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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2012 12:00pm-12:16pm EST

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teachers and students a group but there's no peace in their classrooms thanks to a sturdy count major credit rating agency downgrades greek debt again a default but unavoidable live reaction to the spanish crisis a little later on r.t. . iran's nuclear program must be targeted with a military strike that's the reported view of israeli intelligence following a u.n. inspection that failed to resolve the. conflict business rawson may join the list of nations that are plays in the new companies like mine being forced by the journey. of the of the town. international news and comment live from moscow this is washington says it isn't ruling out what it calls additional measures in syria that seen as an entity could
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soon be ready to arm the government militia the shift in rhetoric of. administration previously excluded this possibility comes despite reports that al qaeda has joined the opposition and that could put the u.s. and the terrorist group at hunts around the world on the same site. i mean bloodshed in syria more extremists are penetrating the country to help bring down our sot that's according to u.s. intelligence which says all current affiliated fighters were responsible for a series of deadly suicide bombings in damascus and aleppo targeted at syrian military and intelligence facilities has seen evidence of. extremist sunni extremists or not you can't label them specifically as al qaida or a similar ilk or infiltrating the opposition's groups.
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while fighting in syria continues the violence in neighboring iraq has dropped in some areas by as much as fifty percent in the last few months this as an al-qaeda leader iman al-zawahiri as called on his supporters around the world to back the uprising in syria this. morning he said these men who call themselves the mujahideen say they're on their way to fight a holy war against our song. in washington senators asked the head of america's intelligence james clapper what happens if our side faults are we prepared for the situation of a possible field state enjoys a safe harbor in refuge. from which to coordinate attacks his response bears no optimism there would be kind of a vacuum i think that. would lend itself to. the stream is. operating in syria which is particularly troublesome some ask
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a different question is the u.s. on the same side as all kartik in syria and whether its policies are indirectly aiding the terrorists american strategy would have to be fools not to see what al qaeda is doing not to ask the question if it's good for. al qaeda can it be good for us not to look. he may be a ruthless dictator and what he's doing but what comes after him when he falls i think al qaeda does its best work or it works best when it finds a country that is fundamentally a failed state this is why i'm against plan putting rep in j n n aiding the anti resistance because an all out war there could be a disaster which leaves a failed state and syria even for many of those syrians who are not supportive of their president the fear of the alternative is far greater why are they sitting on
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the fence or why they are not on the streets with supporting the movement and they are often too fierce is that one is that pushed. and pushed aside that would make it was the opposition in syria is very fractured they don't seem to be under anybody's control despite concerns voiced by top u.s. intelligence official about and try. to widen its cause to include armed opposition and therefore basically ignoring the fears of a huge part of the syrian population who don't want radicals gaining momentum and dragging the country into chaos i'm going to check out reporting from washington our team. iraq has admitted that weapons and fighters a seeping across its six hundred kilometer border with syria to fight the assad regime the army a free iraqis which once for u.s. troops in iraq is now heading to syria the last government claim to monitor the
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border for any sign the iraqi government is helping the beleaguered syrian regime baghdad has tightened security in all the area which is also become a center for smugglers director of international studies at trinity college of the u.s. vision told me earlier he thinks that any extremist infiltration into serious fragmented opposition could lead to unpredictable consequences. it is the case their fighters have moved across the border from iraq into syria did they have been engaging the syrian army they're joining the kind of resistance there who were his team. this is indeed the key is no where did the human remains is not precisely the question the issue is how they will begin to categorize an insurgency it currently has no single leadership structure that was the problem in libya in libya as well there was a horrific libyan elite it was the face of the insurgency in washington and
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paris and london and then on the ground it was it is worst in that koolade resistance in which various squirms of radical islam were able to come to prominence in a sense the syrian story is very similar the free syrian army is not a credible address there is not a single place where it belongs. to foreign journalists have been killed in syria's flashpoint city of homs the opposition claims the american and french citizens died when an army shell hit a makeshift media center the same accusations were leveled against the regime just over a month ago when a french cameraman was killed in a similar incident later it turned out the government rebels were behind the attack homs as being the scene of fierce fighting between arming the rebels for more than two weeks now. the friends of syria group set up by america its allies meets and chin is here on friday the openly seeking president assad's downfall also has
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dismissed the gathering as a last effort to resolve the crisis in the head of the foreign affairs committee in russia's lower house of parliament told r.t. the meeting won't paint an accurate picture. yet judging by the statements we have been hearing and the format of the so-called friends of syria one of the sole purpose of the conference is not to find a way out of the current situation but to promote the idea that the conflict can only be resolved if assad thinks that's way more secure refused to take part in a meeting i've met with mr assad and with representatives of two opposition organizations i did not get the impression that it is the people versus assad in this conflict the situation is different a faction of the people is opposing the regime well another party supports mr assad well yet another faction does not want syria to fall into chaos they support the regime possible they do not support the idea of a surge into fields it is not black and white it is not a scenario where a whole nation rises up to overthrow
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a government they don't like they believe that the situation cannot be resolved without the regime when representatives of the gulf monarchies which do not have a single democratic institution start complaining about assad's regime being on their across yes i believe that that undermines the political and moral legitimacy of the friends of syria caught up is it a club of serious friends or a club of people who want bashar assad gone so that's a question we have to ask. about or we can see that full interview right here on r.t. this thursday and what do you think will happen if the u.s. and other western powers start supplying the syrian opposition fighters with arms well you can log onto r.t. dot com to share your opinion and some of the results on the screen so far we can see that the majority of those who taking part so far think this will only trigger a civil war between rival rebel factions in syria just over a quarter believe the weapons will fall into al-taie his hands and never some say
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western arms will help the opposition to help while the west thinks this is unlikely to affect the syrian crisis that the rebels are not strong enough to have you all say good to hear from me but i'll take the call. greece is just being thrust further into junk status by the credit rating agency which is predicting a week before very sound that as the government in athens rushes through its most punishing package of cuts yet they're a precondition for the next one hundred thirty billion euro bailout which will be handed over once athens deals to the last of the e.u.'s demands and unions weary of years of austerity are already mobilizing for new rallies today and tomorrow is expected of thousands will surround the republic george categorises annoyer professor of constitutional law believes it's the right thing to do as a path of resistance as the only way to maintain a shred of sovereignty. because the work here you know
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about the island and so the police and the priest and every tank the aftermath so no to man or even worse know that bruce bank individual is the symbol this of the missiles it was a little of that you know because i'm not totally unfair but completely in if you see i'm actually going to be in last to us a little bit loose now i think of experimenting. with europe is going to see in the way a good of new york for the future of that you will see the missiles that they are keeping our economy done the earth the assertion and not the lunacy. that's more liver. disease but it is expected to cure but we cannot serve under so easily ourselves that oh it's our civic and. our nationalists are going so we're good to us is that good we have a feeling but we're not a little. the enemy the term used by spanish police to justify their most brutal
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crackdown yet on thousands of protesters angry government cuts ongoing for five days now it all came to a head in the city of atlanta where baton wielding riot police charged crowds of teachers students and even schoolchildren beating and arresting as they went off the surface in madrid with more on the unrest. angle a false start because his phrase has to play as the some schools without even basic he's saying there's less to nearly a week of protests in some spanish cities than palencia it's another day of demonstrations university students young people and parents of the students turning out in the city not only to demonstrate against the tough cuts but also you to denounce the police action of the clashes broke out yesterday between what place the young protesters burned out scenes of violence and of riot police chasing down and hitting the protestors in claims of a rest being made in some cases involving minors is a widespread anger
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a social media story is a calling the people across spain and indeed in madrid as well to turn out and suppose that of course this is part of the why did demonstration movie seeing taking place in recent days of course they need governments been in power just a couple of months but i did a weekend it tasted major union demonstrations after the top because the british had public service is very hard including how and of course education does things the u.a.e. things both largest number that has the highest youth unemployment rate in the whole usa and shockingly poor thing knowing this and those things you know unemployed the adults not very much better than twenty two percent of all those in spain that's an employee now in the new government came to power they didn't want to but the third will start to cause we need to be made thanks to all the stations that have to be taken in order to get the country back on its feet but here in
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spain amongst the population in much the same questions being asked as you've heard us think we're not whether these causing these measures are right chilly in space best interest in the interest of the people here i will play a part in helping it in the future or whether these measures are simply bowing to brussels the models or whether they're actually going to bring about real change. so firth reporting there let's get more opinion on the benefits and drawbacks of austerity with the labor market specialist that high school in madrid well many of those protesting almost half in fact are likely to end up jobless in the near future youth unemployment is what forty nine percent clearly by all accounts a very harsh crackdown by the police they do have a right to demonstrate no no. you i think probably going to see if there's more anger at here particular reason i can't match it with planetary candy if that's because that's really how you cope with that correction and people are asking me to
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act on this trip to be back and see how their government people are responsible for. our carrying lots and much much money in our. own analyst surely it's not just corruption is it not isn't the main essence behind all it's the sentiment is about austerity cuts austerity cuts in general. i think. and you can be big in spain and portugal and here's yours but it's not your fault black religion. if you like it and you know. it was deeply intimate private byron wien interspace great on the battle of birds and it i think it had explained to them that it could actually be her go i mean she puts. it in here the feats are going to start for me now to go because it's kind of natural not to get
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a chance to get to the nice beauty. markets aren't going to be tough but it's estimated be one it was going to be true so i think spaniards looks good on you know if you think just the question a lot but not permit you to feel good again. i'm forty we've got a pretty bad connection here i did hear what you have to say but i think we could probably do this but i would bet a sound so we don't mind we'll pause it there for the moment and we'll be back in touch with and hopefully get some more of your thoughts a little later so in the meantime apologies for that but it's not brilliant so i will leave it there for the moment thank you very much and the thanks. check out our website for the nation's updates and analysis it's dot com here's some of what's lined up there for you at the moment is the west sponsoring the russian opposition who is behind the recent mass protests across the country and what's the future for the reset in russian american relations with some of the topics covered by washington's newly appointed ambassador to moscow and hear what
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he told r.t. today at. any time. an approving success russian scientists revive a prehistoric plants and see it drive off of thirty thousand years lots in permafrost. israel's intelligence service has reportedly said that iran's nuclear program is.


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