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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2012 6:18am-6:48am EST

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and israeli citizenship lore is denying thousands of palestinians the right to permanently settle down with israeli spouses and children the government says the law was designed for security reasons but as artie's paul asli reports it seems the battle against terror could be doing more harm than good by simply tearing apart families this is the document that's ruining line is life it makes no mention of a university degree a husband or two children it's simply states she's palestinian and therefore illegal and wanted in israel i have a permission to stay here now. i don't have any rights just to breathe and it and drink and for me it's not allowed but a lot of chooses this non life because it's where her husband and children live by law very israeli where is the rest of her family live across the border in janine in palestine each time we travel during the week during.
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goes through perth and i and the kids go through another. what does remind us i have to walk and he is gone. until now known as move between the two worlds with temporary visas issued by television but she's afraid there could stop as the government tightens its grip on an eight year old law denying permanent citizenship to palestinians married to israelis but strain to limit the graphic. growth of the arab citizens encourage. citizens who marry palestinians from the west bank in gaza or from jordan to actually immigrate to actually leave israel israel says the law is for security purposes and it's trying to prevent palestinians from taking advantage of being able to get an israeli id through marriage and then carry out attacks on israeli citizens but human rights groups don't buy that they petitioned the law arguing that in the last fourteen years more than one hundred fifty thousand palestinians
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entered israel because of family ties with israelis only fifty four of them were ever found to be a security risk. in upholding the so-called citizenship law the israeli supreme court president said it was one of the most difficult questions in the state's history the battle against terror while at the same time maintaining the nation's democratic nature we are talking about thousands of family that as a result of the decision of the supreme court that validated upheld the law they are now living under the can dribble threat of being forcibly separated from their spouses from their children from their parents so we are indeed talking about a huge issue with a huge effect on thousands of people this law is thinking about it. i mean. before having your very clear who are jewish. but in the meantime it threatens to tear families apart
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as lawn interests now face the very real danger that they might not be able to continue living together policy r.t. israel. in just a moment it's korean and with the business but for now when winter comes to town moscow can look a fairytale city at a rather chilly one so went to try some winter theme activities just on the outskirts of the russian capital from magical forests and husky dogs to snowplows and tiny villages here's a preview. for
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. you to join our all the chile from moscow out in about an hour's time here on our t.v. but as i promised now the business with covering. hello and welcome to business here on r t good to have you with us gold is losing value on stronger dollar lifted by fresh worries about the european debt crisis however the sentiment has been generally bullish for the bullion with a price up around ten percent this year i'm joined by rob edwards from mrs capital to give his view on where gold is heading thank you for joining the program there's
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some confidence returning to the financial markets as we see does this spell trouble for gold as a sort of a safe haven investment. goals being governed by the what's been happening with real interest rates really it's still a very valid investment vehicle we've seen an investment in so easy of top off the top often become slightly more susceptible to some selling but the real demand for physical gold out of india and china is still very strong where we've seen really interest rates remain low. the fed has indicated that interest rates are going to remain low for a long time which means that we don't see investment amount in gold really destabilizing is still a very valid investment instruments of us are in right now so what's your price target for gold for the end of the year. for gold is it twelve percent off its lows we should this record in december it's only ten percent off its highs it's been
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very volatile but if you look at the long term chart for gold going over the past decade we're important to two fifty. two thousand dollars an ounce now that's been a very consistent bull run and in many periods over that period of time it's been going up in all currencies which is the true definition of a bull market i'll be watching the dollar your exchange rate and also the trade weighted dollar exchange rates. also be watching over see what happens in equity markets but you can see. it was living in an age of volatility and gold is still going to be relevant we don't see it breaking below fifteen hundred dollars an ounce and the end of the day is still a commodity there's a cost of production there's a cost of supply and that's still very very hard saw than people think and still do you see any risk any risk factors with buying gold at the moment. and what its top of. well is twelve percent of its lows it's going to continue to be violent so it's going to try it within a band of so in one hundred fifty down to sixty ninety and
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it's it's rather hot so in the short term probably but a way to go forward for gold to come back but i'd certainly be going into the dips . you you mentioned india india has decided to use gold for trade settlements with iran do you think that a smart move it's that has it made it there there's a new era for gold coming. well gold's a currency it's a very liquid currency it's a lot more liquid than a lot of silver and currencies particularly the measure markets so still very valid . we know that the central banks have been netballers of gold over the last two or three years particularly for central banks who are very very heavily exposed to the dollar the chinese and the indians and a lot of other immersion economies of might a very concerted effort to confer dollars into hard assets be a. bit of the strategic metals but gold is still very relevant and gold swaps to
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log scale gold leaf related swaps are going to it's always been a very valid. monitor instrument so yes so do you think we are going to see more of them ok thank you rob i was going to metals and mining reasons capital thanks very much for sharing these thoughts with us. thank you and let's look at the markets now european stocks slide into red after you finance ministers held back a rescue package for greece the european central bank has kept its key interest rate at record low one percent in a move to stable possible government defaults and bank failures banks are on the downturn with barclays topping the list on the footsie its shares slide over four and a half percent after the bank has reported that the percent fall in profit to five point nine billion pounds last year was moscow the markets are in negative territory as well in the eyes it's losing almost zero percent while the us has this
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dropping over one and a quarter of a percent most of the blue chips are pointing downwards let's have a look at individual channels on the rise and need to be continues its life following the buyback announcement follows gold is it raising early losses are we ports about its tail tie up with probably my book will give you more on that later and gas from the after is down around half a percent the company has reported. seven percent increase in production for two thousand and eleven. now here they exchange rates the euro is lower against the dollar amid uncertainty about the greek debt meanwhile we could or that is weighing on the ruble which is losing value against the euro and the u.s. . and oil is falling from a three weeks highest concerns about huge debt crisis all the way signs of an economic recovery in the u.s. brant gland is trading at just under one hundred and eighty dollars a barrel. is that over ninety nine dollars. a
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multibillion dollar merger between russian miners gold medal has failed that in the newspaper side sources close to the talks is saying gold is not satisfied with the terms the owner of russia's largest gold miner claims the firm doesn't need additional assets in the country the company now wants to merge with one of its foreign rivals one is goldman fundamental and jointly worth around seventy billion dollars and larger could have created the biggest gold miner in the world well that's all for me this hour but remember you can always find more business stories just log on to our website r t dot com thanks for watching.
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but. let's try it for thirty. years i don't know who is going to see the film on the screen if you want to have sex go and have sex .
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culture is that so much. more than the feet in the battle for syria the international community is divided as the syrians themselves when it comes to resolving the situation. headlines the armed wing of the syrian opposition has claimed responsibility for two car bombs in the major northern city of aleppo at least twenty five killed one hundred seventy when it comes as the u.s. gathers a coalition of nations to help bring down the syrian regime in direct. response to the latest wave of austerity cuts which they say of pushing workers on the
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economy towards a financial abyss the crucial step toward securing desperately needed one hundred thirty billion euro bailout. a group of public figures from civil society gather support on their quest to keep the presidential elections fair and transparent succeeding in establishing ties with. the opposition. party we go into cross talk with all this time asking why the arab league seems so concerned about the protests in syria and whether there is any way to stop the violence without turning it into a new libya or iraq it's on the way. and you can. start. to.
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flow in welcome to crossfire can you talk about the fate of and the battle for syria the international community is as divided as the syrians themselves when it comes to resolving a situation that looks like a civil war with every passing day should there be an international intervention to stop the violence or would doing so make the situation even worse. and you can. start. to cross out the future of syria i'm joined by james carafano in washington he is the director of the heritage foundation's allison center for foreign policy studies in amsterdam we have nick autons he is editor of the atlantic sentinel and a special correspondent for the soul times and in los angeles we have james morris he's a political analyst commentator and editor of america hijacked dot com all right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want jim
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and i to go to you first it seems like western powers have an agenda here they want to get rid of assad but they want to stop the killing as well aren't they mutually contradictory. well this is a common problem we have seen this over and over again around the world we've seen it in libya just recently but you have to remember we had a similar situation in liberia we've had a longstanding problem in the sudan so in a sense it's not a new problem i'm not really sure of the world is of i think generally people agree that the syrian government has been excessive in its use of force and constructive so i do think in a sense there is yet unanimity and the people think what this government is doing is wrong ok what do you think about that james in los angeles here because we have kind of a new situation right now the u.n. security council didn't vote for the any kind of intervention a removal of assad is a precondition to move forward here so we kind of have a deadlock obviously i mean what what's the next move here because we're going to get a coalition of the willing that will just go its own way like the west dating led
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by the united states into iraq. well peter thank you for having me on crosstalk what you have here in the middle east basically is an ongoing situation where we're fighting wars for israel and you have divide and conquer that gender that goes back to the israeli look could make boated you known he had a paper readied written a strategy for israel in the one nine hundred eighty s. and that's what these neo conservatives are following my good friend dr stephen snow gossipy haddad's has written about this in a book his book titled the transparent a ball and what we have are these neoconservatives which are the vanguard of the pro israel lobby in washington and they've started with iraq and they wanted to basically divide and conquer israel's enemies they base that iraq conflict an invasion on the clean break agenda gins of the jewish institute for national security affairs which colin powell had mentioned was in control of the pentagon if you look at the washington post editor karen de young biographical book about him you can look up jones in the index people like richard perle who are associated
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with. douglas feith david wurmser and they all pushed for this invasion to secure the room for israel and it was based on the couldn't it go to you know and divide and conquer and i would say this is james and james are it well but can you answer my question do you think that now if we look at the the not the libyan president but the iraq president that the united states and its allies in nato may try going it alone having a coalition of the willing and just bypassing the united nations because there won't be a u.n. resolution supporting any kind of intervention. well what i think will happen here peters you're going to have basically joe lieberman who's also part of the pros a lobby a pact american israel public affairs committee and similar and also senator john mccain has been a neo con hawk as well basically a mouthpiece for the neoconservatives i think the next step will be open arming the you know we have we've had arming of the rebels covertly coming in from turkey a former cia field officer and friend of mine field role is written about that i
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think you're going to basically see a call now for the rebels to be armed in syria they're going to try to engage the syrian regime or the endgame of this for the neoconservatives in the rest of the pros are a lot b. is a take down that syrian regime before we go to war with iran for israel ok that's in the autumn why ok now and so i let me i don't know for so you know and i'm going to make an answer damn here i mean it i find it very interesting is that i don't think i'll agree with jim and in washington d.c. i don't think there's any love lost for this regime in damascus here but i think there are some countries important country in the world they're worried about what's going to happen afterward just because assad leaves let's say apparent that equally it doesn't mean it's the violence is going to necessarily stop it actually could get worse yes actually i think everyone worries about what happens next in syria and which is why the russians and the chinese in particular they don't want to see the regime gone necessarily but to answer your question. i don't think that
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the united states and western powers nor israel particularly want to intervene in syria exactly because they fear what comes next we have a very unclear understanding of what's happening on the ground. in fathers because the syrian regime limits international media entrance into syria. i don't think we know what they're getting ourselves into. if we were. the libya scenario it's very interesting you mention that jim if i can go back to you in washington it seems to me that we could have the possibility of a partition of syria well because i think a lot of people seem to forget that seventy percent of the country is sunni and the alawite with in damascus supporting the current regime i mean there is no love lost between them either could you potentially see a partition there and i guess and they're selling necessarily mean it's good for anybody in the region or israel or any other country and their neighbors syria. well i think i think those are all very good concerns and questions actually if you
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go back and look at iraq and say two thousand and five and two thousand and six and the problems that you saw come to the surface what happens when you take away a government which really doesn't provide much governance other than oppressing its own people we have deep sectarian divides we have all kinds of other divides we have a democrat sions when you have access from transnational terrorist groups when you take that away you get iraq and in two thousand and five the two thousand and six syria would essentially be iraq in a very small place it would be a very very difficult and problematic situation and i think that's why. people talk about this but i don't think anybody has a real appetite to go in there i must tell you i think from the u.s. perspective although the u.s. has interests in how things turn out in syria i don't believe you should only use force when it's in your vital national interest and i don't think that the u.s. has a vital national interest that would that would justify u.s. and u.s. military intervention we have. there were four countries that border this country
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which are very important. iraq israel and turkey we have very good relations with those countries turkey iraq and israel they have very vested interests in a solution that doesn't make that part of the world worse i think primarily what u.s. policy be doing is working with those three countries working on getting them on a common agenda and doing what is best possible for the region and for the people of syria but i think this discussion about a direct military intervention by a coalition of the willing is premature and and again very likely to lead to a really really difficult situation that make things look like somalia and other countries are just bad and i just remind people you know the closest we've had to this is bosnia and if you remember about the one thing about the european intervention in bosnia the europeans went in basically after the killing stopped. i mean after the worst genocide was over after the sides had had split off and after
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everybody was exhausted then they went in and going in on the front ends a very difficult and very different scenario it's very interesting james if i go to you in los angeles it already appears that the the united states and its allies in one degree or another in some of these countries are more directly involved have chosen the what's called the opposition there are a mixed group of people here whose agenda is not particularly clear and if i may have said that assad has to go it's ratcheting things up you can't turn around and say now all he can stay ok i mean do you think this is one of the fundamental mistakes had been made in dealing with syria because they they start from the wish the most important thing they want and then they work down instead of the other way around and jim pointed out and in washington very good point you know this is the bosnian situation in reverse yeah but you also have to look at what's happening we obviously had a we have a genuine situation in syria we do have ethnic strife i mean you've got the alawite it's in control of scholl assad and you've got the sunni with the muslim
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brotherhood and then you've obviously got christians and whatnot and there are sectarian groups there that actually you know nobody believes in dictatorship i certainly don't i'd like to see democracy there as well but there are many sects there are at least several sex there that are comfortable with the status quo and there they feel very stretched and if that regime is overthrown but let me draw you to a website the passionate attachment dot com and there's a post there at the top and it's titled the israel lobby is role in pushing for regime change in syria i think it's very important and you can also go to the web site that many of my c.-span and similar calls appear neo-cons on this thread dot com it's very important to de-stress who's pushing this who's encouraging i'm not saying who started it from the beginning what not or per se but who's encouraging this and again it's the pro israel lobby in america through its components such as you know the ned the national endowment for democracy you've got a former a.d.l. researcher there karl. gershman who's in control of that again go to that post
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israel lobby's role in pushing for regime change in syria let's look at the target it's not about dot com let's talk about israel nick do you do you see that the israelis have a huge interest in seeing the assad regime go down because i i find that a bit dubious i mean they preferred that to deal with the devils that they know ok they liked working with the they like you language i mean let me finish a question they liked working with a mubarak in egypt because he was he was the devil that they knew go ahead nick what do you think absolutely and look at the situation in egypt now the israelis absolutely not very happy about this they don't know what's going to happen they don't know if israel if egypt below its base to to hit israel and afraid and for good reason that is assad goes in syria and there is a sunni dominated government there's really more aggressive toward israel and will probably continue to support hamas in the palestinian territories so so i don't buy this argument that the israeli lobby in the united states is pushing for regime
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change in damascus what do you think about the actual nic nic you're right james go . ahead and you've got to look at the nic you've got to look into you've got to look in the james bamford's a pretext for war book then and what he talks about with the clean break agenda that was our co-author eyes by three leading sponsor of the of the of the iraq intervention richard perle douglas feith and david wurmser i'm not saying everybody bill in israel believes this i'm talking about le could next that are following this you know and strategy like i said it was it was time of the strategy for israel in the one nine hundred eighty s. and that's what these neoconservative warmongers are pushing now i agree with peter it's not necessarily a favorable situation if you talk if you topple assad because you can get the muslim brothers are. going to we're all going to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on the under arrest in syria state with our.
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fish fish fish . take. them across the computer about remind you we're talking about the unrest in syria. but to go back to jim in a while in washington d.c. with the failed u.n. security council resolution jim what do you think the possibility is now on am very hypothetical again that we can we will see some kind of settlement on the ground instead of outside elements playing a role i mean does this give an impetus now i know the violence is horrific there but does it give it
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a new impetus to have the parties sit down somehow the russians are trying to mediate and we can see where that will go you know if there isn't hopefully i don't like to see an international solution with the use of force but can it is it telling the syrians that you have to start drawing lines and you have to start talking because every conflict is resolved with negotiations eventually. well i will make a prediction and i do take in this situation what's going to drive internal events within syria as opposed to the extra pressure syria is in libya. is kind of the end of the world nobody really cared about his regime he was very isolated syria's very different syria's very good ties with syria they have good ties with iran they have access to the rest of the world so they're not completely isolated regime they can hang on i mean they they've proven determination hang on last time an uprising like this of ten thousand people were killed and we i think estimates are about half
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that now so the regime may just hang on and crush everything else the regime may collapse and made of all that is so war but my guess is it's the internal events inside the country that are going to drive the future and the decision that the regime makes and the opposition makes and of course that's very complicated because that's a dynamic relationship neither one of them is and an actor but they're going to determine the future of this country much more than the rest of us are standing on the sidelines that's why i really think with what the rest of us are standing on the sidelines with the united states and other countries should be doing is you know we can work to ensure the stability of the region and to deal with this crisis with every direction it goes rather than delude ourselves and that somehow we're going to tell the syrians what their future is going to look like a week or a month from now we are it was already mentioned at the beginning of this part of the program is iran and my suspicions are it's less about israel because i think israel actually is very worried because it's very confused about what's going on with the arabs.


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