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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2012 3:00am-3:30am EST

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my six bombing mission of dissidents to date dictators and torture is operation of vegetal rewarded with arms and oil contracts. meant day care in moscow this is r.t. a very warm welcome to you now syria could get another chance at a diplomatic escape route from its continuing political crisis as it hosts a russian delegation later on tuesday that's made widespread international outcry caused by clashes at the u.n. security council and swelling violence within syria the timing of it ever has the details. the main goal of russia's delegation in syria today is to stop the violence that's coming from both sides of the conflict to have them sit down at the negotiation table and talk now russian delegation to syria today is
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headed by the country's foreign minister sergei lavrov and together with foreign intelligence chiefs because of fraud calls they bear a message from russians residents of president assad's message that's calling on for siller syria's democratic changes in the country and while the speculations haven't that those changes may include a change of regime sergei lavrov suggested that asking presidents of certain countries to step down is not a russian profession now this comes after russia vetoed for the second time u.n. security council's resolution on syria previously russia had asked the u.n. security council not to wash with sides decisions and give russian delegation a chance to visit damascus one more time to talk to president assad once more. voting on the resolution however that request was ignored which russia found quite disrespectful meanwhile the u.s. has shut down its embassy in syria and is seeking further regional and national sanctions. on syria as well as the u.k.
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britain has recruited its ambassador from syria for consultations and it looks like new resolutions are just around the corner. hawse from box. struggling to convince the west impartiality critics. approach which brought into question. it's divisive on every level the syrian crisis has splits opinion from the streets to the international stage the united states is disgusted that a couple members of this council continue to prevent us from fulfilling our sole purpose here this is a doomed. as well as i murdering regime there is no way it can get its credibility back internationally or with its own people and when you come when you realize that you see what a mistake russia is making by backing this regime so many in the west russia's
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decision along with china to veto the un resolution on syria is difficult to understand america's u.n. envoy described the decision to show you full and accuse the countries of attempting to sell out the syrian people and if shielding a tyrant the right from the very beginning and russia has been very clear on its stance so they're quite this in syria and it is continuous calls for dialogue. alongside calls for the government to withdraw its troops from cities we wanted to demand of the armed groups also leave the cities and stop the ongoing attempts to take over residential areas suggestions were vehemently rejected by the co-sponsors of the text it looks like these co-sponsors are more interested in simply finding somebody to blame drawing attention away from the armed groups that are receiving arms and other kinds of encouragement from abroad the west has leveled heavy criticism at moscow's continued arms trade with syria saying it's backing the assad
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regime has been overlooked however is russia's continued efforts to mediate with all sides of the conflict we speak with the head a serious internal opposition the national coordination council he'd met with a russian delegation recently we asked how they viewed russia's stance russia said they are not against the will of the syrian people the. down with the syrian people and the legitimate demands we asked to do support the syrian people and do whatever will protect them from violence and killing otherwise their position should be considered a sttng with the regime with these say and russia's unwillingness to join me cannot make sanctions most gay may have a hard time convincing the west this neutrality of course russia much more careful towards all sort of because after that it was from to be able good caesar perverse some countries so nato countries doesn't want to fall the result was a u.s. citizen i do some for. a cynical process. believe it was
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north lives but not total border as there usually on libya was protecting cedars but not about syrians. and as the political tit for tat continues to play out an increasingly polarized population watching their lives and country brought to a standstill sanctions a crippling the economy and the increasing violence is raising the death toll daily the geopolitical wrangling now seems to be eva shattering the issue of basic human rights for the people living in syria. joining us now for more analysis on the international over syria is professor simon shen on the chinese university of hong kong i thank you for joining us here on r.t. you know that the resolution has been blocked the u.s. and the e.u. are threatening new sanctions washington as close as embassy in damascus and the u.k.
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has recalled its ambassador how far can this go. well it was all researchers you know region expect a region to last for very long time however is also quite unlikely for it to be in the short run so i think the matter is how this regime can turn in the relatively peaceful because to look at them is evil because the perspective is frederica on that are we have this in a replacement yes there can be a subject but russia or china and so. now russian foreign minister sergey lavrov is on his way to damascus what's his visit likely to achieve. can. you just cheer up because evolution between the two sides are going to be. some kind of agreement both kinds can get a subsidy but it's quite unlikely for this purpose to be achieved so from our perspective it might be one of the many ways for the russians to try to influence
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before the election so as to appease some of the audiences but it might be another question after the election and. the russians have already are satisfied because let's take christ has done his task but i don't think personally i don't think it's possible for any countries to mediate a resolution that can get such a both sides in syria well the u.s. has been critical of russia and china's double veto of the syrian to off resolution is this fair. well they better to do the cold war is over it you know was famous for. towing a lot of resolutions and the americans are also quite famous for beetling and resolution that is so happens to us through so from the chinese perspective it might have a sense of kind of standard however i think the so-called code has been some
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was going to the previous ones who should be a because at the time while russia and china did not veto against it so did my accuse these countries so i think that little stunt that's what you have is military action in syria likely in a similar way to what happened in libya then in your pain. chinese have a sense of being betrayed not trying because they have been authorized nato for using force in the. days has been you it was just i'm a z. to be in the opposition so are the chinese have a sense of being betrayed last time which means it's unlikely for them to bose for anything that is similar to the situation of having. an image reaction was it's likely it must be gone beyond a framework which means they have to do so would have to bypass to platform. some weed in the bin which i don't think is possible they're trying to be so in terms of china then how much interest or politically and otherwise does china have both in
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syria and the wider region. unlike russia china does and doesn't have any underwrote interest in this particular country however the region on the whole chinese very concerned with irregular supply of oil so does he simply number one priority of chinese foreign policy but zero zero it's not just syria from china's its perspective is some wasn't into iran because if syria is falling probably the next targets would be iran and china have expressed very clearly that it doesn't want. to be placed upon the iran terms of its oil export so if china and russia together can fund syria for longer period of time it would be also believe fishery to own the energy security of chinese foreign policy so why do you think then that western members of the un security council fail to take russian and chinese concerns into account. well i think they have tried. some
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of the russian and chinese suggestions in the final version of us usually but these are not sufficient from this photo. i think the most of the medical issues that we have. we have to alter ised regime change which is not asserted to the chinese and russians but that is what other was in countries for and so these two stanzas are basically imposed go to any reconciliation so i don't think the un resolution at this moment can get something by both sides so it is quite possible for these countries to go for a resolution. that great book ok we have to leave it there professor simon shannon chinese a university of hong kong thank you very much for your help. well still to come on the program a soldier of good fortune the u.s. army private could be in the running for a nobel peace prize credentials uncovering the crime the new secret documents to wiki leaks it's an accusation that seems right and.
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rest water against iran tehran found itself unable to carry out an actual transaction. starts to freeze the grounds of iran's central bank. in thousand more greek jobs slashed its latest play for sturdy measures adopted by athens to appease its international creditors the cuts are especially worrying given that greek economies where three four countries hopes now rest with a second. bailout package stations between the bankers and the government are ongoing main precondition being that austerity measures according to no purpose approach from the us after the us get the cash it will have no hope of repaying the interest. two years now we are living through i hear all of austerity measures or the like only on measures that they are put all the burdens to the poorest to
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the weakest members of our society and our debt you stayed off be reduced is get inflated so i don't have any hope to give the new measures it is the same as if we continue to put money into our debt or store credit goes in to drain our economy lead in the lead they need even more austere recession this massive privatization they are pushing to us actually they are nothing but a scheme to give up our public infrastructure the infrastructure of our public property to foreigners at especially big german enterprises school now greece is a kind of experiment for all european union they're just trying to impose to us or state a measure split dioxins the salaries they dismantlement of the protective legislation for the workers that later they are going to try to impose rather people started from the people and the counters of the south we do not want this continuous sacrifices sacrifices without any kind of cope. well germany and france have also
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called for more say over greece's finances including future bailouts it follows an attempt by a burden to assume control of a country's budget move objects by the debt ridden nation and that's one of the themes featured in today's report coming up in thirty. what they're not taking into consideration is that all of this debt is off the balance sheet and all the end is used immediately to pay off the bank and near and germany so germany has effectively to seize control of greece they've seized control of portugal they also be totally in control of spain and they're totally in control of the euro zone it's all legal remember they put all that bad debt off the balance sheet you don't have interest rate risk you have political risk in the countries that are not germany germany doesn't have a political risk because they are europe.
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the former head of britain's m i six spy agencies markdown and he's being sued by two dissident libyans you don't really help to arrest and deport to condone torture in two thousand and four because again substance after the discovery of letters from maryland to the colonel congratulating him on the return of the prisoners oh geez i bet it has the story. abducted imprisoned and tortured for six years all thanks to british government help those are the claims of two former gadaffi detainees who say they were captured by m i six and flown to libya in two thousand and four abdulhakim bell is now libya's military commander along with sami el saadi he was part of the libyan islamic fighting group they're suing a former british spy chief for complicity in their torture to me the most damaging aspect is just how much the british were involved in even just two cases of sending senior people back to libya and then the potential damages how much they knew about
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the nature of gadhafi is regime and how he and his officials were tortured prisoners and that should have been obvious documents found in tripoli by human rights watch seemingly expose britain's key role in the libyans rendition within m i six counterterrorism chief says mark allen pulling the strings he allegedly writes in one letter sent to get daffy spy chief moose. i congratulate you on the safe arrival of our last a geek mr hard this was the least we could do for you and for libya the papers show the cia seized bangkok thanks to an m i six tipped off al saadi was supposedly snatched by the m i six in hong kong both men were sent straight to libya and the notorious abu salim prison where they say they were tortured there are statements from calle thirteen. that.
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they do not wish torture to happen. in the context of death. those sorts of statements that. everyone would know there was an extremely high risk. that these individuals will be tortured but by that point the british government's love in with good daffy had already begun turning him from desk to darling and it wasn't just good daffy you reap the rewards it's a mark allen was britain's negotiator in what was a two way deal it was in this exclusive london clubs to mark owen said to have met moosic you say get out his intelligence chief the alleged occasion a top secret dinner to celebrate the end of negotiations libya gets a seat at the international table in return for scrapping its weapons program and giving britain a lucrative oil contract one worth fifteen billion pounds went to b.p.
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in two thousand and four the same company alan had just joined even allegations the controversial release of lockerbie bomber mcgraw he was part of the same shady deal to find them well and refuses to comment on the claims against him m i six hasn't denied complicity in torture with the government saying all actions had its approval a long standing get out clause but maybe not now the secrets out so we know that ministers in the past were some sort of acts of complicity that those ministers themselves should face criminal prosecution in the civil case against markel and could be just the tip of the iceberg of what went on behind the scenes between britain and get daffy police have launched a criminal investigation to see just how far up the tree complicity may have gone either bennett party london. we also have more revelations on the torta networks on our website r.t. dot com you can find out about them by. that little bugs. custody of
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a new government and much more on the dot com. where obama has approved the first set of strong sanctions against iran's financial institutions and u.s. has frozen iranian assets and transactions involving the country's central bank with room for a year from the school of oriental and african studies says it's only part of a prediction political game in terms of threats coming from the u.s. specially this distance is sanctions against iran central bank i think that they're mostly producer director for domestic consumption in the united states as we get closer to the presidential elections in the u.s.
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we see that each side trying to seem as being more as being tough service of iran and this is another move by president obama to satisfy either is rivals or to supporters of his campaign is sad to see that the u.s. is undermining the. fantastic work that the eye is doing with iran and iran itself is trying very hard to keep the environment professional in the face of the recent assassination of iranian scientists which really was a big blow to the relationship between iran and the. i mean while iran's foreign minister says tehran wants the international community to knowledge their sarson ations of its scientists physicists have been murdered in the capital in the last two years with iran pointing the finger of blame at israel to iran now wants external legal corporation investigating the cases international relations expert p.j. so scientists in iran the now free to leave their homes. what war is rather
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striking because very few people are talking about the assassinations of you know any and scientists this is taking because the un did release a very definite statement the nonaligned movement has released a statement condemning the assassination of the scientists there's been no word from the atlantic followers condemning this act of terrorism in the streets of tehran and according to my sources scientists in iran are now fearful of going outside conducting the every day of business after all one of the scientists was shot sitting in his we didn't do because his daughter from a daycare center that means ordinary activities have become very fine do scientists . u.s. soldier have bradley manning is now waiting a court martial trial on suspicion a possible that a whistleblower wiki leaks has been nominated for a nobel peace prize and icelandic parliamentary group putting forward saying expose
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corruption and war crimes were caught stokely an activist promoting his cause thinks the accused deserves the prize more than barack obama deserved his. bradley manning is accused of the greatest act of civil disobedience least in my lifetime. what he is accused of is leaking documents and video. that has led to the end of the iraq war has led to pro-democracy rallies and uprisings all of the world and i think it's much deserved that he he receives this nobel peace prize if obama gets of the why shouldn't he obama has done very little for peace even though he promised it and obama has also taken credit for ending the iraqi war when actually that's not the truth and the iraqi government did not want to allow a legal immunity for u.s. troops after january first and the reason that they did the last immunity is
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because of what they saw in the cables and the videos showing civilian deaths were being covered up in the corruption by the u.s. government well they can step is nice news coming up next with kareen. hello and welcome to business the south thanks for joining me in a surprising move for the russian stock market bank like compensate its minority shareholders for losses on their investments prime minister putin says that the bank will use its own profits to buy back shares from people who took part in its i.p.o. five years ago the current price of b.c.b. shares is roughly half of the initial listing and the bank of the way he had its own buyback plan to the government investors are waiting for the details to be revealed and to discuss this i'm joined by richard haynesworth president of rating agency was rating thank you richard for coming to the program today so it looks
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more of a political decision but is the bank financially ready for such a loss i think it's almost entirely a political decision. normally buy backs. when a company. already got a lot of profits wants to reward shareholders for being for being loyal to the bank by giving but to existing shareholders some of the profits that it has already. received b. is not in a situation where it's very profitable. specially in comparison to some of its peers. it's been pointed out in the market other companies have been making more profits and then. to the front that the share value is down is a reflection of the investors' thinking that is not doing very well so how how much
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can a back louis financially i mean money money wise when lee suggestion was made to cost and. commented thought. he thought. to fulfill the desire of mr putin it would cost the bank about half a billion dollars. compared to the total capital of. may not look a very large sum of money for a half million after a billion dollars is a lot of money in anybody's pocket so it would hurt the bank to have to fulfill this pledge but you just said that bit and we know now that we to be shares were down for several days do you think that this move could spur like speculative interest in the stocks stocks well i think the was a bit of a blip that the shares went up on the first announcement then it went down down again so they've come down because the market as a whole has reacted negatively to the suggestion that all sorts of problems with
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buying back from only one set of shareholders in other words how to establish parity because according to the law if the t.v. makes such a suggestion to shareholders he actually has to do it all shareholders. if all shareholders were able to obtain more. value from their shares then obviously the value of the shares would go up as people anticipate. what what would be the final price since there isn't any certainty now shares a fall in the game so if the next round is a suggestion is confirmed they find a way to do it legally. then there will be a speculative increase in price in the process right but what is the is the state seen as a sort of insurer in this case against those private losses well that would be the
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implication and that would be the implication for the market as a whole personally since i'm a liberal economist i believe in market forces where it is appropriate for market forces. i think that this is not an appropriate use of government funding and of government intervention. government intervention when there is a crisis when the market isn't working properly i think is wholly proper but when the market is not in crisis and we're trying to reestablish equilibrium in the market so that normal market forces can i think that government intervention in this situation is inappropriate because what it will then mean is that in the future if a government backed company such as buying call any of the other work got sprung for example if somehow their profits were to go below what the market is expecting
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the government might jump in and that will distort the market as a whole so person i think this is bad for the market but you can't compare it would happen to the united states when the government intervened with those huge banks it's not just yes but i think that was an appropriate use of current intervention right to the point is that there was a very severe crisis having been. of the regulators none of the government had understood and therefore they made this massive intervention also in russia there was massive intervention in the banking system by the government by the central bank a number of banks are supported at the time a number of banks were moved from one set of owners to another sort of owners and i think it was managed very well in russia. ok unfortunately we don't have much time to discuss this richard haynesworth president of rating agency was rating thanks very much for coming to the program and joined me and fifteen minutes or more here on this starting.
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you. lose. it's.
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the main story. peacemaking mission delegation led by russia's foreign minister heads to damascus as bloodshed in syria gathers momentum back from diplomats of grass roots. greece sacrifices fifteen thousand more jobs to appease its international creditors as you'll see there if you average population spaces in
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a general strike.


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