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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2012 1:18am-1:48am EST

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report comes as the. first anniversary of the start of it's the. first part the celebrations to see you struggle to get the situation under control groups of former rebels around vying for power for the sourness population failed the country's quantities of goods of root based political scientists not a history of dick's use of turmoil in the beer. gadhafi was only a puppet in the hands of the western countries he was buying his or his stance he was buying everybody else or cozy berlusconi and all of the other western leaders his line got expired and this is why they got rid of him because he was paying enough but not good enough we all know about what's happening the recession in europe and what's happening towards the oil and the gas so what they want is the ad to get to get control of everything in libya i see a very grim future in libya i see
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a civil war in libya i see it's never going to have a good stable. environment there and this is exactly what the western one wants to happen because they want to get control of all the oil all the natural resources there. right our website artie dot com you can find out how the shock waves of the arab spring are still being felt and year on it's a perfect day for doing well rain there protesters who took to the streets calling for democracy reforms but confronted with a harsh police crackdown. but also online vandals with taste about the security measures are needed to protect moscow's wrist vending machines which offer a red copy of the touch of a button. the
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double hit of infertility and recession is forcing some hope for parents to get creative in the u.s. it costs as much as one hundred thousand dollars to use a surrogate mother to start a family get on a plane to india and it could be much cheaper and that one couple who did just that . arrogance isn't for it and all came to india from texas two weeks ago india is a bit of a challenge for someone who's used to traveling in the states in europe. but you figure out your way around the world and they're not here to see elephants and by being coles they also came to meet peter for the first time their new baby boy it was a easiest pregnancy i'm right. although peter is genetically their baby susan didn't actually give birth to him. and indeed sarah get who they never met did around ten
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years ago we decided we would try to have a child and didn't happen naturally and we pretty much given up hope and we spent a bunch of money. and that's why we realised indian surrogacy was actually something that was reasonable surrogacy is the latest trend in the outsourcing relationship between the west in india since the recession began doctors here say they've seen a demand for their services quadruple and most of that interest is coming from abroad that's because the price tag of serach a c. is a quarter of what it costs in the united states eric and susan found this deli fertility clinic online while they were at home in the u.s. they paid the clinic twenty five thousand dollars which covered everything from the sarah get to the lab work in the united states they would have spent four times that much of it herself receives anywhere from six to eight thousand dollars for the job and amount of money that is hard to say no to for many of these women who are poor and on educated. people here is
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a huge amount of money much more than they could possibly make in a whole year after husband left her seriously seemed the best way to support her two kids and mother good. at the end of the deed they do would they want and i get the much needed money. but it's this sense of desperation that critics fear make these women vulnerable because women are poor because they are. for you know because they have the challenge set by and just said. why would they have to sell do it of them and here are people who are exploiting it for eric and susan however the issue isn't so black and white they're happy that their indian surrogate gave them a shot at completing their family you know she didn't seem all upset she seemed like she did something really nice in this far as i'm concerned she did. ending their ten year journey to have a baby in a place they never expected priya sridhar are to new delhi india.
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now a look at some other stories making headlines around the world almost one hundred percent of voters in northern coast of get to the roof in the course of our capital pristina and organize referendum. against the votes and it would complicate a good descriptions of the breakaway state around forty thousand serbs to the cost of that route from serbia almost four years ago. thousands of gathered in the north korean capital to commemorate what would have been the seventieth birthday of great leader kim jong il the crowds have been making their way to the city's main square to leave flowers next to his portrait the former head of state who died of a heart attack two months ago has been succeeded by his son kim jong un. but last night's gold rush in st petersburg left both sides dream of qualification to the quarterfinals of the champions league more on yesterday's indeed to benfica showdown in sport about twenty five minutes time first business update.
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hello welcome to business this hour the united states is looking to tell its iran's financial life blood by removing it from the world financial clearing system known as swift it will ratchet up pressure on to iran as the country's leadership reveals new progress on its nuclear program but as daniel bush will pull its america's action it could end up backfiring on its people. this is a bid to kill iran's economy washington's move to tehran from the swift world transaction system would choke its ability to trade internationally swift interbank payments orders don't all the world's a business that own the world of business they used for practically every company and state in the world to exchange financial info the legality of america's move is highly question its unprecedented political interference in a network which has always said such issues should be handled on
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a national level what is clear is barack obama's frustration the sanctions aren't working iran hasn't backed down in the nuclear dispute in fact there's no one else to enrich fuel production new tensions mean more misery for u.s. consumers brant his six month highs last night over one hundred nineteen dollars a barrel cutting iran out of swift will again hit not just the energy price but the recovery of the world's economy b.p. is entering a new deal with russia the british oil job will work with skulk of all high tech help to improve the efficiency of crude oil refining the announcement comes just days after british will make a call on westminster to issue a warning against doing business with russia the head of b.p. in russia david potatoes misses such concerns saying his company is in russia for the long term. i'm not a politician i'm in business representing b.p. and i would say b.p. set a very successful business investment for over twenty years inside of russia we aim
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to be in russia for many decades to come we have a successful business and we have the support of the russian government and the u.k. government. let's have a look at oil than prices are in the red this hour despite reports a round hole to chipman to europe in retaliation for a plan to bark a less this year as you can see the light sweet is trading over one hundred one dollars per barrel brant is over one hundred eighteen dollars per barrel and asian markets are still in the red softer decision on the second bailout for greece it was postponed although some japanese shares are getting support from a relatively weak yen is down i'm afraid naked nikkei is point three percent down hang seng is point seven percent down this hour on the russian markets they are now open and they too are down as you can see following on from the trend there in asia the r.t.s. is opening up one point three percent down russia's largest lender has finally
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found the key to excess the european market spat bank is closing the long awaited deal to purchase votes buying international artie's jimmy meant for the anchor has more. spevak has finally got the platform for foreign expansion after more than a year of searching and negotiations it's finally closing the deal to buy austrian sports bag international here in vienna now since sealing the deal way back in september sperm bank has managed to receive several sweeteners for the deal with the final price being almost half of what was initially agreed and that's five hundred five million euros now the final price cut of around eighty million fruit. hung garion operations coming in with poor performance now with this deal as burbank now gains access to financial sectors of twelve countries where folks bank operates excluding romania which was not included into the deal now this is of
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course a very important step of towards establishing itself as a global brand although the strategy for business development of faux bag has not yet been revealed it will be revealed in april it is widely expected as burbank will be focusing on retail operations and that's its forte in the financial sector . a step ahead sees no risk in entering the european market despite the current debt crisis the finance used to for an insiders the greek default has already happened the contra structuring of greek debt is a trial to find a way out of this default we're no more interested in what's happening in the south of europe portugal spain italy but were not present in these countries the countries where we are present they have clear my career comic picture and policy. so for now i'll have the individual sex in the next hour fifty five minutes.
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take a look at the main stories we're covering for you today russia has accused forces outside syria of encouraging rebel groups to continue fighting and stay out of peace talks the head of the u.n. general assembly vote on a resolution aimed at getting. thin surrenders to the last of the use of bailed out . about the same to be kept in bed and presented with want terms as austerity leaves greek hospitals struggling with the bigotry and scary. and runs display of
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nuclear progress and offer of talks are dismissed by the current israel as just response to severe economic sanctions. but the fate of iran is just one of the issues discussed now cemented the founder of the trends research institute next he gives marina portnoy his predictions for the headlines of tomorrow that's coming up next. in the autumn of two thousand and eleven phenomenon a grassroots movement that we all know as occupy wall street became the growing face and voice of america but at the start of two thousand and eleven there was one man that predicted movement such as occupy wall street would be sweeping through the united states and that man is my current guest here to speak with r t gerald from leonti founder of the trends research institute and publisher of the trends
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journal thank you for sitting down to speak with me again what do you think will happen with occupy wall street twenty twelve occupy wall street's gone global you know people keep looking to america for something to happen here and then the rest of the world kind of latches on to it even though you think that american spirit is dead this whole world kind of focuses on the united states for the center of some kind of social economic geo political or cultural change. and occupy wall street was just that it inspired an occupying movement worldwide we call it the invasion of the occupied by tentacles reaching out all over the globe when you cut one off another one. it's an estimated eighty countries in one hundred twelve cities there is no stopping it and by the way the very police brutality that tried to stop the movement in wall street is what brought it to the forefront the
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movement is not going to stop winters that things are quiet now. the governments around the world do not know how to control the octopi all the events of police brutality against occupy wall street activists took place before the national defense authorization act was signed by president obama what can happen now to all the americans that speak out against the way that their elected officials are governing the country one of the. twelve trends for two thousand and twelve is battlefield america it's going to be the will of the people against the will of the government the senate of the united states of the house of representatives the gang of five. and deciding like this guy lindsey graham that cracker from south carolina is calling america a battlefield and saying that if you're accused of being taught in to
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a terrorist organization or you're a belligerent is the way the act is now you have no judge you have no jury you have no trial you don't have charges filed against you the military could come in and take someone like me that they may call a blip because they don't like what i have to say and they could take me away lock me up in detention blow my brains out no lawyer no hey these corpus it's the bill of no rights law and by president obama and what it does it also allows the military to take somebody like me or someone they don't like who they choose who that. chooses to be called an anti american or working with a terrorist group i may give money to a group that they don't like and they could talk back to me you have forecast that
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a trend involving what you believe will be economic martial law being implemented in the u.s. what exactly do you mean by that the entire file. anshul system is collapsing it's a worldwide financial meltdown we can see the collapse of the european union it's happening in front of us there's no way of bailing them out just the g seven has seven point five trillion dollars worth of debt coming to in two thousand and twelve how they're going to pay that off as it collapses look what's going on around the world look what's going on in greece it's a depression. it's a depression in spain it's a depression in portugal it's going to be a depression in italy a recession in france it's collapsing around the world the you look at the housing market now starting to unravel the bubble being burst in china it's happening everywhere so what we're saying is they're not going to be able to keep this
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a flood we're going to see something smack down really hard probably coming from the european when that happens the united states will blame them if they see those europeans it's them socialists and now unfortunately we have to call the bank holiday because of the problems that they caused or a false flag a terrorist strike for the war which is another option going on very close to us as the iranian conflicts builded they will give an excuse to call a bank holiday in america you don't get your money. they close down the banks go back to nine eleven. they closed now wall street if you had certificates of deposit like i did and try to get them out i could get them out that's right my money was frozen but a lot of money you see what happens to people when i when argentina called the bank holiday back in two thousand and one two thousand and so people that had money in the bank account to buy a house by the time the bank holiday was over that money couldn't buy
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a car that's right they devalue the currency you brought up iran what are the major concerns right now when it comes to iran and the possibility of. the united states again with the national defense authorization act part of that was that president obama affectively has declared war against iran the latest legislation put sanctions on foreign companies dealing with iranian banks their affectively putting in a bar go on or ron it's seen as. act of war go back to world war two it's like when the united states stopped japan from being able to buy oil now the iranians can't sell it if they lose just twenty percent of their of their ability to sell oil you're looking at that sixty percent of their g.d.p. comes some oil sales you're putting a bad
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a business if the united states israel or nato attacks iran's nuclear facilities. it will be as i've said before the beginning of world war three syria may be the other is the new interior because who's syria's top ally. iran. and as we have seen from reports that came out we really. the united states in the west has been very instrumental in undermining the syrian government even before the latest uprisings have begun you also say that there will be low ball game changer this year because of the election look at the people running for office look at the scope of the people all with me in the united states is going to be another lesser of two evils. i think it and i predicted that that barack obama
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would win right now you we said brock obama would win back in october we put our forecast out if the current front runner is romney for example or or gingrich your or santorum you know it's the only wildcard in this as we see it as wrong paul if u.s. president barack obama wins a second term do you think that helped change course in any way it can still help have a bit more freedom and his second term then in his first term didn't obama when he got elected in two thousand and nine had the entire nation virtually behind him do you remember the cheer leading in grant park do you remember that he had a democratic congress behind him do you remember that the people gave him everything that he wanted to do you also remember all the back tracks that obama went through remember obama's first day the stage i'm going to close guantanamo.
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bay and remember those bush tax cuts no more for me audios they remember that rendition a going to happen on the my watch oh when those ugly wars the bush out how about some more predator drones into pakistan how about up in the troop level in afghanistan i'll tell you why after another four years of obama people are going to be wanting bush back and what will be the. trend or trends for twenty five as i see it there are four things that could change the future one is repatriate repatriate bring new jobs back home bring production back home is going to cost a little more yes but guess what you can get paid more. and that quality is going to be better for the trend to change it has to be good at the grassroots it's not only americans it's every country having national pride in what they do best number
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two direct democracy let the people vote let the people vote on major issues i don't need as i said a gang of five thirty five telling me we have to go to war against libya we have to go to war against iraq we have to go to war against now ron let the people vote you want the war on drugs to keep going let the people vote you want to bail out banks let the people vote right now as i said we have politicians telling us how to think how to eat what to believe what not to believe what to watch and what not to watch number three secession it's to pay this soviet union knows this story and the indicted state should get the same story in their heads it can't be run by essential government anymore get think the taleban want to invade vermont you think
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they got their eye on utah you know here we are it's ten years if the nine eleven and this still putting out that same phony whining that the reason that they want to invade us is because they hate our freedom and liberty freedom and liberty hey anybody read the national defense authorization act hey you've been felt up at the airport lately flying the friendly skies g.p.s. signal on do you car cops watching you listen what freedom what liberty now it has to do with foreign policy my favorite trend of all of them going out in style. puts style back into the system amid the still ongoing economic hardship and joblessness and unemployment are there any smart investments are there any successful moves to make or break the chains break the chains in every single way you can you stop going to the chain stores if you stop buying
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local you start filling the market niches needs where is it going to be the biggest growth was obvious the whole movie is just going to continue to grow heritier and cybersecurity is going to be huge because they're going to keep hacking into it and it's going to be a fight between the government and freedom so anything having to do with cybersecurity is huge business the other ones or anything having to do with health care anything where an aging society in the european nations and in america anything having to do with health care alternative health care particularly there's plenty of options and plenty of opportunities but nothing is going to change until the individual changes and that's the most important aspect to understand charles plenty thank you very much for your time thank you.
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wealthy british style. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cancer or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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russia has accused forces outside syria of encouraging rebel groups to continue fighting and stay out of peace talks head of the un general assembly vote on a resolution aimed that yes seventeen. often surrenders to the last of the news played out dumond's to be kept in limbo presented with no terms as a sturdy leaves greek hospital struggling with military unscathed. and iran's display of nuclear progress an offer of talks are dismissed by american israel as boston strong to severe economic sanctions. next naughty the sports news without
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your father. hello there welcome to the sport and here's a taste of what is coming up spell that he hails his plays after zinni grab a last minute we're now over benfica in the champions league. club or something or similar and crash arsenal four nil at the san siro to all but book a spot in the quarter finals. while locker might see the build up in the europa league is they faced athletic build for a place in the last sixteen. but first said he came from behind to beat them three two in the champions league last night a man shearer call for the last minute winner in the first leg of this last sixteen tie afterwards any less he said is plays a chair in a lot of hearts and what was a topsy turvy game. benfica took the lead after twenty minutes through maxi pereira
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however moments later shidduch of got an equaliser before surrogacy america put the russians to one up then three minutes from time it looked like it would be a troll when those made it to be sure to cough pounced on the defensive area with seconds left to give his side victory but also last night man fresh gas born will warm up in a moment but first let's hear from ben think of coach jesus who believes there's still everything to play for in the return leg next month. it was a hard game when we were playing on a hard pitch the aerial game wasn't going well and we conceded three goals which means we played badly defense but we scored twice away from home that is an achievement for our midfield and attack i want to emphasize again that the conditions were hard but we were still playing well in attack and in the midfield the final result will be set in the second leg game in lisbon at our home ground. zero and at least they have a real.


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