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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2012 9:30am-10:00am EST

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appliance the u.s. prepares to pull the strings of the syrian conflict by possibly arming the rebels iraq had its weapons and militants all ready for a prosecutor in puerto. banus police play into teachers and students angry that there's no heat in their classrooms thanks john sturdy parts as greeks progress through what they see their relationship you. under on this nuclear program must be charged at it with a military strike at least that's the reported view of israeli intelligence following a un inspection i failed to resolve the deadlock. relations between moscow and washington have seen their ups and downs in recent months to discuss the future of ties between the two nations r.t. caught up with the newly appointed u.s. ambassador to russia who presents his credentials to the president today.
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michael mcfaul a newly appointed yours and vassar to russia also a professor at stanford expert and political science who has said that he's or stay in russia start with the banks great to have you with us thanks for having me so i'm going to quote your recent tweet productive meetings with russian government officials even as we disagree on syria and sharp contrast with public anti-u.s. statements were you shocked by your welcome in russia. well i was shocked by some of the public things that have been said about my appearance here in russia when it comes to the meetings i've had with senior russian government officials and let me be clear on my very first day in the job i met with about a dozen of the most senior government officials that one could meet with. i very
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positive meetings with everyone and the reason is simple we've had a very productive run over the last three years and i've been very much involved in that in working with my russian colleagues so all those meetings have been fantastic and they're all thrilled i'm here as the president said to my president when he first announced this in the view last summer when the president in a very unorthodox way asked me a debt of hey i want to son mcfaul to russia what do you think he said banta stick that's been all fine the other stuff has been different don't really quite understand it well i also asked the public side exactly of the commentators and the journalists who were actually condemning the on television. their longtime acquaintances of their some of them are your friends or your opinion why do you think it costs that sister. well of course you have to ask them because they're the ones doing it i'm not what i can say is i'm surprised it's not in the spirit of the
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recent. you're most certainly never going to see president obama or anybody and my administration and our administration say such things we don't think it serves our national interest to have these kinds of exchanges and so we're not going to engage in a well it's only normal that ambassador who is sent to the mission that's what he would usually be doing on a mission but it's not by accident that you were appointed a u.s. ambassador to russia because you were so closely related to this country since one thousand nine hundred three you are very well acquainted with russian mentality you know the realities on the ground and you better than anyone else really understand how sensitive russians are views of the relations to the united states so ok along with the state officials you do meet on your second day of their arrival the opposition leaders amidst anti-government protests after years of silence i mean surely you knew that probably that was not going to send the best message out there
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oh well first of all the reason i'm here is that president obama sent me here when he wanted to continue the momentum of the reset knowing that this was going to be a difficult period because of the new more difficult issues we're tackling he wanted to have me out here on the front lines working to advance the reset with respect to the opposition meetings it's our policy it's called dual track again the president obama was here he spent the first meeting with president get a. government officials he spent the next morning in a very interesting and engaging breakfast with prime minister putin and the rest of his day he spent meeting with societal leaders because there's been such a fuss about it all i'm asking is that how wise was it. you have to me opposition to the how was was to meet them on the second day of your vial and i know that that hasn't at all undermined your relations with the state officials they're fine with
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that it is the people there that the average russian and i know how important was talk about the average russian though so let's not let's not generalize but we all know who the average russian it's last time i checked the attitude towards the united states had gotten much more positive under the obama administration i think last year we were at sixty percent approval rating so yes now there's been this anti-american campaign for whatever reasons but what i can say from our point of view we're not changing we're the reset is our policy we seek to execute it and we're proud of that last question on average russian why do you think once again in your opinion so many people here think that you're in russia turned spy revolution it's not an opinion commonly her helps. us investor to russia why do you it is the case that i am as you rightly pointed out i'm a professor at stanford i teach about political change i teach about democracy at
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stanford and so for those that want to misconstrue my mission here they can look to my past to say well that's what he's here to do and for that i would just say two things one i am here to represent president obama and the obama administration to advance our foreign policy what i did ten years ago but that's a different thing i'm not going to dismiss what i did ten years ago and i would say the same thing about your russian government officials here what they did twenty thirty years ago and previous jobs should not be probative as to what they are seeking to do in their current job in other words let's let's talk about today and what we're doing now and you've said in an interview to russian media that the united states used to support the current revolutions but that's in the past because that was under a different strain. president obama's administration does not do that anymore that's what you've said can you say that under president obama's administration the u.s. is not funding any opposition and the rest of the world we do is we fund. non-governmental
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organizations non powerless and organizations that are advancing what we call universal values so democracy human rights rule of law we do that around the world and we do it here and we're very proud of that we do not opposition leaders and we don't pro-government political leaders either we're not funding presidential campaign either which is to say that the kind of norms that we apply is that we don't get involved in the politics of who gets elected and who doesn't that's back to the core of your mission here in russia it's the reset policy you're it's architect it's basically your baby and it's a concept that's very dear to you and. really a great deal of good things have come out of it but the notion here in russia is that yes america has assisted pressure in its final stages of the session today and
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that's perfect yes russia is aiding the united states in afghanistan for the past couple of years and that's great but the stumbling point between the two countries right and i'm saying the anti-missile defense issue we're still of miles away on that we disagree on syria and iran but that's not just the ground actually sure there are other sides involved but as far as purely bilateral stumbling point goes that's really the anti-missile to south of here. what's going to happen they're still a table what we second point i come on this is the main issue we're going to resolve and we still don't know how to resolve it well first i would say we don't believe it's a main issue all the other things you just described those are real issues and let's not forget where we started in the fall of two thousand and eight us russian relations were in a very bad place. people sometimes forget how far we've come we worked through a lot of issues and had a lot of success so by definition the hardest issues are left on the table right we
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solve some issues but no harder issues are there missile defense is one of them for thirty years forty years it was this issue of confrontation we're just in the initial phases and we have to we have to demonstrate that this is not threatening we've said that a hundred times or present united states has said this is not designed to undermine strategic stability between the united states and russia we have no interest in an arms race we have a lot of faith in the russian military industrial complex and you know the capabilities of russia so we know that that's a loser strategy and we don't have the money to do that we'll just have to keep working while i want the united states. guaranteed and i can also tell you right russians are still skeptical because there is another example where. george bush sr promised the russians that nato would not expand into a soviet bloc but gave no guarantees while seeing you know how things turn out
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so russians are saying why should we believe they're going to anti-missile defense they're not doing us any written down and that's why i'm asking why not even legally binding. well i don't know about the history of nato expansion for historians whether that's true or not i just i don't i don't know the history what i would say is this we're negotiating outcomes that would be good for russia and good for the united states. that the obsession with legally binding guarantees for us is not rational. so we're this is we have a disagreement about that we said very clearly we will write these no will will declare the stuff. we've said very clearly we would like to give more transparency . and i just said i would just say this i don't want to get ahead in the negotiations we're getting a little bit ahead and they go she shouldn't but when i sit down in the negotiations i see
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a way forward i hear it from the russian side i hear it from the american side i'm not going to predict it's going to happen this year it probably won't happen this year where we have a lot of other things going on but we've got time to deal with this nation because the the real threats quote unquote threats we hear from the russians i these are problems decades away we've got to would sit down rationally work this and will we need to do it in a way that makes russia better off and america better off that's a principle that president obama brings to every single issue in the recent thank you very much for this injury and we really truly. well from this mission thanks for having me.
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designed to keep you close in your own world as a president. so you leave somebody in there for a couple hours like that in a strong. it was a chanst so you have this fear of the unknown and the stress sort of building and. seen in turkey. ten twelve hours they chose songs i remember from marilyn manson. slayer the two songs would be angel of death and raining blood to kill the enemy cause or war coming up here into iraq coming up the bag. charlie poole of the body said to fork lift the rock and roll bad it was fitting for the job we were doing.
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to eat. the is. just so. cool technology innovation all the elements the ones we've got the future.
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the big. news today is once again the flat out the big names are the images the world. of canada the british the above. the books. the books. the best if. he. was her support the strains of the syrian conflict by possibly arming iraq admits weapons and al-qaeda linked militants are already pouring across europe border. please lay terms of teachers and students there's no boss or. parity constant as
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greeks progress at what they see as their policies which relationship you. get around this nuclear program must be targeted with a military strike that's the record if you really intelligence following the u.n. inspection that entailed result the deadlock. probably back shortly with a look at your headlines kate's here with the sports news now. hello thank you for joining me now don't. call me old but let's look at issues of eternity. is not such a dramatic one long stoppage time for a relative to matriculate. why. not leave hall more pressure on young players for us all to tell. us how little chelsea.
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look at you like. he's up to the podium stage and you can find steve. for the first time feeling must. go first in the champions league and lennon slutsky is optimistic about his side's second like chances are to taste got grabbed a last gasp equaliser draw one goal with nine time when israel madrid illusion the stadium well the midfielder loves the burden being paid his dream debut by story the dramatic alcoholic who lives the last kick of the game to steal another twenty eight minutes and again the visitors dominate says that it was the only that he thinks it's far from the usual cong. in the second half especially in the last quarter of the game it obviously became pretty open and it is clear that reality chances we also had a large number of approaches which could have turned into something bigger and that we managed to equalize on the third minute of extra time of course it was a very happy event for us the result of today's game leaves us with
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a chance to continue to compete i'm sure most important thing the pitch is different. the result is different because in these moments. we're winning. so. i expect to win a difficult match of course but i expect to win. well i mean it's i mean up and coming from abroad sounds really tells me three one even more pressure. for us this side is not winning this in five games there is a did open lot of twenty seven minutes to fun after the goal and on the first half stoppage time strike come on and. on for the bond market in a fast ruthless side to finish. first it's a negative result of course. but the result that to be sure that you can turn around at the breach given the amount of chances that we have during the game we're going to be more clinical and be more efficient in front of all of it was the
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difference between the two teams both teams will be almost as in a model but europe is the one hundred fifteen or another one sixteen very open game for the champions league and to end it but napoli found that efficiency in front of all that we did find. it was also true that today was a good match we had a chance to see chills the strength of the play world a very good team with several excellent players it will be really hard for us to win the second leg but because if you watched a city like chelsea with the right approach that it is easy that they can score a couple of goals of their own which. also i think the pressure is for chelsea go to class or any area whose current slide into milan or in masai for the last sixteen it's a game the italian side is desperate so willing to boost a disappointing season so far and that syria currently sevens in syria fourteen points behind leaders i'm not rivals ac milan after losing four of the last five games and i've also been knocked out as
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a cop but it's how you fight contrast myself in a rich vein of form the french side as well and obviously not just unbeaten in fifteen. things however there are a force in france's top league twelve points of top spot coach did they show is wary of their italian opponents. elsewhere outside basel placed by in munich starting to feel that bastian schweinsteiger key to an ankle injury for time champions are also short of the facts which. brain but important ruled out. while in england's match this it is like a call of progress has apologised over reservedly to the club following his self-imposed three month eggs are native argentina twenty a lot of times of training last week after a lengthy fall out with the club following his alleged refusal to warm up in the two no champions league defeat at buying it last time but meanwhile city are preparing to host porto in the second leg of their europa league last thirty two time after winning the away like that so you want
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a billion is dangerous about his medical stuff for one. and i think you know that. we should play like a five star. zero zero i think that is the figure he would be very difficult. what we want what i've got a taste of the us he had stayed in during a training session and have it all to do when they're fifteen going when this run in england falling last week the first leg defeat there were allegations city striker mario balotelli was racially abused by porto founds although coach with or whatever he could have been a misunderstanding. disagree. i didn't hear a racist comment so i can't comment on what i didn't hear i have no idea i hear very often and how good he is if he can comment on our supporters many times say hey coach coach they're referring to our forward in great quality as a way of motivating him i was focused only on the match to see what was happening
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inside the four lines i didn't notice any comment that could force the club to make any apologies you. boxing now and one of the sport's best power and find as many krakow says his retirement is imminent but refused to set any dates as the filipino began monitoring his next title defense well the thirty three year old w b a welterweight champion is due to fly to merican timothy bradley in las vegas in june and the two faced each other under media in los angeles twenty eight year old bradley holds the w.b. light welterweight belt and is under in twenty nine fights so far and is relishing the chance to try and strike down the boxing great however for now he was a striking poses as the filipino congressman took his own pictures that's the good natured presser but a lot of fighting talk was also part. retiring i'm playing for. retirement retiring soon enough to live off so in what i want announce
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a. half hour from now of the bag above rinker kid day care i'll put bills on a canvas just to general you know people will see me you know not guys out you know what parched you know i'll put them on a canvas up with jean we're going to canvas i'll put peterson on a canvas you know put in wells and a charity want to carry this. on through into sport now and has been a maiden podium finish for russia as an ally on union at the slow board cross world cup event in florida yeah both here and of france was in top form right from the south and i want to still be right when the stretch is a rule named for us alex pullin it looks to be one for silver box in what's on the final sentence possibly for the defending world cup champion and you know how you think it's all about. i think jonathan cheever holding the ball another russian and play golf and it's just that son i didn't means i said place.
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and finally hundreds braved the cold on choose a night as a stage of the alpine ski well cup for the first time and among them were a couple of boxing stuns the man reports. it one winter frost and prevent mr wise from staying odors into the evening to resume watching the peak of alpine skiing election. it was the first time this huge room in the first of the russian capital has hosted the rules cup leg with a two fifteen in the men's and women's overall standings gauge head to head through the fifty six metre high ceilings when the girls flown. this event which is unique to the spores to be food supplies. is in the first one was finding two books in stores and then the spectator was. not out of the organizers even offered me to
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get there on the ground and test the slope it scares me a bit but i feel i could do it and terms of proper preparation i have six years' experience in alpine skiing so far and i just love it. oh no i can't do that now going skiing was almost impossible for a man on my way to work he. was to be more precise and seems dangerous for the skis and for the people around meanwhile some move bombshells came from the completion itself list first in the spotlight the three time rule cup winner concurrences lindsay wound was only left with third place them. in the semifinals by had compared to a. who's who can do a brilliant run in the finals against the hey look you know how since you claim to most who frowned it's always tough to go against your teammate not in the final not
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the best in the fight on but you know every anything happens out there and i got lucky when she hooked an arm so i was able to relax a little more second run and that's kind of how parallel is it half mental and physical and very impressed with building the slope in the middle of moscow in the format and everything was really cool and exciting for us racers we really liked it and it was a good job. the men's event proved to be unpredictable to that gratian world cup leader even suggests being out of a completion due to injury it was a lexus binturong who claimed the very first rule to win it his career. the twenty year old was pre-game plan was just to gain experience. limited to the big funnel. where he faced german pillocks. there are. two rounds so the fear take turns taking the lead player was the frenchman who crewed defenses on the night you know it's
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a different thinking you have the boy. to get another guy. and you're just. doing their own. no i was going to see you so. soon she will choose the first pancake in the open skiing events of the top level turned out to be far from a fail or. the best going on r.t. . consciousness so much going to get me thinking on my paradoxes. and around is the drumbeat towards war now inevitable as the chattering classes discuss the possible date.
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i don't. think you.
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the u.s. prepares for the strains of the syrian conflict divide haphazardly arming the rebels skyrocket meds by vince and are piling up militants are already pouring across the shared border. stands for please lay in to teachers.


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