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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2012 4:00am-4:30am EST

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beasts in which brighten if you move from france to pressure you. don't come. back to basics the e.u. mulls over fresh economic polish winter present syrian regime after failing to push through a polarizing un resolution. modern technology to support political activism prime minister putin goes online to improve russian democracy. and wind of change in that fear as the country's russian minority hopes to win an upcoming referendum that could see the native language officially recognised. and gazprom has acknowledged to reduce gas supplies to european consumers all the
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details in twenty minutes in the business board. casting twenty four hours a day this is r.t. the european union is preparing a new batch of sanctions against syria which the french foreign minister says will be the harshest yet it comes after an e.u. backed resolution that could have paved the way for military intervention was struck down at the u.n. but we're also getting disturbing footage from the rebel stronghold city of homs which opposition sources say is being shelled by the syrian army there are reports of casualties no this can't be verified earlier opposition fighters operating out of homs attacked a number of police patrols and army bases elsewhere in the country security forces say they've cleared all two gravel up near the capital seizing vast caches of arms and. those are way. counting sanctions against.
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each and social networking sites have for the past ten months being one of the activists he means is offering the world glimpses of the violence this tool in three syria action is good support how we got the brick through and we've just seen pictures which the b.b.c. called verify to say many differing numbers and reports getting to the bottom of what's really going on is a major challenge even from inside the country. had a very think. every day. ahead of the u.n. security council showdown this weekend and the violence in syria seemed to reach fever pitch with activists reporting a massacre in homs that was all over the headlines and watched with horror by
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people worldwide initially the death toll that night was put over two hundred you see there could be as many as two hundred just in the last hour or two that was later significantly downgraded strict access policies they have made it difficult for many foreign networks to get their correspondents into the country to collect evidence at the end of last year i leveled this criticism at the foreign minister's spokesman we've never been in the media by the way. because. we've been filtering you how can you justify for instance you on the people relying on you tube and broadcasting one side even though or even on you tube you have also atrocity committed by the elements it's true that to a large extent mainstream coverage of the pro-government can has been pretty sparse this graphic video appears to show every jeems supporter being hanged. let me clear
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picture of exactly what's happening in syria right now it's hard to know what the western allies that the un basing their assertions which is not really about genuine concern for human rights and democracy this is all about regime change dissatisfied with the wording of the resolution especially in china v tahj the latest proposal many felt it contained disturbing a case of libya russia and china believe the do or a pin for foreign military intervention as a conflict between the two sides escalates the crisis in syria is becoming increasingly internationalized but any measures imposed from a poll to try and put an end to the violence again has to be very careful not to make the same mistakes made in libya seems to be backing one side increasingly looking like civil war so are they. well despite the first year of a u.n. resolution some remain optimistic that president assad can be forced out u.s.
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presidential hopeful newt gingrich america could train the rebels to challenge ourselves rule for political scientists says the motives are suspect. it's in the outrage for somebody to believe and in cincinnati that during during the time of a u.n. resolution is being taking down toward syria the syrian government is going to actually crack down on homos this is definitely an act of terrorism done by the by the by the gangs that this already have been getting money and weapons from different countries so they can bring down this regime so this isn't an outrage for somebody to actually believe that the government is actually doing so after their own people what's happening in syria and what happened elsewhere in libya is basically to bring it down and they what they need to do and what they're doing is that actually bringing down the regime and. to make president assad not be an
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ally to iran and this is why president assad was never asked for any reform he was asked from the beginning to change his stances and if events so another and nothing like that would have ever happened stay with us in a few minutes we were really exports of designer revolutions. ever since i've been traveling the world and teaching people how to get rid of their pesky dictator. that's about it and uprisings all over the world on us to god about us that story coming out. the steady drumbeat of war keeps coming from washington television stereo concerned victory action against iran jeopardize the future of the region. transparent interactive and web savvy that's promised of a thing that we can describe the future of russia's democracy they just always call
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detail in his an actual program he says the country should know don't go tolerate a political circus the needs of people are being put on the back burner article described as if he tells. all the mean id. sought to go is that a civil society in russia has grown and developed and become much more active most importantly compared to say ten years ago and what comes to the state well it's a lagging behind at the moment people do want to be more active and have more influence on the political life and one of the mechanisms providing them with these opportunities is the internet and this is not only about the tens of thousands of people who now take to the streets for this or that rally is about millions of internet users in russia who over the past few years have become very active there is stories of blogs and forums videos of all internet wars between political movements and all of them are going on on the web and the prime minister wants to see the role of the internet is influenced increase more user friendly government
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websites to provide proper bases for public discussion and not only on initiatives put forward by the state any person any internet user has to be able to put forward their own draft law and if it gains say one hundred thousand approval signatures from other users it has to be reviewed by the parliament the internet also gives another opportunity to evaluate civil servants for example if locals of a district of any city are not satisfied with the way the head of the local police department works or a judge or even a principal of a local school they have to be able to voice their concerns on the web be heard by the authorities so that the civil servants can be substituted but let's move the web aside for a bit and focus on other initiatives like reintroducing the elections of local governors was initially put forward by the president and supported by the prime minister now another initiative in this sphere is easing the rules for registering
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new political parties which should make way for more competition now this brings us to another problem of corruption and the prime minister is proposing to increase the salaries of civil servants. in exchange for their complete transparency and put together a list of the most corrupt jobs and if in the ninety's many people wanted to become all the guards now there a need for civil servants because these positions are often viewed as possible used to make easy money and importance to the prime minister. it's time for that to change as well and this is the forethought to go published by argument put in since he announced that he is going to run for president during upcoming vote in march and together they put together a volatile regions money fest oh. well tempers are running high in the run up to the presidential election and the wave of recent protests across russia but political analyst is there any driven by media awareness it's mostly just emotions fueled by the media some people were obviously irritated seen the same
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two faces on television maybe too much in the last few months especially some people were terrified when they saw their position and its slogans and when they felt the hand of the west behind it so it's mostly media driven there is no real cost struggle behind it there are poor people and rich people in both radius there are people all kinds of ethnic groups in both threads so right now i think it's mostly a positive effect because it sort of wakes up the government to the needs of the people. well that's more on that story and much more our website r.t. dot com here's a look at what's waiting for you right now the rush in the street artist making his opinions through his murals. tactics in a secret identity have ended the nickname russian banksy after the british artist.
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also one died when their son u.s. business people in the sex dungeons beat the workers who say it's all down to politics i mean you called me the full story much more arty dot com. turkish and qatari officials criticize the notion of military action and ongoing western sanctions against iran at the security conference in munich when that any armed conflict would be disastrous for the region however kind. of beirut based political analyst believes that iran's opponents are already focused on a confrontation. all the inspection by the nuclear agency. found that iran is actually weaponize in their system they are actually following the nuclear
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treaty agreement there is no violation to that end but no matter what they saying that sanction are coming at iran because their suspicion there. no matter what they are justifying or opening their facility there is some judgment already been rendered against you ran a round said very clearly they're willing to cooperate with the international community but you have to wonder what really the international community at this point and what the american want to disappoint and as i said there's a lot of politics in it specially election. probably there is really coming desperate at this point because they think if iran reach the level of capability of building the nuclear weapon that would be devastating for them. at this point and i think before six months we might we might heading
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into a major confrontation in the burgeoning gulf weather still to come on our to next hour an interview with the former head of israel's intelligence service he says tentative and western leaders are attempting to demonize iran were to strike panic and suspicion surrounding the static state as a test. the leadership believes that in order to arouse international public opinion in order to mount pressure upon the reunions it's necessary to impress upon the world at large public opinion international public opinion this is a serious international threat and i believe that in this context probably the leadership here believes that using the word of the stench will rings a bell which also brings you back to the days gone by in the twentieth century. of nazi germany the world war two and of course the holocaust and the.
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apparitions these. pictures these experiences recalled in order to impress upon the world that maximum pressure should be mounted on the run. now a lot here is witnessing a growing outcry as the country's russian minority voices its anger of escalating state level discrimination and now hoping that an upcoming referendum could see their language especially recognized move is viewed by many as the first step and on to a story in basic political rights what is next here the story. this professor from a lot of wants everyone in his country to have equal rights that's why he had no second thoughts when the initiative of a referendum to make russian the country second state language came up. can't accept the policy of true true to my friends from the russian minority those who
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also voted for independence in one thousand nine to one we were shoulder to shoulder back then but now they're being treated like garbage to citizenship for them jobs here that's why i stand for the referendum ethnic russians make up a third of lafayette's population the idea of holding this referendum came after what they describe as ethnic discrimination had reached a critical point if radical nationalists initiated their own referendum to close russian schools in latvia they failed but it was a worryin coup that's why we gather signatures for a language referendum to legally protect ourselves after we did the ruling nationalists when hysterical trying to jeopardize the votes in the minority points to a recent statement by the country's president but yes at the referendum means voting against. escalating state level discrimination the nationalist camp denounces all such accusations however they believe their vote carries
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a threat to the country's sovereignty and are sending a stern warning. we allowed these people to live in our territory after the collapse of the u.s.s.r. we said you can live here under certain conditions but if they are trying to alter the foundations of our state then we will have to be tougher and make new laws. and some lothians have already started to act this lawyer told us you had numerous reports of people being blackmailed from taking part in the voting those who would not talk on camera afraid of sanctions but. some are already scared to go voting their employers. that should he see a stamp in the past byrd and the two part in the language with random then he would immediately fire down. the russian speaking minority and a lot of it is estimated at three hundred thousand people out of the population of almost two and a quarter million another three hundred twenty thousand ethnic russians are classed
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as non citizens and are forbidden from voting this ban experts say could prove to be crucial russian may become largely a second state language only if at least seven hundred fifty thousand people vote for it organizers of the referendum say realistically there will be only half of that the result would be then deemed unconstitutional but may still become a major talking point lot of years russians hope that the referendum will help brussels notice their distress call and have a hard talk with the vote takes place on february eighteenth with final official results a few days later alexey russia of ski r.t. reporting from a reader in law. take a look at some other international headlines in brief greek party leaders together again three forks in a one hundred thirty billion euro rescue that comes after a meeting on sunday ended without any deal reached the country's prime minister and chris papa bemis seeking support for tough reforms as
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a condition for the day that to avoid default to greece is to secure the package by march. clashes between protesters and security forces outside the interior ministry. that day at least twelve people have been killed and several thousand wounded in the violence since wednesday arrest was sparked by the country's. ability to prevent it after a football match where seventy four people died. and tends to put forty three people on trial for funding nongovernmental organizations which accuses of provoking on the rest. of. the u.k. . queen elizabeth the second is celebrating diamond jubilee sixty years on thrown into second position to have reached a milestone after being crowned in the age of twenty five a gun salute is being held in hyde park and celebrations taking place over what they put the. u.k. may be celebrating coming up at g.m.t.
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on cross-talk not to speak of the bell debates. places if you have scottish independence. well look at the figures and i'm sure i'm sure the viewers will be able to judge the figures from themselves are publicly available but let's let's look at this issue the last four years small business it likes of course the u.k. only once in the last five years an economic. growth is not just really low i mean lower in scotland than the u.k. average but those those figures are going to be wrong judgment ok gentlemen i'm going to be one of the reasons why gentlemen let me jump in here david i guess is going to be interlopers here ok this would look like these two people should be together look at all the different the. markets he has become a profitable export for one international group started off as a student movement in serbia with the backing of the us became a worldwide brand the revolutions but he's not investigates.
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this is the business of selling a lot of sky high heels barely there clothes revolutionary styles exported from the fashion capitals of the world hello i'm moderately eve on my wrist watch and this is the business of selling well revolution is fresh exporting how to lessons and revolution aided by the democracy capital of the world democracies after all aren't born knowing how to run themselves a decade ago merivale launched the serbian students mark meant that helped oust president slobodan milosevic. the group was called for resistance and adore the now familiar symbol and this but behind the spontaneity of the uprisings was a carefully researched strategy guided by the west no boy somalia is a balkans columnist who's been chronicling the events of serbia since one nine
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hundred ninety nine the or poor movement itself was just a tiny student organization that it got subverted taken over the operatives that expanded it turned it into a branding empire and ended up basically one ing the ground the grassroots level of the revolution thus turning it into an astro turf where they were run by the needy which are very openly goes in and says our goal is to more promote democracy a new york times investigation documented the extent of u.s. assistance according to journalist roger cohen poor was no ramshackle students group but a well oiled movement backed by several million dollars from the u.s. but the objective is regime change the objective is to install a government that will execute orders the worst thing about all this is that it's undermining a concept that enabled the united states to claim moral leadership in the world in the first place with milosevic gone ivan meritage now spends his time advice in
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activists abroad never. since i've been traveling the world and teaching people how to get rid of their pesky dictators so you come up with these three easy steps so you too can get in on the action and laugh your way to freedom the video was made by students at the school of authentic journalism in mexico for narco news t.v. but ivan has helped develop a video game called a force more powerful which players can practice scenarios like organizing mass protests and overthrowing dictators today outdoor is called canvas and with the help of the internet their methods and symbols are exploited the world over from the color revolutions in georgia and ukraine to venezuela and the arab spring uprisings in egypt william engdahl has written for over thirty years about washington secret geopolitics he's convinced the canvas is not acting alone the instigators of those so-called spontaneous protest which twitter revolts in cairo and tunisia and so forth have all been pretty organized and should you wish him
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some of the people leaders of the protests have been trained in the belgrade serbia by all of us financed by the russian people. this thing has the state department and u.s. intelligence all over it three easy steps and that's all it takes over your very own government so this revolution become a commodity or a product to be branded pop a system that's produced an export out all across the globe well just like ivan's video this too of course is a spoof but the game of regime change is quite real and it's unintended consequences can be downright dangerous. mostly the american taxpayer i think is getting. the short end of the bargain because there are there bankrolling people that are going around the world for mentoring astroturf revolutions that are eventually backfiring and they're backfiring all over the place and once the people find out who was behind this their anger turns. the
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american government can do better can people once your bus service you can be good . and easy recipe but the aftermath may be the hardest to see captain of our watch. coming up in less than ten minutes or two special reports revealing some surprising and disturbing facts about the holy paradise the island of bali the place is up with a touch. hello and you watching the business program on r t russia's gazprom has acknowledged that it temporarily reduced supplies to european customers the firm said it had cut deliveries by as much as ten percent the unusually cold weather in europe has boosted fuel demand in some countries to the highest level in years austria poland and six others claimed last week they were not receiving the contracted amount of
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gas the gas mildly now says it restored full supplies but it's still struggling to meet the increased european demand earlier gazprom accused ukraine of taking extra fuel from transit pipes. the current period of profound economic change has some talking about the new world order but who will be the winners and the losers marcos troil the head of a brazil based think tank the center for business the poor will see offers has verdict. but we're in the midst of a transition phase what are the elements in disposition phase that i think will shape the world over very straight very strong state owned enterprises from brazil russia india china a renewed innovative capacity in the us in knowledge intensive sectors they will create new facebook's new google's new microsoft and that is going to be good for
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parts of the american economy it will also widen the gap between the nose and the know not just the haves and the have nots and i think we're going to also see a time of sacrifice in europe europe is going to have to have. a goals of dynamism being inserted into its economy otherwise it's going to be stalled for a number of years. and festers main focus on monday's the talks between the greek party leaders europe is waiting for athens to safe it's ready to accept the strict terms of a new bailout deal without a greece is facing a high probability of a default in march and less now see how the markets are reacting first jukes change rates the euro is slightly lower and gets to both the dollar and the russian ruble meanwhile the u.s. currency is gaining to the ruble this hour. and now on to the oil and it's losing value on strengthening u.s. dollar and concerns about the european debt crisis which could hendrik demand right now light sweet is under ninety seven dollars
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a barrel while grant is below one hundred fourteen dollars and european shares are shedding value this hour greek problems of the main drag on the indices both the footsie and the dax are losing more than half a percent and the russian markets are also shedding declining oil is always a factor that russian equities have a hard time overcoming the r.t.s. is now down around half percent the my success shedding around a third of a percent a bit of good news global funds focused on russia tracked at around half a billion dollars in one week that's the highest level since. some movers on the mindsets gazprom as in the bread mainly on the news cut supplies to europe meanwhile the company says its current output is up to thirty percent more than that of last year's average and precious metals producers are on the rise the price of oil this metal has reached an all time high wire who is gold is the one of
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the best performers this hour extending last week's gains and now speaking about what is called this posting have to games more than fifteen percent the sour against the backdrop of sliding indices and that's after gaining a whopping thirty five percent on friday with the company's capitalization reaching almost nine a billion dollars analysts mention a couple of factors there among them a possible merger of oil is gold and its russian rival tall and also the company's expected to buyback around four percent of its shares from minority shareholders and that's all the latest from the business team i'll be back in about fifteen minutes i'll see about.
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but i'm going. to strive for failure australia you know. there's no we're going to see the film on the screen if you want to have sex go and have sex.


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