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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2012 6:48am-7:18am EST

6:48 am
no have a relationship with you who are you like. the second australian woman paid for my motorcycle. i don't know you're having problems now because she has gotten quite old secure the tires i'm starting to see things differently ok so maybe it's time i called i don't consider chatty like maybe i'll look for another steady girlfriend like because i'm too used to a glamorous lifestyle master dug out with a steady income but you can spend on drinks look for more wonder terry chair. you're asking me whether the boys are good for their coffee. they're part of the going to be. part of the. groups but it's not. it's
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a party but generate glad to be part and seven out of running. dollars the motorcycle industry. the restaurant. business is here i think without them i think a lot of. economy may not be back. on the beach seeking guests. guests i'm not upset with him out of the hat. when roy's guests come he stays with them. for
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a night or two that's how much i don't sleep with my husband i don't mind that because i don't have other means to take care of my children. was all i didn't go to school i can't even read. a lot. this is what who. is a wife tells me when we need things for the children but if i don't have money and there aren't any guests on the beach with email my girlfriends telling her i need money to buy shoes and clothes when she sends money i can buy things for my wife and children to. look at them have you met any of his female guests. yes yes i have and i was friendly with them so much as a. gimmick a bang up and
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a lot of my married friends still seek women professionally rush to. first their wives. but this was before they had any material and well. that's a plus once the husband met a rich woman helped him build a house bought him a car hire. life instantly became more understanding. but he spoke. with this woman woman. and the wife doesn't mind the wife knows this isn't a good question because she termed here i have relationship three years but why the one the wife is not jealous and i said this is.
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because while i'm build three years because in the. house not yet phineas. i prefer working on the beach looking for guests. wouldn't it be better if he worked in an office or in construction of those that know why not she might fall sick. if he has a structured job that is harder than work on the beach but be but your husband sleeping or run into with other women is not a problem. i don't mind as i grant him that. twenty nine and the colors hash it up a nation for example if i get married to a chair and i meet girls or older white women with lots of money i want my wife
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wants to divorce him i will say go ahead so i don't care there are many women who will back me. up when i can't make money through farming and. the farming is one dollar a day oh yeah construction three dollars a day fishing i don't even anything a day sometimes. means i'm answerable to many in the community nation by and by i'm always paying for this and that because i have to worry about money i have to provide for my family except support my brother through school. number and i built this family temple six months ago cost me about one and a half hours and dollars for this and the three shrines inside. this is my father's home now. so my. stays here with my
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brother in law and his family i'm not know. how much of the cost you will be going to my new car this house cost of four and a half thousand dollars. but. i split the cost with my brother in the summer some people from holland helped to. enable my second one here this will be my own house. when i get married and have how in this house stay here . saturday i'm not ashamed to have a son who looks for a woman at the beach. it enables him to help his elders autumn time proud of him. therefore help one more question don't be
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upset i just have to ask. you say ten or fifteen years from now if your son did the same kind of work as roy would you be upset that you got the. know. how to be happy if my son worked on the bench like right at the. but i love women so you have the knowledge you glow. the gigolos don't speak from the heart of the galloping until i speak from the mind at the top but i speak from the heart to say about getting up first of all i speak from my heart i think about that because i'm genuinely interested in this hamel me making love my first priority is to make love to them making love but you make money i know there's.
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nothing money you can let me know. but to give you money but. then when i. can find those i have it could be the. only. thing i want to say because. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought
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you knew you don't know i'm charging welcome to the big picture. russia would be soon which brighter if you knew about someone from funniest impressions. for instance on t.v. dot com.
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the arab league debates how to bring stability back to syria as pressure on the regime amounts with speculation that western states could be propping up al qaida through their support of the opposition. iran promises to reveal major advances in its nuclear program which it insists is for peaceful energy purposes despite their long list of western sanctions imposed against it. and unemployed population or a bankrupt country the greek parliament is set for a tough choice and more public cuts amid angry protests on the streets.
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of the stories that made headlines this week and today this is the weekly with me rule received by the arab league is a mulling over what further action to take on the crisis in syria with reports of escalating violence syria's opposition says it expects official recognition from arab gulf states to go to school reports from cairo that's where the pan arab body is convening right now. the arab league did have an observers mission in syria which began in december of last year but they stopped their mission there in january already saying that the violence was escalating there are hopes that this side the arab league will team up with the united nations observer mission and they will start their proceedings over in syria to order to reestablish peace in the country now of course over the past several weeks have seen a rise in
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a rise of violence in syria particularly the city on the whole house has been hit heavily according to the activists here who are siding with the opposition they say hundreds of people have been killed just over the past week however if however the official damascus has a different point of view on the matter those people who are who are have been killed are people who supported the government. people who were kidnapped by the two groups and they were mr good on the. evening after the. order due to the exact time of the meeting of the security council in new york of course syrian officials say that the armed rebels are being supported both financially and militarily by our forces from abroad who want to see foreign intervention in the country russian says that the only people who really
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can bring a solution in this crisis are the syrian syria's themselves in fact russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov was in damascus for talks with the syrian president bashar assad after those talks says syrian president looked looked like he was ready to sit down for talks with the syrian opposition but the opposition refuses for those talks they do however say that if those talks are to happen if negotiations between the opposition and the syrian government are to take place then russia must play and mediating role meanwhile russia's envoy to the united nations security council tell you to him told r.t. to see that the only solution in this case it will be for all sides in syria to lay down the arms as the morning during mission of that i believe was there and as the situation was evolving everybody saw that the government troops were pulling out of certain. quarters in the city is that territory was taken over by armed rebel groups that would mean that the the armed confrontation will
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continue and escalate on sunday al-qaeda lead the newest al-qaeda leader said that he also supports a syrian opposition he actually called on all muslims in the arab world to unite come into syria and support those who are fighting against the syrian the syrian regime at the moment and of course you also have to keep an eye on washington for trying to gather a coalition of the willing so to speak hoping to put more pressure on the regime of president assad and they're hoping that if they continue to press their point and the united nations and among their allies they were. their goal. is ridiculous to report that it's got some more details now on the situation in syria we can talk now to talk to his job from the center for middle east studies joining us from beirut thank you for coming on r.t. today there are calls from washington to the rebels but it now appears that armed opposition groups could be linked to al qaida do you think the u.s.
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and its allies will continue to back the rebels with this being the possible situation. here short of the answer is yes it seems that the western blogs are working in the same way and they have the same target is to destroy the regime in syria. personally i was not surprised to hear a. statement of the windy because yesterday we hear an american response who said that was behind that their orders operation and it will then we heard yesterday also an iraqi. who said that many groups of insurgents moved from iraq to syria and applied never denied it's a prisoner's. card they're never denied that support to die and certainly in syria
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and the opposition also united staes denied today or yesterday that. united states or the western bloc provide what is certain doesn't come under instruction from our neighbor doesn't it seem a bit bizarre that if indeed if indeed there are western powers here helping to arm the opposition and then knowing all the time that the opposition has links to al qaeda i mean given the past eleven years of america's war on terror do you think it's a bit bizarre that with this ongoing battle against al qaeda here they could be essentially arming them during the syrian conflict. yes of course because they have the same. nobody has tests range and also you tell me about ten years of war in afghanistan for example. and. it's really funny you would see next year that already they started negotiations with taliban and they.
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have got to stand too long and. that's. it's not strange in my opinion and they are working together not to get it i mean in the same way i would say and america is not feeling dialect. but everybody knows that the insurgents in syria are financed by some arab countries it's a clear nobody can deny this you talk about having it from other arab countries about some sort of a regional support if i may just shift gears for a moment here regarding the ongoing crisis in syria and the coals for a coalition of the willing but it sounds eerily reminiscent of the iraq war from years ago some analysts believe that washington and its allies want to use this conflict in syria as a means of targeting iran could you see any truth to that and how.
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yes of course there is even syria is very close to iran and when united states can not. mistyped a war against iran or make the pressure on iran a let. down of course they are taking advantage from what happened in syria they are supporting the insurgents and but keep own america and the western blot did not understand yet did not recognize yet did not i meant that syria is not. a lot of difference between the two countries demographic and that is an army is he did not have an army that there are tribes libya syria that the syrian society is totally different the army in syria stand united and in case in my opinion in case the army will be divided and i don't think it
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will be in the near future one datum in syria will be divided that means see if he has gone into a civil war that's a clear america one of the civil war in syria then the civil war and liberal because it's contagious and quickly it's really not going to be orderly i understand indications that you join lebanon into this but if i could and i apologize i'm running low on time we're just getting back to the issue of iran to apologize if there is foreign intervention in syria will syria get support from iran. of course that's clear iran did not deny its support to syria maybe did not provide syria yet by military aid but now the. sky is open between iran and syria of iraq and road is open and the iraqi regime you know did not done any conflict with the syrian regime because they
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have come and arrest and everybody knows the. influence of iran and also they can be provided by help from going on maybe because iran will not go into civil war because they keep on if there is no change in the regime and see it here unless it could be changed any peaceful way because by force by supporting that assertion that is no foreign intervention at all you know and even even trickier know that not stop to talk about. that of foreign intervention foreign intervention or not obviously there are a lot of external player playings going on here whether it's under the guise yes of a revolution as you said a civil war certainly there are some outside influences going on with dr i wish we had more time for this middle east expert thank you very much for joining us on our see today. thank you. iran says it will soon
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reveal some major advances in its nuclear program speaking on the thirty third anniversary of the islamic revolution president ahmadinejad said taro and would never stop enriching uranium iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes only but the united states and its allies the u.s. and israel suspect that tehran could be pursuing nuclear weapons they've been putting up signs against against tehran but ask me to judge warns that europe's planned oil embargo will but fire spain one of the biggest consumers of iranian oil so is the sign sions would hurt it more than any other european state madrid based journalist. believes the embargo has actually been forced upon europe what we're seeing here is not a decision that comes actually from the european countries to spain never wanted to go to to poot to be put in place this is something that comes externally from the
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united states pressure on the european union so it calls into question spain's tanami in making foreign policy decisions and he's not just to spain and italy also greece imports lots of oil from iran and it could be hard hit in a way that would bring them bankrupt in the coming future that would be a complete disaster for the european union and for the euro and that can happen because of the political move and union actually had a very good relationship in terms of the economy and trade with iran it was true even in the last twenty years the connections that had been lost after the iranian revolution and the situation was improving until we came to this new tension that has been in my view to a great extent artificially created. you're watching r t live from moscow are still ahead for you in the program here a year since the toppling of mubarak but instead of celebrations across egypt a general strike as people feel betrayed by the military rulers and want to change
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that still has not come. and a group of politically active russians take the matter of election transparency into their own hands by organizing voters league. it's tough new cuts on already struggling greeks or an imminent default as the country's prime minister warns failing to get more bailout cash could be catastrophic the parliament is set to vote on the very unpopular new austerity bill that e.u. creditors want passed in return for the one hundred thirty billion euro rescue package the cabinet has cleared the plan after a tough debates and lost six ministers in deputies in the process some coalition and piece of threatened to vote against it if it goes ahead though fifteen thousand civil servants will lose their jobs and the minimum wage will be slashed thousands of creeks have been protesting the deal throughout the week and there's been clashes with police who fired tear gas into crowds and more rallies are expected
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later on sunday when the parliament votes on the bill financial analyst max kaiser says the greek government is not acting in the best interests of its people. all of the toxic debt that has been accumulated on banks' balance sheets around the world in germany and the u.k. in the u.s. have been put onto the balance sheet of greece another government of greece wants the people of greece to pay for this toxic debt the debt in greece did not originate in greece it originated in these other countries that have used greece as a toxic debt dump to dump their debt now they want the greeks to pay the debt the greeks of course will be on able to pay their debt to greek government is in place by the bankers the previous greek government will. put there by the bankers he was trained in chicago the same place christine legarde was trained the greeks have not representational government in quite some time they need to take it out of the arab
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spring they need to stage a revolution. become self-sufficient and regain their sovereignty again by staging some kind of coup. on the first anniversary of the ousting of former president hosni mubarak egypt's activists have called for a general strike to ramp up the pressure against the ruling military council but they want to see the council step down immediately saying they are blocking reforms the military said it won't accept any ultimatum and will transfer power in june when the presidential elections are shuttle but many people fear they will remain in power beyond this date. journalist true gyptian have every right not to trust the military. people are unsure about whether they actually transfer power in jean and so far the military really minute you count so has yet to fulfill any of its promises that said since he came into power also just generally on the streets we're seeing massive human rights violations towards protesters where people are
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expressing their freedom of speech and we've seeing excessive use of tear gas and cartouche they call it here which is birdshot and maiming protesters there's been absolutely no reform of the police and i was simply fired by the football disaster a few weeks ago which saw the seventy four people die so essentially we've seen very little reform since the barak stepped down and people are basically anxious that nothing will change and that will just slip into a new a new dictatorship i think most people here would post i would say they do you say in the revolution never ended but it's called the continuance of the ongoing revolution really since january even after mubarak stepped down this time last year they've been continuous sit ins and protests and violent clashes with egypt's security forces. pushing the protest is pushing for change they haven't seen yet. the crackdown on the western funded pro-democracy groups in cairo has been discussed by america's top general with egypt's martial turn towie over four dozen
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foreigners have been arrested and now facing trial for funding unrest in the country but as r.t. is more a financial reports it's the timing of the clampdown that's raising questions. egypt's new government crackdown on n.g.o.s has raised many questions and they may want to is why now the groups many which funded by washington have been on the ground here for a while they were at the vanguard of the uprising against the baraka that eventually brought the supreme council of the armed forces to power last february and no one has ever seems to care about their sources of income that is until they directed their criticism to the new military leadership layman scaff for the slow pace of reform some of them are used by this. that are quoting people who work in the gender. that evolution. works in their goals.


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