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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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iran says it's been considering cutting off oil sales to six e.u. countries but wouldn't do so quote at the moment because of the cold winter striking europe. syria's president announces a vote on a new constitution that would effectively and nearly fifty years of single party rule in the country i made escalating turmoil. at rallies marking one year since the pro-democracy uprising in bahrain protesters face yet another harsh crackdown with police using tactics and weapons from the u.k. .
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eight pm in moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story iran has reportedly warned six nations it may stop supplying them with oil in response to a series of sanctions including an embargo on terrans key export the ban was not supposed to come into effect until summer but the islamic republic has repeatedly threatened to bring and mediate halt or he's jake agrees reports from greece one of the countries allegedly subject to the oil cut by terror on. the latest report said what we hear is the arabian foreign ministry has cooled up these of basses of the six nations concerned and told them that cuts will happen but not right away or they will face a ban on exports to their nations but they'll be given some leeway that sewing said what they termed humanitarian reasons the cold snap has been sweeping across europe but will go down if implemented preempt somewhat those sign sions imposed by the e.u. back in january due to be implemented in july six nations in question hey well those
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are forces to be in the really thick of it when it comes this economic crisis we have the netherlands of france also portugal italy spain and greece is well there's already been questions raised here because tehran says that he can find all the people to buy its exports that to the likes of india and china where is this down to being raised as to whether or not the place that good and quite cheap supply of oil to those who have been so stricken in recent times greece and secure is in a sticky situation right now failing to guarantee another bailout plan even though they push through further paul pillar austerity measures just on sunday and this really raises a bit of a concern of the moment that those imposed sanctions on iran back in january by e.u. member states could surely come back to bite them. meanwhile tehran has reiterated
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its readiness to resume nuclear talks with major powers to discuss the country's controversial nuclear program this while israel has recently stepped up its stance against iran prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that terrans aggression must be stopped he repeated the claims that iran was recently behind bombings allegedly targeting as we're targeting israelis in india georgia and thailand israel so there are links between these incidents despite authorities in india. and thailand saying there is no such evidence and iran denying involvement tehran in turn says israel is waging a psychological war that many fear may pave the way for military action to discuss the events unraveling in and around the region i'm joined live from london by chris bambery political analyst with the international socialist group so what do you make of today's reports that iran is looking to cut oil supplies to six nations and how likely do you think to iran is to carry out this threat. well the first thing to see is the deal we've also seen in europe and america for the tightening
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sanctions financial sanctions on tehran and the aim is to drive iran out of the international oil markets and to cripple their economy and iran's response is twofold is on the one hand the hard response by threatening to cut off oil supplies to these five countries the five poorest countries of europe or mentions and offering to talk to the european union and america over the whole new career issue and incidentally. iran has also offered to talk to america after hillary clinton delivered the. message that shot in the straits of hormuz the red line for the united states so on iran is responding to is it saying look we're going to play hardball if you if you do this but at the same time we are prepared to talk and this comes as your report mentions that a time when the really is a ratcheting up of a propaganda war which strikes me as preparing people in the west for some sort of military adventure today in the united kingdom the sky news channel reported this
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story that iran has somehow created an alliance with al-qaeda whereas everyone knows that iran and al qaeda are complete loggerheads and hate each of you have republican presidential candidates speaking in missouri claiming the iran has the missile which can hit missouri which is a fantasy you have in the wall street journal respectable call mr quinn that iran is going to bring a barge with nuclear weapons across the atlantic ocean somehow on scene and launch them at pennsylvania avenue you are manhattan of course iran doesn't have nuclear weapons that egging this on israel all the time when these claims i have to take israel's claim that iran is behind the attacks on its diplomats in georgia and india with a pinch of salt forcefully should be said israel has a long record of assassin using assassination as the tool i think it might be better. of originals to turn around and say in response to those that is going to stop it's assassination policy and with other nations like iran to misappropriate
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but i don't think israel is going to do that because used assassination so often so i think it iran is responding say we were not there to push the road but a same time we're prepared to talk we're prepared to talk is despite the propaganda campaign from the united states britain and israel and despite the military build up in the persian gulf with the u.s.s. lincoln sailing through the straits of hormuz with the british ships friendships true in mind again yesterday which i see as a very very provocative act so i think iran is responding in quite a measured way to what's going on unlike many people as i see in israel in the united states now turning to israel prime minister netanyahu resorted to some harsh words today urging a halt to what he called iranian aggression do you expect any concrete moves to follow that statement. i think what they're really and israelis are trying to do is trying to up the ante and so the americans will do something they aren't capable of taking out iran's nuclear program they don't have the means to do it at best they
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could memorize a hit and run and run attack even the americans don't actually have the bunker busters capable of getting of getting into the bunkers where the nuclear facilities are in or around but i think the israelis are trying to ratchet up and what the fear is not so much the nuclear program of the round because iran is nowhere near having even if it wanted to have it denies it but if it wanted to have nuclear weapons it's nowhere near create a creative one unlike israel of course which does have nuclear weapons it would appear to use them what i think israel and indeed america is more worried about is growing really an influence in the region in iraq in afghanistan they're worried about iranian influence already in lebanon and. gaza and one of the things that can put the upping of the game in syria the pressure on the syrian regime is one of the things the americans see egged on by the israelis is by knocking note assad one of the morans key allies that would be
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a blog at the rand so i think actually behind the rhetoric about nuclear weapons the reality is what they are worried about is the increase of the increase of iran's influence in the in the region and the other country egging on america is so dear arabia who is probably more fearful of iran far more fearful around isn't israel very very worried about what's going on and that's why i was seen so do arabia as it's done in battery name to try and ensure that the arab spring does not come into the. countries that can ensure because these are very very worried about what democracy would mean in. iran's controversial nuclear program is again in the spotlight today with a lot of upgraded set of futures of facilities for in reaching uranium do you think this progress could be followed by a further escalation of tensions surrounding the country's nuclear activities. well it's very difficult because the rain years of constantly said they're not going to me nuclear weapons international atomic energy inspectors have just been to iran
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they can't leave came back seems a good visit they're going back to iran they're getting cooperation you wouldn't know this from reports in the western media so the iranians are collaborating and they constantly say they're not going to create new nuclear weapons of course american injure a response is to say that they're lying but i think we have to take them on on the world so i think there is a ratcheting up in my opinion is the ratcheting up is not by the iranians it is by the israelis and by the americans and i think there is a lot of hypocrisy about iran's nuclear program i am no fan of nuclear energy or indeed nuclear weapons i don't want them but it was ok for a rand to have a nuclear program in the one nine hundred seventy s. when britain france and america would queuing to sell the shah of iran nuclear technology it was ok then because the shah of iran was one of our guys it's not ok for the iran to have nuclear weapons no and islamic republic so there is hypocrisy there it was ok for a nuclear program well when the going was good for the good for the west and i
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think again one of the reasons why the americans are still annoyed with iran is that these remember the humiliation of the one nine hundred seventy nine revolution which knocked one of. the shah of iran and the occupation of the iranian embassy in the holding hostage of its staff and the way president then president jimmy carter was humiliated by that incident they have never had payback for that and the americans will wait a long time but they will always wait and get paid back and i think that's why again one of the reasons driving on driving on the white house and in washington and washington ministration because they want revenge on a islamic republic because they feel they've never had it was events all thirty three years ago or so there are a lot of issues here so i don't blame iran i blame the americans and the israelis for ratcheting this up at every turn we have to leave it there chris bambery with the international socialist group thanks for your time. syria's president bashar al assad has ordered a referendum on
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a new constitution to be held in eleven days according to the country's state run news agency it could put an end to one party rule the president's baath party which is in shrine in the current constitution changes to the law were a key demand by the opposition at the beginning of the country's eleven month uprising but in the wake of deadly clashes with the army many opposition leaders are now insisting that the president quit you know it's a bit of a referendum came amid reports of new outbreaks of violence with tanks shelling the fourth largest city of hama and in oil pipeline growing up blown up in the rest of city of homes but with reports of atrocities coming mainly from the rebels there are concerns that one side of the conflict is being largely ignored or tease maria if an ocean reports. since the beginning of the uprising in syria last march the regime of bashar al assad has been accused of refreshen torture and killing but with abad much of homes blame has since focused on assad forces attacking civilians and shell in residential areas. in a beautiful yard called himself
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a member of the opposition and intellectual not true lucia every one his stresses from a social democratic group originally from homes he blames assad for mistakes which allowed bloodshed at the start but he just defies what the regime is doing in his native city now he is why and he is trying to to to. protect civilians i think that in homs there are many gangs you know there is a title and everyone can claim that he belongs with that this title and no one can ban him the danger posed by the armed forces was seen in the killing of a french journalist last month and b. says when he went to homs he put in his mind that the syrian opposition is very peaceful in the trying to frame them so he he was like a pioneer in the call and he was killed by the some gang attacks on
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government targets have become increasingly bloody themselves with twenty eight people killed and scores injured on an attack on a military base in aleppo last week and f.s.a. free syrian army representative at the mit its responsibility before the organization later denied it blaming the government forces a claim ridiculed by regime. insurgents and terrorists have committed this attack only an insane person could see that the government is killing its officials and officers and destroying its own administrative buildings these armed terror groups were created to commit these crimes and they have committed them in the past and will continue to do so if the word. then there are streets support them last sunday the arab league for food political and financial support for the opposition to unify its ranks it is similar call from the leader of al qaida muslims to unite efforts to help overthrow bashar al assad recent reports suggest iraqi weapons
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qatari troops and libyan rebels are role in syria on the opposition side this makes for a volatile and highly dangerous makes. many western powers interested in fomenting unrest and syria and so they'll turn a blind eye to extreme weapons coming in through borders like lebanon in turkey to create the very militant i won't call them terrorist but very dangerous armed groups but the west has its eyes wide open when it comes to the reported death toll the come only know un figure of more than five thousand employees civilians only but that's bigger leaves out any mention of pro-government forces killed in the conflict some say the numbers are destroyed to meet political objectives. our number so for six thousand. dollars them but you would be surprised to know that over two poles of it hard and. this is. good common to
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foreign pressure has focused on the assad regime but the syrian government and its international supporters say there's been a total failure talk norwood's violence from opposition forces which has been a key factor in the country's present turmoil they warned that find it a solution to the country's crisis isn't possible without recognizing all its causes written off now t damascus syria. for more on the syrian situation i'm joined by political analysts doctor or marla szabo so the assad regime has announced the long awaited referendum in a few days do you think that will help bring peace back to the country. well i i think that's that's an excellent opportunity i mean the bloodbath is continuing in syria there are gunmen coming in from abroad as we have seen seven reports and recent days that of fighters coming in from iraq of fighters coming in from libya
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of a lot of money coming into syria and weapons into syria to destabilize the situation there are accusations and counter-accusations. to stop this bloodbath i think the only way forward is to have dialogue and that was originally the reason why russia and china object to the security council resolution because the security council resolution was not balanced and it didn't stress dialogue between the different groups inside syria the way forward is to have dialogue and i think in order to have dialogue there must be sacrifices on on on both sides here is the president making. a huge move forward by actually giving up the presenting a draft of the constitution that would be an amended. draft where he would
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remove the clauses that would claim that that would state that the bath party is the sole political party and it holds all. of all the power in the syrian government and also there are other. parts of the constitution that have to do with the president there is no president for life and the president's only has a term of seven years it can only be extended to one time i believe there are also some other. amendments that all fall in line with the democratic process so therefore that's a move that the president has done and the regime has. and i think that that should be in his view were and in many people's view was sufficient for to convince the other side to sit down on the table. and to have a serious dialogue. that would save syria the destruction and save this so many
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people live lives because that the way things are today in cities it seems that the country has had to two words. both the destruction and and that's for sure is not to the benefits of the city of tikrit and to all the nations who are truly friendly to the city of peace and not just wanting to use the trouble in syria to advance their own political objectives so that dialogue will have to move forward there's a significant number of syrians who still support assad and his reforms do you think that's sufficient enough reason for the opposition to lay down their arms and engage in dialogue to finally reach stability. well i don't think if perhaps if it was up to the to these persons themselves i think yes it would be sufficient but apparently. as we have seen in the past weeks and there is ample
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evidence to show this many of the groups who are fighting today in syria who are. bringing in weapons to this indian territory wm in gunmen they actually are not ready for dialogue they have they are working according to western agenda and that is set up by an imperialist forces in order to remove the regime of assad and that is a decision that has been made not inside syria but a broad city and the true syrian opposition is calling for reform and that is fully legit imet and. it's backed by. reasons because in syria many issues that need to have the form and there should be more freedom of expression freedom of political activity
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freedom of expression yes these are all fundamental and basic rights that should be dealt with by the government and it should be provided to the people however this can how what is the best way to get that done is it through carrying weapons and shooting at government institutions and targeting each other and having a civil war in syria of course not i think all the city and would agree to that however there are some groups in syria that are being financed been pushed by the western powers especially from turkey and from the united states from france from the european union. there is a real problem often in. fear and sin city in affairs and well one one when one says this one one can read in some media outlets that yes and russia and china are also interfering by vetoing a security council resolution well vittoria security council resolution that is not
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in the direction of dialogue is not cannot be considered similar to interfering in syrian affairs by sending in weapons and money and unfortunately and by actually disrupting the situation for generally we have to end this here dr omar ashour a political analyst thanks for your insight. last year pro-democracy protesters in another arab country bahrain thought they got what they wanted after being promised reforms including among the police twelve months later activists trying to mark the anniversary of the uprising found the clampdown was as harsh as earlier the only difference this time the same tactics and arms the police use were brought from the west by those supposed to bring democratic change parties ivor bennett has more. tear gas and stun grenades supposedly the work of a reformed police force but one year on since the first anti-government protests will crushed in bahrain it seems not much has changed the only difference now the
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crackdown has been planned by one of britain's former top cops john the ates used to be assistant commissioner of london's metropolitan police he now works for bahrain's monarchy which says he's there to oversee police reforms the police have borrowed or behaving despicably their latest trick is to throw cancer tear gas into homes of people they don't like shut the doors and people have died choking to death tear gas or use out of doors and i think for the british police officer mr yates is retired to be associated in any way with his it's his role yes resigned from scotland yard last year in early fix him of the phone hacking scandal he popped up in bahrain in december as part of the regime's p.r. campaign to clean up it seem it's a campaign pushed hard it seems by yeats himself he recently told the daily telegraph his new charges had a well rehearsed plan for the anniversary of the uprising adding the concept of
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reasonable reaction to provocation has been reinforced. as for the uprising itself he said this isn't organized protests it's just vandalism rioting on the streets claims hotly disputed by london's bahraini community i mean you get thousands and thousands of people protesting demanding their rights and for that vandalism. you seem to forget that this is the over sixty five people actually died from police brutality activists in bahrain insist their protest was peaceful their aim to reach the iconic pole roundabout in the capital manama they say they were met by tanks toxic gas and rubber bullets what we witnessed on the ground as not. the front of. this previously but it's been extended through the toxic gases and use of poisoning. mr john is contributing we should
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see a positive things at the ground what we are seeing today as nothing acceptable it may not just be british tactics bahrain seizing but weapons to government figures show the u.k. sold over one million pounds worth of rifles and artillery equipment to bahrain from july to september last year long after blood was spilled that's despite insisting all licenses had been revoked as for yates his contract runs until april by which time he hopes to put in place concrete reforms on this evidence that seems a long way off either bennett r.t. london green is up next with our leaders business news stay with us. however welcome to our business update this hour as we've been reporting iran is denying reports it's cut supplies to six european countries earlier iran's state
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run press t.v. said the country was holding supplies to spain italy france greece portugal and the netherlands this caused oil prices to jump to six months. let's look at the figures now crude oil futures rallied to the best level in five weeks light sweet is currently trading below one hundred two dollars a barrel while brant is holding between one hundred eighteen and one hundred nineteen dollars a barrel the euro is gaining a bit against the dollar after seeing some losses on tuesday and the ruble is high again both against both european and u.s. currencies following gains on the russian market stocks in the u.s. are mixed hovering between mild gains and losses the dow jones gave up an early gain and was down thirty five points after the opening bell the major indexes had been poised for gains until reports emerged that the e.u. finance ministers might postpone at least a portion of the next round of eight to greece. is europe where most markets advance on better than expected growth data from germany and france and also made
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signs of support for the region from china in other news the world bank's president robert zoellick will step down at the end of his five year term which expires on june thirtieth. here in russia markets closed in the black lifted by higher prices of oil both reality as a mine is extended even let's check on the index movers on the mindsets most of the blue chips were higher all majors were in in the front line supported by strong local who would look under a percent spread bank finished higher as well the company expects to finalize the deal. finalized sorry finalize the deal with east european folks bank international and truck make a come out as bucked the trend stocks fell over three percent after an unexpected thirteen percent. on tuesday if getting from alpha capital wraps up. positive news today it was the chinese pledge to hold denominated in europe so it's ruled the positive for the markets however it doesn't still solve the greek problem
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. as far as market movers are concerned. the rising by four percent today is rule of the top story in local markets today yesterday's movers like severstal. energy transmission companies are more or less flat. the latest short term drop of russian gas supplies to europe spurred discussions on how to secure consumers from possible cuts and the future ahead of gas problems expert brian todd examine the dative says one of the ways is to increase storage capacity which. is a key. for security of supply for extreme situations like like to this winter so that's where we propose a program to double. experience . between two hundred to three hundred.


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