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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2012 7:18am-7:48am EST

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my taxes are over or they condemned mubarak tons of times but at the end of the day the continued on flowing that the poor mother support also continued on flowing when you don't order washington's so-called support for democracy get in the middle east washington wants to step in always the situation as much as possible in order to guarantee its interests they don't care about democracy meanwhile even those on the streets protesting against car share the council's concerns about the engineers motifs the usa has had a hand in tips policy making for years but the whole n.t. and your campaign has become the first serious disagreement between america and the countries your story takes cairo wanted to send washington and message that it's no longer the silent dog it was under mubarak but an independent state which will last for the rate any outside interference some doubts though they really minute the end to military movement growing ever bigger you can see it over there this is in council of the armed forces or scofflaw running egypt is in
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a very vulnerable position and this nationalistic pronouncement may just be a nationalist show put on to calm the people down and to win back a shred of credibility. here if your. cairo. but many believe that egypt's regime change is also a damage the previously well established ties between cairo and tell of eve later this hour a former top israeli diplomat shares his views on on his country's policies that's in our special r.t. interview stand by for that. let's get back to one of our top stories of that of syria here on r.t. the ongoing violence there russia trying to act as a mediator between the opposition and the government but to try and quell now months and months. damascus are particularly as well in the city of almost a sport speak to a professor. of middle eastern african history. do apologize or we spoke
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a few minutes ago we lost our connection thank you for having the patience of the come back also thanks to our viewers when it comes to israel's stance with syria what does israel have to gain or lose from the outcome of the ongoing conflict there. well i think that what israelis prefer is stability when you have lack of stability you know there is always the possibility of the to ration astill ation miscalculation i mean the. loss of control by the central regime in damascus means. their appearance or the presence of terrorist groups that may operate against israel i mean we know that the syrian army has advanced weapon and impressive arsenal of. other. weapons so it's always the really tendency to prefer stability a stable regime and the fear of the. situation is these now in syria the lack of
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stability the ongoing struggle and they also effect the border between israel and syria or a whole lot of people given that israel is concerned about the consequences of a potential collapse of assad's regime as you said earlier assad's regime did have elements of stability to it now we're seeing total lack of stability there how does israel help to stabilize the situation in a neighboring country is it is it working to improve the border relations their border security. well the border is quiet but clearly it's not in the hands of israelis in the hands of the syrian people i also believe that you know with me for an interview intervention or interference will not. affect it's up to the syrian people the syrian society to decide. the fate of this country so there is very little israel can do of course the best sync is only
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to full or close leave from the outside the not fearing what is happening but i think as you say you know as you say i do apologize for interrupting you but you're saying so that with israel being serious neighbor the best thing for israel to do is just sit back and watch just follow what's going on there were not actually get involved in some form or another there are many that might say that we're with possible arms coming in over various other borders that might be best for israel to solidify to fortify its border there but you say no special televisa sit back and watch. yes because right now the border is very quiet the struggle is going on going inside syria didn't arrive to the border the syrian army is still there the syrian regime is steve there only those who fall off some reports on some. t.v. station reached the conclusion the. days in power are numbered they don't think
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that this is the case it's going to be a very long and bloody struggle and for the time being the regime is holding to its position and the border is quiet so simply we have to follow events and once again not to take any position and not to interfere in the market as you know you know as you say you do forecast or you forecast a long and bloody struggle there also you're saying that the israel syrian border is quiet some members of the syrian opposition have asked arab countries for money to help boost their armed forces what's your take on that. well clearly this is a regional struggle it's not on the is the struggle inside syria and there is the region the struggle between you can argue iran on the one hand the support of the regime and some arab countries mainly the gulf states and also turkey that support the rebels and there is the international they mentioned the tension between west
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and east between russia and china and western countries. so clearly this struggle that is going on in syria is some they mentions but once again i think that eventually this will be the syrian people that will dictate his fate because i don't see anyone that can interfere effectively in what is going on in syria like in egypt libya other places once again the people. who say the people will decide his fate but also as you as you do agree upon that this is not just a small area this is a regional conflict that is drawing in neighbors here to. some degree getting involved with the conflict in syria they yell it i wish we had more time we don't thank you for coming on r.t. today the television of sitting. back shortly here with more news for you for now though let's get over to katie and the latest hourly business update.
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welcome to the business program of this hour welder down scientists futurists and entrepreneur as are in moscow discussing the russian economy and its prospects of becoming a global financial hub most of them believe russia has the results is to succeed in a culture of over poles not without. the auditorium was jam packed with business owners and exports hungry to get an outside view on the russia's investment climate a walk can be done to improve it all the foreign specialists agreed on the one thing and that is that russia has a lot of potential but the problem is how to realize it more investors are lined emerging economies like russia right now because we're seeing that's the best place to support cash given the economic uncertainty in europe and the u.s. at the moment of russia locks the global competitive edge and many of the russian
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experts here today said that the country has many internal problems which need to be fixed and a symbol of the government should join forces with the business elite to make the changes required that believe that it's important to convince local businessmen to invest in russia rather than the broad and keep specialists in the country as well as create an atmosphere where entrepreneurs' are you she added another one of the main points tables in the facial russian state companies have significantly increased investments with wards that's the foreign specialists here say that russia has all the potential to produce the next generation of entrepreneurs and become the next silicon valley but it needs to act fast and start implementing the changes required now. russia's outstanding domestic debt grew in twenty eleven of the fastest rate in fifteen years the money the state of the population has tripled over the last three years and twenty eleven domestic debt rose forty two percent or
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one hundred forty billion dollars. that's on top of a forty percent of the year before despite the increases the government plans to continue raising the debt burden and it has plenty of room to do so russia's debt to g.d.p. ratio is around ten percent one of the lowest among industrialized countries. see what's happening in the markets today will get started with exchange rates the year is higher against both the dollar and the ruble is that is all keeping an eye on the greek debt talks they would enable the country to receive its next allotment of rescue funds and the ruble has advanced against the dollar to its highest level in five months on the back of strong oil prices let's get over to europe and see what's happening on the markets are high as greek officials prepared to finalize that deal i was talking about on a sturdy measures now if all goes to plan then of grima between the countries euro zone partners on the i.m.f. will mean an extra one hundred thirty putting your is in eight without the aid
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greece is expected to be fault as you can see the footsie is up its flood supposed over half a percent for the dax here in moscow the markets are gaining with banking and energy stocks lifting the indices high out on those oil prices don't use up the r.t.s. part of me is up over one percent while the my sense is over half a percent higher both positive at this hour ok let's have a look at those individual share moves on the my sex bank is gaining over one and a half percent russia's biggest and expects its course corporate loans to expand twenty five percent this year there's also higher supported by stronger crude buffing the trend is food continent the company says it will buy about shares with a discount to market price. so for this hour i'll be updating those market figures and i'll be back in about fifty five minutes join me.
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the closer has been to the whole bar of screen. where the country's mineral wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our team goes to the area. once named dr len in good looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to
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build the aviation capital of russia. that's where the four by fours are made mention be tested to the limit. welcome to the union of creature. russia close up on r t. four thirty pm here in moscow you're watching our take it's time for your headlines now russia insists that only bio aging both the syrian government and opposition to lay down their arms can an end to the bloody conflict to be found us while western and gulf countries keep up a regime change rhetoric and recall their ambassadors from damascus. fury in the u.k. as a notorious terrorist suspect dubbed al qaeda spiritually. and europe is bailed and allowed to roam the streets of london that's after his deportation to jordan where
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he's sentenced to life in prison has been forbidden by the european court of human rights. and the growing tensions between egypt and the u.s. triggered by cairo its crackdown on western n.g.o.s lead to an egyptian military delegation cutting short a visit to washington nineteen americans are among the activists banned from leaving egypt and accused of illegally using foreign cash to fuel the unrest. or to stay with us if you can hear on our next we meet. former is a former senior israeli diplomat we're going to chat about the country's foreign policies that of israel and where he thinks it will lead locally and in the region as a whole you watching arts. where have his radio. who recently resigned from the government on grounds of principle
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he said he could no longer serve in a government whose policies he did not agree with ambassador thank you very much for joining us here in our team you resigned after more than fifteen years of service what was the final straw. and why. to greet the stuff of the foreign minister of ministry of foreign affairs and the bad news for him was who. desires peace needs to be careful rule. and i thought that was very telling. of the psyche that. exists behind his political. weight and i thought i could not. minister with this kind of statement is a statement supported by the majority of israelis i think we israelis we. we grew up. with you that. we need to be on
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a little. more most israelis live a life that is quite bad and you can cut it out of the environment and the u.s. and europe western europe and you will find the israelis quite. easily integrating into society into requirements in place and so on so it's not. the regiment it's society of my childhood. all the time it's at any given point in time but it is true that israelis. believe that we can. survive here in the middle east. only if we are ready to fight for it when you resigned the same time message to all the staff of the foreign ministry explaining the resignation what will save the accident and what is the general mood
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like among israeli public servants concerning the policies that i have to the friends i have no illusions some of us were frustrated by my letter. because it is outside of the code of conduct that you just drop out because you don't like the message the messenger has no view over the message that is the code of conduct and it's quite legitimate to think in that way how many missions does agree with the message and how many don't in the foreign ministry in my view. the large majority don't care they are professionals and whatever message comes for them to deliver they will do. there is. a solid minority ministry that is politically motivated to promote. israel. in its.
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a rather. hawkish. position it's just government it is is pursuing. i think we do also have the lefties left overs from the past. but i think they are a minority your last overseas posting was as ambassador to south africa what is your experience in south africa teaching as far as a christian nation is all is concerned. i think that israel is. in a danger zone to slide. by default. into. many frustrations of apartheid if we don't take it. and i'm afraid we don't take care and there's going to contained in the united states as far as israeli policy
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on iran and palestine goes how tight is a rift between the united states and israel or is it merely a lovers' quarrel i'm surprised to realize how deep the americans care for israel is when it comes to the conversation the political conversation in the us. i also can see how. the aftermath of the war in iraq and in afghanistan. and the american city of the middle east. could work badly for the image is present in the u.s. in the political discourse in the us. in the context of american interests god forbid that the u.s. will be more reluctant. to reach out for israel because our predicament now is like a result of a policy pursued by this kind of government in
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a way that i think is tragically wrong. that we lean to the american congress a single source of strength in our diplomatic fabric and that is a very dangerous following on from much of playing is all has become increasingly isolated on the international stage what should the country's first steps to bring it out of isolation in my view this government. very explicitly. made a statement to the fake that. steps. intentionally . of the paradigm of land for peace and of occupation is the key to. a settlement in the middle east. and into a new paradigm. that stipulates the ownership of.
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exclusive ownership of. over the entirety of the land of israel which comprises in the in the eyes of palestinians palestine that paradigm is a dead end i think it is immoral morally and practically it's not sustainable and that is the reason why i left government i thought i could not see that kind of off message banking the united nations troops had cordoned it off ended occupation of palestine morning that is warmly to now the israeli palestinian conflict but is the israeli government unwilling to let israel does it on the west bank and the gaza strip whatever it likes. and. things are changing fast on the ground in favor of entrenching israeli
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presence in palestinian areas i don't think really jerusalem pays much attention too much attention to what to the secretary-general of the u.n. is saying who can it's all been lie on in the region considering that in the aftermath of the arab spring the middle east has become more radicalized i don't think israel is looking for allies i think israel is looking for. partners. of convenience. one is jordan. who's survivability in the way in the form we know it today how she made kingdom. so we entertain. a lot of common interests egypt is consumed by its own revolution and as long as it doesn't pose a threat to us. i think israel is taking a very careful distance and turkey. to cut
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a straw figure foreign policy towards one of the emerging powers in the middle three new as far as korea goes what is the best outcome for israel and why does the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu wants everything to change in syria if that would mean also i could mean another islamic state on the border i don't think israel came there. to have an impact on the outcome of any regime change that is underway anyway. so to ignore the fact that there is a regime change in the making in syria would be. unacceptable but it's the same time we need to be very careful not to expedite it is there any way that it will cut the cord and i would make a military invasion of crimea the qatari headquarters for what would such an invasion mean for israel and for the region i can hardly see the arab world
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rigid minting around one force that is prepared to walk into syria physically and intervene then i don't see it happening how much of a play isn't down to regional security it is very obvious that iran is pursuing its position as a regional power. tool serve interests that go beyond the immediate borders of iran it is tried marilee defense is primarily it responds to the desire of iran to protect itself that is one level the other is there the domestic political discourse in israel the right wing always. profited from. a nervous public mood on you defense issues and i think a lot about what is a lot of what is stated about iran actually serves political ends and i'm. very
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angry about that i think it should be stopped it once the thank you ma'am can we need attack and well i don't think this could israel as attacking iran i don't know but common sense say that israel is critically critically dependent on international legitimacy. respond the response is dry. on the right would be legitimate. a pre emptive strike. and i think it's voided any calls it a preemptive strike on iraq ambassador a lot of i will thank you very much for joining us here on oxy. from los angeles to chicago to birmingham twenty trauma centers have closed since
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two thousand severe problem is not enough in-patient beds not enough earth emergency department beds and not enough nurses commandos that to take care of all the people who are the only real health care system that we have in the city of los angeles is the los angeles fire department in fact when i started my venture is a firefighter i didn't want to be a mass and i started out going to just do fire fighting it's about eighty two percent of what we do the florida problem is medical but they had a rescue couple weeks ago waited four hours for i've waited sometimes three hours but i wouldn't say it's a frances and we went for four hours and fifty minutes standing against a wall with patients and we have a federal law that mandates that you can't turn no one away who seeks care in an emergency room. we have the most expensive health care system in the world and it's probably valued
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the least. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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the headlines on r t russia insists that only by urging both the syrian government and opposition to lay down their arms and an end to the bloody conflict to be found that's why all western and gulf countries keep up their regime change rhetoric and recall their ambassadors from damascus. fury in the u.k. as a notorious terrorist suspect dubbed al qaida spiritual leader in europe is bailed and allowed to roam the streets of london softer as deportation to jordan where he's sentenced to life in prison has been forbidden by the european court of human rights. and a growing tensions between egypt and the u.s.
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triggered by cairo's crackdown on western n.g.o.s lead to an egyptian military delegation cutting short a visit to washington line teen americans are among the activists banned from leaving egypt and accused of illegally using foreign cash to fuel on the rest. or let's get into the world of sports with kate. hello welcome to the latest sport it's wednesday and here are the headlines copy hurried toward the manager redknapp is cleared of tax evasion charges and back in the running to succeed fabio capello in the england job. while stampeding elephants diego was ivory coast are preparing to live up to their tag as favorites in the seventy finals of the africa cup of nations. and fighting back cycling star contador considers an appeal and caucuses two year ban a terrible injustice after failing
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a drugs test of the twenty ten tour de france. but first to football and harry redknapp has been given a green light to succeed fabio capello as manager of the england football team after the talk and boss was cleared of tax evasion charges by a london jury the sixty four year old was found not guilty of two counts of concealing nearly three hundred thousand dollars of transfer bonuses while in charge of portsmouth redknapp was at the helm of pompey from two thousand and two to two thousand and eight excluding years break when he became manager at southampton tottenham are currently third in the english premier league seven points behind leaders manchester city all right now has been touted as a front runner for the england job after capello steps down in july after euro twenty twelve red not was cleared along with smith chairman milan langridge was happy the trial is over. we're going to go there and we're. still very very. horrible dream that i have been. regarding here if i reset on this great men are always.


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