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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2012 12:48am-1:18am EST

12:48 am
description of oil supply is almost. like a i don't know whether you call it the death blow or certainly yet another domino that's. disrupting and impacting negative we do wives of average greek people and it goes does anybody care about that other than the greek people it doesn't seem to be registering you know at the higher circles of power and wealth in the world right it's a snuff film the focus of the i.m.f. the e.c.b. the troika and in berlin they get off on watching this for the whole country die speaking of go back to energy here for a second it's not just we know that gasoline consumption is tanking also energy across the board is is dropping off in terms of demand not tell us about gasoline and other energy consumption data in america and what this is telling us well the few track like master card sales again stations those sales have been
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declining for forty seven weeks straight. and in terms of gasoline consumption it's been it's like kind of fell off a cliff in the last few months and energy consumption has been dropping since you know the housing bubble popped in two thousand and seven so the who energy complex is showing you know unprecedented declines in the u.s. and yet we're being told by the standard you financial pundits and you know financial media and our political class that the economy's growing and we're adding jobs and everything's great and it's all like well wait a minute those two things i can both cannot be true because in an expanding economy people use more energy i mean that's that's common sense and it's the data proves it and that contract ing economy people use less energy so somebody is lying and i don't think it's the energy statistics well we were talking earlier about the role of the rise of the the spy agencies in america living particularly in the
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washington area they can walk to work they don't need to drive they can get their instructions on how to spy on people illegally they can go to a neighbor's house and spawn each other they can concoct new stuff film scenarios for countries around the world so they don't need a car there it's energy independent they're so tightly clustered into a cluster of a nest of spying and larceny which is washington then how much it looks like there really are banging the drum for war with iran. it is it is a pretty much that the motivation there is again says to secure energy supply even though the energy consumption is falling off they still want to can control supplies to spawn the iranian war drums i wonder also if it's just to just to keep prices at one hundred bucks a barrel so everybody in that energy complex and the saudis and everybody's
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benefiting from it and. because the rule of law. used to be awash in oil in terms of like the storage capacity for for full and with the u.s. dropping from twenty one million barrels a day to eighteen million barrels a day and other nations showing similar declines i mean those are significant declines in demand and so we'll shouldn't be a hundred dollars a barrel and so you wonder if this constant like the political tension is in practice the way to make sure that the profit margin say stay immense you know for everybody involved in the petroleum complex now as a countervailing force in all this in the economy in the u.s. they do have this sudden emergence of pop if you well and social networking stocks on nasdaq. facebook's about to go public apple computer new all time high worth five hundred billion dollars now this is i think or a lot of people point to and they say look look at this this is well who we are
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this is a this is the growth story where where do they get that wrong i mean to get it right in their revenue model facebook and saying go and to social media which is basically advertising in other words facebook is worth because it's based on three billion in basically advert revenues. and so is that a model that is related or similar to intel which pulls in you know twenty five billion in revenues making real things are apple with revenues fifty billion plus based on making real things in china so i think there's a total miscalculation on i mean how much revenue can be generated from adverts you know advertising is a small part of the global economy and so yeah it's a visible part but is that a revenue model that's going to construct trumans of dollars of value i don't think
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so apple of course does does manning from a factor products now they've come under fire recently for the labor conditions in their chinese plans and if you saw the new york times story but they're talking about how steve jobs alessi jobs when he was. putting the i phone together he was saying you just can't build something like that the united states because you need you don't have in china they can put together five thousand workers overnight practically and he says those jobs are never coming back so is this basically even though of apple's got one hundred more than one hundred billion dollars in cash and if they made the phones in the united states it would add something like a hundred bucks per one thousand dollars phone it isn't can they really get away with that justifiably that they're sitting on one hundred billion in cash they don't employ anybody united states on the manufacturing side and they're trying to sell us this idea that you know intellectual property which is coming under fire
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itself from all the anti people and sup a crowd is somehow going to sustain the economy going forward do you see that i think we're what we're really seeing and other people are commenting on the same thing is the hollowing out of the u.s. economy and the replacement of actually producing goods and services with financialization so and the propaganda that this is a wonderful thing a lot of people did drink the kool-aid because they saw their house rising by hundred grand a year and they took out fifty grand in a you know home equity line of credit and they were living the high life and everyone said it was going to you know keep going forever so and that's kind of a metaphor for the whole u.s. economy did that the big money is made in financial izing things and just that the basis of a strong economy when you when you no longer make anything and there's no incentives to make anything and i think that's where steve jobs was making a point that he he failed to make to carry through to the next step was why are its
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why are the incentives to ship jobs overseas why are there so few incentives to create anything and produce anything anymore in the states yet now speaking of jobs thirty six billion. dollars in new airport security fees. for the these to basically tollbooths. now what is going on here because the entire economy is becoming riddled with these shakedowns. is that sustainable that's a that's a brilliant term for it because if you you add in like what i call the junk fees you know like now you've got a parking ticket that used to be twenty bucks now it's sixty five dollars so yeah the shakedown mentality. is is it's rampant and i know one hundred people i mean i just saw statistic that u.s. airlines are flying the least number of flights since two thousand and one and you
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wonder gee is there a connection between people deciding they don't want to plan you more and you know they're going to shakedown yeah i notice also that the report just came out that the number of people americans who are renouncing their u.s. citizenship and moving to different countries because of the political oppression in the united states has never been higher says they started keeping records i mean would it make sense let's say for a country like iceland who got totally screwed by the global banking system to open up to economic censorship for twenty or thirty thousand dollars anyone can be a citizen of ice that you don't get the vote but you do get to have the that passport in place to there turn around and renounce the present state when it doesn't that good economic sense is not a good business model that would be approving it marketing strategy and they could open offices in like l.a. new york shanghai and beijing because you know china is not as stable as everybody thinks and people are buying houses in vancouver british columbia you know to
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establish themselves so yeah you can get a very nice truck about market yet why can't citizenships trade on an exchange like everything else if they're so keen on financial lies in every little frickin part of our lives why can't i buy some my own citizenship and go wherever the country is that's offering me a nice mix of civil rights and entitlements so-called program i don't have to be stuck in a fricken police state what these guys spying on me twenty four seventh's so that somebody in hollywood can get closer to scarlett johansson. i think it's a group. and he could probably get decent form you get like a three percent discount or ten percent discount this month on your icelandic citizenship and then part of the do as you said would be that we guarantee we're not going to spy on you and there is there has to be some guarantee of of civil liberties in the deal well run time trials us with thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max george enjoyed it very much as always and that's gonna do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacey everett
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our thank my guests charles who smith trust i mean email please decide to report it r t t v dot ru until next time x. guys are saying bye i'll.
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there are now someone over as the u.s. and its allies play hardball over syria russia and china push for a diplomatic solution all while iran looks on nervously at its struggling our i. love you hold a referendum on whether russian should be an official language in the state worth third of the population battles just to be accepted. european impartiality comes under scrutiny as a number of schools are accused of brainwashing values into children in the name of diversity.
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ten am in the russian capital you're watching r t with me wearing a joshua welcome to the program now crisis locked syria finds itself caught between two very different diplomatic efforts as the u.s. and its allies piled pressure on the government russia and china trying to mediate a negotiated solution one of beijing stop diplomats is in damascus meeting members of the ruling elite and the opposition the chinese safford follows up on months of attempts by moscow to bring the warring sides together but the rebels refused to talk unless president assad gives up power or violence is escalating almost daily now with dozens reportedly killed over the past twenty four hours political science professor joseph chang says u.s. dominance in the region is forcing some world powers into the defense of. the united states has been exerting pressure on the middle east with don't respect
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the interests of russia and china and that is against the most the polarity and this is a matter of a lack of respect for the incentives for major powers by russia and china china certainly ones too. and the below is influence in the middle east region which is of strategic importance to the china and china increasingly believes that the disapproval of how it has grove all interests and these interests should be respect to you china russia to some extent some of the authoritarian regimes in the region do not want to see the united states and western powers to dominate the region and harvey as a mask is feels a squeeze from was in syria and abroad its closest allies are also growing increasingly nervous experts warn that if the syrian regime falls iran will feel
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isolated and compelled to act i guess or smith has a story. iran's military is put through its paces but how long will this carry on being a drill as the conflict in syria gets bloodier by the day western powers range against president assad ally iran the strategic position looks increasingly shaky which some suggest is no coincidence there is a proxy conflict between israel and its western allies and iran which basically only has one ally in the region which is the syrian republic so if you can get syria away from iran either through a diplomatic deal which they're trying to really is all through regime change which seems to be the direction of travel now that would definitely weaken iran and all roads in the middle east right now do seem to lead back to tehran experts are calling the last thing deployed and coke a bring down throw it rainy and how sad and replacing it with the opposition
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because we've already said they did talk to nancy terror on foreign policy for life thank you korea iran is a very powerful ally since the iran iraq war iran and syria have developed all sorts of ties cultural and economic included but crucially iran uses syria as a conduit for support for hezbollah in lebanon and how mass in the palestinian authority both declared foreign terrorist organizations by the u.s. state department take that away and iran's influence in the region could waive all cornered iran could bite perhaps accelerating the nuclear program prospects or easing its. interference perceived interference in other countries in the region press bahrain probs lebanon perhaps palestinian territories. and that will be the way that iran will react so you can make a case for suggestion that the removal of assad will make iran even more protective
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or more dangerous it's a knife edge situation and one which grows more. carious is events in syria worse than the us even says israel could attack iran in a matter of months possibly to the wall a conflict between the major western powers and iran becoming a between the world's major powers is all motorised storm clouds are massing over the region reports of emerge that the qataris and saudis are already funding to convert operating with the syrian opposition iran looks increasingly isolated with a hostile israel perilously close norris may. and we're closely following developments in syria on our website as well so log on to r.t. dot com to get all the latest updates and here's what else you'll find there right now joining forces pakistan's largest a supporter ron of the u.s. launches a military attack against the islamic republic to get more information online. also
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the cyber war goes on you know on his group assault half a dozen u.s. federal government websites within the past week to express their anger at an anti-piracy law. lafayette's holding a national referendum on saturday on whether russian should become a second official language but it's unlikely to succeed even though the russian minority which makes up a surge of the population are feeling average more discriminated against in a place they call home. the reports from. valente from a lot of years russian minority says his country's government has gone too far having lived in lot of all his life it was only recently that he managed to
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exchange a temporary residence permit to a full passport but now this father of three faces another hurdle for his family this time and that his children and their education passed the legislation the school schools sixty percent of the lessons must be taught. but excuse me chemistry biology and physics it's difficult to get even a new ruling which. does create a lot of problems for the students at the moment and of course the lowers the results it was the threat that these schools where at least some lessons are taught in their native russian would be closed down for good that scared the russian minority which constitutes one third of the country's population they initiated a referendum on making russian law to be a second state language something radical right wing parties call a threat to national integrity to fit into this world is against our constitution
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which says life is a man a national state and always be it explicit our society which has to have one solid foundation if you want to it to be like russia has been lying not going to russia and leave us be. at least three quarters of a million people must vote yes for a constitutional change to take place but with support predicted to be just half that seems to be unlikely the outcome however could have been different if another three hundred twenty thousand residents were allowed to vote those are ethnic russians who asparagus and grandparents came here after nine hundred forty five they were denied citizenship after a lot of it became independent and are still care ports. europe's commissioner for human rights believes the vote will not solve the discrimination problem and that it's read his handling of the russian community that should be changed because the human rights suspect of stateless children being born in latvia. the clear
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norms in the convention on the rights of the child that every child has a right to citizenship from birth regular eating language use in the private sphere this also has human rights implications raise issues of proportionality here i think that something should be reviewed though it is widely accepted here that the russian language referendum will fail the russian minority hopes that the vote will bring their struggle out of the shadows and force the government to at least open a dialogue like this russians are contemplating another vote to introduce changes into the citizenship law that is to abolish the so-called alien batts boards and to grant citizenship to those who are living without it and many say in this case they have a good chance of succeeding as they would only need a little more than two hundred thousand positive votes let's. see reporting from in latvia. look at some other stories from around the world riot police in senegal fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters after the country's opposition
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defied a government ban and held a demonstration calling for the president to step down the street battles between police and demonstrators do you drew the night in the capital jakarta leaving several people injured president abdulai way just campaigning for wearing sarah term in office next month so much. a man who thought he was carrying out a suicide bombing in washington has been arrested. was attempting to detonate a fake explosive vest given to him by undercover f.b.i. officers he allegedly believed the officers were members of al qaida the moroccan national have been under surveillance by the u.s. government for about a year. six trillion dollars worth of tower feet u.s. bonds have been seized in the notes carried the falls date of nine hundred thirty four and were transported from hong kong to do or in two thousand and seven where they were transferred to swiss trust prosecutors say it appeared the suspect
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intended to sell them a people have been arrested and charged with making financial operations using fake bonds as a guarantee. and believe us thousands of people have been left homeless after overflowing rivers flow out of more than half of the country's districts a red alert was issued and the army deployed to help the evacuation monsoon season which started in january has already claimed seven lives and causes search infectious diseases. so out for you this hour here on our team trading the supermarkets for this farm how health conscious shoppers across russia are filling their cupboards with organic food straight from the growers. resistance is not a politics but
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a culture. this could. its own. cultures of resistance marching.
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could you take three. three. three. three. three. three blog video for your media. free media r.t. dot com. you're watching our team financial crisis and the gratian under attack in member nations at each other's throats there doesn't appear a lot to recommend the e.u. to the europeans of the future unless you can plant the seeds of support early at some schools are exposing their pupils to values very young artist as are silly reports and accusations of brainwashing. but what do you know about your country
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and the capital is there all not just some lives with pizza but it. can be. a spanish french english an average of you told these youngsters are attending one of the fourteen year p. in schools set up primarily to educate children of e.u. stuff the only system which is able to provide education in twenty three different languages you know the more europe is united in their city and that's what will leave every day in the european school but outside the classroom reality says otherwise for now differences seem to transcend unity critics along accuse the e.u. of brainwashing children through education paraphernalia that they claim promote a story i'd vision of the e.u. a comment from a european commission representative at an education fair appears to support that
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point we will never see on the phone with us here in new. delhi and now we hear young. prejudice is. missing so there's now a push to export concepts from the european school model international curriculums a plan outlined in a two thousand and eleven report and later adopted by parliament. the european parliament repeats its request to the member states to promote the inclusion of a specific subject on the background goals and functioning of the european union and its institutions which will help young people feel more involved in the process of european integration school curricula the responsibility of individual member states to tailor to their own needs and their own classrooms you should not get involved in dictating what individual schools teach you know we don't want to see european money wasted on pouring out. pouring out the probably you. god there into
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our schools we see as part of our role to explain to citizens regardless of how this thing why we have the european union why it's a good thing but the aim is more information not. proper you know sort of brainwashing exercise that's not what we're told among the objectives of the european school are to encourage european and global perspective and to promote the emergence of a european identity from an early age but the question is what does it stop being education and start being. as do angry at me ps he say that targeting youngsters and their education with a potentially one sided political view may just be a little too said mr. r.t. brussels. in libya fireworks replays gunshots as the country marks a year since the start of the uprising that toppled. but the anniversary comes at a time of continuing instability hundreds of armed militias are roaming the country and the national transitional council appears and able to control them there is
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also evidence of torture and abuse of the remaining gadhafi supporters and while levy is leaders say they are willing to integrate the militias and security services jim brann from stop the war coalition says for now these are just empty words. of the national transitional council that was the body that was particularly backed by night during the summer months of bombing point he said in. almost as a new message. he said to face the prospect of violence suppression. i think civil war break out you can hear a lot of them not to me and saying well we didn't get rid of gadhafi you know we don't have this voice comes across nothing has happened that was supposed to integrate the militias the. supposed.


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