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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2012 8:48pm-9:18pm EST

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russia feels compelled to take countermeasures because the united states has refused to give legal guarantees demonstrates that the deployment of the american missile defense system in europe is not directed against russia. nato countries are in no mood to risk rates the deployment of them military installations to europe. new american military bases may soon be set up in kazakhstan go to just to administer tajikistan. about i see a boy once russia has been encircled by military bases as a new geopolitical reality will emerge we need to take this reality into account already today but and take measures to control potential threats to our security is up. meanwhile the view that the missile defense shield is too expensive is getting increasing currency inside the united states itself it
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provides financial backing to the armed forces moreover the project is making millions of dollars from nato sub contractors in various countries. between two thousand and five and two thousand and nine the us has spent fifteen billion dollars and the price paid for the entire program that we are dealing with right now here in two thousand and eleven is another hundred and fifty billion dollars that's larger than many country's entire military budgets. some of the funding for the missile defense system in europe is being put to use in poland and north the small village of rijeka is home to a high security installation. the base used to be manned by polish air force pilots soviet made fun to still see it as a reminder of the fact that poland was once a member of the warsaw pact an organization formed off to world war two by the us as. in response to nato. the old warplanes will be scrapped by the u.s.
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troops who arrive here shortly they'll be bringing missiles with them. local residents have already been told that they won't be getting any compensation for having the new arsenal placed so close to their homes. and i don't know if we are not overjoyed at the prospect of these weapons being deployed a few hundred meters from our homes. on the market you've got the missiles will pose a threat to the local population of over one thousand people. elizabeth a demand sca a schoolteacher came to reject a book from warsaw a long time ago she knows only too well what the villages think about the military installation that means the most noise of us of this and most of the people even here are farmers. and they of course they were very war it's an absolute hearing use of me cell deployment for the time being though like the basin we.
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approach ways not soldier. but even first graders in the village of logic of a are aware of the military base. but the schoolchildren don't fully understand the threat so that teaches bring them up to date in the classroom. lingo good morning you found three steak you see it's. just gotten them and today we start with a history lesson. elisabetta demands go teaches her pupils about military conflicts she insists the people should never forget history's lessons if future conflict is to be avoided. the military base in regular is in full view of the school as the teacher tells her pupils about world war two they visualize the base as a symbol of the past the present and the future. just the sh'ma of german
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troops once use the territory just outside of school. later polish pilots served here. no doubt you know that an american military base is going to be set up here. and there is going to be in you and tree in the history books because of it americans. as doni and sculptor to come and transforms the legacy of past wars into works of art on the shores of the gulf of finland has found hundreds of sea mines made during world war two and the cold war the artist uses them to make remarkable objects this mine for example will become a fireplace. i think it will make a nice fireplace. the sea mines picked up by
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come in can no longer sink ships the artist so-called military style doesn't mean his succumbs to fashion instead it's an attempt to create works of art using something that was originally intended for destruction and murder. you don't think there's going to you can make anything you like from these oval shaped miners no you can wring sculptures out of them you can even make a race car. coming in those from news bulletins that missile defense components will soon be installed close to his country. he says nato missiles can easily be turned into beautiful sculptures. the amount of effort spent on making such weapons would be much better spent funding the arts.
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the people involved in this experiment testing their capacity for survival and the nuclear aftermath have finally reached their destination an abandoned military bunker now they need to take a breather and warm up near a camp fire. the coach knows that this kind of training is useful in any case it helps participants to strengthen their skills and prepares them for any emergency in their regular daily lives. but. it's great that there is a growing number of people who want to learn survival skills even if nothing catastrophic happens they now have a different psychological attitude. this will prepare them for other small emergencies but. those who have gone through survival training school
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a fully aware of the fact that the location of their exercise is fully protected. offices at the radar station including major. control the entire outer space over a european russia. space control center has given instructions to tracking artificial earth satellites and with you. all monitored operational information is fed to the delta. space control center. i'm not first so going to acquired classification as official it says lloyd dismissed fourteen fifty as m of three hundred thirty three. the stuff makes no secret of the fact that the russian radar transmitter sees european air space in great detail. on the station's unique radar tracks even submarine launched missiles in the barrens and white sees the sea of a whole sky and around the north pole. up to the theme of. our
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system is being expanded in response to the expansion of the european missile defense shield him up of the so that the with the aim is to match the measures being taken in europe that the new stations are being commissioned here to respond to nato as activities. thrown at them. we will buy new means limited were alter our plans for the deployment of missile defense components in europe. russia has not closed the deal it will continue until it with the united states and nato on the missile defense system it is ready for practical cooperation in the sphere.
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culture is that so much i can't tell if i can go bottom of the muscle or tell the difference in search of national determination and sovereignty this is what many scots say they want the realistic is an independent scotland would it be a. the
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closer she has been to the bar of. the country's middle starts its way across the ocean. if she goes to the area. looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses or striving to build the aviation capital of russia. for the four by fours are made. to the limit. welcome to the screech of. russia close up.
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russia and china veto the western un resolution on syria with moscow criticizing the text as taking an approach and the realities on the ground. in egypt at least a dozen people are killed as anger at the authorities failure to prevent seventy four deaths at a soccer match on wednesday sparks country wide protests. hundreds of thousands take to the streets in russia and both pro and anti-government rallies had a march fourth presidential election. broadcasting
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live direct from our studios in central moscow this is our team with a recap of our week's top stories let's get right to it on saturday russia and china blocked the latest u.n. security council resolution on syria saying that backing of the rebels over the government could cause even more bloodshed but moscow says it remains determined to end the syrian crisis by helping damascus implement democratic reforms russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov is due to visit the country for talks next week or he's more important has been following the developments in new york. tempers are still flaring because as we've been reporting this should be surprised that the security council did not reach a consensus on the draft resolution on syria yet western countries still pushed for a vote and russia warned from the very beginning that if the draft was not a did not address some of russia's concerns it would veto and that's exactly what
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happened now let's talk about these concerns because moscow said it just requested some simple amendments would be made to the draft text that would have made the resolution a little bit more balance for example the draft resolution different and the syrian government withdraw its all of its forces from the cities and towns and seize all of the gulf islands but russian officials want to document the draft resolution to also demand that the armed opposition groups stop participating in violence and retreat back from any cities or towns where it may have occupied their from a hole as called a draft text that was presented saturday morning to one side with a list of demands being made on the assad government but no note of armed opposition groups operating in syria now while addressing security council saturday russian envoy to the u.n. fratelli churkin said the security council was not created just for the sake of taking sides or interfering in a civil war of sovereign countries he also accused some kind some countries of
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sponsoring a campaign of regime change in syria those who are pushing for this resolution to be adopted don't you sleep with them still you could put some influential members of the international community including those sitting around this table from the very beginning of the syrian crisis has been undermining opportunities for political settlement by calling for regime change stirring up the opposition against the authorities and not his or taking to encourage and freedom of methods of struggle for the draft resolution put to the vote does not adequately reflect the real situation in syria and since unbalanced to goes to the syrian sides it doesn't take into account a. proposals that as well as withdrawing syrian armed forces from the cities this should be an end to it turns by on the groups own state institutions and neighborhoods with a low balance year when the signal is now the u.s. delegation could not help but showing its frustration and anger when not participating in the meeting saturday morning we heard. you some language that's
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normally not heard in these diplomatic settings like disgusted in shame the united states is disgusted that a couple members of this council continue to prevent us from fulfilling our sole purpose here addressing an ever deepening crisis in syria and a growing threat to regional peace and security in the meantime the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov is heading to damascus on tuesday to meet with syrian president bashar al assad russia has been very vocal in trying to get home sides participating in the conflict in syria to come to the table and start speaking to one another and. using some type of dialogue instead of violence to come to a peaceful approach so of course we will stay on the story and see how it evolves and works out. artie's more important i have reporting for us there now as the diplomats battle it out at the u.n. thousands of demonstrators have gathered in damascus in support of president bashar
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assad the crowds also praised the decision by russia and china to block western calls for regime change in syria fredric was off from the stop nato group told arteta that although moscow into beijing a valid not to allow u.n. sanction for intervention in syria there's a chance the country may still be barred from the outside. what i fear is we may be see a replication of what happened in one thousand nine hundred ninety when the united states and its nato allies launched a seventy eight day bombing campaign against yugoslavia having failed to enlist chinese and russian support for un resolution against not only a few of those laws i'm hoping of course that the resolute stand to take on the principled stand taking the taken by russia and china against a resolution that we have to remember was sponsored by morocco and co-sponsored by a very interesting group of people they include the nato quality of the world the united states britain france and germany along with portugal to include all six members of the cooperation council that is the monarchies and camera some in the
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persian gulf this is not a representative group of nations of course in the united nations of the world it's a very select one that's largely the same for the first a comparable resolution one thousand seven hundred three against libya last year you know armed uprising that was sort of burned in syria or could have occurred it was in libya earlier cause of it was a lot of the thirteen years ago without the understanding by those in gauging the armed uprising that they would be supported by forces outside the country. more than two hundred people were reportedly killed by security forces in the syrian city of homs just ahead of the vote at the u.n. security council the government denies the assault calling the reports a hysterical campaign of incitement by armed groups they had a tour of the syria tribune dr ali mohamed says information supplied by the opposition shouldn't be taken at face value. but i mean they were not believing the syrian army waited ten months and then just the night before the u.n.
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security council meeting it decided to start bombarding homes this too which in homs that's been difficult for the syrian. regime supporters for such a long time and i don't see why the army would choose such critical timing just start it's a vicious crackdown as described it they are only cleans and just two weeks ago we had the arab league observers who could have gone there and investigate it but unfortunately they were pulled out for little good reason and therefore there are only claims from this i. was it's claims from their side we cannot treat it with what's going on but i don't think that the army what's really it's it's not like the syrian army this is number one and claims like that happened before in fact just a short war even there and the opposition was not able to prove any of these claims over the past and months. police in egypt have again fired rubber bullets and tear
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gas to force a crowd to rock throwing protesters away from the interior ministry building in cairo clashes between security forces and the demonstrators have been raging for four days now and have left a dozen people dead and thousands injured activists have been venting their anger over the military rulers failure to prevent an outbreak of violence at a football match on wednesday that left seventy four day arthur funereal for russia has more from cairo. things have been extremely devastating and terribly killed to hear these are the last few days and also very tragic the cold so huge that massacre on wednesday when seventy four people died in a stump speech at one of the city's football stadiums has become by itself the deadliest incident since with barak ousted last february but it's also true you get a new wave of clashes between the police the army and demonstrators that have actually become something common seen here in the capital cairo and everywhere throughout egypt the fact is people have been very quick to use following portside
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incident to use local sources especially the interior ministry of doing nothing of the allowing this to happen allowing these deaths over inefficiency and actually pulled over instigating these trials in order to preserve the situation of instability in the country in order to ensure just to follow some power thing through tearing through all the generals from the supreme council of the armed forces they took power from the government last february and since then demonstrations actually have never stole shortly after this happened on wednesday the whole school football fans have come to live bullets nothing to the minister here in the central valley road just walks away from here seeking for justice and calling for a may did transition of power from the military to civil the situation is until early presidential elections and since then twelve people have been killed in the last four days and twenty five hundred dollars have been injured who think that
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it's a terrible dissolve so i have to say i hope you can see the pictures right now as you can imagine. while masoud street is a narrow street is one of the streets they didn't towards the building all for the interior ministry here in hollywood the queen many many people there chanting and to miter slogans from time to time police has been firing tear gas at the. ties to send even though cho it's been able to speak to several people there let's listen to what they have to say about who's going when it's going to stop people are just protesting in addition to teaching the cast of the students are unbelievable effect even people might die and that they will they suffocate each day children everything today are trying them. not to light the fire and they don't schieffer. that the chinese the seventy seven year old china it's over your news it's more than enough what they're doing to the protestors and that they're doing to the
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world to the country. that's over it must be you because you can see a situation is very volatile here in cairo and actually in several all the cities throughout egypt but we can also can talk now about several months as well the following points incident key figures people from the administration all of this to have been detained and they're in custody right now is that while the investigation is undergoing also taking protesters to mons just very simply the supreme carlson of the armed forces that follows reid has also called for early presidential elections in the country. still had an arterial once a harsh critic of the kremlin he now says he was wrong. the father murdered x. f.s.b. agent alexander litvinenko once blamed bloody murder putin for the death of his son but now it's time to change of heart. plus america's anti-corporate protesters are
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effected in a doner raid of from the park they've occupied since early october. and russia over two hundred thousand people have across the country have braved the freezing temperatures to voice their political views ahead of march fourth presidential vote two of the largest balance took place in moscow where both supporters and opponents of bloody mir putin took to the streets for the opposition it was the third and one of the largest gathering since parliamentary elections two months ago which they claim were rigged political analyst dmitri damage however says the split is fueled by the mass media and is deeply rooted. it's mostly just emotional fueled by the media some people were obviously irritated seen the same two faces on television maybe too much in the last few months especially some people were terrified when they saw their position and it's small the sun when they
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felt the hand of the west behind it so it's mostly media driven there is no real cost struggle behind it there are poor people and reach people in both radios there are people of all kinds of ethnic groups in both races so right now i think it's mostly a positive effect because it is sort of wakes up the government to the needs of the people so until now the consequences more and more stupid as if i hope it will continue in that way if there is a real split in society of course it's not going to be good for the country. author and a researcher f. william and goss says the west is funding the russian opposition to minimize the country's influence on the world stage during the critical time. it's documented from the records of the national endowment for democracy which is a washington government financed goal that's all over the place in russia their financing activists in. several different cities in russia i think really
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their expectation is to create as much internal unrest in russia as possible to distract the prospective new putin presidency at a time when you russia is going to face challenges with the missile defense with the destabilization of the assad regime in syria the attempt to create regime change in iran and throughout the middle east and you raise or to try to divert any russian any incoming russian government from dealing with these crises they're trying to do the same template they used in ukraine with the orange revolution in georgia to bring saakashvili into power as a. president in that country and i don't think it will work in russia i whatever mistakes the. ten year has brought with it whatever discontent is i think there are a lot of things that have significantly improved over the last years since the time
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of the yeltsin era. but that that really isn't the point the point is us interference in terminal russian election affairs is something that ought not to be tolerated and it's quite right not to tolerate it. you can get more on this and other stories online twenty four hours a day at r.t. dot com here's a glimpse of what is waiting for you there right now. from tragedy to treasure hunt thousands of works of art are up for grabs the board of the stricken luxury liner. including jewels and antiques plus. lessons with michelle obama who's living up to her reputation as one of america's most vigorous advocates of a healthy lifestyle the full story and much more at r.t. dot com. iran says it will not give in to international pressure and abandon its nuclear program even if it's banned from selling a single barrel of oil in response to this week's approval by
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a us senate committee of a package of new sweeping sanctions against the islamic state but the bill has yet to pass through congress america's initiative targeting tehran's nuclear program follows that you adopting a total embargo on iranian oil which is due to come into force into july public in turn has repeatedly said it will stop all crude supplies to some european countries before summer tehran maintains its atomic ambitions are purely peaceful and seeks to prove it by cooperating more closely with the u.n. nuclear watchdog a team of inspectors visited iran this week and plans to return later on friday in february excuse me political analyst. says keeping pressure on iran is a key issue in the u.s. election campaign. american election especially if we go into the election they want to put a lot of pressure on iran and. obama administration. lobbyist to
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group inside the united states but i think they want to squeeze the pressure on iran they want to. national community and i think what we have seen some european talk. again. i think american trying. to go to the extreme by trying to destroy. the economy they've taken into consideration that you want to go through election. probably the thing this is kind of backfire. against. i think they go on very far in this in this because this is kind of an implication for the world economy especially this escalate to a military showdown between america and your job.


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