nationalists are going so we're good to us is that to do with some of the feeling that we're not a little. the enemy a term used by spanish police to justify the most brutal crackdown yet on fell's of protesters are angry at government cuts ongoing for five days now it all came to a head in the city of violence here where baton wielding rock police charged crowds
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of teachers students and even schoolchildren beating and arresting as they went potty sort of first.


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