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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2012 9:18am-9:48am EST

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made up of the sectors that don't necessarily control politically but i think what the united states what else is some kind of well state budgets you know which they use in a balanced on a balanced way to to sort of lead to the next stage i think what we are witnessing here is is a build up halls of military culture and to a shrink we have massive the reply was of u.s. military hardware troops going into israel to be stationed in israel more troops going to wait. naval forces should go all of this i will i would describe as why the initial wall the issue of nuclear weapons is of iran's nuclear weapons is a red herring but it is a red herring which could lead us to a well that we set off. later in the program we hear from iran's interior minister who is certain his country will weather the storm of mounting sanctions and an
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exclusive interview with r.t. he said if those countries imposing them that will end up being hit the hardest here's a sample of what's to come in about ten minutes time. i think. i believe they've made a big mistake as this election results in turbulence for the oil and energy markets this very fact it can result in oil price growth in these conditions the west judy expect the drop in the euro rate and the euro get this new decision will result in further economic problems which as we can see have affected them already and so far they've been unable to find solutions the decisions taken today by the west you know literally will result in the escalation of the economic problems. anti-corporate protesters in washington d.c. were evicted this weekend from a park they documented since early october a people were arrested when police using riot gear on horses raided the encampment
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officer said they were simply enforcing a no camping law and activists are allowed to go back into the park but the demonstrators say it was a full scale addiction the alcohol movement has seen some heavy handed police tactics including the allegedly recent taser shocking of a nonviolent protester and see what excessive force won't provoke activists says kevin zeese from the it's our economy think tank he tells r t that occupiers are too smart to fall into that trap. who knows what's going through head space on you know when we i watch that video it's available online and it looked like there was no justification for it when i went to make fears and they'd ask about it people so the only thing he was doing was taking the signs around the turn so no camping and so that was the rationale for tasering him he was he was not. it's frightening looks like a excessive use of force my sense is that it's not going to provoke the macpherson
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campers that they're more. disciplined than that to fall for that kind of trap the occupy movement in a few months has shifted the date and show the american people that if they get mobilized and organized that we have power we can change the direction this country so the future's going to be an american spring that's going to explode on the scene and become more important the presidential race in two thousand and twelve. as as living economy china has promised consider pumping cash reserves into the euro zone to help with the blocs debt crisis they offer comes after a strong lobbying push up by the german chancellor over a three day trip to the contrary it comes as the e.u. awaits the conclusion of drawn out greek debt talks and negotiations are cleaved to athens receiving a second bailout and are seen as its only opportunity to avoid default at the same time e.u. leaders are working feverishly to force through one part of their financial right to slide seven. a member of the european parliament for the parents party says the
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people more take kindly to these measures being forced upon them. only got to get worse i mean at the moment they're burning german flags on the streets of athens i predict it will be roll next and then there's been you never know it could be top lose well the tensions between the countries and particularly between the north of europe and the south of europe is only going to get greater and what you've got is you've got protests in the south and what we're seeing in the north is a political revolution where new parties are spreading you know and euro skeptic parties are getting better results than ever before the scary thing here that you have is once you start thinking with democracy and trying to change things i think you've got a very slippery slope in the what's happening at the moment over here is that the e.u. is really showing you through the children what it's all about it doesn't want to listen to the people they're talking about an intergovernmental agreement and this will go into primary e.u. law through secondary legislation which means that the people can be bypassed there will be referendums across the continent particularly in iowa where there should be a referendum on this and what will happen is they will bypass the people and it
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will go straight into a you can you know they will get exactly what they want and it is a complete affront to democracy. and of course you can find our top stories online twenty four hours a day at r.t. dot com here's what's waiting for you there right now anti actor protesters across europe seek to influence the debate as polish authorities decided to suspend the proposed anti all blood piracy legislation. prosecutor saxe some believe it could just be a matter of years before robots become man's object of desire as scientists develop the amorous android to get the full story and many more at art dot com. he used to consider vladimir putin his arch enemy blaming him for the death of his beloved son alexander. the former f.s.b. officer but this week seen an unexpected change of heart from the fierce kremlin critic who now admits he simply said what the west wanted to hear r.t. heard both the story firsthand. but.
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this is how we found. praying in his tiny telling apartment no electricity no gas no water. if it wasn't for the help of various people i would have died from hunger or frozen to death the last time i was on christmas eve. we expected more because six years ago after his son former afters be officer alexander litvinenko was poisoned in london he was taken care of by some very powerful patrons make suffix out tycoon ski and kind of and a tourist former chechen militant both hiding in the u.k. . you could give you. a. good. yogurt dorsett there at least give me a. when vy thirty thousand and co sent
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a letter asking to be interviewed by russian television we expected more of the same but instead. we're going to. be made of each if you're watching this program please forgive me for all the slander the thai said and wrote about you for the hatred i had for you even only i had known my son worked for british intelligence i would not talk about his death he could easily have been shot as a double agent betrayers should be short story what else can i add to this. the u.-turn vow to assess came when his son's we doe marina litvinenko revealed to the british media that her husband had worked for m i six alexander litvinenko was receiving a retainer of around two thousand pounds a month from the british security services at the time he was murdered at first by turley pin and co like many others claimed his son had been poisoned with polonium
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two ten on putin's order the former f.s.b. officer and fierce critic of the kremlin alexander litvinenko spent twenty three days in a london clinic slowly dying from a toxic substance possibly consumed through a cup of tea even before police in london started questioning suspects the victim's father was actively kissing the russian government today by their at me it's he was saying only what the west wanted to hear. of course i realize russia's f.s.b. and the dia enough to take polonium to london sprinkle it over some heads and leave traces everywhere and their suspect andrey lugovoy is not a fool either it was anger and blind hatred speaking inside of me like you are now believes his son fell victim to his own game of double agents now he wants his words to be heard but the media outside russia which once beat down his door for interviews now won't even reply to his requests. why is that because
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they like it when i scold the regime i was a real treasure for them all the while there are very few people who would say as many horrible things about you as i did. you know living in two thousand and eight but the only thing young called what russia for sanctuary need to leave is settled in the sleeping quiet town of sunni it offered to new anonymous life the man claimed putin was his number one enemy so hiding in europe he believed was the only safe solution today was their lives when young co is still afraid to open this door not because of putin though but because of his landlord to whom he owes a lot of money this miserable life has made him a slave of his sanctuary but surely the namco sold everything he had in russia to come to eataly he opened a small business several years ago but it went bankrupt things got worse after the seventy three year old had buried his wife but are now fears here a casket could be removed because he hasn't paid the cost of
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a very old plot and it's been months since the electricity was shut off to his flat he's lost forty euros went on a gas canister and that is gone to. this is how my son of a book that i got in this duel to let the southern wind inside. do is east there is russia you are my homeland for. children i want to go home to russia i don't want to stay here he said in the church over r t sinegal yeah eataly. and i'll be back with a recap of this week's top stories in just four minutes. all.
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the close up team has been to the whole bar of screeching where the country's mineral wealth starts its way across the ocean. now our chief goes to the area. was named after lenin good looking to a different character to represent itself. for local businesses are striving to build the aviation capital of russia. the for the four by fours are made and can be
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tested to the limit. welcome to the union of screeching. russia close up on our cheek. thanks for being with us at half past the hour here's a quick recap of what's making headlines around the world russia and china blocked the western backed one draft resolution on syria with moscow slamming the text for an unbalanced approach and denial of dialogue between the government and opposition . riots returned to egypt as anger at the authorities failure to prevent a deadly stop or a brawl spills over into four days of violent clashes that have already seen and dozen people killed. and in russia's better subzero temperatures hundreds
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of thousands joined record breaking rallies both pro and anti-government ahead of next month's presidential election. iran is bracing itself against fresh western imposed sanctions in our interview up next our friends interior minister or looks at the potential fallout from ongoing economic attacks by the u.s. and its allies. the possibility of war between the united states and iran is being debated around the world that's what the mood is like inside the country to discuss that the endowed joined by iran's interior minister will have a lot larger it's possible thank you for your time mr stone is that they were talking several days after the e.u. introduced oil sanctions against iran and i know the iranian leadership has responded by saying the sanctions would do move home to europe one to run mean
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you're still since iran gets seventy percent of its revenues from oil do you have any fears about negative social reactions including strikes as people may lose their jobs do you take this somehow into account in your work or. that these speculations aren't new to our country and our government or the power of the people all around ruling bodies or in power as a result of popular voting therefore our government and our role for it is a completely popular and our people have participated in all areas and spheres of our life from the very start of the revolution therefore as i've said there's nothing new about these talks which are actually quite outdated and irrelevant you know nonetheless they keep speculating on this matter of trying to stir up psychological warfare inside our country or in the countries of the region well probably among people of their own countries that have enough of their own problems attempting to find someone else to blame for them we don't sell that much oil to
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your of illnesses and our european accounts don't have that much money. so you are stepping in deal with to get this all started the u.s. and the west as a how do not conceal that one of the main tasks of these sanctions is to get the oil prices for the iranian oil lower that's decreasing their revenues from the oil iran sow's is they want to used to manipulate the political situation. i believe they've made a big mistake as this action results in turbulence for the oil and energy markets this very factor can result in oil price growth in these conditions the west should expect the drop in the euro rate and the euro market this new decision will result in further economic problems which as we can see have affected them already and so far they've been unable to find solutions oil and energy markets will experience instability and turmoil and this factor can boost prices for oil and energy products and jeopardize the market security but this is quite difficult for the
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markets which going by previous experience is used to consuming certain kinds of oil and energy and this also brings up technical and economic issues at the same time we're not worried for iran at all we've ensured our efficient planning in advance and with god's help we will continue moving forward but in the year the decisions taken today by the west unilaterally will result in the escalation of their own economic problems covering the story iran ians navaids the rankins with the aggressive and military rhetoric being built up by the west bank and they aren't as i've said these words aren't new these speculations have been going on for thirty years and there's no news in it to the iranian people the people of iran are in charge and they always participate in everything we don't sense any problems inside the country and if i may i would like to ask you about the recent killing of a nuclear scientist there have been other similar cases and as far as we understand the investigation into it has not made great progress so far why have there been no
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substantial results and who might be behind the killing. of this is clear is day and they admitted mossad and the cia as well as some european security services don't like to see nations progress they would like to have control and a monopoly over everything out of the great iranian nation and follows the path of searched. for new technologies it wants to stand firmly on its feet by means of its own strengths and produce its own knowledge they disapprove of this progress and they don't want to see other nations develop themselves the fact that they come over to such people's homes or attempt to murder an educated and broad minded university professor highlights the grave nature of their situation that it demonstrates that the us and israel have disgraced themselves in this matter that they speak of human rights and at the same time they officially perform terrorist attacks and promote state terrorism expansion. in their slogans we see their idle
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talk on fighting terrorism their deeds however do not match their words they brought their troops to afghanistan under the pretext of defending human rights and fighting terrorism and drug trafficking and drug crops have increased forty fold since the americans got there and the number of casualties among innocent men women and children has increased significantly and so has the level of instability in the region that we actually witness terrorism development in the region with the drug mafia and drug related revenues have grown as well and we see contradiction between their words and deeds. the scientists assassination will only make the iranian people stronger and more focused on their goal. you know people understand that they've chosen the right path the one of scientific progress the adversary doesn't want to see this happen as it would cause harm to them in the physical annihilation of people in full daylight is a sign of the adversary is complete powerlessness and despair on an issue and yes
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last i know that iran is having parliamentary elections in a month in many countries not only arab ones election may be used as a way to create provocations there are always some people unhappy with election results and this discontent may snowball i am concerned by this that a similar scenario man followed in iran. no thank god we've had twenty nine elections to date and this. election campaign will be our thirtieth election and it will take place in absolute peace and security like all the previous ones because our dear fellow citizens in all the regions all the cities and villages will willingly come to polling stations and cast their votes to designate their delegates to parliament to serve the purposes of development and prosperity for our country. but that's the last you know that r.t. has been comprehensively covering the situation in the arab countries as we have covered the wars in libya and syria we often heard complaints from the leadership that the intelligence services of other countries have stepped up their operations
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on the territories of the countries concerned in the past year the way many are ledged mercenaries in syria and libya who could see with our own eyes that some people were apparently not libyans but fought on the side of the rebels can you see any increase in the operations of intelligence services from other countries or any attempts to penetrate your territory at least in recent years since the latest events in the arab countries began. you see foreign powers and other enemies are at work everywhere they might also be present in our country but we do not feel we should worry about this of course we should look out for superpowers and our enemies attempting to interfere in the home affairs of arabic countries especially in syria and in all countries where the people are in charge of running their nations they must keep track of such attempts or i don't know of other ways years worth of work until it's been about a year since the arab spring began at first even the iranian leadership hailed the
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movements in egypt and libya as expressing democratic sentiments but now this one here is past the attitude towards the events around your country has changed do you still believe those are people driven by their own democratic ideas or do you see hunt of other countries in the events of the arab spring has. support any popular movement as long as people's demands are legitimate the imperialistic regime of world supremacies is obviously trying to lead people away from the right path and neutralize the popular movement or transform it in favor of their own interests but the pure straightforward all righteous path that people have been following you know what countries of the region however is stipulated by their willingness to defend their. right which is a legitimate demand from iran's viewpoint what that is the biggest can one say that the instability in the region has considerably increased there not partake drugs trafficking. in and out on kong yes afghanistan is certainly the focus of narcotic
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plantations now the americans and europeans are there and since they came narcotic drugs production has increased forty four old and it's a financial source for most terrorists who infringe the security of central asian states the states of the region and russia itself it's a threat not only for iran but for the region at large and russia if russia fails to keep an eye on what's going on next to its borders and around the country and this threat will most probably become a serious problem for russia itself it's a fact that both iran and russia the main drug trafficking route where at the beginning of it because the drugs first penetrate our country and then follow to turkey and then to europe and on the other hand russia is also on the route that it's northern and because the drugs penetrate russia through central asia and then go to europe we suffer serious losses on this route more than three thousand seven hundred lives have been lost in the attempt to resolve this issue and given we as
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humans are convinced we have to go on with this ruthless battle so as to save our people and despite the fact that the world community does not lend us necessary assistance in this cause we're alone to bear most financial costs and human losses in order to continue the struggle shut down the borders and blockade the territory inside the country in order to prevent the trafficking so it seems iran and russia will have to take responsibility for the problem themselves that they've been in the u.s. in when was the one of our best i was just the pairing for this interview several colleagues approached me at r.t. asking if there was going to be a war between iran and the usa was you on phone. as well as well in let me say this again all those fabrications are not new. to us the islamic republic of iran is a strong power capable of defending its regional security fully and the iranian people of being a great and powerful nation are not afraid of those futile threats that.
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a soulless substance. cannot touch like a well trained army. religious in ruins. for thailand for time stands still. all becomes a seed of nothingness. the mysterious sons of russia. are.
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the first. it's. good. to. get off sometimes you see a story and it seems so for life you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm starving. going to the big picture. wealthy british style. that's not on that.
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markets why not just can't. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser report on our.
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russia and china blocked the western backed one draft resolution on syria with moscow slamming the text for an unbalanced approach and the nile of dialogue between the government and opposition. riots returned to egypt as anger at the authorities failure to prevent a deadly softer brawl spills over into four days of violent clashes that have already seen a dozen people killed. and in russia's bitter subzero temperatures hundreds of thousands join in and record breaking rallies both pro and anti-government ahead of next month's presidential election. polls here next with the latest news from the world of sports.
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hello welcome to the world of sport plenty coming up in the next ten minutes including all of this. ready to rumble we preview the biggest event in the american sporting calendar and f.l. super bowl forty six. paul lawrie claims his second. to holding off the challenge of jason day and that's what i'm saying. performance book says whitewash the los angeles matadors in the russian capital. all that coming up but we start with tennis where here in moscow team russia have booked their place in the semifinals of the fed cup with a three one victory over spain after taking a two no lead on saturday team russia were able to complete the job although strain of the deficit when world number thirty three ninety
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a patrol over lost in straight sets to collar suarez navarro six six three. because now it's over has just beaten sylvia so espinosa to avoid a decisive doubles rubber the russian easily took the opening set six to the last the second despite being three in a lot on however she came through in the six two four six six three the final score russia will face a home tie against either belgium or serbia in april semifinals. indianapolis is gearing up for the biggest game on the american footballing calendar is the patriots versus the giants in super bowl forty six a rematch of the two thousand and seven n.f.l. finale which new york shaded to smash new england's perfect season even go to ski has more than just about every player and coach in the national football league would trade all of their wards in accolades for a chance to hold up the long bartie trophy even once the patriots and the germans both lifted it during the last decade another victory for.


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