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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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diplomat's wife now the indian police had said that it is the wife of the military attache and her driver as well as injured now she is in the hospital currently bought her condition is not critical now but the statements coming from does does add fuel to the flame at this moment because prime minister binyamin netanyahu had quickly blamed iran a for these attacks that happened in the two places and he said that the israel has thwarted several other a talks with iran a behind them as well. and ambassador to india had denied that tehran had anything to do with this and there are some indian terror experts who had said that it would be quite difficult for any such a case to be such a bob rather closure and rather to be staged in india without the help of a local so they do they are skeptical of tehran's involvement in all of this now to put it in context so iran had also been blaming israel for a series of killings of officials as well as scientists involved in this
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controversial nuclear program and we have to put it in the context of the international stage iran is right now facing harsh sanctions for that nuclear program coming from the u.s. and its allies as well as the e.u. and this tit for tat statement does increase that that tension that already exists and it is in this context that such car bomb incidents as today will be scrutinized and the implications looked at. already live with that update thank you. we will have more on these attacks and the investigation is proceeding from our correspondent in india later today and to discuss the implications of these incidents i'm joined live from israel by a journalist and blogger laurie derfner. thank you for your time so the claim is that iran is responsible came shortly after the attack what do you think of the ground so far for these claims. actually. you blame both iran and its proxy. and i think that makes sense especially from hizbullah it's happened
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today after the fourth anniversary of the killing of former slain. warlord military commanders who did it and it's universally assume that is who was behind the nation and there have been a tense hizbullah recently to attack israeli targets and this came. it came a day after the fourth anniversary is a very good fun because bob was involved now he ron is obviously her closely connected to his bomb if you ron was involved in this attack and he taxin to b.b.c. and new delhi to that would not be a surprise at all so you know i think it's sort of the obvious address that you point first i would sit down with the run i would if it's as hizbullah but again if you were wrong was behind it that would be suppressed israel's foreign minister has said the bombings will not go on answer do you think we'll expect
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a response from israel in this i'd be surprised if there wasn't. but i mean in that case then don't shouldn't they make an absolutely ironclad case about who is behind this before they make some kind of response because you certainly don't want to go off half cocked in a situation like this. i think. i think if then you know in the same way that iran has pointed it israel for the assassinations of of nuclear scientists in iran without having absolute proof in the same way it is bala pointed it is real for the assassination of the month who did four years ago without having absolute proof it was pretty obvious and i think it's pretty obvious who was behind the attack is today so i don't i i shit you know i can't call out i do netanyahu or iran or hezbollah for jumping the gun it's pretty clear who is behind this who had the motive i mean
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a day after the fourth anniversary of this guy's assassination it's not a coincidence so there's been growing speculation that israel might carry out a strike against iran that has been talked about bantered about for for many weeks now do you think israel could try to use this as a justification for a strike. no i don't think this isn't enough to i mean i think israel would love iran to strike first and give it you know into it so that israel could say where we're hitting back in self defense to whatever degree that would be accepted in the world i don't think that this there's no way that what happened today isn't enough or it will this is an attack on us and now we're going to send a you know f. sixteen zone over over iran and blow up all of their nuclear installations no but what could happen is you know this could be the beginning of let's say chain reaction we're not the beginning this is not the beginning this is one more one more change in the chain reaction but i'd be surprised if israel didn't hit back
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from. all right. and that in turn could. cause you know another escalation and you know this chain reaction moving a little faster until we end up with. well let's hope not for all of our sakes journalist and blogger larry derfner speaking with us live from israel thank you for your insight you're welcome remember we are closely watching the tensions between israel and iran in the region you can find out more expert analysis on our website r.t. dot com. russia says it will study an arab league proposal for a joint arab u.n. peacekeeping mission in syria foreign minister sergey lavrov says that a cease fire should be achieved before mission of this should be deployed or for the latest. russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov was meeting today with his hero a counterpart they were discussing the ongoing situation in syria over the weekend of course the arab league called for a need joint un peacekeeping mission to enter the country now the first minister
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responded to those calls by saying that russia would consider that proposal but the implementation of that would come with a number of conditions because first in order to deploy a peacekeeping mission we needed the agreement of the host secondly there should first be peace which the peacekeeping mission will didn't help sustain you know the words there should be a kind of cease fire agreement but the trouble is that armed groups fighting with the regime's forces do not listen to anyone and are not controlled by anyone now one of the crucial points tonight and what the foreign minister had said there was that damascus would have to agree to that plan and the arab league proposal was rejected by it and asking he called it to one side it's simply backing the opposition not taking into account all the sides of course we've seen damascus very very wary about the u.n. being used in this way and indeed russia as well as the u.s.
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being used as a tool for regime change rather than pushing for an end to the violence is what russia from the very beginning means very clear about that the any proposal should be taking into account all the sides are not simply part of the opposition today the foreign minister calling on the opposition he made it very clear they don't want to have dialogue with the president to at least continue dialogue with the government with the vice president there now we actually heard today from the visiting u.a.e. foreign minister was the arab league's been very clear that they're going to back the opposition financially and politically he said that at the moment there are plans to back the opposition militarily but of course there are already reports that countries like qatar have indeed already started arming the opposition. within the country and that's causing a lot of concerns of course we see the situation growing increasingly violent as members of the opposition and different factions of the opposition have the coming . now over the weekend we had al qaeda publicly backing the opposition and that's
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really fueling fears that the situation in the country at the moment is really a very ground for the variance of terrorist groups. for more on the crisis in syria i'm joined by tony gosling investigative journalist based in the u.k. who writes extensively on middle east issues so the arab league has also decided to hold all diplomatic cooperation with syria's government putting it effectively into further isolation what do you think be the consequences of such unanimity in the arab world against the assad regime. well i don't think that those regimes really represent the individuals in those specific countries i mean the arab league now has become almost simply a tool of the west because most of the most powerful countries in the very much under the western petro dollar influence and they don't represent their people either their monarchies almost all of them they also have horrendous human rights records so i don't think that the arab league really represents the arab people in
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any way nowadays let's not forget also in december and january we had an arab league sponsored investigation into syria looking at exactly what was going on the only trouble is that hasn't surfaced that report except on the internet because it was leaked the reason for that is that it didn't come up with what the western arab leaders and the western press wanted to hear which was first of all that there are all sorts of third forces within syria who are killing people these are armed gangs armed groups running around and causing a lot of these civilian deaths rather than as we keep hearing the syrian forces the other thing is media law is very simple the arab league went around syria and they were finding that the attacks were we were being told about here in the west on our t.v. night after night simply hadn't happened many of them and so what we're seeing is is a really quite horrendous situation in syria certainly it looks to me as if nato were trying to just simply replay the script that they wrote for the libyan uprising but
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i don't think that's going to happen and also let me say that i don't think there will be a sort of peaceful intervention by the un in any way at the moment because those free syrian army rebels and indeed al qaida have very strong links to the west was the west recently created al qaida in afghanistan and also we've got a very strange element going on and that is that many of the fighters within syria believe that they are part of some sort of prophetic force from the qur'an that will move things forward for a sort of unified state or. caliphate in that part of the world and they're looking for a islamic leader that's not asaad so many of the surf items within syria are actually playing into the hands of nato nato has been really ruthless in munich plating their beliefs in order to get them to fight the assad regime so we're looking at really a two track thing one is an official policy which is at least to try and attempt to get negotiations but the unofficial policy is constant attacks against the assad
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regime and i mean do they think anybody in syria itself that really supports these armed gangs running around the streets. of the pentagon says this wearing up of fear radical military action in syria what you make of that. well it's absolutely not acceptable without a united nations security council resolution which the chinese and the russians have blocked quite rightly in my view the last thing we need is a massive intervention in that part of the world as sad as made it absolutely crystal clear if there isn't an intervention in syria he will then attack israel this is just exactly what saddam hussein did back during the first gulf war back in the early one nine hundred ninety s. and you will see that if that does happen this will massively up the game and there will be a horrendous possibly even nuclear exchange in the middle east which could be the first shots of a third world war so i think if the west does interfere intervene in that way it is
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absolutely inexcusable totally inexcusable and it shows that they have absolutely no regard for the international rule of law how can the stance of the arab league against the syrian regime do you think affect the potential negotiation process in syria that russia and china are pushing for. well i think the arab league needs to make it absolutely clear first of all the west and nato should stop supporting these rebels let's not forget that the head of the so-called free syrian army is actually a libyan man who spent much of his time living in ireland he's a very close to the western security services and i think the arab league needs to make sure that there is a severing of the link between nato and the western security services and and the fs so-called free syrian army the other thing is we need absolute guarantees that there aren't covert operations going on boy western special forces now around and within syria so i think the arab league needs to get tough with the west in order
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to bring peace and also to tell these free syrian army people that there must be negotiated peace a negotiated settlement that is the actually the only way to save the syrian people and to save that part of the world at the moment it seems and the west it seems fortunately is hell bent for more conflict in syria and replaying the horrendous situation that's now in libya let's not forget in libya we've now got roughly ten thousand political prisoners if there was an election tomorrow the libyan people would almost certainly vote for saif gadhafi but of course he's in jail and he's not even allowed to stand anybody that supports gadhafi now in libya. is being rounded up tortured and imprisoned so i mean that is not the sort of situation we want to see in syria at all and i think we need to be really focused now on libya even though it's fall off the news agenda as to what's happened there we don't want that happening in syria. our investigative journalist tony guzzling thanks for your time. investigative journalist and middle east specialist a so when stanley
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told r.t. that the syrian opposition is fragmented and says there's no unity between groups over the means of fighting the regime here's a taste of the interview coming up later this hour. although both sides deny differences in. in military intervention essentially in political differences there is different trends in the syrian opposition mainly between the people who support outside intervention and the protesters who don't save the syrian national council which are now openly in favor of a no fly zone which to me seems ridiculous because you know there isn't any even claimed that i know of the syrian regime for all its many crimes there's no claims that this problem to people so no fly zone just seems a political pretext to invade to me. buildings on fire shops looted dozens injured this is how the greek public made
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a new round of drastic cuts approved by their parliament tens of thousands protested the deeply unpopular package needed to get a second bailout from international creditors r.t.g. could greaves has more. based on those pictures as events that took place last night really getting a sense here that the government the greek government is under attack from all sides now you've got the euro zone international monetary fund really increasing the pressure saying the cops haven't gone far enough and they have been implemented correctly also we saw taking place last night we have the demonstrators now really massing in very large numbers up to one hundred thousand people in attendance and they're growing in anger throughout the course of that evening in the end we saw clashes taking place with police and that resulted in a certain amount of bias petrol bombs being thrown at police by some anarchists in the crowd also police a tally a seeing by firing tear gas into the crowd there resulting in total and dozens of
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injuries we also saw dozens of buildings of flame all of this of course taking place in central athens now there is a lot of discontent as well within harlem and we saw that take place last night a number of m.p.'s forty three from the ruling coalition made up of socialists to serve his they rebelled against this latest measure of force there if he cuts now what we're talking about here really is fifteen thousand job cuts in the public sector or so that's going to be accompanied by slashing by twenty percent of the minimum wage and cuts to pensions three those who are being affected are those who are probably most exposed by these crisis conditions have to bear in mind this is something that greece is really where the for some time it's a situation they are all too familiar with and had austerity measures for a number of years impose them by international bodies and hasn't been that many
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positive financial indicators since we seem g.d.p. slumping in two thousand and eleven so the main message coming from the demonstration taking place yes they said and the protests this is that. what price are they expected to pay these days. germany's finance minister has declared that promises aren't enough anymore saying that greece must now implement reforms of it's to prove it's not a bottomless pit john laughlin for me in student democracy in cooperation says there are more radical plans currently being drawn up by the germans. there is one theory and i lend some credence to it that the germans who are calling the shots on this do indeed want to force greece out of the euro there is a lot of bad feeling towards greece by germans by germany and vice versa and there is a theory that certain leading german polish politicians want to love the boil and get rid of greece if that is the calculation in other words to force greece to leave the euro if that is the calculation i fear that it's
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a mistake because the problem in the eurozone is not a greek problem it is a structural problem in the eurozone these debt problems which various countries are suffering from including of course italy but also portugal spain and these debt problems are the inevitable consequence of the way the euro is structured they are the inevitable consequence of it and the measures which are being required of these countries to as it were remedy the situation are only making things worse so even if greece were to be forced out of the euro my prediction is that the markets would then realize that the eurozone is not impregnable and would turn their attention to other countries as well whose position is very similar in particular political parties cross start also focusing on greece's financial predicament coming your way later today the hidden costs of the bailout rescue. the exchange is clear in germany you give me the cash to survive given my debt problem i'll give you my
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sovereignty but will the public actually comply will they agreed to accept the pain of this susteren and will their greatest men the most important sovereign aspect which is your this call your budget to technocrats in brussels that are not answerable to your population through. they're not managing the greek economy there's nothing and that's i might's i might be provocative here but that's always the international monetary fund. population decline is one of the toughest problems facing russia in the long term but the disturbing trend can be reversed according to the country's prime minister the latest campaign article in a bid to return as president vladimir putin has put forward plans for social reforms he hopes will significantly improve the country's demographic situation. but the. proposed measures include better welfare for families with many children
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and smarter immigration policies including the repatriation of russians abroad the article titled building justice also focuses on salary hikes for teachers and doctors as well as making housing affordable to everyone by twenty thirty and has ramped up his election campaign in the light of mass opposition protests as political analyst dmitri babich explains now mainly addresses russia's middle class . my whole is that putin on the stands that he's a doctorate all right no it's not the reach you know reach c.t. people he's led to it these are the real russian middle class you know people who believe in small towns who have a really hard time adept into the market economy mean big c.d.'s so i hope he's economic bullish a little more to the left you know we had on the former finance minister who did we had that definite to the right know if we believe what we can writes he wants to get the states more into he's real electorate which means you know the masa of the
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russian people take a look at some other stories making headlines across the globe the islamic militant suspected of developing the bombs used in the two thousand and two bali attack is on trial mark attack is the top remaining suspect in the bombings which killed more than two hundred people he was arrested last year in pakistan while trying to meet osama bin laden three other suspects have already been tried and executed. the families of the victims of the submerged coast to concordia cruise liner are marking one month since the disaster they're staging a ceremony at a church near the crash site off the western coast of italy meanwhile operations to pump almost two and a half thousand tons of fuel from the stricken vessel have begun seventeen people died fifteen remain missing after the liner ran aground the captain was said to be among the first to a fled the ship and is now under house arrest. kareen
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is up next with all the latest business news stay with us. hello and welcome to business here in r t thanks for joining me at this hour ben has been a burst of interest in russian shares since the beginning of the year returning growth in the u.s. and progress with europe's debt ceiling appetite for risk this has helped reverse the trend in capital flow last year more than eighty billion dollars fled the country so far this year there has been an inflow of one billion dollars and tackle he challenge from the nation's asset managers says that the perception of russia is changing. there has been a change of attitude towards the russian equity market since the beginning of the year and. demonstrated by defying bed the russian equity market has outperformed the markets in the world so to give you a flavor of russia nearly twenty percent since the beginning of the year whereas the u.s. market has gone up only by seven percent since the beginning of the certainty over
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the politiques and seems to have subsided very much market expected now and then it . will come back as president and the one difference which we have relative to this time last year. there expectations for reform. the. president. let's have a look at the markets now exchange rates for us the euro is gaining value on easing fears over the greek debt crisis and stronger all of us pushing the ruble higher against the european and u.s. currencies all has recovered from a three day low concerns grow that about on the way in crude makeup supplies but sweet is trading currently under one hundred dollars a barrel while brant is over one hundred and eighty dollars per barrel u.s. stocks are higher after greece's parliament approved austerity measures financial stocks are on the rise as of bank of america jumped nearly three percent at the start of the trade tech stocks are higher as well with shares of apple leading the
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grows nine dollars a share clearing the five hundred a share mark for the first time it struck. again shares are trading higher as well after greece's parliament approved those unpopular bill banks among the main gainers across europe miners are also high as the stronger you will help boost the price of copper and other metals. here in moscow markets close in the black with six gaining the most in five weeks energy majors among the biggest gainers let's check the index movers on the my six. ended high on the. it's european market shares grew by four percentage points to twenty seven percent last year norilsk nickel russia's biggest mining company advanced the most in a month on higher prices for nickel and polish gold ended lower on news merger talks between the company and another mine appalling metal have collapsed. now moving on to russia's fast growing food retail market which keeps on luring foreign
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investors seven eleven is one world renowned food chain thought to be eyeing up the market that's according to media reports the company hasn't officially confirmed the rumors last year the retailer said its priorities were preserved when india analysts say that seven eleven will have a hard time if it plans to develop a food chain in russia alone they added that the most logical move would be to team up with an existing market player live house is the former chief of russia's biggest retail group x. five years who's now the senior vice president at wal-mart believes there are just a couple of ways to enter the country's market at the moment. all of the way for and from market for being. at least reasonable in the market or dragon for leadership position is through a position of some of existing players or just with solution when you don't need
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your stores patrol saw i think we feel in next year some other companies will think about rush market them a way to enter the market. well that's all the news for now but remember you can always finds more stories on our website dot com presence that's what. any match one see. is bound. to burn
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for ever more eternal fire is going thinkable could consume. do we old wants to see this on forever. wealthy british style some time to facebook's privacy. market why not. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our.
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eight thirty pm in moscow these here are t. headlines israel accusing iran of being behind bomb attacks targeting israeli embassies in georgia and india in which four people are thought to have been injured. russia says it regrets the arab league winding down its observers work in syria and stretches a proposed peacekeeping mission could only be deployed once the government and opposition forces agree to a cease fire. fiery protests in athens followed by chaos and looting as public outrage escalates after the greek parliament passes a new austerity bill to secure another e.u.
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bell up. next interview with investigative journalist isa winstanley focusing on the turbulent situation in and around syria stay with us. today i'm joined by a so when stanley an investigative journalist runs in on the middle east whose latest piece delves into the discrepancies amongst the casualty figures in the syrian crisis and he said thanks for speaking to r.t. now one of the most quoted sources for those casualty figures is the syrian observatory for human rights but you've recently found out information that suggests it can't necessarily always be trusted why is that i think first of all we have to establish who really is this is the syrian observatory for human rights and . in our investigation we didn't really uncover any particular reason to doubt the genuine observatory's figures.


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